mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 18:33:44 +03:00

the members must currently all be addresses of local accounts. a message sent to an alias is accepted if at least one of the members accepts it. if no members accepts it (e.g. due to bad reputation of sender), the message is rejected. if a message is submitted to both an alias addresses and to recipients that are members of the alias in an smtp transaction, the message will be delivered to such members only once. the same applies if the address in the message from-header is the address of a member: that member won't receive the message (they sent it). this prevents duplicate messages. aliases have three configuration options: - PostPublic: whether anyone can send through the alias, or only members. members-only lists can be useful inside organizations for internal communication. public lists can be useful for support addresses. - ListMembers: whether members can see the addresses of other members. this can be seen in the account web interface. in the future, we could export this in other ways, so clients can expand the list. - AllowMsgFrom: whether messages can be sent through the alias with the alias address used in the message from-header. the webmail knows it can use that address, and will use it as from-address when replying to a message sent to that address. ideas for the future: - allow external addresses as members. still with some restrictions, such as requiring a valid dkim-signature so delivery has a chance to succeed. will also need configuration of an admin that can receive any bounces. - allow specifying specific members who can sent through the list (instead of all members). for github issue #57 by hmfaysal. also relevant for #99 by naturalethic. thanks to damir & marin from sartura for discussing requirements/features.
2055 lines
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package webmail
import (
cryptorand "crypto/rand"
_ "embed"
//go:embed api.json
var webmailapiJSON []byte
type Webmail struct {
maxMessageSize int64 // From listener.
cookiePath string // From listener.
isForwarded bool // From listener, whether we look at X-Forwarded-* headers.
func mustParseAPI(api string, buf []byte) (doc sherpadoc.Section) {
err := json.Unmarshal(buf, &doc)
if err != nil {
pkglog.Fatalx("parsing webmail api docs", err, slog.String("api", api))
return doc
var webmailDoc = mustParseAPI("webmail", webmailapiJSON)
var sherpaHandlerOpts *sherpa.HandlerOpts
func makeSherpaHandler(maxMessageSize int64, cookiePath string, isForwarded bool) (http.Handler, error) {
return sherpa.NewHandler("/api/", moxvar.Version, Webmail{maxMessageSize, cookiePath, isForwarded}, &webmailDoc, sherpaHandlerOpts)
func init() {
collector, err := sherpaprom.NewCollector("moxwebmail", nil)
if err != nil {
pkglog.Fatalx("creating sherpa prometheus collector", err)
sherpaHandlerOpts = &sherpa.HandlerOpts{Collector: collector, AdjustFunctionNames: "none", NoCORS: true}
// Just to validate.
_, err = makeSherpaHandler(0, "", false)
if err != nil {
pkglog.Fatalx("sherpa handler", err)
// LoginPrep returns a login token, and also sets it as cookie. Both must be
// present in the call to Login.
func (w Webmail) LoginPrep(ctx context.Context) string {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
log := reqInfo.Log
var data [8]byte
_, err := cryptorand.Read(data[:])
xcheckf(ctx, err, "generate token")
loginToken := base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(data[:])
webauth.LoginPrep(ctx, log, "webmail", w.cookiePath, w.isForwarded, reqInfo.Response, reqInfo.Request, loginToken)
return loginToken
// Login returns a session token for the credentials, or fails with error code
// "user:badLogin". Call LoginPrep to get a loginToken.
func (w Webmail) Login(ctx context.Context, loginToken, username, password string) store.CSRFToken {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
log := reqInfo.Log
csrfToken, err := webauth.Login(ctx, log, webauth.Accounts, "webmail", w.cookiePath, w.isForwarded, reqInfo.Response, reqInfo.Request, loginToken, username, password)
if _, ok := err.(*sherpa.Error); ok {
xcheckf(ctx, err, "login")
return csrfToken
// Logout invalidates the session token.
func (w Webmail) Logout(ctx context.Context) {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
log := reqInfo.Log
err := webauth.Logout(ctx, log, webauth.Accounts, "webmail", w.cookiePath, w.isForwarded, reqInfo.Response, reqInfo.Request, reqInfo.Account.Name, reqInfo.SessionToken)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "logout")
// Token returns a token to use for an SSE connection. A token can only be used for
// a single SSE connection. Tokens are stored in memory for a maximum of 1 minute,
// with at most 10 unused tokens (the most recently created) per account.
func (Webmail) Token(ctx context.Context) string {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
return sseTokens.xgenerate(ctx, reqInfo.Account.Name, reqInfo.LoginAddress, reqInfo.SessionToken)
// Requests sends a new request for an open SSE connection. Any currently active
// request for the connection will be canceled, but this is done asynchrously, so
// the SSE connection may still send results for the previous request. Callers
// should take care to ignore such results. If req.Cancel is set, no new request is
// started.
func (Webmail) Request(ctx context.Context, req Request) {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
if !req.Cancel && req.Page.Count <= 0 {
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("Page.Count must be >= 1"), "checking request")
sse, ok := sseGet(req.SSEID, reqInfo.Account.Name)
if !ok {
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("unknown sseid"), "looking up connection")
sse.Request <- req
// ParsedMessage returns enough to render the textual body of a message. It is
// assumed the client already has other fields through MessageItem.
func (Webmail) ParsedMessage(ctx context.Context, msgID int64) (pm ParsedMessage) {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
log := reqInfo.Log
acc := reqInfo.Account
xdbread(ctx, acc, func(tx *bstore.Tx) {
m := xmessageID(ctx, tx, msgID)
state := msgState{acc: acc}
defer state.clear()
var err error
pm, err = parsedMessage(log, m, &state, true, false)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "parsing message")
if len(pm.envelope.From) == 1 {
pm.ViewMode, err = fromAddrViewMode(tx, pm.envelope.From[0])
xcheckf(ctx, err, "looking up view mode for from address")
// fromAddrViewMode returns the view mode for a from address.
func fromAddrViewMode(tx *bstore.Tx, from MessageAddress) (store.ViewMode, error) {
lp, err := smtp.ParseLocalpart(from.User)
if err != nil {
return store.ModeDefault, nil
fromAddr := smtp.Address{Localpart: lp, Domain: from.Domain}.Pack(true)
fas := store.FromAddressSettings{FromAddress: fromAddr}
err = tx.Get(&fas)
if err == bstore.ErrAbsent {
return store.ModeDefault, nil
return fas.ViewMode, err
// FromAddressSettingsSave saves per-"From"-address settings.
func (Webmail) FromAddressSettingsSave(ctx context.Context, fas store.FromAddressSettings) {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
acc := reqInfo.Account
if fas.FromAddress == "" {
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("empty from address"), "checking address")
xdbwrite(ctx, acc, func(tx *bstore.Tx) {
if tx.Get(&store.FromAddressSettings{FromAddress: fas.FromAddress}) == nil {
err := tx.Update(&fas)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "updating settings for from address")
} else {
err := tx.Insert(&fas)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "inserting settings for from address")
// MessageFindMessageID looks up a message by Message-Id header, and returns the ID
// of the message in storage. Used when opening a previously saved draft message
// for editing again.
// If no message is find, zero is returned, not an error.
func (Webmail) MessageFindMessageID(ctx context.Context, messageID string) (id int64) {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
acc := reqInfo.Account
messageID, _, _ = message.MessageIDCanonical(messageID)
if messageID == "" {
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("empty message-id"), "parsing message-id")
xdbread(ctx, acc, func(tx *bstore.Tx) {
m, err := bstore.QueryTx[store.Message](tx).FilterNonzero(store.Message{MessageID: messageID}).Get()
if err == bstore.ErrAbsent {
xcheckf(ctx, err, "looking up message by message-id")
id = m.ID
// ComposeMessage is a message to be composed, for saving draft messages.
type ComposeMessage struct {
From string
To []string
Cc []string
Bcc []string
ReplyTo string // If non-empty, Reply-To header to add to message.
Subject string
TextBody string
ResponseMessageID int64 // If set, this was a reply or forward, based on IsForward.
DraftMessageID int64 // If set, previous draft message that will be removed after composing new message.
