mirror of
synced 2025-02-04 18:28:32 +03:00
noticed some time ago when looking at my retired messages queue.
1496 lines
48 KiB
1496 lines
48 KiB
package queue
import (
cryptorand "crypto/rand"
var ctxbg = context.Background()
var pkglog = mlog.New("queue", nil)
func tcheck(t *testing.T, err error, msg string) {
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s: %s", msg, err)
func tcompare(t *testing.T, got, exp any) {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, exp) {
t.Fatalf("got:\n%#v\nexpected:\n%#v", got, exp)
func setup(t *testing.T) (*store.Account, func()) {
// Prepare config so email can be delivered to mjl@mox.example.
log := mlog.New("queue", nil)
mox.Context = ctxbg
mox.ConfigStaticPath = filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/queue/mox.conf")
mox.MustLoadConfig(true, false)
err := Init()
tcheck(t, err, "queue init")
err = mtastsdb.Init(false)
tcheck(t, err, "mtastsdb init")
err = tlsrptdb.Init()
tcheck(t, err, "tlsrptdb init")
acc, err := store.OpenAccount(log, "mjl")
tcheck(t, err, "open account")
err = acc.SetPassword(log, "testtest")
tcheck(t, err, "set password")
switchStop := store.Switchboard()
mox.Shutdown, mox.ShutdownCancel = context.WithCancel(ctxbg)
return acc, func() {
mox.Shutdown, mox.ShutdownCancel = context.WithCancel(ctxbg)
err := mtastsdb.Close()
tcheck(t, err, "mtastsdb close")
err = tlsrptdb.Close()
tcheck(t, err, "tlsrptdb close")
var testmsg = strings.ReplaceAll(`From: <mjl@mox.example>
To: <mjl@mox.example>
Subject: test
test email
`, "\n", "\r\n")
func prepareFile(t *testing.T) *os.File {
msgFile, err := store.CreateMessageTemp(pkglog, "queue")
tcheck(t, err, "create temp message for delivery to queue")
_, err = msgFile.Write([]byte(testmsg))
tcheck(t, err, "write message file")
return msgFile
func TestQueue(t *testing.T) {
acc, cleanup := setup(t)
defer cleanup()
idfilter := func(msgID int64) Filter {
return Filter{IDs: []int64{msgID}}
kick := func(expn int, id int64) {
n, err := NextAttemptSet(ctxbg, idfilter(id), time.Now())
tcheck(t, err, "kick queue")
if n != expn {
t.Fatalf("kick changed %d messages, expected %d", n, expn)
msgs, err := List(ctxbg, Filter{}, Sort{})
tcheck(t, err, "listing messages in queue")
if len(msgs) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("got %d messages in queue, expected 0", len(msgs))
path := smtp.Path{Localpart: "mjl", IPDomain: dns.IPDomain{Domain: dns.Domain{ASCII: "mox.example"}}}
mf := prepareFile(t)
defer os.Remove(mf.Name())
defer mf.Close()
var qm Msg
qm = MakeMsg(path, path, false, false, int64(len(testmsg)), "<test@localhost>", nil, nil, time.Now(), "test")
err = Add(ctxbg, pkglog, "mjl", mf, qm)
tcheck(t, err, "add message to queue for delivery")
qm = MakeMsg(path, path, false, false, int64(len(testmsg)), "<test@localhost>", nil, nil, time.Now(), "test")
err = Add(ctxbg, pkglog, "mjl", mf, qm)
tcheck(t, err, "add message to queue for delivery")
qm = MakeMsg(path, path, false, false, int64(len(testmsg)), "<test@localhost>", nil, nil, time.Now(), "test")
err = Add(ctxbg, pkglog, "mjl", mf, qm)
tcheck(t, err, "add message to queue for delivery")
msgs, err = List(ctxbg, Filter{}, Sort{})
tcheck(t, err, "listing queue")
if len(msgs) != 3 {
t.Fatalf("got msgs %v, expected 1", msgs)
yes := true
n, err := RequireTLSSet(ctxbg, Filter{IDs: []int64{msgs[2].ID}}, &yes)
tcheck(t, err, "requiretlsset")
tcompare(t, n, 1)
msg := msgs[0]
if msg.Attempts != 0 {
t.Fatalf("msg attempts %d, expected 0", msg.Attempts)
n, err = Drop(ctxbg, pkglog, Filter{IDs: []int64{msgs[1].ID}})
tcheck(t, err, "drop")
if n != 1 {
t.Fatalf("dropped %d, expected 1", n)
if _, err := os.Stat(msgs[1].MessagePath()); err == nil || !os.IsNotExist(err) {
t.Fatalf("dropped message not removed from file system")
// Fail a message, check the account has a message afterwards, the DSN.
n, err = bstore.QueryDB[store.Message](ctxbg, acc.DB).Count()
tcheck(t, err, "count messages in account")
tcompare(t, n, 0)
n, err = Fail(ctxbg, pkglog, Filter{IDs: []int64{msgs[2].ID}})
tcheck(t, err, "fail")
if n != 1 {
t.Fatalf("failed %d, expected 1", n)
n, err = bstore.QueryDB[store.Message](ctxbg, acc.DB).Count()
tcheck(t, err, "count messages in account")
tcompare(t, n, 1)
// Check filter through various List calls. Other code uses the same filtering function.
filter := func(f Filter, expn int) {
l, err := List(ctxbg, f, Sort{})
tcheck(t, err, "list messages")
tcompare(t, len(l), expn)
filter(Filter{}, 1)
filter(Filter{Account: "mjl"}, 1)
filter(Filter{Account: "bogus"}, 0)
filter(Filter{IDs: []int64{msgs[0].ID}}, 1)
filter(Filter{IDs: []int64{msgs[2].ID}}, 0) // Removed.
filter(Filter{IDs: []int64{msgs[2].ID + 1}}, 0) // Never existed.
filter(Filter{From: "mjl@"}, 1)
filter(Filter{From: "bogus@"}, 0)
filter(Filter{To: "mjl@"}, 1)
filter(Filter{To: "bogus@"}, 0)
filter(Filter{Hold: &yes}, 0)
no := false
filter(Filter{Hold: &no}, 1)
filter(Filter{Submitted: "<now"}, 1)
filter(Filter{Submitted: ">now"}, 0)
filter(Filter{NextAttempt: "<1m"}, 1)
filter(Filter{NextAttempt: ">1m"}, 0)
var empty string
bogus := "bogus"
filter(Filter{Transport: &empty}, 1)
filter(Filter{Transport: &bogus}, 0)
next := nextWork(ctxbg, pkglog, nil)
if next > 0 {
t.Fatalf("nextWork in %s, should be now", next)
busy := map[string]struct{}{"mox.example": {}}
if x := nextWork(ctxbg, pkglog, busy); x != 24*time.Hour {
t.Fatalf("nextWork in %s for busy domain, should be in 24 hours", x)
if nn := launchWork(pkglog, nil, busy); nn != 0 {
t.Fatalf("launchWork launched %d deliveries, expected 0", nn)
mailDomain := dns.Domain{ASCII: "mox.example"}
mailHost := dns.Domain{ASCII: "mail.mox.example"}
resolver := dns.MockResolver{
A: map[string][]string{
"mail.mox.example.": {""},
"submission.example.": {""},
MX: map[string][]*net.MX{
"mox.example.": {{Host: "mail.mox.example", Pref: 10}},
"other.example.": {{Host: "mail.mox.example", Pref: 10}},
// Try a failing delivery attempt.
