Mechiel Lukkien 594182aae5
webmail: rename query string param "token" to "singleUseToken" to be less scary in access logs
these singleusetokens can be redeemed once. so when you see it in the logs, it
can't be used again. they are short-lived anyway.

this change should help prevent me periodically investigating token handling...
2024-08-23 15:08:27 +02:00

536 lines
21 KiB

package webmail
import (
func TestView(t *testing.T) {
mox.Context = ctxbg
mox.ConfigStaticPath = filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/webmail/mox.conf")
mox.MustLoadConfig(true, false)
defer store.Switchboard()()
log := mlog.New("webmail", nil)
acc, err := store.OpenAccount(log, "mjl")
tcheck(t, err, "open account")
err = acc.SetPassword(log, "test1234")
tcheck(t, err, "set password")
defer func() {
err := acc.Close()
pkglog.Check(err, "closing account")
api := Webmail{maxMessageSize: 1024 * 1024, cookiePath: "/"}
respRec := httptest.NewRecorder()
reqInfo := requestInfo{log, "mjl@mox.example", acc, "", respRec, &http.Request{RemoteAddr: ""}}
ctx := context.WithValue(ctxbg, requestInfoCtxKey, reqInfo)
// Prepare loginToken.
loginCookie := &http.Cookie{Name: "webmaillogin"}
loginCookie.Value = api.LoginPrep(ctx)
reqInfo.Request.Header = http.Header{"Cookie": []string{loginCookie.String()}}
api.Login(ctx, loginCookie.Value, "mjl@mox.example", "test1234")
var sessionCookie *http.Cookie
for _, c := range respRec.Result().Cookies() {
if c.Name == "webmailsession" {
sessionCookie = c
if sessionCookie == nil {
t.Fatalf("missing session cookie")
sct := strings.SplitN(sessionCookie.Value, " ", 2)
if len(sct) != 2 || sct[1] != "mjl" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected accountname %q in session cookie", sct[1])
sessionToken := store.SessionToken(sct[0])
reqInfo = requestInfo{log, "mjl@mox.example", acc, sessionToken, respRec, &http.Request{}}
ctx = context.WithValue(ctxbg, requestInfoCtxKey, reqInfo)
api.MailboxCreate(ctx, "Lists/Go/Nuts")
var zerom store.Message
var (
inboxMinimal = &testmsg{"Inbox", store.Flags{}, nil, msgMinimal, zerom, 0}
inboxFlags = &testmsg{"Inbox", store.Flags{Seen: true}, []string{"testlabel"}, msgAltRel, zerom, 0} // With flags, and larger.
listsMinimal = &testmsg{"Lists", store.Flags{}, nil, msgMinimal, zerom, 0}
listsGoNutsMinimal = &testmsg{"Lists/Go/Nuts", store.Flags{}, nil, msgMinimal, zerom, 0}
trashMinimal = &testmsg{"Trash", store.Flags{}, nil, msgMinimal, zerom, 0}
junkMinimal = &testmsg{"Trash", store.Flags{}, nil, msgMinimal, zerom, 0}
trashAlt = &testmsg{"Trash", store.Flags{}, nil, msgAlt, zerom, 0}
inboxAltReply = &testmsg{"Inbox", store.Flags{}, nil, msgAltReply, zerom, 0}
var testmsgs = []*testmsg{inboxMinimal, inboxFlags, listsMinimal, listsGoNutsMinimal, trashMinimal, junkMinimal, trashAlt, inboxAltReply}
for _, tm := range testmsgs {
tdeliver(t, acc, tm)
// Token
tokens := []string{}
for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
tokens = append(tokens, api.Token(ctx))
// Only last 10 tokens are still valid and around, checked below.
// Request
tneedError(t, func() { api.Request(ctx, Request{ID: 1, Cancel: true}) }) // Zero/invalid SSEID.
// We start an actual HTTP server to easily get a body we can do blocking reads on.
