mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 15:42:16 +03:00
786 lines
20 KiB
786 lines
20 KiB
package http
import (
cryptrand "crypto/rand"
type importListener struct {
Token string
Events chan importEvent
Register chan bool // Whether register is successful.
type importEvent struct {
Token string
SSEMsg []byte // Full SSE message, including event: ... and data: ... \n\n
Event any // nil, importCount, importProblem, importDone, importAborted
Cancel func() // For cancelling the context causing abort of the import. Set in first, import-registering, event.
type importAbortRequest struct {
Token string
Response chan error
var importers = struct {
Register chan *importListener
Unregister chan *importListener
Events chan importEvent
Abort chan importAbortRequest
make(chan *importListener, 1),
make(chan *importListener, 1),
make(chan importEvent),
make(chan importAbortRequest),
// manage imports, run in a goroutine before serving.
func importManage() {
log := mlog.New("httpimport")
defer func() {
if x := recover(); x != nil {
log.Error("import manage panic", mlog.Field("err", x))
type state struct {
MailboxCounts map[string]int
Problems []string
Done *time.Time
Aborted *time.Time
Listeners map[*importListener]struct{}
Cancel func()
imports := map[string]state{} // Token to state.
for {
select {
case l := <-importers.Register:
// If we have state, send it so the client is up to date.
if s, ok := imports[l.Token]; ok {
l.Register <- true
s.Listeners[l] = struct{}{}
sendEvent := func(kind string, v any) {
buf, err := json.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
log.Errorx("marshal event", err, mlog.Field("kind", kind), mlog.Field("event", v))
ssemsg := fmt.Sprintf("event: %s\ndata: %s\n\n", kind, buf)
select {
case l.Events <- importEvent{kind, []byte(ssemsg), nil, nil}:
log.Debug("dropped initial import event to slow consumer")
for m, c := range s.MailboxCounts {
sendEvent("count", importCount{m, c})
for _, p := range s.Problems {
sendEvent("problem", importProblem{p})
if s.Done != nil {
sendEvent("done", importDone{})
} else if s.Aborted != nil {
sendEvent("aborted", importAborted{})
} else {
l.Register <- false
case l := <-importers.Unregister:
delete(imports[l.Token].Listeners, l)
case e := <-importers.Events:
s, ok := imports[e.Token]
if !ok {
s = state{
MailboxCounts: map[string]int{},
Listeners: map[*importListener]struct{}{},
Cancel: e.Cancel,
imports[e.Token] = s
for l := range s.Listeners {
select {
case l.Events <- e:
log.Debug("dropped import event to slow consumer")
if e.Event != nil {
s := imports[e.Token]
switch x := e.Event.(type) {
case importCount:
s.MailboxCounts[x.Mailbox] = x.Count
case importProblem:
s.Problems = append(s.Problems, x.Message)
case importDone:
now := time.Now()
s.Done = &now
case importAborted:
now := time.Now()
s.Aborted = &now
imports[e.Token] = s
case a := <-importers.Abort:
s, ok := imports[a.Token]
if !ok {
a.Response <- errors.New("import not found")
if s.Done != nil {
a.Response <- errors.New("import already finished")
a.Response <- nil
// Cleanup old state.
for t, s := range imports {
if len(s.Listeners) > 0 {
if s.Done != nil && time.Since(*s.Done) > time.Minute || s.Aborted != nil && time.Since(*s.Aborted) > time.Minute {
delete(imports, t)
type importCount struct {
Mailbox string
Count int
type importProblem struct {
Message string
type importDone struct{}
type importAborted struct{}
// importStart prepare the import and launches the goroutine to actually import.
