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synced 2025-03-27 16:54:29 +03:00

we only have a "storage" limit. for total disk usage. we don't have a limit on messages (count) or mailboxes (count). also not on total annotation size, but we don't have support annotations at all at the moment. we don't implement setquota. with rfc 9208 that's allowed. with the previous quota rfc 2087 it wasn't. the status command can now return "DELETED-STORAGE". which should be the disk space that can be reclaimed by removing messages with the \Deleted flags. however, it's not very likely clients set the \Deleted flag without expunging the message immediately. we don't want to go through all messages to calculate the sum of message sizes with the deleted flag. we also don't currently track that in MailboxCount. so we just respond with "0". not compliant, but let's wait until someone complains. when returning quota information, it is not possible to give the current usage when no limit is configured. clients implementing rfc 9208 should probably conclude from the presence of QUOTA=RES-* capabilities (only in rfc 9208, not in 2087) and the absence of those limits in quota responses (or the absence of an untagged quota response at all) that a resource type doesn't have a limit. thunderbird will claim there is no quota information when no limit was configured, so we can probably conclude that it implements rfc 2087, but not rfc 9208. we now also show the usage & limit on the account page. for issue #115 by pmarini
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// Package webaccount provides a web app for users to view and change their account
// settings, and to import/export email.
package webaccount
import (
cryptorand "crypto/rand"
_ "embed"
var pkglog = mlog.New("webaccount", nil)
//go:embed api.json
var accountapiJSON []byte
//go:embed account.html
var accountHTML []byte
//go:embed account.js
var accountJS []byte
var webaccountFile = &mox.WebappFile{
HTML: accountHTML,
JS: accountJS,
HTMLPath: filepath.FromSlash("webaccount/account.html"),
JSPath: filepath.FromSlash("webaccount/account.js"),
var accountDoc = mustParseAPI("account", accountapiJSON)
func mustParseAPI(api string, buf []byte) (doc sherpadoc.Section) {
err := json.Unmarshal(buf, &doc)
if err != nil {
pkglog.Fatalx("parsing webaccount api docs", err, slog.String("api", api))
return doc
var sherpaHandlerOpts *sherpa.HandlerOpts
func makeSherpaHandler(cookiePath string, isForwarded bool) (http.Handler, error) {
return sherpa.NewHandler("/api/", moxvar.Version, Account{cookiePath, isForwarded}, &accountDoc, sherpaHandlerOpts)
func init() {
collector, err := sherpaprom.NewCollector("moxaccount", nil)
if err != nil {
pkglog.Fatalx("creating sherpa prometheus collector", err)
sherpaHandlerOpts = &sherpa.HandlerOpts{Collector: collector, AdjustFunctionNames: "none", NoCORS: true}
// Just to validate.
_, err = makeSherpaHandler("", false)
if err != nil {
pkglog.Fatalx("sherpa handler", err)
// Handler returns a handler for the webaccount endpoints, customized for the
// cookiePath.
func Handler(cookiePath string, isForwarded bool) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
sh, err := makeSherpaHandler(cookiePath, isForwarded)
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, "500 - internal server error - cannot handle requests", http.StatusInternalServerError)
handle(sh, isForwarded, w, r)
func xcheckf(ctx context.Context, err error, format string, args ...any) {
if err == nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
errmsg := fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", msg, err)
pkglog.WithContext(ctx).Errorx(msg, err)
code := "server:error"
if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) || errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) {
code = "user:error"
panic(&sherpa.Error{Code: code, Message: errmsg})
func xcheckuserf(ctx context.Context, err error, format string, args ...any) {
if err == nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
errmsg := fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", msg, err)
pkglog.WithContext(ctx).Errorx(msg, err)
panic(&sherpa.Error{Code: "user:error", Message: errmsg})
// Account exports web API functions for the account web interface. All its
// methods are exported under api/. Function calls require valid HTTP
// Authentication credentials of a user.
type Account struct {
cookiePath string // From listener, for setting authentication cookies.
isForwarded bool // From listener, whether we look at X-Forwarded-* headers.
func handle(apiHandler http.Handler, isForwarded bool, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := context.WithValue(r.Context(), mlog.CidKey, mox.Cid())
log := pkglog.WithContext(ctx).With(slog.String("userauth", ""))
// Without authentication. The token is unguessable.
if r.URL.Path == "/importprogress" {
if r.Method != "GET" {
http.Error(w, "405 - method not allowed - get required", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
q := r.URL.Query()
token := q.Get("token")
if token == "" {
http.Error(w, "400 - bad request - missing token", http.StatusBadRequest)
flusher, ok := w.(http.Flusher)
if !ok {
log.Error("internal error: ResponseWriter not a http.Flusher")
http.Error(w, "500 - internal error - cannot access underlying connection", 500)
l := importListener{token, make(chan importEvent, 100), make(chan bool, 1)}
importers.Register <- &l
ok = <-l.Register
if !ok {
http.Error(w, "400 - bad request - unknown token, import may have finished more than a minute ago", http.StatusBadRequest)
defer func() {
importers.Unregister <- &l
h := w.Header()
h.Set("Content-Type", "text/event-stream")
h.Set("Cache-Control", "no-cache")
_, err := w.Write([]byte(": keepalive\n\n"))
if err != nil {
cctx := r.Context()
for {
select {
case e := <-l.Events:
_, err := w.Write(e.SSEMsg)
if err != nil {
case <-cctx.Done():
// HTML/JS can be retrieved without authentication.
