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synced 2025-03-18 08:12:25 +03:00

for applications to compose/send messages, receive delivery feedback, and maintain suppression lists. this is an alternative to applications using a library to compose messages, submitting those messages using smtp, and monitoring a mailbox with imap for DSNs, which can be processed into the equivalent of suppression lists. but you need to know about all these standards/protocols and find libraries. by using the webapi & webhooks, you just need a http & json library. unfortunately, there is no standard for these kinds of api, so mox has made up yet another one... matching incoming DSNs about deliveries to original outgoing messages requires keeping history of "retired" messages (delivered from the queue, either successfully or failed). this can be enabled per account. history is also useful for debugging deliveries. we now also keep history of each delivery attempt, accessible while still in the queue, and kept when a message is retired. the queue webadmin pages now also have pagination, to show potentially large history. a queue of webhook calls is now managed too. failures are retried similar to message deliveries. webhooks can also be saved to the retired list after completing. also configurable per account. messages can be sent with a "unique smtp mail from" address. this can only be used if the domain is configured with a localpart catchall separator such as "+". when enabled, a queued message gets assigned a random "fromid", which is added after the separator when sending. when DSNs are returned, they can be related to previously sent messages based on this fromid. in the future, we can implement matching on the "envid" used in the smtp dsn extension, or on the "message-id" of the message. using a fromid can be triggered by authenticating with a login email address that is configured as enabling fromid. suppression lists are automatically managed per account. if a delivery attempt results in certain smtp errors, the destination address is added to the suppression list. future messages queued for that recipient will immediately fail without a delivery attempt. suppression lists protect your mail server reputation. submitted messages can carry "extra" data through the queue and webhooks for outgoing deliveries. through webapi as a json object, through smtp submission as message headers of the form "x-mox-extra-<key>: value". to make it easy to test webapi/webhooks locally, the "localserve" mode actually puts messages in the queue. when it's time to deliver, it still won't do a full delivery attempt, but just delivers to the sender account. unless the recipient address has a special form, simulating a failure to deliver. admins now have more control over the queue. "hold rules" can be added to mark newly queued messages as "on hold", pausing delivery. rules can be about certain sender or recipient domains/addresses, or apply to all messages pausing the entire queue. also useful for (local) testing. new config options have been introduced. they are editable through the admin and/or account web interfaces. the webapi http endpoints are enabled for newly generated configs with the quickstart, and in localserve. existing configurations must explicitly enable the webapi in mox.conf. gopherwatch.org was created to dogfood this code. it initially used just the compose/smtpclient/imapclient mox packages to send messages and process delivery feedback. it will get a config option to use the mox webapi/webhooks instead. the gopherwatch code to use webapi/webhook is smaller and simpler, and developing that shaped development of the mox webapi/webhooks. for issue #31 by cuu508
993 lines
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993 lines
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package message
// todo: allow more invalid content-type values, we now stop parsing on: empty media type (eg "content-type: ; name=..."), empty value for property (eg "charset=", missing quotes for characters that should be quoted (eg boundary containing "=" but without quotes), duplicate properties (two charsets), empty pairs (eg "text/html;;").
// todo: should we be forgiving when closing boundary in multipart message is missing? seems like spam messages do this...
// todo: should we allow base64 messages where a line starts with a space? and possibly more whitespace. is happening in messages. coreutils base64 accepts it, encoding/base64 does not.
// todo: handle comments in headers?
// todo: should we just always store messages with \n instead of \r\n? \r\n seems easier for use with imap.
// todo: can use a cleanup
import (
// Pedantic enables stricter parsing.
var Pedantic bool
var (
ErrBadContentType = errors.New("bad content-type")
var (
errNotMultipart = errors.New("not a multipart message")
errFirstBoundCloses = errors.New("first boundary cannot be finishing boundary")
errLineTooLong = errors.New("line too long")
errMissingBoundaryParam = errors.New("missing/empty boundary content-type parameter")
errMissingClosingBoundary = errors.New("eof without closing boundary")
errBareLF = errors.New("invalid bare line feed")
errBareCR = errors.New("invalid bare carriage return")
errUnexpectedEOF = errors.New("unexpected eof")
// If set, during tests, attempts to reparse a part will cause an error, because sequentially reading parts should not lead to reparsing.
var enforceSequential bool
// Part represents a whole mail message, or a part of a multipart message. It
// is designed to handle IMAP requirements efficiently.
type Part struct {
BoundaryOffset int64 // Offset in message where bound starts. -1 for top-level message.
