mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 01:43:42 +03:00

the smtp extension, rfc 4865. also implement in the webmail. the queueing/delivery part hardly required changes: we just set the first delivery time in the future instead of immediately. still have to find the first client that implements it.
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package smtpserver
// todo: test delivery with failing spf/dkim/dmarc
// todo: test delivering a message to multiple recipients, and with some of them failing.
import (
cryptorand "crypto/rand"
var ctxbg = context.Background()
func init() {
// Don't make tests slow.
badClientDelay = 0
authFailDelay = 0
unknownRecipientsDelay = 0
func tcheck(t *testing.T, err error, msg string) {
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s: %s", msg, err)
var submitMessage = strings.ReplaceAll(`From: <mjl@mox.example>
To: <remote@example.org>
Subject: test
Message-Id: <test@mox.example>
test email
`, "\n", "\r\n")
var deliverMessage = strings.ReplaceAll(`From: <remote@example.org>
To: <mjl@mox.example>
Subject: test
Message-Id: <test@example.org>
test email
`, "\n", "\r\n")
var deliverMessage2 = strings.ReplaceAll(`From: <remote@example.org>
To: <mjl@mox.example>
Subject: test
Message-Id: <test2@example.org>
test email, unique.
`, "\n", "\r\n")
type testserver struct {
t *testing.T
acc *store.Account
switchStop func()
comm *store.Comm
cid int64
resolver dns.Resolver
auth func(mechanisms []string, cs *tls.ConnectionState) (sasl.Client, error)
user, pass string
submission bool
requiretls bool
dnsbls []dns.Domain
tlsmode smtpclient.TLSMode
tlspkix bool
func newTestServer(t *testing.T, configPath string, resolver dns.Resolver) *testserver {
limitersInit() // Reset rate limiters.
ts := testserver{t: t, cid: 1, resolver: resolver, tlsmode: smtpclient.TLSOpportunistic}
if dmarcdb.EvalDB != nil {
dmarcdb.EvalDB = nil
log := mlog.New("smtpserver", nil)
mox.Context = ctxbg
mox.ConfigStaticPath = configPath
mox.MustLoadConfig(true, false)
dataDir := mox.ConfigDirPath(mox.Conf.Static.DataDir)
var err error
ts.acc, err = store.OpenAccount(log, "mjl")
tcheck(t, err, "open account")
err = ts.acc.SetPassword(log, "testtest")
tcheck(t, err, "set password")
ts.switchStop = store.Switchboard()
err = queue.Init()
tcheck(t, err, "queue init")
ts.comm = store.RegisterComm(ts.acc)
return &ts
func (ts *testserver) close() {
if ts.acc == nil {
err := ts.acc.Close()
tcheck(ts.t, err, "closing account")
ts.acc = nil
func (ts *testserver) run(fn func(helloErr error, client *smtpclient.Client)) {
ts.runRaw(func(conn net.Conn) {
auth := ts.auth
if auth == nil && ts.user != "" {
auth = func(mechanisms []string, cs *tls.ConnectionState) (sasl.Client, error) {
return sasl.NewClientPlain(ts.user, ts.pass), nil
ourHostname := mox.Conf.Static.HostnameDomain
remoteHostname := dns.Domain{ASCII: "mox.example"}
opts := smtpclient.Opts{
Auth: auth,
RootCAs: mox.Conf.Static.TLS.CertPool,
log := pkglog.WithCid(ts.cid - 1)
client, err := smtpclient.New(ctxbg, log.Logger, conn, ts.tlsmode, ts.tlspkix, ourHostname, remoteHostname, opts)
if err != nil {
} else {
defer client.Close()
fn(err, client)
func (ts *testserver) runRaw(fn func(clientConn net.Conn)) {
ts.cid += 2
serverConn, clientConn := net.Pipe()
defer serverConn.Close()
// clientConn is closed as part of closing client.
serverdone := make(chan struct{})
defer func() { <-serverdone }()
go func() {
tlsConfig := &tls.Config{
Certificates: []tls.Certificate{fakeCert(ts.t)},
serve("test", ts.cid-2, dns.Domain{ASCII: "mox.example"}, tlsConfig, serverConn, ts.resolver, ts.submission, false, 100<<20, false, false, ts.requiretls, ts.dnsbls, 0)
// Just a cert that appears valid. SMTP client will not verify anything about it
// (that is opportunistic TLS for you, "better some than none"). Let's enjoy this
// one moment where it makes life easier.
func fakeCert(t *testing.T) tls.Certificate {
privKey := ed25519.NewKeyFromSeed(make([]byte, ed25519.SeedSize)) // Fake key, don't use this for real!
template := &x509.Certificate{
SerialNumber: big.NewInt(1), // Required field...
localCertBuf, err := x509.CreateCertificate(cryptorand.Reader, template, template, privKey.Public(), privKey)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("making certificate: %s", err)
cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(localCertBuf)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("parsing generated certificate: %s", err)
c := tls.Certificate{
Certificate: [][]byte{localCertBuf},
PrivateKey: privKey,
Leaf: cert,
return c
// check expected dmarc evaluations for outgoing aggregate reports.
func checkEvaluationCount(t *testing.T, n int) []dmarcdb.Evaluation {
l, err := dmarcdb.Evaluations(ctxbg)
tcheck(t, err, "get dmarc evaluations")
tcompare(t, len(l), n)
return l
// Test submission from authenticated user.
func TestSubmission(t *testing.T) {
ts := newTestServer(t, filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/smtp/mox.conf"), dns.MockResolver{})
defer ts.close()
// Set DKIM signing config.
dom, _ := mox.Conf.Domain(dns.Domain{ASCII: "mox.example"})
sel := config.Selector{
HashEffective: "sha256",
HeadersEffective: []string{"From", "To", "Subject"},
Key: ed25519.NewKeyFromSeed(make([]byte, ed25519.SeedSize)), // Fake key, don't use for real.
