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synced 2025-03-21 09:32:31 +03:00

for conditional storing and quick resynchronisation (not sure if mail clients are actually using it that). each message now has a "modseq". it is increased for each change. with condstore, imap clients can request changes since a certain modseq. that already allows quickly finding changes since a previous connection. condstore also allows storing (e.g. setting new message flags) only when the modseq of a message hasn't changed. qresync should make it fast for clients to get a full list of changed messages for a mailbox, including removals. we now also keep basic metadata of messages that have been removed (expunged). just enough (uid, modseq) to tell client that the messages have been removed. this does mean we have to be careful when querying messages from the database. we must now often filter the expunged messages out. we also keep "createseq", the modseq when a message was created. this will be useful for the jmap implementation.
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376 lines
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package smtpserver
import (
type reputationMethod string
const (
methodMsgfromFull reputationMethod = "msgfromfull"
methodMsgtoFull reputationMethod = "msgtofull"
methodMsgfromDomain reputationMethod = "msgfromdomain"
methodMsgfromOrgDomain reputationMethod = "msgfromorgdomain"
methodMsgtoDomain reputationMethod = "msgtodomain"
methodMsgtoOrgDomain reputationMethod = "msgtoorgdomain"
methodDKIMSPF reputationMethod = "dkimspf"
methodIP1 reputationMethod = "ip1"
methodIP2 reputationMethod = "ip2"
methodIP3 reputationMethod = "ip3"
methodNone reputationMethod = "none"
// Reputation returns whether message m is likely junk.
// This function is called after checking for a manually configured spf mailfrom
// allow (e.g. for mailing lists), and after checking for a dmarc reject policy.
// The decision is made based on historic messages delivered to the same
// destination mailbox, MailboxOrigID. Because each mailbox may have a different
// accept policy. We only use messages that have been marked as either junk or
// non-junk. We help users by automatically marking them as non-junk when moving to
// certain folders in the default config (e.g. the archive folder). We expect users
// to mark junk messages as such when they read it. And to keep it in their inbox,
// regular trash or archive if it is not.
// The basic idea is to keep accepting messages that were accepted in the past, and
// keep rejecting those that were rejected. This is relatively easy to check if
// mail passes SPF and/or DKIM with Message-From alignment. Regular email from
// known people will be let in. But spammers are trickier. They will use new IPs,
// (sub)domains, no or newly created SPF and/or DKIM identifiers, new localparts,
// etc. This function likely ends up returning "inconclusive" for such emails. The
// junkfilter will have to take care of a final decision.
// In case of doubt, it doesn't hurt much to accept another mail that a user has
// communicated successfully with in the past. If the most recent message is marked
// as junk that could have happened accidentally. If another message is let in, and
// it is again junk, future messages will be rejected.
// Actual spammers will probably try to use identifiers, i.e. (sub)domain, dkim/spf
// identifiers and ip addresses for which we have no history. We may only have
// ip-based reputation, perhaps only an ip range, perhaps nothing.
// Some profiles of first-time senders:
// - Individuals. They can typically get past the junkfilter if needed.
// - Transactional emails. They should get past the junkfilter. If they use one of
// the larger email service providers, their reputation could help. If the
// junkfilter rejects the message, users can recover the message from the Rejects
// mailbox. The first message is typically initiated by a user, e.g. by registering.
// - Desired commercial email will have to get past the junkfilter based on its
// content. There will typically be earlier communication with the (organizational)
// domain that would let the message through.
// - Mailing list. May get past the junkfilter. If delivery is to a separate
// mailbox, the junkfilter will let it in because of little history. Long enough to
// build reputation based on DKIM/SPF signals. Users are best off to
// configure accept rules for messages from mailing lists.
// The decision-making process looks at historic messages. The following properties
// are checked until matching messages are found. If they are found, a decision is
// returned, which may be inconclusive. The next property on the list is only
// checked if a step did not match any messages.
// - Messages matching full "message from" address, either with strict/relaxed
// dkim/spf-verification, or without.
// - Messages the user sent to the "message from" address.
// - Messages matching only the domain of the "message from" address (different
// localpart), again with verification or without.
// - Messages sent to an address in the domain of the "message from" address.
// - The previous two checks again, but now checking against the organizational
// domain instead of the exact domain.
// - Matching DKIM domains and a matching SPF mailfrom, or mailfrom domain, or ehlo
// domain.
// - "Exact" IP, or nearby IPs.