// MessageCompose composes a message and saves it to the mailbox. Used for
// saving draft messages.
func (w Webmail) MessageCompose(ctx context.Context, m ComposeMessage, mailboxID int64) (id int64) {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
acc := reqInfo.Account
log := reqInfo.Log
log.Debug("message compose")
// Prevent any accidental control characters, or attempts at getting bare \r or \n
// into messages.
for _, l := range [][]string{m.To, m.Cc, m.Bcc, {m.From, m.Subject, m.ReplyTo}} {
for _, s := range l {
for _, c := range s {
if c < 0x20 {
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("control characters not allowed"), "checking header values")
fromAddr, err := parseAddress(m.From)
xcheckuserf(ctx, err, "parsing From address")
var replyTo *message.NameAddress
if m.ReplyTo != "" {
addr, err := parseAddress(m.ReplyTo)
xcheckuserf(ctx, err, "parsing Reply-To address")
replyTo = &addr
var recipients []smtp.Address
var toAddrs []message.NameAddress
for _, s := range m.To {
addr, err := parseAddress(s)
xcheckuserf(ctx, err, "parsing To address")
toAddrs = append(toAddrs, addr)
recipients = append(recipients, addr.Address)
var ccAddrs []message.NameAddress
for _, s := range m.Cc {
addr, err := parseAddress(s)
xcheckuserf(ctx, err, "parsing Cc address")
ccAddrs = append(ccAddrs, addr)
recipients = append(recipients, addr.Address)
var bccAddrs []message.NameAddress
for _, s := range m.Bcc {
addr, err := parseAddress(s)
xcheckuserf(ctx, err, "parsing Bcc address")
bccAddrs = append(bccAddrs, addr)
recipients = append(recipients, addr.Address)
// We only use smtputf8 if we have to, with a utf-8 localpart. For IDNA, we use ASCII domains.
smtputf8 := false
for _, a := range recipients {
if a.Localpart.IsInternational() {
smtputf8 = true
if !smtputf8 && fromAddr.Address.Localpart.IsInternational() {
// todo: may want to warn user that they should consider sending with a ascii-only localpart, in case receiver doesn't support smtputf8.
smtputf8 = true
if !smtputf8 && replyTo != nil && replyTo.Address.Localpart.IsInternational() {
smtputf8 = true
// Create file to compose message into.
dataFile, err := store.CreateMessageTemp(log, "webmail-compose")
xcheckf(ctx, err, "creating temporary file for compose message")
defer store.CloseRemoveTempFile(log, dataFile, "compose message")
// If writing to the message file fails, we abort immediately.
xc := message.NewComposer(dataFile, w.maxMessageSize, smtputf8)
defer func() {
x := recover()
if x == nil {
if err, ok := x.(error); ok && errors.Is(err, message.ErrMessageSize) {
xcheckuserf(ctx, err, "making message")
} else if ok && errors.Is(err, message.ErrCompose) {
xcheckf(ctx, err, "making message")
// Outer message headers.
xc.HeaderAddrs("From", []message.NameAddress{fromAddr})
if replyTo != nil {
xc.HeaderAddrs("Reply-To", []message.NameAddress{*replyTo})
xc.HeaderAddrs("To", toAddrs)
xc.HeaderAddrs("Cc", ccAddrs)
xc.HeaderAddrs("Bcc", bccAddrs)
if m.Subject != "" {
// Add In-Reply-To and References headers.
if m.ResponseMessageID > 0 {
xdbread(ctx, acc, func(tx *bstore.Tx) {
rm := xmessageID(ctx, tx, m.ResponseMessageID)
msgr := acc.MessageReader(rm)
defer func() {
err := msgr.Close()
log.Check(err, "closing message reader")
rp, err := rm.LoadPart(msgr)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "load parsed message")
h, err := rp.Header()
xcheckf(ctx, err, "parsing header")
if rp.Envelope == nil {
if rp.Envelope.MessageID != "" {
xc.Header("In-Reply-To", rp.Envelope.MessageID)
refs := h.Values("References")
if len(refs) == 0 && rp.Envelope.InReplyTo != "" {
refs = []string{rp.Envelope.InReplyTo}
if rp.Envelope.MessageID != "" {
refs = append(refs, rp.Envelope.MessageID)
if len(refs) > 0 {
xc.Header("References", strings.Join(refs, "\r\n\t"))
xc.Header("MIME-Version", "1.0")
textBody, ct, cte := xc.TextPart("plain", m.TextBody)
xc.Header("Content-Type", ct)
xc.Header("Content-Transfer-Encoding", cte)
var nm store.Message
// Remove previous draft message, append message to destination mailbox.
acc.WithRLock(func() {
var changes []store.Change
xdbwrite(ctx, acc, func(tx *bstore.Tx) {
var modseq store.ModSeq // Only set if needed.
if m.DraftMessageID > 0 {
var nchanges []store.Change
modseq, nchanges = xops.MessageDeleteTx(ctx, log, tx, acc, []int64{m.DraftMessageID}, modseq)
changes = append(changes, nchanges...)
// On-disk file is removed after lock.
// Find mailbox to write to.
mb := store.Mailbox{ID: mailboxID}
err := tx.Get(&mb)
if err == bstore.ErrAbsent {
xcheckuserf(ctx, err, "looking up mailbox")
xcheckf(ctx, err, "looking up mailbox")
if modseq == 0 {
modseq, err = acc.NextModSeq(tx)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "next modseq")
nm = store.Message{
CreateSeq: modseq,
ModSeq: modseq,
MailboxID: mb.ID,
MailboxOrigID: mb.ID,
Flags: store.Flags{Notjunk: true},
Size: xc.Size,
if ok, maxSize, err := acc.CanAddMessageSize(tx, nm.Size); err != nil {
xcheckf(ctx, err, "checking quota")
} else if !ok {
xcheckuserf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("account over maximum total message size %d", maxSize), "checking quota")
// Update mailbox before delivery, which changes uidnext.
err = tx.Update(&mb)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "updating sent mailbox for counts")
err = acc.DeliverMessage(log, tx, &nm, dataFile, true, false, false, true)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "storing message in mailbox")
changes = append(changes, nm.ChangeAddUID(), mb.ChangeCounts())
store.BroadcastChanges(acc, changes)
// Remove on-disk file for removed draft message.
if m.DraftMessageID > 0 {
p := acc.MessagePath(m.DraftMessageID)
err := os.Remove(p)
log.Check(err, "removing draft message file")
return nm.ID
// Attachment is a MIME part is an existing message that is not intended as
// viewable text or HTML part.
type Attachment struct {
Path []int // Indices into top-level message.Part.Parts.
// File name based on "name" attribute of "Content-Type", or the "filename"
// attribute of "Content-Disposition".
Filename string
Part message.Part
// SubmitMessage is an email message to be sent to one or more recipients.
// Addresses are formatted as just email address, or with a name like "name
// <user@host>".
type SubmitMessage struct {
From string
To []string
Cc []string
Bcc []string
ReplyTo string // If non-empty, Reply-To header to add to message.
Subject string
TextBody string
Attachments []File
ForwardAttachments ForwardAttachments
IsForward bool
ResponseMessageID int64 // If set, this was a reply or forward, based on IsForward.
UserAgent string // User-Agent header added if not empty.
RequireTLS *bool // For "Require TLS" extension during delivery.
FutureRelease *time.Time // If set, time (in the future) when message should be delivered from queue.
ArchiveThread bool // If set, thread is archived after sending message.
DraftMessageID int64 // If set, draft message that will be removed after sending.
// ForwardAttachments references attachments by a list of message.Part paths.
type ForwardAttachments struct {
MessageID int64 // Only relevant if MessageID is not 0.
Paths [][]int // List of attachments, each path is a list of indices into the top-level message.Part.Parts.
// File is a new attachment (not from an existing message that is being
// forwarded) to send with a SubmitMessage.
type File struct {
Filename string
DataURI string // Full data of the attachment, with base64 encoding and including content-type.