Domain: dns.Domain{ASCII: "mox.example"},
dom.DKIM = config.DKIM{
Selectors: map[string]config.Selector{"testsel": sel},
Sign: []string{"testsel"},
mox.Conf.Dynamic.Domains["mox.example"] = dom
testAuth := func(authfn func(user, pass string, cs *tls.ConnectionState) sasl.Client, user, pass string, expErr *smtpclient.Error) {
if authfn != nil {
ts.auth = func(mechanisms []string, cs *tls.ConnectionState) (sasl.Client, error) {
return authfn(user, pass, cs), nil
} else {
ts.auth = nil
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
mailFrom := "mjl@mox.example"
rcptTo := "remote@example.org"
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(submitMessage)), strings.NewReader(submitMessage), false, false, false)
var cerr smtpclient.Error
if expErr == nil && err != nil || expErr != nil && (err == nil || !errors.As(err, &cerr) || cerr.Secode != expErr.Secode) {
t.Fatalf("got err %#v (%q), expected %#v", err, err, expErr)
checkEvaluationCount(t, 0)
ts.submission = true
testAuth(nil, "", "", &smtpclient.Error{Permanent: true, Code: smtp.C530SecurityRequired, Secode: smtp.SePol7Other0})
authfns := []func(user, pass string, cs *tls.ConnectionState) sasl.Client{
func(user, pass string, cs *tls.ConnectionState) sasl.Client { return sasl.NewClientPlain(user, pass) },
func(user, pass string, cs *tls.ConnectionState) sasl.Client { return sasl.NewClientLogin(user, pass) },
func(user, pass string, cs *tls.ConnectionState) sasl.Client { return sasl.NewClientCRAMMD5(user, pass) },
func(user, pass string, cs *tls.ConnectionState) sasl.Client {
return sasl.NewClientSCRAMSHA1(user, pass, false)
func(user, pass string, cs *tls.ConnectionState) sasl.Client {
return sasl.NewClientSCRAMSHA256(user, pass, false)
func(user, pass string, cs *tls.ConnectionState) sasl.Client {
return sasl.NewClientSCRAMSHA1PLUS(user, pass, *cs)
func(user, pass string, cs *tls.ConnectionState) sasl.Client {
return sasl.NewClientSCRAMSHA256PLUS(user, pass, *cs)
for _, fn := range authfns {
testAuth(fn, "mjl@mox.example", "test", &smtpclient.Error{Secode: smtp.SePol7AuthBadCreds8}) // Bad (short) password.
testAuth(fn, "mjl@mox.example", "testtesttest", &smtpclient.Error{Secode: smtp.SePol7AuthBadCreds8}) // Bad password.
testAuth(fn, "mjl@mox.example", "testtest", nil)
// Test delivery from external MTA.
func TestDelivery(t *testing.T) {
resolver := dns.MockResolver{
A: map[string][]string{
"example.org.": {""}, // For mx check.
PTR: map[string][]string{},
ts := newTestServer(t, filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/smtp/mox.conf"), resolver)
defer ts.close()
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
mailFrom := "remote@example.org"
rcptTo := "mjl@"
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(deliverMessage)), strings.NewReader(deliverMessage), false, false, false)
var cerr smtpclient.Error
if err == nil || !errors.As(err, &cerr) || cerr.Code != smtp.C550MailboxUnavail {
t.Fatalf("deliver to ip address, got err %v, expected smtpclient.Error with code %d", err, smtp.C550MailboxUnavail)
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
mailFrom := "remote@example.org"
rcptTo := "mjl@test.example" // Not configured as destination.
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(deliverMessage)), strings.NewReader(deliverMessage), false, false, false)
var cerr smtpclient.Error
if err == nil || !errors.As(err, &cerr) || cerr.Code != smtp.C550MailboxUnavail {
t.Fatalf("deliver to unknown domain, got err %v, expected smtpclient.Error with code %d", err, smtp.C550MailboxUnavail)
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
mailFrom := "remote@example.org"
rcptTo := "unknown@mox.example" // User unknown.
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(deliverMessage)), strings.NewReader(deliverMessage), false, false, false)
var cerr smtpclient.Error
if err == nil || !errors.As(err, &cerr) || cerr.Code != smtp.C550MailboxUnavail {
t.Fatalf("deliver to unknown user for known domain, got err %v, expected smtpclient.Error with code %d", err, smtp.C550MailboxUnavail)
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
mailFrom := "remote@example.org"
rcptTo := "mjl@mox.example"
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(deliverMessage)), strings.NewReader(deliverMessage), false, false, false)
var cerr smtpclient.Error
if err == nil || !errors.As(err, &cerr) || cerr.Code != smtp.C451LocalErr {
t.Fatalf("deliver from user without reputation, valid iprev required, got err %v, expected smtpclient.Error with code %d", err, smtp.C451LocalErr)
// Set up iprev to get delivery from unknown user to be accepted.
resolver.PTR[""] = []string{"example.org."}
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
mailFrom := "remote@example.org"
rcptTo := "mjl@mox.example"
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(deliverMessage)), strings.NewReader(deliverMessage), false, false, false)
tcheck(t, err, "deliver to remote")
changes := make(chan []store.Change)
go func() {
changes <- ts.comm.Get()
timer := time.NewTimer(time.Second)
defer timer.Stop()
select {
case <-changes:
case <-timer.C:
t.Fatalf("no delivery in 1s")
checkEvaluationCount(t, 0)
func tinsertmsg(t *testing.T, acc *store.Account, mailbox string, m *store.Message, msg string) {
mf, err := store.CreateMessageTemp(pkglog, "queue-dsn")
tcheck(t, err, "temp message")
defer os.Remove(mf.Name())
defer mf.Close()
_, err = mf.Write([]byte(msg))
tcheck(t, err, "write message")
err = acc.DeliverMailbox(pkglog, mailbox, m, mf)
tcheck(t, err, "deliver message")
err = mf.Close()
tcheck(t, err, "close message")
func tretrain(t *testing.T, acc *store.Account) {
// Fresh empty junkfilter.
basePath := mox.DataDirPath("accounts")
dbPath := filepath.Join(basePath, acc.Name, "junkfilter.db")
bloomPath := filepath.Join(basePath, acc.Name, "junkfilter.bloom")
jf, _, err := acc.OpenJunkFilter(ctxbg, pkglog)
tcheck(t, err, "open junk filter")
defer jf.Close()
// Fetch messags to retrain on.
q := bstore.QueryDB[store.Message](ctxbg, acc.DB)
q.FilterEqual("Expunged", false)
q.FilterFn(func(m store.Message) bool {
return m.Flags.Junk || m.Flags.Notjunk
msgs, err := q.List()
tcheck(t, err, "fetch messages")
// Retrain the messages.
for _, m := range msgs {
ham := m.Flags.Notjunk
f, err := os.Open(acc.MessagePath(m.ID))
tcheck(t, err, "open message")
r := store.FileMsgReader(m.MsgPrefix, f)
jf.TrainMessage(ctxbg, r, m.Size, ham)
err = r.Close()
tcheck(t, err, "close message")
err = jf.Save()
tcheck(t, err, "save junkfilter")
// Test accept/reject with DMARC reputation and with spammy content.
func TestSpam(t *testing.T) {
resolver := &dns.MockResolver{
A: map[string][]string{
"example.org.": {""}, // For mx check.