// With a httptest.ResponseRecorder, it's a bit more work to parse SSE events as
// they come in.
server := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(Handler(1024*1024, "/webmail/", false, "")))
defer server.Close()
serverURL, err := url.Parse(server.URL)
tcheck(t, err, "parsing server url")
_, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(serverURL.Host)
tcheck(t, err, "parsing host port in server url")
eventsURL := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/events", net.JoinHostPort("localhost", port))
request := Request{
Page: Page{Count: 10},
requestJSON, err := json.Marshal(request)
tcheck(t, err, "marshal request as json")
testFail := func(method, path string, expStatusCode int) {
req, err := http.NewRequest(method, path, nil)
tcheck(t, err, "making request")
resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
tcheck(t, err, "http transaction")
if resp.StatusCode != expStatusCode {
t.Fatalf("got statuscode %d, expected %d", resp.StatusCode, expStatusCode)
testFail("POST", eventsURL+"?singleUseToken="+tokens[0]+"&request="+string(requestJSON), http.StatusMethodNotAllowed) // Must be GET.
testFail("GET", eventsURL, http.StatusBadRequest) // Missing token.
testFail("GET", eventsURL+"?singleUseToken="+tokens[0]+"&request="+string(requestJSON), http.StatusBadRequest) // Bad (old) token.
testFail("GET", eventsURL+"?singleUseToken="+tokens[len(tokens)-5]+"&request=bad", http.StatusBadRequest) // Bad request.
// Start connection for testing and filters below.
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", eventsURL+"?singleUseToken="+tokens[len(tokens)-1]+"&request="+string(requestJSON), nil)
tcheck(t, err, "making request")
resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
tcheck(t, err, "http transaction")
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
t.Fatalf("got statuscode %d, expected %d (%s)", resp.StatusCode, http.StatusOK, readBody(resp.Body))
evr := eventReader{t, bufio.NewReader(resp.Body), resp.Body}
var start EventStart
evr.Get("start", &start)
var viewMsgs EventViewMsgs
evr.Get("viewMsgs", &viewMsgs)
tcompare(t, len(viewMsgs.MessageItems), 3)
tcompare(t, viewMsgs.ViewEnd, true)
var inbox, archive, lists, trash store.Mailbox
for _, mb := range start.Mailboxes {
if mb.Archive {
archive = mb
} else if mb.Name == start.MailboxName {
inbox = mb
} else if mb.Name == "Lists" {
lists = mb
} else if mb.Name == "Trash" {
trash = mb
// Can only use a token once.
testFail("GET", eventsURL+"?singleUseToken="+tokens[len(tokens)-1]+"&request=bad", http.StatusBadRequest)
// Check a few initial query/page combinations.
testConn := func(token, more string, request Request, check func(EventStart, eventReader)) {
reqJSON, err := json.Marshal(request)
tcheck(t, err, "marshal request json")
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", eventsURL+"?singleUseToken="+token+more+"&request="+string(reqJSON), nil)
tcheck(t, err, "making request")
resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
tcheck(t, err, "http transaction")
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
t.Fatalf("got statuscode %d, expected %d", resp.StatusCode, http.StatusOK)
xevr := eventReader{t, bufio.NewReader(resp.Body), resp.Body}
var xstart EventStart
xevr.Get("start", &xstart)
check(start, xevr)
// Connection with waitMinMsec/waitMaxMsec, just exercising code path.
waitReq := Request{
Page: Page{Count: 10},
testConn(api.Token(ctx), "&waitMinMsec=1&waitMaxMsec=2", waitReq, func(start EventStart, evr eventReader) {
var vm EventViewMsgs
evr.Get("viewMsgs", &vm)
tcompare(t, len(vm.MessageItems), 3)
// Connection with DestMessageID.
destMsgReq := Request{
Query: Query{
Filter: Filter{MailboxID: inbox.ID},
Page: Page{DestMessageID: inboxFlags.ID, Count: 10},
testConn(tokens[len(tokens)-3], "", destMsgReq, func(start EventStart, evr eventReader) {
var vm EventViewMsgs
evr.Get("viewMsgs", &vm)
tcompare(t, len(vm.MessageItems), 3)
tcompare(t, vm.ParsedMessage.ID, destMsgReq.Page.DestMessageID)
// todo: destmessageid past count, needs large mailbox
// Connection with missing DestMessageID, still fine.
badDestMsgReq := Request{
Query: Query{
Filter: Filter{MailboxID: inbox.ID},
Page: Page{DestMessageID: inboxFlags.ID + 999, Count: 10},
testConn(api.Token(ctx), "", badDestMsgReq, func(start EventStart, evr eventReader) {
var vm EventViewMsgs
evr.Get("viewMsgs", &vm)
tcompare(t, len(vm.MessageItems), 3)
// Connection with missing unknown AnchorMessageID, resets view.
