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synced 2025-03-28 09:05:36 +03:00

the http basic auth we had was very simple to reason about, and to implement. but it has a major downside: there is no way to logout, browsers keep sending credentials. ideally, browsers themselves would show a button to stop sending credentials. a related downside: the http auth mechanism doesn't indicate for which server paths the credentials are. another downside: the original password is sent to the server with each request. though sending original passwords to web servers seems to be considered normal. our new approach uses session cookies, along with csrf values when we can. the sessions are server-side managed, automatically extended on each use. this makes it easy to invalidate sessions and keeps the frontend simpler (than with long- vs short-term sessions and refreshing). the cookies are httponly, samesite=strict, scoped to the path of the web interface. cookies are set "secure" when set over https. the cookie is set by a successful call to Login. a call to Logout invalidates a session. changing a password invalidates all sessions for a user, but keeps the session with which the password was changed alive. the csrf value is also random, and associated with the session cookie. the csrf must be sent as header for api calls, or as parameter for direct form posts (where we cannot set a custom header). rest-like calls made directly by the browser, e.g. for images, don't have a csrf protection. the csrf value is returned by the Login api call and stored in localstorage. api calls without credentials return code "user:noAuth", and with bad credentials return "user:badAuth". the api client recognizes this and triggers a login. after a login, all auth-failed api calls are automatically retried. only for "user:badAuth" is an error message displayed in the login form (e.g. session expired). in an ideal world, browsers would take care of most session management. a server would indicate authentication is needed (like http basic auth), and the browsers uses trusted ui to request credentials for the server & path. the browser could use safer mechanism than sending original passwords to the server, such as scram, along with a standard way to create sessions. for now, web developers have to do authentication themselves: from showing the login prompt, ensuring the right session/csrf cookies/localstorage/headers/etc are sent with each request. webauthn is a newer way to do authentication, perhaps we'll implement it in the future. though hardware tokens aren't an attractive option for many users, and it may be overkill as long as we still do old-fashioned authentication in smtp & imap where passwords can be sent to the server. for issue #58
632 lines
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package webmail
import (
var ctxbg = context.Background()
func init() {
webauth.BadAuthDelay = 0
func tcheck(t *testing.T, err error, msg string) {
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s: %s", msg, err)
func tcompare(t *testing.T, got, exp any) {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, exp) {
t.Fatalf("got %v, expected %v", got, exp)
type Message struct {
From, To, Cc, Bcc, Subject, MessageID string
Headers [][2]string
Date time.Time
References string
Part Part
type Part struct {
Type string
ID string
Disposition string
TransferEncoding string
Content string
Parts []Part
boundary string
func (m Message) Marshal(t *testing.T) []byte {
if m.Date.IsZero() {
m.Date = time.Now()
if m.MessageID == "" {
m.MessageID = "<" + mox.MessageIDGen(false) + ">"
var b bytes.Buffer
header := func(k, v string) {
if v == "" {
_, err := fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%s: %s\r\n", k, v)
tcheck(t, err, "write header")
header("From", m.From)
header("To", m.To)
header("Cc", m.Cc)
header("Bcc", m.Bcc)
header("Subject", m.Subject)
header("Message-Id", m.MessageID)
header("Date", m.Date.Format(message.RFC5322Z))
header("References", m.References)
for _, t := range m.Headers {