TXT: map[string][]string{
"example.org.": {"v=spf1 ip4: -all"},
"_dmarc.example.org.": {"v=DMARC1;p=reject; rua=mailto:dmarcrpt@example.org"},
ts := newTestServer(t, filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/smtp/junk/mox.conf"), resolver)
defer ts.close()
// Insert spammy messages. No junkfilter training yet.
m := store.Message{
RemoteIP: "",
RemoteIPMasked1: "",
RemoteIPMasked2: "",
RemoteIPMasked3: "",
MailFrom: "remote@example.org",
MailFromLocalpart: smtp.Localpart("remote"),
MailFromDomain: "example.org",
RcptToLocalpart: smtp.Localpart("mjl"),
RcptToDomain: "mox.example",
MsgFromLocalpart: smtp.Localpart("remote"),
MsgFromDomain: "example.org",
MsgFromOrgDomain: "example.org",
MsgFromValidated: true,
MsgFromValidation: store.ValidationStrict,
Flags: store.Flags{Seen: true, Junk: true},
Size: int64(len(deliverMessage)),
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
nm := m
tinsertmsg(t, ts.acc, "Inbox", &nm, deliverMessage)
checkCount := func(mailboxName string, expect int) {
q := bstore.QueryDB[store.Mailbox](ctxbg, ts.acc.DB)
q.FilterNonzero(store.Mailbox{Name: mailboxName})
mb, err := q.Get()
tcheck(t, err, "get rejects mailbox")
qm := bstore.QueryDB[store.Message](ctxbg, ts.acc.DB)
qm.FilterNonzero(store.Message{MailboxID: mb.ID})
qm.FilterEqual("Expunged", false)
n, err := qm.Count()
tcheck(t, err, "count messages in rejects mailbox")
if n != expect {
t.Fatalf("messages in rejects mailbox, found %d, expected %d", n, expect)
// Delivery from sender with bad reputation should fail.
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
mailFrom := "remote@example.org"
rcptTo := "mjl@mox.example"
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(deliverMessage)), strings.NewReader(deliverMessage), false, false, false)
var cerr smtpclient.Error
if err == nil || !errors.As(err, &cerr) || cerr.Code != smtp.C451LocalErr {
t.Fatalf("delivery by bad sender, got err %v, expected smtpclient.Error with code %d", err, smtp.C451LocalErr)
checkCount("Rejects", 1)
checkEvaluationCount(t, 0) // No positive interactions yet.
// Delivery from sender with bad reputation matching AcceptRejectsToMailbox should
// result in accepted delivery to the mailbox.
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
mailFrom := "remote@example.org"
rcptTo := "mjl2@mox.example"
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(deliverMessage2)), strings.NewReader(deliverMessage2), false, false, false)
tcheck(t, err, "deliver")
checkCount("mjl2junk", 1) // In ruleset rejects mailbox.
checkCount("Rejects", 1) // Same as before.
checkEvaluationCount(t, 0) // This is not an actual accept.
// Mark the messages as having good reputation.
q := bstore.QueryDB[store.Message](ctxbg, ts.acc.DB)
q.FilterEqual("Expunged", false)
_, err := q.UpdateFields(map[string]any{"Junk": false, "Notjunk": true})
tcheck(t, err, "update junkiness")
// Message should now be accepted.
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
mailFrom := "remote@example.org"
rcptTo := "mjl@mox.example"
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(deliverMessage)), strings.NewReader(deliverMessage), false, false, false)
tcheck(t, err, "deliver")
// Message should now be removed from Rejects mailboxes.
checkCount("Rejects", 0)
checkCount("mjl2junk", 1)
checkEvaluationCount(t, 1)
// Undo dmarc pass, mark messages as junk, and train the filter.
resolver.TXT = nil
q = bstore.QueryDB[store.Message](ctxbg, ts.acc.DB)
q.FilterEqual("Expunged", false)
_, err = q.UpdateFields(map[string]any{"Junk": true, "Notjunk": false})
tcheck(t, err, "update junkiness")
tretrain(t, ts.acc)
// Message should be refused for spammy content.
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
mailFrom := "remote@example.org"
rcptTo := "mjl@mox.example"
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(deliverMessage)), strings.NewReader(deliverMessage), false, false, false)
var cerr smtpclient.Error
if err == nil || !errors.As(err, &cerr) || cerr.Code != smtp.C451LocalErr {
t.Fatalf("attempt to deliver spamy message, got err %v, expected smtpclient.Error with code %d", err, smtp.C451LocalErr)
checkEvaluationCount(t, 1) // No new evaluation, this isn't a DMARC reject.
// Test accept/reject with forwarded messages, DMARC ignored, no IP/EHLO/MAIL
// FROM-based reputation.
func TestForward(t *testing.T) {
// Do a run without forwarding, and with.
check := func(forward bool) {
resolver := &dns.MockResolver{
A: map[string][]string{
"bad.example.": {""}, // For mx check.
"good.example.": {""}, // For mx check.
"forward.example.": {""}, // For mx check.
TXT: map[string][]string{
"bad.example.": {"v=spf1 ip4: -all"},
"good.example.": {"v=spf1 ip4: -all"},
"forward.example.": {"v=spf1 ip4: -all"},
"_dmarc.bad.example.": {"v=DMARC1;p=reject; rua=mailto:dmarc@bad.example"},
"_dmarc.good.example.": {"v=DMARC1;p=reject; rua=mailto:dmarc@good.example"},
"_dmarc.forward.example.": {"v=DMARC1;p=reject; rua=mailto:dmarc@forward.example"},
PTR: map[string][]string{
"": {"forward.example."}, // For iprev check.
rcptTo := "mjl3@mox.example"
if !forward {
// For SPF and DMARC pass, otherwise the test ends quickly.
resolver.TXT["bad.example."] = []string{"v=spf1 ip4: -all"}
resolver.TXT["good.example."] = []string{"v=spf1 ip4: -all"}
rcptTo = "mjl@mox.example" // Without IsForward rule.
ts := newTestServer(t, filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/smtp/junk/mox.conf"), resolver)
defer ts.close()
totalEvaluations := 0
var msgBad = strings.ReplaceAll(`From: <remote@bad.example>
To: <mjl@mox.example>
Subject: test
Message-Id: <bad@example.org>
test email
`, "\n", "\r\n")
var msgOK = strings.ReplaceAll(`From: <remote@good.example>
To: <mjl@mox.example>
Subject: other
Message-Id: <good@example.org>
unrelated message.
`, "\n", "\r\n")
var msgOK2 = strings.ReplaceAll(`From: <other@forward.example>
To: <mjl@mox.example>
Subject: non-forward
Message-Id: <regular@example.org>
happens to come from forwarding mail server.
`, "\n", "\r\n")
// Deliver forwarded messages, then classify as junk. Normally enough to treat
// other unrelated messages from IP as junk, but not for forwarded messages.
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
tcheck(t, err, "connect")
mailFrom := "remote@forward.example"
if !forward {
mailFrom = "remote@bad.example"
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(msgBad)), strings.NewReader(msgBad), false, false, false)
tcheck(t, err, "deliver message")
totalEvaluations += 10
n, err := bstore.QueryDB[store.Message](ctxbg, ts.acc.DB).UpdateFields(map[string]any{"Junk": true, "MsgFromValidated": true})
tcheck(t, err, "marking messages as junk")
tcompare(t, n, 10)
// Next delivery will fail, with negative "message From" signal.
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(msgBad)), strings.NewReader(msgBad), false, false, false)
var cerr smtpclient.Error
if err == nil || !errors.As(err, &cerr) || cerr.Code != smtp.C451LocalErr {
t.Fatalf("delivery by bad sender, got err %v, expected smtpclient.Error with code %d", err, smtp.C451LocalErr)
checkEvaluationCount(t, totalEvaluations)
// Delivery from different "message From" without reputation, but from same
// forwarding email server, should succeed under forwarding, not as regular sending
// server.
