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synced 2025-03-07 04:03:37 +03:00

the http basic auth we had was very simple to reason about, and to implement. but it has a major downside: there is no way to logout, browsers keep sending credentials. ideally, browsers themselves would show a button to stop sending credentials. a related downside: the http auth mechanism doesn't indicate for which server paths the credentials are. another downside: the original password is sent to the server with each request. though sending original passwords to web servers seems to be considered normal. our new approach uses session cookies, along with csrf values when we can. the sessions are server-side managed, automatically extended on each use. this makes it easy to invalidate sessions and keeps the frontend simpler (than with long- vs short-term sessions and refreshing). the cookies are httponly, samesite=strict, scoped to the path of the web interface. cookies are set "secure" when set over https. the cookie is set by a successful call to Login. a call to Logout invalidates a session. changing a password invalidates all sessions for a user, but keeps the session with which the password was changed alive. the csrf value is also random, and associated with the session cookie. the csrf must be sent as header for api calls, or as parameter for direct form posts (where we cannot set a custom header). rest-like calls made directly by the browser, e.g. for images, don't have a csrf protection. the csrf value is returned by the Login api call and stored in localstorage. api calls without credentials return code "user:noAuth", and with bad credentials return "user:badAuth". the api client recognizes this and triggers a login. after a login, all auth-failed api calls are automatically retried. only for "user:badAuth" is an error message displayed in the login form (e.g. session expired). in an ideal world, browsers would take care of most session management. a server would indicate authentication is needed (like http basic auth), and the browsers uses trusted ui to request credentials for the server & path. the browser could use safer mechanism than sending original passwords to the server, such as scram, along with a standard way to create sessions. for now, web developers have to do authentication themselves: from showing the login prompt, ensuring the right session/csrf cookies/localstorage/headers/etc are sent with each request. webauthn is a newer way to do authentication, perhaps we'll implement it in the future. though hardware tokens aren't an attractive option for many users, and it may be overkill as long as we still do old-fashioned authentication in smtp & imap where passwords can be sent to the server. for issue #58
631 lines
17 KiB
631 lines
17 KiB
package sherpats
import (
// Keywords in Typescript, from https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/blob/master/doc/spec.md.
var keywords = map[string]struct{}{
"break": {},
"case": {},
"catch": {},
"class": {},
"const": {},
"continue": {},
"debugger": {},
"default": {},
"delete": {},
"do": {},
"else": {},
"enum": {},
"export": {},
"extends": {},
"false": {},
"finally": {},
"for": {},
"function": {},
"if": {},
"import": {},
"in": {},
"instanceof": {},
"new": {},
"null": {},
"return": {},
"super": {},
"switch": {},
"this": {},
"throw": {},
"true": {},
"try": {},
"typeof": {},
"var": {},
"void": {},
"while": {},
"with": {},
"implements": {},
"interface": {},
"let": {},
"package": {},
"private": {},
"protected": {},
"public": {},
"static": {},
"yield": {},
"any": {},
"boolean": {},
"number": {},
"string": {},
"symbol": {},
"abstract": {},
"as": {},
"async": {},
"await": {},
"constructor": {},
"declare": {},
"from": {},
"get": {},
"is": {},
"module": {},
"namespace": {},
"of": {},
"require": {},
"set": {},
"type": {},
type sherpaType interface {
TypescriptType() string
// baseType can be one of: "any", "int16", etc
type baseType struct {
Name string
// nullableType is: "nullable" <type>.
type nullableType struct {
Type sherpaType
// arrayType is: "[]" <type>
type arrayType struct {
Type sherpaType
// objectType is: "{}" <type>
type objectType struct {
Value sherpaType
// identType is: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*
type identType struct {
Name string
func (t baseType) TypescriptType() string {
switch t.Name {
case "bool":
return "boolean"
case "timestamp":
return "Date"
case "int8", "uint8", "int16", "uint16", "int32", "uint32", "int64", "uint64", "float32", "float64":
return "number"
case "int64s", "uint64s":
return "string"
return t.Name
func isBaseOrIdent(t sherpaType) bool {
if _, ok := t.(baseType); ok {
return true
if _, ok := t.(identType); ok {
return true
return false
func (t nullableType) TypescriptType() string {
if isBaseOrIdent(t.Type) {
return t.Type.TypescriptType() + " | null"
return "(" + t.Type.TypescriptType() + ") | null"
func (t arrayType) TypescriptType() string {
if isBaseOrIdent(t.Type) {
return t.Type.TypescriptType() + "[] | null"
return "(" + t.Type.TypescriptType() + ")[] | null"
func (t objectType) TypescriptType() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("{ [key: string]: %s }", t.Value.TypescriptType())
func (t identType) TypescriptType() string {
return t.Name
type genError struct{ error }
type Options struct {
// If not empty, the generated typescript is wrapped in a namespace. This allows
// easy compilation, with "tsc --module none" that uses the generated typescript
// api, while keeping all types/functions isolated.