var ndial int
smtpclient.DialHook = func(ctx context.Context, dialer smtpclient.Dialer, timeout time.Duration, addr string, laddr net.Addr) (net.Conn, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failure from test")
defer func() {
smtpclient.DialHook = nil
n = launchWork(pkglog, resolver, map[string]struct{}{})
tcompare(t, n, 1)
// Wait until we see the dial and the failed attempt.
timer := time.NewTimer(time.Second)
defer timer.Stop()
select {
case <-deliveryResults:
tcompare(t, ndial, 1)
m, err := bstore.QueryDB[Msg](ctxbg, DB).Get()
tcheck(t, err, "get")
tcompare(t, m.Attempts, 1)
case <-timer.C:
t.Fatalf("no delivery within 1s")
// OpenMessage.
_, err = OpenMessage(ctxbg, msg.ID+1)
if err != bstore.ErrAbsent {
t.Fatalf("OpenMessage, got %v, expected ErrAbsent", err)
reader, err := OpenMessage(ctxbg, msg.ID)
tcheck(t, err, "open message")
defer reader.Close()
msgbuf, err := io.ReadAll(reader)
tcheck(t, err, "read message")
if string(msgbuf) != testmsg {
t.Fatalf("message mismatch, got %q, expected %q", string(msgbuf), testmsg)
// Reduce by more than first attempt interval of 7.5 minutes.
n, err = NextAttemptAdd(ctxbg, idfilter(msg.ID+1), -10*time.Minute)
tcheck(t, err, "kick")
if n != 0 {
t.Fatalf("kick %d, expected 0", n)
n, err = NextAttemptAdd(ctxbg, idfilter(msg.ID), -10*time.Minute)
tcheck(t, err, "kick")
if n != 1 {
t.Fatalf("kicked %d, expected 1", n)
nfakeSMTPServer := func(server net.Conn, rcpts, ntx int, onercpt bool, extensions []string) {
// We do a minimal fake smtp server. We cannot import smtpserver.Serve due to
// cyclic dependencies.
fmt.Fprintf(server, "220 mail.mox.example\r\n")
br := bufio.NewReader(server)
readline := func(cmd string) {
line, err := br.ReadString('\n')
if err == nil && !strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(line), cmd) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected line %q, expected %q", line, cmd))
writeline := func(s string) {
fmt.Fprintf(server, "%s\r\n", s)
for _, ext := range extensions {
writeline("250-" + ext)
writeline("250 pipelining")
for tx := 0; tx < ntx; tx++ {
writeline("250 ok")
for i := 0; i < rcpts; i++ {
if onercpt && i > 0 {
writeline("552 ok")
} else {
writeline("250 ok")
writeline("354 continue")
reader := smtp.NewDataReader(br)
io.Copy(io.Discard, reader)
writeline("250 ok")
writeline("221 ok")
fakeSMTPServer := func(server net.Conn) {
nfakeSMTPServer(server, 1, 1, false, nil)
fakeSMTPServer2Rcpts := func(server net.Conn) {
nfakeSMTPServer(server, 2, 1, false, nil)
fakeSMTPServerLimitRcpt1 := func(server net.Conn) {
nfakeSMTPServer(server, 1, 2, false, []string{"LIMITS RCPTMAX=1"})
// Server that returns an error after first recipient. We expect another
// transaction to deliver the second message.
fakeSMTPServerRcpt1 := func(server net.Conn) {
// We do a minimal fake smtp server. We cannot import smtpserver.Serve due to
// cyclic dependencies.
fmt.Fprintf(server, "220 mail.mox.example\r\n")
br := bufio.NewReader(server)
readline := func(cmd string) {
line, err := br.ReadString('\n')
if err == nil && !strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(line), cmd) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected line %q, expected %q", line, cmd))
writeline := func(s string) {
fmt.Fprintf(server, "%s\r\n", s)
writeline("250 pipelining")
writeline("250 ok")
writeline("250 ok")
writeline("552 ok")
writeline("354 continue")
reader := smtp.NewDataReader(br)
io.Copy(io.Discard, reader)
writeline("250 ok")
writeline("250 ok")
writeline("250 ok")
writeline("354 continue")
reader = smtp.NewDataReader(br)
io.Copy(io.Discard, reader)
writeline("250 ok")
writeline("221 ok")
moxCert := fakeCert(t, "mail.mox.example", false)
goodTLSConfig := tls.Config{Certificates: []tls.Certificate{moxCert}}
makeFakeSMTPSTARTTLSServer := func(tlsConfig *tls.Config, nstarttls int, requiretls bool) func(server net.Conn) {
attempt := 0
return func(server net.Conn) {
// We do a minimal fake smtp server. We cannot import smtpserver.Serve due to
// cyclic dependencies.
fmt.Fprintf(server, "220 mail.mox.example\r\n")
br := bufio.NewReader(server)
readline := func(cmd string) {
line, err := br.ReadString('\n')
if err == nil && !strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(line), cmd) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected line %q, expected %q", line, cmd))
writeline := func(s string) {
fmt.Fprintf(server, "%s\r\n", s)
writeline("250 starttls")
if nstarttls == 0 || attempt <= nstarttls {
writeline("220 ok")
tlsConn := tls.Server(server, tlsConfig)
err := tlsConn.Handshake()
if err != nil {
server = tlsConn
br = bufio.NewReader(server)
if requiretls {
writeline("250 requiretls")
} else {
writeline("250 mail.mox.example")
writeline("250 ok")
writeline("250 ok")
writeline("354 continue")
reader := smtp.NewDataReader(br)
io.Copy(io.Discard, reader)
writeline("250 ok")
writeline("221 ok")
fakeSMTPSTARTTLSServer := makeFakeSMTPSTARTTLSServer(&goodTLSConfig, 0, true)
makeBadFakeSMTPSTARTTLSServer := func(requiretls bool) func(server net.Conn) {
return makeFakeSMTPSTARTTLSServer(&tls.Config{MaxVersion: tls.VersionTLS10, Certificates: []tls.Certificate{moxCert}}, 1, requiretls)
nfakeSubmitServer := func(server net.Conn, nrcpt int) {
// We do a minimal fake smtp server. We cannot import smtpserver.Serve due to
// cyclic dependencies.