// parseAddress expects either a plain email address like "user@domain", or a
// single address as used in a message header, like "name <user@domain>".
func parseAddress(msghdr string) (message.NameAddress, error) {
a, err := mail.ParseAddress(msghdr)
if err != nil {
return message.NameAddress{}, err
// todo: parse more fully according to ../rfc/5322:959
path, err := smtp.ParseAddress(a.Address)
if err != nil {
return message.NameAddress{}, err
return message.NameAddress{DisplayName: a.Name, Address: path}, nil
func xmailboxID(ctx context.Context, tx *bstore.Tx, mailboxID int64) store.Mailbox {
if mailboxID == 0 {
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("invalid zero mailbox ID"), "getting mailbox")
mb := store.Mailbox{ID: mailboxID}
err := tx.Get(&mb)
if err == bstore.ErrAbsent {
xcheckuserf(ctx, err, "getting mailbox")
xcheckf(ctx, err, "getting mailbox")
return mb
// xmessageID returns a non-expunged message or panics with a sherpa error.
func xmessageID(ctx context.Context, tx *bstore.Tx, messageID int64) store.Message {
if messageID == 0 {
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("invalid zero message id"), "getting message")
m := store.Message{ID: messageID}
err := tx.Get(&m)
if err == bstore.ErrAbsent {
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("message does not exist"), "getting message")
} else if err == nil && m.Expunged {
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("message was removed"), "getting message")
xcheckf(ctx, err, "getting message")
return m
func xrandomID(ctx context.Context, n int) string {
return base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(xrandom(ctx, n))
func xrandom(ctx context.Context, n int) []byte {
buf := make([]byte, n)
x, err := cryptorand.Read(buf)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "read random")
if x != n {
xcheckf(ctx, errors.New("short random read"), "read random")
return buf
// MessageSubmit sends a message by submitting it the outgoing email queue. The
// message is sent to all addresses listed in the To, Cc and Bcc addresses, without
// Bcc message header.
// If a Sent mailbox is configured, messages are added to it after submitting
// to the delivery queue. If Bcc addresses were present, a header is prepended
// to the message stored in the Sent mailbox.
func (w Webmail) MessageSubmit(ctx context.Context, m SubmitMessage) {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
acc := reqInfo.Account
log := reqInfo.Log
log.Debug("message submit")
// Similar between ../smtpserver/server.go:/submit\( and ../webmail/api.go:/MessageSubmit\( and ../webapisrv/server.go:/Send\(
// todo: consider making this an HTTP POST, so we can upload as regular form, which is probably more efficient for encoding for the client and we can stream the data in. also not unlike the webapi Submit method.
// Prevent any accidental control characters, or attempts at getting bare \r or \n
// into messages.
for _, l := range [][]string{m.To, m.Cc, m.Bcc, {m.From, m.Subject, m.ReplyTo, m.UserAgent}} {
for _, s := range l {
for _, c := range s {
if c < 0x20 {
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("control characters not allowed"), "checking header values")
fromAddr, err := parseAddress(m.From)
xcheckuserf(ctx, err, "parsing From address")
var replyTo *message.NameAddress
if m.ReplyTo != "" {
a, err := parseAddress(m.ReplyTo)
xcheckuserf(ctx, err, "parsing Reply-To address")
replyTo = &a
var recipients []smtp.Address
var toAddrs []message.NameAddress
for _, s := range m.To {
addr, err := parseAddress(s)
xcheckuserf(ctx, err, "parsing To address")
toAddrs = append(toAddrs, addr)
recipients = append(recipients, addr.Address)
var ccAddrs []message.NameAddress
for _, s := range m.Cc {
addr, err := parseAddress(s)
xcheckuserf(ctx, err, "parsing Cc address")
ccAddrs = append(ccAddrs, addr)
recipients = append(recipients, addr.Address)
var bccAddrs []message.NameAddress
for _, s := range m.Bcc {
addr, err := parseAddress(s)
xcheckuserf(ctx, err, "parsing Bcc address")
bccAddrs = append(bccAddrs, addr)
recipients = append(recipients, addr.Address)
// Check if from address is allowed for account.
if !mox.AllowMsgFrom(reqInfo.Account.Name, fromAddr.Address) {
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("address not found"), `looking up "from" address for account`)
if len(recipients) == 0 {
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("no recipients"), "composing message")
// Check outgoing message rate limit.
xdbread(ctx, acc, func(tx *bstore.Tx) {
rcpts := make([]smtp.Path, len(recipients))
for i, r := range recipients {
rcpts[i] = smtp.Path{Localpart: r.Localpart, IPDomain: dns.IPDomain{Domain: r.Domain}}
msglimit, rcptlimit, err := acc.SendLimitReached(tx, rcpts)
if msglimit >= 0 {
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("message limit reached"), "checking outgoing rate")
} else if rcptlimit >= 0 {
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("recipient limit reached"), "checking outgoing rate")
xcheckf(ctx, err, "checking send limit")
// We only use smtputf8 if we have to, with a utf-8 localpart. For IDNA, we use ASCII domains.
smtputf8 := false
for _, a := range recipients {
if a.Localpart.IsInternational() {
smtputf8 = true
if !smtputf8 && fromAddr.Address.Localpart.IsInternational() {
// todo: may want to warn user that they should consider sending with a ascii-only localpart, in case receiver doesn't support smtputf8.
smtputf8 = true
if !smtputf8 && replyTo != nil && replyTo.Address.Localpart.IsInternational() {
smtputf8 = true
// Create file to compose message into.
dataFile, err := store.CreateMessageTemp(log, "webmail-submit")
xcheckf(ctx, err, "creating temporary file for message")
defer store.CloseRemoveTempFile(log, dataFile, "message to submit")
// If writing to the message file fails, we abort immediately.
xc := message.NewComposer(dataFile, w.maxMessageSize, smtputf8)
defer func() {
x := recover()
if x == nil {
if err, ok := x.(error); ok && errors.Is(err, message.ErrMessageSize) {
xcheckuserf(ctx, err, "making message")
} else if ok && errors.Is(err, message.ErrCompose) {
xcheckf(ctx, err, "making message")
// todo spec: can we add an Authentication-Results header that indicates this is an authenticated message? the "auth" method is for SMTP AUTH, which this isn't. ../rfc/8601 https://www.iana.org/assignments/email-auth/email-auth.xhtml
// Each queued message gets a Received header.
// We don't have access to the local IP for adding.
// We cannot use VIA, because there is no registered method. We would like to use
// it to add the ascii domain name in case of smtputf8 and IDNA host name.
recvFrom := message.HeaderCommentDomain(mox.Conf.Static.HostnameDomain, smtputf8)
recvBy := mox.Conf.Static.HostnameDomain.XName(smtputf8)
recvID := mox.ReceivedID(mox.CidFromCtx(ctx))
recvHdrFor := func(rcptTo string) string {
recvHdr := &message.HeaderWriter{}
// For additional Received-header clauses, see:
// https://www.iana.org/assignments/mail-parameters/mail-parameters.xhtml#table-mail-parameters-8
// Note: we don't have "via" or "with", there is no registered for webmail.
recvHdr.Add(" ", "Received:", "from", recvFrom, "by", recvBy, "id", recvID) // ../rfc/5321:3158
if reqInfo.Request.TLS != nil {
recvHdr.Add(" ", mox.TLSReceivedComment(log, *reqInfo.Request.TLS)...)
recvHdr.Add(" ", "for", "<"+rcptTo+">;", time.Now().Format(message.RFC5322Z))
return recvHdr.String()
// Outer message headers.
xc.HeaderAddrs("From", []message.NameAddress{fromAddr})
if replyTo != nil {
xc.HeaderAddrs("Reply-To", []message.NameAddress{*replyTo})
xc.HeaderAddrs("To", toAddrs)
xc.HeaderAddrs("Cc", ccAddrs)
// We prepend Bcc headers to the message when adding to the Sent mailbox.
if m.Subject != "" {
messageID := fmt.Sprintf("<%s>", mox.MessageIDGen(smtputf8))
xc.Header("Message-Id", messageID)
xc.Header("Date", time.Now().Format(message.RFC5322Z))
// Add In-Reply-To and References headers.
