mirror of
synced 2025-01-14 01:06:27 +03:00
if the message has a list-id header, we assume this is a (mailing) list message, and we require a dkim/spf-verified domain (we prefer the shortest that is a suffix of the list-id value). the rule we would add will mark such messages as from a mailing list, changing filtering rules on incoming messages (not enforcing dmarc policies). messages will be matched on list-id header and will only match if they have the same dkim/spf-verified domain. if the message doesn't have a list-id header, we'll ask to match based on "message from" address. we don't ask the user in several cases: - if the destination/source mailbox is a special-use mailbox (e.g. trash,archive,sent,junk; inbox isn't included) - if the rule already exist (no point in adding it again). - if the user said "no, not for this list-id/from-address" in the past. - if the user said "no, not for messages moved to this mailbox" in the past. we'll add the rule if the message was moved out of the inbox. if the message was moved to the inbox, we check if there is a matching rule that we can remove. we now remember the "no" answers (for list-id, msg-from-addr and mailbox) in the account database. to implement the msgfrom rules, this adds support to rulesets for matching on message "from" address. before, we could match on smtp from address (and other fields). rulesets now also have a field for comments. webmail adds a note that it created the rule, with the date. manual editing of the rulesets is still in the webaccount page. this webmail functionality is just a convenient way to add/remove common rules.
534 lines
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package webmail
import (
func tneedErrorCode(t *testing.T, code string, fn func()) {
defer func() {
x := recover()
if x == nil {
t.Fatalf("expected sherpa user error, saw success")
if err, ok := x.(*sherpa.Error); !ok {
t.Fatalf("expected sherpa error, saw %#v", x)
} else if err.Code != code {
t.Fatalf("expected sherpa error code %q, saw other sherpa error %#v", code, err)
func tneedError(t *testing.T, fn func()) {
tneedErrorCode(t, "user:error", fn)
// Test API calls.
// todo: test that the actions make the changes they claim to make. we currently just call the functions and have only limited checks that state changed.
func TestAPI(t *testing.T) {
mox.Context = ctxbg
mox.ConfigStaticPath = filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/webmail/mox.conf")
mox.ConfigDynamicPath = filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/webmail/domains.conf")
mox.MustLoadConfig(true, false)
defer store.Switchboard()()
log := mlog.New("webmail", nil)
acc, err := store.OpenAccount(log, "mjl")
tcheck(t, err, "open account")
const pw0 = "te\u0301st \u00a0\u2002\u200a" // NFD and various unicode spaces.
const pw1 = "tést " // PRECIS normalized, with NFC.
err = acc.SetPassword(log, pw0)
tcheck(t, err, "set password")
defer func() {
err := acc.Close()
pkglog.Check(err, "closing account")
var zerom store.Message
var (
inboxMinimal = &testmsg{"Inbox", store.Flags{}, nil, msgMinimal, zerom, 0}
inboxText = &testmsg{"Inbox", store.Flags{}, nil, msgText, zerom, 0}
inboxHTML = &testmsg{"Inbox", store.Flags{}, nil, msgHTML, zerom, 0}
inboxAlt = &testmsg{"Inbox", store.Flags{}, nil, msgAlt, zerom, 0}
inboxAltRel = &testmsg{"Inbox", store.Flags{}, nil, msgAltRel, zerom, 0}
inboxAttachments = &testmsg{"Inbox", store.Flags{}, nil, msgAttachments, zerom, 0}
testbox1Alt = &testmsg{"Testbox1", store.Flags{}, nil, msgAlt, zerom, 0}
rejectsMinimal = &testmsg{"Rejects", store.Flags{Junk: true}, nil, msgMinimal, zerom, 0}
var testmsgs = []*testmsg{inboxMinimal, inboxText, inboxHTML, inboxAlt, inboxAltRel, inboxAttachments, testbox1Alt, rejectsMinimal}
for _, tm := range testmsgs {
tdeliver(t, acc, tm)
api := Webmail{maxMessageSize: 1024 * 1024, cookiePath: "/webmail/"}
// Test login, and rate limiter.