fmt.Fprintf(server, "220 mail.mox.example\r\n")
br := bufio.NewReader(server)
br.ReadString('\n') // Should be EHLO.
fmt.Fprintf(server, "250-localhost\r\n")
fmt.Fprintf(server, "250 AUTH PLAIN\r\n")
br.ReadString('\n') // Should be AUTH PLAIN
fmt.Fprintf(server, "235 2.7.0 auth ok\r\n")
br.ReadString('\n') // Should be MAIL FROM.
fmt.Fprintf(server, "250 ok\r\n")
for i := 0; i < nrcpt; i++ {
br.ReadString('\n') // Should be RCPT TO.
fmt.Fprintf(server, "250 ok\r\n")
br.ReadString('\n') // Should be DATA.
fmt.Fprintf(server, "354 continue\r\n")
reader := smtp.NewDataReader(br)
io.Copy(io.Discard, reader)
fmt.Fprintf(server, "250 ok\r\n")
br.ReadString('\n') // Should be QUIT.
fmt.Fprintf(server, "221 ok\r\n")
fakeSubmitServer := func(server net.Conn) {
nfakeSubmitServer(server, 1)
fakeSubmitServer2Rcpts := func(server net.Conn) {
nfakeSubmitServer(server, 2)
testQueue := func(expectDSN bool, fakeServer func(conn net.Conn), nresults int) (wasNetDialer bool) {
var pipes []net.Conn
defer func() {
for _, conn := range pipes {
var connMu sync.Mutex
smtpclient.DialHook = func(ctx context.Context, dialer smtpclient.Dialer, timeout time.Duration, addr string, laddr net.Addr) (net.Conn, error) {
defer connMu.Unlock()
// Setting up a pipe. We'll start a fake smtp server on the server-side. And return the
// client-side to the invocation dial, for the attempted delivery from the queue.
server, client := net.Pipe()
pipes = append(pipes, server, client)
go fakeServer(server)
_, wasNetDialer = dialer.(*net.Dialer)
return client, nil
defer func() {
smtpclient.DialHook = nil
inbox, err := bstore.QueryDB[store.Mailbox](ctxbg, acc.DB).FilterNonzero(store.Mailbox{Name: "Inbox"}).Get()
tcheck(t, err, "get inbox")
inboxCount, err := bstore.QueryDB[store.Message](ctxbg, acc.DB).FilterNonzero(store.Message{MailboxID: inbox.ID}).Count()
tcheck(t, err, "querying messages in inbox")
launchWork(pkglog, resolver, map[string]struct{}{})
// Wait for all results.
for i := 0; i < nresults; i++ {
select {
case <-deliveryResults:
case <-timer.C:
t.Fatalf("no dial within 1s")
// Check that queue is now empty.
xmsgs, err := List(ctxbg, Filter{}, Sort{})
tcheck(t, err, "list queue")
tcompare(t, len(xmsgs), 0)
// And that we possibly got a DSN delivered.
ninbox, err := bstore.QueryDB[store.Message](ctxbg, acc.DB).FilterNonzero(store.Message{MailboxID: inbox.ID}).Count()
tcheck(t, err, "querying messages in inbox")
if expectDSN && ninbox != inboxCount+1 {
t.Fatalf("got %d messages in inbox, previously %d, expected 1 additional for dsn", ninbox, inboxCount)
} else if !expectDSN && ninbox != inboxCount {
t.Fatalf("got %d messages in inbox, previously %d, expected no additional messages", ninbox, inboxCount)
return wasNetDialer
testDeliver := func(fakeServer func(conn net.Conn)) bool {
return testQueue(false, fakeServer, 1)
testDeliverN := func(fakeServer func(conn net.Conn), nresults int) bool {
return testQueue(false, fakeServer, nresults)
testDSN := func(fakeServer func(conn net.Conn)) bool {
return testQueue(true, fakeServer, 1)
// Test direct delivery.
wasNetDialer := testDeliver(fakeSMTPServer)
if !wasNetDialer {
t.Fatalf("expected net.Dialer as dialer")
// Single delivery to two recipients at same domain, expecting single connection
// and single transaction.
qm0 := MakeMsg(path, path, false, false, int64(len(testmsg)), "<test@localhost>", nil, nil, time.Now(), "test")
qml := []Msg{qm0, qm0} // Same NextAttempt.
err = Add(ctxbg, pkglog, "mjl", mf, qml...)
tcheck(t, err, "add messages to queue for delivery")
// Single enqueue to two recipients at different domain, expecting two connections.
otheraddr, _ := smtp.ParseAddress("mjl@other.example")
otherpath := otheraddr.Path()
t0 := time.Now()
qml = []Msg{
MakeMsg(path, path, false, false, int64(len(testmsg)), "<test@localhost>", nil, nil, t0, "test"),
MakeMsg(path, otherpath, false, false, int64(len(testmsg)), "<test@localhost>", nil, nil, t0, "test"),
err = Add(ctxbg, pkglog, "mjl", mf, qml...)
tcheck(t, err, "add messages to queue for delivery")
conns := ConnectionCounter()
testDeliverN(fakeSMTPServer, 2)
nconns := ConnectionCounter()
if nconns != conns+2 {
t.Errorf("saw %d connections, expected 2", nconns-conns)
// Single enqueue with two recipients at same domain, but with smtp server that has
// LIMITS RCPTMAX=1, so we expect a single connection with two transactions.
qml = []Msg{qm0, qm0}
err = Add(ctxbg, pkglog, "mjl", mf, qml...)
tcheck(t, err, "add messages to queue for delivery")
// Single enqueue with two recipients at same domain, but smtp server sends 552 for
// 2nd recipient, so we expect a single connection with two transactions.
qml = []Msg{qm0, qm0}
err = Add(ctxbg, pkglog, "mjl", mf, qml...)
tcheck(t, err, "add messages to queue for delivery")
// Add a message to be delivered with submit because of its route.
topath := smtp.Path{Localpart: "mjl", IPDomain: dns.IPDomain{Domain: dns.Domain{ASCII: "submit.example"}}}
qm = MakeMsg(path, topath, false, false, int64(len(testmsg)), "<test@localhost>", nil, nil, time.Now(), "test")
err = Add(ctxbg, pkglog, "mjl", mf, qm)
tcheck(t, err, "add message to queue for delivery")
wasNetDialer = testDeliver(fakeSubmitServer)
if !wasNetDialer {
t.Fatalf("expected net.Dialer as dialer")
// Two messages for submission.