header(t[0], t[1])
header("Mime-Version", "1.0")
if len(m.Part.Parts) > 0 {
m.Part.boundary = multipart.NewWriter(io.Discard).Boundary()
m.Part.WriteHeader(t, &b)
m.Part.WriteBody(t, &b)
return b.Bytes()
func (p Part) Header() textproto.MIMEHeader {
h := textproto.MIMEHeader{}
add := func(k, v string) {
if v != "" {
h.Add(k, v)
ct := p.Type
if p.boundary != "" {
ct += fmt.Sprintf(`; boundary="%s"`, p.boundary)
add("Content-Type", ct)
add("Content-Id", p.ID)
add("Content-Disposition", p.Disposition)
add("Content-Transfer-Encoding", p.TransferEncoding) // todo: ensure if not multipart? probably ensure before calling headre
return h
func (p Part) WriteHeader(t *testing.T, w io.Writer) {
for k, vl := range p.Header() {
for _, v := range vl {
_, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s: %s\r\n", k, v)
tcheck(t, err, "write header")
_, err := fmt.Fprint(w, "\r\n")
tcheck(t, err, "write line")
func (p Part) WriteBody(t *testing.T, w io.Writer) {
if len(p.Parts) == 0 {
switch p.TransferEncoding {
case "base64":
bw := moxio.Base64Writer(w)
_, err := bw.Write([]byte(p.Content))
tcheck(t, err, "writing base64")
err = bw.Close()
tcheck(t, err, "closing base64 part")
case "":
if p.Content == "" {
t.Fatalf("cannot write empty part")
if !strings.HasSuffix(p.Content, "\n") {
p.Content += "\n"
p.Content = strings.ReplaceAll(p.Content, "\n", "\r\n")
_, err := w.Write([]byte(p.Content))
tcheck(t, err, "write content")
t.Fatalf("unknown transfer-encoding %q", p.TransferEncoding)
mp := multipart.NewWriter(w)
for _, sp := range p.Parts {
if len(sp.Parts) > 0 {
sp.boundary = multipart.NewWriter(io.Discard).Boundary()
pw, err := mp.CreatePart(sp.Header())
tcheck(t, err, "create part")
sp.WriteBody(t, pw)
err := mp.Close()
tcheck(t, err, "close multipart")
var (
msgMinimal = Message{
Part: Part{Type: "text/plain", Content: "the body"},
msgText = Message{
From: "mjl <mjl@mox.example>",
To: "mox <mox@other.example>",
Subject: "text message",
Part: Part{Type: "text/plain; charset=utf-8", Content: "the body"},
msgHTML = Message{
From: "mjl <mjl@mox.example>",
To: "mox <mox@other.example>",
Subject: "html message",
Part: Part{Type: "text/html", Content: `<html>the body <img src="cid:img1@mox.example" /></html>`},
msgAlt = Message{
From: "mjl <mjl@mox.example>",
To: "mox <mox@other.example>",
Subject: "test",
MessageID: "<alt@localhost>",
Headers: [][2]string{{"In-Reply-To", "<previous@host.example>"}},
Part: Part{
Type: "multipart/alternative",
Parts: []Part{
{Type: "text/plain", Content: "the body"},
{Type: "text/html; charset=utf-8", Content: `<html>the body <img src="cid:img1@mox.example" /></html>`},
msgAltReply = Message{
Subject: "Re: test",
References: "<alt@localhost>",
Part: Part{Type: "text/plain", Content: "reply to alt"},
msgAltRel = Message{
From: "mjl <mjl+altrel@mox.example>",
To: "mox <mox+altrel@other.example>",
Subject: "test with alt and rel",
Headers: [][2]string{{"X-Special", "testing"}},
Part: Part{
Type: "multipart/alternative",
Parts: []Part{
{Type: "text/plain", Content: "the text body"},
Type: "multipart/related",
Parts: []Part{
Type: "text/html; charset=utf-8",
Content: `<html>the body <img src="cid:img1@mox.example" /></html>`,
{Type: `image/png`, Disposition: `inline; filename="test1.png"`, ID: "<img1@mox.example>", Content: `PNG...`, TransferEncoding: "base64"},
msgAttachments = Message{
From: "mjl <mjl@mox.example>",
To: "mox <mox@other.example>",
Subject: "test",
Part: Part{
Type: "multipart/mixed",
Parts: []Part{
{Type: "text/plain", Content: "the body"},
{Type: "image/png", TransferEncoding: "base64", Content: `PNG...`},
{Type: "image/png", TransferEncoding: "base64", Content: `PNG...`},
{Type: `image/jpg; name="test.jpg"`, TransferEncoding: "base64", Content: `JPG...`},
{Type: `image/jpg`, Disposition: `attachment; filename="test.jpg"`, TransferEncoding: "base64", Content: `JPG...`},
// Import test messages messages.
type testmsg struct {
Mailbox string
Flags store.Flags
Keywords []string
msg Message
m store.Message // As delivered.