// importStart is responsible for closing f.
func importStart(log *mlog.Log, accName string, f *os.File, skipMailboxPrefix string) (string, error) {
defer func() {
if f != nil {
err := f.Close()
log.Check(err, "closing uploaded file")
buf := make([]byte, 16)
if _, err := cryptrand.Read(buf); err != nil {
return "", err
token := fmt.Sprintf("%x", buf)
if _, err := f.Seek(0, 0); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("seek to start of file: %v", err)
// Recognize file format.
var iszip bool
magicZip := []byte{0x50, 0x4b, 0x03, 0x04}
magicGzip := []byte{0x1f, 0x8b}
magic := make([]byte, 4)
if _, err := f.ReadAt(magic, 0); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("detecting file format: %v", err)
if bytes.Equal(magic, magicZip) {
iszip = true
} else if !bytes.Equal(magic[:2], magicGzip) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("file is not a zip or gzip file")
var zr *zip.Reader
var tr *tar.Reader
if iszip {
fi, err := f.Stat()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("stat temporary import zip file: %v", err)
zr, err = zip.NewReader(f, fi.Size())
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("opening zip file: %v", err)
} else {
gzr, err := gzip.NewReader(f)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("gunzip: %v", err)
tr = tar.NewReader(gzr)
acc, err := store.OpenAccount(accName)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("open acount: %v", err)
acc.Lock() // Not using WithWLock because importMessage is responsible for unlocking.
tx, err := acc.DB.Begin(context.Background(), true)
if err != nil {
xerr := acc.Close()
log.Check(xerr, "closing account")
return "", fmt.Errorf("start transaction: %v", err)
// Ensure token is registered before returning, with context that can be canceled.
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(mox.Shutdown)
importers.Events <- importEvent{token, []byte(": keepalive\n\n"), nil, cancel}
log.Info("starting import")
go importMessages(ctx, log.WithCid(mox.Cid()), token, acc, tx, zr, tr, f, skipMailboxPrefix)
f = nil // importMessages is now responsible for closing.
return token, nil
// importMessages imports the messages from zip/tgz file f.
// importMessages is responsible for unlocking and closing acc, and closing tx and f.
func importMessages(ctx context.Context, log *mlog.Log, token string, acc *store.Account, tx *bstore.Tx, zr *zip.Reader, tr *tar.Reader, f *os.File, skipMailboxPrefix string) {
// If a fatal processing error occurs, we panic with this type.
type importError struct{ Err error }
// During import we collect all changes and broadcast them at the end, when successful.
var changes []store.Change
// ID's of delivered messages. If we have to rollback, we have to remove this files.
var deliveredIDs []int64
ximportcheckf := func(err error, format string, args ...any) {
if err != nil {
panic(importError{fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", fmt.Sprintf(format, args...), err)})
sendEvent := func(kind string, v any) {
buf, err := json.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
log.Errorx("marshal event", err, mlog.Field("kind", kind), mlog.Field("event", v))
ssemsg := fmt.Sprintf("event: %s\ndata: %s\n\n", kind, buf)
importers.Events <- importEvent{token, []byte(ssemsg), v, nil}
problemf := func(format string, args ...any) {
msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
sendEvent("problem", importProblem{Message: msg})
canceled := func() bool {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
sendEvent("aborted", importAborted{})
return true
return false
defer func() {
err := f.Close()
log.Check(err, "closing uploaded messages file")
for _, id := range deliveredIDs {
p := acc.MessagePath(id)
err := os.Remove(p)
log.Check(err, "closing message file after import error", mlog.Field("path", p))
if tx != nil {
err := tx.Rollback()
log.Check(err, "rolling back transaction")
if acc != nil {
err := acc.Close()
log.Check(err, "closing account")
x := recover()
if x == nil {
if err, ok := x.(importError); ok {
log.Errorx("import error", err.Err)
problemf("%s (aborting)", err.Err)
sendEvent("aborted", importAborted{})
} else {
log.Error("import panic", mlog.Field("err", x))
conf, _ := acc.Conf()
jf, _, err := acc.OpenJunkFilter(ctx, log)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, store.ErrNoJunkFilter) {
ximportcheckf(err, "open junk filter")
defer func() {
if jf != nil {
err := jf.CloseDiscard()
log.Check(err, "closing junk filter")
// Mailboxes we imported, and message counts.
mailboxes := map[string]store.Mailbox{}
messages := map[string]int{}
// For maildirs, we are likely to get a possible dovecot-keywords file after having imported the messages. Once we see the keywords, we use them. But before that time we remember which messages miss a keywords. Once the keywords become available, we'll fix up the flags for the unknown messages
mailboxKeywords := map[string]map[rune]string{} // Mailbox to 'a'-'z' to flag name.
mailboxMissingKeywordMessages := map[string]map[int64]string{} // Mailbox to message id to string consisting of the unrecognized flags.