qml = []Msg{qm, qm}
err = Add(ctxbg, pkglog, "mjl", mf, qml...)
tcheck(t, err, "add messages to queue for delivery")
wasNetDialer = testDeliver(fakeSubmitServer2Rcpts)
if !wasNetDialer {
t.Fatalf("expected net.Dialer as dialer")
// Add a message to be delivered with submit because of explicitly configured transport, that uses TLS.
qml = []Msg{MakeMsg(path, path, false, false, int64(len(testmsg)), "<test@localhost>", nil, nil, time.Now(), "test")}
err = Add(ctxbg, pkglog, "mjl", mf, qml...)
tcheck(t, err, "add message to queue for delivery")
transportSubmitTLS := "submittls"
n, err = TransportSet(ctxbg, Filter{IDs: []int64{qml[0].ID}}, transportSubmitTLS)
tcheck(t, err, "set transport")
if n != 1 {
t.Fatalf("TransportSet changed %d messages, expected 1", n)
// Make fake cert, and make it trusted.
cert := fakeCert(t, "submission.example", false)
mox.Conf.Static.TLS.CertPool = x509.NewCertPool()
tlsConfig := tls.Config{
Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert},
wasNetDialer = testDeliver(func(conn net.Conn) {
conn = tls.Server(conn, &tlsConfig)
if !wasNetDialer {
t.Fatalf("expected net.Dialer as dialer")
// Various failure reasons.
fdNotTrusted := tlsrpt.FailureDetails{
ResultType: tlsrpt.ResultCertificateNotTrusted,
SendingMTAIP: "", // Missing due to pipe.
ReceivingMXHostname: "mail.mox.example",
ReceivingMXHelo: "mail.mox.example",
ReceivingIP: "", // Missing due to pipe.
FailedSessionCount: 1,
FailureReasonCode: "",
fdTLSAUnusable := tlsrpt.FailureDetails{
ResultType: tlsrpt.ResultTLSAInvalid,
ReceivingMXHostname: "mail.mox.example",
FailedSessionCount: 0,
FailureReasonCode: "all-unusable-records+ignored",
fdBadProtocol := tlsrpt.FailureDetails{
ResultType: tlsrpt.ResultValidationFailure,
ReceivingMXHostname: "mail.mox.example",
ReceivingMXHelo: "mail.mox.example",
FailedSessionCount: 1,
FailureReasonCode: "tls-remote-alert-70-protocol-version-not-supported",
// Add a message to be delivered with socks.
qml = []Msg{MakeMsg(path, path, false, false, int64(len(testmsg)), "<socks@localhost>", nil, nil, time.Now(), "test")}
err = Add(ctxbg, pkglog, "mjl", mf, qml...)
tcheck(t, err, "add message to queue for delivery")
n, err = TransportSet(ctxbg, idfilter(qml[0].ID), "socks")
tcheck(t, err, "TransportSet")
if n != 1 {
t.Fatalf("TransportSet changed %d messages, expected 1", n)
kick(1, qml[0].ID)
wasNetDialer = testDeliver(fakeSMTPServer)
if wasNetDialer {
t.Fatalf("expected non-net.Dialer as dialer") // SOCKS5 dialer is a private type, we cannot check for it.
// Add message to be delivered with opportunistic TLS verification.
qml = []Msg{MakeMsg(path, path, false, false, int64(len(testmsg)), "<opportunistictls@localhost>", nil, nil, time.Now(), "test")}
err = Add(ctxbg, pkglog, "mjl", mf, qml...)
tcheck(t, err, "add message to queue for delivery")
kick(1, qml[0].ID)
checkTLSResults(t, "mox.example", "mox.example", false, addCounts(1, 0, tlsrpt.MakeResult(tlsrpt.NoPolicyFound, mailDomain, fdNotTrusted)))
checkTLSResults(t, "mail.mox.example", "mox.example", true, addCounts(1, 0, tlsrpt.MakeResult(tlsrpt.NoPolicyFound, mailHost)))
// Test fallback to plain text with TLS handshake fails.
qml = []Msg{MakeMsg(path, path, false, false, int64(len(testmsg)), "<badtls@localhost>", nil, nil, time.Now(), "test")}
err = Add(ctxbg, pkglog, "mjl", mf, qml...)
tcheck(t, err, "add message to queue for delivery")
kick(1, qml[0].ID)
checkTLSResults(t, "mox.example", "mox.example", false, addCounts(0, 1, tlsrpt.MakeResult(tlsrpt.NoPolicyFound, mailDomain, fdBadProtocol)))
checkTLSResults(t, "mail.mox.example", "mox.example", true, addCounts(0, 1, tlsrpt.MakeResult(tlsrpt.NoPolicyFound, mailHost, fdBadProtocol)))
// Add message to be delivered with DANE verification.
resolver.AllAuthentic = true
resolver.TLSA = map[string][]adns.TLSA{
"_25._tcp.mail.mox.example.": {
{Usage: adns.TLSAUsageDANEEE, Selector: adns.TLSASelectorSPKI, MatchType: adns.TLSAMatchTypeFull, CertAssoc: moxCert.Leaf.RawSubjectPublicKeyInfo},
qml = []Msg{MakeMsg(path, path, false, false, int64(len(testmsg)), "<dane@localhost>", nil, nil, time.Now(), "test")}
err = Add(ctxbg, pkglog, "mjl", mf, qml...)
tcheck(t, err, "add message to queue for delivery")
kick(1, qml[0].ID)
checkTLSResults(t, "mox.example", "mox.example", false, addCounts(1, 0, tlsrpt.MakeResult(tlsrpt.NoPolicyFound, mailDomain, fdNotTrusted)))
checkTLSResults(t, "mail.mox.example", "mox.example", true, addCounts(1, 0, tlsrpt.Result{Policy: tlsrpt.TLSAPolicy(resolver.TLSA["_25._tcp.mail.mox.example."], mailHost), FailureDetails: []tlsrpt.FailureDetails{}}))
// We should know starttls/requiretls by now.
rdt := store.RecipientDomainTLS{Domain: "mox.example"}
err = acc.DB.Get(ctxbg, &rdt)
tcheck(t, err, "get recipientdomaintls")
tcompare(t, rdt.STARTTLS, true)
tcompare(t, rdt.RequireTLS, true)
// Add message to be delivered with verified TLS and REQUIRETLS.
qml = []Msg{MakeMsg(path, path, false, false, int64(len(testmsg)), "<opportunistictls@localhost>", nil, &yes, time.Now(), "test")}
err = Add(ctxbg, pkglog, "mjl", mf, qml...)
tcheck(t, err, "add message to queue for delivery")
kick(1, qml[0].ID)
// Check that message is delivered with all unusable DANE records.