badAnchorMsgReq := Request{
Query: Query{
Filter: Filter{MailboxID: inbox.ID},
Page: Page{AnchorMessageID: inboxFlags.ID + 999, Count: 10},
testConn(api.Token(ctx), "", badAnchorMsgReq, func(start EventStart, evr eventReader) {
var viewReset EventViewReset
evr.Get("viewReset", &viewReset)
var vm EventViewMsgs
evr.Get("viewMsgs", &vm)
tcompare(t, len(vm.MessageItems), 3)
// Connection that starts with a filter, without mailbox.
searchReq := Request{
Query: Query{
Filter: Filter{Labels: []string{`\seen`}},
Page: Page{Count: 10},
testConn(api.Token(ctx), "", searchReq, func(start EventStart, evr eventReader) {
var vm EventViewMsgs
evr.Get("viewMsgs", &vm)
tcompare(t, len(vm.MessageItems), 1)
tcompare(t, vm.MessageItems[0][0].Message.ID, inboxFlags.ID)
// Paginate from previous last element. There is nothing new.
var viewID int64 = 1
api.Request(ctx, Request{ID: 1, SSEID: start.SSEID, ViewID: viewID, Query: Query{Filter: Filter{MailboxID: inbox.ID}}, Page: Page{Count: 10, AnchorMessageID: viewMsgs.MessageItems[len(viewMsgs.MessageItems)-1][0].Message.ID}})
evr.Get("viewMsgs", &viewMsgs)
tcompare(t, len(viewMsgs.MessageItems), 0)
// Request archive mailbox, empty.
api.Request(ctx, Request{ID: 1, SSEID: start.SSEID, ViewID: viewID, Query: Query{Filter: Filter{MailboxID: archive.ID}}, Page: Page{Count: 10}})
evr.Get("viewMsgs", &viewMsgs)
tcompare(t, len(viewMsgs.MessageItems), 0)
tcompare(t, viewMsgs.ViewEnd, true)
threadlen := func(mil [][]MessageItem) int {
n := 0
for _, l := range mil {
n += len(l)
return n
// Request with threading, should also include parent message from Trash mailbox (trashAlt).
api.Request(ctx, Request{ID: 1, SSEID: start.SSEID, ViewID: viewID, Query: Query{Filter: Filter{MailboxID: inbox.ID}, Threading: "unread"}, Page: Page{Count: 10}})
evr.Get("viewMsgs", &viewMsgs)
tcompare(t, len(viewMsgs.MessageItems), 3)
tcompare(t, threadlen(viewMsgs.MessageItems), 3+1)
tcompare(t, viewMsgs.ViewEnd, true)
// And likewise when querying Trash, should also include child message in Inbox (inboxAltReply).
api.Request(ctx, Request{ID: 1, SSEID: start.SSEID, ViewID: viewID, Query: Query{Filter: Filter{MailboxID: trash.ID}, Threading: "on"}, Page: Page{Count: 10}})
evr.Get("viewMsgs", &viewMsgs)
tcompare(t, len(viewMsgs.MessageItems), 3)
tcompare(t, threadlen(viewMsgs.MessageItems), 3+1)
tcompare(t, viewMsgs.ViewEnd, true)
// Without threading, the inbox has just 3 messages.
api.Request(ctx, Request{ID: 1, SSEID: start.SSEID, ViewID: viewID, Query: Query{Filter: Filter{MailboxID: inbox.ID}, Threading: "off"}, Page: Page{Count: 10}})
evr.Get("viewMsgs", &viewMsgs)
tcompare(t, len(viewMsgs.MessageItems), 3)
tcompare(t, threadlen(viewMsgs.MessageItems), 3)
tcompare(t, viewMsgs.ViewEnd, true)
testFilter := func(orderAsc bool, f Filter, nf NotFilter, expIDs []int64) {
api.Request(ctx, Request{ID: 1, SSEID: start.SSEID, ViewID: viewID, Query: Query{OrderAsc: orderAsc, Filter: f, NotFilter: nf}, Page: Page{Count: 10}})
evr.Get("viewMsgs", &viewMsgs)
ids := make([]int64, len(viewMsgs.MessageItems))
for i, mi := range viewMsgs.MessageItems {
ids[i] = mi[0].Message.ID
tcompare(t, ids, expIDs)
tcompare(t, viewMsgs.ViewEnd, true)
// Test filtering.