ID int64 // Shortcut for m.ID
func tdeliver(t *testing.T, acc *store.Account, tm *testmsg) {
msgFile, err := store.CreateMessageTemp(pkglog, "webmail-test")
tcheck(t, err, "create message temp")
defer os.Remove(msgFile.Name())
defer msgFile.Close()
size, err := msgFile.Write(tm.msg.Marshal(t))
tcheck(t, err, "write message temp")
m := store.Message{Flags: tm.Flags, Keywords: tm.Keywords, Size: int64(size)}
err = acc.DeliverMailbox(pkglog, tm.Mailbox, &m, msgFile)
tcheck(t, err, "deliver test message")
err = msgFile.Close()
tcheck(t, err, "closing test message")
tm.m = m
tm.ID = m.ID
func readBody(r io.Reader) string {
buf, err := io.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("read error: %s", err)
return fmt.Sprintf("data: %q", buf)
// Test scenario with an account with some mailboxes, messages, then make all
// kinds of changes and we check if we get the right events.
// todo: check more of the results, we currently mostly check http statuses,
// not the returned content.
func TestWebmail(t *testing.T) {
mox.Context = ctxbg
mox.ConfigStaticPath = filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/webmail/mox.conf")
mox.MustLoadConfig(true, false)
defer store.Switchboard()()
acc, err := store.OpenAccount(pkglog, "mjl")
tcheck(t, err, "open account")
err = acc.SetPassword(pkglog, "test1234")
tcheck(t, err, "set password")
defer func() {
err := acc.Close()
pkglog.Check(err, "closing account")
api := Webmail{maxMessageSize: 1024 * 1024, cookiePath: "/webmail/"}
apiHandler, err := makeSherpaHandler(api.maxMessageSize, api.cookiePath, false)
tcheck(t, err, "sherpa handler")
respRec := httptest.NewRecorder()
reqInfo := requestInfo{"", "", "", respRec, &http.Request{RemoteAddr: ""}}
ctx := context.WithValue(ctxbg, requestInfoCtxKey, reqInfo)
// Prepare loginToken.
loginCookie := &http.Cookie{Name: "webmaillogin"}
loginCookie.Value = api.LoginPrep(ctx)
reqInfo.Request.Header = http.Header{"Cookie": []string{loginCookie.String()}}
csrfToken := api.Login(ctx, loginCookie.Value, "mjl@mox.example", "test1234")
var sessionCookie *http.Cookie
for _, c := range respRec.Result().Cookies() {
if c.Name == "webmailsession" {
sessionCookie = c
if sessionCookie == nil {
t.Fatalf("missing session cookie")
reqInfo = requestInfo{"mjl@mox.example", "mjl", "", respRec, &http.Request{RemoteAddr: ""}}
ctx = context.WithValue(ctxbg, requestInfoCtxKey, reqInfo)
tneedError(t, func() { api.MailboxCreate(ctx, "Inbox") }) // Cannot create inbox.
tneedError(t, func() { api.MailboxCreate(ctx, "Archive") }) // Already exists.
api.MailboxCreate(ctx, "Testbox1")
api.MailboxCreate(ctx, "Lists/Go/Nuts") // Creates hierarchy.
