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synced 2025-03-22 01:43:42 +03:00

without public ip's, the generated mox config will try to listen on and ::, but because there is already a listener for (and possibly others), a bind for will fail. explicit public ip's are needed. the public http listener is useful for ACME validation over http. for issue #52
673 lines
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// Package http provides HTTP listeners/servers, for
// autoconfiguration/autodiscovery, the account and admin web interface and
// MTA-STS policies.
package http
import (
golog "log"
_ "net/http/pprof"
var xlog = mlog.New("http")
var (
// metricRequest tracks performance (time to write response header) of server.
metricRequest = promauto.NewHistogramVec(
Name: "mox_httpserver_request_duration_seconds",
Help: "HTTP(s) server request with handler name, protocol, method, result codes, and duration until response status code is written, in seconds.",
Buckets: []float64{0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.100, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60, 120},
"handler", // Name from webhandler, can be empty.
"proto", // "http", "https", "ws", "wss"
"method", // "(unknown)" and otherwise only common verbs
// metricResponse tracks performance of entire request as experienced by users,
// which also depends on their connection speed, so not necessarily something you
// could act on.
metricResponse = promauto.NewHistogramVec(
Name: "mox_httpserver_response_duration_seconds",
Help: "HTTP(s) server response with handler name, protocol, method, result codes, and duration of entire response, in seconds.",
Buckets: []float64{0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.100, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60, 120},
"handler", // Name from webhandler, can be empty.
"proto", // "http", "https", "ws", "wss"
"method", // "(unknown)" and otherwise only common verbs
// todo: automatic gzip on responses, if client supports it, content is not already compressed. in case of static file only if it isn't too large. skip for certain response content-types (image/*, video/*), or file extensions if there is no identifying content-type. if cpu load isn't too high. if first N kb look compressible and come in quickly enough after first byte (e.g. within 100ms). always flush after 100ms to prevent stalled real-time connections.
type responseWriterFlusher interface {
// http.ResponseWriter that writes access log and tracks metrics at end of response.
type loggingWriter struct {
W responseWriterFlusher // Calls are forwarded.
Start time.Time
R *http.Request
WebsocketRequest bool // Whether request from was websocket.
Handler string // Set by router.
// Set by handlers.
StatusCode int
Size int64 // Of data served, for non-websocket responses.
Err error
WebsocketResponse bool // If this was a successful websocket connection with backend.
SizeFromClient, SizeToClient int64 // Websocket data.
Fields []mlog.Pair // Additional fields to log.
func (w *loggingWriter) AddField(p mlog.Pair) {
w.Fields = append(w.Fields, p)
func (w *loggingWriter) Flush() {
func (w *loggingWriter) Header() http.Header {
return w.W.Header()
// protocol, for logging.
func (w *loggingWriter) proto(websocket bool) string {
proto := "http"
if websocket {
proto = "ws"
if w.R.TLS != nil {
proto += "s"
return proto
func (w *loggingWriter) setStatusCode(statusCode int) {
if w.StatusCode != 0 {
w.StatusCode = statusCode
method := metricHTTPMethod(w.R.Method)
metricRequest.WithLabelValues(w.Handler, w.proto(w.WebsocketRequest), method, fmt.Sprintf("%d", w.StatusCode)).Observe(float64(time.Since(w.Start)) / float64(time.Second))
func (w *loggingWriter) Write(buf []byte) (int, error) {
if w.Size == 0 {
n, err := w.W.Write(buf)
if n > 0 {
w.Size += int64(n)
if err != nil {
return n, err
func (w *loggingWriter) WriteHeader(statusCode int) {
var tlsVersions = map[uint16]string{
tls.VersionTLS10: "tls1.0",
tls.VersionTLS11: "tls1.1",
tls.VersionTLS12: "tls1.2",
tls.VersionTLS13: "tls1.3",
func metricHTTPMethod(method string) string {
// https://www.iana.org/assignments/http-methods/http-methods.xhtml
method = strings.ToLower(method)
switch method {
case "acl", "baseline-control", "bind", "checkin", "checkout", "connect", "copy", "delete", "get", "head", "label", "link", "lock", "merge", "mkactivity", "mkcalendar", "mkcol", "mkredirectref", "mkworkspace", "move", "options", "orderpatch", "patch", "post", "pri", "propfind", "proppatch", "put", "rebind", "report", "search", "trace", "unbind", "uncheckout", "unlink", "unlock", "update", "updateredirectref", "version-control":