// References:
// ../rfc/5863
// ../rfc/7960
// ../rfc/6376:1915
// ../rfc/6376:3716
// ../rfc/7208:2167
func reputation(tx *bstore.Tx, log *mlog.Log, m *store.Message) (rjunk *bool, rconclusive bool, rmethod reputationMethod, rerr error) {
boolptr := func(v bool) *bool {
return &v
xfalse := boolptr(false)
xtrue := boolptr(true)
type queryError string
defer func() {
x := recover()
if x == nil {
if xerr, ok := x.(queryError); ok {
rerr = errors.New(string(xerr))
now := time.Now()
// messageQuery returns a base query for historic seen messages to the same
// mailbox, at most maxAge old, and at most maxCount messages.
messageQuery := func(fm *store.Message, maxAge time.Duration, maxCount int) *bstore.Query[store.Message] {
q := bstore.QueryTx[store.Message](tx)
q.FilterEqual("MailboxOrigID", m.MailboxID)
q.FilterEqual("Expunged", false)
q.FilterFn(func(m store.Message) bool {
return m.Junk || m.Notjunk
if fm != nil {
q.FilterGreaterEqual("Received", now.Add(-maxAge))
return q
// Execute the query, returning messages or returning error through panic.
xmessageList := func(q *bstore.Query[store.Message], descr string) []store.Message {
t0 := time.Now()
l, err := q.List()
log.Debugx("querying messages for reputation", err, mlog.Field("msgs", len(l)), mlog.Field("descr", descr), mlog.Field("queryduration", time.Since(t0)))
if err != nil {
panic(queryError(fmt.Sprintf("listing messages: %v", err)))
return l
xrecipientExists := func(q *bstore.Query[store.Recipient]) bool {
exists, err := q.Exists()
if err != nil {
panic(queryError(fmt.Sprintf("checking for recipient: %v", err)))
return exists
const year = 365 * 24 * time.Hour
// Look for historic messages with same "message from" address. We'll
// treat any validation (strict/dmarc/relaxed) the same, but "none"
// separately.
// We only need 1 message, and sometimes look at a second message. If
// the last message or the message before was an accept, we accept. If
// the single last or last two were a reject, we reject.
// If there was no validation, any signal is inconclusive.
if m.MsgFromDomain != "" {
q := messageQuery(&store.Message{MsgFromLocalpart: m.MsgFromLocalpart, MsgFromDomain: m.MsgFromDomain}, 3*year, 2)
q.FilterEqual("MsgFromValidated", m.MsgFromValidated)
msgs := xmessageList(q, "mgsfromfull")
if len(msgs) > 0 {
// todo: we may want to look at dkim/spf in this case.
spam := msgs[0].Junk && (len(msgs) == 1 || msgs[1].Junk)
conclusive := m.MsgFromValidated
return &spam, conclusive, methodMsgfromFull, nil
if !m.MsgFromValidated {
// Look for historic messages that were validated. If present, this is likely spam.
// Only return as conclusively spam if history also says this From-address sent
// spam.
q := messageQuery(&store.Message{MsgFromLocalpart: m.MsgFromLocalpart, MsgFromDomain: m.MsgFromDomain, MsgFromValidated: true}, 3*year, 2)
msgs = xmessageList(q, "msgfromfull-validated")
if len(msgs) > 0 {
spam := msgs[0].Junk && (len(msgs) == 1 || msgs[1].Junk)
return xtrue, spam, methodMsgfromFull, nil
// Look if we ever sent to this address. If so, we accept,
qr := bstore.QueryTx[store.Recipient](tx)
qr.FilterEqual("Localpart", m.MsgFromLocalpart)
qr.FilterEqual("Domain", m.MsgFromDomain)
qr.FilterGreaterEqual("Sent", now.Add(-3*year))
if xrecipientExists(qr) {
return xfalse, true, methodMsgtoFull, nil
// Look for domain match, then for organizational domain match.
for _, orgdomain := range []bool{false, true} {
qm := store.Message{}
var method reputationMethod
var descr string
if orgdomain {
qm.MsgFromOrgDomain = m.MsgFromOrgDomain
method = methodMsgfromOrgDomain
descr = "msgfromorgdomain"
} else {
qm.MsgFromDomain = m.MsgFromDomain
method = methodMsgfromDomain
descr = "msgfromdomain"
q := messageQuery(&qm, 2*year, 20)
q.FilterEqual("MsgFromValidated", m.MsgFromValidated)
msgs := xmessageList(q, descr)
if len(msgs) > 0 {
nonjunk := 0
for _, m := range msgs {
if !m.Junk {
if 100*nonjunk/len(msgs) > 80 {
return xfalse, true, method, nil
if nonjunk == 0 {
// Only conclusive with at least 3 different localparts.
localparts := map[smtp.Localpart]struct{}{}
for _, m := range msgs {
localparts[m.MsgFromLocalpart] = struct{}{}
if len(localparts) == 3 {
return xtrue, true, method, nil
return xtrue, false, method, nil
// Mixed signals from domain. We don't want to block a new sender.
return nil, false, method, nil
if !m.MsgFromValidated {
// Look for historic messages that were validated. If present, this is likely spam.
