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synced 2025-03-26 23:10:34 +03:00

message.Part now has a ReaderUTF8OrBinary() along with the existing Reader(). the new function returns a reader of decoded content. we now use it in a few places, including search. we only support the charsets in golang.org/x/text/encoding/ianaindex. search has also been changed to not read the entire message in memory. instead, we make one 8k buffer for reading and search in that, and we keep the buffer around for all messages. saves quite some allocations when searching large mailboxes.
574 lines
14 KiB
574 lines
14 KiB
package imapserver
import (
// Search returns messages matching criteria specified in parameters.
// State: Selected
func (c *conn) cmdxSearch(isUID bool, tag, cmd string, p *parser) {
// Command: ../rfc/9051:3716 ../rfc/4731:31 ../rfc/4466:354 ../rfc/3501:2723
// Examples: ../rfc/9051:3986 ../rfc/4731:153 ../rfc/3501:2975
// Syntax: ../rfc/9051:6918 ../rfc/4466:611 ../rfc/3501:4954
// We will respond with ESEARCH instead of SEARCH if "RETURN" is present or for IMAP4rev2.
var eargs map[string]bool // Options except SAVE. Nil means old-style SEARCH response.
var save bool // For SAVE option. Kept separately for easier handling of MIN/MAX later.
// IMAP4rev2 always returns ESEARCH, even with absent RETURN.
if c.enabled[capIMAP4rev2] {
eargs = map[string]bool{}
// ../rfc/9051:6967
if p.take(" RETURN (") {
eargs = map[string]bool{}
for !p.take(")") {
if len(eargs) > 0 || save {
if w, ok := p.takelist("MIN", "MAX", "ALL", "COUNT", "SAVE"); ok {
if w == "SAVE" {
save = true
} else {
eargs[w] = true
} else {
// ../rfc/4466:378 ../rfc/9051:3745
xsyntaxErrorf("ESEARCH result option %q not supported", w)
// ../rfc/4731:149 ../rfc/9051:3737
if eargs != nil && len(eargs) == 0 && !save {
eargs["ALL"] = true
// If UTF8=ACCEPT is enabled, we should not accept any charset. We are a bit more
// relaxed (reasonable?) and still allow US-ASCII and UTF-8. ../rfc/6855:198
if p.take(" CHARSET ") {
charset := strings.ToUpper(p.xastring())
if charset != "US-ASCII" && charset != "UTF-8" {
// ../rfc/3501:2771 ../rfc/9051:3836
xusercodeErrorf("BADCHARSET", "only US-ASCII and UTF-8 supported")
sk := &searchKey{
searchKeys: []searchKey{*p.xsearchKey()},
for !p.empty() {
sk.searchKeys = append(sk.searchKeys, *p.xsearchKey())
// Even in case of error, we ensure search result is changed.
if save {
c.searchResult = []store.UID{}
// We gather word and not-word searches from the top-level, turn them
// into a WordSearch for a more efficient search.
// todo optimize: also gather them out of AND searches.
var textWords, textNotWords, bodyWords, bodyNotWords []string
n := 0
for _, xsk := range sk.searchKeys {
switch xsk.op {
case "BODY":
bodyWords = append(bodyWords, xsk.astring)
case "TEXT":
textWords = append(textWords, xsk.astring)
case "NOT":
switch xsk.searchKey.op {
case "BODY":
bodyNotWords = append(bodyNotWords, xsk.searchKey.astring)
case "TEXT":
textNotWords = append(textNotWords, xsk.searchKey.astring)
sk.searchKeys[n] = xsk
// We may be left with an empty but non-nil sk.searchKeys, which is important for
// matching.
sk.searchKeys = sk.searchKeys[:n]
var bodySearch, textSearch *store.WordSearch
if len(bodyWords) > 0 || len(bodyNotWords) > 0 {
ws := store.PrepareWordSearch(bodyWords, bodyNotWords)
bodySearch = &ws
if len(textWords) > 0 || len(textNotWords) > 0 {
ws := store.PrepareWordSearch(textWords, textNotWords)
textSearch = &ws
// Note: we only hold the account rlock for verifying the mailbox at the start.
