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synced 2025-03-14 23:01:14 +03:00

the bulk of a message is stored on disk. a message prefix is stored in the database (for prefixed headers like "Received:"). this adds a check to ensure Size = prefix length + on-disk file size. verifydata also checks for this now. and one older and one new (since yesterday) bug was found. the first when appending a message without a header/body section (uncommon). the second when sending messages from webmail with localserve (uncommon).
394 lines
13 KiB
394 lines
13 KiB
package main
import (
bolt "go.etcd.io/bbolt"
func cmdVerifydata(c *cmd) {
c.params = "data-dir"
c.help = `Verify the contents of a data directory, typically of a backup.
Verifydata checks all database files to see if they are valid BoltDB/bstore
databases. It checks that all messages in the database have a corresponding
on-disk message file and there are no unrecognized files. If option -fix is
specified, unrecognized message files are moved away. This may be needed after
a restore, because messages enqueued or delivered in the future may get those
message sequence numbers assigned and writing the message file would fail.
Consistency of message/mailbox UID, UIDNEXT and UIDVALIDITY is verified as
Because verifydata opens the database files, schema upgrades may automatically
be applied. This can happen if you use a new mox release. It is useful to run
"mox verifydata" with a new binary before attempting an upgrade, but only on a
copy of the database files, as made with "mox backup". Before upgrading, make a
new backup again since "mox verifydata" may have upgraded the database files,
possibly making them potentially no longer readable by the previous version.
var fix bool
c.flag.BoolVar(&fix, "fix", false, "fix fixable problems, such as moving away message files not referenced by their database")
args := c.Parse()
if len(args) != 1 {
dataDir := filepath.Clean(args[0])
ctxbg := context.Background()
// Check whether file exists, or rather, that it doesn't not exist. Other errors
// will return true as well, so the triggered check can give the details.
exists := func(path string) bool {
_, err := os.Stat(path)
return err == nil || !os.IsNotExist(err)
// Check for error. If so, write a log line, including the path, and set fail so we
// can warn at the end.
var fail bool
checkf := func(err error, path, format string, args ...any) {
if err == nil {
fail = true
log.Printf("error: %s: %s: %v", path, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...), err)
// When we fix problems, we may have to move files/dirs. We need to ensure the
// directory of the destination path exists before we move. We keep track of
// created dirs so we don't try to create the same directory all the time.
createdDirs := map[string]struct{}{}
ensureDir := func(path string) {
dir := filepath.Dir(path)
if _, ok := createdDirs[dir]; ok {
err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0770)
checkf(err, dir, "creating directory")
createdDirs[dir] = struct{}{}
// Check a database file by opening it with BoltDB and bstore and lightly checking
// its contents.
checkDB := func(path string, types []any) {
_, err := os.Stat(path)
checkf(err, path, "checking if file exists")
if err != nil {
bdb, err := bolt.Open(path, 0600, nil)
checkf(err, path, "open database with bolt")
if err != nil {
// Check BoltDB consistency.
err = bdb.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
for err := range tx.Check() {
checkf(err, path, "bolt database problem")
return nil
checkf(err, path, "reading bolt database")
db, err := bstore.Open(ctxbg, path, nil, types...)
checkf(err, path, "open database with bstore")
if err != nil {
defer db.Close()
err = db.Read(ctxbg, func(tx *bstore.Tx) error {
// Check bstore consistency, if it can export all records for all types. This is a
// quick way to get bstore to parse all records.
types, err := tx.Types()
checkf(err, path, "getting bstore types from database")
if err != nil {
return nil
for _, t := range types {
var fields []string
err := tx.Records(t, &fields, func(m map[string]any) error {
return nil
checkf(err, path, "parsing record for type %q", t)
return nil
checkf(err, path, "checking database file")
checkFile := func(dbpath, path string, prefixSize int, size int64) {
st, err := os.Stat(path)
checkf(err, path, "checking if file exists")
if err == nil && int64(prefixSize)+st.Size() != size {
filesize := st.Size()
checkf(fmt.Errorf("%s: message size is %d, should be %d (length of MsgPrefix %d + file size %d), see \"mox fixmsgsize\"", path, size, int64(prefixSize)+st.Size(), prefixSize, filesize), dbpath, "checking message size")
checkQueue := func() {
dbpath := filepath.Join(dataDir, "queue/index.db")
checkDB(dbpath, queue.DBTypes)
// Check that all messages present in the database also exist on disk.
