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synced 2025-03-23 02:13:43 +03:00

the imap & smtp servers now allow logging in with tls client authentication and the "external" sasl authentication mechanism. email clients like thunderbird, fairemail, k9, macos mail implement it. this seems to be the most secure among the authentication mechanism commonly implemented by clients. a useful property is that an account can have a separate tls public key for each device/email client. with tls client cert auth, authentication is also bound to the tls connection. a mitm cannot pass the credentials on to another tls connection, similar to scram-*-plus. though part of scram-*-plus is that clients verify that the server knows the client credentials. for tls client auth with imap, we send a "preauth" untagged message by default. that puts the connection in authenticated state. given the imap connection state machine, further authentication commands are not allowed. some clients don't recognize the preauth message, and try to authenticate anyway, which fails. a tls public key has a config option to disable preauth, keeping new connections in unauthenticated state, to work with such email clients. for smtp (submission), we don't require an explicit auth command. both for imap and smtp, we allow a client to authenticate with another mechanism than "external". in that case, credentials are verified, and have to be for the same account as the tls client auth, but the adress can be another one than the login address configured with the tls public key. only the public key is used to identify the account that is authenticating. we ignore the rest of the certificate. expiration dates, names, constraints, etc are not verified. no certificate authorities are involved. users can upload their own (minimal) certificate. the account web interface shows openssl commands you can run to generate a private key, minimal cert, and a p12 file (the format that email clients seem to like...) containing both private key and certificate. the imapclient & smtpclient packages can now also use tls client auth. and so does "mox sendmail", either with a pem file with private key and certificate, or with just an ed25519 private key. there are new subcommands "mox config tlspubkey ..." for adding/removing/listing tls public keys from the cli, by the admin.
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package main
import (
bolt "go.etcd.io/bbolt"
func cmdVerifydata(c *cmd) {
c.params = "data-dir"
c.help = `Verify the contents of a data directory, typically of a backup.
Verifydata checks all database files to see if they are valid BoltDB/bstore
databases. It checks that all messages in the database have a corresponding
on-disk message file and there are no unrecognized files. If option -fix is
specified, unrecognized message files are moved away. This may be needed after
a restore, because messages enqueued or delivered in the future may get those
message sequence numbers assigned and writing the message file would fail.
Consistency of message/mailbox UID, UIDNEXT and UIDVALIDITY is verified as
Because verifydata opens the database files, schema upgrades may automatically
be applied. This can happen if you use a new mox release. It is useful to run
"mox verifydata" with a new binary before attempting an upgrade, but only on a
copy of the database files, as made with "mox backup". Before upgrading, make a
new backup again since "mox verifydata" may have upgraded the database files,
possibly making them potentially no longer readable by the previous version.
var fix bool
c.flag.BoolVar(&fix, "fix", false, "fix fixable problems, such as moving away message files not referenced by their database")
// To prevent aborting the upgrade test with v0.0.[45] that had a message with
// incorrect Size.
var skipSizeCheck bool
c.flag.BoolVar(&skipSizeCheck, "skip-size-check", false, "skip the check for message size")
args := c.Parse()
if len(args) != 1 {
dataDir := filepath.Clean(args[0])
ctxbg := context.Background()
// Check whether file exists, or rather, that it doesn't not exist. Other errors
// will return true as well, so the triggered check can give the details.
exists := func(path string) bool {
_, err := os.Stat(path)
return err == nil || !os.IsNotExist(err)
// Check for error. If so, write a log line, including the path, and set fail so we
// can warn at the end.
var fail bool
checkf := func(err error, path, format string, args ...any) {
if err == nil {
fail = true
log.Printf("error: %s: %s: %v", path, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...), err)
// When we fix problems, we may have to move files/dirs. We need to ensure the
// directory of the destination path exists before we move. We keep track of
// created dirs so we don't try to create the same directory all the time.
createdDirs := map[string]struct{}{}
ensureDir := func(path string) {
dir := filepath.Dir(path)
if _, ok := createdDirs[dir]; ok {
err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0770)
checkf(err, dir, "creating directory")
createdDirs[dir] = struct{}{}
// Check a database file by opening it with BoltDB and bstore and lightly checking
// its contents.
checkDB := func(required bool, path string, types []any) {
_, err := os.Stat(path)
if !required && err != nil && errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
checkf(err, path, "checking if database file exists")
if err != nil {
bdb, err := bolt.Open(path, 0600, nil)
checkf(err, path, "open database with bolt")
if err != nil {
// Check BoltDB consistency.
