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package smtpclient
import (
var (
errCNAMELoop = errors.New("cname loop")
errCNAMELimit = errors.New("too many cname records")
errDNS = errors.New("dns lookup error")
errNoMail = errors.New("domain does not accept email as indicated with single dot for mx record")
// GatherDestinations looks up the hosts to deliver email to a domain ("next-hop").
// If it is an IP address, it is the only destination to try. Otherwise CNAMEs of
// the domain are followed. Then MX records for the expanded CNAME are looked up.
// If no MX record is present, the original domain is returned. If an MX record is
// present but indicates the domain does not accept email, ErrNoMail is returned.
// If valid MX records were found, the MX target hosts are returned.
// haveMX indicates if an MX record was found.
// origNextHopAuthentic indicates if the DNS record for the initial domain name was
// DNSSEC secure (CNAME, MX).
// expandedNextHopAuthentic indicates if the DNS records after following CNAMEs were
// DNSSEC secure.
// These authentic results are needed for DANE, to determine where to look up TLSA
// records, and which names to allow in the remote TLS certificate. If MX records
// were found, both the original and expanded next-hops must be authentic for DANE
// to be option. For a non-IP with no MX records found, the authentic result can
// be used to decide which of the names to use as TLSA base domain.
func GatherDestinations(ctx context.Context, elog *slog.Logger, resolver dns.Resolver, origNextHop dns.IPDomain) (haveMX, origNextHopAuthentic, expandedNextHopAuthentic bool, expandedNextHop dns.Domain, hosts []dns.IPDomain, permanent bool, err error) {
// ../rfc/5321:3824
log := mlog.New("smtpclient", elog)
// IP addresses are dialed directly, and don't have TLSA records.
if len(origNextHop.IP) > 0 {
return false, false, false, expandedNextHop, []dns.IPDomain{origNextHop}, false, nil
// We start out assuming the result is authentic. Updated with each lookup.
origNextHopAuthentic = true
expandedNextHopAuthentic = true
// We start out delivering to the recipient domain. We follow CNAMEs.
rcptDomain := origNextHop.Domain
// Domain we are actually delivering to, after following CNAME record(s).
expandedNextHop = rcptDomain
// Keep track of CNAMEs we have followed, to detect loops.
domainsSeen := map[string]bool{}
for i := 0; ; i++ {
if domainsSeen[expandedNextHop.ASCII] {
// todo: only mark as permanent failure if TTLs for all records are beyond latest possibly delivery retry we would do.
err := fmt.Errorf("%w: recipient domain %s: already saw %s", errCNAMELoop, rcptDomain, expandedNextHop)
return false, origNextHopAuthentic, expandedNextHopAuthentic, expandedNextHop, nil, false, err
domainsSeen[expandedNextHop.ASCII] = true
// note: The Go resolver returns the requested name if the domain has no CNAME
// record but has a host record.
if i == 16 {
// We have a maximum number of CNAME records we follow. There is no hard limit for
// DNS, and you might think folks wouldn't configure CNAME chains at all, but for
// (non-mail) domains, CNAME chains of 10 records have been encountered according
// to the internet.
// todo: only mark as permanent failure if TTLs for all records are beyond latest possibly delivery retry we would do.
err := fmt.Errorf("%w: recipient domain %s, last resolved domain %s", errCNAMELimit, rcptDomain, expandedNextHop)
return false, origNextHopAuthentic, expandedNextHopAuthentic, expandedNextHop, nil, false, err
// Do explicit CNAME lookup. Go's LookupMX also resolves CNAMEs, but we want to
// know the final name, and we're interested in learning if the first vs later
// results were DNSSEC-(in)secure.
// ../rfc/5321:3838 ../rfc/3974:197
cctx, ccancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 30*time.Second)
defer ccancel()
cname, cnameResult, err := resolver.LookupCNAME(cctx, expandedNextHop.ASCII+".")
if i == 0 {
origNextHopAuthentic = origNextHopAuthentic && cnameResult.Authentic
expandedNextHopAuthentic = expandedNextHopAuthentic && cnameResult.Authentic
if err != nil && !dns.IsNotFound(err) {
err = fmt.Errorf("%w: cname lookup for %s: %v", errDNS, expandedNextHop, err)
return false, origNextHopAuthentic, expandedNextHopAuthentic, expandedNextHop, nil, false, err
if err == nil && cname != expandedNextHop.ASCII+"." {
d, err := dns.ParseDomain(strings.TrimSuffix(cname, "."))
if err != nil {
// todo: only mark as permanent failure if TTLs for all records are beyond latest possibly delivery retry we would do.
err = fmt.Errorf("%w: parsing cname domain %s: %v", errDNS, expandedNextHop, err)
return false, origNextHopAuthentic, expandedNextHopAuthentic, expandedNextHop, nil, false, err
expandedNextHop = d
// Start again with new domain.
