mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 04:03:37 +03:00

the types in webhook should be subjected to apidiff'ing, this was a shared function. it is better off in package queue. also change the apidiff script so it leaves apidiff/next.txt empty when there aren't any changes. makes it easier to rotate the files after releases where nothing changed (a common occurrence).
686 lines
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686 lines
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package queue
import (
// Test webhooks for incoming message that is not related to outgoing deliveries.
func TestHookIncoming(t *testing.T) {
acc, cleanup := setup(t)
defer cleanup()
accret, err := store.OpenAccount(pkglog, "retired")
tcheck(t, err, "open account for retired")
defer func() {
testIncoming := func(a *store.Account, expIn bool) {
_, err := bstore.QueryDB[Hook](ctxbg, DB).Delete()
tcheck(t, err, "clean up hooks")
mr := bytes.NewReader([]byte(testmsg))
now := time.Now().Round(0)
m := store.Message{
ID: 123,
RemoteIP: "::1",
MailFrom: "sender@remote.example",
MailFromLocalpart: "sender",
MailFromDomain: "remote.example",
RcptToLocalpart: "rcpt",
RcptToDomain: "mox.example",
MsgFromLocalpart: "mjl",
MsgFromDomain: "mox.example",
MsgFromOrgDomain: "mox.example",
EHLOValidated: true,
MailFromValidated: true,
MsgFromValidated: true,
EHLOValidation: store.ValidationPass,
MailFromValidation: store.ValidationPass,
MsgFromValidation: store.ValidationDMARC,
DKIMDomains: []string{"remote.example"},
Received: now,
Size: int64(len(testmsg)),
part, err := message.EnsurePart(pkglog.Logger, true, mr, int64(len(testmsg)))
tcheck(t, err, "parsing message")
err = Incoming(ctxbg, pkglog, a, "<random@localhost>", m, part, "Inbox")
tcheck(t, err, "pass incoming message")
hl, err := bstore.QueryDB[Hook](ctxbg, DB).List()
tcheck(t, err, "list hooks")
if !expIn {
tcompare(t, len(hl), 0)
tcompare(t, len(hl), 1)
h := hl[0]
tcompare(t, h.IsIncoming, true)
var in webhook.Incoming
dec := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(h.Payload))
err = dec.Decode(&in)
tcheck(t, err, "decode incoming webhook")
in.Meta.Received = in.Meta.Received.Local() // For TZ UTC.
structure, err := PartStructure(pkglog, &part)
tcheck(t, err, "part structure")
expIncoming := webhook.Incoming{
From: []webhook.NameAddress{{Address: "mjl@mox.example"}},
To: []webhook.NameAddress{{Address: "mjl@mox.example"}},
CC: []webhook.NameAddress{},
BCC: []webhook.NameAddress{},
ReplyTo: []webhook.NameAddress{},
References: []string{},
Subject: "test",
Text: "test email\n",
Structure: structure,
Meta: webhook.IncomingMeta{
MsgID: m.ID,
MailFrom: m.MailFrom,
MailFromValidated: m.MailFromValidated,
MsgFromValidated: m.MsgFromValidated,
RcptTo: "rcpt@mox.example",
DKIMVerifiedDomains: []string{"remote.example"},
RemoteIP: "::1",
Received: m.Received,
MailboxName: "Inbox",
Automated: false,
tcompare(t, in, expIncoming)
testIncoming(acc, false)
testIncoming(accret, true)
// Test with fromid and various DSNs, and delivery.
func TestFromIDIncomingDelivery(t *testing.T) {
acc, cleanup := setup(t)
defer cleanup()
accret, err := store.OpenAccount(pkglog, "retired")
tcheck(t, err, "open account for retired")
defer func() {
// Account that only gets webhook calls, but no retired webhooks.
