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// Package dkim (DomainKeys Identified Mail signatures, RFC 6376) signs and
// verifies DKIM signatures.
// Signatures are added to email messages in DKIM-Signature headers. By signing a
// message, a domain takes responsibility for the message. A message can have
// signatures for multiple domains, and the domain does not necessarily have to
// match a domain in a From header. Receiving mail servers can build a spaminess
// reputation based on domains that signed the message, along with other
// mechanisms.
package dkim
import (
cryptorand "crypto/rand"
var xlog = mlog.New("dkim")
var (
metricDKIMSign = promauto.NewCounterVec(
Name: "mox_dkim_sign_total",
Help: "DKIM messages signings.",
metricDKIMVerify = promauto.NewHistogramVec(
Name: "mox_dkim_verify_duration_seconds",
Help: "DKIM verify, including lookup, duration and result.",
Buckets: []float64{0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.100, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 20},
var timeNow = time.Now // Replaced during tests.
// Status is the result of verifying a DKIM-Signature as described by RFC 8601,
// "Message Header Field for Indicating Message Authentication Status".
type Status string
// ../rfc/8601:959 ../rfc/6376:1770 ../rfc/6376:2459
const (
StatusNone Status = "none" // Message was not signed.
StatusPass Status = "pass" // Message was signed and signature was verified.
StatusFail Status = "fail" // Message was signed, but signature was invalid.
StatusPolicy Status = "policy" // Message was signed, but signature is not accepted by policy.
StatusNeutral Status = "neutral" // Message was signed, but the signature contains an error or could not be processed. This status is also used for errors not covered by other statuses.
StatusTemperror Status = "temperror" // Message could not be verified. E.g. because of DNS resolve error. A later attempt may succeed. A missing DNS record is treated as temporary error, a new key may not have propagated through DNS shortly after it was taken into use.
StatusPermerror Status = "permerror" // Message cannot be verified. E.g. when a required header field is absent or for invalid (combination of) parameters. Typically set if a DNS record does not allow the signature, e.g. due to algorithm mismatch or expiry.
// Lookup errors.
var (
ErrNoRecord = errors.New("dkim: no dkim dns record for selector and domain")
ErrMultipleRecords = errors.New("dkim: multiple dkim dns record for selector and domain")
ErrDNS = errors.New("dkim: lookup of dkim dns record")
ErrSyntax = errors.New("dkim: syntax error in dkim dns record")
// Signature verification errors.
var (
ErrSigAlgMismatch = errors.New("dkim: signature algorithm mismatch with dns record")
ErrHashAlgNotAllowed = errors.New("dkim: hash algorithm not allowed by dns record")
ErrKeyNotForEmail = errors.New("dkim: dns record not allowed for use with email")
ErrDomainIdentityMismatch = errors.New("dkim: dns record disallows mismatch of domain (d=) and identity (i=)")
ErrSigExpired = errors.New("dkim: signature has expired")
ErrHashAlgorithmUnknown = errors.New("dkim: unknown hash algorithm")
ErrBodyhashMismatch = errors.New("dkim: body hash does not match")
ErrSigVerify = errors.New("dkim: signature verification failed")
ErrSigAlgorithmUnknown = errors.New("dkim: unknown signature algorithm")
ErrCanonicalizationUnknown = errors.New("dkim: unknown canonicalization")
ErrHeaderMalformed = errors.New("dkim: mail message header is malformed")
ErrFrom = errors.New("dkim: bad from headers")
ErrQueryMethod = errors.New("dkim: no recognized query method")
ErrKeyRevoked = errors.New("dkim: key has been revoked")
ErrTLD = errors.New("dkim: signed domain is top-level domain, above organizational domain")
ErrPolicy = errors.New("dkim: signature rejected by policy")
ErrWeakKey = errors.New("dkim: key is too weak, need at least 1024 bits for rsa")
// Result is the conclusion of verifying one DKIM-Signature header. An email can
// have multiple signatures, each with different parameters.
