mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 18:33:44 +03:00

for conditional storing and quick resynchronisation (not sure if mail clients are actually using it that). each message now has a "modseq". it is increased for each change. with condstore, imap clients can request changes since a certain modseq. that already allows quickly finding changes since a previous connection. condstore also allows storing (e.g. setting new message flags) only when the modseq of a message hasn't changed. qresync should make it fast for clients to get a full list of changed messages for a mailbox, including removals. we now also keep basic metadata of messages that have been removed (expunged). just enough (uid, modseq) to tell client that the messages have been removed. this does mean we have to be careful when querying messages from the database. we must now often filter the expunged messages out. we also keep "createseq", the modseq when a message was created. this will be useful for the jmap implementation.
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package imapserver
import (
func TestCondstore(t *testing.T) {
testCondstoreQresync(t, false)
func TestQresync(t *testing.T) {
testCondstoreQresync(t, true)
func testCondstoreQresync(t *testing.T, qresync bool) {
defer mockUIDValidity()()
tc := start(t)
defer tc.close()
// todo: check whether marking \seen will cause modseq to be returned in case of qresync.
// Check basic requirements of CONDSTORE.
capability := "Condstore"
if qresync {
capability = "Qresync"
tc.client.Login("mjl@mox.example", "testtest")
tc.transactf("ok", "Select inbox")
tc.xuntaggedOpt(false, imapclient.UntaggedResult{Status: imapclient.OK, RespText: imapclient.RespText{Code: "HIGHESTMODSEQ", CodeArg: imapclient.CodeHighestModSeq(1), More: "x"}})
// First some tests without any messages.
tc.transactf("ok", "Status inbox (Highestmodseq)")
tc.xuntagged(imapclient.UntaggedStatus{Mailbox: "Inbox", Attrs: map[string]int64{"HIGHESTMODSEQ": 1}})
// No messages, no matches.
tc.transactf("ok", "Uid Fetch 1:* (Flags) (Changedsince 12345)")
// Also no messages with modseq 1, which we internally turn into modseq 0.
tc.transactf("ok", "Uid Fetch 1:* (Flags) (Changedsince 1)")
// Also try with modseq attribute.
tc.transactf("ok", "Uid Fetch 1:* (Flags Modseq) (Changedsince 1)")
// Search with modseq search criteria.
tc.transactf("ok", "Search Modseq 0") // Zero is valid, matches all.
tc.transactf("ok", "Search Modseq 1") // Converted to zero internally.
tc.transactf("ok", "Search Modseq 12345")
tc.transactf("ok", `Search Modseq "/Flags/\\Draft" All 12345`)
tc.transactf("ok", `Search Or Modseq 12345 Modseq 54321`)
// esearch
tc.transactf("ok", "Search Return (All) Modseq 123")
// Now we add, delete, expunge, modify some message flags and check if the
// responses are correct. We check in both a condstore-enabled and one without that
// we get the correct notifications.
// First we add 3 messages as if they were added before we implemented CONDSTORE.
// Later on, we'll update the second, and delete the third, leaving the first
// unmodified. Those messages have modseq 0 in the database. We use append for
// convenience, then adjust the records in the database.
tc.transactf("ok", "Append inbox () \" 1-Jan-2022 10:10:00 +0100\" {1+}\r\nx")
tc.transactf("ok", "Append inbox () \" 1-Jan-2022 10:10:00 +0100\" {1+}\r\nx")
tc.transactf("ok", "Append inbox () \" 1-Jan-2022 10:10:00 +0100\" {1+}\r\nx")
_, err := bstore.QueryDB[store.Message](ctxbg, tc.account.DB).UpdateFields(map[string]any{
"ModSeq": 0,
"CreateSeq": 0,
tcheck(t, err, "clearing modseq from messages")
err = tc.account.DB.Update(ctxbg, &store.SyncState{ID: 1, LastModSeq: 1})
tcheck(t, err, "resetting modseq state")
// tc2 is a client without condstore, so no modseq responses.
tc2 := startNoSwitchboard(t)
defer tc2.close()
tc2.client.Login("mjl@mox.example", "testtest")
// tc2 is a client with condstore, so with modseq responses.
tc3 := startNoSwitchboard(t)
defer tc3.close()
tc3.client.Login("mjl@mox.example", "testtest")
var clientModseq int64 = 1 // We track the client-side modseq for inbox. Not a store.ModSeq.