seen := map[string]struct{}{}
db, err := bstore.Open(ctxbg, dbpath, &bstore.Options{MustExist: true}, queue.DBTypes...)
checkf(err, dbpath, "opening queue database to check messages")
if err == nil {
err := bstore.QueryDB[queue.Msg](ctxbg, db).ForEach(func(m queue.Msg) error {
mp := store.MessagePath(m.ID)
seen[mp] = struct{}{}
p := filepath.Join(dataDir, "queue", mp)
checkFile(dbpath, p, len(m.MsgPrefix), m.Size)
return nil
checkf(err, dbpath, "reading messages in queue database to check files")
// Check that there are no files that could be treated as a message.
qdir := filepath.Join(dataDir, "queue")
err = filepath.WalkDir(qdir, func(qpath string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
checkf(err, qpath, "walk")
if err != nil {
return nil
if d.IsDir() {
return nil
p := qpath[len(qdir)+1:]
if p == "index.db" {
return nil
if _, ok := seen[p]; ok {
return nil
l := strings.Split(p, string(filepath.Separator))
if len(l) == 1 {
log.Printf("warning: %s: unrecognized file in queue directory, ignoring", qpath)
return nil
// If it doesn't look like a message number, there is no risk of it being the name
// of a message enqueued in the future.
if len(l) >= 3 {
if _, err := strconv.ParseInt(l[1], 10, 64); err != nil {
log.Printf("warning: %s: unrecognized file in queue directory, ignoring", qpath)
return nil
if !fix {
checkf(errors.New("may interfere with messages enqueued in the future"), qpath, "unrecognized file in queue directory (use the -fix flag to move it away)")
return nil
npath := filepath.Join(dataDir, "moved", "queue", p)
err = os.Rename(qpath, npath)
checkf(err, qpath, "moving queue message file away")
if err == nil {
log.Printf("warning: moved %s to %s", qpath, npath)
return nil
checkf(err, qdir, "walking queue directory")
// Check an account, with its database file and messages.
checkAccount := func(name string) {
accdir := filepath.Join(dataDir, "accounts", name)
checkDB(filepath.Join(accdir, "index.db"), store.DBTypes)
jfdbpath := filepath.Join(accdir, "junkfilter.db")
jfbloompath := filepath.Join(accdir, "junkfilter.bloom")
if exists(jfdbpath) || exists(jfbloompath) {
checkDB(jfdbpath, junk.DBTypes)
// todo: add some kind of check for the bloom filter?
// Check that all messages in the database have a message file on disk.
// And check consistency of UIDs with the mailbox UIDNext, and check UIDValidity.
seen := map[string]struct{}{}
dbpath := filepath.Join(accdir, "index.db")
db, err := bstore.Open(ctxbg, dbpath, &bstore.Options{MustExist: true}, store.DBTypes...)
checkf(err, dbpath, "opening account database to check messages")
if err == nil {
uidvalidity := store.NextUIDValidity{ID: 1}
if err := db.Get(ctxbg, &uidvalidity); err != nil {
checkf(err, dbpath, "missing nextuidvalidity")
mailboxes := map[int64]store.Mailbox{}
err := bstore.QueryDB[store.Mailbox](ctxbg, db).ForEach(func(mb store.Mailbox) error {
mailboxes[mb.ID] = mb
if mb.UIDValidity >= uidvalidity.Next {
checkf(errors.New(`inconsistent uidvalidity for mailbox/account, see "mox fixuidmeta"`), dbpath, "mailbox %q (id %d) has uidvalidity %d >= account nextuidvalidity %d", mb.Name, mb.ID, mb.UIDValidity, uidvalidity.Next)
return nil
checkf(err, dbpath, "reading mailboxes to check uidnext consistency")
mbCounts := map[int64]store.MailboxCounts{}
err = bstore.QueryDB[store.Message](ctxbg, db).ForEach(func(m store.Message) error {
mb := mailboxes[m.MailboxID]
if m.UID >= mb.UIDNext {
checkf(errors.New(`inconsistent uidnext for message/mailbox, see "mox fixuidmeta"`), dbpath, "message id %d in mailbox %q (id %d) has uid %d >= mailbox uidnext %d", m.ID, mb.Name, mb.ID, m.UID, mb.UIDNext)
if m.ModSeq < m.CreateSeq {
checkf(errors.New(`inconsistent modseq/createseq for message`), dbpath, "message id %d in mailbox %q (id %d) has modseq %d < createseq %d", m.ID, mb.Name, mb.ID, m.ModSeq, m.CreateSeq)
mc := mbCounts[mb.ID]
mbCounts[mb.ID] = mc
if m.Expunged {
return nil
mp := store.MessagePath(m.ID)
seen[mp] = struct{}{}
p := filepath.Join(accdir, "msg", mp)
checkFile(dbpath, p, len(m.MsgPrefix), m.Size)
return nil
checkf(err, dbpath, "reading messages in account database to check files")
for _, mb := range mailboxes {
// We only check if database doesn't have zero values, i.e. not yet set.