// Previous mailbox an event was sent for. We send an event for new mailboxes, when
// another 100 messages were added, when adding a message to another mailbox, and
// finally at the end as a closing statement.
var prevMailbox string
trainMessage := func(m *store.Message, p message.Part, pos string) {
words, err := jf.ParseMessage(p)
if err != nil {
problemf("parsing message %s for updating junk filter: %v (continuing)", pos, err)
err = jf.Train(ctx, !m.Junk, words)
if err != nil {
problemf("training junk filter for message %s: %v (continuing)", pos, err)
m.TrainedJunk = &m.Junk
openTrainMessage := func(m *store.Message) {
path := acc.MessagePath(m.ID)
f, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
problemf("opening message again for training junk filter: %v (continuing)", err)
defer func() {
err := f.Close()
log.Check(err, "closing file after training junkfilter")
p, err := m.LoadPart(f)
if err != nil {
problemf("loading parsed message again for training junk filter: %v (continuing)", err)
trainMessage(m, p, fmt.Sprintf("message id %d", m.ID))
xensureMailbox := func(name string) store.Mailbox {
name = norm.NFC.String(name)
if strings.ToLower(name) == "inbox" {
name = "Inbox"
if mb, ok := mailboxes[name]; ok {
return mb
var p string
var mb store.Mailbox
for i, e := range strings.Split(name, "/") {
if i == 0 {
p = e
} else {
p = path.Join(p, e)
if _, ok := mailboxes[p]; ok {
q := bstore.QueryTx[store.Mailbox](tx)
q.FilterNonzero(store.Mailbox{Name: p})
var err error
mb, err = q.Get()
if err == bstore.ErrAbsent {
uidvalidity, err := acc.NextUIDValidity(tx)
ximportcheckf(err, "finding next uid validity")
mb = store.Mailbox{
Name: p,
UIDValidity: uidvalidity,
UIDNext: 1,
// Do not assign special-use flags. This existing account probably already has such mailboxes.
err = tx.Insert(&mb)
ximportcheckf(err, "inserting mailbox in database")
err = tx.Insert(&store.Subscription{Name: p})
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, bstore.ErrUnique) {
ximportcheckf(err, "subscribing to imported mailbox")
changes = append(changes, store.ChangeAddMailbox{Name: p, Flags: []string{`\Subscribed`}})
} else if err != nil {
ximportcheckf(err, "creating mailbox %s (aborting)", p)
if prevMailbox != "" && mb.Name != prevMailbox {
sendEvent("count", importCount{prevMailbox, messages[prevMailbox]})
mailboxes[mb.Name] = mb
sendEvent("count", importCount{mb.Name, 0})
prevMailbox = mb.Name
return mb
xdeliver := func(mb store.Mailbox, m *store.Message, f *os.File, pos string) {
defer func() {
if f != nil {
err := os.Remove(f.Name())
log.Check(err, "removing temporary message file for delivery")
err = f.Close()
log.Check(err, "closing temporary message file for delivery")
m.MailboxID = mb.ID
m.MailboxOrigID = mb.ID
// Parse message and store parsed information for later fast retrieval.