acchook, err := store.OpenAccount(pkglog, "hook")
tcheck(t, err, "open account for hook")
defer func() {
addr, err := smtp.ParseAddress("mjl@mox.example")
tcheck(t, err, "parse address")
path := addr.Path()
now := time.Now().Round(0)
m := store.Message{
ID: 123,
RemoteIP: "::1",
MailFrom: "sender@remote.example",
MailFromLocalpart: "sender",
MailFromDomain: "remote.example",
RcptToLocalpart: "rcpt",
RcptToDomain: "mox.example",
MsgFromLocalpart: "mjl",
MsgFromDomain: "mox.example",
MsgFromOrgDomain: "mox.example",
EHLOValidated: true,
MailFromValidated: true,
MsgFromValidated: true,
EHLOValidation: store.ValidationPass,
MailFromValidation: store.ValidationPass,
MsgFromValidation: store.ValidationDMARC,
DKIMDomains: []string{"remote.example"},
Received: now,
DSN: true,
testIncoming := func(a *store.Account, rawmsg []byte, retiredFromID string, expIn bool, expOut *webhook.Outgoing) {
_, err := bstore.QueryDB[Hook](ctxbg, DB).Delete()
tcheck(t, err, "clean up hooks")
_, err = bstore.QueryDB[MsgRetired](ctxbg, DB).Delete()
tcheck(t, err, "clean up retired messages")
qmr := MsgRetired{
SenderAccount: a.Name,
SenderLocalpart: "sender",
SenderDomainStr: "remote.example",
RecipientLocalpart: "rcpt",
RecipientDomain: path.IPDomain,
RecipientDomainStr: "mox.example",
RecipientAddress: "rcpt@mox.example",
Success: true,
KeepUntil: now.Add(time.Minute),
m.RcptToLocalpart = "mjl"
qmr.FromID = retiredFromID
m.Size = int64(len(rawmsg))
m.RcptToLocalpart += smtp.Localpart("+unique")
err = DB.Insert(ctxbg, &qmr)
tcheck(t, err, "insert retired message to match")
if expOut != nil {
expOut.QueueMsgID = qmr.ID
mr := bytes.NewReader(rawmsg)
part, err := message.EnsurePart(pkglog.Logger, true, mr, int64(len(rawmsg)))
tcheck(t, err, "parsing message")
err = Incoming(ctxbg, pkglog, a, "<random@localhost>", m, part, "Inbox")
tcheck(t, err, "pass incoming message")
hl, err := bstore.QueryDB[Hook](ctxbg, DB).List()
tcheck(t, err, "list hooks")
if !expIn && expOut == nil {
tcompare(t, len(hl), 0)
tcompare(t, len(hl), 1)
h := hl[0]
tcompare(t, h.IsIncoming, expIn)
if expIn {
var out webhook.Outgoing
dec := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(h.Payload))
err = dec.Decode(&out)
tcheck(t, err, "decode outgoing webhook")
out.WebhookQueued = time.Time{}
tcompare(t, &out, expOut)
dsncompose := func(m *dsn.Message) []byte {
buf, err := m.Compose(pkglog, false)
tcheck(t, err, "compose dsn")
return buf
makedsn := func(action dsn.Action) *dsn.Message {
return &dsn.Message{
From: path,
To: path,
TextBody: "explanation",
MessageID: "<dsnmsgid@localhost>",
ReportingMTA: "localhost",
Recipients: []dsn.Recipient{
FinalRecipient: path,
Action: action,
Status: "5.0.0.",
DiagnosticCodeSMTP: "554 5.0.0 error",
msgfailed := dsncompose(makedsn(dsn.Failed))
// No FromID to match against, so we get a webhook for a new incoming message.
testIncoming(acc, msgfailed, "", false, nil)
testIncoming(accret, msgfailed, "mismatch", true, nil)
// DSN with multiple recipients are treated as unrecognized dsns.