Namespace string
// With SlicesNullable and MapsNullable, generated typescript types are made
// nullable, with "| null". Go's JSON package marshals a nil slice/map to null, so
// it can be wise to make TypeScript consumers check that. Go code typically
// handles incoming nil and empty slices/maps in the same way.
SlicesNullable bool
MapsNullable bool
// If nullables are optional, the generated typescript types allow the "undefined"
// value where nullable values are expected. This includes slices/maps when
// SlicesNullable/MapsNullable is set. When JavaScript marshals JSON, a field with the
// "undefined" value is treated as if the field doesn't exist, and isn't
// marshalled. The "undefined" value in an array is marshalled as null. It is
// common (though not always the case!) in Go server code to not make a difference
// between a missing field and a null value
NullableOptional bool
// If set, "[]uint8" is changed into "string" before before interpreting the
// sherpadoc definitions. Go's JSON marshaller turns []byte (which is []uint8) into
// base64 strings. Having the same types in TypeScript is convenient.
// If SlicesNullable is set, the strings are made nullable.
BytesToString bool
// Generate reads sherpadoc from in and writes a typescript file containing a
// client package to out. apiNameBaseURL is either an API name or sherpa
// baseURL, depending on whether it contains a slash. If it is a package name, the
// baseURL is created at runtime by adding the packageName to the current location.
func Generate(in io.Reader, out io.Writer, apiNameBaseURL string, opts Options) (retErr error) {
defer func() {
e := recover()
if e == nil {
g, ok := e.(genError)
if !ok {
retErr = error(g)
var doc sherpadoc.Section
err := json.NewDecoder(os.Stdin).Decode(&doc)
if err != nil {
panic(genError{fmt.Errorf("parsing sherpadoc json: %s", err)})
const sherpadocVersion = 1
if doc.SherpadocVersion != sherpadocVersion {
panic(genError{fmt.Errorf("unexpected sherpadoc version %d, expected %d", doc.SherpadocVersion, sherpadocVersion)})
if opts.BytesToString {
toString := func(tw []string) []string {
n := len(tw) - 1
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if tw[i] == "[]" && tw[i+1] == "uint8" {
if opts.SlicesNullable && (i == 0 || tw[i-1] != "nullable") {
tw[i] = "nullable"
tw[i+1] = "string"
} else {
tw[i] = "string"
copy(tw[i+1:], tw[i+2:])
tw = tw[:len(tw)-1]
return tw
var bytesToString func(sec *sherpadoc.Section)
bytesToString = func(sec *sherpadoc.Section) {
for i := range sec.Functions {
for j := range sec.Functions[i].Params {
sec.Functions[i].Params[j].Typewords = toString(sec.Functions[i].Params[j].Typewords)
for j := range sec.Functions[i].Returns {
sec.Functions[i].Returns[j].Typewords = toString(sec.Functions[i].Returns[j].Typewords)
for i := range sec.Structs {
for j := range sec.Structs[i].Fields {
sec.Structs[i].Fields[j].Typewords = toString(sec.Structs[i].Fields[j].Typewords)
for _, s := range sec.Sections {
// Validate the sherpadoc.
err = sherpadoc.Check(&doc)
if err != nil {
// Make a copy, the ugly way. We'll strip the documentation out before including
// the types. We need types for runtime type checking, but the docs just bloat the
// size.
var typesdoc sherpadoc.Section
if typesbuf, err := json.Marshal(doc); err != nil {
panic(genError{fmt.Errorf("marshal sherpadoc for types: %s", err)})
} else if err := json.Unmarshal(typesbuf, &typesdoc); err != nil {
panic(genError{fmt.Errorf("unmarshal sherpadoc for types: %s", err)})
for i := range typesdoc.Structs {
typesdoc.Structs[i].Docs = ""
for j := range typesdoc.Structs[i].Fields {
typesdoc.Structs[i].Fields[j].Docs = ""
for i := range typesdoc.Ints {
typesdoc.Ints[i].Docs = ""
for j := range typesdoc.Ints[i].Values {
typesdoc.Ints[i].Values[j].Docs = ""
for i := range typesdoc.Strings {
typesdoc.Strings[i].Docs = ""
for j := range typesdoc.Strings[i].Values {
typesdoc.Strings[i].Values[j].Docs = ""
bout := bufio.NewWriter(out)
xprintf := func(format string, args ...interface{}) {
_, err := fmt.Fprintf(out, format, args...)
if err != nil {
xprintMultiline := func(indent, docs string, always bool) []string {
lines := docLines(docs)
if len(lines) == 1 && !always {
return lines
for _, line := range lines {
xprintf("%s// %s\n", indent, line)
return lines
xprintSingleline := func(lines []string) {
if len(lines) != 1 {
xprintf(" // %s", lines[0])
// Type and function names could be typescript keywords. If they are, give them a different name.
