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synced 2025-03-25 11:14:46 +03:00

before, we used heuristics to decide when to train/untrain a message as junk or nonjunk: the message had to be seen, be in certain mailboxes. then if a message was marked as junk, it was junk. and otherwise it was nonjunk. this wasn't good enough: you may want to keep some messages around as neither junk or nonjunk. and that wasn't possible. ideally, we would just look at the imap $Junk and $NotJunk flags. the problem is that mail clients don't set these flags, or don't make it easy. thunderbird can set the flags based on its own bayesian filter. it has a shortcut for marking Junk and moving it to the junk folder (good), but the counterpart of notjunk only marks a message as notjunk without showing in the UI that it was marked as notjunk. there is also no "move and mark as notjunk" mechanism. e.g. "archive" does not mark a message as notjunk. ios mail and mutt don't appear to have any way to see or change the $Junk and $NotJunk flags. what email clients do have is the ability to move messages to other mailboxes/folders. so mox now has a mechanism that allows you to configure mailboxes that automatically set $Junk or $NotJunk (or clear both) when a message is moved/copied/delivered to that folder. e.g. a mailbox called junk or spam or rejects marks its messags as junk. inbox, postmaster, dmarc, tlsrpt, neutral* mark their messages as neither junk or notjunk. other folders mark their messages as notjunk. e.g. list/*, archive. this functionality is optional, but enabled with the quickstart and for new accounts. also, mox now keeps track of the previous training of a message and will only untrain/train if needed. before, there probably have been duplicate or missing (un)trainings. this also includes a new subcommand "retrain" to recreate the junkfilter for an account. you should run it after updating to this version. and you should probably also modify your account config to include the AutomaticJunkFlags.
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package bstore
import (
bolt "go.etcd.io/bbolt"
// Types returns the types present in the database, regardless of whether they
// are currently registered using Open or Register. Useful for exporting data
// with Keys and Records.
func (db *DB) Types() ([]string, error) {
var types []string
err := db.Read(func(tx *Tx) error {
return tx.btx.ForEach(func(bname []byte, b *bolt.Bucket) error {
// note: we do not track stats for types operations.
types = append(types, string(bname))
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return types, nil
// prepareType prepares typeName for export/introspection with DB.Keys,
// DB.Record, DB.Records. It is different in that it does not require a
// reflect.Type to parse into. It parses to a map, e.g. for export to JSON. The
// returned typeVersion has no structFields set in its fields.
func (db *DB) prepareType(tx *Tx, typeName string) (map[uint32]*typeVersion, *typeVersion, *bolt.Bucket, []string, error) {
rb, err := tx.recordsBucket(typeName, 0.5)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
tb, err := tx.bucket(bucketKey{typeName, "types"})
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
versions := map[uint32]*typeVersion{}
var tv *typeVersion
err = tb.ForEach(func(bk, bv []byte) error {
// note: we do not track stats for types operations.
ntv, err := parseSchema(bk, bv)
if err != nil {
return err
versions[ntv.Version] = ntv
if tv == nil || ntv.Version > tv.Version {
tv = ntv
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
if tv == nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: no type versions", ErrStore)
fields := make([]string, len(tv.Fields))
for i, f := range tv.Fields {
fields[i] = f.Name
return versions, tv, rb, fields, nil
// Keys returns the parsed primary keys for the type "typeName". The type does
// not have to be registered with Open or Register. For use with Record(s) to
// export data.
func (db *DB) Keys(typeName string, fn func(pk any) error) error {
return db.Read(func(tx *Tx) error {
_, tv, rb, _, err := db.prepareType(tx, typeName)
if err != nil {
return err
// todo: do not pass nil parser?
v := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(tv.Fields[0].Type.zero(nil))).Elem()
return rb.ForEach(func(bk, bv []byte) error {
if err := parsePK(v, bk); err != nil {
return err
return fn(v.Interface())
// Record returns the record with primary "key" for "typeName" parsed as map.