var znf NotFilter
testFilter(false, Filter{MailboxID: lists.ID, MailboxChildrenIncluded: true}, znf, []int64{listsGoNutsMinimal.ID, listsMinimal.ID}) // Mailbox and sub mailbox.
testFilter(true, Filter{MailboxID: lists.ID, MailboxChildrenIncluded: true}, znf, []int64{listsMinimal.ID, listsGoNutsMinimal.ID}) // Oldest first first.
testFilter(false, Filter{MailboxID: -1}, znf, []int64{inboxAltReply.ID, listsGoNutsMinimal.ID, listsMinimal.ID, inboxFlags.ID, inboxMinimal.ID}) // All except trash/junk/rejects.
testFilter(false, Filter{Labels: []string{`\seen`}}, znf, []int64{inboxFlags.ID})
testFilter(false, Filter{MailboxID: inbox.ID}, NotFilter{Labels: []string{`\seen`}}, []int64{inboxAltReply.ID, inboxMinimal.ID})
testFilter(false, Filter{Labels: []string{`testlabel`}}, znf, []int64{inboxFlags.ID})
testFilter(false, Filter{MailboxID: inbox.ID}, NotFilter{Labels: []string{`testlabel`}}, []int64{inboxAltReply.ID, inboxMinimal.ID})
testFilter(false, Filter{MailboxID: inbox.ID, Oldest: &inboxFlags.m.Received}, znf, []int64{inboxAltReply.ID, inboxFlags.ID})
testFilter(false, Filter{MailboxID: inbox.ID, Newest: &inboxMinimal.m.Received}, znf, []int64{inboxMinimal.ID})
testFilter(false, Filter{MailboxID: inbox.ID, SizeMin: inboxFlags.m.Size}, znf, []int64{inboxFlags.ID})
testFilter(false, Filter{MailboxID: inbox.ID, SizeMax: inboxMinimal.m.Size}, znf, []int64{inboxMinimal.ID})
testFilter(false, Filter{From: []string{"mjl+altrel@mox.example"}}, znf, []int64{inboxFlags.ID})
testFilter(false, Filter{MailboxID: inbox.ID}, NotFilter{From: []string{"mjl+altrel@mox.example"}}, []int64{inboxAltReply.ID, inboxMinimal.ID})
testFilter(false, Filter{To: []string{"mox+altrel@other.example"}}, znf, []int64{inboxFlags.ID})
testFilter(false, Filter{MailboxID: inbox.ID}, NotFilter{To: []string{"mox+altrel@other.example"}}, []int64{inboxAltReply.ID, inboxMinimal.ID})
testFilter(false, Filter{From: []string{"mjl+altrel@mox.example", "bogus"}}, znf, []int64{})
testFilter(false, Filter{To: []string{"mox+altrel@other.example", "bogus"}}, znf, []int64{})
testFilter(false, Filter{Subject: []string{"test", "alt", "rel"}}, znf, []int64{inboxFlags.ID})
testFilter(false, Filter{MailboxID: inbox.ID}, NotFilter{Subject: []string{"alt"}}, []int64{inboxAltReply.ID, inboxMinimal.ID})
testFilter(false, Filter{MailboxID: inbox.ID, Words: []string{"the text body", "body", "the "}}, znf, []int64{inboxFlags.ID})
testFilter(false, Filter{MailboxID: inbox.ID}, NotFilter{Words: []string{"the text body"}}, []int64{inboxAltReply.ID, inboxMinimal.ID})
testFilter(false, Filter{Headers: [][2]string{{"X-Special", ""}}}, znf, []int64{inboxFlags.ID})
testFilter(false, Filter{Headers: [][2]string{{"X-Special", "testing"}}}, znf, []int64{inboxFlags.ID})
testFilter(false, Filter{Headers: [][2]string{{"X-Special", "other"}}}, znf, []int64{})
testFilter(false, Filter{Attachments: AttachmentImage}, znf, []int64{inboxFlags.ID})
testFilter(false, Filter{MailboxID: inbox.ID}, NotFilter{Attachments: AttachmentImage}, []int64{inboxAltReply.ID, inboxMinimal.ID})
// Test changes.
