mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 16:12:17 +03:00

The `TransportDirect` transport allows to tweak outgoing SMTP connections to remote servers. Currently, it only allows to select network IP family (ipv4, ipv6 or both). For example, to disable ipv6 for all outgoing SMTP connections: - add these lines in mox.conf to create a new transport named "disableipv6": ``` Transports: disableipv6: Direct: DisableIpv6: true ``` - then add these lines in domains.conf to use this transport: ``` Routes: - Transport: disableipv6 ``` fix #149
267 lines
8.9 KiB
267 lines
8.9 KiB
package queue
import (
// todo: reuse connection? do fewer concurrently (other than with direct delivery).
// deliver via another SMTP server, e.g. relaying to a smart host, possibly
// with authentication (submission).
func deliverSubmit(qlog mlog.Log, resolver dns.Resolver, dialer smtpclient.Dialer, msgs []*Msg, backoff time.Duration, transportName string, transport *config.TransportSMTP, dialTLS bool, defaultPort int) {
// todo: configurable timeouts
// For convenience, all messages share the same relevant values.
m0 := msgs[0]
port := transport.Port
if port == 0 {
port = defaultPort
tlsMode := smtpclient.TLSRequiredStartTLS
tlsPKIX := true
if dialTLS {
tlsMode = smtpclient.TLSImmediate
} else if transport.STARTTLSInsecureSkipVerify {
tlsMode = smtpclient.TLSRequiredStartTLS
tlsPKIX = false
} else if transport.NoSTARTTLS {
tlsMode = smtpclient.TLSSkip
tlsPKIX = false
// Prepare values for logging/metrics. They are updated for various error
// conditions later on.
start := time.Now()
var submiterr error // Of whole operation, nil for partial failure/success.
var delivered int
failed := len(msgs) // Reset and updated after smtp transaction.
defer func() {
r := deliveryResult(submiterr, delivered, failed)
d := float64(time.Since(start)) / float64(time.Second)
metricDelivery.WithLabelValues(fmt.Sprintf("%d", m0.Attempts), transportName, string(tlsMode), r).Observe(d)
qlog.Debugx("queue deliversubmit result", submiterr,
slog.Any("host", transport.DNSHost),
slog.Int("port", port),
slog.Int("attempt", m0.Attempts),
slog.String("result", r),
slog.Int("delivered", delivered),
slog.Int("failed", failed),
slog.Any("tlsmode", tlsMode),
slog.Bool("tlspkix", tlsPKIX),
slog.Duration("duration", time.Since(start)))
// todo: SMTP-DANE should be used when relaying on port 25.
// ../rfc/7672:1261
// todo: for submission, understand SRV records, and even DANE.
ctx := mox.Shutdown
// If submit was done with REQUIRETLS extension for SMTP, we must verify TLS
// certificates. If our submission connection is not configured that way, abort.
requireTLS := m0.RequireTLS != nil && *m0.RequireTLS
if requireTLS && (tlsMode != smtpclient.TLSRequiredStartTLS && tlsMode != smtpclient.TLSImmediate || !tlsPKIX) {
submiterr = smtpclient.Error{
Permanent: true,
Code: smtp.C554TransactionFailed,
Secode: smtp.SePol7MissingReqTLS30,
Err: fmt.Errorf("transport %s: message requires verified tls but transport does not verify tls", transportName),
fail(ctx, qlog, msgs, m0.DialedIPs, backoff, dsn.NameIP{}, submiterr)
dialctx, dialcancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 30*time.Second)
defer dialcancel()
if msgs[0].DialedIPs == nil {
msgs[0].DialedIPs = map[string][]net.IP{}
m0 = msgs[0]
_, _, _, ips, _, err := smtpclient.GatherIPs(dialctx, qlog.Logger, resolver, "ip", dns.IPDomain{Domain: transport.DNSHost}, m0.DialedIPs)
var conn net.Conn
if err == nil {
conn, _, err = smtpclient.Dial(dialctx, qlog.Logger, dialer, dns.IPDomain{Domain: transport.DNSHost}, ips, port, m0.DialedIPs, mox.Conf.Static.SpecifiedSMTPListenIPs)
addr := net.JoinHostPort(transport.Host, fmt.Sprintf("%d", port))
var result string
switch {
case err == nil:
result = "ok"
case errors.Is(err, os.ErrDeadlineExceeded), errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded):
result = "timeout"
case errors.Is(err, context.Canceled):
result = "canceled"
result = "error"
if err != nil {
if conn != nil {
err := conn.Close()
qlog.Check(err, "closing connection")
qlog.Errorx("dialing for submission", err, slog.String("remote", addr))
submiterr = fmt.Errorf("transport %s: dialing %s for submission: %w", transportName, addr, err)
fail(ctx, qlog, msgs, m0.DialedIPs, backoff, dsn.NameIP{}, submiterr)
var auth func(mechanisms []string, cs *tls.ConnectionState) (sasl.Client, error)
if transport.Auth != nil {
a := transport.Auth
auth = func(mechanisms []string, cs *tls.ConnectionState) (sasl.Client, error) {
var supportsscramsha1plus, supportsscramsha256plus bool
for _, mech := range a.EffectiveMechanisms {
if !slices.Contains(mechanisms, mech) {
switch mech {
case "SCRAM-SHA-1-PLUS":
supportsscramsha1plus = cs != nil
case "SCRAM-SHA-256-PLUS":
supportsscramsha256plus = cs != nil
if mech == "SCRAM-SHA-256-PLUS" && cs != nil {
return sasl.NewClientSCRAMSHA256PLUS(a.Username, a.Password, *cs), nil
} else if mech == "SCRAM-SHA-256" {
return sasl.NewClientSCRAMSHA256(a.Username, a.Password, supportsscramsha256plus), nil
} else if mech == "SCRAM-SHA-1-PLUS" && cs != nil {
return sasl.NewClientSCRAMSHA1PLUS(a.Username, a.Password, *cs), nil
} else if mech == "SCRAM-SHA-1" {
return sasl.NewClientSCRAMSHA1(a.Username, a.Password, supportsscramsha1plus), nil
} else if mech == "CRAM-MD5" {
return sasl.NewClientCRAMMD5(a.Username, a.Password), nil
} else if mech == "PLAIN" {
return sasl.NewClientPlain(a.Username, a.Password), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("internal error: unrecognized authentication mechanism %q for transport %s", mech, transportName)
// No mutually supported algorithm.