// Add messages to: inbox, otherbox, inbox, inbox.
// We have these messages in order of modseq: 2+1 in inbox, 1 in otherbox, 2 in inbox.
// The original two in inbox appear to have modseq 1 (with 0 stored in the database).
// The ones we insert below will start with modseq 2. So we'll have modseq 1-5.
tc.transactf("ok", "Append inbox () \" 1-Jan-2022 10:10:00 +0100\" {1+}\r\nx")
tc.xcodeArg(imapclient.CodeAppendUID{UIDValidity: 1, UID: 4})
tc.transactf("ok", "Append otherbox () \" 1-Jan-2022 10:10:00 +0100\" {1+}\r\nx")
tc.xcodeArg(imapclient.CodeAppendUID{UIDValidity: 2, UID: 1})
tc.transactf("ok", "Append inbox () \" 1-Jan-2022 10:10:00 +0100\" {1+}\r\nx")
tc.xcodeArg(imapclient.CodeAppendUID{UIDValidity: 1, UID: 5})
tc.transactf("ok", "Append inbox () \" 1-Jan-2022 10:10:00 +0100\" {1+}\r\nx")
tc.xcodeArg(imapclient.CodeAppendUID{UIDValidity: 1, UID: 6})
tc2.transactf("ok", "Noop")
noflags := imapclient.FetchFlags(nil)
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 4, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(4), noflags}},
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 5, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(5), noflags}},
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 6, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(6), noflags}},
tc3.transactf("ok", "Noop")
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 4, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(4), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(clientModseq + 1)}},
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 5, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(5), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(clientModseq + 3)}},
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 6, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(6), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(clientModseq + 4)}},
moxvar.Pedantic = true
tc.transactf("bad", `Fetch 1 Flags (Changedsince 0)`) // 0 not allowed in syntax.
moxvar.Pedantic = false
tc.transactf("ok", "Uid fetch 1 (Flags) (Changedsince 0)")
tc.xuntagged(imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 1, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(1), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(clientModseq)}})
clientModseq += 4 // Four messages, over two mailboxes, modseq is per account.
// Check highestmodseq for mailboxes.
tc.transactf("ok", "Status inbox (highestmodseq)")
tc.xuntagged(imapclient.UntaggedStatus{Mailbox: "Inbox", Attrs: map[string]int64{"HIGHESTMODSEQ": clientModseq}})
tc.transactf("ok", "Status otherbox (highestmodseq)")
tc.xuntagged(imapclient.UntaggedStatus{Mailbox: "otherbox", Attrs: map[string]int64{"HIGHESTMODSEQ": 3}})
// Check highestmodseq when we select.
tc.transactf("ok", "Examine otherbox")
tc.xuntaggedOpt(false, imapclient.UntaggedResult{Status: imapclient.OK, RespText: imapclient.RespText{Code: "HIGHESTMODSEQ", CodeArg: imapclient.CodeHighestModSeq(3), More: "x"}})
tc.transactf("ok", "Select inbox")
tc.xuntaggedOpt(false, imapclient.UntaggedResult{Status: imapclient.OK, RespText: imapclient.RespText{Code: "HIGHESTMODSEQ", CodeArg: imapclient.CodeHighestModSeq(clientModseq), More: "x"}})
// Check fetch modseq response and changedsince.
tc.transactf("ok", `Fetch 1 (Modseq)`)
tc.xuntagged(imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 1, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(1), imapclient.FetchModSeq(1)}})
// Without modseq attribute, even with condseq enabled, there is no modseq response.
