Mechiel Lukkien 8b0706e02d
for WebRedirect, don't "match" when the destination URL has the same scheme,host,path, for doing http -> https redirects without loops
you can already get most http to https redirects through DontRedirectPlainHTTP
in WebHandler, but that needs handlers for all paths.

now you can just set up a redirect for a domain and all its path to baseurl
https://domain (leaving other webdirect fields empty). when the request comes
in with plain http, the redirect to https is done. that next request will also
evaluate the same redirect rule. but it will not cause a match because it would
redirect to the same scheme,host,path. so next webhandlers get a chance to

also clarify in webhandlers docs that also account & admin built-in handlers
run first.

related to issue #16
2023-03-08 23:29:44 +01:00

121 lines
4.9 KiB

package http
import (
func TestWebserver(t *testing.T) {
mox.ConfigStaticPath = "../testdata/webserver/mox.conf"
mox.ConfigDynamicPath = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(mox.ConfigStaticPath), "domains.conf")
srv := &serve{Webserver: true}
test := func(method, target string, reqhdrs map[string]string, expCode int, expContent string, expHeaders map[string]string) {
req := httptest.NewRequest(method, target, nil)
for k, v := range reqhdrs {
req.Header.Add(k, v)
rw := httptest.NewRecorder()
rw.Body = &bytes.Buffer{}
srv.ServeHTTP(rw, req)
resp := rw.Result()
if resp.StatusCode != expCode {
t.Fatalf("got statuscode %d, expected %d", resp.StatusCode, expCode)
if expContent != "" {
s := rw.Body.String()
if s != expContent {
t.Fatalf("got response data %q, expected %q", s, expContent)
for k, v := range expHeaders {
if xv := resp.Header.Get(k); xv != v {
t.Fatalf("got %q for header %q, expected %q", xv, k, v)
test("GET", "http://redir.mox.example", nil, http.StatusPermanentRedirect, "", map[string]string{"Location": "https://mox.example/"})
// http to https redirect, and stay on https afterwards without redirect loop.
test("GET", "http://schemeredir.example", nil, http.StatusPermanentRedirect, "", map[string]string{"Location": "https://schemeredir.example/"})
test("GET", "https://schemeredir.example", nil, http.StatusNotFound, "", nil)
test("GET", "http://mox.example/static/", nil, http.StatusOK, "", map[string]string{"X-Test": "mox"}) // index.html
test("GET", "http://mox.example/static/dir/", nil, http.StatusOK, "", map[string]string{"X-Test": "mox"}) // listing
test("GET", "http://mox.example/static/dir", nil, http.StatusTemporaryRedirect, "", map[string]string{"Location": "/static/dir/"}) // redirect to dir
test("GET", "http://mox.example/static/bogus", nil, http.StatusNotFound, "", nil)
test("GET", "http://mox.example/nolist/", nil, http.StatusOK, "", nil) // index.html
test("GET", "http://mox.example/nolist/dir/", nil, http.StatusForbidden, "", nil) // no listing
test("GET", "http://mox.example/tls/", nil, http.StatusPermanentRedirect, "", map[string]string{"Location": "https://mox.example/tls/"}) // redirect to tls
test("GET", "http://mox.example/baseurl/x?y=2", nil, http.StatusPermanentRedirect, "", map[string]string{"Location": "https://tls.mox.example/baseurl/x?q=1&y=2#fragment"})
test("GET", "http://mox.example/pathonly/old/x?q=2", nil, http.StatusTemporaryRedirect, "", map[string]string{"Location": "http://mox.example/pathonly/new/x?q=2"})
test("GET", "http://mox.example/baseurlpath/old/x?y=2", nil, http.StatusPermanentRedirect, "", map[string]string{"Location": "//other.mox.example/baseurlpath/new/x?q=1&y=2#fragment"})
test("GET", "http://mox.example/strip/x", nil, http.StatusBadGateway, "", nil) // no server yet
test("GET", "http://mox.example/nostrip/x", nil, http.StatusBadGateway, "", nil) // no server yet
badForwarded := map[string]string{
"Forwarded": "bad",
"X-Forwarded-For": "bad",
"X-Forwarded-Proto": "bad",
"X-Forwarded-Host": "bad",
"X-Forwarded-Ext": "bad",
// Server that echoes path, and forwarded request headers.
server := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
for k, v := range badForwarded {
if r.Header.Get(k) == v {
for k, vl := range r.Header {
if k == "Forwarded" || k == "X-Forwarded" || strings.HasPrefix(k, "X-Forwarded-") {
w.Header()[k] = vl
defer server.Close()
serverURL, err := url.Parse(server.URL)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("parsing url: %v", err)
serverURL.Path = "/a"
// warning: it is not normally allowed to access the dynamic config without lock. don't propagate accesses like this!
mox.Conf.Dynamic.WebHandlers[len(mox.Conf.Dynamic.WebHandlers)-2].WebForward.TargetURL = serverURL
mox.Conf.Dynamic.WebHandlers[len(mox.Conf.Dynamic.WebHandlers)-1].WebForward.TargetURL = serverURL
test("GET", "http://mox.example/strip/x", badForwarded, http.StatusOK, "/a/x", map[string]string{
"X-Test": "mox",
"X-Forwarded-For": "", // IP is hardcoded in Go's src/net/http/httptest/httptest.go
"X-Forwarded-Proto": "http",
"X-Forwarded-Host": "mox.example",
"X-Forwarded-Ext": "",
test("GET", "http://mox.example/nostrip/x", map[string]string{"X-OK": "ok"}, http.StatusOK, "/a/nostrip/x", map[string]string{"X-Test": "mox"})
test("GET", "http://mox.example/bogus", nil, http.StatusNotFound, "", nil) // path not registered.
test("GET", "http://bogus.mox.example/static/", nil, http.StatusNotFound, "", nil) // domain not registered.