// Not a CNAME, so lookup MX record.
mctx, mcancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 30*time.Second)
defer mcancel()
// Note: LookupMX can return an error and still return records: Invalid records are
// filtered out and an error returned. We must process any records that are valid.
// Only if all are unusable will we return an error. ../rfc/5321:3851
mxl, mxResult, err := resolver.LookupMX(mctx, expandedNextHop.ASCII+".")
if i == 0 {
origNextHopAuthentic = origNextHopAuthentic && mxResult.Authentic
expandedNextHopAuthentic = expandedNextHopAuthentic && mxResult.Authentic
if err != nil && len(mxl) == 0 {
if !dns.IsNotFound(err) {
err = fmt.Errorf("%w: mx lookup for %s: %v", errDNS, expandedNextHop, err)
return false, origNextHopAuthentic, expandedNextHopAuthentic, expandedNextHop, nil, false, err
// No MX record, attempt delivery directly to host. ../rfc/5321:3842
hosts = []dns.IPDomain{{Domain: expandedNextHop}}
return false, origNextHopAuthentic, expandedNextHopAuthentic, expandedNextHop, hosts, false, nil
} else if err != nil {
log.Infox("mx record has some invalid records, keeping only the valid mx records", err)
// ../rfc/7505:122
if err == nil && len(mxl) == 1 && mxl[0].Host == "." {
// Note: Depending on MX record TTL, this record may be replaced with a more
// receptive MX record before our final delivery attempt. But it's clearly the
// explicit desire not to be bothered with email delivery attempts, so mark failure
// as permanent.
return true, origNextHopAuthentic, expandedNextHopAuthentic, expandedNextHop, nil, true, errNoMail
// The Go resolver already sorts by preference, randomizing records of same
// preference. ../rfc/5321:3885
for _, mx := range mxl {
// Parsing lax (unless pedantic mode) for MX targets with underscores as seen in the wild.
host, err := dns.ParseDomainLax(strings.TrimSuffix(mx.Host, "."))
if err != nil {
// note: should not happen because Go resolver already filters these out.
err = fmt.Errorf("%w: invalid host name in mx record %q: %v", errDNS, mx.Host, err)
return true, origNextHopAuthentic, expandedNextHopAuthentic, expandedNextHop, nil, true, err
hosts = append(hosts, dns.IPDomain{Domain: host})
if len(hosts) > 0 {
err = nil
return true, origNextHopAuthentic, expandedNextHopAuthentic, expandedNextHop, hosts, false, err
// GatherIPs looks up the IPs to try for connecting to host, with the IPs ordered
// to take previous attempts into account. For use with DANE, the CNAME-expanded
// name is returned, and whether the DNS responses were authentic.
func GatherIPs(ctx context.Context, elog *slog.Logger, resolver dns.Resolver, host dns.IPDomain, dialedIPs map[string][]net.IP) (authentic bool, expandedAuthentic bool, expandedHost dns.Domain, ips []net.IP, dualstack bool, rerr error) {
log := mlog.New("smtpclient", elog)
if len(host.IP) > 0 {
return false, false, dns.Domain{}, []net.IP{host.IP}, false, nil
authentic = true
expandedAuthentic = true
// The Go resolver automatically follows CNAMEs, which is not allowed for host
// names in MX records, but seems to be accepted and is documented for DANE SMTP
// behaviour. We resolve CNAMEs explicitly, so we can return the final name, which
// DANE needs. ../rfc/7671:246
// ../rfc/5321:3861 ../rfc/2181:661 ../rfc/7672:1382 ../rfc/7671:1030
name := host.Domain.ASCII + "."
for i := 0; ; i++ {
cname, result, err := resolver.LookupCNAME(ctx, name)
if i == 0 {
authentic = result.Authentic
expandedAuthentic = expandedAuthentic && result.Authentic
if dns.IsNotFound(err) {
} else if err != nil {
return authentic, expandedAuthentic, dns.Domain{}, nil, dualstack, err
} else if strings.TrimSuffix(cname, ".") == strings.TrimSuffix(name, ".") {
if i > 10 {
return authentic, expandedAuthentic, dns.Domain{}, nil, dualstack, fmt.Errorf("mx lookup: %w", errCNAMELimit)
name = strings.TrimSuffix(cname, ".") + "."