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
tcheck(t, err, "connect")
mailFrom := "remote@forward.example"
if !forward {
mailFrom = "remote@good.example"
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(msgOK)), strings.NewReader(msgOK), false, false, false)
if forward {
tcheck(t, err, "deliver")
totalEvaluations += 1
} else {
var cerr smtpclient.Error
if err == nil || !errors.As(err, &cerr) || cerr.Code != smtp.C451LocalErr {
t.Fatalf("delivery by bad ip, got err %v, expected smtpclient.Error with code %d", err, smtp.C451LocalErr)
checkEvaluationCount(t, totalEvaluations)
// Delivery from forwarding server that isn't a forward should get same treatment.
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
tcheck(t, err, "connect")
mailFrom := "other@forward.example"
// Ensure To header matches.
msg := msgOK2
if forward {
msg = strings.ReplaceAll(msg, "<mjl@mox.example>", "<mjl3@mox.example>")
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(msg)), strings.NewReader(msg), false, false, false)
if forward {
tcheck(t, err, "deliver")
totalEvaluations += 1
} else {
var cerr smtpclient.Error
if err == nil || !errors.As(err, &cerr) || cerr.Code != smtp.C451LocalErr {
t.Fatalf("delivery by bad ip, got err %v, expected smtpclient.Error with code %d", err, smtp.C451LocalErr)
checkEvaluationCount(t, totalEvaluations)
// Messages that we sent to, that have passing DMARC, but that are otherwise spammy, should be accepted.
func TestDMARCSent(t *testing.T) {
resolver := &dns.MockResolver{
A: map[string][]string{
"example.org.": {""}, // For mx check.
TXT: map[string][]string{
"example.org.": {"v=spf1 ip4: -all"},
"_dmarc.example.org.": {"v=DMARC1;p=reject;rua=mailto:dmarcrpt@example.org"},
ts := newTestServer(t, filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/smtp/junk/mox.conf"), resolver)
defer ts.close()
// First check that DMARC policy rejects message and results in optional evaluation.
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
mailFrom := "remote@example.org"
rcptTo := "mjl@mox.example"
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(deliverMessage)), strings.NewReader(deliverMessage), false, false, false)
var cerr smtpclient.Error
if err == nil || !errors.As(err, &cerr) || cerr.Code != smtp.C550MailboxUnavail {
t.Fatalf("attempt to deliver spamy message, got err %v, expected smtpclient.Error with code %d", err, smtp.C550MailboxUnavail)
l := checkEvaluationCount(t, 1)
tcompare(t, l[0].Optional, true)
// Update DNS for an SPF pass, and DMARC pass.
resolver.TXT["example.org."] = []string{"v=spf1 ip4: -all"}
// Insert spammy messages not related to the test message.
m := store.Message{
MailFrom: "remote@test.example",
RcptToLocalpart: smtp.Localpart("mjl"),
RcptToDomain: "mox.example",
Flags: store.Flags{Seen: true, Junk: true},
Size: int64(len(deliverMessage)),
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
nm := m
tinsertmsg(t, ts.acc, "Archive", &nm, deliverMessage)
tretrain(t, ts.acc)
// Baseline, message should be refused for spammy content.
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
mailFrom := "remote@example.org"
rcptTo := "mjl@mox.example"
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(deliverMessage)), strings.NewReader(deliverMessage), false, false, false)
var cerr smtpclient.Error
if err == nil || !errors.As(err, &cerr) || cerr.Code != smtp.C451LocalErr {
t.Fatalf("attempt to deliver spamy message, got err %v, expected smtpclient.Error with code %d", err, smtp.C451LocalErr)
checkEvaluationCount(t, 1) // No new evaluation.
// Insert a message that we sent to the address that is about to send to us.
sentMsg := store.Message{Size: int64(len(deliverMessage))}
tinsertmsg(t, ts.acc, "Sent", &sentMsg, deliverMessage)
err := ts.acc.DB.Insert(ctxbg, &store.Recipient{MessageID: sentMsg.ID, Localpart: "remote", Domain: "example.org", OrgDomain: "example.org", Sent: time.Now()})
tcheck(t, err, "inserting message recipient")
// Reject a message due to DMARC again. Since we sent a message to the domain, it
// is no longer unknown and we should see a non-optional evaluation that will
// result in a DMARC report.
resolver.TXT["example.org."] = []string{"v=spf1 ip4: -all"}
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
mailFrom := "remote@example.org"
rcptTo := "mjl@mox.example"
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(deliverMessage)), strings.NewReader(deliverMessage), false, false, false)
var cerr smtpclient.Error
if err == nil || !errors.As(err, &cerr) || cerr.Code != smtp.C550MailboxUnavail {
t.Fatalf("attempt to deliver spamy message, got err %v, expected smtpclient.Error with code %d", err, smtp.C550MailboxUnavail)
l := checkEvaluationCount(t, 2) // New evaluation.
tcompare(t, l[1].Optional, false)
// We should now be accepting the message because we recently sent a message.
resolver.TXT["example.org."] = []string{"v=spf1 ip4: -all"}
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
mailFrom := "remote@example.org"
rcptTo := "mjl@mox.example"
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(deliverMessage)), strings.NewReader(deliverMessage), false, false, false)
tcheck(t, err, "deliver")
l := checkEvaluationCount(t, 3) // New evaluation.
tcompare(t, l[2].Optional, false)
// Test DNSBL, then getting through with subjectpass.
func TestBlocklistedSubjectpass(t *testing.T) {
// Set up a DNSBL on dnsbl.example, and get DMARC pass.
resolver := &dns.MockResolver{
A: map[string][]string{
"example.org.": {""}, // For mx check.
"": {""}, // For healthcheck.
"": {""}, // Where our connection pretends to come from.
TXT: map[string][]string{
"": {"blocklisted"},
"example.org.": {"v=spf1 ip4: -all"},
"_dmarc.example.org.": {"v=DMARC1;p=reject"},
PTR: map[string][]string{
"": {"example.org."}, // For iprev check.
ts := newTestServer(t, filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/smtp/mox.conf"), resolver)
ts.dnsbls = []dns.Domain{{ASCII: "dnsbl.example"}}
defer ts.close()
// Message should be refused softly (temporary error) due to DNSBL.