err = bdb.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
for err := range tx.Check() {
checkf(err, path, "bolt database problem")
return nil
checkf(err, path, "reading bolt database")
opts := bstore.Options{RegisterLogger: c.log.Logger}
db, err := bstore.Open(ctxbg, path, &opts, types...)
checkf(err, path, "open database with bstore")
if err != nil {
defer db.Close()
err = db.Read(ctxbg, func(tx *bstore.Tx) error {
// Check bstore consistency, if it can export all records for all types. This is a
// quick way to get bstore to parse all records.
types, err := tx.Types()
checkf(err, path, "getting bstore types from database")
if err != nil {
return nil
for _, t := range types {
var fields []string
err := tx.Records(t, &fields, func(m map[string]any) error {
return nil
checkf(err, path, "parsing record for type %q", t)
return nil
checkf(err, path, "checking database file")
checkFile := func(dbpath, path string, prefixSize int, size int64) {
st, err := os.Stat(path)
checkf(err, path, "checking if file exists")
if !skipSizeCheck && err == nil && int64(prefixSize)+st.Size() != size {
filesize := st.Size()
checkf(fmt.Errorf("%s: message size is %d, should be %d (length of MsgPrefix %d + file size %d), see \"mox fixmsgsize\"", path, size, int64(prefixSize)+st.Size(), prefixSize, filesize), dbpath, "checking message size")
checkQueue := func() {
dbpath := filepath.Join(dataDir, "queue/index.db")
checkDB(true, dbpath, queue.DBTypes)
// Check that all messages present in the database also exist on disk.
seen := map[string]struct{}{}
opts := bstore.Options{MustExist: true, RegisterLogger: c.log.Logger}
db, err := bstore.Open(ctxbg, dbpath, &opts, queue.DBTypes...)
checkf(err, dbpath, "opening queue database to check messages")
if err == nil {
err := bstore.QueryDB[queue.Msg](ctxbg, db).ForEach(func(m queue.Msg) error {
mp := store.MessagePath(m.ID)
seen[mp] = struct{}{}
p := filepath.Join(dataDir, "queue", mp)
checkFile(dbpath, p, len(m.MsgPrefix), m.Size)
return nil
checkf(err, dbpath, "reading messages in queue database to check files")
// Check that there are no files that could be treated as a message.
qdir := filepath.Join(dataDir, "queue")
err = filepath.WalkDir(qdir, func(qpath string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
checkf(err, qpath, "walk")
if err != nil {
return nil
if d.IsDir() {
return nil
p := qpath[len(qdir)+1:]
if p == "index.db" {
return nil
if _, ok := seen[p]; ok {
return nil
l := strings.Split(p, string(filepath.Separator))
if len(l) == 1 {
log.Printf("warning: %s: unrecognized file in queue directory, ignoring", qpath)
return nil
// If it doesn't look like a message number, there is no risk of it being the name
// of a message enqueued in the future.
if len(l) >= 3 {
if _, err := strconv.ParseInt(l[1], 10, 64); err != nil {
log.Printf("warning: %s: unrecognized file in queue directory, ignoring", qpath)
return nil
if !fix {
checkf(errors.New("may interfere with messages enqueued in the future"), qpath, "unrecognized file in queue directory (use the -fix flag to move it away)")
return nil
npath := filepath.Join(dataDir, "moved", "queue", p)
err = os.Rename(qpath, npath)
checkf(err, qpath, "moving queue message file away")
if err == nil {
log.Printf("warning: moved %s to %s", qpath, npath)
return nil
checkf(err, qdir, "walking queue directory")
// Check an account, with its database file and messages.
checkAccount := func(name string) {
accdir := filepath.Join(dataDir, "accounts", name)
checkDB(true, filepath.Join(accdir, "index.db"), store.DBTypes)
jfdbpath := filepath.Join(accdir, "junkfilter.db")
jfbloompath := filepath.Join(accdir, "junkfilter.bloom")
if exists(jfdbpath) || exists(jfbloompath) {
checkDB(true, jfdbpath, junk.DBTypes)
// todo: add some kind of check for the bloom filter?
// Check that all messages in the database have a message file on disk.
