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synced 2025-03-25 11:14:46 +03:00

we don't want external software to include internal details like mlog. slog.Logger is/will be the standard. we still have mlog for its helper functions, and its handler that logs in concise logfmt used by mox. packages that are not meant for reuse still pass around mlog.Log for convenience. we use golang.org/x/exp/slog because we also support the previous Go toolchain version. with the next Go release, we'll switch to the builtin slog.
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278 lines
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package mox
import (
// We start up as root, bind to sockets, open private key/cert files and fork and
// exec as unprivileged user. During startup as root, we gather the fd's for the
// listen addresses in passedListeners and files in passedFiles, and pass their
// addresses and paths in environment variables to the new process.
var passedListeners = map[string]*os.File{} // Listen address to file descriptor.
var passedFiles = map[string][]*os.File{} // Path to file descriptors.
// RestorePassedFiles reads addresses from $MOX_SOCKETS and paths from $MOX_FILES
// and prepares an os.File for each file descriptor, which are used by later calls
// of Listen or opening files.
func RestorePassedFiles() {
s := os.Getenv("MOX_SOCKETS")
if s == "" {
var linuxhint string
if runtime.GOOS == "linux" {
linuxhint = " If you updated from v0.0.1, update the mox.service file to start as root (privileges are dropped): ./mox config printservice >mox.service && sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl restart mox."
pkglog.Fatal("mox must be started as root, and will drop privileges after binding required sockets (missing environment variable MOX_SOCKETS)." + linuxhint)
// 0,1,2 are stdin,stdout,stderr, 3 is the first passed fd (first listeners, then files).
var o uintptr = 3
for _, addr := range strings.Split(s, ",") {
passedListeners[addr] = os.NewFile(o, addr)
files := os.Getenv("MOX_FILES")
if files == "" {
for _, path := range strings.Split(files, ",") {
passedFiles[path] = append(passedFiles[path], os.NewFile(o, path))
// CleanupPassedFiles closes the listening socket file descriptors and files passed
// in by the parent process. To be called by the unprivileged child after listeners
// have been recreated (they dup the file descriptor), and by the privileged
// process after starting its child.
func CleanupPassedFiles() {
for _, f := range passedListeners {
err := f.Close()
pkglog.Check(err, "closing listener socket file descriptor")
for _, fl := range passedFiles {
for _, f := range fl {
err := f.Close()
pkglog.Check(err, "closing path file descriptor")
// For privileged file descriptor operations (listen and opening privileged files),
// perform them immediately, regardless of running as root or other user, in case
// ForkExecUnprivileged is not used.
var FilesImmediate bool
// Listen returns a newly created network listener when starting as root, and
// otherwise (not root) returns a network listener from a file descriptor that was
// passed by the parent root process.
func Listen(network, addr string) (net.Listener, error) {
if os.Getuid() != 0 && !FilesImmediate {
f, ok := passedListeners[addr]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no file descriptor for listener %s", addr)
ln, err := net.FileListener(f)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("making network listener from file descriptor for address %s: %v", addr, err)
return ln, nil
if _, ok := passedListeners[addr]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicate listener: %s", addr)
ln, err := net.Listen(network, addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// On windows, we cannot duplicate a socket. We don't need to for mox localserve
// with FilesImmediate.
if !FilesImmediate {
tcpln, ok := ln.(*net.TCPListener)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("listener not a tcp listener, but %T, for network %s, address %s", ln, network, addr)
f, err := tcpln.File()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("dup listener: %v", err)
passedListeners[addr] = f
return ln, err
// Open a privileged file, such as a TLS private key. When running as root
// (during startup), the file is opened and the file descriptor is stored.
// These file descriptors are passed to the unprivileged process. When in the
// unprivileged processed, we lookup a passed file descriptor.
// The same calls should be made in the privileged and unprivileged process.
func OpenPrivileged(path string) (*os.File, error) {
if os.Getuid() != 0 && !FilesImmediate {
fl := passedFiles[path]
if len(fl) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no file descriptor for file %s", path)
f := fl[0]
passedFiles[path] = fl[1:]
return f, nil
f, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
passedFiles[path] = append(passedFiles[path], f)
// Open again, the caller will be closing this file.
return os.Open(path)
// Shutdown is canceled when a graceful shutdown is initiated. SMTP, IMAP, periodic
// processes should check this before starting a new operation. If this context is
// canaceled, the operation should not be started, and new connections/commands should
// receive a message that the service is currently not available.
var Shutdown context.Context
var ShutdownCancel func()
// This context should be used as parent by most operations. It is canceled 1
// second after graceful shutdown was initiated with the cancelation of the
// Shutdown context. This should abort active operations.
// Operations typically have context timeouts, 30s for single i/o like DNS queries,
// and 1 minute for operations with more back and forth. These are set through a
// context.WithTimeout based on this context, so those contexts are still canceled
// when shutting down.
// HTTP servers don't get graceful shutdown, their connections are just aborted.
// todo: should shut down http connections as well, and shut down the listener and/or return 503 for new requests.
var Context context.Context
var ContextCancel func()
// Connections holds all active protocol sockets (smtp, imap). They will be given
// an immediate read/write deadline shortly after initiating mox shutdown, after
// which the connections get 1 more second for error handling before actual
// shutdown.
var Connections = &connections{
conns: map[net.Conn]connKind{},
gauges: map[connKind]prometheus.GaugeFunc{},
active: map[connKind]int64{},
type connKind struct {
protocol string
listener string
type connections struct {
conns map[net.Conn]connKind
dones []chan struct{}
gauges map[connKind]prometheus.GaugeFunc
activeMutex sync.Mutex
active map[connKind]int64
// Register adds a connection for receiving an immediate i/o deadline on shutdown.
// When the connection is closed, Remove must be called to cancel the registration.
func (c *connections) Register(nc net.Conn, protocol, listener string) {
// This can happen, when a connection was initiated before a shutdown, but it
// doesn't hurt to log it.
select {
case <-Shutdown.Done():
pkglog.Error("new connection added while shutting down")
ck := connKind{protocol, listener}
defer c.Unlock()
c.conns[nc] = ck
if _, ok := c.gauges[ck]; !ok {
c.gauges[ck] = promauto.NewGaugeFunc(
Name: "mox_connections_count",
Help: "Open connections, per protocol/listener.",
ConstLabels: prometheus.Labels{
"protocol": protocol,
"listener": listener,
func() float64 {
defer c.activeMutex.Unlock()
return float64(c.active[ck])
// Unregister removes a connection for shutdown.
func (c *connections) Unregister(nc net.Conn) {
defer c.Unlock()
ck := c.conns[nc]
defer func() {
delete(c.conns, nc)
if len(c.conns) > 0 {
for _, done := range c.dones {
done <- struct{}{}
c.dones = nil
// Shutdown sets an immediate i/o deadline on all open registered sockets. Called
// some time after mox shutdown is initiated.
// The deadline will cause i/o's to be aborted, which should result in the
// connection being unregistered.
func (c *connections) Shutdown() {
now := time.Now()
defer c.Unlock()
for nc := range c.conns {
if err := nc.SetDeadline(now); err != nil {
pkglog.Errorx("setting immediate read/write deadline for shutdown", err)
// Done returns a new channel on which a value is sent when no more sockets are
// open, which could be immediate.
func (c *connections) Done() chan struct{} {
defer c.Unlock()
done := make(chan struct{}, 1)
if len(c.conns) == 0 {
done <- struct{}{}
return done
c.dones = append(c.dones, done)
return done