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
mailFrom := "remote@example.org"
rcptTo := "mjl@mox.example"
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(deliverMessage)), strings.NewReader(deliverMessage), false, false, false)
var cerr smtpclient.Error
if err == nil || !errors.As(err, &cerr) || cerr.Code != smtp.C451LocalErr {
t.Fatalf("attempted deliver from dnsblocklisted ip, got err %v, expected smtpclient.Error with code %d", err, smtp.C451LocalErr)
// Set up subjectpass on account.
acc := mox.Conf.Dynamic.Accounts[ts.acc.Name]
acc.SubjectPass.Period = time.Hour
mox.Conf.Dynamic.Accounts[ts.acc.Name] = acc
// Message should be refused quickly (permanent error) due to DNSBL and Subjectkey.
var pass string
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
mailFrom := "remote@example.org"
rcptTo := "mjl@mox.example"
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(deliverMessage)), strings.NewReader(deliverMessage), false, false, false)
var cerr smtpclient.Error
if err == nil || !errors.As(err, &cerr) || cerr.Code != smtp.C550MailboxUnavail {
t.Fatalf("attempted deliver from dnsblocklisted ip, got err %v, expected smtpclient.Error with code %d", err, smtp.C550MailboxUnavail)
i := strings.Index(cerr.Line, subjectpass.Explanation)
if i < 0 {
t.Fatalf("got error line %q, expected error line with subjectpass", cerr.Line)
pass = cerr.Line[i+len(subjectpass.Explanation):]
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
mailFrom := "remote@example.org"
rcptTo := "mjl@mox.example"
passMessage := strings.Replace(deliverMessage, "Subject: test", "Subject: test "+pass, 1)
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(passMessage)), strings.NewReader(passMessage), false, false, false)
tcheck(t, err, "deliver with subjectpass")
// Test accepting a DMARC report.
func TestDMARCReport(t *testing.T) {
resolver := &dns.MockResolver{
A: map[string][]string{
"example.org.": {""}, // For mx check.
TXT: map[string][]string{
"example.org.": {"v=spf1 ip4: -all"},
"_dmarc.example.org.": {"v=DMARC1;p=reject; rua=mailto:dmarcrpt@example.org"},
PTR: map[string][]string{
"": {"example.org."}, // For iprev check.
ts := newTestServer(t, filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/smtp/dmarcreport/mox.conf"), resolver)
defer ts.close()
run := func(report string, n int) {
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
tcheck(t, err, "run")
mailFrom := "remote@example.org"
rcptTo := "mjl@mox.example"
msgb := &bytes.Buffer{}
_, xerr := fmt.Fprintf(msgb, "From: %s\r\nTo: %s\r\nSubject: dmarc report\r\nMIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-Type: text/xml\r\n\r\n", mailFrom, rcptTo)
tcheck(t, xerr, "write msg headers")
w := quotedprintable.NewWriter(msgb)
_, xerr = w.Write([]byte(strings.ReplaceAll(report, "\n", "\r\n")))
tcheck(t, xerr, "write message")
msg := msgb.String()
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(msg)), strings.NewReader(msg), false, false, false)
tcheck(t, err, "deliver")
records, err := dmarcdb.Records(ctxbg)
tcheck(t, err, "dmarcdb records")
if len(records) != n {
t.Fatalf("got %d dmarcdb records, expected %d or more", len(records), n)
run(dmarcReport, 0)
run(strings.ReplaceAll(dmarcReport, "xmox.nl", "mox.example"), 1)
// We always store as an evaluation, but as optional for reports.
evals := checkEvaluationCount(t, 2)
tcompare(t, evals[0].Optional, true)
tcompare(t, evals[1].Optional, true)
const dmarcReport = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
// Test accepting a TLS report.
func TestTLSReport(t *testing.T) {
// Requires setting up DKIM.
privKey := ed25519.NewKeyFromSeed(make([]byte, ed25519.SeedSize)) // Fake key, don't use this for real!
dkimRecord := dkim.Record{
Version: "DKIM1",
Hashes: []string{"sha256"},
Flags: []string{"s"},
PublicKey: privKey.Public(),
Key: "ed25519",
dkimTxt, err := dkimRecord.Record()
tcheck(t, err, "dkim record")
sel := config.Selector{
HashEffective: "sha256",
HeadersEffective: []string{"From", "To", "Subject", "Date"},
Key: privKey,
Domain: dns.Domain{ASCII: "testsel"},
dkimConf := config.DKIM{
Selectors: map[string]config.Selector{"testsel": sel},
Sign: []string{"testsel"},
resolver := &dns.MockResolver{
A: map[string][]string{
"example.org.": {""}, // For mx check.
TXT: map[string][]string{
"testsel._domainkey.example.org.": {dkimTxt},
"example.org.": {"v=spf1 ip4: -all"},
"_dmarc.example.org.": {"v=DMARC1;p=reject;rua=mailto:dmarcrpt@example.org"},
PTR: map[string][]string{
"": {"example.org."}, // For iprev check.
ts := newTestServer(t, filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/smtp/tlsrpt/mox.conf"), resolver)
defer ts.close()
run := func(rcptTo, tlsrpt string, n int) {
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
mailFrom := "remote@example.org"
msgb := &bytes.Buffer{}
_, xerr := fmt.Fprintf(msgb, "From: %s\r\nTo: %s\r\nSubject: tlsrpt report\r\nMIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-Type: application/tlsrpt+json\r\n\r\n%s\r\n", mailFrom, rcptTo, tlsrpt)
tcheck(t, xerr, "write msg")
msg := msgb.String()
selectors := mox.DKIMSelectors(dkimConf)
headers, xerr := dkim.Sign(ctxbg, pkglog.Logger, "remote", dns.Domain{ASCII: "example.org"}, selectors, false, strings.NewReader(msg))
tcheck(t, xerr, "dkim sign")
msg = headers + msg
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(msg)), strings.NewReader(msg), false, false, false)
tcheck(t, err, "deliver")
records, err := tlsrptdb.Records(ctxbg)
tcheck(t, err, "tlsrptdb records")
if len(records) != n {
t.Fatalf("got %d tlsrptdb records, expected %d", len(records), n)
const tlsrpt = `{"organization-name":"Example.org","date-range":{"start-datetime":"2022-01-07T00:00:00Z","end-datetime":"2022-01-07T23:59:59Z"},"contact-info":"tlsrpt@example.org","report-id":"1","policies":[{"policy":{"policy-type":"no-policy-found","policy-domain":"xmox.nl"},"summary":{"total-successful-session-count":1,"total-failure-session-count":0}}]}`
run("mjl@mox.example", tlsrpt, 0)
run("mjl@mox.example", strings.ReplaceAll(tlsrpt, "xmox.nl", "mox.example"), 1)
run("mjl@mailhost.mox.example", strings.ReplaceAll(tlsrpt, "xmox.nl", "mailhost.mox.example"), 2)
// We always store as an evaluation, but as optional for reports.
evals := checkEvaluationCount(t, 3)
tcompare(t, evals[0].Optional, true)
tcompare(t, evals[1].Optional, true)
tcompare(t, evals[2].Optional, true)
func TestRatelimitConnectionrate(t *testing.T) {
ts := newTestServer(t, filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/smtp/mox.conf"), dns.MockResolver{})
defer ts.close()
// We'll be creating 300 connections, no TLS and reduce noise.
ts.tlsmode = smtpclient.TLSSkip
mlog.SetConfig(map[string]slog.Level{"": mlog.LevelInfo})
// We may be passing a window boundary during this tests. The limit is 300/minute.