resolver.TLSA = map[string][]adns.TLSA{
"_25._tcp.mail.mox.example.": {
qml = []Msg{MakeMsg(path, path, false, false, int64(len(testmsg)), "<daneunusable@localhost>", nil, nil, time.Now(), "test")}
err = Add(ctxbg, pkglog, "mjl", mf, qml...)
tcheck(t, err, "add message to queue for delivery")
kick(1, qml[0].ID)
checkTLSResults(t, "mox.example", "mox.example", false, addCounts(1, 0, tlsrpt.MakeResult(tlsrpt.NoPolicyFound, mailDomain, fdNotTrusted)))
checkTLSResults(t, "mail.mox.example", "mox.example", true, addCounts(1, 0, tlsrpt.Result{Policy: tlsrpt.TLSAPolicy([]adns.TLSA{}, mailHost), FailureDetails: []tlsrpt.FailureDetails{fdTLSAUnusable}}))
// Check that message is delivered with insecure TLSA records. They should be
// ignored and regular STARTTLS tried.
resolver.Inauthentic = []string{"tlsa _25._tcp.mail.mox.example."}
resolver.TLSA = map[string][]adns.TLSA{
"_25._tcp.mail.mox.example.": {
{Usage: adns.TLSAUsageDANEEE, Selector: adns.TLSASelectorSPKI, MatchType: adns.TLSAMatchTypeFull, CertAssoc: make([]byte, sha256.Size)},
qml = []Msg{MakeMsg(path, path, false, false, int64(len(testmsg)), "<daneinsecure@localhost>", nil, nil, time.Now(), "test")}
err = Add(ctxbg, pkglog, "mjl", mf, qml...)
tcheck(t, err, "add message to queue for delivery")
kick(1, qml[0].ID)
resolver.Inauthentic = nil
checkTLSResults(t, "mox.example", "mox.example", false, addCounts(0, 1, tlsrpt.MakeResult(tlsrpt.NoPolicyFound, mailDomain, fdBadProtocol)))
checkTLSResults(t, "mail.mox.example", "mox.example", true, addCounts(0, 1, tlsrpt.MakeResult(tlsrpt.NoPolicyFound, mailHost, fdBadProtocol)))
// STARTTLS failed, so not known supported.
rdt = store.RecipientDomainTLS{Domain: "mox.example"}
err = acc.DB.Get(ctxbg, &rdt)
tcheck(t, err, "get recipientdomaintls")
tcompare(t, rdt.STARTTLS, false)
tcompare(t, rdt.RequireTLS, false)
// Check that message is delivered with TLS-Required: No and non-matching DANE record.
qml = []Msg{MakeMsg(path, path, false, false, int64(len(testmsg)), "<tlsrequirednostarttls@localhost>", nil, &no, time.Now(), "test")}
err = Add(ctxbg, pkglog, "mjl", mf, qml...)
tcheck(t, err, "add message to queue for delivery")
kick(1, qml[0].ID)
// Check that message is delivered with TLS-Required: No and bad TLS, falling back to plain text.
qml = []Msg{MakeMsg(path, path, false, false, int64(len(testmsg)), "<tlsrequirednoplaintext@localhost>", nil, &no, time.Now(), "test")}
err = Add(ctxbg, pkglog, "mjl", mf, qml...)
tcheck(t, err, "add message to queue for delivery")
kick(1, qml[0].ID)
// Add message with requiretls that fails immediately due to no REQUIRETLS support in all servers.
qml = []Msg{MakeMsg(path, path, false, false, int64(len(testmsg)), "<tlsrequiredunsupported@localhost>", nil, &yes, time.Now(), "test")}
err = Add(ctxbg, pkglog, "mjl", mf, qml...)
tcheck(t, err, "add message to queue for delivery")
kick(1, qml[0].ID)
// Restore pre-DANE behaviour.
resolver.AllAuthentic = false
resolver.TLSA = nil
// Add message with requiretls that fails immediately due to no verification policy for recipient domain.
qml = []Msg{MakeMsg(path, path, false, false, int64(len(testmsg)), "<tlsrequirednopolicy@localhost>", nil, &yes, time.Now(), "test")}
err = Add(ctxbg, pkglog, "mjl", mf, qml...)
tcheck(t, err, "add message to queue for delivery")
kick(1, qml[0].ID)
// Based on DNS lookups, there won't be any dialing or SMTP connection.
testDSN(func(conn net.Conn) {})
// Add another message that we'll fail to deliver entirely.
qm = MakeMsg(path, path, false, false, int64(len(testmsg)), "<test@localhost>", nil, nil, time.Now(), "test")
err = Add(ctxbg, pkglog, "mjl", mf, qm)
tcheck(t, err, "add message to queue for delivery")
msgs, err = List(ctxbg, Filter{}, Sort{})
tcheck(t, err, "list queue")
if len(msgs) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("queue has %d messages, expected 1", len(msgs))
msg = msgs[0]
prepServer := func(fn func(c net.Conn)) (net.Conn, func()) {
server, client := net.Pipe()
go func() {
return client, func() {
conn2, cleanup2 := prepServer(func(conn net.Conn) { fmt.Fprintf(conn, "220 mail.mox.example\r\n") })
conn3, cleanup3 := prepServer(func(conn net.Conn) { fmt.Fprintf(conn, "451 mail.mox.example\r\n") })
conn4, cleanup4 := prepServer(fakeSMTPSTARTTLSServer)
defer func() {
seq := 0
smtpclient.DialHook = func(ctx context.Context, dialer smtpclient.Dialer, timeout time.Duration, addr string, laddr net.Addr) (net.Conn, error) {
switch seq {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("connect error from test")
case 2:
return conn2, nil
case 3:
return conn3, nil
case 4:
return conn4, nil
defer func() {
smtpclient.DialHook = nil
comm := store.RegisterComm(acc)
defer comm.Unregister()
for i := 1; i < 8; i++ {
if i == 4 {
resolver.AllAuthentic = true
resolver.TLSA = map[string][]adns.TLSA{
"_25._tcp.mail.mox.example.": {
// Non-matching zero CertAssoc, should cause failure.