// To decide what to do with a message, both the signature parameters and the DNS
// TXT record have to be consulted.
type Result struct {
Status Status
Sig *Sig // Parsed form of DKIM-Signature header. Can be nil for invalid DKIM-Signature header.
Record *Record // Parsed form of DKIM DNS record for selector and domain in Sig. Optional.
Err error // If Status is not StatusPass, this error holds the details and can be checked using errors.Is.
// todo: use some io.Writer to hash the body and the header.
// Sign returns line(s) with DKIM-Signature headers, generated according to the configuration.
func Sign(ctx context.Context, localpart smtp.Localpart, domain dns.Domain, c config.DKIM, smtputf8 bool, msg io.ReaderAt) (headers string, rerr error) {
log := xlog.WithContext(ctx)
start := timeNow()
defer func() {
log.Debugx("dkim sign result", rerr, mlog.Field("localpart", localpart), mlog.Field("domain", domain), mlog.Field("smtputf8", smtputf8), mlog.Field("duration", time.Since(start)))
hdrs, bodyOffset, err := parseHeaders(bufio.NewReader(&moxio.AtReader{R: msg}))
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", ErrHeaderMalformed, err)
nfrom := 0
for _, h := range hdrs {
if h.lkey == "from" {
if nfrom != 1 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%w: message has %d from headers, need exactly 1", ErrFrom, nfrom)
type hashKey struct {
simple bool // Canonicalization.
hash string // lower-case hash.
var bodyHashes = map[hashKey][]byte{}
for _, sign := range c.Sign {
sel := c.Selectors[sign]
sig := newSigWithDefaults()
sig.Version = 1
switch sel.Key.(type) {
case *rsa.PrivateKey:
sig.AlgorithmSign = "rsa"
case ed25519.PrivateKey:
sig.AlgorithmSign = "ed25519"
return "", fmt.Errorf("internal error, unknown pivate key %T", sel.Key)
sig.AlgorithmHash = sel.HashEffective
sig.Domain = domain
sig.Selector = sel.Domain
sig.Identity = &Identity{&localpart, domain}
sig.SignedHeaders = append([]string{}, sel.HeadersEffective...)
if !sel.DontSealHeaders {
// ../rfc/6376:2156
// Each time a header name is added to the signature, the next unused value is
// signed (in reverse order as they occur in the message). So we can add each
// header name as often as it occurs. But now we'll add the header names one
// additional time, preventing someone from adding one more header later on.
counts := map[string]int{}
for _, h := range hdrs {
for _, h := range sel.HeadersEffective {
for j := counts[strings.ToLower(h)]; j > 0; j-- {
sig.SignedHeaders = append(sig.SignedHeaders, h)
sig.SignTime = timeNow().Unix()
if sel.ExpirationSeconds > 0 {
sig.ExpireTime = sig.SignTime + int64(sel.ExpirationSeconds)
sig.Canonicalization = "simple"
if sel.Canonicalization.HeaderRelaxed {
sig.Canonicalization = "relaxed"
sig.Canonicalization += "/"
if sel.Canonicalization.BodyRelaxed {
sig.Canonicalization += "relaxed"
} else {
sig.Canonicalization += "simple"
h, hok := algHash(sig.AlgorithmHash)
if !hok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unrecognized hash algorithm %q", sig.AlgorithmHash)
// We must now first calculate the hash over the body. Then include that hash in a
// new DKIM-Signature header. Then hash that and the signed headers into a data
// hash. Then that hash is finally signed and the signature included in the new
// DKIM-Signature header.
