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synced 2025-03-27 08:01:15 +03:00
348 lines
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348 lines
8.2 KiB
package bstore
import (
type parser struct {
buf []byte
orig []byte
func (p *parser) Errorf(format string, args ...any) {
panic(parseErr{fmt.Errorf(format, args...)})
func (p *parser) checkInt(un uint64) int {
if un > math.MaxInt32 {
p.Errorf("%w: uvarint %d does not fit in int32", ErrStore, un)
return int(un)
// Fieldmap starts a new fieldmap for n fields.
func (p *parser) Fieldmap(n int) fieldmap {
// log.Printf("parse fieldmap %d bits", n)
nb := (n + 7) / 8
buf := p.Take(nb)
return fieldmap{n, buf, 0, 0, p.Errorf}
// Take reads nb bytes.
func (p *parser) Take(nb int) []byte {
// log.Printf("take %d", nb)
if len(p.buf) < nb {
p.Errorf("%w: not enough bytes", ErrStore)
buf := p.buf[:nb]
p.buf = p.buf[nb:]
return buf
// TakeBytes reads a uvarint representing the size of the bytes, followed by
// that number of bytes.
// dup is needed if you need to hold on to the bytes. Values from BoltDB are
// only valid in the transaction, and not meant to be modified and are
// memory-mapped read-only.
func (p *parser) TakeBytes(dup bool) []byte {
un := p.Uvarint()
n := p.checkInt(un)
buf := p.Take(n)
if dup {
// todo: check for a max size, beyond which we refuse to allocate?
nbuf := make([]byte, len(buf))
copy(nbuf, buf)
buf = nbuf
return buf
func (p *parser) Uvarint() uint64 {
v, n := binary.Uvarint(p.buf)
if n == 0 {
p.Errorf("%w: uvarint: not enough bytes", ErrStore)
if n < 0 {
p.Errorf("%w: uvarint overflow", ErrStore)
// log.Printf("take uvarint, %d bytes", n)
p.buf = p.buf[n:]
return v
func (p *parser) Varint() int64 {
v, n := binary.Varint(p.buf)
if n == 0 {
p.Errorf("%w: varint: not enough bytes", ErrStore)
if n < 0 {
p.Errorf("%w: varint overflow", ErrStore)
// log.Printf("take varint, %d bytes", n)
p.buf = p.buf[n:]
return v
type parseErr struct {
err error
// parse rv (reflect.Struct) from buf.
// does not part primary key field.
func (st storeType) parse(rv reflect.Value, buf []byte) (rerr error) {
p := &parser{buf: buf, orig: buf}
var version uint32
defer func() {
x := recover()
if x == nil {
perr, ok := x.(parseErr)
if ok {
rerr = fmt.Errorf("%w (version %d, buf %x, orig %x)", perr.err, version, p.buf, p.orig)
version = uint32(p.Uvarint())
tv, ok := st.Versions[version]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: unknown type version %d", ErrStore, version)
tv.parse(p, rv)
if len(p.buf) != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: leftover data after parsing (%d, %x %q)", ErrStore, len(p.buf), p.buf, p.buf)
return nil
// parseNew parses bk and bv into a newly created value of type st.Type.
func (st storeType) parseNew(bk, bv []byte) (reflect.Value, error) {
rv := reflect.New(st.Type).Elem()
if err := st.parseFull(rv, bk, bv); err != nil {
return reflect.Value{}, err
return rv, nil
// parseFull parses a full record from bk and bv into value rv, which must be
// of type st.Type.
func (st storeType) parseFull(rv reflect.Value, bk, bv []byte) error {
if err := parsePK(rv.Field(0), bk); err != nil {
return err
err := st.parse(rv, bv)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (tv typeVersion) parse(p *parser, rv reflect.Value) {
// First field is the primary key, stored as boltdb key only, not in
// the value.
fm := p.Fieldmap(len(tv.Fields) - 1)
for i, f := range tv.Fields[1:] {
if f.structField.Type == nil {
// Do not parse this field in the current Go type, but
// we must still skip over the bytes.
if fm.Nonzero(i) {
if fm.Nonzero(i) {
f.Type.parse(p, rv.FieldByIndex(f.structField.Index))
} else if f.Nonzero {
// Consistency check. Should not happen, we enforce nonzeroness.