runlock := c.account.RUnlock
// Note: in a defer because we replace it below.
defer func() {
// If we only have a MIN and/or MAX, we can stop processing as soon as we
// have those matches.
var min, max int
if eargs["MIN"] {
min = 1
if eargs["MAX"] {
max = 1
var expungeIssued bool
var maxModSeq store.ModSeq
var uids []store.UID
c.xdbread(func(tx *bstore.Tx) {
c.xmailboxID(tx, c.mailboxID) // Validate.
runlock = func() {}
// Normal forward search when we don't have MAX only.
var lastIndex = -1
if eargs == nil || max == 0 || len(eargs) != 1 {
for i, uid := range c.uids {
lastIndex = i
if match, modseq := c.searchMatch(tx, msgseq(i+1), uid, *sk, bodySearch, textSearch, &expungeIssued); match {
uids = append(uids, uid)
if modseq > maxModSeq {
maxModSeq = modseq
if min == 1 && min+max == len(eargs) {
// And reverse search for MAX if we have only MAX or MAX combined with MIN.
if max == 1 && (len(eargs) == 1 || min+max == len(eargs)) {
for i := len(c.uids) - 1; i > lastIndex; i-- {
if match, modseq := c.searchMatch(tx, msgseq(i+1), c.uids[i], *sk, bodySearch, textSearch, &expungeIssued); match {
uids = append(uids, c.uids[i])
if modseq > maxModSeq {
maxModSeq = modseq
if eargs == nil {
// In IMAP4rev1, an untagged SEARCH response is required. ../rfc/3501:2728
if len(uids) == 0 {
c.bwritelinef("* SEARCH")
// Old-style SEARCH response. We must spell out each number. So we may be splitting
// into multiple responses. ../rfc/9051:6809 ../rfc/3501:4833
for len(uids) > 0 {
n := len(uids)
if n > 100 {
n = 100
s := ""
for _, v := range uids[:n] {
if !isUID {
v = store.UID(c.xsequence(v))
s += " " + fmt.Sprintf("%d", v)
// Since we don't have the max modseq for the possibly partial uid range we're
// writing here within hand reach, we conveniently interpret the ambiguous "for all
// messages being returned" in ../rfc/7162:1107 as meaning over all lines that we
// write. And that clients only commit this value after they have seen the tagged
// end of the command. Appears to be recommended behaviour, ../rfc/7162:2323.
// ../rfc/7162:1077 ../rfc/7162:1101
var modseq string
if sk.hasModseq() {
// ../rfc/7162:2557
modseq = fmt.Sprintf(" (MODSEQ %d)", maxModSeq.Client())
c.bwritelinef("* SEARCH%s%s", s, modseq)
uids = uids[n:]
} else {
// New-style ESEARCH response syntax: ../rfc/9051:6546 ../rfc/4466:522
if save {
// ../rfc/9051:3784 ../rfc/5182:13
c.searchResult = uids
if sanityChecks {
// No untagged ESEARCH response if nothing was requested. ../rfc/9051:4160
if len(eargs) > 0 {
resp := fmt.Sprintf("* ESEARCH (TAG %s)", tag)
if isUID {
resp += " UID"
// NOTE: we are converting UIDs to msgseq in the uids slice (if needed) while
// keeping the "uids" name!
if !isUID {
// If searchResult is hanging on to the slice, we need to work on a copy.
if save {
nuids := make([]store.UID, len(uids))
copy(nuids, uids)
uids = nuids
for i, uid := range uids {
uids[i] = store.UID(c.xsequence(uid))
// If no matches, then no MIN/MAX response. ../rfc/4731:98 ../rfc/9051:3758
if eargs["MIN"] && len(uids) > 0 {
resp += fmt.Sprintf(" MIN %d", uids[0])
if eargs["MAX"] && len(uids) > 0 {
resp += fmt.Sprintf(" MAX %d", uids[len(uids)-1])
if eargs["COUNT"] {
resp += fmt.Sprintf(" COUNT %d", len(uids))
if eargs["ALL"] && len(uids) > 0 {
resp += fmt.Sprintf(" ALL %s", compactUIDSet(uids).String())
// Interaction between ESEARCH and CONDSTORE: ../rfc/7162:1211 ../rfc/4731:273
// Summary: send the highest modseq of the returned messages.