typescriptNames := map[string]string{}
typescriptName := func(name string, names map[string]string) string {
if _, ok := keywords[name]; !ok {
return name
n := names[name]
if n != "" {
return n
for i := 0; ; i++ {
n = fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", name, i)
if _, ok := names[n]; ok {
names[name] = n
return n
structTypes := map[string]bool{}
stringsTypes := map[string]bool{}
intsTypes := map[string]bool{}
var generateTypes func(sec *sherpadoc.Section)
generateTypes = func(sec *sherpadoc.Section) {
for _, t := range sec.Structs {
structTypes[t.Name] = true
xprintMultiline("", t.Docs, true)
name := typescriptName(t.Name, typescriptNames)
xprintf("export interface %s {\n", name)
names := map[string]string{}
for _, f := range t.Fields {
lines := xprintMultiline("", f.Docs, false)
what := fmt.Sprintf("field %s for type %s", f.Name, t.Name)
optional := ""
if opts.NullableOptional && f.Typewords[0] == "nullable" || opts.NullableOptional && (opts.SlicesNullable && f.Typewords[0] == "[]" || opts.MapsNullable && f.Typewords[0] == "{}") {
optional = "?"
xprintf("\t%s%s: %s", typescriptName(f.Name, names), optional, typescriptType(what, f.Typewords))
for _, t := range sec.Ints {
intsTypes[t.Name] = true
xprintMultiline("", t.Docs, true)
name := typescriptName(t.Name, typescriptNames)
if len(t.Values) == 0 {
xprintf("export type %s = number\n\n", name)
xprintf("export enum %s {\n", name)
names := map[string]string{}
for _, v := range t.Values {
lines := xprintMultiline("\t", v.Docs, false)
xprintf("\t%s = %d,", typescriptName(v.Name, names), v.Value)
for _, t := range sec.Strings {
stringsTypes[t.Name] = true
xprintMultiline("", t.Docs, true)
name := typescriptName(t.Name, typescriptNames)
if len(t.Values) == 0 {
xprintf("export type %s = string\n\n", name)
xprintf("export enum %s {\n", name)
names := map[string]string{}
for _, v := range t.Values {
lines := xprintMultiline("\t", v.Docs, false)
s := mustMarshalJSON(v.Value)
xprintf("\t%s = %s,", typescriptName(v.Name, names), s)
for _, subsec := range sec.Sections {
var generateFunctionTypes func(sec *sherpadoc.Section)
generateFunctionTypes = func(sec *sherpadoc.Section) {
for _, typ := range sec.Structs {
xprintf(" %s: %s,\n", mustMarshalJSON(typ.Name), mustMarshalJSON(typ))
for _, typ := range sec.Ints {
xprintf(" %s: %s,\n", mustMarshalJSON(typ.Name), mustMarshalJSON(typ))
for _, typ := range sec.Strings {
xprintf(" %s: %s,\n", mustMarshalJSON(typ.Name), mustMarshalJSON(typ))
for _, subsec := range sec.Sections {
var generateParser func(sec *sherpadoc.Section)
generateParser = func(sec *sherpadoc.Section) {
for _, typ := range sec.Structs {
xprintf(" %s: (v: any) => parse(%s, v) as %s,\n", typ.Name, mustMarshalJSON(typ.Name), typ.Name)
for _, typ := range sec.Ints {
xprintf(" %s: (v: any) => parse(%s, v) as %s,\n", typ.Name, mustMarshalJSON(typ.Name), typ.Name)
for _, typ := range sec.Strings {
xprintf(" %s: (v: any) => parse(%s, v) as %s,\n", typ.Name, mustMarshalJSON(typ.Name), typ.Name)
for _, subsec := range sec.Sections {
var generateSectionDocs func(sec *sherpadoc.Section)
generateSectionDocs = func(sec *sherpadoc.Section) {
xprintMultiline("", sec.Docs, true)
for _, subsec := range sec.Sections {
xprintf("// # %s\n", subsec.Name)
var generateFunctions func(sec *sherpadoc.Section)
generateFunctions = func(sec *sherpadoc.Section) {
for i, fn := range sec.Functions {
whatParam := "pararameter for " + fn.Name
paramNameTypes := []string{}
paramNames := []string{}
sherpaParamTypes := [][]string{}
names := map[string]string{}
for _, p := range fn.Params {
name := typescriptName(p.Name, names)
v := fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", name, typescriptType(whatParam, p.Typewords))
paramNameTypes = append(paramNameTypes, v)
paramNames = append(paramNames, name)
sherpaParamTypes = append(sherpaParamTypes, p.Typewords)
var returnType string
switch len(fn.Returns) {
case 0:
returnType = "void"
case 1:
what := "return type for " + fn.Name
returnType = typescriptType(what, fn.Returns[0].Typewords)
var types []string
what := "return type for " + fn.Name