if mb.HaveCounts && mb.MailboxCounts != mbCounts[mb.ID] {
checkf(errors.New(`wrong mailbox counts, see "mox recalculatemailboxcounts"`), dbpath, "mailbox %q (id %d) has wrong counts %s, should be %s", mb.Name, mb.ID, mb.MailboxCounts, mbCounts[mb.ID])
// Walk through all files in the msg directory. Warn about files that weren't in
// the database as message file. Possibly move away files that could cause trouble.
msgdir := filepath.Join(accdir, "msg")
if !exists(msgdir) {
// New accounts with messages don't have a msg directory.
err = filepath.WalkDir(msgdir, func(msgpath string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
checkf(err, msgpath, "walk")
if err != nil {
return nil
if d.IsDir() {
return nil
p := msgpath[len(msgdir)+1:]
if _, ok := seen[p]; ok {
return nil
l := strings.Split(p, string(filepath.Separator))
if len(l) == 1 {
log.Printf("warning: %s: unrecognized file in message directory, ignoring", msgpath)
return nil
if !fix {
checkf(errors.New("may interfere with future account messages"), msgpath, "unrecognized file in account message directory (use the -fix flag to move it away)")
return nil
npath := filepath.Join(dataDir, "moved", "accounts", name, "msg", p)
err = os.Rename(msgpath, npath)
checkf(err, msgpath, "moving account message file away")
if err == nil {
log.Printf("warning: moved %s to %s", msgpath, npath)
return nil
checkf(err, msgdir, "walking account message directory")
// Check everything in the "accounts" directory.
checkAccounts := func() {
accountsDir := filepath.Join(dataDir, "accounts")
entries, err := os.ReadDir(accountsDir)
checkf(err, accountsDir, "reading accounts directory")
for _, e := range entries {
// We treat all directories as accounts. When we were backing up, we only verified
// accounts from the config and made regular file copies of all other files
// (perhaps an old account, but at least not with an open database file). It may
// turn out that that account was/is not valid, generating warnings. Better safe
// than sorry. It should hopefully get the admin to move away such an old account.
if e.IsDir() {
} else {
log.Printf("warning: %s: unrecognized file in accounts directory, ignoring", filepath.Join("accounts", e.Name()))
// Check all files, skipping the known files, queue and accounts directories. Warn
// about unknown files. Skip a "tmp" directory. And a "moved" directory, we
// probably created it ourselves.
backupmoxversion := "(unknown)"
checkOther := func() {
err := filepath.WalkDir(dataDir, func(dpath string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
checkf(err, dpath, "walk")
if err != nil {
return nil
if dpath == dataDir {
return nil
p := dpath
if dataDir != "." {
p = p[len(dataDir)+1:]
switch p {
case "dmarcrpt.db", "mtasts.db", "tlsrpt.db", "receivedid.key", "lastknownversion":
return nil
case "acme", "queue", "accounts", "tmp", "moved":
return fs.SkipDir
case "moxversion":
buf, err := os.ReadFile(dpath)
checkf(err, dpath, "reading moxversion")
if err == nil {
backupmoxversion = string(buf)
return nil
log.Printf("warning: %s: unrecognized other file, ignoring", dpath)
return nil
checkf(err, dataDir, "walking data directory")
checkDB(filepath.Join(dataDir, "dmarcrpt.db"), dmarcdb.DBTypes)
checkDB(filepath.Join(dataDir, "mtasts.db"), mtastsdb.DBTypes)
checkDB(filepath.Join(dataDir, "tlsrpt.db"), tlsrptdb.DBTypes)
if backupmoxversion != moxvar.Version {
log.Printf("NOTE: The backup was made with mox version %q, while verifydata was run with mox version %q. Database files have probably been modified by running mox verifydata. Make a fresh backup before upgrading.", backupmoxversion, moxvar.Version)
if fail {
log.Fatalf("errors were found")
} else {
fmt.Printf("%s: OK\n", dataDir)