var zerom store.Message
var (
inboxMinimal = &testmsg{"Inbox", store.Flags{}, nil, msgMinimal, zerom, 0}
inboxText = &testmsg{"Inbox", store.Flags{}, nil, msgText, zerom, 0}
inboxHTML = &testmsg{"Inbox", store.Flags{}, nil, msgHTML, zerom, 0}
inboxAlt = &testmsg{"Inbox", store.Flags{}, nil, msgAlt, zerom, 0}
inboxAltRel = &testmsg{"Inbox", store.Flags{}, nil, msgAltRel, zerom, 0}
inboxAttachments = &testmsg{"Inbox", store.Flags{}, nil, msgAttachments, zerom, 0}
testbox1Alt = &testmsg{"Testbox1", store.Flags{}, nil, msgAlt, zerom, 0}
rejectsMinimal = &testmsg{"Rejects", store.Flags{Junk: true}, nil, msgMinimal, zerom, 0}
var testmsgs = []*testmsg{inboxMinimal, inboxText, inboxHTML, inboxAlt, inboxAltRel, inboxAttachments, testbox1Alt, rejectsMinimal}
for _, tm := range testmsgs {
tdeliver(t, acc, tm)
type httpHeaders [][2]string
ctHTML := [2]string{"Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"}
ctText := [2]string{"Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8"}
ctTextNoCharset := [2]string{"Content-Type", "text/plain"}
ctJS := [2]string{"Content-Type", "application/javascript; charset=utf-8"}
ctJSON := [2]string{"Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"}
cookieOK := &http.Cookie{Name: "webmailsession", Value: sessionCookie.Value}
cookieBad := &http.Cookie{Name: "webmailsession", Value: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA mjl"}
hdrSessionOK := [2]string{"Cookie", cookieOK.String()}
hdrSessionBad := [2]string{"Cookie", cookieBad.String()}
hdrCSRFOK := [2]string{"x-mox-csrf", string(csrfToken)}
hdrCSRFBad := [2]string{"x-mox-csrf", "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"}
testHTTP := func(method, path string, headers httpHeaders, expStatusCode int, expHeaders httpHeaders, check func(resp *http.Response)) {
req := httptest.NewRequest(method, path, nil)
for _, kv := range headers {
req.Header.Add(kv[0], kv[1])
rr := httptest.NewRecorder()
rr.Body = &bytes.Buffer{}
handle(apiHandler, false, rr, req)
if rr.Code != expStatusCode {
t.Fatalf("got status %d, expected %d (%s)", rr.Code, expStatusCode, readBody(rr.Body))
resp := rr.Result()
for _, h := range expHeaders {
if resp.Header.Get(h[0]) != h[1] {
t.Fatalf("for header %q got value %q, expected %q", h[0], resp.Header.Get(h[0]), h[1])
if check != nil {
testHTTPAuthAPI := func(method, path string, expStatusCode int, expHeaders httpHeaders, check func(resp *http.Response)) {
testHTTP(method, path, httpHeaders{hdrCSRFOK, hdrSessionOK}, expStatusCode, expHeaders, check)
testHTTPAuthREST := func(method, path string, expStatusCode int, expHeaders httpHeaders, check func(resp *http.Response)) {
testHTTP(method, path, httpHeaders{hdrSessionOK}, expStatusCode, expHeaders, check)
userAuthError := func(resp *http.Response, expCode string) {
var response struct {
Error *sherpa.Error `json:"error"`
err := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&response)
tcheck(t, err, "parsing response as json")
if response.Error == nil {
t.Fatalf("expected sherpa error with code %s, no error", expCode)
if response.Error.Code != expCode {
t.Fatalf("got sherpa error code %q, expected %s", response.Error.Code, expCode)
badAuth := func(resp *http.Response) {
userAuthError(resp, "user:badAuth")
noAuth := func(resp *http.Response) {
userAuthError(resp, "user:noAuth")
// HTTP webmail
testHTTP("GET", "/", httpHeaders{}, http.StatusOK, nil, nil)
testHTTP("POST", "/", httpHeaders{}, http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, nil, nil)
testHTTP("GET", "/", httpHeaders{[2]string{"Accept-Encoding", "gzip"}}, http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctHTML, [2]string{"Content-Encoding", "gzip"}}, nil)
testHTTP("GET", "/msg.js", httpHeaders{}, http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctJS}, nil)
testHTTP("POST", "/msg.js", httpHeaders{}, http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, nil, nil)
testHTTP("GET", "/text.js", httpHeaders{}, http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctJS}, nil)
testHTTP("POST", "/text.js", httpHeaders{}, http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, nil, nil)
testHTTP("POST", "/api/Bogus", httpHeaders{}, http.StatusOK, nil, noAuth)