HeaderOffset int64 // Offset in message file where header starts.
BodyOffset int64 // Offset in message file where body starts.
EndOffset int64 // Where body of part ends. Set when part is fully read.
RawLineCount int64 // Number of lines in raw, undecoded, body of part. Set when part is fully read.
DecodedSize int64 // Number of octets when decoded. If this is a text mediatype, lines ending only in LF are changed end in CRLF and DecodedSize reflects that.
MediaType string // From Content-Type, upper case. E.g. "TEXT". Can be empty because content-type may be absent. In this case, the part may be treated as TEXT/PLAIN.
MediaSubType string // From Content-Type, upper case. E.g. "PLAIN".
ContentTypeParams map[string]string // E.g. holds "boundary" for multipart messages. Has lower-case keys, and original case values.
ContentID string
ContentDescription string
ContentTransferEncoding string // In upper case.
Envelope *Envelope // Email message headers. Not for non-message parts.
Parts []Part // Parts if this is a multipart.
// Only for message/rfc822 and message/global. This part may have a buffer as
// backing io.ReaderAt, because a message/global can have a non-identity
// content-transfer-encoding. This part has a nil parent.
Message *Part
r io.ReaderAt
header textproto.MIMEHeader // Parsed header.
nextBoundOffset int64 // If >= 0, the offset where the next part header starts. We can set this when a user fully reads each part.
lastBoundOffset int64 // Start of header of last/previous part. Used to skip a part if ParseNextPart is called and nextBoundOffset is -1.
parent *Part // Parent part, for getting bound from, and setting nextBoundOffset when a part has finished reading. Only for subparts, not top-level parts.
bound []byte // Only set if valid multipart with boundary, includes leading --, excludes \r\n.
strict bool // If set, valid crlf line endings are verified when reading body.
// todo: have all Content* fields in Part?
// todo: make Address contain a type Localpart and dns.Domain?
// todo: if we ever make a major change and reparse all parts, switch to lower-case values if not too troublesome.
// Envelope holds the basic/common message headers as used in IMAP4.
type Envelope struct {
Date time.Time
Subject string // Q/B-word-decoded.
From []Address
Sender []Address
ReplyTo []Address
To []Address
CC []Address
BCC []Address
InReplyTo string // From In-Reply-To header, includes <>.
MessageID string // From Message-Id header, includes <>.
// Address as used in From and To headers.
type Address struct {
Name string // Free-form name for display in mail applications.
User string // Localpart, encoded as string. Must be parsed before using as Localpart.
Host string // Domain in ASCII.
// Parse reads the headers of the mail message and returns a part.
// A part provides access to decoded and raw contents of a message and its multiple parts.
// If strict is set, fewer attempts are made to continue parsing when errors are
// encountered, such as with invalid content-type headers or bare carriage returns.
func Parse(elog *slog.Logger, strict bool, r io.ReaderAt) (Part, error) {
log := mlog.New("message", elog)
return newPart(log, strict, r, 0, nil)
// EnsurePart parses a part as with Parse, but ensures a usable part is always
// returned, even if error is non-nil. If a parse error occurs, the message is
// returned as application/octet-stream, and headers can still be read if they
// were valid.