{Usage: adns.TLSAUsageDANEEE, Selector: adns.TLSASelectorSPKI, MatchType: adns.TLSAMatchTypeSHA256, CertAssoc: make([]byte, sha256.Size)},
} else {
resolver.AllAuthentic = false
resolver.TLSA = nil
go deliver(pkglog, resolver, msg)
err = DB.Get(ctxbg, &msg)
tcheck(t, err, "get msg")
if msg.Attempts != i {
t.Fatalf("got attempt %d, expected %d", msg.Attempts, i)
if msg.Attempts == 5 {
changes := make(chan struct{}, 1)
go func() {
changes <- struct{}{}
select {
case <-changes:
case <-timer.C:
t.Fatalf("no dsn in 1s")
// Trigger final failure.
go deliver(pkglog, resolver, msg)
err = DB.Get(ctxbg, &msg)
if err != bstore.ErrAbsent {
t.Fatalf("attempt to fetch delivered and removed message from queue, got err %v, expected ErrAbsent", err)
changes := make(chan struct{}, 1)
go func() {
changes <- struct{}{}
select {
case <-changes:
case <-timer.C:
t.Fatalf("no dsn in 1s")
// We shouldn't have any more work to do.
msgs, err = List(ctxbg, Filter{}, Sort{})
tcheck(t, err, "list messages at end of test")
tcompare(t, len(msgs), 0)
func addCounts(success, failure int64, result tlsrpt.Result) tlsrpt.Result {
result.Summary.TotalSuccessfulSessionCount += success
result.Summary.TotalFailureSessionCount += failure
return result
func clearTLSResults(t *testing.T) {
_, err := bstore.QueryDB[tlsrptdb.TLSResult](ctxbg, tlsrptdb.ResultDB).Delete()
tcheck(t, err, "delete tls results")
func checkTLSResults(t *testing.T, policyDomain, expRecipientDomain string, expIsHost bool, expResults ...tlsrpt.Result) {
q := bstore.QueryDB[tlsrptdb.TLSResult](ctxbg, tlsrptdb.ResultDB)
q.FilterNonzero(tlsrptdb.TLSResult{PolicyDomain: policyDomain})
result, err := q.Get()
tcheck(t, err, "get tls result")
tcompare(t, result.RecipientDomain, expRecipientDomain)
tcompare(t, result.IsHost, expIsHost)
// Before comparing, compensate for go1.20 vs go1.21 difference.
for i, r := range result.Results {
for j, fd := range r.FailureDetails {
if fd.FailureReasonCode == "tls-remote-alert-70" {
result.Results[i].FailureDetails[j].FailureReasonCode = "tls-remote-alert-70-protocol-version-not-supported"
tcompare(t, result.Results, expResults)
// Test delivered/permfailed/suppressed/canceled/dropped messages are stored in the
// retired list if configured, with a proper result, that webhooks are scheduled,
// and that cleaning up works.
func TestRetiredHooks(t *testing.T) {
_, cleanup := setup(t)
defer cleanup()
addr, err := smtp.ParseAddress("mjl@mox.example")
tcheck(t, err, "parse address")
path := addr.Path()
mf := prepareFile(t)
defer os.Remove(mf.Name())
defer mf.Close()
resolver := dns.MockResolver{
A: map[string][]string{"mox.example.": {""}},
MX: map[string][]*net.MX{"mox.example.": {{Host: "mox.example", Pref: 10}}},
testAction := func(account string, action func(), expResult *MsgResult, expEvent string, expSuppressing bool) {
_, err := bstore.QueryDB[MsgRetired](ctxbg, DB).Delete()
tcheck(t, err, "clearing retired messages")
_, err = bstore.QueryDB[Hook](ctxbg, DB).Delete()
tcheck(t, err, "clearing hooks")
qm := MakeMsg(path, path, false, false, int64(len(testmsg)), "<test@localhost>", nil, nil, time.Now(), "test")
qm.Extra = map[string]string{"a": "123"}
err = Add(ctxbg, pkglog, account, mf, qm)
tcheck(t, err, "add to queue")
// Should be no messages left in queue.
msgs, err := List(ctxbg, Filter{}, Sort{})
tcheck(t, err, "list messages")
tcompare(t, len(msgs), 0)
retireds, err := RetiredList(ctxbg, RetiredFilter{}, RetiredSort{})
tcheck(t, err, "list retired messages")
hooks, err := HookList(ctxbg, HookFilter{}, HookSort{})
tcheck(t, err, "list hooks")
if expResult == nil {
tcompare(t, len(retireds), 0)
tcompare(t, len(hooks), 0)
} else {
tcompare(t, len(retireds), 1)
mr := retireds[0]
tcompare(t, len(mr.Results) > 0, true)
lr := mr.LastResult()
lr.Start = time.Time{}
lr.Duration = 0
tcompare(t, lr.Error == "", expResult.Error == "")
lr.Error = expResult.Error
tcompare(t, lr, *expResult)
// Compare added webhook.
tcompare(t, len(hooks), 1)
h := hooks[0]
var out webhook.Outgoing
dec := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(h.Payload))
err := dec.Decode(&out)
tcheck(t, err, "unmarshal outgoing webhook payload")
tcompare(t, out.Error == "", expResult.Error == "")
out.WebhookQueued = time.Time{}
out.Error = ""
var ecode string
if expResult.Secode != "" {
ecode = fmt.Sprintf("%d.%s", expResult.Code/100, expResult.Secode)
var code int // Only set for errors.
if expResult.Code != 250 {
code = expResult.Code
expOut := webhook.Outgoing{
Event: webhook.OutgoingEvent(expEvent),
Suppressing: expSuppressing,
QueueMsgID: mr.ID,
FromID: mr.FromID,
MessageID: mr.MessageID,
Subject: mr.Subject,
SMTPCode: code,
SMTPEnhancedCode: ecode,
Extra: mr.Extra,
tcompare(t, out, expOut)
h.ID = 0
h.Payload = ""
h.Submitted = time.Time{}
h.NextAttempt = time.Time{}
exph := Hook{0, mr.ID, "", mr.MessageID, mr.Subject, mr.Extra, mr.SenderAccount, "http://localhost:1234/outgoing", "Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=", false, expEvent, "", time.Time{}, 0, time.Time{}, nil}
tcompare(t, h, exph)
makeLaunchAction := func(handler func(conn net.Conn)) func() {
return func() {
server, client := net.Pipe()
defer server.Close()
smtpclient.DialHook = func(ctx context.Context, dialer smtpclient.Dialer, timeout time.Duration, addr string, laddr net.Addr) (net.Conn, error) {
go handler(server)
return client, nil
defer func() {
smtpclient.DialHook = nil
// Trigger delivery attempt.
n := launchWork(pkglog, resolver, map[string]struct{}{})
tcompare(t, n, 1)
// Wait until delivery has finished.