if m.ResponseMessageID > 0 {
xdbread(ctx, acc, func(tx *bstore.Tx) {
rm := xmessageID(ctx, tx, m.ResponseMessageID)
msgr := acc.MessageReader(rm)
defer func() {
err := msgr.Close()
log.Check(err, "closing message reader")
rp, err := rm.LoadPart(msgr)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "load parsed message")
h, err := rp.Header()
xcheckf(ctx, err, "parsing header")
if rp.Envelope == nil {
if rp.Envelope.MessageID != "" {
xc.Header("In-Reply-To", rp.Envelope.MessageID)
refs := h.Values("References")
if len(refs) == 0 && rp.Envelope.InReplyTo != "" {
refs = []string{rp.Envelope.InReplyTo}
if rp.Envelope.MessageID != "" {
refs = append(refs, rp.Envelope.MessageID)
if len(refs) > 0 {
xc.Header("References", strings.Join(refs, "\r\n\t"))
if m.UserAgent != "" {
xc.Header("User-Agent", m.UserAgent)
if m.RequireTLS != nil && !*m.RequireTLS {
xc.Header("TLS-Required", "No")
xc.Header("MIME-Version", "1.0")
if len(m.Attachments) > 0 || len(m.ForwardAttachments.Paths) > 0 {
mp := multipart.NewWriter(xc)
xc.Header("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf(`multipart/mixed; boundary="%s"`, mp.Boundary()))
textBody, ct, cte := xc.TextPart("plain", m.TextBody)
textHdr := textproto.MIMEHeader{}
textHdr.Set("Content-Type", ct)
textHdr.Set("Content-Transfer-Encoding", cte)
textp, err := mp.CreatePart(textHdr)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "adding text part to message")
_, err = textp.Write(textBody)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "writing text part")
xaddPart := func(ct, filename string) io.Writer {
ahdr := textproto.MIMEHeader{}
cd := mime.FormatMediaType("attachment", map[string]string{"filename": filename})
ahdr.Set("Content-Type", ct)
ahdr.Set("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "base64")
ahdr.Set("Content-Disposition", cd)
ap, err := mp.CreatePart(ahdr)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "adding attachment part to message")
return ap
xaddAttachmentBase64 := func(ct, filename string, base64Data []byte) {
ap := xaddPart(ct, filename)
for len(base64Data) > 0 {
line := base64Data
n := len(line)
if n > 78 {
n = 78
line, base64Data = base64Data[:n], base64Data[n:]
_, err := ap.Write(line)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "writing attachment")
_, err = ap.Write([]byte("\r\n"))
xcheckf(ctx, err, "writing attachment")
xaddAttachment := func(ct, filename string, r io.Reader) {
ap := xaddPart(ct, filename)
wc := moxio.Base64Writer(ap)
_, err := io.Copy(wc, r)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "adding attachment")
err = wc.Close()
xcheckf(ctx, err, "flushing attachment")
for _, a := range m.Attachments {
s := a.DataURI
if !strings.HasPrefix(s, "data:") {
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("missing data: in datauri"), "parsing attachment")
s = s[len("data:"):]
t := strings.SplitN(s, ",", 2)
if len(t) != 2 {
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("missing comma in datauri"), "parsing attachment")
if !strings.HasSuffix(t[0], "base64") {
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("missing base64 in datauri"), "parsing attachment")
ct := strings.TrimSuffix(t[0], "base64")
ct = strings.TrimSuffix(ct, ";")
if ct == "" {
ct = "application/octet-stream"
filename := a.Filename
if filename == "" {
filename = "unnamed.bin"
params := map[string]string{"name": filename}
ct = mime.FormatMediaType(ct, params)
// Ensure base64 is valid, then we'll write the original string.
_, err := io.Copy(io.Discard, base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding, strings.NewReader(t[1])))
xcheckuserf(ctx, err, "parsing attachment as base64")
xaddAttachmentBase64(ct, filename, []byte(t[1]))
if len(m.ForwardAttachments.Paths) > 0 {
acc.WithRLock(func() {
xdbread(ctx, acc, func(tx *bstore.Tx) {
fm := xmessageID(ctx, tx, m.ForwardAttachments.MessageID)
msgr := acc.MessageReader(fm)
defer func() {
err := msgr.Close()
log.Check(err, "closing message reader")
fp, err := fm.LoadPart(msgr)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "load parsed message")
for _, path := range m.ForwardAttachments.Paths {
ap := fp
for _, xp := range path {
if xp < 0 || xp >= len(ap.Parts) {
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("unknown part"), "looking up attachment")
ap = ap.Parts[xp]
filename := tryDecodeParam(log, ap.ContentTypeParams["name"])
if filename == "" {
filename = "unnamed.bin"
params := map[string]string{"name": filename}
if pcharset := ap.ContentTypeParams["charset"]; pcharset != "" {
params["charset"] = pcharset
ct := strings.ToLower(ap.MediaType + "/" + ap.MediaSubType)
ct = mime.FormatMediaType(ct, params)
xaddAttachment(ct, filename, ap.Reader())
err = mp.Close()
xcheckf(ctx, err, "writing mime multipart")
} else {
textBody, ct, cte := xc.TextPart("plain", m.TextBody)
xc.Header("Content-Type", ct)
xc.Header("Content-Transfer-Encoding", cte)
// Add DKIM-Signature headers.
var msgPrefix string
fd := fromAddr.Address.Domain
confDom, _ := mox.Conf.Domain(fd)
selectors := mox.DKIMSelectors(confDom.DKIM)
if len(selectors) > 0 {
dkimHeaders, err := dkim.Sign(ctx, log.Logger, fromAddr.Address.Localpart, fd, selectors, smtputf8, dataFile)
if err != nil {
xcheckf(ctx, err, "sign dkim")
msgPrefix = dkimHeaders
accConf, _ := acc.Conf()
loginAddr, err := smtp.ParseAddress(reqInfo.LoginAddress)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "parsing login address")
useFromID := slices.Contains(accConf.ParsedFromIDLoginAddresses, loginAddr)
fromPath := fromAddr.Address.Path()
var localpartBase string
if useFromID {
localpartBase = strings.SplitN(string(fromPath.Localpart), confDom.LocalpartCatchallSeparator, 2)[0]
qml := make([]queue.Msg, len(recipients))
now := time.Now()
for i, rcpt := range recipients {
fp := fromPath
var fromID string
if useFromID {
fromID = xrandomID(ctx, 16)
fp.Localpart = smtp.Localpart(localpartBase + confDom.LocalpartCatchallSeparator + fromID)
// Don't use per-recipient unique message prefix when multiple recipients are
// present, or the queue cannot deliver it in a single smtp transaction.
var recvRcpt string
if len(recipients) == 1 {
recvRcpt = rcpt.Pack(smtputf8)
rcptMsgPrefix := recvHdrFor(recvRcpt) + msgPrefix
msgSize := int64(len(rcptMsgPrefix)) + xc.Size
toPath := smtp.Path{
Localpart: rcpt.Localpart,
IPDomain: dns.IPDomain{Domain: rcpt.Domain},
qm := queue.MakeMsg(fp, toPath, xc.Has8bit, xc.SMTPUTF8, msgSize, messageID, []byte(rcptMsgPrefix), m.RequireTLS, now, m.Subject)
if m.FutureRelease != nil {
ival := time.Until(*m.FutureRelease)
if ival < 0 {
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("date/time is in the past"), "scheduling delivery")
} else if ival > queue.FutureReleaseIntervalMax {
xcheckuserf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("date/time can not be further than %v in the future", queue.FutureReleaseIntervalMax), "scheduling delivery")
qm.NextAttempt = *m.FutureRelease
qm.FutureReleaseRequest = "until;" + m.FutureRelease.Format(time.RFC3339)
// todo: possibly add a header to the message stored in the Sent mailbox to indicate it was scheduled for later delivery.
qm.FromID = fromID
// no qm.Extra from webmail
qml[i] = qm
err = queue.Add(ctx, log, reqInfo.Account.Name, dataFile, qml...)
if err != nil {
xcheckf(ctx, err, "adding messages to the delivery queue")
var modseq store.ModSeq // Only set if needed.
// Append message to Sent mailbox, mark original messages as answered/forwarded,
// remove any draft message.
acc.WithRLock(func() {
var changes []store.Change
metricked := false
defer func() {
if x := recover(); x != nil {
if !metricked {
xdbwrite(ctx, acc, func(tx *bstore.Tx) {
if m.DraftMessageID > 0 {
var nchanges []store.Change
modseq, nchanges = xops.MessageDeleteTx(ctx, log, tx, acc, []int64{m.DraftMessageID}, modseq)
changes = append(changes, nchanges...)