loginReqInfo := requestInfo{"mjl@mox.example", "mjl", "", httptest.NewRecorder(), &http.Request{RemoteAddr: ""}}
loginctx := context.WithValue(ctxbg, requestInfoCtxKey, loginReqInfo)
// Missing login token.
tneedErrorCode(t, "user:error", func() { api.Login(loginctx, "", "mjl@mox.example", pw0) })
// Login with loginToken.
loginCookie := &http.Cookie{Name: "webmaillogin"}
loginCookie.Value = api.LoginPrep(loginctx)
loginReqInfo.Request.Header = http.Header{"Cookie": []string{loginCookie.String()}}
testLogin := func(username, password string, expErrCodes ...string) {
defer func() {
x := recover()
expErr := len(expErrCodes) > 0
if (x != nil) != expErr {
t.Fatalf("got %v, expected codes %v, for username %q, password %q", x, expErrCodes, username, password)
if x == nil {
} else if err, ok := x.(*sherpa.Error); !ok {
t.Fatalf("got %#v, expected at most *sherpa.Error", x)
} else if !slices.Contains(expErrCodes, err.Code) {
t.Fatalf("got error code %q, expected %v", err.Code, expErrCodes)
api.Login(loginctx, loginCookie.Value, username, password)
testLogin("mjl@mox.example", pw0)
testLogin("mjl@mox.example", pw1)
testLogin("móx@mox.example", pw1) // NFC username
testLogin("mo\u0301x@mox.example", pw1) // NFD username
testLogin("mjl@mox.example", pw1+" ", "user:loginFailed")
testLogin("nouser@mox.example", pw0, "user:loginFailed")
testLogin("nouser@bad.example", pw0, "user:loginFailed")
for i := 3; i < 10; i++ {
testLogin("bad@bad.example", pw0, "user:loginFailed")
// Ensure rate limiter is triggered, also for slow tests.
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
testLogin("bad@bad.example", pw0, "user:loginFailed", "user:error")
testLogin("bad@bad.example", pw0, "user:error")
// Context with different IP, for clear rate limit history.
reqInfo := requestInfo{"mjl@mox.example", "mjl", "", nil, &http.Request{RemoteAddr: ""}}
ctx := context.WithValue(ctxbg, requestInfoCtxKey, reqInfo)
// FlagsAdd
api.FlagsAdd(ctx, []int64{inboxText.ID}, []string{`\seen`, `customlabel`})
api.FlagsAdd(ctx, []int64{inboxText.ID, inboxHTML.ID}, []string{`\seen`, `customlabel`})
api.FlagsAdd(ctx, []int64{inboxText.ID, inboxText.ID}, []string{`\seen`, `customlabel`}) // Same message twice.
api.FlagsAdd(ctx, []int64{inboxText.ID}, []string{`another`})
api.FlagsAdd(ctx, []int64{inboxText.ID}, []string{`another`}) // No change.
api.FlagsAdd(ctx, []int64{inboxText.ID}, []string{}) // Nothing to do.
api.FlagsAdd(ctx, []int64{}, []string{}) // No messages, no flags.
api.FlagsAdd(ctx, []int64{}, []string{`custom`}) // No message, new flag.
api.FlagsAdd(ctx, []int64{inboxText.ID}, []string{`$junk`}) // Trigger retrain.
api.FlagsAdd(ctx, []int64{inboxText.ID}, []string{`$notjunk`}) // Trigger retrain.
api.FlagsAdd(ctx, []int64{inboxText.ID, testbox1Alt.ID}, []string{`$junk`, `$notjunk`}) // Trigger retrain, messages in different mailboxes.
api.FlagsAdd(ctx, []int64{inboxHTML.ID, testbox1Alt.ID}, []string{`\Seen`, `newlabel`}) // Two mailboxes with counts and keywords changed.
tneedError(t, func() { api.FlagsAdd(ctx, []int64{inboxText.ID}, []string{` bad syntax `}) })
tneedError(t, func() { api.FlagsAdd(ctx, []int64{inboxText.ID}, []string{``}) }) // Empty is invalid.
tneedError(t, func() { api.FlagsAdd(ctx, []int64{inboxText.ID}, []string{`\unknownsystem`}) }) // Only predefined system flags.