if name == host.Domain.ASCII+"." {
expandedHost = host.Domain
} else {
var err error
expandedHost, err = dns.ParseDomain(strings.TrimSuffix(name, "."))
if err != nil {
return authentic, expandedAuthentic, dns.Domain{}, nil, dualstack, fmt.Errorf("parsing cname-resolved domain: %w", err)
ipaddrs, result, err := resolver.LookupIPAddr(ctx, name)
authentic = authentic && result.Authentic
expandedAuthentic = expandedAuthentic && result.Authentic
if err != nil || len(ipaddrs) == 0 {
return authentic, expandedAuthentic, expandedHost, nil, false, fmt.Errorf("looking up %q: %w", name, err)
var have4, have6 bool
for _, ipaddr := range ipaddrs {
ips = append(ips, ipaddr.IP)
if ipaddr.IP.To4() == nil {
have6 = true
} else {
have4 = true
dualstack = have4 && have6
prevIPs := dialedIPs[host.String()]
if len(prevIPs) > 0 {
prevIP := prevIPs[len(prevIPs)-1]
prevIs4 := prevIP.To4() != nil
sameFamily := 0
for _, ip := range prevIPs {
is4 := ip.To4() != nil
if prevIs4 == is4 {
preferPrev := sameFamily == 1
// We use stable sort so any preferred/randomized listing from DNS is kept intact.
sort.SliceStable(ips, func(i, j int) bool {
aIs4 := ips[i].To4() != nil
bIs4 := ips[j].To4() != nil
if aIs4 != bIs4 {
// Prefer "i" if it is not same address family.
return aIs4 != prevIs4
// Prefer "i" if it is the same as last and we should be preferring it.
return preferPrev && ips[i].Equal(prevIP)
log.Debug("ordered ips for dialing", slog.Any("ips", ips))
// GatherTLSA looks up TLSA record for either expandedHost or host, and returns
// records usable for DANE with SMTP, and host names to allow in DANE-TA
// certificate name verification.
// If no records are found, this isn't necessarily an error. It can just indicate
// the domain/host does not opt-in to DANE, and nil records and a nil error are
// returned.
// Only usable records are returned. If any record was found, DANE is required and
// this is indicated with daneRequired. If no usable records remain, the caller
// must do TLS, but not verify the remote TLS certificate.
// Returned values are always meaningful, also when an error was returned.
func GatherTLSA(ctx context.Context, elog *slog.Logger, resolver dns.Resolver, host dns.Domain, expandedAuthentic bool, expandedHost dns.Domain) (daneRequired bool, daneRecords []adns.TLSA, tlsaBaseDomain dns.Domain, err error) {
log := mlog.New("smtpclient", elog)
// ../rfc/7672:912
// This function is only called when the lookup of host was authentic.
var l []adns.TLSA
tlsaBaseDomain = host
if host == expandedHost || !expandedAuthentic {
l, err = lookupTLSACNAME(ctx, log, resolver, 25, "tcp", host)
} else if expandedAuthentic {
// ../rfc/7672:934
tlsaBaseDomain = expandedHost
l, err = lookupTLSACNAME(ctx, log, resolver, 25, "tcp", expandedHost)
if err == nil && len(l) == 0 {
tlsaBaseDomain = host
l, err = lookupTLSACNAME(ctx, log, resolver, 25, "tcp", host)
if len(l) == 0 || err != nil {
daneRequired = err != nil
log.Debugx("gathering tlsa records failed", err, slog.Bool("danerequired", daneRequired), slog.Any("basedomain", tlsaBaseDomain))
return daneRequired, nil, tlsaBaseDomain, err
daneRequired = len(l) > 0
l = filterUsableTLSARecords(log, l)
log.Debug("tlsa records exist",
slog.Bool("danerequired", daneRequired),
slog.Any("records", l),
slog.Any("basedomain", tlsaBaseDomain))
return daneRequired, l, tlsaBaseDomain, err
// lookupTLSACNAME composes a TLSA domain name to lookup, follows CNAMEs and looks
// up TLSA records. no TLSA records exist, a nil error is returned as it means
// the host does not opt-in to DANE.
func lookupTLSACNAME(ctx context.Context, log mlog.Log, resolver dns.Resolver, port int, protocol string, host dns.Domain) (l []adns.TLSA, rerr error) {
name := fmt.Sprintf("_%d._%s.%s", port, protocol, host.ASCII+".")
