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synced 2025-03-20 17:12:31 +03:00

we don't want external software to include internal details like mlog. slog.Logger is/will be the standard. we still have mlog for its helper functions, and its handler that logs in concise logfmt used by mox. packages that are not meant for reuse still pass around mlog.Log for convenience. we use golang.org/x/exp/slog because we also support the previous Go toolchain version. with the next Go release, we'll switch to the builtin slog.
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172 lines
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package webmail
import (
mathrand "math/rand"
type eventWriter struct {
out writeFlusher
waitMin, waitMax time.Duration
// If connection is closed, the goroutine doing delayed writes must abort.
closed bool
wrote bool // To be reset by user, set on write.
events chan struct {
name string // E.g. "start" for EventStart.
v any // Written as JSON.
when time.Time // For delaying.
} // Will only be set when waitMin or waitMax is > 0. Closed on connection shutdown.
errors chan error // If we have an events channel, we read errors and abort for them.
func newEventWriter(out writeFlusher, waitMin, waitMax time.Duration) *eventWriter {
return &eventWriter{out: out, waitMin: waitMin, waitMax: waitMax}
// close shuts down the events channel, causing the goroutine (if created) to
// stop.
func (ew *eventWriter) close() {
if ew.events != nil {
defer ew.Unlock()
ew.closed = true
// Write an event to the connection, e.g. "start" with value v, written as
// JSON. This directly writes the event, no more delay.
func (ew *eventWriter) write(name string, v any) error {
bw := bufio.NewWriter(ew.out)
if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(bw, "event: %s\ndata: ", name); err != nil {
return err
} else if err := json.NewEncoder(bw).Encode(v); err != nil {
return err
} else if _, err := fmt.Fprint(bw, "\n"); err != nil {
return err
} else if err := bw.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
return ew.out.Flush()
// For random wait between min and max delay.
var waitGen = mathrand.New(mathrand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
// Schedule an event for writing to the connection. If events get a delay, this
// function still returns immediately.
func (ew *eventWriter) xsendEvent(ctx context.Context, log mlog.Log, name string, v any) {
if (ew.waitMin > 0 || ew.waitMax > 0) && ew.events == nil {
// First write on a connection with delay.
ew.events = make(chan struct {
name string
v any
when time.Time
}, 100)
ew.errors = make(chan error)
go func() {
defer func() {
x := recover() // Should not happen, but don't take program down if it does.
if x != nil {
log.WithContext(ctx).Error("writeEvent panic", slog.Any("err", x))
for {
ev, ok := <-ew.events
if !ok {
d := time.Until(ev.when)
if d > 0 {
if ew.closed {
err := ew.write(ev.name, ev.v)
if err != nil {
ew.errors <- err
// Check for previous write error before continuing.
if ew.errors != nil {
select {
case err := <-ew.errors:
// If we have an events channel, we have a goroutine that write the events, delayed.
if ew.events != nil {
wait := ew.waitMin + time.Duration(waitGen.Intn(1000))*(ew.waitMax-ew.waitMin)/1000
when := time.Now().Add(wait)
ew.events <- struct {
name string
v any
when time.Time
}{name, v, when}
} else {
err := ew.write(name, v)
if err != nil {
ew.wrote = true
// writeFlusher is a writer and flusher. We need to flush after writing an
// Event. Both to flush pending gzip data to the http response, and the http
// response to the client.
type writeFlusher interface {
Flush() error
// nopFlusher is a standin for writeFlusher if gzip is not used.
type nopFlusher struct {
func (f nopFlusher) Flush() error {
return nil
// httpFlusher wraps Flush for a writeFlusher with a call to an http.Flusher.
type httpFlusher struct {
f http.Flusher
// Flush flushes the underlying writeFlusher, and calls Flush on the http.Flusher
// (which doesn't return an error).
func (f httpFlusher) Flush() error {
err := f.writeFlusher.Flush()
return err