-- The night color scheme local package = {} local c = require("color.cons").colors package.hls = { -- The highlights to be applied via color.apply method. Normal = {fg = "white", bg = "black"}, TabLine = {bold = false, fg = "black", bg = "darkgray" }, TabLineSel = {bold = true, fg = "black", bg="white"}, TabLineFill = {bold = false, bg = "gray"}, LineNr = {bold = false, fg = "gray"}, CursorLineNr = {bold = true, fg="white"}, Cursor = {reverse=true}, lCursor = {reverse=true}, CursorLine = {bold = true}, StatusLine = {bold = true, fg="black", bg="white"}, StatusLineNC = {bold= false, fg = "black", bg = "darkgray"}, IncSearch = {fg="black", bg="magenta"}, Search = {fg="black", bg="magenta"}, Pmenu = {fg="black", bg="magenta"}, Comment = {fg="magenta"}, PreProc = {fg="magenta"}, Define = {fg="magenta"}, String = {fg="red"}, Constant = {fg="red"}, Special = {fg="lightgreen"}, Function = {bold = true, fg = "yellow"}, Statement = {bold = true, fg = "yellow"}, Type = {bold = true, fg = "lightgreen"}, Structure = {bold = true, fg = "lightgreen"}, Operator = {bold = true, fg = "lightgreen"}, Identifier = {bold = true, fg = "yellow"}, Folded = {fg="gray", bg="none"}, FoldColumn = {fg="black", bg="gray"}, Ignore = {fg="lightgreen"}, Error = {fg="white", bg="red"}, Underlined = {underline = true}, VertSplit = {bold=true, fg="gray"}, Visual = {fg="black", bg="white"}, Whitespace = {bold = false, fg="gray"}, } return package