testHTTP("POST", "/api/Bogus", httpHeaders{hdrCSRFBad}, http.StatusOK, nil, noAuth)
testHTTP("POST", "/api/Bogus", httpHeaders{hdrSessionBad}, http.StatusOK, nil, noAuth)
testHTTP("POST", "/api/Bogus", httpHeaders{hdrCSRFBad, hdrSessionBad}, http.StatusOK, nil, badAuth)
testHTTP("POST", "/api/Bogus", httpHeaders{hdrCSRFOK}, http.StatusOK, nil, noAuth)
testHTTP("POST", "/api/Bogus", httpHeaders{hdrSessionOK}, http.StatusOK, nil, noAuth)
testHTTP("POST", "/api/Bogus", httpHeaders{hdrCSRFBad, hdrSessionOK}, http.StatusOK, nil, badAuth)
testHTTP("POST", "/api/Bogus", httpHeaders{hdrCSRFOK, hdrSessionBad}, http.StatusOK, nil, badAuth)
testHTTPAuthAPI("GET", "/api/Bogus", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, nil, nil)
testHTTPAuthAPI("POST", "/api/Bogus", http.StatusNotFound, nil, nil)
testHTTPAuthAPI("POST", "/api/SSETypes", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctJSON}, nil)
// Unknown.
testHTTP("GET", "/other", httpHeaders{}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
// HTTP message, generic
testHTTP("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%v/attachments.zip", inboxMinimal.ID), nil, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
testHTTP("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%v/attachments.zip", inboxMinimal.ID), httpHeaders{hdrCSRFBad}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
testHTTP("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%v/attachments.zip", inboxMinimal.ID), httpHeaders{hdrCSRFOK}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
testHTTP("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%v/attachments.zip", inboxMinimal.ID), httpHeaders{hdrSessionBad}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
testHTTPAuthREST("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%v/attachments.zip", 0), http.StatusNotFound, nil, nil)
testHTTPAuthREST("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%v/attachments.zip", testmsgs[len(testmsgs)-1].ID+1), http.StatusNotFound, nil, nil)
testHTTPAuthREST("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%v/bogus", inboxMinimal.ID), http.StatusNotFound, nil, nil)
testHTTPAuthREST("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%v/view/bogus", inboxMinimal.ID), http.StatusNotFound, nil, nil)
testHTTPAuthREST("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%v/bogus/0", inboxMinimal.ID), http.StatusNotFound, nil, nil)
testHTTPAuthREST("GET", "/msg/", http.StatusNotFound, nil, nil)
testHTTPAuthREST("POST", fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%v/attachments.zip", inboxMinimal.ID), http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, nil, nil)
// HTTP message: attachments.zip
ctZip := [2]string{"Content-Type", "application/zip"}
checkZip := func(resp *http.Response, fileContents [][2]string) {
zipbuf, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
tcheck(t, err, "reading response")
zr, err := zip.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(zipbuf), int64(len(zipbuf)))
tcheck(t, err, "open zip")
if len(fileContents) != len(zr.File) {
t.Fatalf("zip file has %d files, expected %d", len(fileContents), len(zr.File))
for i, fc := range fileContents {
if zr.File[i].Name != fc[0] {
t.Fatalf("zip, file at index %d is named %q, expected %q", i, zr.File[i].Name, fc[0])
f, err := zr.File[i].Open()
tcheck(t, err, "open file in zip")
buf, err := io.ReadAll(f)
tcheck(t, err, "read file in zip")
tcompare(t, string(buf), fc[1])
err = f.Close()
tcheck(t, err, "closing file")
pathInboxMinimal := fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%d", inboxMinimal.ID)
testHTTP("GET", pathInboxMinimal+"/attachments.zip", httpHeaders{}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
testHTTP("GET", pathInboxMinimal+"/attachments.zip", httpHeaders{hdrSessionBad}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxMinimal+"/attachments.zip", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctZip}, func(resp *http.Response) {
checkZip(resp, nil)
pathInboxRelAlt := fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%d", inboxAltRel.ID)
testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxRelAlt+"/attachments.zip", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctZip}, func(resp *http.Response) {