if r.URL.Path == "/" {
switch r.Method {
case "GET", "HEAD":
webaccountFile.Serve(ctx, log, w, r)
http.Error(w, "405 - method not allowed - use get", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
isAPI := strings.HasPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/api/")
// Only allow POST for calls, they will not work cross-domain without CORS.
if isAPI && r.URL.Path != "/api/" && r.Method != "POST" {
http.Error(w, "405 - method not allowed - use post", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
var loginAddress, accName string
var sessionToken store.SessionToken
// All other URLs, except the login endpoint require some authentication.
if r.URL.Path != "/api/LoginPrep" && r.URL.Path != "/api/Login" {
var ok bool
isExport := strings.HasPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/export/")
requireCSRF := isAPI || r.URL.Path == "/import" || isExport
accName, sessionToken, loginAddress, ok = webauth.Check(ctx, log, webauth.Accounts, "webaccount", isForwarded, w, r, isAPI, requireCSRF, isExport)
if !ok {
// Response has been written already.
if isAPI {
reqInfo := requestInfo{loginAddress, accName, sessionToken, w, r}
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, requestInfoCtxKey, reqInfo)
apiHandler.ServeHTTP(w, r.WithContext(ctx))
switch r.URL.Path {
case "/export/mail-export-maildir.tgz", "/export/mail-export-maildir.zip", "/export/mail-export-mbox.tgz", "/export/mail-export-mbox.zip":
if r.Method != "POST" {
http.Error(w, "405 - method not allowed - use post", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
maildir := strings.Contains(r.URL.Path, "maildir")
tgz := strings.Contains(r.URL.Path, ".tgz")
acc, err := store.OpenAccount(log, accName)
if err != nil {
log.Errorx("open account for export", err)
http.Error(w, "500 - internal server error", http.StatusInternalServerError)
defer func() {
err := acc.Close()
log.Check(err, "closing account")
var archiver store.Archiver
if tgz {
// Don't tempt browsers to "helpfully" decompress.
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
gzw := gzip.NewWriter(w)
defer func() {
_ = gzw.Close()
archiver = store.TarArchiver{Writer: tar.NewWriter(gzw)}
} else {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/zip")
archiver = store.ZipArchiver{Writer: zip.NewWriter(w)}
defer func() {
err := archiver.Close()
log.Check(err, "exporting mail close")
if err := store.ExportMessages(r.Context(), log, acc.DB, acc.Dir, archiver, maildir, ""); err != nil {
log.Errorx("exporting mail", err)
case "/import":
if r.Method != "POST" {
http.Error(w, "405 - method not allowed - post required", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
f, _, err := r.FormFile("file")
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, http.ErrMissingFile) {
http.Error(w, "400 - bad request - missing file", http.StatusBadRequest)
} else {
http.Error(w, "500 - internal server error - "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
defer func() {
err := f.Close()
log.Check(err, "closing form file")
skipMailboxPrefix := r.FormValue("skipMailboxPrefix")
tmpf, err := os.CreateTemp("", "mox-import")
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, "500 - internal server error - "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
defer func() {
if tmpf != nil {
store.CloseRemoveTempFile(log, tmpf, "upload")
if _, err := io.Copy(tmpf, f); err != nil {
log.Errorx("copying import to temporary file", err)
http.Error(w, "500 - internal server error - "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
token, isUserError, err := importStart(log, accName, tmpf, skipMailboxPrefix)
if err != nil {
log.Errorx("starting import", err, slog.Bool("usererror", isUserError))
if isUserError {
http.Error(w, "400 - bad request - "+err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
} else {
http.Error(w, "500 - internal server error - "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
tmpf = nil // importStart is now responsible for cleanup.
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
_ = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(ImportProgress{Token: token})
http.NotFound(w, r)
// ImportProgress is returned after uploading a file to import.
type ImportProgress struct {
// For fetching progress, or cancelling an import.
Token string
type ctxKey string
var requestInfoCtxKey ctxKey = "requestInfo"
type requestInfo struct {
LoginAddress string
AccountName string
SessionToken store.SessionToken
Response http.ResponseWriter
Request *http.Request // For Proto and TLS connection state during message submit.