// For QRESYNC, we must always send MODSEQ for UID FETCH commands, but not for FETCH commands. ../rfc/7162:1427
tc.transactf("ok", `Uid Fetch 1 Flags`)
if qresync {
tc.xuntagged(imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 1, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(1), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(1)}})
} else {
tc.xuntagged(imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 1, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(1), noflags}})
tc.transactf("ok", `Fetch 1 Flags`)
tc.xuntagged(imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 1, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(1), noflags}})
// When CHANGEDSINCE is present, MODSEQ is automatically added to the response.
// ../rfc/7162:871
// ../rfc/7162:877
tc.transactf("ok", `Fetch 1 Flags (Changedsince 1)`)
tc.transactf("ok", `Fetch 1,4 Flags (Changedsince 1)`)
tc.xuntagged(imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 4, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(4), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(2)}})
tc.transactf("ok", `Fetch 2 Flags (Changedsince 2)`)
// store and uid store.
// unchangedsince 0 never passes the check. ../rfc/7162:640
tc.transactf("ok", `Store 1 (Unchangedsince 0) +Flags ()`)
tc.xuntagged(imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 1, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(1), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(1)}})
// Modseq is 2 for first condstore-aware-appended message, so also no match.
tc.transactf("ok", `Uid Store 4 (Unchangedsince 1) +Flags ()`)
// Modseq is 1 for original message.
tc.transactf("ok", `Store 1 (Unchangedsince 1) +Flags (label1)`)
tc.xcode("") // No MODIFIED.
tc.xuntagged(imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 1, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(1), imapclient.FetchFlags{"label1"}, imapclient.FetchModSeq(clientModseq)}})
tc2.transactf("ok", "Noop")
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 1, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(1), imapclient.FetchFlags{"label1"}}},
tc3.transactf("ok", "Noop")
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 1, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(1), imapclient.FetchFlags{"label1"}, imapclient.FetchModSeq(clientModseq)}},
// Modify same message twice. Check that second application doesn't fail due to
// modseq change made in the first application. ../rfc/7162:823
tc.transactf("ok", `Uid Store 1,1 (Unchangedsince %d) -Flags (label1)`, clientModseq)
tc.xcode("") // No MODIFIED.
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 1, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(1), imapclient.FetchFlags(nil), imapclient.FetchModSeq(clientModseq)}},
// We do broadcast the changes twice. Not great, but doesn't hurt. This isn't common.
tc2.transactf("ok", "Noop")
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 1, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(1), imapclient.FetchFlags(nil)}},
tc3.transactf("ok", "Noop")
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 1, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(1), imapclient.FetchFlags(nil), imapclient.FetchModSeq(clientModseq)}},
// Modify without actually changing flags, there will be no new modseq and no broadcast.
tc.transactf("ok", `Store 1 (Unchangedsince %d) -Flags (label1)`, clientModseq)
tc.xuntagged(imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 1, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(1), imapclient.FetchFlags(nil), imapclient.FetchModSeq(clientModseq)}})
tc.xcode("") // No MODIFIED.