return method
return "(other)"
func (w *loggingWriter) error(err error) {
if w.Err == nil {
w.Err = err
func (w *loggingWriter) Done() {
method := metricHTTPMethod(w.R.Method)
metricResponse.WithLabelValues(w.Handler, w.proto(w.WebsocketResponse), method, fmt.Sprintf("%d", w.StatusCode)).Observe(float64(time.Since(w.Start)) / float64(time.Second))
tlsinfo := "plain"
if w.R.TLS != nil {
if v, ok := tlsVersions[w.R.TLS.Version]; ok {
tlsinfo = v
} else {
tlsinfo = "(other)"
err := w.Err
if err == nil {
err = w.R.Context().Err()
fields := []mlog.Pair{
mlog.Field("httpaccess", ""),
mlog.Field("handler", w.Handler),
mlog.Field("method", method),
mlog.Field("url", w.R.URL),
mlog.Field("host", w.R.Host),
mlog.Field("duration", time.Since(w.Start)),
mlog.Field("statuscode", w.StatusCode),
mlog.Field("proto", strings.ToLower(w.R.Proto)),
mlog.Field("remoteaddr", w.R.RemoteAddr),
mlog.Field("tlsinfo", tlsinfo),
mlog.Field("useragent", w.R.Header.Get("User-Agent")),
mlog.Field("referrr", w.R.Header.Get("Referrer")),
if w.WebsocketRequest {
fields = append(fields,
mlog.Field("websocketrequest", true),
if w.WebsocketResponse {
fields = append(fields,
mlog.Field("websocket", true),
mlog.Field("sizetoclient", w.SizeToClient),
mlog.Field("sizefromclient", w.SizeFromClient),
} else {
fields = append(fields,
mlog.Field("size", w.Size),
fields = append(fields, w.Fields...)
xlog.WithContext(w.R.Context()).Debugx("http request", err, fields...)
// Set some http headers that should prevent potential abuse. Better safe than sorry.
func safeHeaders(fn http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
h := w.Header()
h.Set("X-Frame-Options", "deny")
h.Set("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff")
h.Set("Content-Security-Policy", "default-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' data:")
h.Set("Referrer-Policy", "same-origin")
fn.ServeHTTP(w, r)
// Built-in handlers, e.g. mta-sts and autoconfig.
type pathHandler struct {
Name string // For logging/metrics.
HostMatch func(dom dns.Domain) bool // If not nil, called to see if domain of requests matches. Only called if requested host is a valid domain.
Path string // Path to register, like on http.ServeMux.
Handler http.Handler
type serve struct {
Kinds []string // Type of handler and protocol (e.g. acme-tls-alpn-01, account-http, admin-https).
TLSConfig *tls.Config
PathHandlers []pathHandler // Sorted, longest first.
Webserver bool // Whether serving WebHandler. PathHandlers are always evaluated before WebHandlers.
// Handle registers a named handler for a path and optional host. If path ends with
// a slash, it is used as prefix match, otherwise a full path match is required. If
// hostOpt is set, only requests to those host are handled by this handler.
func (s *serve) Handle(name string, hostMatch func(dns.Domain) bool, path string, fn http.Handler) {
s.PathHandlers = append(s.PathHandlers, pathHandler{name, hostMatch, path, fn})
var (
limiterConnectionrate = &ratelimit.Limiter{
WindowLimits: []ratelimit.WindowLimit{
Window: time.Minute,
Limits: [...]int64{1000, 3000, 9000},
Window: time.Hour,
Limits: [...]int64{5000, 15000, 45000},
// ServeHTTP is the starting point for serving HTTP requests. It dispatches to the
// right pathHandler or WebHandler, and it generates access logs and tracks
// metrics.
func (s *serve) ServeHTTP(xw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
now := time.Now()
// Rate limiting as early as possible.
ipstr, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(r.RemoteAddr)
if err != nil {
xlog.Debugx("split host:port client remoteaddr", err, mlog.Field("remoteaddr", r.RemoteAddr))
} else if ip := net.ParseIP(ipstr); ip == nil {
xlog.Debug("parsing ip for client remoteaddr", mlog.Field("remoteaddr", r.RemoteAddr))
} else if !limiterConnectionrate.Add(ip, now, 1) {
method := metricHTTPMethod(r.Method)
proto := "http"
if r.TLS != nil {
proto = "https"
metricRequest.WithLabelValues("(ratelimited)", proto, method, "429").Observe(0)
// No logging, that's just noise.
http.Error(xw, "429 - too many auth attempts", http.StatusTooManyRequests)
ctx := context.WithValue(r.Context(), mlog.CidKey, mox.Cid())
r = r.WithContext(ctx)
wf, ok := xw.(responseWriterFlusher)
if !ok {
http.Error(xw, "500 - internal server error - cannot access underlying connection"+recvid(r), http.StatusInternalServerError)
nw := &loggingWriter{
W: wf,
Start: now,
R: r,
defer nw.Done()
// Cleanup path, removing ".." and ".". Keep any trailing slash.