tm := time.NewTimer(5 * time.Second)
defer tm.Stop()
select {
case <-tm.C:
t.Fatalf("delivery didn't happen within 5s")
case <-deliveryResults:
smtpAccept := func(conn net.Conn) {
br := bufio.NewReader(conn)
readline := func(cmd string) {
line, err := br.ReadString('\n')
if err == nil && !strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(line), cmd) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected line %q, expected %q", line, cmd))
writeline := func(s string) {
fmt.Fprintf(conn, "%s\r\n", s)
writeline("220 mail.mox.example")
writeline("250 mail.mox.example")
writeline("250 ok")
writeline("250 ok")
writeline("354 continue")
reader := smtp.NewDataReader(br)
io.Copy(io.Discard, reader)
writeline("250 ok")
writeline("250 ok")
smtpReject := func(code int) func(conn net.Conn) {
return func(conn net.Conn) {
br := bufio.NewReader(conn)
readline := func(cmd string) {
line, err := br.ReadString('\n')
if err == nil && !strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(line), cmd) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected line %q, expected %q", line, cmd))
writeline := func(s string) {
fmt.Fprintf(conn, "%s\r\n", s)
writeline("220 mail.mox.example")
writeline("250 enhancedstatuscodes")
writeline(fmt.Sprintf("%d 5.1.0 nok", code))
writeline("250 ok")
testAction("mjl", makeLaunchAction(smtpAccept), nil, "", false)
testAction("retired", makeLaunchAction(smtpAccept), &MsgResult{Code: 250, Success: true}, string(webhook.EventDelivered), false)
// 554 is generic, doesn't immediately cause suppression.
testAction("mjl", makeLaunchAction(smtpReject(554)), nil, "", false)
testAction("retired", makeLaunchAction(smtpReject(554)), &MsgResult{Code: 554, Secode: "1.0", Error: "nonempty"}, string(webhook.EventFailed), false)
// 550 causes immediate suppression, check for it in webhook.
testAction("mjl", makeLaunchAction(smtpReject(550)), nil, "", true)
testAction("retired", makeLaunchAction(smtpReject(550)), &MsgResult{Code: 550, Secode: "1.0", Error: "nonempty"}, string(webhook.EventFailed), true)
// Try to deliver to suppressed addresses.
launch := func() {
n := launchWork(pkglog, resolver, map[string]struct{}{})
tcompare(t, n, 1)
testAction("mjl", launch, nil, "", false)
testAction("retired", launch, &MsgResult{Error: "nonempty"}, string(webhook.EventSuppressed), false)
queueFail := func() {
n, err := Fail(ctxbg, pkglog, Filter{})
tcheck(t, err, "cancel delivery with failure dsn")
tcompare(t, n, 1)
queueDrop := func() {
n, err := Drop(ctxbg, pkglog, Filter{})
tcheck(t, err, "cancel delivery without failure dsn")
tcompare(t, n, 1)
testAction("mjl", queueFail, nil, "", false)
testAction("retired", queueFail, &MsgResult{Error: "nonempty"}, string(webhook.EventFailed), false)
testAction("mjl", queueDrop, nil, "", false)
testAction("retired", queueDrop, &MsgResult{Error: "nonempty"}, string(webhook.EventCanceled), false)
retireds, err := RetiredList(ctxbg, RetiredFilter{}, RetiredSort{})
tcheck(t, err, "list retired messages")
tcompare(t, len(retireds), 1)
retireds, err = RetiredList(ctxbg, RetiredFilter{}, RetiredSort{})
tcheck(t, err, "list retired messages")
tcompare(t, len(retireds), 0)
// test Start and that it attempts to deliver.
func TestQueueStart(t *testing.T) {
// Override dial function. We'll make connecting fail and check the attempt.
resolver := dns.MockResolver{
A: map[string][]string{"mox.example.": {""}},
MX: map[string][]*net.MX{"mox.example.": {{Host: "mox.example", Pref: 10}}},
dialed := make(chan struct{}, 1)
smtpclient.DialHook = func(ctx context.Context, dialer smtpclient.Dialer, timeout time.Duration, addr string, laddr net.Addr) (net.Conn, error) {
dialed <- struct{}{}
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failure from test")
defer func() {
smtpclient.DialHook = nil
_, cleanup := setup(t)
defer cleanup()
done := make(chan struct{})
defer func() {
// Wait for message and hooks deliverers and cleaners.
mox.Shutdown, mox.ShutdownCancel = context.WithCancel(ctxbg)
Shutdown() // DB was opened already. Start will open it again. Just close it before.
err := Start(resolver, done)
tcheck(t, err, "queue start")
checkDialed := func(need bool) {
d := time.Second / 10
if need {
d = time.Second
timer := time.NewTimer(d)
defer timer.Stop()
select {
case <-dialed:
if !need {
t.Fatalf("unexpected dial attempt")
case <-timer.C:
if need {
t.Fatalf("expected to see a dial attempt")
// HoldRule to mark mark all messages sent by mjl on hold, including existing
// messages.
hr0, err := HoldRuleAdd(ctxbg, pkglog, HoldRule{Account: "mjl"})
tcheck(t, err, "add hold rule")
// All zero HoldRule holds all deliveries, and marks all on hold.
hr1, err := HoldRuleAdd(ctxbg, pkglog, HoldRule{})
tcheck(t, err, "add hold rule")
hrl, err := HoldRuleList(ctxbg)
tcheck(t, err, "listing hold rules")
tcompare(t, hrl, []HoldRule{hr0, hr1})
path := smtp.Path{Localpart: "mjl", IPDomain: dns.IPDomain{Domain: dns.Domain{ASCII: "mox.example"}}}
mf := prepareFile(t)
defer os.Remove(mf.Name())
defer mf.Close()
qm := MakeMsg(path, path, false, false, int64(len(testmsg)), "<test@localhost>", nil, nil, time.Now(), "test")
err = Add(ctxbg, pkglog, "mjl", mf, qm)
tcheck(t, err, "add message to queue for delivery")
checkDialed(false) // No delivery attempt yet.
n, err := Count(ctxbg)
tcheck(t, err, "count messages in queue")
tcompare(t, n, 1)
// Take message off hold.
n, err = HoldSet(ctxbg, Filter{}, false)
tcheck(t, err, "taking message off hold")
tcompare(t, n, 1)
// Remove hold rules.
err = HoldRuleRemove(ctxbg, pkglog, hr1.ID)
tcheck(t, err, "removing hold rule")
err = HoldRuleRemove(ctxbg, pkglog, hr0.ID)
tcheck(t, err, "removing hold rule")
// Check it is gone.
hrl, err = HoldRuleList(ctxbg)
tcheck(t, err, "listing hold rules")
tcompare(t, len(hrl), 0)
// Don't change message nextattempt time, but kick queue. Message should not be delivered.