// If strict is set, fewer attempts are made to continue parsing when errors are
// encountered, such as with invalid content-type headers or bare carriage returns.
func EnsurePart(elog *slog.Logger, strict bool, r io.ReaderAt, size int64) (Part, error) {
log := mlog.New("message", elog)
p, err := Parse(log.Logger, strict, r)
if err == nil {
err = p.Walk(log.Logger, nil)
if err != nil {
np, err2 := fallbackPart(p, r, size)
if err2 != nil {
err = err2
p = np
return p, err
func fallbackPart(p Part, r io.ReaderAt, size int64) (Part, error) {
np := Part{
HeaderOffset: p.HeaderOffset,
BodyOffset: p.BodyOffset,
EndOffset: size,
MediaSubType: "OCTET-STREAM",
ContentTypeParams: p.ContentTypeParams,
ContentID: p.ContentID,
ContentDescription: p.ContentDescription,
ContentTransferEncoding: p.ContentTransferEncoding,
Envelope: p.Envelope,
// We don't keep:
// - BoundaryOffset: irrelevant for top-level message.
// - RawLineCount and DecodedSize: set below.
// - Parts: we are not treating this as a multipart message.
// By reading body, the number of lines and decoded size will be set.
_, err := io.Copy(io.Discard, np.Reader())
return np, err
// SetReaderAt sets r as reader for this part and all its sub parts, recursively.
// No reader is set for any Message subpart, see SetMessageReaderAt.
func (p *Part) SetReaderAt(r io.ReaderAt) {
if r == nil {
panic("nil reader")
p.r = r
for i := range p.Parts {
pp := &p.Parts[i]
// SetMessageReaderAt sets a reader on p.Message, which must be non-nil.
func (p *Part) SetMessageReaderAt() error {
// todo: if p.Message does not contain any non-identity content-transfer-encoding, we should set an offsetReader of p.Message, recursively.
buf, err := io.ReadAll(p.Reader())
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Walk through message, decoding along the way, and collecting mime part offsets and sizes, and line counts.
func (p *Part) Walk(elog *slog.Logger, parent *Part) error {
log := mlog.New("message", elog)
if len(p.bound) == 0 {
if p.MediaType == "MESSAGE" && (p.MediaSubType == "RFC822" || p.MediaSubType == "GLOBAL") {
// todo: don't read whole submessage in memory...
buf, err := io.ReadAll(p.Reader())
if err != nil {
return err
br := bytes.NewReader(buf)
mp, err := Parse(log.Logger, p.strict, br)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("parsing embedded message: %w", err)
if err := mp.Walk(log.Logger, nil); err != nil {
// If this is a DSN and we are not in pedantic mode, accept unexpected end of
// message. This is quite common because MTA's sometimes just truncate the original
// message in a place that makes the message invalid.
if errors.Is(err, errUnexpectedEOF) && !Pedantic && parent != nil && len(parent.Parts) >= 3 && p == &parent.Parts[2] && parent.MediaType == "MULTIPART" && parent.MediaSubType == "REPORT" {
mp, err = fallbackPart(mp, br, int64(len(buf)))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("parsing invalid embedded message: %w", err)
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("parsing parts of embedded message: %w", err)
// todo: if mp does not contain any non-identity content-transfer-encoding, we should set an offsetReader of p.r on mp, recursively.
p.Message = &mp
return nil
_, err := io.Copy(io.Discard, p.Reader())
return err
for {
pp, err := p.ParseNextPart(log.Logger)
if err == io.EOF {
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
if err := pp.Walk(log.Logger, p); err != nil {
return err
// String returns a debugging representation of the part.
func (p *Part) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("&Part{%s/%s offsets %d/%d/%d/%d lines %d decodedsize %d next %d last %d bound %q parts %v}", p.MediaType, p.MediaSubType, p.BoundaryOffset, p.HeaderOffset, p.BodyOffset, p.EndOffset, p.RawLineCount, p.DecodedSize, p.nextBoundOffset, p.lastBoundOffset, p.bound, p.Parts)
// newPart parses a new part, which can be the top-level message.
// offset is the bound offset for parts, and the start of message for top-level messages. parent indicates if this is a top-level message or sub-part.