// ../rfc/6376:1700
hk := hashKey{!sel.Canonicalization.BodyRelaxed, strings.ToLower(sig.AlgorithmHash)}
if bh, ok := bodyHashes[hk]; ok {
sig.BodyHash = bh
} else {
br := bufio.NewReader(&moxio.AtReader{R: msg, Offset: int64(bodyOffset)})
bh, err = bodyHash(h.New(), !sel.Canonicalization.BodyRelaxed, br)
if err != nil {
return "", err
sig.BodyHash = bh
bodyHashes[hk] = bh
sigh, err := sig.Header()
if err != nil {
return "", err
verifySig := []byte(strings.TrimSuffix(sigh, "\r\n"))
dh, err := dataHash(h.New(), !sel.Canonicalization.HeaderRelaxed, sig, hdrs, verifySig)
if err != nil {
return "", err
switch key := sel.Key.(type) {
case *rsa.PrivateKey:
sig.Signature, err = key.Sign(cryptorand.Reader, dh, h)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("signing data: %v", err)
case ed25519.PrivateKey:
// crypto.Hash(0) indicates data isn't prehashed (ed25519ph). We are using
// PureEdDSA to sign the sha256 hash. ../rfc/8463:123 ../rfc/8032:427
sig.Signature, err = key.Sign(cryptorand.Reader, dh, crypto.Hash(0))
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("signing data: %v", err)
return "", fmt.Errorf("unsupported private key type: %s", err)
sigh, err = sig.Header()
if err != nil {
return "", err
headers += sigh
return headers, nil
// Lookup looks up the DKIM TXT record and parses it.
// A requested record is <selector>._domainkey.<domain>. Exactly one valid DKIM
// record should be present.
func Lookup(ctx context.Context, resolver dns.Resolver, selector, domain dns.Domain) (rstatus Status, rrecord *Record, rtxt string, rerr error) {
log := xlog.WithContext(ctx)
start := timeNow()
defer func() {
log.Debugx("dkim lookup result", rerr, mlog.Field("selector", selector), mlog.Field("domain", domain), mlog.Field("status", rstatus), mlog.Field("record", rrecord), mlog.Field("duration", time.Since(start)))
name := selector.ASCII + "._domainkey." + domain.ASCII + "."
records, err := dns.WithPackage(resolver, "dkim").LookupTXT(ctx, name)
if dns.IsNotFound(err) {
// ../rfc/6376:2608
// We must return StatusPermerror. We may want to return StatusTemperror because in
// practice someone will start using a new key before DNS changes have propagated.
return StatusPermerror, nil, "", fmt.Errorf("%w: dns name %q", ErrNoRecord, name)
} else if err != nil {
return StatusTemperror, nil, "", fmt.Errorf("%w: dns name %q: %s", ErrDNS, name, err)
// ../rfc/6376:2612
var status = StatusTemperror
var record *Record
var txt string
err = nil
for _, s := range records {
// We interpret ../rfc/6376:2621 to mean that a record that claims to be v=DKIM1,
// but isn't actually valid, results in a StatusPermFail. But a record that isn't
// claiming to be DKIM1 is ignored.
var r *Record
var isdkim bool
r, isdkim, err = ParseRecord(s)
if err != nil && isdkim {
return StatusPermerror, nil, txt, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", ErrSyntax, err)
} else if err != nil {
// Hopefully the remote MTA admin discovers the configuration error and fix it for
// an upcoming delivery attempt, in case we rejected with temporary status.
status = StatusTemperror
err = fmt.Errorf("%w: not a dkim record: %s", ErrSyntax, err)
// If there are multiple valid records, return a temporary error. Perhaps the error is fixed soon.
// ../rfc/6376:1609
// ../rfc/6376:2584
if record != nil {
return StatusTemperror, nil, "", fmt.Errorf("%w: dns name %q", ErrMultipleRecords, name)
record = r
txt = s
err = nil
if record == nil {
return status, nil, "", err
return StatusNeutral, record, txt, nil
// Verify parses the DKIM-Signature headers in a message and verifies each of them.
// If the headers of the message cannot be found, an error is returned.
// Otherwise, each DKIM-Signature header is reflected in the returned results.
// NOTE: Verify does not check if the domain (d=) that signed the message is
// the domain of the sender. The caller, e.g. through DMARC, should do this.