tc2.transactf("ok", "Noop")
tc3.transactf("ok", "Noop")
// search with modseq criteria and modseq in response
tc.transactf("ok", "Search Modseq %d", clientModseq)
tc.xsearchmodseq(clientModseq, 1)
tc.transactf("ok", "Uid Search Or Modseq %d Modseq %d", clientModseq, clientModseq)
tc.xsearchmodseq(clientModseq, 1)
// esearch
tc.transactf("ok", "Search Return (Min Max All) 1:* Modseq %d", clientModseq)
tc.xesearch(imapclient.UntaggedEsearch{Min: 1, Max: 1, All: esearchall0("1"), ModSeq: clientModseq})
uint32ptr := func(v uint32) *uint32 {
return &v
tc.transactf("ok", "Search Return (Count) 1:* Modseq 0")
tc.xesearch(imapclient.UntaggedEsearch{Count: uint32ptr(6), ModSeq: clientModseq})
tc.transactf("ok", "Search Return (Min Max) 1:* Modseq 0")
tc.xesearch(imapclient.UntaggedEsearch{Min: 1, Max: 6, ModSeq: clientModseq})
tc.transactf("ok", "Search Return (Min) 1:* Modseq 0")
tc.xesearch(imapclient.UntaggedEsearch{Min: 1, ModSeq: clientModseq})
// expunge, we expunge the third and fourth messages. The third was originally with
// modseq 0, the fourth was added with condstore-aware append.
tc.transactf("ok", `Store 3:4 +Flags (\Deleted)`)
tc2.transactf("ok", "Noop")
tc3.transactf("ok", "Noop")
tc.transactf("ok", "Expunge")
if qresync {
tc.xuntagged(imapclient.UntaggedVanished{UIDs: xparseNumSet("3:4")})
} else {
tc.xuntagged(imapclient.UntaggedExpunge(3), imapclient.UntaggedExpunge(3))
tc2.transactf("ok", "Noop")
tc2.xuntagged(imapclient.UntaggedExpunge(3), imapclient.UntaggedExpunge(3))
tc3.transactf("ok", "Noop")
if qresync {
tc3.xuntagged(imapclient.UntaggedVanished{UIDs: xparseNumSet("3:4")})
} else {
tc3.xuntagged(imapclient.UntaggedExpunge(3), imapclient.UntaggedExpunge(3))
// Again after expunge: status, select, conditional store/fetch/search
tc.transactf("ok", "Status inbox (Highestmodseq Messages Unseen Deleted)")
tc.xuntagged(imapclient.UntaggedStatus{Mailbox: "Inbox", Attrs: map[string]int64{"MESSAGES": 4, "UNSEEN": 4, "DELETED": 0, "HIGHESTMODSEQ": clientModseq}})
tc.transactf("ok", "Close")
tc.transactf("ok", "Select inbox")
imapclient.UntaggedResult{Status: imapclient.OK, RespText: imapclient.RespText{Code: "HIGHESTMODSEQ", CodeArg: imapclient.CodeHighestModSeq(clientModseq), More: "x"}},
tc.transactf("ok", `Fetch 1:* (Modseq)`)
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 1, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(1), imapclient.FetchModSeq(7)}},
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 2, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(2), imapclient.FetchModSeq(1)}},
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 3, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(5), imapclient.FetchModSeq(4)}},
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 4, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(6), imapclient.FetchModSeq(5)}},
// Expunged messages, with higher modseq, should not show up.
tc.transactf("ok", "Uid Fetch 1:* (flags) (Changedsince 7)")
// search
tc.transactf("ok", "Search Modseq 7")
tc.xsearchmodseq(7, 1)
tc.transactf("ok", "Search Modseq 8")
// esearch
tc.transactf("ok", "Search Return (Min Max All) 1:* Modseq 7")
tc.xesearch(imapclient.UntaggedEsearch{Min: 1, Max: 1, All: esearchall0("1"), ModSeq: 7})
tc.transactf("ok", "Search Return (Min Max All) 1:* Modseq 8")
tc.xuntagged(imapclient.UntaggedEsearch{Correlator: tc.client.LastTag})
// store, cannot modify expunged messages.
tc.transactf("ok", `Uid Store 3,4 (Unchangedsince %d) +Flags (label2)`, clientModseq)
tc.xcode("") // Not MODIFIED.
tc.transactf("ok", `Uid Store 3,4 +Flags (label2)`)
tc.xcode("") // Not MODIFIED.