// FlagsClear, inverse of FlagsAdd.
api.FlagsClear(ctx, []int64{inboxText.ID}, []string{`\seen`, `customlabel`})
api.FlagsClear(ctx, []int64{inboxText.ID, inboxHTML.ID}, []string{`\seen`, `customlabel`})
api.FlagsClear(ctx, []int64{inboxText.ID, inboxText.ID}, []string{`\seen`, `customlabel`}) // Same message twice.
api.FlagsClear(ctx, []int64{inboxText.ID}, []string{`another`})
api.FlagsClear(ctx, []int64{inboxText.ID}, []string{`another`})
api.FlagsClear(ctx, []int64{inboxText.ID}, []string{})
api.FlagsClear(ctx, []int64{}, []string{})
api.FlagsClear(ctx, []int64{}, []string{`custom`})
api.FlagsClear(ctx, []int64{inboxText.ID}, []string{`$junk`})
api.FlagsClear(ctx, []int64{inboxText.ID}, []string{`$notjunk`})
api.FlagsClear(ctx, []int64{inboxText.ID, testbox1Alt.ID}, []string{`$junk`, `$notjunk`})
api.FlagsClear(ctx, []int64{inboxHTML.ID, testbox1Alt.ID}, []string{`\Seen`}) // Two mailboxes with counts changed.
tneedError(t, func() { api.FlagsClear(ctx, []int64{inboxText.ID}, []string{` bad syntax `}) })
tneedError(t, func() { api.FlagsClear(ctx, []int64{inboxText.ID}, []string{``}) })
tneedError(t, func() { api.FlagsClear(ctx, []int64{inboxText.ID}, []string{`\unknownsystem`}) })
// MailboxSetSpecialUse
var inbox, archive, sent, drafts, testbox1 store.Mailbox
err = acc.DB.Read(ctx, func(tx *bstore.Tx) error {
get := func(k string, v any) store.Mailbox {
mb, err := bstore.QueryTx[store.Mailbox](tx).FilterEqual(k, v).Get()
tcheck(t, err, "get special-use mailbox")
return mb
drafts = get("Draft", true)
sent = get("Sent", true)
archive = get("Archive", true)
get("Trash", true)
get("Junk", true)
inbox = get("Name", "Inbox")
testbox1 = get("Name", "Testbox1")
return nil
tcheck(t, err, "get mailboxes")
api.MailboxSetSpecialUse(ctx, store.Mailbox{ID: archive.ID, SpecialUse: store.SpecialUse{Draft: true}}) // Already set.
api.MailboxSetSpecialUse(ctx, store.Mailbox{ID: testbox1.ID, SpecialUse: store.SpecialUse{Draft: true}}) // New draft mailbox.
api.MailboxSetSpecialUse(ctx, store.Mailbox{ID: testbox1.ID, SpecialUse: store.SpecialUse{Sent: true}})
api.MailboxSetSpecialUse(ctx, store.Mailbox{ID: testbox1.ID, SpecialUse: store.SpecialUse{Archive: true}})
api.MailboxSetSpecialUse(ctx, store.Mailbox{ID: testbox1.ID, SpecialUse: store.SpecialUse{Trash: true}})
api.MailboxSetSpecialUse(ctx, store.Mailbox{ID: testbox1.ID, SpecialUse: store.SpecialUse{Junk: true}})
api.MailboxSetSpecialUse(ctx, store.Mailbox{ID: testbox1.ID, SpecialUse: store.SpecialUse{}}) // None
api.MailboxSetSpecialUse(ctx, store.Mailbox{ID: testbox1.ID, SpecialUse: store.SpecialUse{Draft: true, Sent: true, Archive: true, Trash: true, Junk: true}}) // All
api.MailboxSetSpecialUse(ctx, store.Mailbox{ID: testbox1.ID, SpecialUse: store.SpecialUse{}}) // None again.