multidsn := makedsn(dsn.Delivered)
multidsn.Recipients = append(multidsn.Recipients, multidsn.Recipients[0])
msgmultidsn := dsncompose(multidsn)
testIncoming(acc, msgmultidsn, "unique", false, nil)
testIncoming(accret, msgmultidsn, "unique", false, &webhook.Outgoing{
Event: webhook.EventUnrecognized,
DSN: true,
FromID: "unique",
msgdelayed := dsncompose(makedsn(dsn.Delayed))
testIncoming(acc, msgdelayed, "unique", false, nil)
testIncoming(accret, msgdelayed, "unique", false, &webhook.Outgoing{
Event: webhook.EventDelayed,
DSN: true,
FromID: "unique",
SMTPCode: 554,
SMTPEnhancedCode: "5.0.0",
msgrelayed := dsncompose(makedsn(dsn.Relayed))
testIncoming(acc, msgrelayed, "unique", false, nil)
testIncoming(accret, msgrelayed, "unique", false, &webhook.Outgoing{
Event: webhook.EventRelayed,
DSN: true,
FromID: "unique",
SMTPCode: 554,
SMTPEnhancedCode: "5.0.0",
msgunrecognized := dsncompose(makedsn(dsn.Action("bogus")))
testIncoming(acc, msgunrecognized, "unique", false, nil)
testIncoming(accret, msgunrecognized, "unique", false, &webhook.Outgoing{
Event: webhook.EventUnrecognized,
DSN: true,
FromID: "unique",
// Not a DSN but to fromid address also causes "unrecognized".
msgunrecognized2 := []byte(testmsg)
testIncoming(acc, msgunrecognized2, "unique", false, nil)
testIncoming(accret, msgunrecognized2, "unique", false, &webhook.Outgoing{
Event: webhook.EventUnrecognized,
DSN: false,
FromID: "unique",
msgdelivered := dsncompose(makedsn(dsn.Delivered))
testIncoming(acc, msgdelivered, "unique", false, nil)
testIncoming(accret, msgdelivered, "unique", false, &webhook.Outgoing{
Event: webhook.EventDelivered,
DSN: true,
FromID: "unique",
// This is what DSN claims.
SMTPCode: 554,
SMTPEnhancedCode: "5.0.0",
testIncoming(acc, msgfailed, "unique", false, nil)
testIncoming(accret, msgfailed, "unique", false, &webhook.Outgoing{
Event: webhook.EventFailed,
DSN: true,
FromID: "unique",
SMTPCode: 554,
SMTPEnhancedCode: "5.0.0",
// We still have a webhook in the queue from the test above.
// Try to get the hook delivered. We'll try various error handling cases and superseding.
qsize, err := HookQueueSize(ctxbg)
tcheck(t, err, "hook queue size")
tcompare(t, qsize, 1)
var handler http.HandlerFunc
handleError := http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintln(w, "server error")
handleOK := http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.Header.Get("Authorization") != "Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=" {
http.Error(w, "unauthorized", http.StatusUnauthorized)
if r.Header.Get("X-Mox-Webhook-ID") == "" {
http.Error(w, "missing header x-mox-webhook-id", http.StatusBadRequest)
if r.Header.Get("X-Mox-Webhook-Attempt") == "" {
http.Error(w, "missing header x-mox-webhook-attempt", http.StatusBadRequest)
fmt.Fprintln(w, "ok")
hs := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
handler.ServeHTTP(w, r)
defer hs.Close()
h, err := bstore.QueryDB[Hook](ctxbg, DB).Get()
tcheck(t, err, "get hook from queue")
next := hookNextWork(ctxbg, pkglog, map[string]struct{}{"https://other.example/": {}})
if next > 0 {
t.Fatalf("next scheduled work should be immediate, is %v", next)
// Respond with an error and see a retry is scheduled.
h.URL = hs.URL
// Update hook URL in database, so we can call hookLaunchWork. We'll call
// hookDeliver for later attempts.
