Mechiel Lukkien 5336032088
add funtionality to import zip/tgz with maildirs/mboxes to account page
so users can easily take their email out of somewhere else, and import it into mox.

this goes a little way to give feedback as the import progresses: upload
progress is shown (surprisingly, browsers aren't doing this...), imported
mailboxes/messages are counted (batched) and import issues/warnings are
displayed, all sent over an SSE connection. an import token is stored in
sessionstorage. if you reload the page (e.g. after a connection error), the
browser will reconnect to the running import and show its progress again. and
you can just abort the import before it is finished and committed, and nothing
will have changed.

this also imports flags/keywords from mbox files.
2023-02-16 09:57:27 +01:00

176 lines
5 KiB

package mtastsdb
import (
mathrand "math/rand"
func refresh() int {
interval := 24 * time.Hour
ticker := time.NewTicker(interval)
defer ticker.Stop()
var refreshed int
// Pro-actively refresh policies every 24 hours. ../rfc/8461:583
for {
ctx := context.WithValue(mox.Context, mlog.CidKey, mox.Cid())
n, err := refresh1(ctx, dns.StrictResolver{Pkg: "mtastsdb"}, time.Sleep)
if err != nil {
xlog.WithContext(ctx).Errorx("periodic refresh of cached mtasts policies", err)
if n > 0 {
refreshed += n
select {
case <-mox.Shutdown.Done():
return refreshed
case <-ticker.C:
// refresh policies that have not been updated in the past 12 hours and remove
// policies not used for 180 days. We start with the first domain immediately, so
// an admin can see any (configuration) issues that are logged. We spread the
// refreshes evenly over the next 3 hours, randomizing the domains, and we add some
// jitter to the timing. Each refresh is done in a new goroutine, so a single slow
// refresh doesn't mess up the timing.
func refresh1(ctx context.Context, resolver dns.Resolver, sleep func(d time.Duration)) (int, error) {
db, err := database()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
now := timeNow()
qdel := bstore.QueryDB[PolicyRecord](db)
qdel.FilterLess("LastUse", now.Add(-180*24*time.Hour))
if _, err := qdel.Delete(); err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("deleting old unused policies: %s", err)
qup := bstore.QueryDB[PolicyRecord](db)
qup.FilterLess("LastUpdate", now.Add(-12*time.Hour))
prs, err := qup.List()
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("querying policies to refresh: %s", err)
if len(prs) == 0 {
// Nothing to do.
return 0, nil
// Randomize list.
rand := mathrand.New(mathrand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
for i := range prs {
if i == 0 {
j := rand.Intn(i + 1)
prs[i], prs[j] = prs[j], prs[i]
// Launch goroutine with the refresh.
xlog.WithContext(ctx).Debug("will refresh mta-sts policies over next 3 hours", mlog.Field("count", len(prs)))
start := timeNow()
for i, pr := range prs {
go refreshDomain(ctx, db, resolver, pr)
if i < len(prs)-1 {
interval := 3 * int64(time.Hour) / int64(len(prs)-1)
extra := time.Duration(rand.Int63n(interval) - interval/2)
next := start.Add(time.Duration(int64(i+1)*interval) + extra)
d := next.Sub(timeNow())
if d > 0 {
return len(prs), nil
func refreshDomain(ctx context.Context, db *bstore.DB, resolver dns.Resolver, pr PolicyRecord) {
log := xlog.WithContext(ctx)
defer func() {
x := recover()
if x != nil {
// Should not happen, but make sure errors don't take down the application.
log.Error("refresh1", mlog.Field("panic", x))
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Minute)
defer cancel()
d, err := dns.ParseDomain(pr.Domain)
if err != nil {
log.Errorx("refreshing mta-sts policy: parsing policy domain", err, mlog.Field("domain", d))
log.Debug("refreshing mta-sts policy for domain", mlog.Field("domain", d))
record, _, _, err := mtasts.LookupRecord(ctx, resolver, d)
if err == nil && record.ID == pr.RecordID {
qup := bstore.QueryDB[PolicyRecord](db)
qup.FilterNonzero(PolicyRecord{Domain: pr.Domain, LastUpdate: pr.LastUpdate})
now := timeNow()
update := PolicyRecord{
LastUpdate: now,
ValidEnd: now.Add(time.Duration(pr.MaxAgeSeconds) * time.Second),
if n, err := qup.UpdateNonzero(update); err != nil {
log.Errorx("updating refreshed, unmodified policy in database", err)
} else if n != 1 {
log.Info("expected to update 1 policy after refresh", mlog.Field("count", n))
// ../rfc/8461:587
if err != nil && pr.Mode == mtasts.ModeNone {
} else if err != nil {
log.Errorx("looking up mta-sts record for domain", err, mlog.Field("domain", d))
// Try to fetch new policy. It could be just DNS that is down. We don't want to let our policy expire.
p, _, err := mtasts.FetchPolicy(ctx, d)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, mtasts.ErrNoPolicy) || pr.Mode != mtasts.ModeNone {
log.Errorx("refreshing mtasts policy for domain", err, mlog.Field("domain", d))
now := timeNow()
update := map[string]any{
"LastUpdate": now,
"ValidEnd": now.Add(time.Duration(p.MaxAgeSeconds) * time.Second),
"Backoff": false,
"Policy": *p,
if record != nil {
update["RecordID"] = record.ID
qup := bstore.QueryDB[PolicyRecord](db)
qup.FilterNonzero(PolicyRecord{Domain: pr.Domain, LastUpdate: pr.LastUpdate})
if n, err := qup.UpdateFields(update); err != nil {
log.Errorx("updating refreshed, modified policy in database", err)
} else if n != 1 {
log.Info("updating refreshed, did not update 1 policy", mlog.Field("count", n))