trailingPath := strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Path, "/")
if r.URL.Path == "" {
r.URL.Path = "/"
r.URL.Path = path.Clean(r.URL.Path)
if r.URL.Path == "." {
r.URL.Path = "/"
if trailingPath && !strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Path, "/") {
r.URL.Path += "/"
var dom dns.Domain
host := r.Host
nhost, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(host)
if err == nil {
host = nhost
// host could be an IP, some handles may match, not an error.
dom, domErr := dns.ParseDomain(host)
for _, h := range s.PathHandlers {
if h.HostMatch != nil && (domErr != nil || !h.HostMatch(dom)) {
if r.URL.Path == h.Path || strings.HasSuffix(h.Path, "/") && strings.HasPrefix(r.URL.Path, h.Path) {
nw.Handler = h.Name
h.Handler.ServeHTTP(nw, r)
if s.Webserver && domErr == nil {
if WebHandle(nw, r, dom) {
nw.Handler = "(nomatch)"
http.NotFound(nw, r)
// Listen binds to sockets for HTTP listeners, including those required for ACME to
// generate TLS certificates. It stores the listeners so Serve can start serving them.
func Listen() {
redirectToTrailingSlash := func(srv *serve, name, path string) {
// Helpfully redirect user to version with ending slash.
if path != "/" && strings.HasSuffix(path, "/") {
handler := safeHeaders(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
http.Redirect(w, r, path, http.StatusSeeOther)
srv.Handle(name, nil, path[:len(path)-1], handler)
// Initialize listeners in deterministic order for the same potential error
// messages.
names := maps.Keys(mox.Conf.Static.Listeners)
for _, name := range names {
l := mox.Conf.Static.Listeners[name]
portServe := map[int]*serve{}
var ensureServe func(https bool, port int, kind string) *serve
ensureServe = func(https bool, port int, kind string) *serve {
s := portServe[port]
if s == nil {
s = &serve{nil, nil, nil, false}
portServe[port] = s
s.Kinds = append(s.Kinds, kind)
if https && l.TLS.ACME != "" {
s.TLSConfig = l.TLS.ACMEConfig
} else if https {
s.TLSConfig = l.TLS.Config
if l.TLS.ACME != "" {
tlsport := config.Port(mox.Conf.Static.ACME[l.TLS.ACME].Port, 443)
ensureServe(true, tlsport, "acme-tls-alpn-01")
return s
if l.TLS != nil && l.TLS.ACME != "" && (l.SMTP.Enabled && !l.SMTP.NoSTARTTLS || l.Submissions.Enabled || l.IMAPS.Enabled) {
port := config.Port(mox.Conf.Static.ACME[l.TLS.ACME].Port, 443)
ensureServe(true, port, "acme-tls-alpn-01")
if l.AccountHTTP.Enabled {
port := config.Port(l.AccountHTTP.Port, 80)
path := "/"
if l.AccountHTTP.Path != "" {
path = l.AccountHTTP.Path
srv := ensureServe(false, port, "account-http at "+path)
handler := safeHeaders(http.StripPrefix(path[:len(path)-1], http.HandlerFunc(webaccount.Handle)))
srv.Handle("account", nil, path, handler)
redirectToTrailingSlash(srv, "account", path)
if l.AccountHTTPS.Enabled {
port := config.Port(l.AccountHTTPS.Port, 443)
path := "/"
if l.AccountHTTPS.Path != "" {
path = l.AccountHTTPS.Path
srv := ensureServe(true, port, "account-https at "+path)
handler := safeHeaders(http.StripPrefix(path[:len(path)-1], http.HandlerFunc(webaccount.Handle)))
srv.Handle("account", nil, path, handler)
redirectToTrailingSlash(srv, "account", path)
if l.AdminHTTP.Enabled {
port := config.Port(l.AdminHTTP.Port, 80)
path := "/admin/"
if l.AdminHTTP.Path != "" {
path = l.AdminHTTP.Path
srv := ensureServe(false, port, "admin-http at "+path)
handler := safeHeaders(http.StripPrefix(path[:len(path)-1], http.HandlerFunc(webadmin.Handle)))
srv.Handle("admin", nil, path, handler)
redirectToTrailingSlash(srv, "admin", path)
if l.AdminHTTPS.Enabled {
port := config.Port(l.AdminHTTPS.Port, 443)
path := "/admin/"