// And check consistency of UIDs with the mailbox UIDNext, and check UIDValidity.
seen := map[string]struct{}{}
dbpath := filepath.Join(accdir, "index.db")
opts := bstore.Options{MustExist: true, RegisterLogger: c.log.Logger}
db, err := bstore.Open(ctxbg, dbpath, &opts, store.DBTypes...)
checkf(err, dbpath, "opening account database to check messages")
if err == nil {
uidvalidity := store.NextUIDValidity{ID: 1}
if err := db.Get(ctxbg, &uidvalidity); err != nil {
checkf(err, dbpath, "missing nextuidvalidity")
up := store.Upgrade{ID: 1}
if err := db.Get(ctxbg, &up); err != nil {
log.Printf("warning: %s: getting upgrade record (continuing, but not checking message threading): %v", dbpath, err)
} else if up.Threads != 2 {
log.Printf("warning: %s: no message threading in database, skipping checks for threading consistency", dbpath)
mailboxes := map[int64]store.Mailbox{}
err := bstore.QueryDB[store.Mailbox](ctxbg, db).ForEach(func(mb store.Mailbox) error {
mailboxes[mb.ID] = mb
if mb.UIDValidity >= uidvalidity.Next {
checkf(errors.New(`inconsistent uidvalidity for mailbox/account, see "mox fixuidmeta"`), dbpath, "mailbox %q (id %d) has uidvalidity %d >= account nextuidvalidity %d", mb.Name, mb.ID, mb.UIDValidity, uidvalidity.Next)
return nil
checkf(err, dbpath, "reading mailboxes to check uidnext consistency")
mbCounts := map[int64]store.MailboxCounts{}
var totalSize int64
err = bstore.QueryDB[store.Message](ctxbg, db).ForEach(func(m store.Message) error {
mb := mailboxes[m.MailboxID]
if m.UID >= mb.UIDNext {
checkf(errors.New(`inconsistent uidnext for message/mailbox, see "mox fixuidmeta"`), dbpath, "message id %d in mailbox %q (id %d) has uid %d >= mailbox uidnext %d", m.ID, mb.Name, mb.ID, m.UID, mb.UIDNext)
if m.ModSeq < m.CreateSeq {
checkf(errors.New(`inconsistent modseq/createseq for message`), dbpath, "message id %d in mailbox %q (id %d) has modseq %d < createseq %d", m.ID, mb.Name, mb.ID, m.ModSeq, m.CreateSeq)
mc := mbCounts[mb.ID]
mbCounts[mb.ID] = mc
if m.Expunged {
return nil
totalSize += m.Size
mp := store.MessagePath(m.ID)
seen[mp] = struct{}{}
p := filepath.Join(accdir, "msg", mp)
checkFile(dbpath, p, len(m.MsgPrefix), m.Size)
if up.Threads != 2 {
return nil
if m.ThreadID <= 0 {
checkf(errors.New(`see "mox reassignthreads"`), dbpath, "message id %d, thread %d in mailbox %q (id %d) has bad threadid", m.ID, m.ThreadID, mb.Name, mb.ID)
if len(m.ThreadParentIDs) == 0 {
return nil
if slices.Contains(m.ThreadParentIDs, m.ID) {
checkf(errors.New(`see "mox reassignthreads"`), dbpath, "message id %d, thread %d in mailbox %q (id %d) has itself as thread parent", m.ID, m.ThreadID, mb.Name, mb.ID)
for i, pid := range m.ThreadParentIDs {
am := store.Message{ID: pid}
if err := db.Get(ctxbg, &am); err == bstore.ErrAbsent {
} else if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("get ancestor message: %v", err)
} else if !slices.Equal(m.ThreadParentIDs[i+1:], am.ThreadParentIDs) {
checkf(errors.New(`see "mox reassignthreads"`), dbpath, "message %d, thread %d has ancestor ids %v, and ancestor at index %d with id %d should have the same tail but has %v", m.ID, m.ThreadID, m.ThreadParentIDs, i, am.ID, am.ThreadParentIDs)
} else {
return nil
checkf(err, dbpath, "reading messages in account database to check files")
haveCounts := true
for _, mb := range mailboxes {
// We only check if database doesn't have zero values, i.e. not yet set.