for i := 0; ; i++ {
cname, result, err := resolver.LookupCNAME(ctx, name)
if dns.IsNotFound(err) {
if !result.Authentic {
log.Debugx("cname nxdomain result during tlsa lookup not authentic, not doing dane for host", err, slog.Any("host", host), slog.String("name", name))
return nil, nil
} else if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("looking up cname for tlsa candidate base domain: %w", err)
} else if !result.Authentic {
log.Debugx("cname result during tlsa lookup not authentic, not doing dane for host", err, slog.Any("host", host), slog.String("name", name))
return nil, nil
if i == 10 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("looking up cname for tlsa candidate base domain: %w", errCNAMELimit)
name = strings.TrimSuffix(cname, ".") + "."
var result adns.Result
var err error
l, result, err = resolver.LookupTLSA(ctx, 0, "", name)
if dns.IsNotFound(err) || err == nil && len(l) == 0 {
log.Debugx("no tlsa records for host, not doing dane", err,
slog.Any("host", host),
slog.String("name", name),
slog.Bool("authentic", result.Authentic))
return nil, nil
} else if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("looking up tlsa records for tlsa candidate base domain: %w", err)
} else if !result.Authentic {
log.Debugx("tlsa lookup not authentic, not doing dane for host", err, slog.Any("host", host), slog.String("name", name))
return nil, nil
return l, nil
func filterUsableTLSARecords(log mlog.Log, l []adns.TLSA) []adns.TLSA {
// Gather "usable" records. ../rfc/7672:708
o := 0
for _, r := range l {
// A record is not usable when we don't recognize parameters. ../rfc/6698:649
switch r.Usage {
case adns.TLSAUsageDANETA, adns.TLSAUsageDANEEE:
// We can regard PKIX-TA and PKIX-EE as "unusable" with SMTP DANE. ../rfc/7672:1304
switch r.Selector {
case adns.TLSASelectorCert, adns.TLSASelectorSPKI:
switch r.MatchType {
case adns.TLSAMatchTypeFull:
if r.Selector == adns.TLSASelectorCert {
if _, err := x509.ParseCertificate(r.CertAssoc); err != nil {
log.Debugx("parsing certificate in dane tlsa record, ignoring", err)
} else if r.Selector == adns.TLSASelectorSPKI {
if _, err := x509.ParsePKIXPublicKey(r.CertAssoc); err != nil {
log.Debugx("parsing certificate in dane tlsa record, ignoring", err)
case adns.TLSAMatchTypeSHA256:
if len(r.CertAssoc) != sha256.Size {
log.Debug("dane tlsa record with wrong data size for sha2-256", slog.Int("got", len(r.CertAssoc)), slog.Int("expect", sha256.Size))
case adns.TLSAMatchTypeSHA512:
if len(r.CertAssoc) != sha512.Size {
log.Debug("dane tlsa record with wrong data size for sha2-512", slog.Int("got", len(r.CertAssoc)), slog.Int("expect", sha512.Size))
l[o] = r
return l[:o]
// GatherTLSANames returns the allowed names in TLS certificates for verification
// with PKIX-* or DANE-TA. The first name should be used for SNI.
// If there was no MX record, the next-hop domain parameters (i.e. the original
// email destination host, and its CNAME-expanded host, that has MX records) are
// ignored and only the base domain parameters are taken into account.
func GatherTLSANames(haveMX, expandedNextHopAuthentic, expandedTLSABaseDomainAuthentic bool, origNextHop, expandedNextHop, origTLSABaseDomain, expandedTLSABaseDomain dns.Domain) []dns.Domain {
// Gather the names to check against TLS certificate. ../rfc/7672:1318
if !haveMX {
// ../rfc/7672:1336
if !expandedTLSABaseDomainAuthentic || origTLSABaseDomain == expandedTLSABaseDomain {
return []dns.Domain{origTLSABaseDomain}
return []dns.Domain{expandedTLSABaseDomain, origTLSABaseDomain}
} else if expandedNextHopAuthentic {
// ../rfc/7672:1326
var l []dns.Domain
if expandedTLSABaseDomainAuthentic {
l = []dns.Domain{expandedTLSABaseDomain}
if expandedTLSABaseDomain != origTLSABaseDomain {
l = append(l, origTLSABaseDomain)
l = append(l, origNextHop)
if origNextHop != expandedNextHop {
l = append(l, expandedNextHop)
return l
} else {
// We don't attempt DANE after insecure MX, but behaviour for it is specified.
// ../rfc/7672:1332
return []dns.Domain{origNextHop}