if l.AdminHTTPS.Path != "" {
path = l.AdminHTTPS.Path
srv := ensureServe(true, port, "admin-https at "+path)
handler := safeHeaders(http.StripPrefix(path[:len(path)-1], http.HandlerFunc(webadmin.Handle)))
srv.Handle("admin", nil, path, handler)
redirectToTrailingSlash(srv, "admin", path)
maxMsgSize := l.SMTPMaxMessageSize
if maxMsgSize == 0 {
maxMsgSize = config.DefaultMaxMsgSize
if l.WebmailHTTP.Enabled {
port := config.Port(l.WebmailHTTP.Port, 80)
path := "/webmail/"
if l.WebmailHTTP.Path != "" {
path = l.WebmailHTTP.Path
srv := ensureServe(false, port, "webmail-http at "+path)
srv.Handle("webmail", nil, path, http.StripPrefix(path[:len(path)-1], http.HandlerFunc(webmail.Handler(maxMsgSize))))
redirectToTrailingSlash(srv, "webmail", path)
if l.WebmailHTTPS.Enabled {
port := config.Port(l.WebmailHTTPS.Port, 443)
path := "/webmail/"
if l.WebmailHTTPS.Path != "" {
path = l.WebmailHTTPS.Path
srv := ensureServe(true, port, "webmail-https at "+path)
srv.Handle("webmail", nil, path, http.StripPrefix(path[:len(path)-1], http.HandlerFunc(webmail.Handler(maxMsgSize))))
redirectToTrailingSlash(srv, "webmail", path)
if l.MetricsHTTP.Enabled {
port := config.Port(l.MetricsHTTP.Port, 8010)
srv := ensureServe(false, port, "metrics-http")
srv.Handle("metrics", nil, "/metrics", safeHeaders(promhttp.Handler()))
srv.Handle("metrics", nil, "/", safeHeaders(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.URL.Path != "/" {
http.NotFound(w, r)
} else if r.Method != "GET" {
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusMethodNotAllowed), http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html")
fmt.Fprint(w, `<html><body>see <a href="/metrics">/metrics</a></body></html>`)
if l.AutoconfigHTTPS.Enabled {
port := config.Port(l.AutoconfigHTTPS.Port, 443)
srv := ensureServe(!l.AutoconfigHTTPS.NonTLS, port, "autoconfig-https")
autoconfigMatch := func(dom dns.Domain) bool {
// todo: may want to check this against the configured domains, could in theory be just a webserver.
return strings.HasPrefix(dom.ASCII, "autoconfig.")
srv.Handle("autoconfig", autoconfigMatch, "/mail/config-v1.1.xml", safeHeaders(http.HandlerFunc(autoconfHandle)))
srv.Handle("autodiscover", autoconfigMatch, "/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml", safeHeaders(http.HandlerFunc(autodiscoverHandle)))
if l.MTASTSHTTPS.Enabled {
port := config.Port(l.MTASTSHTTPS.Port, 443)
srv := ensureServe(!l.MTASTSHTTPS.NonTLS, port, "mtasts-https")
mtastsMatch := func(dom dns.Domain) bool {
// todo: may want to check this against the configured domains, could in theory be just a webserver.
return strings.HasPrefix(dom.ASCII, "mta-sts.")
srv.Handle("mtasts", mtastsMatch, "/.well-known/mta-sts.txt", safeHeaders(http.HandlerFunc(mtastsPolicyHandle)))
if l.PprofHTTP.Enabled {
// Importing net/http/pprof registers handlers on the default serve mux.
port := config.Port(l.PprofHTTP.Port, 8011)
if _, ok := portServe[port]; ok {
xlog.Fatal("cannot serve pprof on same endpoint as other http services")
srv := &serve{[]string{"pprof-http"}, nil, nil, false}
portServe[port] = srv
srv.Handle("pprof", nil, "/", http.DefaultServeMux)
if l.WebserverHTTP.Enabled {
port := config.Port(l.WebserverHTTP.Port, 80)
srv := ensureServe(false, port, "webserver-http")
srv.Webserver = true
if l.WebserverHTTPS.Enabled {
port := config.Port(l.WebserverHTTPS.Port, 443)
srv := ensureServe(true, port, "webserver-https")
srv.Webserver = true
if l.TLS != nil && l.TLS.ACME != "" {
m := mox.Conf.Static.ACME[l.TLS.ACME].Manager
// If we are listening on port 80 for plain http, also register acme http-01
// validation handler.