// Check all condstore-enabling commands (and their syntax), ../rfc/7162:368
// We start a new connection, do the thing that should enable condstore, then
// change flags of a message in another connection, do a noop in the new connection
// which should result in an untagged fetch that includes modseq, the indicator
// that condstore was indeed enabled. It's a bit complicated, but i don't think
// there is a clearly specified mechanism to find out which capabilities are
// enabled at any point.
var tagcount int
checkCondstoreEnabled := func(fn func(xtc *testconn)) {
xtc := startNoSwitchboard(t)
defer xtc.close()
xtc.client.Login("mjl@mox.example", "testtest")
label := fmt.Sprintf("l%d", tagcount)
tc.transactf("ok", "Store 4 Flags (%s)", label)
xtc.transactf("ok", "Noop")
xtc.xuntagged(imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 4, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(6), imapclient.FetchFlags{label}, imapclient.FetchModSeq(clientModseq)}})
// SELECT/EXAMINE with CONDSTORE parameter, ../rfc/7162:373
checkCondstoreEnabled(func(xtc *testconn) {
xtc.transactf("ok", "Select inbox (Condstore)")
// STATUS with HIGHESTMODSEQ attribute, ../rfc/7162:375
checkCondstoreEnabled(func(xtc *testconn) {
xtc.transactf("ok", "Status otherbox (Highestmodseq)")
xtc.transactf("ok", "Select inbox")
// FETCH with MODSEQ ../rfc/7162:377
checkCondstoreEnabled(func(xtc *testconn) {
xtc.transactf("ok", "Select inbox")
xtc.transactf("ok", "Fetch 4 (Modseq)")
// SEARCH with MODSEQ ../rfc/7162:377
checkCondstoreEnabled(func(xtc *testconn) {
xtc.transactf("ok", "Select inbox")
xtc.transactf("ok", "Search 4 Modseq 1")
// FETCH with CHANGEDSINCE ../rfc/7162:380
checkCondstoreEnabled(func(xtc *testconn) {
xtc.transactf("ok", "Select inbox")
xtc.transactf("ok", "Fetch 4 (Flags) (Changedsince %d)", clientModseq)
// STORE with UNCHANGEDSINCE ../rfc/7162:382
checkCondstoreEnabled(func(xtc *testconn) {
xtc.transactf("ok", "Select inbox")
xtc.transactf("ok", "Store 4 (Unchangedsince 0) Flags ()")
// ENABLE CONDSTORE ../rfc/7162:384
checkCondstoreEnabled(func(xtc *testconn) {
xtc.transactf("ok", "Enable Condstore")
xtc.transactf("ok", "Select inbox")
// ENABLE QRESYNC ../rfc/7162:1390
checkCondstoreEnabled(func(xtc *testconn) {
xtc.transactf("ok", "Enable Qresync")
xtc.transactf("ok", "Select inbox")
tc.transactf("ok", "Store 4 Flags ()")
if qresync {
testQresync(t, tc, clientModseq)
// Continue with some tests that further change the data.
// First we copy messages to a new mailbox, and check we get new modseq for those
// messages.
tc.transactf("ok", "Select otherbox")
tc2.transactf("ok", "Noop")
tc3.transactf("ok", "Noop")
tc.transactf("ok", "Copy 1 inbox")
tc2.transactf("ok", "Noop")
tc3.transactf("ok", "Noop")
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 5, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(7), noflags}},
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 5, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(7), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(clientModseq)}},
// Then we move some messages, and check if we get expunged/vanished in original
// and untagged fetch with modseq in destination mailbox.