// On-disk file is removed after lock.
if m.ResponseMessageID > 0 {
rm := xmessageID(ctx, tx, m.ResponseMessageID)
oflags := rm.Flags
if m.IsForward {
rm.Forwarded = true
} else {
rm.Answered = true
if !rm.Junk && !rm.Notjunk {
rm.Notjunk = true
if rm.Flags != oflags {
modseq, err = acc.NextModSeq(tx)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "next modseq")
rm.ModSeq = modseq
err := tx.Update(&rm)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "updating flags of replied/forwarded message")
changes = append(changes, rm.ChangeFlags(oflags))
err = acc.RetrainMessages(ctx, log, tx, []store.Message{rm}, false)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "retraining messages after reply/forward")
// Move messages from this thread still in this mailbox to the designated Archive
// mailbox.
if m.ArchiveThread {
mbArchive, err := bstore.QueryTx[store.Mailbox](tx).FilterEqual("Archive", true).Get()
if err == bstore.ErrAbsent {
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("not configured"), "looking up designated archive mailbox")
xcheckf(ctx, err, "looking up designated archive mailbox")
var msgIDs []int64
q := bstore.QueryTx[store.Message](tx)
q.FilterNonzero(store.Message{ThreadID: rm.ThreadID, MailboxID: rm.MailboxID})
q.FilterEqual("Expunged", false)
err = q.IDs(&msgIDs)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "listing messages in thread to archive")
if len(msgIDs) > 0 {
var nchanges []store.Change
modseq, nchanges = xops.MessageMoveTx(ctx, log, acc, tx, msgIDs, mbArchive, modseq)
changes = append(changes, nchanges...)
sentmb, err := bstore.QueryTx[store.Mailbox](tx).FilterEqual("Sent", true).Get()
if err == bstore.ErrAbsent {
// There is no mailbox designated as Sent mailbox, so we're done.
xcheckf(ctx, err, "message submitted to queue, adding to Sent mailbox")
if modseq == 0 {
modseq, err = acc.NextModSeq(tx)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "next modseq")
// If there were bcc headers, prepend those to the stored message only, before the
// DKIM signature. The DKIM-signature oversigns the bcc header, so this stored
// message won't validate with DKIM anymore, which is fine.
if len(bccAddrs) > 0 {
var sb strings.Builder
xbcc := message.NewComposer(&sb, 100*1024, smtputf8)
xbcc.HeaderAddrs("Bcc", bccAddrs)
msgPrefix = sb.String() + msgPrefix
sentm := store.Message{
CreateSeq: modseq,
ModSeq: modseq,
MailboxID: sentmb.ID,
MailboxOrigID: sentmb.ID,
Flags: store.Flags{Notjunk: true, Seen: true},
Size: int64(len(msgPrefix)) + xc.Size,
MsgPrefix: []byte(msgPrefix),
if ok, maxSize, err := acc.CanAddMessageSize(tx, sentm.Size); err != nil {
xcheckf(ctx, err, "checking quota")
} else if !ok {
xcheckuserf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("account over maximum total message size %d", maxSize), "checking quota")
// Update mailbox before delivery, which changes uidnext.
err = tx.Update(&sentmb)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "updating sent mailbox for counts")
err = acc.DeliverMessage(log, tx, &sentm, dataFile, true, false, false, true)
if err != nil {
metricked = true
xcheckf(ctx, err, "message submitted to queue, appending message to Sent mailbox")
changes = append(changes, sentm.ChangeAddUID(), sentmb.ChangeCounts())
store.BroadcastChanges(acc, changes)
// Remove on-disk file for removed draft message.
if m.DraftMessageID > 0 {
p := acc.MessagePath(m.DraftMessageID)
err := os.Remove(p)
log.Check(err, "removing draft message file")
// MessageMove moves messages to another mailbox. If the message is already in
// the mailbox an error is returned.
func (Webmail) MessageMove(ctx context.Context, messageIDs []int64, mailboxID int64) {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
acc := reqInfo.Account
log := reqInfo.Log
xops.MessageMove(ctx, log, acc, messageIDs, "", mailboxID)
var xops = webops.XOps{
DBWrite: xdbwrite,
Checkf: xcheckf,
Checkuserf: xcheckuserf,
// MessageDelete permanently deletes messages, without moving them to the Trash mailbox.
func (Webmail) MessageDelete(ctx context.Context, messageIDs []int64) {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
acc := reqInfo.Account
log := reqInfo.Log
if len(messageIDs) == 0 {
xops.MessageDelete(ctx, log, acc, messageIDs)
// FlagsAdd adds flags, either system flags like \Seen or custom keywords. The
// flags should be lower-case, but will be converted and verified.
func (Webmail) FlagsAdd(ctx context.Context, messageIDs []int64, flaglist []string) {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
acc := reqInfo.Account
log := reqInfo.Log
xops.MessageFlagsAdd(ctx, log, acc, messageIDs, flaglist)
// FlagsClear clears flags, either system flags like \Seen or custom keywords.
func (Webmail) FlagsClear(ctx context.Context, messageIDs []int64, flaglist []string) {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
acc := reqInfo.Account
log := reqInfo.Log
xops.MessageFlagsClear(ctx, log, acc, messageIDs, flaglist)
// MailboxCreate creates a new mailbox.
func (Webmail) MailboxCreate(ctx context.Context, name string) {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
acc := reqInfo.Account
var err error
name, _, err = store.CheckMailboxName(name, false)
xcheckuserf(ctx, err, "checking mailbox name")
acc.WithWLock(func() {
var changes []store.Change
xdbwrite(ctx, acc, func(tx *bstore.Tx) {
var exists bool
var err error
changes, _, exists, err = acc.MailboxCreate(tx, name)
if exists {
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("mailbox already exists"), "creating mailbox")
xcheckf(ctx, err, "creating mailbox")
store.BroadcastChanges(acc, changes)
// MailboxDelete deletes a mailbox and all its messages.
func (Webmail) MailboxDelete(ctx context.Context, mailboxID int64) {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
acc := reqInfo.Account
log := reqInfo.Log
// Messages to remove after having broadcasted the removal of messages.
var removeMessageIDs []int64
acc.WithWLock(func() {
var changes []store.Change
xdbwrite(ctx, acc, func(tx *bstore.Tx) {
mb := xmailboxID(ctx, tx, mailboxID)
if mb.Name == "Inbox" {
// Inbox is special in IMAP and cannot be removed.
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("cannot remove special Inbox"), "checking mailbox")
var hasChildren bool
var err error
changes, removeMessageIDs, hasChildren, err = acc.MailboxDelete(ctx, log, tx, mb)
if hasChildren {
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("mailbox has children"), "deleting mailbox")
xcheckf(ctx, err, "deleting mailbox")
store.BroadcastChanges(acc, changes)
for _, mID := range removeMessageIDs {
p := acc.MessagePath(mID)
err := os.Remove(p)
log.Check(err, "removing message file for mailbox delete", slog.String("path", p))
// MailboxEmpty empties a mailbox, removing all messages from the mailbox, but not
// its child mailboxes.
func (Webmail) MailboxEmpty(ctx context.Context, mailboxID int64) {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
acc := reqInfo.Account
log := reqInfo.Log
var expunged []store.Message
acc.WithWLock(func() {
var changes []store.Change
xdbwrite(ctx, acc, func(tx *bstore.Tx) {
mb := xmailboxID(ctx, tx, mailboxID)
modseq, err := acc.NextModSeq(tx)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "next modseq")
// Mark messages as expunged.
qm := bstore.QueryTx[store.Message](tx)
qm.FilterNonzero(store.Message{MailboxID: mb.ID})
qm.FilterEqual("Expunged", false)
_, err = qm.UpdateNonzero(store.Message{ModSeq: modseq, Expunged: true})
xcheckf(ctx, err, "deleting messages")
// Remove Recipients.
anyIDs := make([]any, len(expunged))
for i, m := range expunged {
anyIDs[i] = m.ID
qmr := bstore.QueryTx[store.Recipient](tx)
qmr.FilterEqual("MessageID", anyIDs...)