api.MailboxSetSpecialUse(ctx, store.Mailbox{ID: sent.ID, SpecialUse: store.SpecialUse{Sent: true}}) // Sent, for sending mail later.
tneedError(t, func() { api.MailboxSetSpecialUse(ctx, store.Mailbox{ID: 0}) })
// MailboxRename
api.MailboxRename(ctx, testbox1.ID, "Testbox2")
api.MailboxRename(ctx, testbox1.ID, "Test/A/B/Box1")
api.MailboxRename(ctx, testbox1.ID, "Test/A/Box1")
api.MailboxRename(ctx, testbox1.ID, "Testbox1")
tneedError(t, func() { api.MailboxRename(ctx, 0, "BadID") })
tneedError(t, func() { api.MailboxRename(ctx, testbox1.ID, "Testbox1") }) // Already this name.
tneedError(t, func() { api.MailboxRename(ctx, testbox1.ID, "Inbox") }) // Inbox not allowed.
tneedError(t, func() { api.MailboxRename(ctx, inbox.ID, "Binbox") }) // Inbox not allowed.
tneedError(t, func() { api.MailboxRename(ctx, testbox1.ID, "Archive") }) // Exists.
// ParsedMessage
// todo: verify contents
api.ParsedMessage(ctx, inboxMinimal.ID)
api.ParsedMessage(ctx, inboxHTML.ID)
api.ParsedMessage(ctx, inboxAlt.ID)
api.ParsedMessage(ctx, inboxAltRel.ID)
api.ParsedMessage(ctx, testbox1Alt.ID)
tneedError(t, func() { api.ParsedMessage(ctx, 0) })
tneedError(t, func() { api.ParsedMessage(ctx, testmsgs[len(testmsgs)-1].ID+1) })
pm := api.ParsedMessage(ctx, inboxText.ID)
tcompare(t, pm.ViewMode, store.ModeDefault)
api.FromAddressSettingsSave(ctx, store.FromAddressSettings{FromAddress: "mjl@mox.example", ViewMode: store.ModeHTMLExt})
pm = api.ParsedMessage(ctx, inboxText.ID)
tcompare(t, pm.ViewMode, store.ModeHTMLExt)
// MailboxDelete
api.MailboxDelete(ctx, testbox1.ID)
testa, err := bstore.QueryDB[store.Mailbox](ctx, acc.DB).FilterEqual("Name", "Test/A").Get()
tcheck(t, err, "get mailbox Test/A")
tneedError(t, func() { api.MailboxDelete(ctx, testa.ID) }) // Test/A/B still exists.
tneedError(t, func() { api.MailboxDelete(ctx, 0) }) // Bad ID.
tneedError(t, func() { api.MailboxDelete(ctx, testbox1.ID) }) // No longer exists.
tneedError(t, func() { api.MailboxDelete(ctx, inbox.ID) }) // Cannot remove inbox.
tneedError(t, func() { api.ParsedMessage(ctx, testbox1Alt.ID) }) // Message was removed and no longer exists.
api.MailboxCreate(ctx, "Testbox1")
testbox1, err = bstore.QueryDB[store.Mailbox](ctx, acc.DB).FilterEqual("Name", "Testbox1").Get()
tcheck(t, err, "get testbox1")
tdeliver(t, acc, testbox1Alt)
// MailboxEmpty
api.MailboxEmpty(ctx, testbox1.ID)
tneedError(t, func() { api.ParsedMessage(ctx, testbox1Alt.ID) }) // Message was removed and no longer exists.
tneedError(t, func() { api.MailboxEmpty(ctx, 0) }) // Bad ID.