// "Fields" is set to the fields of the type. The type does not have to be
// registered with Open or Register. Record parses the data without the Go
// type present. BinaryMarshal fields are returned as bytes.
func (db *DB) Record(typeName, key string, fields *[]string) (map[string]any, error) {
var r map[string]any
err := db.Read(func(tx *Tx) error {
versions, tv, rb, xfields, err := db.prepareType(tx, typeName)
if err != nil {
return err
*fields = xfields
var kv any
switch tv.Fields[0].Type.Kind {
case kindBool:
switch key {
case "true":
kv = true
case "false":
kv = false
err = fmt.Errorf("%w: invalid bool %q", ErrParam, key)
case kindInt8:
kv, err = strconv.ParseInt(key, 10, 8)
case kindInt16:
kv, err = strconv.ParseInt(key, 10, 16)
case kindInt32:
kv, err = strconv.ParseInt(key, 10, 32)
case kindInt:
kv, err = strconv.ParseInt(key, 10, 32)
case kindInt64:
kv, err = strconv.ParseInt(key, 10, 64)
case kindUint8:
kv, err = strconv.ParseUint(key, 10, 8)
case kindUint16:
kv, err = strconv.ParseUint(key, 10, 16)
case kindUint32:
kv, err = strconv.ParseUint(key, 10, 32)
case kindUint:
kv, err = strconv.ParseUint(key, 10, 32)
case kindUint64:
kv, err = strconv.ParseUint(key, 10, 64)
case kindString:
kv = key
case kindBytes:
kv = []byte(key) // todo: or decode from base64?
return fmt.Errorf("internal error: unknown primary key kind %v", tv.Fields[0].Type.Kind)
if err != nil {
return err
pkv := reflect.ValueOf(kv)
kind, err := typeKind(pkv.Type())
if err != nil {
return err
if kind != tv.Fields[0].Type.Kind {
// Convert from various int types above to required type. The ParseInt/ParseUint
// calls already validated that the values fit.
pkt := reflect.TypeOf(tv.Fields[0].Type.zero(nil))
pkv = pkv.Convert(pkt)
k, err := packPK(pkv)
if err != nil {
return err
bv := rb.Get(k)
if bv == nil {
return ErrAbsent
record, err := parseMap(versions, k, bv)
if err != nil {
return err
r = record
return nil
return r, err
// Records calls "fn" for each record of "typeName". Records sets "fields" to
// the fields of the type. The type does not have to be registered with Open or
// Register. Record parses the data without the Go type present. BinaryMarshal
// fields are returned as bytes.
func (db *DB) Records(typeName string, fields *[]string, fn func(map[string]any) error) error {
return db.Read(func(tx *Tx) error {
versions, _, rb, xfields, err := db.prepareType(tx, typeName)
if err != nil {
return err
*fields = xfields
return rb.ForEach(func(bk, bv []byte) error {
record, err := parseMap(versions, bk, bv)
if err != nil {
return err
return fn(record)
// parseMap parses a record into a map with the right typeVersion from versions.
func parseMap(versions map[uint32]*typeVersion, bk, bv []byte) (record map[string]any, rerr error) {
p := &parser{buf: bv, orig: bv}
var version uint32
defer func() {
x := recover()
if x == nil {
if err, ok := x.(parseErr); ok {
rerr = fmt.Errorf("%w (version %d, buf %x orig %x)", err.err, version, p.buf, p.orig)
version = uint32(p.Uvarint())
tv := versions[version]
if tv == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: unknown type version %d", ErrStore, version)
r := map[string]any{}
v := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(tv.Fields[0].Type.zero(p))).Elem()
err := parsePK(v, bk)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
r[tv.Fields[0].Name] = v.Interface()
// todo: Should we be looking at the most recent tv, and hiding fields
// that have been removed in a later typeVersion? Like we do for real
// parsing into reflect value?