err = DB.Update(ctxbg, &h)
tcheck(t, err, "update hook url")
handler = handleError
hookLaunchWork(pkglog, map[string]struct{}{"https://other.example/": {}})
err = DB.Get(ctxbg, &h)
tcheck(t, err, "get hook after failed delivery attempt")
tcompare(t, h.Attempts, 1)
tcompare(t, len(h.Results), 1)
tcompare(t, h.LastResult().Success, false)
tcompare(t, h.LastResult().Code, http.StatusInternalServerError)
tcompare(t, h.LastResult().Response, "server error\n")
next = hookNextWork(ctxbg, pkglog, map[string]struct{}{})
if next <= 0 {
t.Fatalf("next scheduled work is immediate, shoud be in the future")
n, err := HookNextAttemptSet(ctxbg, HookFilter{}, time.Now().Add(time.Minute))
tcheck(t, err, "schedule hook to now")
tcompare(t, n, 1)
n, err = HookNextAttemptAdd(ctxbg, HookFilter{}, -time.Minute)
tcheck(t, err, "schedule hook to now")
tcompare(t, n, 1)
next = hookNextWork(ctxbg, pkglog, map[string]struct{}{})
if next > 0 {
t.Fatalf("next scheduled work should be immediate, is %v", next)
handler = handleOK
hookDeliver(pkglog, h)
err = DB.Get(ctxbg, &h)
tcompare(t, err, bstore.ErrAbsent)
hr := HookRetired{ID: h.ID}
err = DB.Get(ctxbg, &hr)
tcheck(t, err, "get retired hook after delivery")
tcompare(t, hr.Attempts, 2)
tcompare(t, len(hr.Results), 2)
tcompare(t, hr.LastResult().Success, true)
tcompare(t, hr.LastResult().Code, http.StatusOK)
tcompare(t, hr.LastResult().Response, "ok\n")
// Check that cleaning up retired webhooks works.
hrl, err := bstore.QueryDB[HookRetired](ctxbg, DB).List()
tcheck(t, err, "listing retired hooks")
tcompare(t, len(hrl), 0)
// Helper to get a representative webhook added to the queue.
addHook := func(a *store.Account) {
testIncoming(a, msgfailed, "unique", false, &webhook.Outgoing{
Event: webhook.EventFailed,
DSN: true,
FromID: "unique",
SMTPCode: 554,
SMTPEnhancedCode: "5.0.0",
// Keep attempting and failing delivery until we give up.
h, err = bstore.QueryDB[Hook](ctxbg, DB).Get()
tcheck(t, err, "get added hook")
h.URL = hs.URL
handler = handleError
for i := 0; i < len(hookIntervals); i++ {
hookDeliver(pkglog, h)
err := DB.Get(ctxbg, &h)
tcheck(t, err, "get hook")
tcompare(t, h.Attempts, i+1)
// Final attempt.
hookDeliver(pkglog, h)
err = DB.Get(ctxbg, &h)
tcompare(t, err, bstore.ErrAbsent)
hr = HookRetired{ID: h.ID}
err = DB.Get(ctxbg, &hr)
tcheck(t, err, "get retired hook after failure")
tcompare(t, hr.Attempts, len(hookIntervals)+1)
tcompare(t, len(hr.Results), len(hookIntervals)+1)
tcompare(t, hr.LastResult().Success, false)
tcompare(t, hr.LastResult().Code, http.StatusInternalServerError)
tcompare(t, hr.LastResult().Response, "server error\n")
// Check account "hook" doesn't get retired webhooks.
h, err = bstore.QueryDB[Hook](ctxbg, DB).Get()
tcheck(t, err, "get added hook")
handler = handleOK
h.URL = hs.URL
hookDeliver(pkglog, h)
err = DB.Get(ctxbg, &h)
tcompare(t, err, bstore.ErrAbsent)
hr = HookRetired{ID: h.ID}
err = DB.Get(ctxbg, &hr)
tcompare(t, err, bstore.ErrAbsent)
// HookCancel
h, err = bstore.QueryDB[Hook](ctxbg, DB).Get()
tcheck(t, err, "get added hook")
n, err = HookCancel(ctxbg, pkglog, HookFilter{})
tcheck(t, err, "canceling hook")
tcompare(t, n, 1)
l, err := HookList(ctxbg, HookFilter{}, HookSort{})
tcheck(t, err, "list hook")
tcompare(t, len(l), 0)
// Superseding: When a webhook is scheduled for a message that already has a
// pending webhook, the previous webhook should be removed/retired.