// tc2o is a client without condstore, so no modseq responses.
tc2o := startNoSwitchboard(t)
defer tc2o.close()
tc2o.client.Login("mjl@mox.example", "testtest")
// tc3o is a client with condstore, so with modseq responses.
tc3o := startNoSwitchboard(t)
defer tc3o.close()
tc3o.client.Login("mjl@mox.example", "testtest")
tc.transactf("ok", "Select inbox")
tc.transactf("ok", "Uid Move 2:4 otherbox") // Only UID 2, because UID 3 and 4 have already been expunged.
if qresync {
tc.xuntaggedOpt(false, imapclient.UntaggedVanished{UIDs: xparseNumSet("2")})
} else {
tc.xuntaggedOpt(false, imapclient.UntaggedExpunge(2))
tc2.transactf("ok", "Noop")
tc3.transactf("ok", "Noop")
if qresync {
tc3.xuntagged(imapclient.UntaggedVanished{UIDs: xparseNumSet("2")})
} else {
tc2o.transactf("ok", "Noop")
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 2, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(2), noflags}},
tc3o.transactf("ok", "Noop")
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 2, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(2), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(clientModseq)}},
tc2o = nil
tc3o = nil
// Then we rename inbox, which is special because it moves messages away instead of
// actually moving the mailbox. The mailbox stays and is cleared, so we check if we
// get expunged/vanished messages.
tc.transactf("ok", "Rename inbox oldbox")
// todo spec: server doesn't respond with untagged responses, find rfc reference that says this is ok.
tc2.transactf("ok", "Noop")
imapclient.UntaggedList{Separator: '/', Mailbox: "oldbox"},
imapclient.UntaggedExpunge(1), imapclient.UntaggedExpunge(1), imapclient.UntaggedExpunge(1), imapclient.UntaggedExpunge(1),
tc3.transactf("ok", "Noop")
if qresync {
imapclient.UntaggedList{Separator: '/', Mailbox: "oldbox"},
imapclient.UntaggedVanished{UIDs: xparseNumSet("1,5:7")},
} else {
imapclient.UntaggedList{Separator: '/', Mailbox: "oldbox"},
imapclient.UntaggedExpunge(1), imapclient.UntaggedExpunge(1), imapclient.UntaggedExpunge(1), imapclient.UntaggedExpunge(1),
// Then we delete otherbox (we cannot delete inbox). We don't keep any history for removed mailboxes, so not actually a special case.
tc.transactf("ok", "Delete otherbox")
func testQresync(t *testing.T, tc *testconn, clientModseq int64) {
// Vanished on non-uid fetch is not allowed. ../rfc/7162:1693
tc.transactf("bad", "fetch 1:* (Flags) (Changedsince 1 Vanished)")
// Vanished without changedsince is not allowed. ../rfc/7162:1701
tc.transactf("bad", "Uid Fetch 1:* (Flags) (Vanished)")
// Vanished not allowed without first enabling qresync. ../rfc/7162:1697
xtc := startNoSwitchboard(t)
xtc.client.Login("mjl@mox.example", "testtest")
xtc.transactf("ok", "Select inbox (Condstore)")
xtc.transactf("bad", "Uid Fetch 1:* (Flags) (Changedsince 1 Vanished)")
xtc = nil
// Check that we get proper vanished responses.
tc.transactf("ok", "Uid Fetch 1:* (Flags) (Changedsince 1 Vanished)")
noflags := imapclient.FetchFlags(nil)
imapclient.UntaggedVanished{Earlier: true, UIDs: xparseNumSet("3:4")},
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 3, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(5), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(4)}},
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 1, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(1), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(7)}},
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 4, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(6), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(clientModseq)}},
// select/examine with qresync parameters, including the various optional fields.
tc.transactf("ok", "Close")
// Must enable qresync explicitly before using. ../rfc/7162:1446
xtc = startNoSwitchboard(t)
xtc.client.Login("mjl@mox.example", "testtest")
xtc.transactf("bad", "Select inbox (Qresync 1 0)")
xtc = nil
tc.transactf("bad", "Select inbox (Qresync (0 1))") // Both args must be > 0.
tc.transactf("bad", "Select inbox (Qresync (1 0))") // Both args must be > 0.
tc.transactf("bad", "Select inbox (Qresync)") // Two args are minimum.