fm := p.Fieldmap(len(tv.Fields) - 1)
for i, f := range tv.Fields[1:] {
if fm.Nonzero(i) {
r[f.Name] = f.Type.parseValue(p)
} else {
r[f.Name] = f.Type.zero(p)
if len(p.buf) != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: leftover data after parsing", ErrStore)
return r, nil
func (ft fieldType) parseValue(p *parser) any {
switch ft.Kind {
case kindBytes:
return p.TakeBytes(false)
case kindBinaryMarshal:
// We don't have the type available, so we just return the binary data.
return p.TakeBytes(false)
case kindBool:
if !ft.Ptr {
return true
buf := p.Take(1)
return buf[0] != 0
case kindInt8:
return int8(p.Varint())
case kindInt16:
return int16(p.Varint())
case kindInt32:
return int32(p.Varint())
case kindInt:
i := p.Varint()
if i < math.MinInt32 || i > math.MaxInt32 {
p.Errorf("%w: int %d does not fit in int32", ErrStore, i)
return int(i)
case kindInt64:
return p.Varint()
case kindUint8:
return uint8(p.Uvarint())
case kindUint16:
return uint16(p.Uvarint())
case kindUint32:
return uint32(p.Uvarint())
case kindUint:
i := p.Uvarint()
if i > math.MaxUint32 {
p.Errorf("%w: uint %d does not fit in uint32", ErrStore, i)
return uint(i)
case kindUint64:
return p.Uvarint()
case kindFloat32:
return math.Float32frombits(uint32(p.Uvarint()))
case kindFloat64:
return math.Float64frombits(p.Uvarint())
case kindString:
return string(p.TakeBytes(false))
case kindTime:
var t time.Time
err := t.UnmarshalBinary(p.TakeBytes(false))
if err != nil {
p.Errorf("%w: parsing time: %v", ErrStore, err)
return t
case kindSlice:
un := p.Uvarint()
n := p.checkInt(un)
fm := p.Fieldmap(n)
var l []any
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if fm.Nonzero(i) {
l = append(l, ft.List.parseValue(p))
} else {
// Always add non-zero elements, or we would
// change the number of elements in a list.
l = append(l, ft.List.zero(p))
return l
case kindMap:
un := p.Uvarint()
n := p.checkInt(un)
fm := p.Fieldmap(n)
m := map[string]any{}
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
// Converting to string can be ugly, but the best we can do.
k := fmt.Sprintf("%v", ft.MapKey.parseValue(p))
if _, ok := m[k]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: duplicate key %q in map", ErrStore, k)
var v any
if fm.Nonzero(i) {
v = ft.MapValue.parseValue(p)
} else {
v = ft.MapValue.zero(p)
m[k] = v
return m
case kindStruct:
fm := p.Fieldmap(len(ft.Fields))
m := map[string]any{}
for i, f := range ft.Fields {
if fm.Nonzero(i) {
m[f.Name] = f.Type.parseValue(p)
} else {
m[f.Name] = f.Type.zero(p)
return m
p.Errorf("internal error: unhandled field type %v", ft.Kind)
panic("cannot happen")
var zerovalues = map[kind]any{
kindBytes: []byte(nil),
kindBinaryMarshal: []byte(nil), // We don't have the actual type available, so we just return binary data.
kindBool: false,
kindInt8: int8(0),
kindInt16: int16(0),
kindInt32: int32(0),
kindInt: int(0),
kindInt64: int64(0),
kindUint8: uint8(0),
kindUint16: uint16(0),
kindUint32: uint32(0),
kindUint: uint(0),
kindUint64: uint64(0),
kindFloat32: float32(0),
kindFloat64: float64(0),
kindString: "",
kindTime: zerotime,
kindSlice: []any(nil),
kindMap: map[string]any(nil),
kindStruct: map[string]any(nil),
func (ft fieldType) zero(p *parser) any {
v, ok := zerovalues[ft.Kind]
if !ok {
p.Errorf("internal error: unhandled zero value for field type %v", ft.Kind)
return v