// If an error occurs, p's exported values can still be relevant. EnsurePart uses these values.
func newPart(log mlog.Log, strict bool, r io.ReaderAt, offset int64, parent *Part) (p Part, rerr error) {
if r == nil {
panic("nil reader")
p = Part{
BoundaryOffset: -1,
EndOffset: -1,
r: r,
parent: parent,
strict: strict,
b := &bufAt{strict: strict, r: r, offset: offset}
if parent != nil {
p.BoundaryOffset = offset
if line, _, err := b.ReadLine(true); err != nil {
return p, err
} else if match, finish := checkBound(line, parent.bound); !match {
return p, fmt.Errorf("missing bound")
} else if finish {
return p, fmt.Errorf("new part for closing boundary")
// Collect header.
p.HeaderOffset = b.offset
p.BodyOffset = b.offset
hb := &bytes.Buffer{}
for {
line, _, err := b.ReadLine(true)
if err == io.EOF {
// No body is valid.
if err != nil {
return p, fmt.Errorf("reading header line: %w", err)
if len(line) == 2 {
break // crlf
p.BodyOffset = b.offset
// Don't attempt to parse empty header, mail.ReadMessage doesn't like it.
if p.HeaderOffset == p.BodyOffset {
p.header = textproto.MIMEHeader{}
} else {
h, err := parseHeader(hb)
if err != nil {
return p, fmt.Errorf("parsing header: %w", err)
p.header = h
ct := p.header.Get("Content-Type")
mt, params, err := mime.ParseMediaType(ct)
if err != nil && ct != "" {
if Pedantic || strict {
return p, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s: %q", ErrBadContentType, err, ct)
// Try parsing just a content-type, ignoring parameters.
// ../rfc/2045:628
ct = strings.TrimSpace(strings.SplitN(ct, ";", 2)[0])
t := strings.SplitN(ct, "/", 2)
isToken := func(s string) bool {
const separators = `()<>@,;:\\"/[]?= ` // ../rfc/2045:663
for _, c := range s {
if c < 0x20 || c >= 0x80 || strings.ContainsRune(separators, c) {
return false
return len(s) > 0
// We cannot recover content-type of multipart, we won't have a boundary.
if len(t) == 2 && isToken(t[0]) && !strings.EqualFold(t[0], "multipart") && isToken(t[1]) {
p.MediaType = strings.ToUpper(t[0])
p.MediaSubType = strings.ToUpper(t[1])
} else {
p.MediaType = "APPLICATION"
p.MediaSubType = "OCTET-STREAM"
log.Debugx("malformed content-type, attempting to recover and continuing", err,
slog.String("contenttype", p.header.Get("Content-Type")),
slog.String("mediatype", p.MediaType),
slog.String("mediasubtype", p.MediaSubType))
} else if mt != "" {
t := strings.SplitN(strings.ToUpper(mt), "/", 2)
if len(t) != 2 {
if Pedantic || strict {
return p, fmt.Errorf("bad content-type: %q (content-type %q)", mt, ct)
log.Debug("malformed media-type, ignoring and continuing", slog.String("type", mt))
p.MediaType = "APPLICATION"
p.MediaSubType = "OCTET-STREAM"
} else {
p.MediaType = t[0]
p.MediaSubType = t[1]
p.ContentTypeParams = params
p.ContentID = p.header.Get("Content-Id")
p.ContentDescription = p.header.Get("Content-Description")
p.ContentTransferEncoding = strings.ToUpper(p.header.Get("Content-Transfer-Encoding"))
if parent == nil {
p.Envelope, err = parseEnvelope(log, mail.Header(p.header))
if err != nil {
return p, err
if p.MediaType == "MULTIPART" {
s := params["boundary"]
if s == "" {
return p, errMissingBoundaryParam
p.bound = append([]byte("--"), s...)