if sk.hasModseq() && len(uids) > 0 {
resp += fmt.Sprintf(" MODSEQ %d", maxModSeq.Client())
c.bwritelinef("%s", resp)
if expungeIssued {
// ../rfc/9051:5102
c.writeresultf("%s OK [EXPUNGEISSUED] done", tag)
} else {
c.ok(tag, cmd)
type search struct {
c *conn
tx *bstore.Tx
seq msgseq
uid store.UID
mr *store.MsgReader
m store.Message
p *message.Part
expungeIssued *bool
hasModseq bool
func (c *conn) searchMatch(tx *bstore.Tx, seq msgseq, uid store.UID, sk searchKey, bodySearch, textSearch *store.WordSearch, expungeIssued *bool) (bool, store.ModSeq) {
s := search{c: c, tx: tx, seq: seq, uid: uid, expungeIssued: expungeIssued, hasModseq: sk.hasModseq()}
defer func() {
if s.mr != nil {
err := s.mr.Close()
c.xsanity(err, "closing messagereader")
s.mr = nil
return s.match(sk, bodySearch, textSearch)
func (s *search) match(sk searchKey, bodySearch, textSearch *store.WordSearch) (match bool, modseq store.ModSeq) {
// Instead of littering all the cases in match0 with calls to get modseq, we do it once
// here in case of a match.
defer func() {
if match && s.hasModseq {
if s.m.ID == 0 {
match = s.xensureMessage()
modseq = s.m.ModSeq
match = s.match0(sk)
if match && bodySearch != nil {
if !s.xensurePart() {
match = false
var err error
match, err = bodySearch.MatchPart(s.c.log, s.p, false)
xcheckf(err, "search words in bodies")
if match && textSearch != nil {
if !s.xensurePart() {
match = false
var err error
match, err = textSearch.MatchPart(s.c.log, s.p, true)
xcheckf(err, "search words in headers and bodies")
func (s *search) xensureMessage() bool {
if s.m.ID > 0 {
return true
q := bstore.QueryTx[store.Message](s.tx)
q.FilterNonzero(store.Message{MailboxID: s.c.mailboxID, UID: s.uid})
m, err := q.Get()
if err == bstore.ErrAbsent || err == nil && m.Expunged {
// ../rfc/2180:607
*s.expungeIssued = true
return false
xcheckf(err, "get message")
s.m = m
return true
// ensure message, reader and part are loaded. returns whether that was
// successful.
func (s *search) xensurePart() bool {
if s.mr != nil {
return s.p != nil
if !s.xensureMessage() {
return false
// Closed by searchMatch after all (recursive) search.match calls are finished.
s.mr = s.c.account.MessageReader(s.m)
if s.m.ParsedBuf == nil {
s.c.log.Error("missing parsed message")
return false
p, err := s.m.LoadPart(s.mr)
xcheckf(err, "load parsed message")
s.p = &p
return true
func (s *search) match0(sk searchKey) bool {
c := s.c
// Difference between sk.searchKeys nil and length 0 is important. Because we take
// out word/notword searches, the list may be empty but non-nil.
if sk.searchKeys != nil {
for _, ssk := range sk.searchKeys {
if !s.match0(ssk) {
return false
return true
} else if sk.seqSet != nil {
return sk.seqSet.containsSeq(s.seq, c.uids, c.searchResult)
filterHeader := func(field, value string) bool {
lower := strings.ToLower(value)
h, err := s.p.Header()
if err != nil {
c.log.Debugx("parsing message header", err, mlog.Field("uid", s.uid))
return false
for _, v := range h.Values(field) {
if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(v), lower) {
return true
return false
// We handle ops by groups that need increasing details about the message.