// If ignoreTestMode is true and the DKIM record is in test mode (t=y), a
// verification failure is treated as actual failure. With ignoreTestMode
// false, such verification failures are treated as if there is no signature by
// returning StatusNone.
func Verify(ctx context.Context, resolver dns.Resolver, smtputf8 bool, policy func(*Sig) error, r io.ReaderAt, ignoreTestMode bool) (results []Result, rerr error) {
log := xlog.WithContext(ctx)
start := timeNow()
defer func() {
duration := float64(time.Since(start)) / float64(time.Second)
for _, r := range results {
var alg string
if r.Sig != nil {
alg = r.Sig.Algorithm()
status := string(r.Status)
metricDKIMVerify.WithLabelValues(alg, status).Observe(duration)
if len(results) == 0 {
log.Debugx("dkim verify result", rerr, mlog.Field("smtputf8", smtputf8), mlog.Field("duration", time.Since(start)))
for _, result := range results {
log.Debugx("dkim verify result", result.Err, mlog.Field("smtputf8", smtputf8), mlog.Field("status", result.Status), mlog.Field("sig", result.Sig), mlog.Field("record", result.Record), mlog.Field("duration", time.Since(start)))
hdrs, bodyOffset, err := parseHeaders(bufio.NewReader(&moxio.AtReader{R: r}))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", ErrHeaderMalformed, err)
// todo: reuse body hashes and possibly verify signatures in parallel. and start the dns lookup immediately. ../rfc/6376:2697
for _, h := range hdrs {
if h.lkey != "dkim-signature" {
sig, verifySig, err := parseSignature(h.raw, smtputf8)
if err != nil {
// ../rfc/6376:2503
err := fmt.Errorf("parsing DKIM-Signature header: %w", err)
results = append(results, Result{StatusPermerror, nil, nil, err})
h, canonHeaderSimple, canonDataSimple, err := checkSignatureParams(ctx, sig)
if err != nil {
results = append(results, Result{StatusPermerror, nil, nil, err})
// ../rfc/6376:2560
if err := policy(sig); err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", ErrPolicy, err)
results = append(results, Result{StatusPolicy, nil, nil, err})
br := bufio.NewReader(&moxio.AtReader{R: r, Offset: int64(bodyOffset)})
status, txt, err := verifySignature(ctx, resolver, sig, h, canonHeaderSimple, canonDataSimple, hdrs, verifySig, br, ignoreTestMode)
results = append(results, Result{status, sig, txt, err})
return results, nil
// check if signature is acceptable.
// Only looks at the signature parameters, not at the DNS record.
func checkSignatureParams(ctx context.Context, sig *Sig) (hash crypto.Hash, canonHeaderSimple, canonBodySimple bool, rerr error) {
// "From" header is required, ../rfc/6376:2122 ../rfc/6376:2546
var from bool
for _, h := range sig.SignedHeaders {
if strings.EqualFold(h, "from") {
from = true
if !from {
return 0, false, false, fmt.Errorf(`%w: required "from" header not signed`, ErrFrom)
// ../rfc/6376:2550
if sig.ExpireTime >= 0 && sig.ExpireTime < timeNow().Unix() {
return 0, false, false, fmt.Errorf("%w: expiration time %q", ErrSigExpired, time.Unix(sig.ExpireTime, 0).Format(time.RFC3339))
// ../rfc/6376:2554
// ../rfc/6376:3284
// Refuse signatures that reach beyond declared scope. We use the existing
// publicsuffix.Lookup to lookup a fake subdomain of the signing domain. If this
// supposed subdomain is actually an organizational domain, the signing domain
// shouldn't be signing for its organizational domain.