// So make twice that many connections and hope the tests don't take too long.
for i := 0; i <= 2*300; i++ {
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
if err != nil && i < 300 {
t.Fatalf("expected smtp connection, got %v", err)
if err == nil && i == 600 {
t.Fatalf("expected no smtp connection due to connection rate limit, got connection")
if client != nil {
func TestRatelimitAuth(t *testing.T) {
ts := newTestServer(t, filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/smtp/mox.conf"), dns.MockResolver{})
defer ts.close()
ts.submission = true
ts.tlsmode = smtpclient.TLSSkip
ts.user = "bad"
ts.pass = "bad"
// We may be passing a window boundary during this tests. The limit is 10 auth
// failures/minute. So make twice that many connections and hope the tests don't
// take too long.
for i := 0; i <= 2*10; i++ {
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("got auth success with bad credentials")
var cerr smtpclient.Error
badauth := errors.As(err, &cerr) && cerr.Code == smtp.C535AuthBadCreds
if !badauth && i < 10 {
t.Fatalf("expected auth failure, got %v", err)
if badauth && i == 20 {
t.Fatalf("expected no smtp connection due to failed auth rate limit, got other error %v", err)
if client != nil {
func TestRatelimitDelivery(t *testing.T) {
resolver := dns.MockResolver{
A: map[string][]string{
"example.org.": {""}, // For mx check.
PTR: map[string][]string{
"": {"example.org."},
ts := newTestServer(t, filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/smtp/mox.conf"), resolver)
defer ts.close()
orig := limitIPMasked1MessagesPerMinute
limitIPMasked1MessagesPerMinute = 1
defer func() {
limitIPMasked1MessagesPerMinute = orig
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
mailFrom := "remote@example.org"
rcptTo := "mjl@mox.example"
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(deliverMessage)), strings.NewReader(deliverMessage), false, false, false)
tcheck(t, err, "deliver to remote")
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(deliverMessage)), strings.NewReader(deliverMessage), false, false, false)
var cerr smtpclient.Error
if err == nil || !errors.As(err, &cerr) || cerr.Code != smtp.C452StorageFull {
t.Fatalf("got err %v, expected smtpclient error with code 452 for storage full", err)
limitIPMasked1MessagesPerMinute = orig
origSize := limitIPMasked1SizePerMinute
// Message was already delivered once. We'll do another one. But the 3rd will fail.
// We need the actual size with prepended headers, since that is used in the
// calculations.
msg, err := bstore.QueryDB[store.Message](ctxbg, ts.acc.DB).Get()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("getting delivered message for its size: %v", err)
limitIPMasked1SizePerMinute = 2*msg.Size + int64(len(deliverMessage)/2)
defer func() {
limitIPMasked1SizePerMinute = origSize
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
mailFrom := "remote@example.org"
rcptTo := "mjl@mox.example"
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(deliverMessage)), strings.NewReader(deliverMessage), false, false, false)
tcheck(t, err, "deliver to remote")
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(deliverMessage)), strings.NewReader(deliverMessage), false, false, false)
var cerr smtpclient.Error
if err == nil || !errors.As(err, &cerr) || cerr.Code != smtp.C452StorageFull {
t.Fatalf("got err %v, expected smtpclient error with code 452 for storage full", err)
func TestNonSMTP(t *testing.T) {
ts := newTestServer(t, filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/smtp/mox.conf"), dns.MockResolver{})
defer ts.close()
ts.cid += 2
serverConn, clientConn := net.Pipe()
defer serverConn.Close()
serverdone := make(chan struct{})
defer func() { <-serverdone }()
go func() {
tlsConfig := &tls.Config{
Certificates: []tls.Certificate{fakeCert(ts.t)},
serve("test", ts.cid-2, dns.Domain{ASCII: "mox.example"}, tlsConfig, serverConn, ts.resolver, ts.submission, false, 100<<20, false, false, false, ts.dnsbls, 0)
defer clientConn.Close()
buf := make([]byte, 128)
// Read and ignore hello.
if _, err := clientConn.Read(buf); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("reading hello: %v", err)
if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(clientConn, "bogus\r\n"); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("write command: %v", err)
n, err := clientConn.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("read response line: %v", err)
s := string(buf[:n])
if !strings.HasPrefix(s, "500 5.5.2 ") {
t.Fatalf(`got %q, expected "500 5.5.2 ...`, s)
if _, err := clientConn.Read(buf); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("connection not closed after bogus command")
// Test limits on outgoing messages.
func TestLimitOutgoing(t *testing.T) {
ts := newTestServer(t, filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/smtpserversendlimit/mox.conf"), dns.MockResolver{})
defer ts.close()
ts.user = "mjl@mox.example"
ts.pass = "testtest"
ts.submission = true
err := ts.acc.DB.Insert(ctxbg, &store.Outgoing{Recipient: "a@other.example", Submitted: time.Now().Add(-24*time.Hour - time.Minute)})
tcheck(t, err, "inserting outgoing/recipient past 24h window")
testSubmit := func(rcptTo string, expErr *smtpclient.Error) {
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
mailFrom := "mjl@mox.example"
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(submitMessage)), strings.NewReader(submitMessage), false, false, false)
var cerr smtpclient.Error
if expErr == nil && err != nil || expErr != nil && (err == nil || !errors.As(err, &cerr) || cerr.Secode != expErr.Secode) {
t.Fatalf("got err %#v, expected %#v", err, expErr)
// Limits are set to 4 messages a day, 2 first-time recipients.
testSubmit("b@other.example", nil)
testSubmit("c@other.example", nil)
testSubmit("d@other.example", &smtpclient.Error{Code: smtp.C451LocalErr, Secode: smtp.SePol7DeliveryUnauth1}) // Would be 3rd recipient.
testSubmit("b@other.example", nil)
testSubmit("b@other.example", nil)
testSubmit("b@other.example", &smtpclient.Error{Code: smtp.C451LocalErr, Secode: smtp.SePol7DeliveryUnauth1}) // Would be 5th message.
// Test account size limit enforcement.
func TestQuota(t *testing.T) {
resolver := dns.MockResolver{
A: map[string][]string{
"other.example.": {""}, // For mx check.
PTR: map[string][]string{
"": {"other.example."},
ts := newTestServer(t, filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/smtpserverquota/mox.conf"), resolver)
defer ts.close()
testDeliver := func(rcptTo string, expErr *smtpclient.Error) {
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
mailFrom := "mjl@other.example"
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(deliverMessage)), strings.NewReader(deliverMessage), false, false, false)
var cerr smtpclient.Error
if expErr == nil && err != nil || expErr != nil && (err == nil || !errors.As(err, &cerr) || cerr.Secode != expErr.Secode) {
t.Fatalf("got err %#v, expected %#v", err, expErr)
testDeliver("mjl@mox.example", &smtpclient.Error{Code: smtp.C452StorageFull, Secode: smtp.SeMailbox2Full2})
// Test with catchall destination address.
func TestCatchall(t *testing.T) {
resolver := dns.MockResolver{
A: map[string][]string{
"other.example.": {""}, // For mx check.