p.Errorf("%w: unexpected nonzero value for %q", ErrStore, f.Name)
} else {
// parse a nonzero fieldType.
func (ft fieldType) parse(p *parser, rv reflect.Value) {
// Because we allow schema changes from ptr to nonptr, rv can be a
// pointer or direct value regardless of ft.Ptr.
if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
nrv := reflect.New(rv.Type().Elem())
rv = nrv.Elem()
switch ft.Kind {
case kindBytes:
case kindBinaryMarshal:
buf := p.TakeBytes(false)
t := rv.Type()
if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
t = t.Elem()
v := reflect.New(t)
err := v.Interface().(encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler).UnmarshalBinary(buf)
if err != nil {
if rv.Type().Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
} else {
case kindBool:
if ft.Ptr {
buf := p.Take(1)
rv.SetBool(buf[0] != 0)
} else {
case kindInt:
v := p.Varint()
if v < math.MinInt32 || v > math.MaxInt32 {
p.Errorf("%w: int %d does not fit in int32", ErrStore, v)
case kindInt8, kindInt16, kindInt32, kindInt64:
case kindUint:
v := p.Uvarint()
if v > math.MaxUint32 {
p.Errorf("%w: uint %d does not fit in uint32", ErrStore, v)
case kindUint8, kindUint16, kindUint32, kindUint64:
case kindFloat32:
case kindFloat64:
case kindString:
case kindTime:
err := rv.Addr().Interface().(*time.Time).UnmarshalBinary(p.TakeBytes(false))
if err != nil {
p.Errorf("%w: parsing time: %s", ErrStore, err)
case kindSlice:
un := p.Uvarint()
n := p.checkInt(un)
fm := p.Fieldmap(n)
slc := reflect.MakeSlice(rv.Type(), n, n)
for i := 0; i < int(n); i++ {
if fm.Nonzero(i) {
ft.ListElem.parse(p, slc.Index(i))
case kindArray:
n := ft.ArrayLength
fm := p.Fieldmap(n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if fm.Nonzero(i) {
ft.ListElem.parse(p, rv.Index(i))
case kindMap:
un := p.Uvarint()
n := p.checkInt(un)
fm := p.Fieldmap(n)
mp := reflect.MakeMapWithSize(rv.Type(), n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
mk := reflect.New(rv.Type().Key()).Elem()
ft.MapKey.parse(p, mk)
mv := reflect.New(rv.Type().Elem()).Elem()
if fm.Nonzero(i) {
ft.MapValue.parse(p, mv)
mp.SetMapIndex(mk, mv)
case kindStruct:
fm := p.Fieldmap(len(ft.structFields))
strct := reflect.New(rv.Type()).Elem()
for i, f := range ft.structFields {
if f.structField.Type == nil {
if fm.Nonzero(i) {
if fm.Nonzero(i) {
f.Type.parse(p, strct.FieldByIndex(f.structField.Index))
} else if f.Nonzero {
// Consistency check, we enforce that nonzero is not stored if not allowed.
p.Errorf("%w: %q", ErrZero, f.Name)
} else {
p.Errorf("internal error: unhandled field type") // should be prevented when registering type
// skip over the bytes for this fieldType. Needed when an older typeVersion has
// a field that the current reflect.Type does not (can) have.
func (ft fieldType) skip(p *parser) {
switch ft.Kind {
case kindBytes, kindBinaryMarshal, kindString:
case kindBool:
if ft.Ptr {
case kindInt8, kindInt16, kindInt32, kindInt, kindInt64:
case kindUint8, kindUint16, kindUint32, kindUint, kindUint64, kindFloat32, kindFloat64:
case kindTime:
case kindSlice:
un := p.Uvarint()
n := p.checkInt(un)
fm := p.Fieldmap(n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if fm.Nonzero(i) {
case kindArray:
n := ft.ArrayLength
fm := p.Fieldmap(n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if fm.Nonzero(i) {
case kindMap:
un := p.Uvarint()
n := p.checkInt(un)
fm := p.Fieldmap(n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if fm.Nonzero(i) {
case kindStruct:
fm := p.Fieldmap(len(ft.structFields))
for i, f := range ft.structFields {
if fm.Nonzero(i) {
p.Errorf("internal error: unhandled field type") // should be prevented when registering type