// Set new next attempt, should see another attempt.
n, err = NextAttemptSet(ctxbg, Filter{From: "@mox.example"}, time.Now())
tcheck(t, err, "kick queue")
if n != 1 {
t.Fatalf("kick changed %d messages, expected 1", n)
// Submit another, should be delivered immediately without HoldRule.
path = smtp.Path{Localpart: "mjl", IPDomain: dns.IPDomain{Domain: dns.Domain{ASCII: "mox.example"}}}
mf = prepareFile(t)
defer os.Remove(mf.Name())
defer mf.Close()
qm = MakeMsg(path, path, false, false, int64(len(testmsg)), "<test@localhost>", nil, nil, time.Now(), "test")
err = Add(ctxbg, pkglog, "mjl", mf, qm)
tcheck(t, err, "add message to queue for delivery")
checkDialed(true) // Immediate.
func TestListFilterSort(t *testing.T) {
_, cleanup := setup(t)
defer cleanup()
// insert Msgs. insert RetiredMsgs based on that. call list with filters and sort. filter to select a single. filter to paginate one by one, and in reverse.
path := smtp.Path{Localpart: "mjl", IPDomain: dns.IPDomain{Domain: dns.Domain{ASCII: "mox.example"}}}
mf := prepareFile(t)
defer os.Remove(mf.Name())
defer mf.Close()
now := time.Now().Round(0)
qm := MakeMsg(path, path, false, false, int64(len(testmsg)), "<test@localhost>", nil, nil, now, "test")
qm.Queued = now
qm1 := qm
qm1.Queued = now.Add(-time.Second)
qm1.NextAttempt = now.Add(time.Minute)
qml := []Msg{qm, qm, qm, qm, qm, qm1}
err := Add(ctxbg, pkglog, "mjl", mf, qml...)
tcheck(t, err, "add messages to queue")
qm1 = qml[len(qml)-1]
qmlrev := slices.Clone(qml)
// Ascending by nextattempt,id.
l, err := List(ctxbg, Filter{}, Sort{Asc: true})
tcheck(t, err, "list messages")
tcompare(t, l, qml)
// Descending by nextattempt,id.
l, err = List(ctxbg, Filter{}, Sort{})
tcheck(t, err, "list messages")
tcompare(t, l, qmlrev)
// Descending by queued,id.
l, err = List(ctxbg, Filter{}, Sort{Field: "Queued"})
tcheck(t, err, "list messages")
ql := append(append([]Msg{}, qmlrev[1:]...), qml[5])
tcompare(t, l, ql)
// Filter by all fields to get a single.
no := false
allfilters := Filter{
Max: 2,
IDs: []int64{qm1.ID},
Account: "mjl",
From: path.XString(true),
To: path.XString(true),
Hold: &no,
Submitted: "<1s",
NextAttempt: ">1s",
l, err = List(ctxbg, allfilters, Sort{})
tcheck(t, err, "list single")
tcompare(t, l, []Msg{qm1})
// Paginated NextAttmpt asc.
var lastID int64
var last any
l = nil
for {
nl, err := List(ctxbg, Filter{Max: 1}, Sort{Asc: true, LastID: lastID, Last: last})
tcheck(t, err, "list paginated")
l = append(l, nl...)
if len(nl) == 0 {
tcompare(t, len(nl), 1)
lastID, last = nl[0].ID, nl[0].NextAttempt.Format(time.RFC3339Nano)
tcompare(t, l, qml)
// Paginated NextAttempt desc.
l = nil
lastID = 0
last = ""
for {
nl, err := List(ctxbg, Filter{Max: 1}, Sort{LastID: lastID, Last: last})
tcheck(t, err, "list paginated")
l = append(l, nl...)
if len(nl) == 0 {
tcompare(t, len(nl), 1)
lastID, last = nl[0].ID, nl[0].NextAttempt.Format(time.RFC3339Nano)
tcompare(t, l, qmlrev)
// Paginated Queued desc.
l = nil
lastID = 0
last = ""
for {
nl, err := List(ctxbg, Filter{Max: 1}, Sort{Field: "Queued", LastID: lastID, Last: last})
tcheck(t, err, "list paginated")
l = append(l, nl...)
if len(nl) == 0 {
tcompare(t, len(nl), 1)
lastID, last = nl[0].ID, nl[0].Queued.Format(time.RFC3339Nano)
tcompare(t, l, ql)
// Paginated Queued asc.
l = nil
lastID = 0
last = ""
for {
nl, err := List(ctxbg, Filter{Max: 1}, Sort{Field: "Queued", Asc: true, LastID: lastID, Last: last})
tcheck(t, err, "list paginated")
l = append(l, nl...)
if len(nl) == 0 {
tcompare(t, len(nl), 1)
lastID, last = nl[0].ID, nl[0].Queued.Format(time.RFC3339Nano)
qlrev := slices.Clone(ql)
tcompare(t, l, qlrev)
// Retire messages and do similar but more basic tests. The code is similar.
var mrl []MsgRetired
err = DB.Write(ctxbg, func(tx *bstore.Tx) error {
for _, m := range qml {
mr := m.Retired(false, m.NextAttempt, time.Now().Add(time.Minute).Round(0))
err := tx.Insert(&mr)
tcheck(t, err, "inserting retired message")
mrl = append(mrl, mr)
return nil
tcheck(t, err, "adding retired messages")
// Paginated LastActivity desc.
var lr []MsgRetired
lastID = 0
last = ""
l = nil
for {
nl, err := RetiredList(ctxbg, RetiredFilter{Max: 1}, RetiredSort{LastID: lastID, Last: last})
tcheck(t, err, "list paginated")
lr = append(lr, nl...)
if len(nl) == 0 {
tcompare(t, len(nl), 1)
lastID, last = nl[0].ID, nl[0].LastActivity.Format(time.RFC3339Nano)
mrlrev := slices.Clone(mrl)
tcompare(t, lr, mrlrev)
// Filter by all fields to get a single.
allretiredfilters := RetiredFilter{
Max: 2,
IDs: []int64{mrlrev[0].ID},
Account: "mjl",
From: path.XString(true),
To: path.XString(true),
Submitted: "<1s",
LastActivity: ">1s",
lr, err = RetiredList(ctxbg, allretiredfilters, RetiredSort{})
tcheck(t, err, "list single")
tcompare(t, lr, []MsgRetired{mrlrev[0]})
// Just a cert that appears valid.
func fakeCert(t *testing.T, name string, expired bool) tls.Certificate {
notAfter := time.Now()
if expired {
notAfter = notAfter.Add(-time.Hour)
} else {
notAfter = notAfter.Add(time.Hour)
privKey := ed25519.NewKeyFromSeed(make([]byte, ed25519.SeedSize)) // Fake key, don't use this for real!
template := &x509.Certificate{
SerialNumber: big.NewInt(1), // Required field...
DNSNames: []string{name},
NotBefore: time.Now().Add(-time.Hour),
NotAfter: notAfter,
localCertBuf, err := x509.CreateCertificate(cryptorand.Reader, template, template, privKey.Public(), privKey)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("making certificate: %s", err)
cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(localCertBuf)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("parsing generated certificate: %s", err)
c := tls.Certificate{
Certificate: [][]byte{localCertBuf},
PrivateKey: privKey,
Leaf: cert,
return c