switch sk.op {
case "ALL":
return true
case "NEW":
// We do not implement the RECENT flag, so messages cannot be NEW.
return false
case "OLD":
// We treat all messages as non-recent, so this means all messages.
return true
case "RECENT":
// We do not implement the RECENT flag. All messages are not recent.
return false
case "NOT":
return !s.match0(*sk.searchKey)
case "OR":
return s.match0(*sk.searchKey) || s.match0(*sk.searchKey2)
case "UID":
return sk.uidSet.containsUID(s.uid, c.uids, c.searchResult)
// Parsed part.
if !s.xensurePart() {
return false
// Parsed message, basic info.
switch sk.op {
case "ANSWERED":
return s.m.Answered
case "DELETED":
return s.m.Deleted
case "FLAGGED":
return s.m.Flagged
case "KEYWORD":
kw := strings.ToLower(sk.atom)
switch kw {
case "$forwarded":
return s.m.Forwarded
case "$junk":
return s.m.Junk
case "$notjunk":
return s.m.Notjunk
case "$phishing":
return s.m.Phishing
case "$mdnsent":
return s.m.MDNSent
for _, k := range s.m.Keywords {
if k == kw {
return true
return false
case "SEEN":
return s.m.Seen
return !s.m.Answered
return !s.m.Deleted
return !s.m.Flagged
kw := strings.ToLower(sk.atom)
switch kw {
case "$forwarded":
return !s.m.Forwarded
case "$junk":
return !s.m.Junk
case "$notjunk":
return !s.m.Notjunk
case "$phishing":
return !s.m.Phishing
case "$mdnsent":
return !s.m.MDNSent
for _, k := range s.m.Keywords {
if k == kw {
return false
return true
case "UNSEEN":
return !s.m.Seen
case "DRAFT":
return s.m.Draft
case "UNDRAFT":
return !s.m.Draft
case "BEFORE", "ON", "SINCE":
skdt := sk.date.Format("2006-01-02")
rdt := s.m.Received.Format("2006-01-02")
switch sk.op {
case "BEFORE":
return rdt < skdt
case "ON":
return rdt == skdt
case "SINCE":
return rdt >= skdt
panic("missing case")
case "LARGER":
return s.m.Size > sk.number
case "SMALLER":
return s.m.Size < sk.number
case "MODSEQ":
// ../rfc/7162:1045
return s.m.ModSeq.Client() >= *sk.clientModseq
if s.p == nil {
c.log.Info("missing parsed message, not matching", mlog.Field("uid", s.uid))
return false
// Parsed message, more info.
switch sk.op {
case "BCC":
return filterHeader("Bcc", sk.astring)
case "BODY", "TEXT":
// We gathered word/notword searches from the top-level, but we can also get them
// nested.
// todo optimize: handle deeper nested word/not-word searches more efficiently.
headerToo := sk.op == "TEXT"
match, err := store.PrepareWordSearch([]string{sk.astring}, nil).MatchPart(s.c.log, s.p, headerToo)
xcheckf(err, "word search")
return match
case "CC":
return filterHeader("Cc", sk.astring)
case "FROM":
return filterHeader("From", sk.astring)
case "SUBJECT":
return filterHeader("Subject", sk.astring)
case "TO":
return filterHeader("To", sk.astring)
case "HEADER":
// ../rfc/9051:3895
lower := strings.ToLower(sk.astring)
h, err := s.p.Header()
if err != nil {
c.log.Errorx("parsing header for search", err, mlog.Field("uid", s.uid))
return false
k := textproto.CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey(sk.headerField)
for _, v := range h.Values(k) {
if lower == "" || strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(v), lower) {
return true
return false
if s.p.Envelope == nil || s.p.Envelope.Date.IsZero() {
return false
dt := s.p.Envelope.Date.Format("2006-01-02")
skdt := sk.date.Format("2006-01-02")
switch sk.op {
return dt < skdt
case "SENTON":
return dt == skdt
return dt > skdt
panic("missing case")
panic(serverError{fmt.Errorf("missing case for search key op %q", sk.op)})