p, err := message.EnsurePart(f, m.Size)
if err != nil {
problemf("parsing message %s: %s (continuing)", pos, err)
m.ParsedBuf, err = json.Marshal(p)
ximportcheckf(err, "marshal parsed message structure")
if m.Received.IsZero() {
if p.Envelope != nil && !p.Envelope.Date.IsZero() {
m.Received = p.Envelope.Date
} else {
m.Received = time.Now()
// We set the flags that Deliver would set now and train ourselves. This prevents
// Deliver from training, which would open the junk filter, change it, and write it
// back to disk, for each message (slow).
m.JunkFlagsForMailbox(mb.Name, conf)
if jf != nil && m.NeedsTraining() {
trainMessage(m, p, pos)
const consumeFile = true
const sync = false
const notrain = true
if err := acc.DeliverMessage(log, tx, m, f, consumeFile, mb.Sent, sync, notrain); err != nil {
problemf("delivering message %s: %s (continuing)", pos, err)
deliveredIDs = append(deliveredIDs, m.ID)
changes = append(changes, store.ChangeAddUID{MailboxID: m.MailboxID, UID: m.UID, Flags: m.Flags})
if messages[mb.Name]%100 == 0 || prevMailbox != mb.Name {
prevMailbox = mb.Name
sendEvent("count", importCount{mb.Name, messages[mb.Name]})
f = nil
ximportMbox := func(mailbox, filename string, r io.Reader) {
if mailbox == "" {
problemf("empty mailbox name for mbox file %s (skipping)", filename)
mb := xensureMailbox(mailbox)
mr := store.NewMboxReader(store.CreateMessageTemp, filename, r, log)
for {
m, mf, pos, err := mr.Next()
if err == io.EOF {
} else if err != nil {
ximportcheckf(err, "next message in mbox file")
xdeliver(mb, m, mf, pos)
ximportMaildir := func(mailbox, filename string, r io.Reader) {
if mailbox == "" {
problemf("empty mailbox name for maildir file %s (skipping)", filename)
mb := xensureMailbox(mailbox)
f, err := store.CreateMessageTemp("import")
ximportcheckf(err, "creating temp message")
defer func() {
if f != nil {
err := os.Remove(f.Name())
log.Check(err, "removing temporary file for delivery")
err = f.Close()
log.Check(err, "closing temporary file for delivery")
// Copy data, changing bare \n into \r\n.
br := bufio.NewReader(r)
w := bufio.NewWriter(f)
var size int64
for {
line, err := br.ReadBytes('\n')
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
ximportcheckf(err, "reading message")
if len(line) > 0 {
if !bytes.HasSuffix(line, []byte("\r\n")) {
line = append(line[:len(line)-1], "\r\n"...)
n, err := w.Write(line)
ximportcheckf(err, "writing message")
size += int64(n)
if err == io.EOF {
err = w.Flush()
ximportcheckf(err, "writing message")
var received time.Time
t := strings.SplitN(path.Base(filename), ".", 2)
if v, err := strconv.ParseInt(t[0], 10, 64); err == nil {
received = time.Unix(v, 0)
// Parse flags. See https://cr.yp.to/proto/maildir.html.
var keepFlags string
flags := store.Flags{}
t = strings.SplitN(path.Base(filename), ":2,", 2)
if len(t) == 2 {
for _, c := range t[1] {
switch c {
case 'P':
// Passed, doesn't map to a common IMAP flag.
case 'R':
flags.Answered = true
case 'S':
flags.Seen = true
case 'T':
flags.Deleted = true
case 'D':
flags.Draft = true
case 'F':
flags.Flagged = true
if c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' {
keywords, ok := mailboxKeywords[mailbox]
if !ok {
// No keywords file seen yet, we'll try later if it comes in.
keepFlags += string(c)
} else if kw, ok := keywords[c]; ok {
flagSet(&flags, strings.ToLower(kw))
m := store.Message{
Received: received,
Flags: flags,
Size: size,
xdeliver(mb, &m, f, filename)
f = nil
if keepFlags != "" {
if _, ok := mailboxMissingKeywordMessages[mailbox]; !ok {
mailboxMissingKeywordMessages[mailbox] = map[int64]string{}
mailboxMissingKeywordMessages[mailbox][m.ID] = keepFlags
importFile := func(name string, r io.Reader) {
origName := name
if strings.HasPrefix(name, skipMailboxPrefix) {
name = strings.TrimPrefix(name[len(skipMailboxPrefix):], "/")
if strings.HasSuffix(name, "/") {
name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, "/")
dir := path.Dir(name)
switch path.Base(dir) {
case "new", "cur", "tmp":
// Maildir, ensure it exists.