PTR: map[string][]string{
"": {"other.example."},
ts := newTestServer(t, filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/smtpservercatchall/mox.conf"), resolver)
defer ts.close()
testDeliver := func(rcptTo string, expErr *smtpclient.Error) {
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
mailFrom := "mjl@other.example"
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(submitMessage)), strings.NewReader(submitMessage), false, false, false)
var cerr smtpclient.Error
if expErr == nil && err != nil || expErr != nil && (err == nil || !errors.As(err, &cerr) || cerr.Secode != expErr.Secode) {
t.Fatalf("got err %#v, expected %#v", err, expErr)
testDeliver("mjl@mox.example", nil) // Exact match.
testDeliver("mjl+test@mox.example", nil) // Domain localpart catchall separator.
testDeliver("MJL+TEST@mox.example", nil) // Again, and case insensitive.
testDeliver("unknown@mox.example", nil) // Catchall address, to account catchall.
n, err := bstore.QueryDB[store.Message](ctxbg, ts.acc.DB).Count()
tcheck(t, err, "checking delivered messages")
tcompare(t, n, 3)
acc, err := store.OpenAccount(pkglog, "catchall")
tcheck(t, err, "open account")
defer acc.Close()
n, err = bstore.QueryDB[store.Message](ctxbg, acc.DB).Count()
tcheck(t, err, "checking delivered messages to catchall account")
tcompare(t, n, 1)
// Test DKIM signing for outgoing messages.
func TestDKIMSign(t *testing.T) {
resolver := dns.MockResolver{
A: map[string][]string{
"mox.example.": {""}, // For mx check.
PTR: map[string][]string{
"": {"mox.example."},
ts := newTestServer(t, filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/smtp/mox.conf"), resolver)
defer ts.close()
// Set DKIM signing config.
var gen byte
genDKIM := func(domain string) string {
dom, _ := mox.Conf.Domain(dns.Domain{ASCII: domain})
privkey := make([]byte, ed25519.SeedSize) // Fake key, don't use for real.
privkey[0] = byte(gen)
sel := config.Selector{
HashEffective: "sha256",
HeadersEffective: []string{"From", "To", "Subject"},
Key: ed25519.NewKeyFromSeed(privkey),
Domain: dns.Domain{ASCII: "testsel"},
dom.DKIM = config.DKIM{
Selectors: map[string]config.Selector{"testsel": sel},
Sign: []string{"testsel"},
mox.Conf.Dynamic.Domains[domain] = dom
pubkey := sel.Key.Public().(ed25519.PublicKey)
return "v=DKIM1;k=ed25519;p=" + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(pubkey)
dkimtxt := genDKIM("mox.example")
dkimtxt2 := genDKIM("mox2.example")
// DKIM verify needs to find the key.
resolver.TXT = map[string][]string{
"testsel._domainkey.mox.example.": {dkimtxt},
"testsel._domainkey.mox2.example.": {dkimtxt2},
ts.submission = true
ts.user = "mjl@mox.example"
ts.pass = "testtest"
n := 0
testSubmit := func(mailFrom, msgFrom string) {
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
msg := strings.ReplaceAll(fmt.Sprintf(`From: <%s>
To: <remote@example.org>
Subject: test
Message-Id: <test@mox.example>
test email
`, msgFrom), "\n", "\r\n")
rcptTo := "remote@example.org"
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(msg)), strings.NewReader(msg), false, false, false)
tcheck(t, err, "deliver")
msgs, err := queue.List(ctxbg)
tcheck(t, err, "listing queue")
tcompare(t, len(msgs), n)
sort.Slice(msgs, func(i, j int) bool {
return msgs[i].ID > msgs[j].ID
f, err := queue.OpenMessage(ctxbg, msgs[0].ID)
tcheck(t, err, "open message in queue")
defer f.Close()
results, err := dkim.Verify(ctxbg, pkglog.Logger, resolver, false, dkim.DefaultPolicy, f, false)
tcheck(t, err, "verifying dkim message")
tcompare(t, len(results), 1)
tcompare(t, results[0].Status, dkim.StatusPass)
tcompare(t, results[0].Sig.Domain.ASCII, strings.Split(msgFrom, "@")[1])
testSubmit("mjl@mox.example", "mjl@mox.example")
testSubmit("mjl@mox.example", "mjl@mox2.example") // DKIM signature will be for mox2.example.
// Test to postmaster addresses.
func TestPostmaster(t *testing.T) {
resolver := dns.MockResolver{
A: map[string][]string{
"other.example.": {""}, // For mx check.
PTR: map[string][]string{
"": {"other.example."},
ts := newTestServer(t, filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/smtp/postmaster/mox.conf"), resolver)
defer ts.close()
testDeliver := func(rcptTo string, expErr *smtpclient.Error) {
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
mailFrom := "mjl@other.example"
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(deliverMessage)), strings.NewReader(deliverMessage), false, false, false)
var cerr smtpclient.Error
if expErr == nil && err != nil || expErr != nil && (err == nil || !errors.As(err, &cerr) || cerr.Code != expErr.Code || cerr.Secode != expErr.Secode) {
t.Fatalf("got err %#v, expected %#v", err, expErr)
testDeliver("postmaster", nil) // Plain postmaster address without domain.
testDeliver("postmaster@host.mox.example", nil) // Postmaster address with configured mail server hostname.
testDeliver("postmaster@mox.example", nil) // Postmaster address without explicitly configured destination.
testDeliver("postmaster@unknown.example", &smtpclient.Error{Code: smtp.C550MailboxUnavail, Secode: smtp.SeAddr1UnknownDestMailbox1})
// Test to address with empty localpart.
func TestEmptylocalpart(t *testing.T) {
resolver := dns.MockResolver{
A: map[string][]string{
"other.example.": {""}, // For mx check.
PTR: map[string][]string{
"": {"other.example."},
ts := newTestServer(t, filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/smtp/mox.conf"), resolver)
defer ts.close()
testDeliver := func(rcptTo string, expErr *smtpclient.Error) {
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
mailFrom := `""@other.example`
msg := strings.ReplaceAll(deliverMessage, "To: <mjl@mox.example>", `To: <""@mox.example>`)
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, mailFrom, rcptTo, int64(len(msg)), strings.NewReader(msg), false, false, false)
var cerr smtpclient.Error
if expErr == nil && err != nil || expErr != nil && (err == nil || !errors.As(err, &cerr) || cerr.Code != expErr.Code || cerr.Secode != expErr.Secode) {
t.Fatalf("got err %#v, expected %#v", err, expErr)
testDeliver(`""@mox.example`, nil)
// Test handling REQUIRETLS and TLS-Required: No.
func TestRequireTLS(t *testing.T) {
resolver := dns.MockResolver{
A: map[string][]string{
"mox.example.": {""}, // For mx check.