checkZip(resp, [][2]string{{"test1.png", "PNG..."}})
pathInboxAttachments := fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%d", inboxAttachments.ID)
testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAttachments+"/attachments.zip", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctZip}, func(resp *http.Response) {
checkZip(resp, [][2]string{{"attachment-1.png", "PNG..."}, {"attachment-2.png", "PNG..."}, {"test.jpg", "JPG..."}, {"test-1.jpg", "JPG..."}})
// HTTP message: raw
pathInboxAltRel := fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%d", inboxAltRel.ID)
pathInboxText := fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%d", inboxText.ID)
testHTTP("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/raw", httpHeaders{}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
testHTTP("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/raw", httpHeaders{hdrSessionBad}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/raw", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctTextNoCharset}, nil)
testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxText+"/raw", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctText}, nil)
// HTTP message: parsedmessage.js
testHTTP("GET", pathInboxMinimal+"/parsedmessage.js", httpHeaders{}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
testHTTP("GET", pathInboxMinimal+"/parsedmessage.js", httpHeaders{hdrSessionBad}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxMinimal+"/parsedmessage.js", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctJS}, nil)
// HTTP message: text,html,htmlexternal and msgtext,msghtml,msghtmlexternal
for _, elem := range []string{"text", "html", "htmlexternal", "msgtext", "msghtml", "msghtmlexternal"} {
testHTTP("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/"+elem, httpHeaders{}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
testHTTP("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/"+elem, httpHeaders{hdrSessionBad}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
mox.LimitersInit() // Reset, for too many failures.
// The text endpoint serves JS that we generated, so should be safe, but still doesn't hurt to have a CSP.
cspText := [2]string{
"frame-ancestors 'self'; default-src 'none'; img-src data:; style-src 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'unsafe-inline' 'self'; frame-src 'self'; connect-src 'self'",
// HTML as viewed in the regular viewer, not in a new tab.
cspHTML := [2]string{
"sandbox allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox; frame-ancestors 'self'; default-src 'none'; img-src data:; style-src 'unsafe-inline'",
// HTML when in separate message tab, needs allow-same-origin for iframe inner height.
cspHTMLSameOrigin := [2]string{
"sandbox allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-same-origin; frame-ancestors 'self'; default-src 'none'; img-src data:; style-src 'unsafe-inline'",
// Like cspHTML, but allows http and https resources.
cspHTMLExternal := [2]string{
"sandbox allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox; frame-ancestors 'self'; default-src 'none'; img-src data: http: https: 'unsafe-inline'; style-src 'unsafe-inline' data: http: https:; font-src data: http: https: 'unsafe-inline'; media-src 'unsafe-inline' data: http: https:",
// HTML with external resources when opened in separate tab, with allow-same-origin for iframe inner height.
cspHTMLExternalSameOrigin := [2]string{
"sandbox allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-same-origin; frame-ancestors 'self'; default-src 'none'; img-src data: http: https: 'unsafe-inline'; style-src 'unsafe-inline' data: http: https:; font-src data: http: https: 'unsafe-inline'; media-src 'unsafe-inline' data: http: https:",
// Msg page, our JS, that loads an html iframe, already blocks access for the iframe.
cspMsgHTML := [2]string{
"frame-ancestors 'self'; default-src 'none'; img-src data:; style-src 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'unsafe-inline' 'self'; frame-src 'self'; connect-src 'self'",
// Msg page that already allows external resources for the iframe.