// Only return as conclusively spam if history also says this From-address sent
// spam.
q := messageQuery(&qm, 2*year, 2)
q.FilterEqual("MsgFromValidated", true)
msgs = xmessageList(q, descr+"-validated")
if len(msgs) > 0 {
spam := msgs[0].Junk && (len(msgs) == 1 || msgs[1].Junk)
return xtrue, spam, method, nil
// Look if we ever sent to this address. If so, we accept,
qr := bstore.QueryTx[store.Recipient](tx)
if orgdomain {
qr.FilterEqual("OrgDomain", m.MsgFromOrgDomain)
method = methodMsgtoOrgDomain
} else {
qr.FilterEqual("Domain", m.MsgFromDomain)
method = methodMsgtoDomain
qr.FilterGreaterEqual("Sent", now.Add(-2*year))
if xrecipientExists(qr) {
return xfalse, true, method, nil
// DKIM and SPF.
// We only use identities that passed validation. Failed identities are ignored. ../rfc/6376:2447
// todo future: we could do something with the DKIM identity (i=) field if it is more specific than just the domain (d=).
dkimspfsignals := []float64{}
dkimspfmsgs := 0
for _, dom := range m.DKIMDomains {
q := messageQuery(nil, year/2, 50)
q.FilterIn("DKIMDomains", dom)
msgs := xmessageList(q, "dkimdomain")
if len(msgs) > 0 {
nspam := 0
for _, m := range msgs {
if m.Junk {
pspam := float64(nspam) / float64(len(msgs))
dkimspfsignals = append(dkimspfsignals, pspam)
dkimspfmsgs = len(msgs)
if m.MailFromValidated || m.EHLOValidated {
var msgs []store.Message
if m.MailFromValidated && m.MailFromDomain != "" {
q := messageQuery(&store.Message{MailFromLocalpart: m.MailFromLocalpart, MailFromDomain: m.MailFromDomain}, year/2, 50)
msgs = xmessageList(q, "mailfrom")
if len(msgs) == 0 {
q := messageQuery(&store.Message{MailFromDomain: m.MailFromDomain}, year/2, 50)
msgs = xmessageList(q, "mailfromdomain")
if len(msgs) == 0 && m.EHLOValidated && m.EHLODomain != "" {
q := messageQuery(&store.Message{EHLODomain: m.EHLODomain}, year/2, 50)
msgs = xmessageList(q, "ehlodomain")
if len(msgs) > 0 {
nspam := 0
for _, m := range msgs {
if m.Junk {
pspam := float64(nspam) / float64(len(msgs))
dkimspfsignals = append(dkimspfsignals, pspam)
if len(msgs) > dkimspfmsgs {
dkimspfmsgs = len(msgs)
if len(dkimspfsignals) > 0 {
var nham, nspam int
for _, p := range dkimspfsignals {
if p < .1 {
} else if p > .9 {
if nham > 0 && nspam == 0 {
return xfalse, true, methodDKIMSPF, nil
if nspam > 0 && nham == 0 {
return xtrue, dkimspfmsgs > 1, methodDKIMSPF, nil
return nil, false, methodDKIMSPF, nil
// IP-based. A wider mask needs more messages to be conclusive.
// We require the resulting signal to be strong, i.e. likely ham or likely spam.
q := messageQuery(&store.Message{RemoteIPMasked1: m.RemoteIPMasked1}, year/4, 50)
msgs := xmessageList(q, "ip1")
need := 2
method := methodIP1
if len(msgs) == 0 {
q := messageQuery(&store.Message{RemoteIPMasked2: m.RemoteIPMasked2}, year/4, 50)
msgs = xmessageList(q, "ip2")
need = 5
method = methodIP2
if len(msgs) == 0 {
q := messageQuery(&store.Message{RemoteIPMasked3: m.RemoteIPMasked3}, year/4, 50)
msgs = xmessageList(q, "ip3")
need = 10
method = methodIP3
if len(msgs) > 0 {
nspam := 0
for _, m := range msgs {
if m.Junk {
pspam := float64(nspam) / float64(len(msgs))
var spam *bool
if pspam < .25 {
spam = xfalse
} else if pspam > .75 {
spam = xtrue
conclusive := len(msgs) >= need && (pspam <= 0.1 || pspam >= 0.9)
return spam, conclusive, method, nil
return nil, false, methodNone, nil