// MessageMove
tneedError(t, func() { api.MessageMove(ctx, []int64{testbox1Alt.ID}, inbox.ID) }) // Message was removed (with MailboxEmpty above).
api.MessageMove(ctx, []int64{}, testbox1.ID) // No messages.
tdeliver(t, acc, testbox1Alt)
tneedError(t, func() { api.MessageMove(ctx, []int64{testbox1Alt.ID}, testbox1.ID) }) // Already in destination mailbox.
tneedError(t, func() { api.MessageMove(ctx, []int64{}, 0) }) // Bad ID.
api.MessageMove(ctx, []int64{inboxMinimal.ID, inboxHTML.ID}, testbox1.ID)
api.MessageMove(ctx, []int64{inboxMinimal.ID, inboxHTML.ID, testbox1Alt.ID}, inbox.ID) // From different mailboxes.
api.FlagsAdd(ctx, []int64{inboxMinimal.ID}, []string{`minimallabel`}) // For move.
api.MessageMove(ctx, []int64{inboxMinimal.ID}, testbox1.ID) // Move causes new label for destination mailbox.
api.MessageMove(ctx, []int64{rejectsMinimal.ID}, testbox1.ID) // Move causing readjustment of MailboxOrigID due to Rejects mailbox.
tneedError(t, func() { api.MessageMove(ctx, []int64{testbox1Alt.ID, inboxMinimal.ID}, testbox1.ID) }) // inboxMinimal already in destination.
// Restore.
api.MessageMove(ctx, []int64{inboxMinimal.ID}, inbox.ID)
api.MessageMove(ctx, []int64{testbox1Alt.ID}, testbox1.ID)
// MessageDelete
api.MessageDelete(ctx, []int64{}) // No messages.
api.MessageDelete(ctx, []int64{inboxMinimal.ID, inboxHTML.ID}) // Same mailbox.
api.MessageDelete(ctx, []int64{inboxText.ID, testbox1Alt.ID, inboxAltRel.ID}) // Multiple mailboxes, multiple times.
tneedError(t, func() { api.MessageDelete(ctx, []int64{0}) }) // Bad ID.
tneedError(t, func() { api.MessageDelete(ctx, []int64{testbox1Alt.ID + 999}) }) // Bad ID
tneedError(t, func() { api.MessageDelete(ctx, []int64{testbox1Alt.ID}) }) // Already removed.
tdeliver(t, acc, testbox1Alt)
tdeliver(t, acc, inboxAltRel)
// MessageCompose
draftID := api.MessageCompose(ctx, ComposeMessage{
From: "mjl@mox.example",
To: []string{"mjl+to@mox.example", "mjl to2 <mjl+to2@mox.example>"},
Cc: []string{"mjl+cc@mox.example", "mjl cc2 <mjl+cc2@mox.example>"},
Bcc: []string{"mjl+bcc@mox.example", "mjl bcc2 <mjl+bcc2@mox.example>"},
Subject: "test email",
TextBody: "this is the content\n\ncheers,\nmox",
ReplyTo: "mjl replyto <mjl+replyto@mox.example>",
}, drafts.ID)
// Replace draft.
draftID = api.MessageCompose(ctx, ComposeMessage{
From: "mjl@mox.example",
To: []string{"mjl+to@mox.example", "mjl to2 <mjl+to2@mox.example>"},
Cc: []string{"mjl+cc@mox.example", "mjl cc2 <mjl+cc2@mox.example>"},
Bcc: []string{"mjl+bcc@mox.example", "mjl bcc2 <mjl+bcc2@mox.example>"},
Subject: "test email",
TextBody: "this is the content\n\ncheers,\nmox",
ReplyTo: "mjl replyto <mjl+replyto@mox.example>",
DraftMessageID: draftID,
}, drafts.ID)
// MessageFindMessageID
msgID := api.MessageFindMessageID(ctx, "<absent@localhost>")
tcompare(t, msgID, int64(0))
// MessageSubmit
queue.Localserve = true // Deliver directly to us instead attempting actual delivery.
err = queue.Init()
tcheck(t, err, "queue init")
api.MessageSubmit(ctx, SubmitMessage{
From: "mjl@mox.example",
To: []string{"mjl+to@mox.example", "mjl to2 <mjl+to2@mox.example>"},
Cc: []string{"mjl+cc@mox.example", "mjl cc2 <mjl+cc2@mox.example>"},
Bcc: []string{"mjl+bcc@mox.example", "mjl bcc2 <mjl+bcc2@mox.example>"},
Subject: "test email",
TextBody: "this is the content\n\ncheers,\nmox",
ReplyTo: "mjl replyto <mjl+replyto@mox.example>",
UserAgent: "moxwebmail/dev",
DraftMessageID: draftID,
// todo: check delivery of 6 messages to inbox, 1 to sent
// Reply with attachments.