// LoginPrep returns a login token, and also sets it as cookie. Both must be
// present in the call to Login.
func (w Account) LoginPrep(ctx context.Context) string {
log := pkglog.WithContext(ctx)
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
var data [8]byte
_, err := cryptorand.Read(data[:])
xcheckf(ctx, err, "generate token")
loginToken := base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(data[:])
webauth.LoginPrep(ctx, log, "webaccount", w.cookiePath, w.isForwarded, reqInfo.Response, reqInfo.Request, loginToken)
return loginToken
// Login returns a session token for the credentials, or fails with error code
// "user:badLogin". Call LoginPrep to get a loginToken.
func (w Account) Login(ctx context.Context, loginToken, username, password string) store.CSRFToken {
log := pkglog.WithContext(ctx)
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
csrfToken, err := webauth.Login(ctx, log, webauth.Accounts, "webaccount", w.cookiePath, w.isForwarded, reqInfo.Response, reqInfo.Request, loginToken, username, password)
if _, ok := err.(*sherpa.Error); ok {
xcheckf(ctx, err, "login")
return csrfToken
// Logout invalidates the session token.
func (w Account) Logout(ctx context.Context) {
log := pkglog.WithContext(ctx)
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
err := webauth.Logout(ctx, log, webauth.Accounts, "webaccount", w.cookiePath, w.isForwarded, reqInfo.Response, reqInfo.Request, reqInfo.AccountName, reqInfo.SessionToken)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "logout")
// SetPassword saves a new password for the account, invalidating the previous password.
// Sessions are not interrupted, and will keep working. New login attempts must use the new password.
// Password must be at least 8 characters.
func (Account) SetPassword(ctx context.Context, password string) {
log := pkglog.WithContext(ctx)
if len(password) < 8 {
panic(&sherpa.Error{Code: "user:error", Message: "password must be at least 8 characters"})
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
acc, err := store.OpenAccount(log, reqInfo.AccountName)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "open account")
defer func() {
err := acc.Close()
log.Check(err, "closing account")
// Retrieve session, resetting password invalidates it.
ls, err := store.SessionUse(ctx, log, reqInfo.AccountName, reqInfo.SessionToken, "")
xcheckf(ctx, err, "get session")
err = acc.SetPassword(log, password)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "setting password")
// Session has been invalidated. Add it again.
err = store.SessionAddToken(ctx, log, &ls)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "restoring session after password reset")
// Account returns information about the account: full name, the default domain,
// and the destinations (keys are email addresses, or localparts to the default
// domain). todo: replace with a function that returns the whole account, when
// sherpadoc understands unnamed struct fields.
// StorageUsed is the sum of the sizes of all messages, in bytes.
// StorageLimit is the maximum storage that can be used, or 0 if there is no limit.
func (Account) Account(ctx context.Context) (fullName string, defaultDomain dns.Domain, destinations map[string]config.Destination, storageUsed, storageLimit int64) {
log := pkglog.WithContext(ctx)
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
acc, err := store.OpenAccount(log, reqInfo.AccountName)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "open account")
defer func() {
err := acc.Close()
log.Check(err, "closing account")
var accConf config.Account
acc.WithRLock(func() {
accConf, _ = acc.Conf()
storageLimit = acc.QuotaMessageSize()
err := acc.DB.Read(ctx, func(tx *bstore.Tx) error {
du := store.DiskUsage{ID: 1}
err := tx.Get(&du)
storageUsed = du.MessageSize
return err
xcheckf(ctx, err, "get disk usage")
return accConf.FullName, accConf.DNSDomain, accConf.Destinations, storageUsed, storageLimit
func (Account) AccountSaveFullName(ctx context.Context, fullName string) {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
_, ok := mox.Conf.Account(reqInfo.AccountName)
if !ok {
xcheckf(ctx, errors.New("not found"), "looking up account")
err := mox.AccountFullNameSave(ctx, reqInfo.AccountName, fullName)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "saving account full name")
// DestinationSave updates a destination.
// OldDest is compared against the current destination. If it does not match, an
// error is returned. Otherwise newDest is saved and the configuration reloaded.
func (Account) DestinationSave(ctx context.Context, destName string, oldDest, newDest config.Destination) {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
accConf, ok := mox.Conf.Account(reqInfo.AccountName)
if !ok {
xcheckf(ctx, errors.New("not found"), "looking up account")
curDest, ok := accConf.Destinations[destName]
if !ok {
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("not found"), "looking up destination")
if !curDest.Equal(oldDest) {
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("modified"), "checking stored destination")
// Keep fields we manage.
newDest.DMARCReports = curDest.DMARCReports
newDest.HostTLSReports = curDest.HostTLSReports
newDest.DomainTLSReports = curDest.DomainTLSReports
err := mox.DestinationSave(ctx, reqInfo.AccountName, destName, newDest)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "saving destination")
// ImportAbort aborts an import that is in progress. If the import exists and isn't
// finished, no changes will have been made by the import.
func (Account) ImportAbort(ctx context.Context, importToken string) error {
req := importAbortRequest{importToken, make(chan error)}
importers.Abort <- req
return <-req.Response
// Types exposes types not used in API method signatures, such as the import form upload.
func (Account) Types() (importProgress ImportProgress) {