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synced 2025-03-15 15:21:14 +03:00

the backup command will make consistent snapshots of all the database files. i had been copying the db files before, and it usually works. but if the file is modified during the backup, it is inconsistent and is likely to generate errors when reading (can be at any moment in the future, when reading some db page). "mox backup" opens the database file and writes out a copy in a transaction. it also duplicates the message files. before doing a restore, you could run "mox verifydata" on the to-be-restored "data" directory. it check the database files, and compares the message files with the database. the new "gentestdata" subcommand generates a basic "data" directory, with a queue and a few accounts. we will use it in the future along with "verifydata" to test upgrades from old version to the latest version. both when going to the next version, and when skipping several versions. the script test-upgrades.sh executes these tests and doesn't do anything at the moment, because no releases have this subcommand yet. inspired by a failed upgrade attempt of a pre-release version.
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419 lines
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// Package mlog provides logging with log levels and fields.
// Each log level has a function to log with and without error.
// Each such function takes a varargs list of fields (key value pairs) to log.
// Variable data should be in fields. Logging strings themselves should be
// constant, for easier log processing (e.g. building metrics based on log
// messages).
// The log levels can be configured per originating package, e.g. smtpclient,
// imapserver. The configuration is application-global, so each Log instance
// uses the same log levels.
// Print* should be used for lines that always should be printed, regardless of
// configured log levels. Useful for startup logging and subcommands.
// Fatal* stops the program. Its log text is always printed.
package mlog
// todo: log with source=path:linenumber? and/or stacktrace (perhaps optional)
// todo: should we turn errors logged with an context.Canceled from a level error into level info?
// todo: rethink format. perhaps simply using %#v is more useful for many types?
import (
var Logfmt bool
type Level int
func (l Level) String() string {
return LevelStrings[l]
var LevelStrings = map[Level]string{
LevelPrint: "print",
LevelFatal: "fatal",
LevelError: "error",
LevelInfo: "info",
LevelDebug: "debug",
LevelTrace: "trace",
LevelTraceauth: "traceauth",
LevelTracedata: "tracedata",
var Levels = map[string]Level{
"print": LevelPrint,
"fatal": LevelFatal,
"error": LevelError,
"info": LevelInfo,
"debug": LevelDebug,
"trace": LevelTrace,
"traceauth": LevelTraceauth,
"tracedata": LevelTracedata,
const (
LevelPrint Level = 0 // Printed regardless of configured log level.
LevelFatal Level = 1 // Printed regardless of configured log level.
LevelError Level = 2
LevelInfo Level = 3
LevelDebug Level = 4
LevelTrace Level = 5
LevelTraceauth Level = 6
LevelTracedata Level = 7
// LogStringer is used when formatting field values during logging. If a value
// implements it, LogString is called for the value to log.
type LogStringer interface {
LogString() string
// Holds a map[string]Level, mapping a package (field pkg in logs) to a log level.
// The empty string is the default/fallback log level.
var config atomic.Value
func init() {
config.Store(map[string]Level{"": LevelError})
// SetConfig atomically sets the new log levels used by all Log instances.
func SetConfig(c map[string]Level) {
// Pair is a field/value pair, for use in logged lines.
type Pair struct {
Key string
Value any
// Field is a shorthand for making a Pair.
func Field(k string, v any) Pair {
return Pair{k, v}
// Log is an instance potentially with its own field/value pair added to any
// logging output.
type Log struct {
fields []Pair
moreFields func() []Pair
// New returns a new Log instance. Each log invocation adds field "pkg".
func New(pkg string) *Log {
return &Log{
fields: []Pair{{"pkg", pkg}},
type key string
// CidKey can be used with context.WithValue to store a "cid" in a context, for logging.
var CidKey key = "cid"
// WithCid adds a field "cid".
// Also see WithContext.
func (l *Log) WithCid(cid int64) *Log {
return l.Fields(Pair{"cid", cid})
// WithContext adds cid from context, if present. Context are often passed to
// functions, especially between packages, to pass a "cid" for an operation. At the
// start of a function (especially if exported) a variable "log" is often
// instantiated from a package-level variable "xlog", with WithContext for its cid.
// A *Log could be passed instead, but contexts are more pervasive. For the same
// reason WithContext is more common than WithCid.
func (l *Log) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *Log {
cidv := ctx.Value(CidKey)
if cidv == nil {
return l
cid := cidv.(int64)
return l.WithCid(cid)
// Field adds fields to the logger. Each logged line adds these fields.
func (l *Log) Fields(fields ...Pair) *Log {
nl := *l
nl.fields = append(fields, nl.fields...)
return &nl
// MoreFields sets a function on the logger that is called just before logging,
// to retrieve additional fields to log.
func (l *Log) MoreFields(fn func() []Pair) *Log {
nl := *l
nl.moreFields = fn
return &nl
// Check logs an error if err is not nil. Intended for logging errors that are good
// to know, but would not influence program flow.
func (l *Log) Check(err error, text string, fields ...Pair) {
if err != nil {
l.Errorx(text, err, fields...)
func (l *Log) Trace(traceLevel Level, text string) bool {
return l.logx(traceLevel, nil, text)
func (l *Log) Fatal(text string, fields ...Pair) { l.Fatalx(text, nil, fields...) }
func (l *Log) Fatalx(text string, err error, fields ...Pair) {
l.plog(LevelFatal, err, text, fields...)