// Discard preamble, before first boundary.
for {
line, _, err := b.PeekLine(true)
if err != nil {
return p, fmt.Errorf("parsing line for part preamble: %w", err)
// Line only needs boundary prefix, not exact match. ../rfc/2046:1103
// Well, for compatibility, we require whitespace after the boundary. Because some
// software use the same boundary but with text appended for sub parts.
if match, finish := checkBound(line, p.bound); match {
if finish {
return p, errFirstBoundCloses
p.nextBoundOffset = b.offset
p.lastBoundOffset = b.offset
return p, nil
// Header returns the parsed header of this part.
func (p *Part) Header() (textproto.MIMEHeader, error) {
if p.header != nil {
return p.header, nil
if p.HeaderOffset == p.BodyOffset {
p.header = textproto.MIMEHeader{}
return p.header, nil
h, err := parseHeader(p.HeaderReader())
p.header = h
return h, err
// HeaderReader returns a reader for the header section of this part, including ending bare CRLF.
func (p *Part) HeaderReader() io.Reader {
return io.NewSectionReader(p.r, p.HeaderOffset, p.BodyOffset-p.HeaderOffset)
// parse a header, only call this on non-empty input (even though that is a valid header).
func parseHeader(r io.Reader) (textproto.MIMEHeader, error) {
// We read using mail.ReadMessage instead of textproto.ReadMIMEHeaders because the
// first handles email messages properly, while the second only works for HTTP
// headers.
var zero textproto.MIMEHeader
// We read the header and add the optional \r\n header/body separator. If the \r\n
// is missing, parsing with Go <1.21 results in an EOF error.
// todo: directly parse from reader r when Go 1.20 is no longer supported.
buf, err := io.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
return zero, err
if bytes.HasSuffix(buf, []byte("\r\n")) && !bytes.HasSuffix(buf, []byte("\r\n\r\n")) {
buf = append(buf, "\r\n"...)
msg, err := mail.ReadMessage(bytes.NewReader(buf))
if err != nil {
return zero, err
return textproto.MIMEHeader(msg.Header), nil
var wordDecoder = mime.WordDecoder{
CharsetReader: func(charset string, r io.Reader) (io.Reader, error) {
switch strings.ToLower(charset) {
case "", "us-ascii", "utf-8":
return r, nil
enc, _ := ianaindex.MIME.Encoding(charset)
if enc == nil {
enc, _ = ianaindex.IANA.Encoding(charset)
if enc == nil {
return r, fmt.Errorf("unknown charset %q", charset)
return enc.NewDecoder().Reader(r), nil
func parseEnvelope(log mlog.Log, h mail.Header) (*Envelope, error) {
date, _ := h.Date()
// We currently marshal this field to JSON. But JSON cannot represent all
// time.Time. Time zone of 24:00 was seen in the wild. We won't try for extreme
// years, but we can readjust timezones.
// todo: remove this once we no longer store using json.
_, offset := date.Zone()
if date.Year() > 9999 {
date = time.Time{}
} else if offset <= -24*3600 || offset >= 24*3600 {
date = time.Unix(date.Unix(), 0).UTC()
subject := h.Get("Subject")
if s, err := wordDecoder.DecodeHeader(subject); err == nil {
subject = s
env := &Envelope{
parseAddressList(log, h, "from"),
parseAddressList(log, h, "sender"),
parseAddressList(log, h, "reply-to"),
parseAddressList(log, h, "to"),
parseAddressList(log, h, "cc"),
parseAddressList(log, h, "bcc"),
return env, nil
func parseAddressList(log mlog.Log, h mail.Header, k string) []Address {
// todo: possibly work around ios mail generating incorrect q-encoded "phrases" with unencoded double quotes? ../rfc/2047:382
l, err := h.AddressList(k)
if err != nil {
return nil
var r []Address
for _, a := range l {
// todo: parse more fully according to ../rfc/5322:959
var user, host string
addr, err := smtp.ParseAddress(a.Address)
if err != nil {
log.Infox("parsing address (continuing)", err, slog.Any("address", a.Address))
} else {
user = addr.Localpart.String()
host = addr.Domain.ASCII
r = append(r, Address{a.Name, user, host})
return r
// ParseNextPart parses the next (sub)part of this multipart message.
// ParseNextPart returns io.EOF and a nil part when there are no more parts.