api.MessageSubmit(ctx, SubmitMessage{
From: "mjl@mox.example",
To: []string{"mjl+to@mox.example"},
Subject: "Re: reply with attachments",
TextBody: "sending you these fake png files",
Attachments: []File{
Filename: "test1.png",
DataURI: "",
Filename: "test1.png",
DataURI: "",
ResponseMessageID: testbox1Alt.ID,
// todo: check answered flag
// Forward with attachments.
api.MessageSubmit(ctx, SubmitMessage{
From: "mjl@mox.example",
To: []string{"mjl+to@mox.example"},
Subject: "Fwd: the original subject",
TextBody: "look what i got",
Attachments: []File{
Filename: "test1.png",
DataURI: "",
ForwardAttachments: ForwardAttachments{
MessageID: inboxAltRel.ID,
Paths: [][]int{{1, 1}, {1, 1}},
IsForward: true,
ResponseMessageID: testbox1Alt.ID,
// todo: check forwarded flag, check it has the right attachments.
// Send from utf8 localpart.
api.MessageSubmit(ctx, SubmitMessage{
From: "møx@mox.example",
To: []string{"mjl+to@mox.example"},
TextBody: "test",
// Send to utf8 localpart.
api.MessageSubmit(ctx, SubmitMessage{
From: "mjl@mox.example",
To: []string{"møx@mox.example"},
TextBody: "test",
// Send to utf-8 text.
api.MessageSubmit(ctx, SubmitMessage{
From: "mjl@mox.example",
To: []string{"mjl+to@mox.example"},
Subject: "hi ☺",
TextBody: fmt.Sprintf("%80s", "tést"),
// Send without special-use Sent mailbox.
api.MailboxSetSpecialUse(ctx, store.Mailbox{ID: sent.ID, SpecialUse: store.SpecialUse{}})
api.MessageSubmit(ctx, SubmitMessage{
From: "mjl@mox.example",
To: []string{"mjl+to@mox.example"},
Subject: "hi ☺",
TextBody: fmt.Sprintf("%80s", "tést"),
// Message with From-address of another account.
tneedError(t, func() {
api.MessageSubmit(ctx, SubmitMessage{
From: "other@mox.example",
To: []string{"mjl+to@mox.example"},
TextBody: "test",
// Message with unknown address.
tneedError(t, func() {
api.MessageSubmit(ctx, SubmitMessage{
From: "doesnotexist@mox.example",
To: []string{"mjl+to@mox.example"},
TextBody: "test",
// Message without recipient.
tneedError(t, func() {
api.MessageSubmit(ctx, SubmitMessage{
From: "mjl@mox.example",
TextBody: "test",
api.maxMessageSize = 1
tneedError(t, func() {
api.MessageSubmit(ctx, SubmitMessage{
From: "mjl@mox.example",
To: []string{"mjl+to@mox.example"},
Subject: "too large",
TextBody: "so many bytes",
api.maxMessageSize = 1024 * 1024
// Hit recipient limit.
tneedError(t, func() {
accConf, _ := acc.Conf()
for i := 0; i <= accConf.MaxFirstTimeRecipientsPerDay; i++ {
api.MessageSubmit(ctx, SubmitMessage{
From: fmt.Sprintf("user@mox%d.example", i),
TextBody: "test",
// Hit message limit.