tc.transactf("bad", "Select inbox (Qresync (1))") // Two args are minimum.
tc.transactf("bad", "Select inbox (Qresync (1 1 1:*))") // Known UIDs, * not allowed.
tc.transactf("bad", "Select inbox (Qresync (1 1 1:6 (1:* 1:6)))") // Known seqset cannot have *.
tc.transactf("bad", "Select inbox (Qresync (1 1 1:6 (1:6 1:*)))") // Known uidset cannot have *.
tc.transactf("bad", "Select inbox (Qresync (1 1) qresync (1 1))") // Duplicate qresync.
flags := strings.Split(`\Seen \Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Draft $Forwarded $Junk $NotJunk $Phishing $MDNSent label1 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7 l8`, " ")
permflags := strings.Split(`\Seen \Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Draft $Forwarded $Junk $NotJunk $Phishing $MDNSent \*`, " ")
uflags := imapclient.UntaggedFlags(flags)
upermflags := imapclient.UntaggedResult{Status: imapclient.OK, RespText: imapclient.RespText{Code: "PERMANENTFLAGS", CodeArg: imapclient.CodeList{Code: "PERMANENTFLAGS", Args: permflags}, More: "x"}}
baseUntagged := []imapclient.Untagged{
imapclient.UntaggedList{Separator: '/', Mailbox: "Inbox"},
imapclient.UntaggedResult{Status: imapclient.OK, RespText: imapclient.RespText{Code: "UIDNEXT", CodeArg: imapclient.CodeUint{Code: "UIDNEXT", Num: 7}, More: "x"}},
imapclient.UntaggedResult{Status: imapclient.OK, RespText: imapclient.RespText{Code: "UIDVALIDITY", CodeArg: imapclient.CodeUint{Code: "UIDVALIDITY", Num: 1}, More: "x"}},
imapclient.UntaggedResult{Status: imapclient.OK, RespText: imapclient.RespText{Code: "UNSEEN", CodeArg: imapclient.CodeUint{Code: "UNSEEN", Num: 1}, More: "x"}},
imapclient.UntaggedResult{Status: imapclient.OK, RespText: imapclient.RespText{Code: "HIGHESTMODSEQ", CodeArg: imapclient.CodeHighestModSeq(clientModseq), More: "x"}},
makeUntagged := func(l ...imapclient.Untagged) []imapclient.Untagged {
return append(append([]imapclient.Untagged{}, baseUntagged...), l...)
// uidvalidity 1, highest known modseq 1, sends full current state.
tc.transactf("ok", "Select inbox (Qresync (1 1))")
imapclient.UntaggedVanished{Earlier: true, UIDs: xparseNumSet("3:4")},
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 3, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(5), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(4)}},
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 1, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(1), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(7)}},
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 4, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(6), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(clientModseq)}},
// Uidvalidity mismatch, server will not send any changes, so it's just a regular open.
tc.transactf("ok", "Close")
tc.transactf("ok", "Select inbox (Qresync (2 1))")
// We can tell which UIDs we know. First, send broader range then exist, should work.
tc.transactf("ok", "Close")
tc.transactf("ok", "Select inbox (Qresync (1 1 1:7))")
imapclient.UntaggedVanished{Earlier: true, UIDs: xparseNumSet("3:4")},
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 3, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(5), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(4)}},
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 1, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(1), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(7)}},
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 4, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(6), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(clientModseq)}},
// Now send just the ones that exist. We won't get the vanished messages.
tc.transactf("ok", "Close")
tc.transactf("ok", "Select inbox (Qresync (1 1 1,2,5:6))")
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 3, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(5), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(4)}},
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 1, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(1), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(7)}},
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 4, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(6), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(clientModseq)}},
// We'll only get updates for UIDs we specify.