_, err = qmr.Delete()
xcheckf(ctx, err, "removing message recipients")
// Adjust mailbox counts, gather UIDs for broadcasted change, prepare for untraining.
var totalSize int64
uids := make([]store.UID, len(expunged))
for i, m := range expunged {
m.Expunged = false // Gather returns updated values.
totalSize += m.Size
uids[i] = m.UID
expunged[i].Junk = false
expunged[i].Notjunk = false
err = tx.Update(&mb)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "updating mailbox for counts")
err = acc.AddMessageSize(log, tx, -totalSize)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "updating disk usage")
err = acc.RetrainMessages(ctx, log, tx, expunged, true)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "retraining expunged messages")
chremove := store.ChangeRemoveUIDs{MailboxID: mb.ID, UIDs: uids, ModSeq: modseq}
changes = []store.Change{chremove, mb.ChangeCounts()}
store.BroadcastChanges(acc, changes)
for _, m := range expunged {
p := acc.MessagePath(m.ID)
err := os.Remove(p)
log.Check(err, "removing message file after emptying mailbox", slog.String("path", p))
// MailboxRename renames a mailbox, possibly moving it to a new parent. The mailbox
// ID and its messages are unchanged.
func (Webmail) MailboxRename(ctx context.Context, mailboxID int64, newName string) {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
acc := reqInfo.Account
// Renaming Inbox is special for IMAP. For IMAP we have to implement it per the
// standard. We can just say no.
var err error
newName, _, err = store.CheckMailboxName(newName, false)
xcheckuserf(ctx, err, "checking new mailbox name")
acc.WithWLock(func() {
var changes []store.Change
xdbwrite(ctx, acc, func(tx *bstore.Tx) {
mbsrc := xmailboxID(ctx, tx, mailboxID)
var err error
var isInbox, notExists, alreadyExists bool
changes, isInbox, notExists, alreadyExists, err = acc.MailboxRename(tx, mbsrc, newName)
if isInbox || notExists || alreadyExists {
xcheckuserf(ctx, err, "renaming mailbox")
xcheckf(ctx, err, "renaming mailbox")
store.BroadcastChanges(acc, changes)
// CompleteRecipient returns autocomplete matches for a recipient, returning the
// matches, most recently used first, and whether this is the full list and further
// requests for longer prefixes aren't necessary.
func (Webmail) CompleteRecipient(ctx context.Context, search string) ([]string, bool) {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
acc := reqInfo.Account
search = strings.ToLower(search)
var matches []string
all := true
acc.WithRLock(func() {
xdbread(ctx, acc, func(tx *bstore.Tx) {
type key struct {
localpart string
domain string
seen := map[key]bool{}
q := bstore.QueryTx[store.Recipient](tx)
err := q.ForEach(func(r store.Recipient) error {
k := key{r.Localpart, r.Domain}
if seen[k] {
return nil
// todo: we should have the address including name available in the database for searching. Will result in better matching, and also for the name.
address := fmt.Sprintf("<%s@%s>", r.Localpart, r.Domain)
if !strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(address), search) {
return nil
if len(matches) >= 20 {
all = false
return bstore.StopForEach
// Look in the message that was sent for a name along with the address.
m := store.Message{ID: r.MessageID}
err := tx.Get(&m)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "get sent message")
if !m.Expunged && m.ParsedBuf != nil {
var part message.Part
err := json.Unmarshal(m.ParsedBuf, &part)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "parsing part")
dom, err := dns.ParseDomain(r.Domain)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "parsing domain of recipient")
var found bool
lp := r.Localpart
checkAddrs := func(l []message.Address) {
if found {
for _, a := range l {
if a.Name != "" && a.User == lp && strings.EqualFold(a.Host, dom.ASCII) {
found = true
address = addressString(a, false)
if part.Envelope != nil {
env := part.Envelope
matches = append(matches, address)
seen[k] = true
return nil
xcheckf(ctx, err, "listing recipients")
return matches, all
// addressString returns an address into a string as it could be used in a message header.
func addressString(a message.Address, smtputf8 bool) string {
host := a.Host
dom, err := dns.ParseDomain(a.Host)
if err == nil {
if smtputf8 && dom.Unicode != "" {
host = dom.Unicode
} else {
host = dom.ASCII
s := "<" + a.User + "@" + host + ">"
if a.Name != "" {
// todo: properly encoded/escaped name
s = a.Name + " " + s
return s
// MailboxSetSpecialUse sets the special use flags of a mailbox.
func (Webmail) MailboxSetSpecialUse(ctx context.Context, mb store.Mailbox) {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
acc := reqInfo.Account
acc.WithWLock(func() {
var changes []store.Change
xdbwrite(ctx, acc, func(tx *bstore.Tx) {
xmb := xmailboxID(ctx, tx, mb.ID)
// We only allow a single mailbox for each flag (JMAP requirement). So for any flag
// we set, we clear it for the mailbox(es) that had it, if any.
clearPrevious := func(clear bool, specialUse string) {
if !clear {
var ombl []store.Mailbox
q := bstore.QueryTx[store.Mailbox](tx)
q.FilterNotEqual("ID", mb.ID)
q.FilterEqual(specialUse, true)
_, err := q.UpdateField(specialUse, false)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "updating previous special-use mailboxes")
for _, omb := range ombl {
changes = append(changes, omb.ChangeSpecialUse())
clearPrevious(mb.Archive, "Archive")
clearPrevious(mb.Draft, "Draft")
clearPrevious(mb.Junk, "Junk")
clearPrevious(mb.Sent, "Sent")
clearPrevious(mb.Trash, "Trash")
xmb.SpecialUse = mb.SpecialUse
err := tx.Update(&xmb)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "updating special-use flags for mailbox")
changes = append(changes, xmb.ChangeSpecialUse())
store.BroadcastChanges(acc, changes)
// ThreadCollapse saves the ThreadCollapse field for the messages and its
// children. The messageIDs are typically thread roots. But not all roots
// (without parent) of a thread need to have the same collapsed state.
func (Webmail) ThreadCollapse(ctx context.Context, messageIDs []int64, collapse bool) {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
acc := reqInfo.Account
if len(messageIDs) == 0 {
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("no messages"), "setting collapse")
acc.WithWLock(func() {
changes := make([]store.Change, 0, len(messageIDs))
xdbwrite(ctx, acc, func(tx *bstore.Tx) {
// Gather ThreadIDs to list all potential messages, for a way to get all potential
// (child) messages. Further refined in FilterFn.
threadIDs := map[int64]struct{}{}
msgIDs := map[int64]struct{}{}
for _, id := range messageIDs {
m := store.Message{ID: id}
err := tx.Get(&m)
if err == bstore.ErrAbsent {
xcheckuserf(ctx, err, "get message")
xcheckf(ctx, err, "get message")
threadIDs[m.ThreadID] = struct{}{}
msgIDs[id] = struct{}{}
var updated []store.Message
q := bstore.QueryTx[store.Message](tx)
q.FilterEqual("ThreadID", slicesAny(maps.Keys(threadIDs))...)
q.FilterNotEqual("ThreadCollapsed", collapse)
q.FilterFn(func(tm store.Message) bool {
for _, id := range tm.ThreadParentIDs {
if _, ok := msgIDs[id]; ok {
return true
_, ok := msgIDs[tm.ID]
return ok
q.SortAsc("ID") // Consistent order for testing.
_, err := q.UpdateFields(map[string]any{"ThreadCollapsed": collapse})
xcheckf(ctx, err, "updating collapse in database")
for _, m := range updated {
changes = append(changes, m.ChangeThread())
store.BroadcastChanges(acc, changes)
// ThreadMute saves the ThreadMute field for the messages and their children.
