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synced 2025-03-28 09:05:36 +03:00

- dmarc reports: add a cid to the log line about one run of sending reports, and log line for each report - in smtpclient, also handle tls errors from the first read after a handshake. we appear to sometimes get tls alerts about bad certificates on the first read. - for messages to dmarc/tls reporting addresses that we think should/can not be processed as reports, add an X-Mox- header explaining the reason. - tls reports: send report messages with From address of postmaster at an actually configured domain for the mail host. and only send reports when dkim signing is configured for that domain. the domain is also the submitter domain. the rfc seems to require dkim-signing with an exact match with the message from and submitter. - for incoming tls reports, in the smtp server, we do allow a dkim-signature domain that is higher-level (up to publicsuffix) of the message from domain. so we are stricter in what we send than what we receive.
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package tlsrptsend
import (
var ctxbg = context.Background()
func tcheckf(t *testing.T, err error, format string, args ...any) {
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s: %s", fmt.Sprintf(format, args...), err)
func tcompare(t *testing.T, got, expect any) {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, expect) {
t.Fatalf("got:\n%v\nexpected:\n%v", got, expect)
func TestSendReports(t *testing.T) {
mlog.SetConfig(map[string]mlog.Level{"": mlog.LevelDebug})
mox.Context = ctxbg
mox.ConfigStaticPath = filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/tlsrptsend/mox.conf")
mox.MustLoadConfig(true, false)
err := tlsrptdb.Init()
tcheckf(t, err, "init database")
db := tlsrptdb.ResultDB
resolver := dns.MockResolver{
TXT: map[string][]string{
"_smtp._tls.sender.example.": {
"v=TLSRPTv1; rua=mailto:tls-reports@sender.example,https://ignored.example/",
"_smtp._tls.mailhost.sender.example.": {
"v=TLSRPTv1; rua=mailto:tls-reports1@mailhost.sender.example,mailto:tls-reports2@mailhost.sender.example; rua=mailto:tls-reports3@mailhost.sender.example",
"_smtp._tls.noreport.example.": {
"v=TLSRPTv1; rua=mailto:tls-reports@noreport.example",
"_smtp._tls.mailhost.norua.example.": {
endUTC := midnightUTC(time.Now())
dayUTC := endUTC.Add(-12 * time.Hour).Format("20060102")
tlsResults := []tlsrptdb.TLSResult{
// For report1 below.
PolicyDomain: "sender.example",
DayUTC: dayUTC,
RecipientDomain: "sender.example",
IsHost: false,
SendReport: true,
Results: []tlsrpt.Result{
Policy: tlsrpt.ResultPolicy{
Type: tlsrpt.STS,
Domain: "sender.example",
String: []string{"... mtasts policy ..."},
MXHost: []string{"*.sender.example"},
Summary: tlsrpt.Summary{
TotalSuccessfulSessionCount: 10,
TotalFailureSessionCount: 3,
FailureDetails: []tlsrpt.FailureDetails{
ResultType: tlsrpt.ResultCertificateExpired,
SendingMTAIP: "",
ReceivingMXHostname: "mailhost.sender.example",
ReceivingMXHelo: "mailhost.sender.example",
ReceivingIP: "",
FailedSessionCount: 3,
// For report2 below.
PolicyDomain: "mailhost.sender.example",
DayUTC: dayUTC,
RecipientDomain: "sender.example",
IsHost: true,
SendReport: false, // Would be ignored if on its own, but we have another result for this policy domain.
Results: []tlsrpt.Result{
Policy: tlsrpt.ResultPolicy{
Type: tlsrpt.TLSA,
Domain: "mailhost.sender.example",
String: []string{"... tlsa record ..."},
Summary: tlsrpt.Summary{
TotalSuccessfulSessionCount: 10,
TotalFailureSessionCount: 1,
FailureDetails: []tlsrpt.FailureDetails{
ResultType: tlsrpt.ResultValidationFailure,
SendingMTAIP: "",
ReceivingMXHostname: "mailhost.sender.example",
ReceivingMXHelo: "mailhost.sender.example",
ReceivingIP: "",
FailedSessionCount: 1,
FailureReasonCode: "dns-extended-error-7-signature-expired",
PolicyDomain: "mailhost.sender.example",
DayUTC: dayUTC,
RecipientDomain: "sharedsender.example",
IsHost: true,
SendReport: true, // Causes previous result to be included in this report.
Results: []tlsrpt.Result{
Policy: tlsrpt.ResultPolicy{
Type: tlsrpt.TLSA,
Domain: "mailhost.sender.example",
String: []string{"... tlsa record ..."},
Summary: tlsrpt.Summary{
TotalSuccessfulSessionCount: 10,
TotalFailureSessionCount: 1,
FailureDetails: []tlsrpt.FailureDetails{
ResultType: tlsrpt.ResultValidationFailure,
SendingMTAIP: "",
ReceivingMXHostname: "mailhost.sender.example",
ReceivingMXHelo: "mailhost.sender.example",
ReceivingIP: "",
FailedSessionCount: 1,
FailureReasonCode: "dns-extended-error-7-signature-expired",
// No report due to SendReport false.
PolicyDomain: "mailhost.noreport.example",
DayUTC: dayUTC,
RecipientDomain: "noreport.example",
IsHost: true,
SendReport: false, // No report.
Results: []tlsrpt.Result{
Policy: tlsrpt.ResultPolicy{
Type: tlsrpt.NoPolicyFound,
Domain: "mailhost.noreport.example",
Summary: tlsrpt.Summary{
TotalSuccessfulSessionCount: 2,
TotalFailureSessionCount: 1,
// No report due to no mailto rua.