// Only used for initial parsing of message. Once parsed, use p.Parts.
func (p *Part) ParseNextPart(elog *slog.Logger) (*Part, error) {
log := mlog.New("message", elog)
if len(p.bound) == 0 {
return nil, errNotMultipart
if p.nextBoundOffset == -1 {
if enforceSequential {
panic("access not sequential")
// Set nextBoundOffset by fully reading the last part.
last, err := newPart(log, p.strict, p.r, p.lastBoundOffset, p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, err := io.Copy(io.Discard, last.RawReader()); err != nil {
return nil, err
if p.nextBoundOffset == -1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("internal error: reading part did not set nextBoundOffset")
b := &bufAt{strict: p.strict, r: p.r, offset: p.nextBoundOffset}
// todo: should we require a crlf on final closing bound? we don't require it because some message/rfc822 don't have a crlf after their closing boundary, so those messages don't end in crlf.
line, crlf, err := b.ReadLine(false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if match, finish := checkBound(line, p.bound); !match {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected bound, got %q", line)
} else if finish {
// Read any trailing data.
if p.parent != nil {
for {
line, _, err := b.PeekLine(false)
if err != nil {
if match, _ := checkBound(line, p.parent.bound); match {
if p.parent.lastBoundOffset == p.BoundaryOffset {
p.parent.nextBoundOffset = b.offset
p.EndOffset = b.offset
return nil, io.EOF
} else if !crlf {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("non-finishing bound without crlf: %w", errUnexpectedEOF)
boundOffset := p.nextBoundOffset
p.lastBoundOffset = boundOffset
p.nextBoundOffset = -1
np, err := newPart(log, p.strict, p.r, boundOffset, p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p.Parts = append(p.Parts, np)
return &p.Parts[len(p.Parts)-1], nil
// IsDSN returns whether the MIME structure of the part is a DSN.
func (p *Part) IsDSN() bool {
return p.MediaType == "MULTIPART" &&
p.MediaSubType == "REPORT" &&
len(p.Parts) >= 2 &&
p.Parts[1].MediaType == "MESSAGE" &&
(p.Parts[1].MediaSubType == "DELIVERY-STATUS" || p.Parts[1].MediaSubType == "GLOBAL-DELIVERY-STATUS")
// Reader returns a reader for the decoded body content.
func (p *Part) Reader() io.Reader {
return p.bodyReader(p.RawReader())
// ReaderUTF8OrBinary returns a reader for the decoded body content, transformed to
// utf-8 for known mime/iana encodings (only if they aren't us-ascii or utf-8
// already). For unknown or missing character sets/encodings, the original reader
// is returned.
func (p *Part) ReaderUTF8OrBinary() io.Reader {
return DecodeReader(p.ContentTypeParams["charset"], p.Reader())
func (p *Part) bodyReader(r io.Reader) io.Reader {
r = newDecoder(p.ContentTransferEncoding, r)
if p.MediaType == "TEXT" {
return &textReader{p, bufio.NewReader(r), 0, false}
return &countReader{p, r, 0}
// countReader is an io.Reader that passes Reads to the underlying reader.
// when eof is read, it sets p.DecodedSize to the number of bytes returned.
type countReader struct {
p *Part
r io.Reader
count int64
func (cr *countReader) Read(buf []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := cr.r.Read(buf)
if n >= 0 {
cr.count += int64(n)
if err == io.EOF {
cr.p.DecodedSize = cr.count
return n, err
// textReader is an io.Reader that ensures all lines return end in CRLF.
// when eof is read from the underlying reader, it sets p.DecodedSize.
type textReader struct {
p *Part
r *bufio.Reader
count int64
prevcr bool // If previous byte returned was a CR.
func (tr *textReader) Read(buf []byte) (int, error) {
o := 0
for o < len(buf) {
c, err := tr.r.ReadByte()
if err != nil {
tr.count += int64(o)
tr.p.DecodedSize = tr.count
return o, err
if c == '\n' && !tr.prevcr {
buf[o] = '\r'
tr.prevcr = true
buf[o] = c
tr.prevcr = c == '\r'
tr.count += int64(o)
return o, nil
func newDecoder(cte string, r io.Reader) io.Reader {
// ../rfc/2045:775
switch cte {
case "BASE64":
return base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding, r)
return quotedprintable.NewReader(r)
return r
// RawReader returns a reader for the raw, undecoded body content. E.g. with
// quoted-printable or base64 content intact.