tneedError(t, func() {
accConf, _ := acc.Conf()
for i := 0; i <= accConf.MaxOutgoingMessagesPerDay; i++ {
api.MessageSubmit(ctx, SubmitMessage{
From: fmt.Sprintf("user@mox%d.example", i),
TextBody: "test",
l, full := api.CompleteRecipient(ctx, "doesnotexist")
tcompare(t, len(l), 0)
tcompare(t, full, true)
l, full = api.CompleteRecipient(ctx, "cc2")
tcompare(t, l, []string{"mjl cc2 <mjl+cc2@mox.example>", "mjl bcc2 <mjl+bcc2@mox.example>"})
tcompare(t, full, true)
// RecipientSecurity
resolver := dns.MockResolver{}
rs, err := recipientSecurity(ctx, resolver, "mjl@a.mox.example")
tcompare(t, err, nil)
tcompare(t, rs, RecipientSecurity{SecurityResultUnknown, SecurityResultNo, SecurityResultNo, SecurityResultNo, SecurityResultUnknown})
err = acc.DB.Insert(ctx, &store.RecipientDomainTLS{Domain: "a.mox.example", STARTTLS: true, RequireTLS: false})
tcheck(t, err, "insert recipient domain tls info")
rs, err = recipientSecurity(ctx, resolver, "mjl@a.mox.example")
tcompare(t, err, nil)
tcompare(t, rs, RecipientSecurity{SecurityResultYes, SecurityResultNo, SecurityResultNo, SecurityResultNo, SecurityResultNo})
// Suggesting/adding/removing rulesets.
testSuggest := func(msgID int64, expListID string, expMsgFrom string) {
listID, msgFrom, isRemove, rcptTo, ruleset := api.RulesetSuggestMove(ctx, msgID, inbox.ID, testbox1.ID)
tcompare(t, listID, expListID)
tcompare(t, msgFrom, expMsgFrom)
tcompare(t, isRemove, false)
tcompare(t, rcptTo, "mox@other.example")
tcompare(t, ruleset == nil, false)
// Moving in opposite direction doesn't get a suggestion without the rule present.
_, _, _, _, rs0 := api.RulesetSuggestMove(ctx, msgID, testbox1.ID, inbox.ID)
tcompare(t, rs0 == nil, true)
api.RulesetAdd(ctx, rcptTo, *ruleset)
// Ruleset that exists won't get a suggestion again.
_, _, _, _, ruleset = api.RulesetSuggestMove(ctx, msgID, inbox.ID, testbox1.ID)
tcompare(t, ruleset == nil, true)
// Moving in oppositive direction, with rule present, gets the suggestion to remove.
_, _, _, _, ruleset = api.RulesetSuggestMove(ctx, msgID, testbox1.ID, inbox.ID)
tcompare(t, ruleset == nil, false)
api.RulesetRemove(ctx, rcptTo, *ruleset)
// If ListID/MsgFrom is marked as never, we won't get a suggestion.
api.RulesetMessageNever(ctx, rcptTo, expListID, expMsgFrom, false)
_, _, _, _, ruleset = api.RulesetSuggestMove(ctx, msgID, inbox.ID, testbox1.ID)
tcompare(t, ruleset == nil, true)
var n int
if expListID != "" {
n, err = bstore.QueryDB[store.RulesetNoListID](ctx, acc.DB).Delete()
} else {
n, err = bstore.QueryDB[store.RulesetNoMsgFrom](ctx, acc.DB).Delete()
tcheck(t, err, "remove never-answer for listid/msgfrom")
tcompare(t, n, 1)
_, _, _, _, ruleset = api.RulesetSuggestMove(ctx, msgID, inbox.ID, testbox1.ID)
tcompare(t, ruleset == nil, false)
// If Mailbox is marked as never, we won't get a suggestion.
api.RulesetMailboxNever(ctx, testbox1.ID, true)
_, _, _, _, ruleset = api.RulesetSuggestMove(ctx, msgID, inbox.ID, testbox1.ID)
tcompare(t, ruleset == nil, true)
n, err = bstore.QueryDB[store.RulesetNoMailbox](ctx, acc.DB).Delete()
tcheck(t, err, "remove never-answer for mailbox")
tcompare(t, n, 1)
// For MsgFrom.
tdeliver(t, acc, inboxText)
testSuggest(inboxText.ID, "", "mjl@mox.example")
// For List-Id.
tdeliver(t, acc, inboxHTML)
testSuggest(inboxHTML.ID, "list.mox.example", "")