PTR: map[string][]string{
"": {"mox.example."},
ts := newTestServer(t, filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/smtp/mox.conf"), resolver)
defer ts.close()
ts.submission = true
ts.requiretls = true
ts.user = "mjl@mox.example"
ts.pass = "testtest"
no := false
yes := true
msg0 := strings.ReplaceAll(`From: <mjl@mox.example>
To: <remote@example.org>
Subject: test
Message-Id: <test@mox.example>
TLS-Required: No
test email
`, "\n", "\r\n")
msg1 := strings.ReplaceAll(`From: <mjl@mox.example>
To: <remote@example.org>
Subject: test
Message-Id: <test@mox.example>
TLS-Required: No
TLS-Required: bogus
test email
`, "\n", "\r\n")
msg2 := strings.ReplaceAll(`From: <mjl@mox.example>
To: <remote@example.org>
Subject: test
Message-Id: <test@mox.example>
test email
`, "\n", "\r\n")
testSubmit := func(msg string, requiretls bool, expRequireTLS *bool) {
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
rcptTo := "remote@example.org"
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, "mjl@mox.example", rcptTo, int64(len(msg)), strings.NewReader(msg), false, false, requiretls)
tcheck(t, err, "deliver")
msgs, err := queue.List(ctxbg)
tcheck(t, err, "listing queue")
tcompare(t, len(msgs), 1)
tcompare(t, msgs[0].RequireTLS, expRequireTLS)
_, err = queue.Drop(ctxbg, pkglog, msgs[0].ID, "", "")
tcheck(t, err, "deleting message from queue")
testSubmit(msg0, true, &yes) // Header ignored, requiretls applied.
testSubmit(msg0, false, &no) // TLS-Required header applied.
testSubmit(msg1, true, &yes) // Bad headers ignored, requiretls applied.
testSubmit(msg1, false, nil) // Inconsistent multiple headers ignored.
testSubmit(msg2, false, nil) // Regular message, no RequireTLS setting.
testSubmit(msg2, true, &yes) // Requiretls applied.
// Check that we get an error if remote SMTP server does not support the requiretls
// extension.
ts.requiretls = false
ts.run(func(err error, client *smtpclient.Client) {
rcptTo := "remote@example.org"
if err == nil {
err = client.Deliver(ctxbg, "mjl@mox.example", rcptTo, int64(len(msg0)), strings.NewReader(msg0), false, false, true)
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("delivered with requiretls to server without requiretls")
if !errors.Is(err, smtpclient.ErrRequireTLSUnsupported) {
t.Fatalf("got err %v, expected ErrRequireTLSUnsupported", err)
func TestSmuggle(t *testing.T) {
resolver := dns.MockResolver{
A: map[string][]string{
"example.org.": {""}, // For mx check.
PTR: map[string][]string{
"": {"example.org."}, // For iprev check.
ts := newTestServer(t, filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/smtpsmuggle/mox.conf"), resolver)
ts.tlsmode = smtpclient.TLSSkip
defer ts.close()
test := func(data string) {
ts.runRaw(func(conn net.Conn) {
ourHostname := mox.Conf.Static.HostnameDomain
remoteHostname := dns.Domain{ASCII: "mox.example"}
opts := smtpclient.Opts{
RootCAs: mox.Conf.Static.TLS.CertPool,
log := pkglog.WithCid(ts.cid - 1)
_, err := smtpclient.New(ctxbg, log.Logger, conn, ts.tlsmode, ts.tlspkix, ourHostname, remoteHostname, opts)
tcheck(t, err, "smtpclient")
defer conn.Close()
write := func(s string) {
_, err := conn.Write([]byte(s))
tcheck(t, err, "write")
readPrefixLine := func(prefix string) string {
buf := make([]byte, 512)
n, err := conn.Read(buf)
tcheck(t, err, "read")
s := strings.TrimRight(string(buf[:n]), "\r\n")
if !strings.HasPrefix(s, prefix) {
t.Fatalf("got smtp response %q, expected line with prefix %q", s, prefix)
return s
write("MAIL FROM:<remote@example.org>\r\n")
write("RCPT TO:<mjl@mox.example>\r\n")
write("\r\n") // Empty header.
write("\r\n.\r\n") // End of message.
line := readPrefixLine("5")
if !strings.Contains(line, "smug") {
t.Errorf("got 5xx error with message %q, expected error text containing smug", line)
func TestFutureRelease(t *testing.T) {
ts := newTestServer(t, filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/smtp/mox.conf"), dns.MockResolver{})
ts.tlsmode = smtpclient.TLSSkip
ts.user = "mjl@mox.example"
ts.pass = "testtest"
ts.submission = true
defer ts.close()
ts.auth = func(mechanisms []string, cs *tls.ConnectionState) (sasl.Client, error) {
return sasl.NewClientPlain(ts.user, ts.pass), nil
test := func(mailtoMore, expResponsePrefix string) {
ts.runRaw(func(conn net.Conn) {
ourHostname := mox.Conf.Static.HostnameDomain
remoteHostname := dns.Domain{ASCII: "mox.example"}
opts := smtpclient.Opts{Auth: ts.auth}
log := pkglog.WithCid(ts.cid - 1)
_, err := smtpclient.New(ctxbg, log.Logger, conn, ts.tlsmode, false, ourHostname, remoteHostname, opts)
tcheck(t, err, "smtpclient")
defer conn.Close()
write := func(s string) {
_, err := conn.Write([]byte(s))
tcheck(t, err, "write")
readPrefixLine := func(prefix string) string {
buf := make([]byte, 512)
n, err := conn.Read(buf)
tcheck(t, err, "read")
s := strings.TrimRight(string(buf[:n]), "\r\n")
if !strings.HasPrefix(s, prefix) {
t.Fatalf("got smtp response %q, expected line with prefix %q", s, prefix)
return s
write(fmt.Sprintf("MAIL FROM:<mjl@mox.example>%s\r\n", mailtoMore))
if expResponsePrefix != "2" {
write("RCPT TO:<mjl@mox.example>\r\n")
write("From: <mjl@mox.example>\r\n\r\nbody\r\n\r\n.\r\n")
test(" HOLDFOR=1", "2")
test(" HOLDUNTIL="+time.Now().Add(time.Minute).UTC().Format(time.RFC3339), "2")
test(" HOLDUNTIL="+time.Now().Add(time.Minute).UTC().Format(time.RFC3339Nano), "2")
test(" HOLDFOR=0", "501") // 0 is invalid syntax.
test(fmt.Sprintf(" HOLDFOR=%d", int64((queue.FutureReleaseIntervalMax+time.Minute)/time.Second)), "554") // Too far in the future.
test(" HOLDUNTIL="+time.Now().Add(-time.Minute).UTC().Format(time.RFC3339), "554") // In the past.
test(" HOLDUNTIL="+time.Now().Add(queue.FutureReleaseIntervalMax+time.Minute).UTC().Format(time.RFC3339), "554") // Too far in the future.
test(" HOLDUNTIL=2024-02-10T17:28:00+00:00", "501") // "Z" required.
test(" HOLDUNTIL=24-02-10T17:28:00Z", "501") // Invalid.
test(" HOLDFOR=1 HOLDFOR=1", "501") // Duplicate.
test(" HOLDFOR=1 HOLDUNTIL="+time.Now().Add(time.Hour).UTC().Format(time.RFC3339), "501") // Duplicate.