// Fully reading a part helps its parent part find its next part efficiently.
func (p *Part) RawReader() io.Reader {
if p.r == nil {
panic("missing reader")
if p.EndOffset >= 0 {
return &crlfReader{strict: p.strict, r: io.NewSectionReader(p.r, p.BodyOffset, p.EndOffset-p.BodyOffset)}
p.RawLineCount = 0
if p.parent == nil {
return &offsetReader{p, p.BodyOffset, p.strict, true, false, 0}
return &boundReader{p: p, b: &bufAt{strict: p.strict, r: p.r, offset: p.BodyOffset}, prevlf: true}
// crlfReader verifies there are no bare newlines and optionally no bare carriage returns.
type crlfReader struct {
r io.Reader
strict bool
prevcr bool
func (r *crlfReader) Read(buf []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := r.r.Read(buf)
if err == nil || err == io.EOF {
for _, b := range buf[:n] {
if b == '\n' && !r.prevcr {
err = errBareLF
} else if b != '\n' && r.prevcr && (r.strict || Pedantic) {
err = errBareCR
r.prevcr = b == '\r'
return n, err
// bufAt is a buffered reader on an underlying ReaderAt.
// bufAt verifies that lines end with crlf.
type bufAt struct {
offset int64 // Offset in r currently consumed, i.e. not including any buffered data.
strict bool
r io.ReaderAt
buf []byte // Buffered data.
nbuf int // Valid bytes in buf.
scratch []byte
// Messages should not have lines longer than 78+2 bytes, and must not have
// lines longer than 998+2 bytes. But in practice they have longer lines. We
// have a higher limit, but for when parsing with strict we check for the 1000
// bytes limit.
// ../rfc/5321:3512
const maxLineLength = 8 * 1024
func (b *bufAt) maxLineLength() int {
if b.strict || Pedantic {
return 1000
return maxLineLength
// ensure makes sure b.nbuf is up to maxLineLength, unless eof is encountered.
func (b *bufAt) ensure() error {
for _, c := range b.buf[:b.nbuf] {
if c == '\n' {
return nil
if b.scratch == nil {
b.scratch = make([]byte, b.maxLineLength())
if b.buf == nil {
b.buf = make([]byte, b.maxLineLength())
for b.nbuf < b.maxLineLength() {
n, err := b.r.ReadAt(b.buf[b.nbuf:], b.offset+int64(b.nbuf))
if n > 0 {
b.nbuf += n
if err != nil && err != io.EOF || err == io.EOF && b.nbuf+n == 0 {
return err
if n == 0 || err == io.EOF {
return nil
// ReadLine reads a line until \r\n is found, returning the line including \r\n.
// If not found, or a bare \n is encountered, or a bare \r is enountered in pedantic mode, ReadLine returns an error.
func (b *bufAt) ReadLine(requirecrlf bool) (buf []byte, crlf bool, err error) {
return b.line(true, requirecrlf)
func (b *bufAt) PeekLine(requirecrlf bool) (buf []byte, crlf bool, err error) {
return b.line(false, requirecrlf)
func (b *bufAt) line(consume, requirecrlf bool) (buf []byte, crlf bool, err error) {
if err := b.ensure(); err != nil {
return nil, false, err
for i, c := range b.buf[:b.nbuf] {
if c == '\n' {
// Should have seen a \r, which should have been handled below.
return nil, false, errBareLF
if c != '\r' {
if i >= b.nbuf || b.buf[i] != '\n' {
if b.strict || Pedantic {
return nil, false, errBareCR
b.scratch = b.scratch[:i+1]
copy(b.scratch, b.buf[:i+1])
if consume {
copy(b.buf, b.buf[i+1:])
b.offset += int64(i + 1)
b.nbuf -= i + 1
return b.scratch, true, nil
if b.nbuf >= b.maxLineLength() {
return nil, false, errLineTooLong
if requirecrlf {
return nil, false, errUnexpectedEOF
b.scratch = b.scratch[:b.nbuf]
copy(b.scratch, b.buf[:b.nbuf])
if consume {
b.offset += int64(b.nbuf)
b.nbuf = 0
return b.scratch, false, nil
// PeekByte returns the next unread byte, or an error.
func (b *bufAt) PeekByte() (byte, error) {
if err := b.ensure(); err != nil {
return 0, err
if b.nbuf == 0 {
return 0, io.EOF
return b.buf[0], nil
// offsetReader reads from p.r starting from offset, and RawLineCount on p.