return nil, nil
clientctx, clientcancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 60*time.Second)
defer clientcancel()
opts := smtpclient.Opts{
Auth: auth,
RootCAs: mox.Conf.Static.TLS.CertPool,
client, err := smtpclient.New(clientctx, qlog.Logger, conn, tlsMode, tlsPKIX, mox.Conf.Static.HostnameDomain, transport.DNSHost, opts)
if err != nil {
smtperr, ok := err.(smtpclient.Error)
var remoteMTA dsn.NameIP
submiterr = fmt.Errorf("transport %s: establishing smtp session with %s for submission: %w", transportName, addr, err)
if ok {
remoteMTA.Name = transport.Host
smtperr.Err = submiterr
submiterr = smtperr
qlog.Errorx("establishing smtp session for submission", submiterr, slog.String("remote", addr))
fail(ctx, qlog, msgs, m0.DialedIPs, backoff, remoteMTA, submiterr)
defer func() {
err := client.Close()
qlog.Check(err, "closing smtp client after delivery")
var msgr io.ReadCloser
var size int64
var req8bit, reqsmtputf8 bool
if len(m0.DSNUTF8) > 0 && client.SupportsSMTPUTF8() {
msgr = io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(m0.DSNUTF8))
reqsmtputf8 = true
size = int64(len(m0.DSNUTF8))
} else {
req8bit = m0.Has8bit // todo: not require this, but just try to submit?
size = m0.Size
p := m0.MessagePath()
f, err := os.Open(p)
if err != nil {
qlog.Errorx("opening message for delivery", err, slog.String("remote", addr), slog.String("path", p))
submiterr = fmt.Errorf("transport %s: opening message file for submission: %w", transportName, err)
fail(ctx, qlog, msgs, m0.DialedIPs, backoff, dsn.NameIP{}, submiterr)
msgr = store.FileMsgReader(m0.MsgPrefix, f)
defer func() {
err := msgr.Close()
qlog.Check(err, "closing message after delivery attempt")
deliverctx, delivercancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Duration(60+size/(1024*1024))*time.Second)
defer delivercancel()
rcpts := make([]string, len(msgs))
for i, m := range msgs {
rcpts[i] = m.Recipient().String()
rcptErrs, submiterr := client.DeliverMultiple(deliverctx, m0.Sender().String(), rcpts, size, msgr, req8bit, reqsmtputf8, requireTLS)
if submiterr != nil {
qlog.Infox("smtp transaction for delivery failed", submiterr)
failed = 0 // Reset, we are looking at the SMTP results below.
var delIDs []int64
for i, m := range msgs {
qmlog := qlog.With(
slog.Int64("msgid", m.ID),
slog.Any("recipient", m.Recipient()))
err := submiterr
if err == nil && len(rcptErrs) > i {
if rcptErrs[i].Code != smtp.C250Completed {
err = smtpclient.Error(rcptErrs[i])
if err != nil {
smtperr, ok := err.(smtpclient.Error)
err = fmt.Errorf("transport %s: submitting message to %s: %w", transportName, addr, err)
var remoteMTA dsn.NameIP
if ok {
remoteMTA.Name = transport.Host
smtperr.Err = err
err = smtperr
qmlog.Errorx("submitting message", err, slog.String("remote", addr))
fail(ctx, qmlog, []*Msg{m}, m0.DialedIPs, backoff, remoteMTA, err)
} else {
delIDs = append(delIDs, m.ID)
qmlog.Info("delivered from queue with transport")
if len(delIDs) > 0 {
if err := queueDelete(context.Background(), delIDs...); err != nil {
qlog.Errorx("deleting message from queue after delivery", err)