tc.transactf("ok", "Close")
tc.transactf("ok", "Select inbox (Qresync (1 1 5))")
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 3, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(5), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(4)}},
// We'll only get updates for UIDs we specify. ../rfc/7162:1523
tc.transactf("ok", "Close")
tc.transactf("ok", "Select inbox (Qresync (1 1 3))")
imapclient.UntaggedVanished{Earlier: true, UIDs: xparseNumSet("3")},
// If we specify the latest modseq, we'll get no changes.
tc.transactf("ok", "Close")
tc.transactf("ok", "Select inbox (Qresync (1 %d))", clientModseq)
// We can provide our own seqs & uids, and have server determine which uids we
// know. But the seqs & uids must be of equal length. First try with a few combinations
// that aren't valid. ../rfc/7162:1579
tc.transactf("ok", "Close")
tc.transactf("bad", "Select inbox (Qresync (1 1 1:6 (1 1,2)))") // Not same length.
tc.transactf("bad", "Select inbox (Qresync (1 1 1:6 (1,2 1)))") // Not same length.
tc.transactf("no", "Select inbox (Qresync (1 1 1:6 (1,2 1,1)))") // Not ascending.
tc.transactf("bad", "Select inbox (Qresync (1 1 1:6 (1:* 1:4)))") // Star not allowed.
// With valid parameters, based on what a client would know at this stage.
tc.transactf("ok", "Select inbox (Qresync (1 1 1:6 (1,3,6 1,3,6)))")
imapclient.UntaggedVanished{Earlier: true, UIDs: xparseNumSet("3:4")},
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 3, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(5), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(4)}},
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 1, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(1), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(7)}},
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 4, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(6), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(clientModseq)}},
// The 3rd parameter is optional, try without.
tc.transactf("ok", "Close")
tc.transactf("ok", "Select inbox (Qresync (1 5 (1,3,6 1,3,6)))")
imapclient.UntaggedVanished{Earlier: true, UIDs: xparseNumSet("3:4")},
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 1, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(1), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(7)}},
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 4, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(6), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(clientModseq)}},
tc.transactf("ok", "Close")
tc.transactf("ok", "Select inbox (Qresync (1 8 (1,3,6 1,3,6)))")
imapclient.UntaggedVanished{Earlier: true, UIDs: xparseNumSet("3:4")},
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 4, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(6), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(clientModseq)}},
// Client will claim a highestmodseq but then include uids that have been removed
// since that time. Server detects this, sends full vanished history and continues
// working with modseq changed to 1 before the expunged uid.
tc.transactf("ok", "Close")
tc.transactf("ok", "Select inbox (Qresync (1 9 (1,3,6 1,3,6)))")
imapclient.UntaggedResult{Status: imapclient.OK, RespText: imapclient.RespText{Code: "ALERT", More: "Synchronization inconsistency in client detected. Client tried to sync with a UID that was removed at or after the MODSEQ it sent in the request. Sending all historic message removals for selected mailbox. Full syncronization recommended."}},
imapclient.UntaggedVanished{Earlier: true, UIDs: xparseNumSet("3:4")},
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 4, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(6), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(clientModseq)}},
// Client will claim a highestmodseq but then include uids that have been removed
// since that time. Server detects this, sends full vanished history and continues
// working with modseq changed to 1 before the expunged uid.
tc.transactf("ok", "Close")
tc.transactf("ok", "Select inbox (Qresync (1 18 (1,3,6 1,3,6)))")
imapclient.UntaggedResult{Status: imapclient.OK, RespText: imapclient.RespText{Code: "ALERT", More: "Synchronization inconsistency in client detected. Client tried to sync with a UID that was removed at or after the MODSEQ it sent in the request. Sending all historic message removals for selected mailbox. Full syncronization recommended."}},
imapclient.UntaggedVanished{Earlier: true, UIDs: xparseNumSet("3:4")},
imapclient.UntaggedFetch{Seq: 4, Attrs: []imapclient.FetchAttr{imapclient.FetchUID(6), noflags, imapclient.FetchModSeq(clientModseq)}},