cspMsgHTMLExternal := [2]string{
"frame-ancestors 'self'; default-src 'none'; img-src data: http: https: 'unsafe-inline'; style-src 'unsafe-inline' data: http: https:; font-src data: http: https: 'unsafe-inline'; media-src 'unsafe-inline' data: http: https:; script-src 'unsafe-inline' 'self'; frame-src 'self'; connect-src 'self'",
testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/text", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctHTML, cspText}, nil)
testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/html", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctHTML, cspHTML}, nil)
testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/htmlexternal", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctHTML, cspHTMLExternal}, nil)
testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/msgtext", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctHTML, cspText}, nil)
testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/msghtml", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctHTML, cspMsgHTML}, nil)
testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/msghtmlexternal", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctHTML, cspMsgHTMLExternal}, nil)
testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/html?sameorigin=true", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctHTML, cspHTMLSameOrigin}, nil)
testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/htmlexternal?sameorigin=true", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctHTML, cspHTMLExternalSameOrigin}, nil)
// No HTML part.
for _, elem := range []string{"html", "htmlexternal", "msghtml", "msghtmlexternal"} {
testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxText+"/"+elem, http.StatusBadRequest, nil, nil)
// No text part.
pathInboxHTML := fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%d", inboxHTML.ID)
for _, elem := range []string{"text", "msgtext"} {
testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxHTML+"/"+elem, http.StatusBadRequest, nil, nil)
// HTTP message part: view,viewtext,download
for _, elem := range []string{"view", "viewtext", "download"} {
testHTTP("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/"+elem+"/0", httpHeaders{}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
testHTTP("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/"+elem+"/0", httpHeaders{hdrSessionBad}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/"+elem+"/0", http.StatusOK, nil, nil)
testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/"+elem+"/0.0", http.StatusOK, nil, nil)
testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/"+elem+"/0.1", http.StatusOK, nil, nil)
testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/"+elem+"/0.2", http.StatusNotFound, nil, nil)
testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/"+elem+"/1", http.StatusNotFound, nil, nil)
// Logout invalidates the session. Must work exactly once.
// Normally the generic /api/ auth check returns a user error. We bypass it and
// check for the server error.
sessionToken := store.SessionToken(strings.SplitN(sessionCookie.Value, " ", 2)[0])
reqInfo = requestInfo{"mjl@mox.example", "mjl", sessionToken, httptest.NewRecorder(), &http.Request{RemoteAddr: ""}}
ctx = context.WithValue(ctxbg, requestInfoCtxKey, reqInfo)
tneedErrorCode(t, "server:error", func() { api.Logout(ctx) })
func TestSanitize(t *testing.T) {
check := func(s string, exp string) {
n, err := html.Parse(strings.NewReader(s))
tcheck(t, err, "parsing html")
var sb strings.Builder
err = html.Render(&sb, n)
tcheck(t, err, "writing html")
if sb.String() != exp {
t.Fatalf("sanitizing html: %s\ngot: %s\nexpected: %s", s, sb.String(), exp)
`<html><head><base target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"/></head><body></body></html>`)
check(`<script>read localstorage</script>`,
`<html><head><base target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"/></head><body></body></html>`)
check(`<a href="javascript:evil">click me</a>`,
`<html><head><base target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"/></head><body><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">click me</a></body></html>`)
check(`<a href="https://badsite" target="top">click me</a>`,
`<html><head><base target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"/></head><body><a href="https://badsite" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">click me</a></body></html>`)
check(`<a xlink:href="https://badsite">click me</a>`,
`<html><head><base target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"/></head><body><a xlink:href="https://badsite" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">click me</a></body></html>`)
check(`<a onclick="evil">click me</a>`,
`<html><head><base target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"/></head><body><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">click me</a></body></html>`)
check(`<iframe src="data:text/html;base64,evilhtml"></iframe>`,
`<html><head><base target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"/></head><body><iframe></iframe></body></html>`)