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synced 2025-03-22 01:43:42 +03:00

the mailbox select/examine responses now return all flags used in a mailbox in the FLAGS response. and indicate in the PERMANENTFLAGS response that clients can set new keywords. we store these values on the new Message.Keywords field. system/well-known flags are still in Message.Flags, so we're recognizing those and handling them separately. the imap store command handles the new flags. as does the append command, and the search command. we store keywords in a mailbox when a message in that mailbox gets the keyword. we don't automatically remove the keywords from a mailbox. there is currently no way at all to remove a keyword from a mailbox. the import commands now handle non-system/well-known keywords too, when importing from mbox/maildir. jmap requires keyword support, so best to get it out of the way now.
356 lines
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356 lines
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package imapserver
import (
var searchMsg = strings.ReplaceAll(`Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2022 10:00:00 +0100 (CEST)
From: mjl <mjl@mox.example>
Subject: mox
To: mox <mox@mox.example>
Cc: <xcc@mox.example>
Bcc: <bcc@mox.example>
Reply-To: <noreply@mox.example>
Message-Id: <123@mox.example>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=x
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
this is plain text.
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
this is html.
`, "\n", "\r\n")
func (tc *testconn) xsearch(nums ...uint32) {
if len(nums) == 0 {
func (tc *testconn) xesearch(exp imapclient.UntaggedEsearch) {
exp.Correlator = tc.client.LastTag
func TestSearch(t *testing.T) {
tc := start(t)
defer tc.close()
tc.client.Login("mjl@mox.example", "testtest")
// Add 5 and delete first 4 messages. So UIDs start at 5.
received := time.Date(2020, time.January, 1, 10, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
tc.client.Append("inbox", nil, &received, []byte(exampleMsg))
tc.client.StoreFlagsSet("1:4", true, `\Deleted`)
received = time.Date(2022, time.January, 1, 9, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
tc.client.Append("inbox", nil, &received, []byte(searchMsg))
received = time.Date(2022, time.January, 1, 9, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
mostFlags := []string{
tc.client.Append("inbox", mostFlags, &received, []byte(searchMsg))
// We now have sequence numbers 1,2,3 and UIDs 5,6,7.
tc.transactf("ok", "search all")
tc.xsearch(1, 2, 3)
tc.transactf("ok", "uid search all")
tc.xsearch(5, 6, 7)
tc.transactf("ok", "search answered")
tc.transactf("ok", `search bcc "bcc@mox.example"`)
tc.xsearch(2, 3)
tc.transactf("ok", "search before 1-Jan-2038")
tc.xsearch(1, 2, 3)
tc.transactf("ok", "search before 1-Jan-2020")
tc.xsearch() // Before is about received, not date header of message.
tc.transactf("ok", `search body "Joe"`)
tc.transactf("ok", `search body "this is plain text"`)
tc.xsearch(2, 3)
tc.transactf("ok", `search body "this is html"`)
tc.xsearch(2, 3)
tc.transactf("ok", `search cc "xcc@mox.example"`)
tc.xsearch(2, 3)
tc.transactf("ok", `search deleted`)
tc.transactf("ok", `search flagged`)
tc.transactf("ok", `search from "foobar@Blurdybloop.example"`)
tc.transactf("ok", `search keyword $Forwarded`)
tc.transactf("ok", `search keyword Custom1`)
tc.transactf("ok", `search keyword custom2`)
tc.transactf("ok", `search new`)
tc.xsearch() // New requires a message to be recent. We pretend all messages are not recent.
tc.transactf("ok", `search old`)
tc.xsearch(1, 2, 3)
tc.transactf("ok", `search on 1-Jan-2022`)
tc.xsearch(2, 3)
tc.transactf("ok", `search recent`)
tc.transactf("ok", `search seen`)
tc.transactf("ok", `search since 1-Jan-2020`)
tc.xsearch(1, 2, 3)
tc.transactf("ok", `search subject "afternoon"`)
tc.transactf("ok", `search text "Joe"`)
tc.transactf("ok", `search to "mooch@owatagu.siam.edu.example"`)
tc.transactf("ok", `search unanswered`)
tc.xsearch(1, 2)
tc.transactf("ok", `search undeleted`)
tc.xsearch(1, 2)
tc.transactf("ok", `search unflagged`)
tc.xsearch(1, 2)
tc.transactf("ok", `search unkeyword $Junk`)
tc.xsearch(1, 2)
tc.transactf("ok", `search unkeyword custom1`)
tc.xsearch(1, 2)
tc.transactf("ok", `search unseen`)
tc.xsearch(1, 2)
tc.transactf("ok", `search draft`)
tc.transactf("ok", `search header "subject" "afternoon"`)
tc.transactf("ok", `search larger 1`)
tc.xsearch(1, 2, 3)
tc.transactf("ok", `search not text "mox"`)
tc.transactf("ok", `search or seen unseen`)
tc.xsearch(1, 2, 3)
tc.transactf("ok", `search or unseen seen`)
tc.xsearch(1, 2, 3)
tc.transactf("ok", `search sentbefore 8-Feb-1994`)
tc.transactf("ok", `search senton 7-Feb-1994`)
tc.transactf("ok", `search sentsince 6-Feb-1994`)
tc.xsearch(1, 2, 3)
tc.transactf("ok", `search smaller 9999999`)
tc.xsearch(1, 2, 3)
tc.transactf("ok", `search uid 1`)
tc.transactf("ok", `search uid 5`)
tc.transactf("ok", `search undraft`)
tc.xsearch(1, 2)
tc.transactf("no", `search charset unknown text "mox"`)
tc.transactf("ok", `search charset us-ascii text "mox"`)
tc.xsearch(2, 3)
tc.transactf("ok", `search charset utf-8 text "mox"`)
tc.xsearch(2, 3)
// esearchall makes an UntaggedEsearch response with All set, for comparisons.