getChanges := func(changes ...any) {
var viewChanges EventViewChanges
evr.Get("viewChanges", &viewChanges)
if len(viewChanges.Changes) != len(changes) {
t.Fatalf("got %d changes, expected %d", len(viewChanges.Changes), len(changes))
for i, dst := range changes {
src := viewChanges.Changes[i]
dstType := reflect.TypeOf(dst).Elem().Name()
if src[0] != dstType {
t.Fatalf("change %d is of type %s, expected %s", i, src[0], dstType)
// Marshal and unmarshal is easiest...
buf, err := json.Marshal(src[1])
tcheck(t, err, "marshal change")
dec := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(buf))
err = dec.Decode(dst)
tcheck(t, err, "parsing change")
// ChangeMailboxAdd
api.MailboxCreate(ctx, "Newbox")
var chmbadd ChangeMailboxAdd
tcompare(t, chmbadd.Mailbox.Name, "Newbox")
// ChangeMailboxRename
api.MailboxRename(ctx, chmbadd.Mailbox.ID, "Newbox2")
var chmbrename ChangeMailboxRename
tcompare(t, chmbrename, ChangeMailboxRename{
ChangeRenameMailbox: store.ChangeRenameMailbox{MailboxID: chmbadd.Mailbox.ID, OldName: "Newbox", NewName: "Newbox2", Flags: nil},
// ChangeMailboxSpecialUse
api.MailboxSetSpecialUse(ctx, store.Mailbox{ID: chmbadd.Mailbox.ID, SpecialUse: store.SpecialUse{Archive: true}})
var chmbspecialuseOld, chmbspecialuseNew ChangeMailboxSpecialUse
getChanges(&chmbspecialuseOld, &chmbspecialuseNew)
tcompare(t, chmbspecialuseOld, ChangeMailboxSpecialUse{
ChangeMailboxSpecialUse: store.ChangeMailboxSpecialUse{MailboxID: archive.ID, MailboxName: "Archive", SpecialUse: store.SpecialUse{}},
tcompare(t, chmbspecialuseNew, ChangeMailboxSpecialUse{
ChangeMailboxSpecialUse: store.ChangeMailboxSpecialUse{MailboxID: chmbadd.Mailbox.ID, MailboxName: "Newbox2", SpecialUse: store.SpecialUse{Archive: true}},
// ChangeMailboxRemove
api.MailboxDelete(ctx, chmbadd.Mailbox.ID)
var chmbremove ChangeMailboxRemove
tcompare(t, chmbremove, ChangeMailboxRemove{
ChangeRemoveMailbox: store.ChangeRemoveMailbox{MailboxID: chmbadd.Mailbox.ID, Name: "Newbox2"},
// ChangeMsgAdd
inboxNew := &testmsg{"Inbox", store.Flags{}, nil, msgMinimal, zerom, 0}
tdeliver(t, acc, inboxNew)
var chmsgadd ChangeMsgAdd
var chmbcounts ChangeMailboxCounts
getChanges(&chmsgadd, &chmbcounts)
tcompare(t, chmsgadd.ChangeAddUID.MailboxID, inbox.ID)
tcompare(t, chmsgadd.MessageItems[0].Message.ID, inboxNew.ID)
chmbcounts.Size = 0
tcompare(t, chmbcounts, ChangeMailboxCounts{
ChangeMailboxCounts: store.ChangeMailboxCounts{
MailboxID: inbox.ID,
MailboxName: inbox.Name,
MailboxCounts: store.MailboxCounts{Total: 4, Unread: 3, Unseen: 3},
// ChangeMsgFlags
api.FlagsAdd(ctx, []int64{inboxNew.ID}, []string{`\seen`, `changelabel`, `aaa`})
var chmsgflags ChangeMsgFlags
var chmbkeywords ChangeMailboxKeywords
getChanges(&chmsgflags, &chmbcounts, &chmbkeywords)
tcompare(t, chmsgadd.ChangeAddUID.MailboxID, inbox.ID)
tcompare(t, chmbkeywords, ChangeMailboxKeywords{
ChangeMailboxKeywords: store.ChangeMailboxKeywords{
MailboxID: inbox.ID,
MailboxName: inbox.Name,
Keywords: []string{`aaa`, `changelabel`},
chmbcounts.Size = 0
tcompare(t, chmbcounts, ChangeMailboxCounts{
ChangeMailboxCounts: store.ChangeMailboxCounts{
MailboxID: inbox.ID,
MailboxName: inbox.Name,
MailboxCounts: store.MailboxCounts{Total: 4, Unread: 2, Unseen: 2},
// ChangeMsgRemove