_, err = bstore.QueryDB[HookRetired](ctxbg, DB).Delete()
tcheck(t, err, "clean up retired webhooks")
_, err = bstore.QueryDB[MsgRetired](ctxbg, DB).Delete()
tcheck(t, err, "clean up retired messages")
qmr := MsgRetired{
SenderAccount: accret.Name,
SenderLocalpart: "sender",
SenderDomainStr: "remote.example",
RecipientLocalpart: "rcpt",
RecipientDomain: path.IPDomain,
RecipientDomainStr: "mox.example",
RecipientAddress: "rcpt@mox.example",
Success: true,
KeepUntil: now.Add(time.Minute),
FromID: "unique",
err = DB.Insert(ctxbg, &qmr)
tcheck(t, err, "insert retired message to match")
m.RcptToLocalpart = "mjl"
m.Size = int64(len(msgdelayed))
m.RcptToLocalpart += smtp.Localpart("+unique")
mr := bytes.NewReader(msgdelayed)
part, err := message.EnsurePart(pkglog.Logger, true, mr, int64(len(msgdelayed)))
tcheck(t, err, "parsing message")
// Cause first webhook.
err = Incoming(ctxbg, pkglog, accret, "<random@localhost>", m, part, "Inbox")
tcheck(t, err, "pass incoming message")
h, err = bstore.QueryDB[Hook](ctxbg, DB).Get()
tcheck(t, err, "get hook")
// Cause second webhook for same message. First should now be retired and marked as superseded.
err = Incoming(ctxbg, pkglog, accret, "<random@localhost>", m, part, "Inbox")
tcheck(t, err, "pass incoming message again")
h2, err := bstore.QueryDB[Hook](ctxbg, DB).Get()
tcheck(t, err, "get hook")
hr, err = bstore.QueryDB[HookRetired](ctxbg, DB).Get()
tcheck(t, err, "get retired hook")
tcompare(t, h.ID, hr.ID)
tcompare(t, hr.SupersededByID, h2.ID)
tcompare(t, h2.ID > h.ID, true)
func TestHookListFilterSort(t *testing.T) {
_, cleanup := setup(t)
defer cleanup()
now := time.Now().Round(0)
h := Hook{0, 0, "fromid", "messageid", "subj", nil, "mjl", "http://localhost", "", false, "delivered", "", now, 0, now, []HookResult{}}
h1 := h
h1.Submitted = now.Add(-time.Second)
h1.NextAttempt = now.Add(time.Minute)
hl := []Hook{h, h, h, h, h, h1}
err := DB.Write(ctxbg, func(tx *bstore.Tx) error {
for i := range hl {
err := hookInsert(tx, &hl[i], now, time.Minute)
tcheck(t, err, "insert hook")
return nil
tcheck(t, err, "inserting hooks")
h1 = hl[len(hl)-1]
hlrev := slices.Clone(hl)
// Ascending by nextattempt,id.
l, err := HookList(ctxbg, HookFilter{}, HookSort{Asc: true})
tcheck(t, err, "list")
tcompare(t, l, hl)
// Descending by nextattempt,id.
l, err = HookList(ctxbg, HookFilter{}, HookSort{})
tcheck(t, err, "list")
tcompare(t, l, hlrev)
// Descending by submitted,id.
l, err = HookList(ctxbg, HookFilter{}, HookSort{Field: "Submitted"})
tcheck(t, err, "list")
ll := append(append([]Hook{}, hlrev[1:]...), hl[5])
tcompare(t, l, ll)
// Filter by all fields to get a single.