for _, t := range fn.Returns {
types = append(types, typescriptType(what, t.Typewords))
returnType = fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", strings.Join(types, ", "))
sherpaReturnTypes := [][]string{}
for _, a := range fn.Returns {
sherpaReturnTypes = append(sherpaReturnTypes, a.Typewords)
name := typescriptName(fn.Name, typescriptNames)
xprintMultiline("\t", fn.Docs, true)
xprintf("\tasync %s(%s): Promise<%s> {\n", name, strings.Join(paramNameTypes, ", "), returnType)
xprintf("\t\tconst fn: string = %s\n", mustMarshalJSON(fn.Name))
xprintf("\t\tconst paramTypes: string[][] = %s\n", mustMarshalJSON(sherpaParamTypes))
xprintf("\t\tconst returnTypes: string[][] = %s\n", mustMarshalJSON(sherpaReturnTypes))
xprintf("\t\tconst params: any[] = [%s]\n", strings.Join(paramNames, ", "))
xprintf("\t\treturn await _sherpaCall(this.baseURL, this.authState, { ...this.options }, paramTypes, returnTypes, fn, params) as %s\n", returnType)
if i < len(sec.Functions)-1 {
for _, s := range sec.Sections {
xprintf("// NOTE: GENERATED by github.com/mjl-/sherpats, DO NOT MODIFY\n\n")
if opts.Namespace != "" {
xprintf("namespace %s {\n\n", opts.Namespace)
xprintf("export const structTypes: {[typename: string]: boolean} = %s\n", mustMarshalJSON(structTypes))
xprintf("export const stringsTypes: {[typename: string]: boolean} = %s\n", mustMarshalJSON(stringsTypes))
xprintf("export const intsTypes: {[typename: string]: boolean} = %s\n", mustMarshalJSON(intsTypes))
xprintf("export const types: TypenameMap = {\n")
xprintf("export const parser = {\n")
xprintf(`let defaultOptions: ClientOptions = {slicesNullable: %v, mapsNullable: %v, nullableOptional: %v}
export class Client {
private baseURL: string
public authState: AuthState
public options: ClientOptions
constructor() {
this.authState = {}
this.options = {...defaultOptions}
this.baseURL = this.options.baseURL || defaultBaseURL
withAuthToken(token: string): Client {
const c = new Client()
c.authState.token = token
c.options = this.options
return c
withOptions(options: ClientOptions): Client {
const c = new Client()
c.authState = this.authState
c.options = { ...this.options, ...options }
return c
`, opts.SlicesNullable, opts.MapsNullable, opts.NullableOptional)
const findBaseURL = `(function() {
let p = location.pathname
if (p && p[p.length - 1] !== '/') {
let l = location.pathname.split('/')
l = l.slice(0, l.length - 1)
p = '/' + l.join('/') + '/'
return location.protocol + '//' + location.host + p + 'API_NAME/'
var apiJS string
if strings.Contains(apiNameBaseURL, "/") {
apiJS = mustMarshalJSON(apiNameBaseURL)
} else {
apiJS = strings.Replace(findBaseURL, "API_NAME", apiNameBaseURL, -1)
xprintf("%s\n", strings.Replace(libTS, "BASEURL", apiJS, -1))
if opts.Namespace != "" {
err = bout.Flush()
if err != nil {
return nil
func typescriptType(what string, typeTokens []string) string {
t := parseType(what, typeTokens)
return t.TypescriptType()
func parseType(what string, tokens []string) sherpaType {
checkOK := func(ok bool, v interface{}, msg string) {
if !ok {
panic(genError{fmt.Errorf("invalid type for %s: %s, saw %q", what, msg, v)})
checkOK(len(tokens) > 0, tokens, "need at least one element")
s := tokens[0]
tokens = tokens[1:]
switch s {
case "any", "bool", "int8", "uint8", "int16", "uint16", "int32", "uint32", "int64", "uint64", "int64s", "uint64s", "float32", "float64", "string", "timestamp":
if len(tokens) != 0 {
checkOK(false, tokens, "leftover tokens after base type")
return baseType{s}
case "nullable":
return nullableType{parseType(what, tokens)}
case "[]":
return arrayType{parseType(what, tokens)}
case "{}":
return objectType{parseType(what, tokens)}
if len(tokens) != 0 {
checkOK(false, tokens, "leftover tokens after identifier type")
return identType{s}
func docLines(s string) []string {
s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
if s == "" {
return nil
return strings.Split(s, "\n")
func mustMarshalJSON(v interface{}) string {
buf, err := json.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
panic(genError{fmt.Errorf("marshalling json: %s", err)})
return string(buf)