// If messages are muted, they are also marked collapsed.
func (Webmail) ThreadMute(ctx context.Context, messageIDs []int64, mute bool) {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
acc := reqInfo.Account
if len(messageIDs) == 0 {
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("no messages"), "setting mute")
acc.WithWLock(func() {
changes := make([]store.Change, 0, len(messageIDs))
xdbwrite(ctx, acc, func(tx *bstore.Tx) {
threadIDs := map[int64]struct{}{}
msgIDs := map[int64]struct{}{}
for _, id := range messageIDs {
m := store.Message{ID: id}
err := tx.Get(&m)
if err == bstore.ErrAbsent {
xcheckuserf(ctx, err, "get message")
xcheckf(ctx, err, "get message")
threadIDs[m.ThreadID] = struct{}{}
msgIDs[id] = struct{}{}
var updated []store.Message
q := bstore.QueryTx[store.Message](tx)
q.FilterEqual("ThreadID", slicesAny(maps.Keys(threadIDs))...)
q.FilterFn(func(tm store.Message) bool {
if tm.ThreadMuted == mute && (!mute || tm.ThreadCollapsed) {
return false
for _, id := range tm.ThreadParentIDs {
if _, ok := msgIDs[id]; ok {
return true
_, ok := msgIDs[tm.ID]
return ok
fields := map[string]any{"ThreadMuted": mute}
if mute {
fields["ThreadCollapsed"] = true
_, err := q.UpdateFields(fields)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "updating mute in database")
for _, m := range updated {
changes = append(changes, m.ChangeThread())
store.BroadcastChanges(acc, changes)
// SecurityResult indicates whether a security feature is supported.
type SecurityResult string
const (
SecurityResultError SecurityResult = "error"
SecurityResultNo SecurityResult = "no"
SecurityResultYes SecurityResult = "yes"
// Unknown whether supported. Finding out may only be (reasonably) possible when
// trying (e.g. SMTP STARTTLS). Once tried, the result may be cached for future
// lookups.
SecurityResultUnknown SecurityResult = "unknown"
// RecipientSecurity is a quick analysis of the security properties of delivery to
// the recipient (domain).
type RecipientSecurity struct {
// Whether recipient domain supports (opportunistic) STARTTLS, as seen during most
// recent delivery attempt. Will be "unknown" if no delivery to the domain has been
// attempted yet.
STARTTLS SecurityResult
// Whether we have a stored enforced MTA-STS policy, or domain has MTA-STS DNS
// record.
MTASTS SecurityResult
// Whether MX lookup response was DNSSEC-signed.
DNSSEC SecurityResult
// Whether first delivery destination has DANE records.
DANE SecurityResult
// Whether recipient domain is known to implement the REQUIRETLS SMTP extension.
// Will be "unknown" if no delivery to the domain has been attempted yet.
RequireTLS SecurityResult
// RecipientSecurity looks up security properties of the address in the
// single-address message addressee (as it appears in a To/Cc/Bcc/etc header).
func (Webmail) RecipientSecurity(ctx context.Context, messageAddressee string) (RecipientSecurity, error) {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
log := reqInfo.Log
resolver := dns.StrictResolver{Pkg: "webmail", Log: log.Logger}
return recipientSecurity(ctx, log, resolver, messageAddressee)
// logPanic can be called with a defer from a goroutine to prevent the entire program from being shutdown in case of a panic.
func logPanic(ctx context.Context) {
x := recover()
if x == nil {
log := pkglog.WithContext(ctx)
log.Error("recover from panic", slog.Any("panic", x))
// separate function for testing with mocked resolver.
func recipientSecurity(ctx context.Context, log mlog.Log, resolver dns.Resolver, messageAddressee string) (RecipientSecurity, error) {
rs := RecipientSecurity{
msgAddr, err := mail.ParseAddress(messageAddressee)
if err != nil {
return rs, fmt.Errorf("parsing message addressee: %v", err)
addr, err := smtp.ParseAddress(msgAddr.Address)
if err != nil {
return rs, fmt.Errorf("parsing address: %v", err)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
go func() {
defer logPanic(ctx)
defer wg.Done()
policy, _, _, err := mtastsdb.Get(ctx, log.Logger, resolver, addr.Domain)
if policy != nil && policy.Mode == mtasts.ModeEnforce {
rs.MTASTS = SecurityResultYes
} else if err == nil {
rs.MTASTS = SecurityResultNo
} else {
rs.MTASTS = SecurityResultError
go func() {
defer logPanic(ctx)
defer wg.Done()
_, origNextHopAuthentic, expandedNextHopAuthentic, _, hosts, _, err := smtpclient.GatherDestinations(ctx, log.Logger, resolver, dns.IPDomain{Domain: addr.Domain})
if err != nil {
rs.DNSSEC = SecurityResultError
if origNextHopAuthentic && expandedNextHopAuthentic {
rs.DNSSEC = SecurityResultYes
} else {
rs.DNSSEC = SecurityResultNo
if !origNextHopAuthentic {
rs.DANE = SecurityResultNo
// We're only looking at the first host to deliver to (typically first mx destination).
if len(hosts) == 0 || hosts[0].Domain.IsZero() {
return // Should not happen.
host := hosts[0]
// Resolve the IPs. Required for DANE to prevent bad DNS servers from causing an
// error result instead of no-DANE result.
authentic, expandedAuthentic, expandedHost, _, _, err := smtpclient.GatherIPs(ctx, log.Logger, resolver, "ip", host, map[string][]net.IP{})
if err != nil {
rs.DANE = SecurityResultError
if !authentic {
rs.DANE = SecurityResultNo
daneRequired, _, _, err := smtpclient.GatherTLSA(ctx, log.Logger, resolver, host.Domain, expandedAuthentic, expandedHost)
if err != nil {
rs.DANE = SecurityResultError
} else if daneRequired {
rs.DANE = SecurityResultYes
} else {
rs.DANE = SecurityResultNo
// STARTTLS and RequireTLS
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
acc := reqInfo.Account
err = acc.DB.Read(ctx, func(tx *bstore.Tx) error {
q := bstore.QueryTx[store.RecipientDomainTLS](tx)
q.FilterNonzero(store.RecipientDomainTLS{Domain: addr.Domain.Name()})
rd, err := q.Get()
if err == bstore.ErrAbsent {
return nil
} else if err != nil {
rs.STARTTLS = SecurityResultError
rs.RequireTLS = SecurityResultError
log.Errorx("looking up recipient domain", err, slog.Any("domain", addr.Domain))
return nil
if rd.STARTTLS {
rs.STARTTLS = SecurityResultYes
} else {
rs.STARTTLS = SecurityResultNo
if rd.RequireTLS {
rs.RequireTLS = SecurityResultYes
} else {
rs.RequireTLS = SecurityResultNo
return nil
xcheckf(ctx, err, "lookup recipient domain")
return rs, nil
// DecodeMIMEWords decodes Q/B-encoded words for a mime headers into UTF-8 text.
func (Webmail) DecodeMIMEWords(ctx context.Context, text string) string {
s, err := wordDecoder.DecodeHeader(text)
xcheckuserf(ctx, err, "decoding mime q/b-word encoded header")
return s
// SettingsSave saves settings, e.g. for composing.
func (Webmail) SettingsSave(ctx context.Context, settings store.Settings) {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
acc := reqInfo.Account
settings.ID = 1
err := acc.DB.Update(ctx, &settings)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "save settings")
func (Webmail) RulesetSuggestMove(ctx context.Context, msgID, mbSrcID, mbDstID int64) (listID string, msgFrom string, isRemove bool, rcptTo string, ruleset *config.Ruleset) {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
acc := reqInfo.Account
log := reqInfo.Log
xdbread(ctx, acc, func(tx *bstore.Tx) {
m := xmessageID(ctx, tx, msgID)
mbSrc := xmailboxID(ctx, tx, mbSrcID)
mbDst := xmailboxID(ctx, tx, mbDstID)
if m.RcptToLocalpart == "" && m.RcptToDomain == "" {
rcptTo = m.RcptToLocalpart.String() + "@" + m.RcptToDomain
conf, _ := acc.Conf()
dest := conf.Destinations[rcptTo] // May not be present.
defaultMailbox := "Inbox"
if dest.Mailbox != "" {
defaultMailbox = dest.Mailbox
// Only suggest rules for messages moved into/out of the default mailbox (Inbox).
if mbSrc.Name != defaultMailbox && mbDst.Name != defaultMailbox {
// Check if we have a previous answer "No" answer for moving from/to mailbox.