api.MessageDelete(ctx, []int64{inboxNew.ID, inboxMinimal.ID})
var chmsgremove ChangeMsgRemove
getChanges(&chmbcounts, &chmsgremove)
tcompare(t, chmsgremove.ChangeRemoveUIDs.MailboxID, inbox.ID)
tcompare(t, chmsgremove.ChangeRemoveUIDs.UIDs, []store.UID{inboxMinimal.m.UID, inboxNew.m.UID})
chmbcounts.Size = 0
tcompare(t, chmbcounts, ChangeMailboxCounts{
ChangeMailboxCounts: store.ChangeMailboxCounts{
MailboxID: inbox.ID,
MailboxName: inbox.Name,
MailboxCounts: store.MailboxCounts{Total: 2, Unread: 1, Unseen: 1},
// ChangeMsgThread
api.ThreadCollapse(ctx, []int64{inboxAltReply.ID}, true)
var chmsgthread ChangeMsgThread
tcompare(t, chmsgthread.ChangeThread, store.ChangeThread{MessageIDs: []int64{inboxAltReply.ID}, Muted: false, Collapsed: true})
// Now collapsing the thread root, the child is already collapsed so no change.
api.ThreadCollapse(ctx, []int64{trashAlt.ID}, true)
tcompare(t, chmsgthread.ChangeThread, store.ChangeThread{MessageIDs: []int64{trashAlt.ID}, Muted: false, Collapsed: true})
// Expand thread root, including change for child.
api.ThreadCollapse(ctx, []int64{trashAlt.ID}, false)
var chmsgthread2 ChangeMsgThread
getChanges(&chmsgthread, &chmsgthread2)
tcompare(t, chmsgthread.ChangeThread, store.ChangeThread{MessageIDs: []int64{trashAlt.ID}, Muted: false, Collapsed: false})
tcompare(t, chmsgthread2.ChangeThread, store.ChangeThread{MessageIDs: []int64{inboxAltReply.ID}, Muted: false, Collapsed: false})
// Mute thread, including child, also collapses.
api.ThreadMute(ctx, []int64{trashAlt.ID}, true)
getChanges(&chmsgthread, &chmsgthread2)
tcompare(t, chmsgthread.ChangeThread, store.ChangeThread{MessageIDs: []int64{trashAlt.ID}, Muted: true, Collapsed: true})
tcompare(t, chmsgthread2.ChangeThread, store.ChangeThread{MessageIDs: []int64{inboxAltReply.ID}, Muted: true, Collapsed: true})
// And unmute Mute thread, including child. Messages are not expanded.
api.ThreadMute(ctx, []int64{trashAlt.ID}, false)
getChanges(&chmsgthread, &chmsgthread2)
tcompare(t, chmsgthread.ChangeThread, store.ChangeThread{MessageIDs: []int64{trashAlt.ID}, Muted: false, Collapsed: true})
tcompare(t, chmsgthread2.ChangeThread, store.ChangeThread{MessageIDs: []int64{inboxAltReply.ID}, Muted: false, Collapsed: true})
// todo: check move operations and their changes, e.g. MailboxDelete, MailboxEmpty, MessageRemove.
type eventReader struct {
t *testing.T
br *bufio.Reader
r io.Closer
func (r eventReader) Get(name string, event any) {
timer := time.AfterFunc(2*time.Second, func() {
pkglog.Print("event timeout")
defer timer.Stop()
t := r.t
var ev string
var data []byte
var keepalive bool
for {
line, err :='\n'))
tcheck(t, err, "read line")
line = bytes.TrimRight(line, "\n")
// fmt.Printf("have line %s\n", line)
if bytes.HasPrefix(line, []byte("event: ")) {
ev = string(line[len("event: "):])
} else if bytes.HasPrefix(line, []byte("data: ")) {
data = line[len("data: "):]
} else if bytes.HasPrefix(line, []byte(":")) {
keepalive = true
} else if len(line) == 0 {
if keepalive {
keepalive = false
if ev != name {
t.Fatalf("got event %q (%s), expected %q", ev, data, name)
dec := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(data))
err := dec.Decode(event)
tcheck(t, err, "unmarshal json")