PolicyDomain: "mailhost.norua.example",
DayUTC: dayUTC,
RecipientDomain: "norua.example",
IsHost: true,
SendReport: false, // No report.
Results: []tlsrpt.Result{
Policy: tlsrpt.ResultPolicy{
Type: tlsrpt.NoPolicyFound,
Domain: "mailhost.norua.example",
Summary: tlsrpt.Summary{
TotalSuccessfulSessionCount: 2,
TotalFailureSessionCount: 1,
// No report due to no TLSRPT record.
PolicyDomain: "mailhost.notlsrpt.example",
DayUTC: dayUTC,
RecipientDomain: "notlsrpt.example",
IsHost: true,
SendReport: true,
Results: []tlsrpt.Result{
Policy: tlsrpt.ResultPolicy{
Type: tlsrpt.NoPolicyFound,
Domain: "mailhost.notlsrpt.example",
Summary: tlsrpt.Summary{
TotalSuccessfulSessionCount: 2,
TotalFailureSessionCount: 1,
report1 := tlsrpt.Report{
OrganizationName: "mox.example",
DateRange: tlsrpt.TLSRPTDateRange{
Start: endUTC.Add(-24 * time.Hour),
End: endUTC.Add(-time.Second),
ContactInfo: "postmaster@mox.example",
ReportID: endUTC.Format("20060102") + ".sender.example@mox.example",
Policies: []tlsrpt.Result{
Policy: tlsrpt.ResultPolicy{
Type: tlsrpt.STS,
Domain: "sender.example",
String: []string{"... mtasts policy ..."},
MXHost: []string{"*.sender.example"},
Summary: tlsrpt.Summary{
TotalSuccessfulSessionCount: 10,
TotalFailureSessionCount: 3,
FailureDetails: []tlsrpt.FailureDetails{
ResultType: tlsrpt.ResultCertificateExpired,
SendingMTAIP: "",
ReceivingMXHostname: "mailhost.sender.example",
ReceivingMXHelo: "mailhost.sender.example",
ReceivingIP: "",
FailedSessionCount: 3,
report2 := tlsrpt.Report{
OrganizationName: "mox.example",
DateRange: tlsrpt.TLSRPTDateRange{
Start: endUTC.Add(-24 * time.Hour),
End: endUTC.Add(-time.Second),
ContactInfo: "postmaster@mox.example",
ReportID: endUTC.Format("20060102") + ".mailhost.sender.example@mox.example",
Policies: []tlsrpt.Result{
Policy: tlsrpt.ResultPolicy{
Type: tlsrpt.TLSA,
Domain: "mailhost.sender.example",
String: []string{"... tlsa record ..."},
Summary: tlsrpt.Summary{
TotalSuccessfulSessionCount: 20,
TotalFailureSessionCount: 2,
FailureDetails: []tlsrpt.FailureDetails{
ResultType: tlsrpt.ResultValidationFailure,
SendingMTAIP: "",
ReceivingMXHostname: "mailhost.sender.example",
ReceivingMXHelo: "mailhost.sender.example",
ReceivingIP: "",
FailedSessionCount: 2,
FailureReasonCode: "dns-extended-error-7-signature-expired",
// Set a timeUntil that we steplock and that causes the actual sleep to return
// immediately when we want to.
wait := make(chan struct{})
step := make(chan time.Duration)
jitteredTimeUntil = func(_ time.Time) time.Duration {
wait <- struct{}{}
return <-step
sleepBetween = func(ctx context.Context, d time.Duration) (ok bool) { return true }
test := func(results []tlsrptdb.TLSResult, expReports map[string]tlsrpt.Report) {
// t.Helper()
mox.Shutdown, mox.ShutdownCancel = context.WithCancel(ctxbg)
for _, r := range results {
err := db.Insert(ctxbg, &r)
tcheckf(t, err, "inserting tlsresult")
haveReports := map[string]tlsrpt.Report{}
var mutex sync.Mutex
var index int
queueAdd = func(ctx context.Context, log *mlog.Log, qm *queue.Msg, msgFile *os.File) error {
defer mutex.Unlock()
// Read message file. Also write copy to disk for inspection.
buf, err := io.ReadAll(&moxio.AtReader{R: msgFile})
tcheckf(t, err, "read report message")
p := fmt.Sprintf("../testdata/tlsrptsend/data/report%d.eml", index)
err = os.WriteFile(p, append(append([]byte{}, qm.MsgPrefix...), buf...), 0600)
tcheckf(t, err, "write report message")
report, err := tlsrpt.ParseMessage(log, msgFile)
tcheckf(t, err, "parsing generated report message")
addr := qm.Recipient().String()
if _, ok := haveReports[addr]; ok {
t.Fatalf("report for address %s already seen", addr)
} else if expReport, ok := expReports[addr]; !ok {
t.Fatalf("unexpected report for address %s", addr)
} else {
tcompare(t, *report, expReport)
haveReports[addr] = *report
return nil
// Run first loop.
step <- 0
tcompare(t, haveReports, expReports)
// Second loop. Evaluations cleaned, should not result in report messages.
haveReports = map[string]tlsrpt.Report{}
step <- 0
tcompare(t, haveReports, map[string]tlsrpt.Report{})
// Caus Start to stop.
step <- time.Minute
// Multiple results, some are combined into a single report, another result
// generates a separate report to multiple rua's, and the last don't send a report.
expReports := map[string]tlsrpt.Report{
"tls-reports@sender.example": report1,
"tls-reports1@mailhost.sender.example": report2,
"tls-reports2@mailhost.sender.example": report2,
"tls-reports3@mailhost.sender.example": report2,
test(tlsResults, expReports)