subdom := sig.Domain
subdom.ASCII = "x." + subdom.ASCII
if subdom.Unicode != "" {
subdom.Unicode = "x." + subdom.Unicode
if orgDom := publicsuffix.Lookup(ctx, subdom); subdom.ASCII == orgDom.ASCII {
return 0, false, false, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", ErrTLD, sig.Domain)
h, hok := algHash(sig.AlgorithmHash)
if !hok {
return 0, false, false, fmt.Errorf("%w: %q", ErrHashAlgorithmUnknown, sig.AlgorithmHash)
t := strings.SplitN(sig.Canonicalization, "/", 2)
switch strings.ToLower(t[0]) {
case "simple":
canonHeaderSimple = true
case "relaxed":
return 0, false, false, fmt.Errorf("%w: header canonicalization %q", ErrCanonicalizationUnknown, sig.Canonicalization)
canon := "simple"
if len(t) == 2 {
canon = t[1]
switch strings.ToLower(canon) {
case "simple":
canonBodySimple = true
case "relaxed":
return 0, false, false, fmt.Errorf("%w: body canonicalization %q", ErrCanonicalizationUnknown, sig.Canonicalization)
// We only recognize query method dns/txt, which is the default. ../rfc/6376:1268
if len(sig.QueryMethods) > 0 {
var dnstxt bool
for _, m := range sig.QueryMethods {
if strings.EqualFold(m, "dns/txt") {
dnstxt = true
if !dnstxt {
return 0, false, false, fmt.Errorf("%w: need dns/txt", ErrQueryMethod)
return h, canonHeaderSimple, canonBodySimple, nil
// lookup the public key in the DNS and verify the signature.
func verifySignature(ctx context.Context, resolver dns.Resolver, sig *Sig, hash crypto.Hash, canonHeaderSimple, canonDataSimple bool, hdrs []header, verifySig []byte, body *bufio.Reader, ignoreTestMode bool) (Status, *Record, error) {
// ../rfc/6376:2604
status, record, _, err := Lookup(ctx, resolver, sig.Selector, sig.Domain)
if err != nil {
// todo: for temporary errors, we could pass on information so caller returns a 4.7.5 ecode, ../rfc/6376:2777
return status, nil, err
status, err = verifySignatureRecord(record, sig, hash, canonHeaderSimple, canonDataSimple, hdrs, verifySig, body, ignoreTestMode)
return status, record, err
// verify a DKIM signature given the record from dns and signature from the email message.
func verifySignatureRecord(r *Record, sig *Sig, hash crypto.Hash, canonHeaderSimple, canonDataSimple bool, hdrs []header, verifySig []byte, body *bufio.Reader, ignoreTestMode bool) (rstatus Status, rerr error) {
if !ignoreTestMode {
// ../rfc/6376:1558
y := false
for _, f := range r.Flags {
if strings.EqualFold(f, "y") {
y = true
if y {
defer func() {
if rstatus != StatusPass {
rstatus = StatusNone
// ../rfc/6376:2639
if len(r.Hashes) > 0 {
ok := false
for _, h := range r.Hashes {
if strings.EqualFold(h, sig.AlgorithmHash) {
ok = true
if !ok {
return StatusPermerror, fmt.Errorf("%w: dkim dns record expects one of %q, message uses %q", ErrHashAlgNotAllowed, strings.Join(r.Hashes, ","), sig.AlgorithmHash)
// ../rfc/6376:2651
if !strings.EqualFold(r.Key, sig.AlgorithmSign) {
return StatusPermerror, fmt.Errorf("%w: dkim dns record requires algorithm %q, message has %q", ErrSigAlgMismatch, r.Key, sig.AlgorithmSign)
// ../rfc/6376:2645
if r.PublicKey == nil {
return StatusPermerror, ErrKeyRevoked
} else if rsaKey, ok := r.PublicKey.(*rsa.PublicKey); ok && rsaKey.N.BitLen() < 1024 {
// todo: find a reference that supports this.
return StatusPermerror, ErrWeakKey
// ../rfc/6376:1541
if !r.ServiceAllowed("email") {
return StatusPermerror, ErrKeyNotForEmail
for _, t := range r.Flags {
// ../rfc/6376:1575
// ../rfc/6376:1805
if strings.EqualFold(t, "s") && sig.Identity != nil {
if sig.Identity.Domain.ASCII != sig.Domain.ASCII {
return StatusPermerror, fmt.Errorf("%w: i= identity domain %q must match d= domain %q", ErrDomainIdentityMismatch, sig.Domain.ASCII, sig.Identity.Domain.ASCII)
if sig.Length >= 0 {
// todo future: implement l= parameter in signatures. we don't currently allow this through policy check.
return StatusPermerror, fmt.Errorf("l= (length) parameter in signature not yet implemented")
// We first check the signature is with the claimed body hash is valid. Then we
// verify the body hash. In case of invalid signatures, we won't read the entire
// body.