if !mb.HaveCounts {
haveCounts = false
if mb.HaveCounts && mb.MailboxCounts != mbCounts[mb.ID] {
checkf(errors.New(`wrong mailbox counts, see "mox recalculatemailboxcounts"`), dbpath, "mailbox %q (id %d) has wrong counts %s, should be %s", mb.Name, mb.ID, mb.MailboxCounts, mbCounts[mb.ID])
if haveCounts {
du := store.DiskUsage{ID: 1}
err := db.Get(ctxbg, &du)
if err == nil {
if du.MessageSize != totalSize {
checkf(errors.New(`wrong total message size, see mox recalculatemailboxcounts"`), dbpath, "account has wrong total message size %d, should be %d", du.MessageSize, totalSize)
} else if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, bstore.ErrAbsent) {
checkf(err, dbpath, "get disk usage")
// Walk through all files in the msg directory. Warn about files that weren't in
// the database as message file. Possibly move away files that could cause trouble.
msgdir := filepath.Join(accdir, "msg")
if !exists(msgdir) {
// New accounts with messages don't have a msg directory.
err = filepath.WalkDir(msgdir, func(msgpath string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
checkf(err, msgpath, "walk")
if err != nil {
return nil
if d.IsDir() {
return nil
p := msgpath[len(msgdir)+1:]
if _, ok := seen[p]; ok {
return nil
l := strings.Split(p, string(filepath.Separator))
if len(l) == 1 {
log.Printf("warning: %s: unrecognized file in message directory, ignoring", msgpath)
return nil
if !fix {
checkf(errors.New("may interfere with future account messages"), msgpath, "unrecognized file in account message directory (use the -fix flag to move it away)")
return nil
npath := filepath.Join(dataDir, "moved", "accounts", name, "msg", p)
err = os.Rename(msgpath, npath)
checkf(err, msgpath, "moving account message file away")
if err == nil {
log.Printf("warning: moved %s to %s", msgpath, npath)
return nil
checkf(err, msgdir, "walking account message directory")
// Check everything in the "accounts" directory.
checkAccounts := func() {
accountsDir := filepath.Join(dataDir, "accounts")
entries, err := os.ReadDir(accountsDir)
checkf(err, accountsDir, "reading accounts directory")
for _, e := range entries {
// We treat all directories as accounts. When we were backing up, we only verified
// accounts from the config and made regular file copies of all other files
// (perhaps an old account, but at least not with an open database file). It may
// turn out that that account was/is not valid, generating warnings. Better safe
// than sorry. It should hopefully get the admin to move away such an old account.
if e.IsDir() {
} else {
log.Printf("warning: %s: unrecognized file in accounts directory, ignoring", filepath.Join("accounts", e.Name()))
// Check all files, skipping the known files, queue and accounts directories. Warn
// about unknown files. Skip a "tmp" directory. And a "moved" directory, we
// probably created it ourselves.
backupmoxversion := "(unknown)"
checkOther := func() {
err := filepath.WalkDir(dataDir, func(dpath string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
checkf(err, dpath, "walk")
if err != nil {
return nil
if dpath == dataDir {
return nil
p := dpath
if dataDir != "." {
p = p[len(dataDir)+1:]
switch p {
case "auth.db", "dmarcrpt.db", "dmarceval.db", "mtasts.db", "tlsrpt.db", "tlsrptresult.db", "receivedid.key", "lastknownversion":
return nil
case "acme", "queue", "accounts", "tmp", "moved":
return fs.SkipDir
case "moxversion":
buf, err := os.ReadFile(dpath)
checkf(err, dpath, "reading moxversion")
if err == nil {
backupmoxversion = string(buf)
return nil
log.Printf("warning: %s: unrecognized other file, ignoring", dpath)
return nil
checkf(err, dataDir, "walking data directory")
checkDB(false, filepath.Join(dataDir, "auth.db"), store.AuthDBTypes) // Since v0.0.14.
checkDB(true, filepath.Join(dataDir, "dmarcrpt.db"), dmarcdb.ReportsDBTypes)
checkDB(false, filepath.Join(dataDir, "dmarceval.db"), dmarcdb.EvalDBTypes) // After v0.0.7.
checkDB(true, filepath.Join(dataDir, "mtasts.db"), mtastsdb.DBTypes)
checkDB(true, filepath.Join(dataDir, "tlsrpt.db"), tlsrptdb.ReportDBTypes)
checkDB(false, filepath.Join(dataDir, "tlsrptresult.db"), tlsrptdb.ResultDBTypes) // After v0.0.7.
if backupmoxversion != moxvar.Version {
log.Printf("NOTE: The backup was made with mox version %q, while verifydata was run with mox version %q. Database files have probably been modified by running mox verifydata. Make a fresh backup before upgrading.", backupmoxversion, moxvar.Version)
if fail {
log.Fatalf("errors were found")
} else {
fmt.Printf("%s: OK\n", dataDir)