esearchall0 := func(ss string) imapclient.NumSet {
seqset := imapclient.NumSet{}
for _, rs := range strings.Split(ss, ",") {
t := strings.Split(rs, ":")
if len(t) > 2 {
panic("bad seqset")
var first uint32
var last *uint32
if t[0] != "*" {
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(t[0], 10, 32)
if err != nil {
panic("parse first")
first = uint32(v)
if len(t) == 2 {
if t[1] != "*" {
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(t[1], 10, 32)
if err != nil {
panic("parse last")
u := uint32(v)
last = &u
seqset.Ranges = append(seqset.Ranges, imapclient.NumRange{First: first, Last: last})
return seqset
esearchall := func(ss string) imapclient.UntaggedEsearch {
return imapclient.UntaggedEsearch{All: esearchall0(ss)}
uintptr := func(v uint32) *uint32 {
return &v
// Do new-style ESEARCH requests with RETURN. We should get an ESEARCH response.
tc.transactf("ok", "search return () all")
tc.xesearch(esearchall("1:3")) // Without any options, "ALL" is implicit.
tc.transactf("ok", "search return (min max count all) all")
tc.xesearch(imapclient.UntaggedEsearch{Min: 1, Max: 3, Count: uintptr(3), All: esearchall0("1:3")})
tc.transactf("ok", "UID search return (min max count all) all")
tc.xesearch(imapclient.UntaggedEsearch{UID: true, Min: 5, Max: 7, Count: uintptr(3), All: esearchall0("5:7")})
tc.transactf("ok", "search return (min) all")
tc.xesearch(imapclient.UntaggedEsearch{Min: 1})
tc.transactf("ok", "search return (min) 3")
tc.xesearch(imapclient.UntaggedEsearch{Min: 3})
tc.transactf("ok", "search return (min) NOT all")
tc.xesearch(imapclient.UntaggedEsearch{}) // Min not present if no match.
tc.transactf("ok", "search return (max) all")
tc.xesearch(imapclient.UntaggedEsearch{Max: 3})
tc.transactf("ok", "search return (max) 1")
tc.xesearch(imapclient.UntaggedEsearch{Max: 1})
tc.transactf("ok", "search return (max) not all")
tc.xesearch(imapclient.UntaggedEsearch{}) // Max not present if no match.
tc.transactf("ok", "search return (min max) all")
tc.xesearch(imapclient.UntaggedEsearch{Min: 1, Max: 3})
tc.transactf("ok", "search return (min max) 1")
tc.xesearch(imapclient.UntaggedEsearch{Min: 1, Max: 1})
tc.transactf("ok", "search return (min max) not all")
tc.transactf("ok", "search return (all) not all")
tc.xesearch(imapclient.UntaggedEsearch{}) // All not present if no match.
tc.transactf("ok", "search return (min max all) not all")
tc.transactf("ok", "search return (min max all count) not all")
tc.xesearch(imapclient.UntaggedEsearch{Count: uintptr(0)})
tc.transactf("ok", "search return (min max count all) 1,3")
tc.xesearch(imapclient.UntaggedEsearch{Min: 1, Max: 3, Count: uintptr(2), All: esearchall0("1,3")})
tc.transactf("ok", "search return (min max count all) UID 5,7")
tc.xesearch(imapclient.UntaggedEsearch{Min: 1, Max: 3, Count: uintptr(2), All: esearchall0("1,3")})
tc.transactf("ok", "uid search return (min max count all) 1,3")
tc.xesearch(imapclient.UntaggedEsearch{UID: true, Min: 5, Max: 7, Count: uintptr(2), All: esearchall0("5,7")})
tc.transactf("ok", "uid search return (min max count all) UID 5,7")
tc.xesearch(imapclient.UntaggedEsearch{UID: true, Min: 5, Max: 7, Count: uintptr(2), All: esearchall0("5,7")})
tc.transactf("no", `search return () charset unknown text "mox"`)
tc.transactf("ok", `search return () charset us-ascii text "mox"`)
tc.transactf("ok", `search return () charset utf-8 text "mox"`)
tc.transactf("bad", `search return (unknown) all`)
tc.transactf("ok", "search return (save) 2")
tc.xnountagged() // ../rfc/9051:3800
tc.transactf("ok", "fetch $ (uid)")
tc.xuntagged(imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 2, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(6)}})
tc.transactf("ok", "search return (all) $")
tc.transactf("ok", "search return (save) $")
tc.transactf("ok", "search return (save all) all")
tc.transactf("ok", "search return (all save) all")
tc.transactf("ok", "search return (min save) all")
tc.xesearch(imapclient.UntaggedEsearch{Min: 1})
tc.transactf("ok", "fetch $ (uid)")
tc.xuntagged(imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 1, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(5)}})
// Do a seemingly old-style search command with IMAP4rev2 enabled. We'll still get ESEARCH responses.
tc.transactf("ok", `search undraft`)