// ../rfc/6376:1700
// ../rfc/6376:2656
dh, err := dataHash(hash.New(), canonHeaderSimple, sig, hdrs, verifySig)
if err != nil {
// Any error is likely an invalid header field in the message, hence permanent error.
return StatusPermerror, fmt.Errorf("calculating data hash: %w", err)
switch k := r.PublicKey.(type) {
case *rsa.PublicKey:
if err := rsa.VerifyPKCS1v15(k, hash, dh, sig.Signature); err != nil {
return StatusFail, fmt.Errorf("%w: rsa verification: %s", ErrSigVerify, err)
case ed25519.PublicKey:
if ok := ed25519.Verify(k, dh, sig.Signature); !ok {
return StatusFail, fmt.Errorf("%w: ed25519 verification", ErrSigVerify)
return StatusPermerror, fmt.Errorf("%w: unrecognized signature algorithm %q", ErrSigAlgorithmUnknown, r.Key)
bh, err := bodyHash(hash.New(), canonDataSimple, body)
if err != nil {
// Any error is likely some internal error, hence temporary error.
return StatusTemperror, fmt.Errorf("calculating body hash: %w", err)
if !bytes.Equal(sig.BodyHash, bh) {
return StatusFail, fmt.Errorf("%w: signature bodyhash %x != calculated bodyhash %x", ErrBodyhashMismatch, sig.BodyHash, bh)
return StatusPass, nil
func algHash(s string) (crypto.Hash, bool) {
if strings.EqualFold(s, "sha1") {
return crypto.SHA1, true
} else if strings.EqualFold(s, "sha256") {
return crypto.SHA256, true
return 0, false
// bodyHash calculates the hash over the body.
func bodyHash(h hash.Hash, canonSimple bool, body *bufio.Reader) ([]byte, error) {
// todo: take l= into account. we don't currently allow it for policy reasons.
var crlf = []byte("\r\n")
if canonSimple {
// ../rfc/6376:864, ensure body ends with exactly one trailing crlf.
ncrlf := 0
for {
buf, err := body.ReadBytes('\n')
if len(buf) == 0 && err == io.EOF {
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return nil, err
hascrlf := bytes.HasSuffix(buf, crlf)
if hascrlf {
buf = buf[:len(buf)-2]
if len(buf) > 0 {
for ; ncrlf > 0; ncrlf-- {
if hascrlf {
} else {
hb := bufio.NewWriter(h)
// We go through the body line by line, replacing WSP with a single space and removing whitespace at the end of lines.
// We stash "empty" lines. If they turn out to be at the end of the file, we must drop them.
stash := &bytes.Buffer{}
var line bool // Whether buffer read is for continuation of line.
var prev byte // Previous byte read for line.
linesEmpty := true // Whether stash contains only empty lines and may need to be dropped.
var bodynonempty bool // Whether body is non-empty, for adding missing crlf.
var hascrlf bool // Whether current/last line ends with crlf, for adding missing crlf.
for {
// todo: should not read line at a time, count empty lines. reduces max memory usage. a message with lots of empty lines can cause high memory use.
buf, err := body.ReadBytes('\n')
if len(buf) == 0 && err == io.EOF {
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return nil, err
bodynonempty = true
hascrlf = bytes.HasSuffix(buf, crlf)
if hascrlf {
buf = buf[:len(buf)-2]
// ../rfc/6376:893, "ignore all whitespace at the end of lines".