// offsetReader validates lines end with \r\n.
type offsetReader struct {
p *Part
offset int64
strict bool
prevlf bool
prevcr bool
linelength int
func (r *offsetReader) Read(buf []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := r.p.r.ReadAt(buf, r.offset)
if n > 0 {
r.offset += int64(n)
max := maxLineLength
if r.strict || Pedantic {
max = 1000
for _, c := range buf[:n] {
if r.prevlf {
if err == nil || err == io.EOF {
if c == '\n' && !r.prevcr {
err = errBareLF
} else if c != '\n' && r.prevcr && (r.strict || Pedantic) {
err = errBareCR
r.prevlf = c == '\n'
r.prevcr = c == '\r'
if c == '\n' {
r.linelength = 0
} else if r.linelength > max && err == nil {
err = errLineTooLong
if err == io.EOF {
r.p.EndOffset = r.offset
return n, err
var crlf = []byte("\r\n")
// boundReader is a reader that stops at a closing multipart boundary.
// boundReader ensures lines end with crlf through its use of bufAt.
type boundReader struct {
p *Part
b *bufAt
buf []byte // Data from previous line, to be served first.
nbuf int // Number of valid bytes in buf.
crlf []byte // Possible crlf, to be returned if we do not yet encounter a boundary.
prevlf bool // If last char returned was a newline. For counting lines.
func (b *boundReader) Read(buf []byte) (count int, rerr error) {
origBuf := buf
defer func() {
if count > 0 {
for _, c := range origBuf[:count] {
if b.prevlf {
b.prevlf = c == '\n'
for {
// Read data from earlier line.
if b.nbuf > 0 {
n := b.nbuf
if n > len(buf) {
n = len(buf)
copy(buf, b.buf[:n])
copy(b.buf, b.buf[n:])
buf = buf[n:]
b.nbuf -= n
count += n
if b.nbuf > 0 {
// Look at next line. If it is a boundary, we are done and won't serve the crlf from the last line.
line, _, err := b.b.PeekLine(false)
if match, _ := checkBound(line, b.p.parent.bound); match {
b.p.EndOffset = b.b.offset - int64(len(b.crlf))
if b.p.parent.lastBoundOffset == b.p.BoundaryOffset {
b.p.parent.nextBoundOffset = b.b.offset
} else if enforceSequential {
panic("access not sequential")
return count, io.EOF
if err == io.EOF {
err = errMissingClosingBoundary
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return count, err
if len(b.crlf) > 0 {
n := len(b.crlf)
if n > len(buf) {
n = len(buf)
copy(buf, b.crlf[:n])
count += n
buf = buf[n:]
b.crlf = b.crlf[n:]
if len(buf) == 0 {
line, _, err = b.b.ReadLine(true)
if err != nil {
// Could be an unexpected end of the part.
return 0, err
b.crlf = crlf // crlf will be read next time, but not if a boundary follows.
n := len(line) - 2
line = line[:n]
if n > len(buf) {
n = len(buf)
copy(buf, line[:n])
count += n
buf = buf[n:]
line = line[n:]
if len(line) > 0 {
if b.buf == nil {
b.buf = make([]byte, b.b.maxLineLength())
copy(b.buf, line)
b.nbuf = len(line)
return count, nil
func checkBound(line, bound []byte) (bool, bool) {
if !bytes.HasPrefix(line, bound) {
return false, false
line = line[len(bound):]
if bytes.HasPrefix(line, []byte("--")) {
return true, true
if len(line) == 0 {
return true, false
c := line[0]
switch c {
case ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n':
return true, false
return false, false