mailbox := path.Dir(dir)
// Otherwise, this is just a directory that probably holds mbox files and maildirs.
if strings.HasSuffix(path.Base(name), ".mbox") {
mailbox := name[:len(name)-len(".mbox")]
ximportMbox(mailbox, origName, r)
dir := path.Dir(name)
dirbase := path.Base(dir)
switch dirbase {
case "new", "cur", "tmp":
mailbox := path.Dir(dir)
ximportMaildir(mailbox, origName, r)
if path.Base(name) == "dovecot-keywords" {
mailbox := path.Dir(name)
keywords := map[rune]string{}
words, err := store.ParseDovecotKeywords(r, log)
log.Check(err, "parsing dovecot keywords for mailbox", mlog.Field("mailbox", mailbox))
for i, kw := range words {
keywords['a'+rune(i)] = kw
mailboxKeywords[mailbox] = keywords
for id, chars := range mailboxMissingKeywordMessages[mailbox] {
var flags, zeroflags store.Flags
for _, c := range chars {
kw, ok := keywords[c]
if !ok {
problemf("unspecified message flag %c for message id %d (continuing)", c, id)
flagSet(&flags, strings.ToLower(kw))
if flags == zeroflags {
m := store.Message{ID: id}
err := tx.Get(&m)
ximportcheckf(err, "get imported message for flag update")
m.Flags = m.Flags.Set(flags, flags)
// We train before updating, training may set m.TrainedJunk.
if jf != nil && m.NeedsTraining() {
err = tx.Update(&m)
ximportcheckf(err, "updating message after flag update")
changes = append(changes, store.ChangeFlags{MailboxID: m.MailboxID, UID: m.UID, Mask: flags, Flags: flags})
delete(mailboxMissingKeywordMessages, mailbox)
} else {
problemf("unrecognized file %s (skipping)", origName)
if zr != nil {
for _, f := range zr.File {
if canceled() {
zf, err := f.Open()
if err != nil {
problemf("opening file %s in zip: %v", f.Name, err)
importFile(f.Name, zf)
err = zf.Close()
log.Check(err, "closing file from zip")
} else {
for {
if canceled() {
h, err := tr.Next()
if err == io.EOF {
} else if err != nil {
problemf("reading next tar header: %v (aborting)", err)
importFile(h.Name, tr)
total := 0
for _, count := range messages {
total += count
log.Debug("message imported", mlog.Field("total", total))
// Send final update for count of last-imported mailbox.
if prevMailbox != "" {
sendEvent("count", importCount{prevMailbox, messages[prevMailbox]})
err = tx.Commit()
tx = nil
ximportcheckf(err, "commit")
deliveredIDs = nil
if jf != nil {
if err := jf.Close(); err != nil {
problemf("saving changes of training junk filter: %v (continuing)", err)
log.Errorx("saving changes of training junk filter", err)
jf = nil
comm := store.RegisterComm(acc)
defer comm.Unregister()
err = acc.Close()
log.Check(err, "closing account after import")
acc = nil
sendEvent("done", importDone{})
func flagSet(flags *store.Flags, word string) {
// todo: custom labels, e.g. $label1, JunkRecorded?
switch word {
case "forwarded", "$forwarded":
flags.Forwarded = true
case "junk", "$junk":
flags.Junk = true
case "notjunk", "$notjunk", "nonjunk", "$nonjunk":
flags.Notjunk = true
case "phishing", "$phishing":
flags.Phishing = true
case "mdnsent", "$mdnsent":
flags.MDNSent = true