func (l *Log) Print(text string, fields ...Pair) bool {
return l.logx(LevelPrint, nil, text, fields...)
func (l *Log) Printx(text string, err error, fields ...Pair) bool {
return l.logx(LevelPrint, err, text, fields...)
func (l *Log) Debug(text string, fields ...Pair) bool {
return l.logx(LevelDebug, nil, text, fields...)
func (l *Log) Debugx(text string, err error, fields ...Pair) bool {
return l.logx(LevelDebug, err, text, fields...)
func (l *Log) Info(text string, fields ...Pair) bool { return l.logx(LevelInfo, nil, text, fields...) }
func (l *Log) Infox(text string, err error, fields ...Pair) bool {
return l.logx(LevelInfo, err, text, fields...)
func (l *Log) Error(text string, fields ...Pair) bool {
return l.logx(LevelError, nil, text, fields...)
func (l *Log) Errorx(text string, err error, fields ...Pair) bool {
return l.logx(LevelError, err, text, fields...)
func (l *Log) logx(level Level, err error, text string, fields ...Pair) bool {
if ok, high := l.match(level); ok {
// Nothing.
} else if high >= LevelTrace && level == LevelTraceauth {
text = "***"
} else if high >= LevelTrace && level == LevelTracedata {
text = "..."
} else {
return false
if level > LevelTrace {
level = LevelTrace
l.plog(level, err, text, fields...)
return true
// escape logfmt string if required, otherwise return original string.
func logfmtValue(s string) string {
for _, c := range s {
if c == '"' || c == '\\' || c <= ' ' || c == '=' || c >= 0x7f {
return fmt.Sprintf("%q", s)
return s
func stringValue(iscid, nested bool, v any) string {
// Handle some common types first.
if v == nil {
return ""
switch r := v.(type) {
case string:
return r
case int:
return strconv.Itoa(r)
case int64:
if iscid {
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", v)
return strconv.FormatInt(r, 10)
case bool:
if r {
return "true"
return "false"
case float64:
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", v)
case []byte:
return base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(r)
case []string:
if nested && len(r) == 0 {
// Drop field from logging.
return ""
return "[" + strings.Join(r, ",") + "]"
rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && rv.IsNil() {
return ""
if r, ok := v.(LogStringer); ok {
return r.LogString()
if r, ok := v.(fmt.Stringer); ok {
return r.String()
if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
rv = rv.Elem()
return stringValue(iscid, nested, rv.Interface())
if rv.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
n := rv.Len()
if nested && n == 0 {
// Drop field.
return ""
b := &strings.Builder{}
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if i > 0 {
b.WriteString(stringValue(false, true, rv.Index(i).Interface()))
return b.String()
} else if rv.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", v)
n := rv.NumField()
t := rv.Type()
b := &strings.Builder{}
first := true
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
fv := rv.Field(i)
if !t.Field(i).IsExported() {
if fv.Kind() == reflect.Struct || fv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr || fv.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
// Don't recurse.
vs := stringValue(false, true, fv.Interface())
if vs == "" {
if !first {
b.WriteByte(' ')
first = false
k := strings.ToLower(t.Field(i).Name)
b.WriteString(k + "=" + logfmtValue(vs))
return b.String()
func (l *Log) plog(level Level, err error, text string, fields ...Pair) {
fields = append(l.fields, fields...)
if l.moreFields != nil {
fields = append(fields, l.moreFields()...)
// We build up a buffer so we can do a single atomic write of the data. Otherwise partial log lines may interleaf.
b := &bytes.Buffer{}
if Logfmt {
fmt.Fprintf(b, "l=%s m=%s", LevelStrings[level], logfmtValue(text))
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(b, " err=%s", logfmtValue(err.Error()))
for i := 0; i < len(fields); i++ {
kv := fields[i]
fmt.Fprintf(b, " %s=%s", kv.Key, logfmtValue(stringValue(kv.Key == "cid", false, kv.Value)))
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(b, "%s: %s", LevelStrings[level], logfmtValue(text))
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(b, ": %s", logfmtValue(err.Error()))
if len(fields) > 0 {
fmt.Fprint(b, " (")
for i := 0; i < len(fields); i++ {
if i > 0 {
fmt.Fprint(b, "; ")
kv := fields[i]
fmt.Fprintf(b, "%s: %s", kv.Key, logfmtValue(stringValue(kv.Key == "cid", false, kv.Value)))
fmt.Fprint(b, ")")
func (l *Log) match(level Level) (bool, Level) {
if level == LevelPrint || level == LevelFatal {
return true, level
cl := config.Load().(map[string]Level)
seen := false
var high Level
for _, kv := range l.fields {
if kv.Key != "pkg" {
pkg, ok := kv.Value.(string)
if !ok {
v, ok := cl[pkg]
if v > high {
high = v
if ok && v >= level {
return true, high
seen = seen || ok
if seen {
return false, high
v, ok := cl[""]
if v > high {
high = v
return ok && v >= level, v
type errWriter struct {
log *Log
level Level
msg string
func (w *errWriter) Write(buf []byte) (int, error) {
err := errors.New(strings.TrimSpace(string(buf)))
w.log.logx(w.level, err, w.msg)
return len(buf), nil
// ErrWriter returns a writer that turns each write into a logging call on "log"
// with given "level" and "msg" and the written content as an error.
// Can be used for making a Go log.Logger for use in http.Server.ErrorLog.
func ErrWriter(log *Log, level Level, msg string) io.Writer {
return &errWriter{log, level, msg}