if srv, ok := portServe[80]; ok && srv.TLSConfig == nil {
srv.Kinds = append(srv.Kinds, "acme-http-01")
srv.Handle("acme-http-01", nil, "/.well-known/acme-challenge/", m.Manager.HTTPHandler(nil))
hosts := map[dns.Domain]struct{}{
mox.Conf.Static.HostnameDomain: {},
if l.HostnameDomain.ASCII != "" {
hosts[l.HostnameDomain] = struct{}{}
// All domains are served on all listeners.
for _, name := range mox.Conf.Domains() {
dom, err := dns.ParseDomain("autoconfig." + name)
if err != nil {
xlog.Errorx("parsing domain from config for autoconfig", err)
} else {
hosts[dom] = struct{}{}
ensureManagerHosts[m] = hosts
ports := maps.Keys(portServe)
for _, port := range ports {
srv := portServe[port]
sort.Slice(srv.PathHandlers, func(i, j int) bool {
a := srv.PathHandlers[i].Path
b := srv.PathHandlers[j].Path
if len(a) == len(b) {
// For consistent order.
return a < b
// Longest paths first.
return len(a) > len(b)
for _, ip := range l.IPs {
listen1(ip, port, srv.TLSConfig, name, srv.Kinds, srv)
// functions to be launched in goroutine that will serve on a listener.
var servers []func()
// We'll explicitly ensure these TLS certs exist (e.g. are created with ACME)
// immediately after startup. We only do so for our explicit listener hostnames,
// not for mta-sts DNS records, it can be requested on demand (perhaps never). We
// do request autoconfig, otherwise clients may run into their timeouts waiting for
// the certificate to be given during the first https connection.
var ensureManagerHosts = map[*autotls.Manager]map[dns.Domain]struct{}{}
// listen prepares a listener, and adds it to "servers", to be launched (if not running as root) through Serve.
func listen1(ip string, port int, tlsConfig *tls.Config, name string, kinds []string, handler http.Handler) {
addr := net.JoinHostPort(ip, fmt.Sprintf("%d", port))
var protocol string
var ln net.Listener
var err error
if tlsConfig == nil {
protocol = "http"
if os.Getuid() == 0 {
xlog.Print("http listener", mlog.Field("name", name), mlog.Field("kinds", strings.Join(kinds, ",")), mlog.Field("address", addr))
ln, err = mox.Listen(mox.Network(ip), addr)
if err != nil {
xlog.Fatalx("http: listen", err, mlog.Field("addr", addr))
} else {
protocol = "https"
if os.Getuid() == 0 {
xlog.Print("https listener", mlog.Field("name", name), mlog.Field("kinds", strings.Join(kinds, ",")), mlog.Field("address", addr))
ln, err = mox.Listen(mox.Network(ip), addr)
if err != nil {
xlog.Fatalx("https: listen", err, mlog.Field("addr", addr))
ln = tls.NewListener(ln, tlsConfig)
server := &http.Server{
Handler: handler,
TLSConfig: tlsConfig,
ReadHeaderTimeout: 30 * time.Second,
IdleTimeout: 65 * time.Second, // Chrome closes connections after 60 seconds, firefox after 115 seconds.
ErrorLog: golog.New(mlog.ErrWriter(xlog.Fields(mlog.Field("pkg", "net/http")), mlog.LevelInfo, protocol+" error"), "", 0),
serve := func() {
err := server.Serve(ln)
xlog.Fatalx(protocol+": serve", err)
servers = append(servers, serve)
// Serve starts serving on the initialized listeners.
func Serve() {
go webadmin.ManageAuthCache()
go webaccount.ImportManage()
for _, serve := range servers {
go serve()
servers = nil
go func() {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
i := 0
for m, hosts := range ensureManagerHosts {
for host := range hosts {
if i >= 10 {
// Just in case someone adds quite some domains to their config. We don't want to
// hit any ACME rate limits.
if i > 0 {
// Sleep just a little. We don't want to hammer our ACME provider, e.g. Let's Encrypt.
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
hello := &tls.ClientHelloInfo{
ServerName: host.ASCII,
// Make us fetch an ECDSA P256 cert.
// We add TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 to get around the ecDSA check in autocert.
CipherSuites: []uint16{tls.TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, tls.TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
SupportedCurves: []tls.CurveID{tls.CurveP256},
SignatureSchemes: []tls.SignatureScheme{tls.ECDSAWithP256AndSHA256},
SupportedVersions: []uint16{tls.VersionTLS13},
xlog.Print("ensuring certificate availability", mlog.Field("hostname", host))
if _, err := m.Manager.GetCertificate(hello); err != nil {
xlog.Errorx("requesting automatic certificate", err, mlog.Field("hostname", host))