// todo: what is "whitespace"? it isn't WSP (space and tab), the next line mentions WSP explicitly for another rule. should we drop trailing \r, \n, \v, more?
buf = bytes.TrimRight(buf, " \t")
// Replace one or more WSP to a single SP.
for i, c := range buf {
wsp := c == ' ' || c == '\t'
if (i >= 0 || line) && wsp {
if prev == ' ' {
prev = ' '
c = ' '
} else {
prev = c
if !wsp {
linesEmpty = false
if hascrlf {
line = !hascrlf
if !linesEmpty {
linesEmpty = true
// ../rfc/6376:886
// Only for non-empty bodies without trailing crlf do we add the missing crlf.
if bodynonempty && !hascrlf {
return h.Sum(nil), nil
func dataHash(h hash.Hash, canonSimple bool, sig *Sig, hdrs []header, verifySig []byte) ([]byte, error) {
headers := ""
revHdrs := map[string][]header{}
for _, h := range hdrs {
revHdrs[h.lkey] = append([]header{h}, revHdrs[h.lkey]...)
for _, key := range sig.SignedHeaders {
lkey := strings.ToLower(key)
h := revHdrs[lkey]
if len(h) == 0 {
revHdrs[lkey] = h[1:]
s := string(h[0].raw)
if canonSimple {
// ../rfc/6376:823
// Add unmodified.
headers += s
} else {
ch, err := relaxedCanonicalHeaderWithoutCRLF(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("canonicalizing header: %w", err)
headers += ch + "\r\n"
// ../rfc/6376:2377, canonicalization does not apply to the dkim-signature header.
dkimSig := verifySig
if !canonSimple {
ch, err := relaxedCanonicalHeaderWithoutCRLF(string(verifySig))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("canonicalizing DKIM-Signature header: %w", err)
dkimSig = []byte(ch)
return h.Sum(nil), nil
// a single header, can be multiline.
func relaxedCanonicalHeaderWithoutCRLF(s string) (string, error) {
// ../rfc/6376:831
t := strings.SplitN(s, ":", 2)
if len(t) != 2 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%w: invalid header %q", ErrHeaderMalformed, s)
// Unfold, we keep the leading WSP on continuation lines and fix it up below.
v := strings.ReplaceAll(t[1], "\r\n", "")
// Replace one or more WSP to a single SP.
var nv []byte
var prev byte
for i, c := range []byte(v) {
if i >= 0 && c == ' ' || c == '\t' {
if prev == ' ' {
prev = ' '
c = ' '
} else {
prev = c
nv = append(nv, c)
ch := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimRight(t[0], " \t")) + ":" + strings.Trim(string(nv), " \t")
return ch, nil
type header struct {
key string // Key in original case.
lkey string // Key in lower-case, for canonical case.
value []byte // Literal header value, possibly spanning multiple lines, not modified in any way, including crlf, excluding leading key and colon.
raw []byte // Like value, but including original leading key and colon. Ready for use as simple header canonicalized use.
func parseHeaders(br *bufio.Reader) ([]header, int, error) {
var o int
var l []header
var key, lkey string
var value []byte
var raw []byte
for {
line, err := readline(br)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
o += len(line)
if bytes.Equal(line, []byte("\r\n")) {
if line[0] == ' ' || line[0] == '\t' {
if len(l) == 0 && key == "" {
return nil, 0, fmt.Errorf("malformed message, starts with space/tab")
value = append(value, line...)
raw = append(raw, line...)
if key != "" {
l = append(l, header{key, lkey, value, raw})
t := bytes.SplitN(line, []byte(":"), 2)
if len(t) != 2 {
return nil, 0, fmt.Errorf("malformed message, header without colon")
key = strings.TrimRight(string(t[0]), " \t") // todo: where is this specified?
// Check for valid characters. ../rfc/5322:1689 ../rfc/6532:193
for _, c := range key {
if c <= ' ' || c >= 0x7f {
return nil, 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid header field name")
if key == "" {
return nil, 0, fmt.Errorf("empty header key")
lkey = strings.ToLower(key)
value = append([]byte{}, t[1]...)
raw = append([]byte{}, line...)
if key != "" {
l = append(l, header{key, lkey, value, raw})
return l, o, nil
func readline(r *bufio.Reader) ([]byte, error) {
var buf []byte
for {
line, err := r.ReadBytes('\n')
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if bytes.HasSuffix(line, []byte("\r\n")) {
if len(buf) == 0 {
return line, nil
return append(buf, line...), nil
buf = append(buf, line...)