allfilters := HookFilter{
Max: 2,
IDs: []int64{h1.ID},
Account: "mjl",
Submitted: "<1s",
NextAttempt: ">1s",
Event: "delivered",
l, err = HookList(ctxbg, allfilters, HookSort{})
tcheck(t, err, "list single")
tcompare(t, l, []Hook{h1})
// Paginated NextAttmpt asc.
var lastID int64
var last any
l = nil
for {
nl, err := HookList(ctxbg, HookFilter{Max: 1}, HookSort{Asc: true, LastID: lastID, Last: last})
tcheck(t, err, "list paginated")
l = append(l, nl...)
if len(nl) == 0 {
tcompare(t, len(nl), 1)
lastID, last = nl[0].ID, nl[0].NextAttempt.Format(time.RFC3339Nano)
tcompare(t, l, hl)
// Paginated NextAttempt desc.
l = nil
lastID = 0
last = ""
for {
nl, err := HookList(ctxbg, HookFilter{Max: 1}, HookSort{LastID: lastID, Last: last})
tcheck(t, err, "list paginated")
l = append(l, nl...)
if len(nl) == 0 {
tcompare(t, len(nl), 1)
lastID, last = nl[0].ID, nl[0].NextAttempt.Format(time.RFC3339Nano)
tcompare(t, l, hlrev)
// Paginated Submitted desc.
l = nil
lastID = 0
last = ""
for {
nl, err := HookList(ctxbg, HookFilter{Max: 1}, HookSort{Field: "Submitted", LastID: lastID, Last: last})
tcheck(t, err, "list paginated")
l = append(l, nl...)
if len(nl) == 0 {
tcompare(t, len(nl), 1)
lastID, last = nl[0].ID, nl[0].Submitted.Format(time.RFC3339Nano)
tcompare(t, l, ll)
// Paginated Submitted asc.
l = nil
lastID = 0
last = ""
for {
nl, err := HookList(ctxbg, HookFilter{Max: 1}, HookSort{Field: "Submitted", Asc: true, LastID: lastID, Last: last})
tcheck(t, err, "list paginated")
l = append(l, nl...)
if len(nl) == 0 {
tcompare(t, len(nl), 1)
lastID, last = nl[0].ID, nl[0].Submitted.Format(time.RFC3339Nano)
llrev := slices.Clone(ll)
tcompare(t, l, llrev)
// Retire messages and do similar but more basic tests. The code is similar.
var hrl []HookRetired
err = DB.Write(ctxbg, func(tx *bstore.Tx) error {
for _, h := range hl {
hr := h.Retired(false, h.NextAttempt, time.Now().Add(time.Minute).Round(0))
err := tx.Insert(&hr)
tcheck(t, err, "inserting retired")
hrl = append(hrl, hr)
return nil
tcheck(t, err, "adding retired")
// Paginated LastActivity desc.
var lr []HookRetired
lastID = 0
last = ""
l = nil
for {
nl, err := HookRetiredList(ctxbg, HookRetiredFilter{Max: 1}, HookRetiredSort{LastID: lastID, Last: last})
tcheck(t, err, "list paginated")
lr = append(lr, nl...)
if len(nl) == 0 {
tcompare(t, len(nl), 1)
lastID, last = nl[0].ID, nl[0].LastActivity.Format(time.RFC3339Nano)
hrlrev := slices.Clone(hrl)
tcompare(t, lr, hrlrev)
// Filter by all fields to get a single.
allretiredfilters := HookRetiredFilter{
Max: 2,
IDs: []int64{hrlrev[0].ID},
Account: "mjl",
Submitted: "<1s",
LastActivity: ">1s",
Event: "delivered",
lr, err = HookRetiredList(ctxbg, allretiredfilters, HookRetiredSort{})
tcheck(t, err, "list single")
tcompare(t, lr, []HookRetired{hrlrev[0]})