exists, err := bstore.QueryTx[store.RulesetNoMailbox](tx).FilterNonzero(store.RulesetNoMailbox{MailboxID: mbSrcID}).FilterEqual("ToMailbox", false).Exists()
xcheckf(ctx, err, "looking up previous response for source mailbox")
if exists {
exists, err = bstore.QueryTx[store.RulesetNoMailbox](tx).FilterNonzero(store.RulesetNoMailbox{MailboxID: mbDstID}).FilterEqual("ToMailbox", true).Exists()
xcheckf(ctx, err, "looking up previous response for destination mailbox")
if exists {
// Parse message for List-Id header.
state := msgState{acc: acc}
defer state.clear()
pm, err := parsedMessage(log, m, &state, true, false)
xcheckf(ctx, err, "parsing message")
// The suggested ruleset. Once all is checked, we'll return it.
var nrs *config.Ruleset
// If List-Id header is present, we'll treat it as a (mailing) list message.
if l, ok := pm.Headers["List-Id"]; ok {
if len(l) != 1 {
log.Debug("not exactly one list-id header", slog.Any("listid", l))
var listIDDom dns.Domain
listID, listIDDom = parseListID(l[0])
if listID == "" {
log.Debug("invalid list-id header", slog.String("listid", l[0]))
// Check if we have a previous "No" answer for this list-id.
no := store.RulesetNoListID{
RcptToAddress: rcptTo,
ListID: listID,
ToInbox: mbDst.Name == "Inbox",
exists, err = bstore.QueryTx[store.RulesetNoListID](tx).FilterNonzero(no).Exists()
xcheckf(ctx, err, "looking up previous response for list-id")
if exists {
// Find the "ListAllowDomain" to use. We only match and move messages with verified
// SPF/DKIM. Otherwise spammers could add a list-id headers for mailing lists you
// are subscribed to, and take advantage of any reduced junk filtering.
listIDDomStr := listIDDom.Name()
doms := m.DKIMDomains
if m.MailFromValidated {
doms = append(doms, m.MailFromDomain)
// Sort, we prefer the shortest name, e.g. DKIM signature on whole domain instead
// of SPF verification of one host.
sort.Slice(doms, func(i, j int) bool {
return len(doms[i]) < len(doms[j])
var listAllowDom string
for _, dom := range doms {
if dom == listIDDomStr || strings.HasSuffix(listIDDomStr, "."+dom) {
listAllowDom = dom
if listAllowDom == "" {
listIDRegExp := regexp.QuoteMeta(fmt.Sprintf("<%s>", listID)) + "$"
nrs = &config.Ruleset{
HeadersRegexp: map[string]string{"^list-id$": listIDRegExp},
ListAllowDomain: listAllowDom,
Mailbox: mbDst.Name,
} else {
// Otherwise, try to make a rule based on message "From" address.
if m.MsgFromLocalpart == "" && m.MsgFromDomain == "" {
msgFrom = m.MsgFromLocalpart.String() + "@" + m.MsgFromDomain
no := store.RulesetNoMsgFrom{
RcptToAddress: rcptTo,
MsgFromAddress: msgFrom,
ToInbox: mbDst.Name == "Inbox",
exists, err = bstore.QueryTx[store.RulesetNoMsgFrom](tx).FilterNonzero(no).Exists()
xcheckf(ctx, err, "looking up previous response for message from address")
if exists {
nrs = &config.Ruleset{
MsgFromRegexp: "^" + regexp.QuoteMeta(msgFrom) + "$",
Mailbox: mbDst.Name,
// Only suggest adding/removing rule if it isn't/is present.
var have bool
for _, rs := range dest.Rulesets {
xrs := config.Ruleset{
MsgFromRegexp: rs.MsgFromRegexp,
HeadersRegexp: rs.HeadersRegexp,
ListAllowDomain: rs.ListAllowDomain,
Mailbox: nrs.Mailbox,
if xrs.Equal(*nrs) {
have = true
isRemove = mbDst.Name == defaultMailbox
if isRemove {
nrs.Mailbox = mbSrc.Name
if isRemove && !have || !isRemove && have {
// We'll be returning a suggested ruleset.
nrs.Comment = "by webmail on " + time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")
ruleset = nrs
// Parse the list-id value (the value between <>) from a list-id header.
// Returns an empty string if it couldn't be parsed.
func parseListID(s string) (listID string, dom dns.Domain) {
// ../rfc/2919:198
s = strings.TrimRight(s, " \t")
if !strings.HasSuffix(s, ">") {
return "", dns.Domain{}
s = s[:len(s)-1]
t := strings.Split(s, "<")
if len(t) == 1 {
return "", dns.Domain{}
s = t[len(t)-1]
dom, err := dns.ParseDomain(s)
if err != nil {
return "", dom
return s, dom
func (Webmail) RulesetAdd(ctx context.Context, rcptTo string, ruleset config.Ruleset) {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
err := mox.AccountSave(ctx, reqInfo.Account.Name, func(acc *config.Account) {
dest, ok := acc.Destinations[rcptTo]
if !ok {
// todo: we could find the catchall address and add the rule, or add the address explicitly.
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("destination address not found in account (hint: if this is a catchall address, configure the address explicitly to configure rulesets)"), "looking up address")
nd := map[string]config.Destination{}
for addr, d := range acc.Destinations {
nd[addr] = d
dest.Rulesets = append(slices.Clone(dest.Rulesets), ruleset)
nd[rcptTo] = dest
acc.Destinations = nd
xcheckf(ctx, err, "saving account with new ruleset")
func (Webmail) RulesetRemove(ctx context.Context, rcptTo string, ruleset config.Ruleset) {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
err := mox.AccountSave(ctx, reqInfo.Account.Name, func(acc *config.Account) {
dest, ok := acc.Destinations[rcptTo]
if !ok {
xcheckuserf(ctx, errors.New("destination address not found in account"), "looking up address")
nd := map[string]config.Destination{}
for addr, d := range acc.Destinations {
nd[addr] = d
var l []config.Ruleset
skipped := 0
for _, rs := range dest.Rulesets {
if rs.Equal(ruleset) {
} else {
l = append(l, rs)
if skipped != 1 {
xcheckuserf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("affected %d configured rulesets, expected 1", skipped), "changing rulesets")
dest.Rulesets = l
nd[rcptTo] = dest
acc.Destinations = nd
xcheckf(ctx, err, "saving account with new ruleset")
func (Webmail) RulesetMessageNever(ctx context.Context, rcptTo, listID, msgFrom string, toInbox bool) {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
acc := reqInfo.Account
var err error
if listID != "" {
err = acc.DB.Insert(ctx, &store.RulesetNoListID{RcptToAddress: rcptTo, ListID: listID, ToInbox: toInbox})
} else {
err = acc.DB.Insert(ctx, &store.RulesetNoMsgFrom{RcptToAddress: rcptTo, MsgFromAddress: msgFrom, ToInbox: toInbox})
xcheckf(ctx, err, "storing user response")
func (Webmail) RulesetMailboxNever(ctx context.Context, mailboxID int64, toMailbox bool) {
reqInfo := ctx.Value(requestInfoCtxKey).(requestInfo)
acc := reqInfo.Account
err := acc.DB.Insert(ctx, &store.RulesetNoMailbox{MailboxID: mailboxID, ToMailbox: toMailbox})
xcheckf(ctx, err, "storing user response")
func slicesAny[T any](l []T) []any {
r := make([]any, len(l))
for i, v := range l {
r[i] = v
return r
// SSETypes exists to ensure the generated API contains the types, for use in SSE events.
func (Webmail) SSETypes() (start EventStart, viewErr EventViewErr, viewReset EventViewReset, viewMsgs EventViewMsgs, viewChanges EventViewChanges, msgAdd ChangeMsgAdd, msgRemove ChangeMsgRemove, msgFlags ChangeMsgFlags, msgThread ChangeMsgThread, mailboxRemove ChangeMailboxRemove, mailboxAdd ChangeMailboxAdd, mailboxRename ChangeMailboxRename, mailboxCounts ChangeMailboxCounts, mailboxSpecialUse ChangeMailboxSpecialUse, mailboxKeywords ChangeMailboxKeywords, flags store.Flags) {