mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 23:22:17 +03:00

i've seen the error a few times: msgheaderElem.children[(msgheaderElem.children.length - 1)] is undefined i've seen it happen after sending a reply (with the "answered" flag added). the updateKeywords callback would render the message again, but the code for rendering the "additional headers" table rows again was making invalid assumptions. the approach is now changed. the backend now just immediately sends the additional headers to the frontend. before, the frontend would first render the base message, then render again once the headers came in for the parsed message. this also prevents a reflow for the (quite common) case that one of the additional headers are present in the message.
519 lines
22 KiB
519 lines
22 KiB
// Javascript is generated from typescript, do not modify generated javascript because changes will be overwritten.
// We build CSS rules in JS. For several reasons:
// - To keep the style definitions closer to their use.
// - To make it easier to provide both light/regular and dark mode colors.
// - To use class names for styling, instead of the the many inline styles.
// Makes it easier to look through a DOM, and easier to change the style of all
// instances of a class.
// We keep the default/regular styles and dark-mode styles in separate stylesheets.
const cssStyle = dom.style(attr.type('text/css'))
const styleSheet = cssStyle.sheet!
const cssStyleDark = dom.style(attr.type('text/css'))
const styleSheetDark = cssStyleDark.sheet!
styleSheetDark.insertRule('@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {}')
const darkModeRule = styleSheetDark.cssRules[0] as CSSMediaRule
let cssRules: { [selector: string]: string} = {} // For ensuring a selector has a single definition.
// Ensure a selector has the given style properties. If a style value is an array,
// it must have 2 elements. The first is the default value, the second used for a
// rule for dark mode.
const ensureCSS = (selector: string, styles: { [prop: string]: string | number | string[] }, important?: boolean) => {
// Check that a selector isn't added again with different styling. Only during development.
const checkConsistency = location.hostname === 'localhost'
if (cssRules[selector]) {
if (checkConsistency) {
const exp = JSON.stringify(styles)
if (cssRules[selector] !== exp) {
throw new Error('duplicate css rule for selector '+selector+', had '+cssRules[selector] + ', next '+exp)
cssRules[selector] = checkConsistency ? JSON.stringify(styles) : 'x'
const index = styleSheet.cssRules.length
styleSheet.insertRule(selector + ' {}', index)
const st = (styleSheet.cssRules[index] as CSSStyleRule).style
let darkst: CSSStyleDeclaration | undefined
for (let [k, v] of Object.entries(styles)) {
// We've kept the camel-case in our code which we had from when we did "st[prop] =
// value". It is more convenient as object keys. So convert to kebab-case, but only
// if this is not a css property.
if (!k.startsWith('--')) {
k = k.replace(/[A-Z]/g, s => '-'+s.toLowerCase())
if (Array.isArray(v)) {
if (v.length !== 2) {
throw new Error('2 elements required for light/dark mode style, got '+v.length)
if (!darkst) {
const darkIndex = darkModeRule.cssRules.length
darkModeRule.insertRule(selector + ' {}', darkIndex)
darkst = (darkModeRule.cssRules[darkIndex] as CSSStyleRule).style
st.setProperty(k, ''+v[0], important ? 'important' : '')
darkst.setProperty(k, ''+v[1], important ? 'important' : '')
} else {
st.setProperty(k, ''+v, important ? 'important' : '')
// Ensure CSS styling exists for a class, returning the same kind of object
// returned by dom._class, for use with dom.*-building functions.
const css = (className: string, styles: { [prop: string]: string | number | string[] }, important?: boolean): { _class: string[] } => {
ensureCSS('.'+className, styles, important)
return dom._class(className)
// todo: reduce number of colors. hopefully we can derive some colors from a few base colors (making them brighter/darker, or shifting hue, etc). then make them configurable through settings.
// todo: add the standard padding and border-radius, perhaps more.
// We define css variables, making them easy to override.
ensureCSS(':root', {
'--color': ['black', '#ddd'],
'--colorMild': ['#555', '#bbb'],
'--colorMilder': ['#666', '#aaa'],
'--backgroundColor': ['white', '#222'],
'--backgroundColorMild': ['#f8f8f8', '#080808'],
'--backgroundColorMilder': ['#999', '#777'],
'--borderColor': ['#ccc', '#333'],
'--mailboxesTopBackgroundColor': ['#fdfdf1', '#1a1200'],
'--msglistBackgroundColor': ['#f5ffff', '#04130d'],
'--boxShadow': ['0 0 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)', '0px 0px 20px #000'],
'--buttonBackground': ['#eee', '#222'],
'--buttonBorderColor': ['#888', '#666'],
'--buttonHoverBackground': ['#ddd', '#333'],
'--overlayOpaqueBackgroundColor': ['#eee', '#011'],
'--overlayBackgroundColor': ['rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)', 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'],
'--popupColor': ['black', 'white'],
'--popupBackgroundColor': ['white', '#313233'],
'--popupBorderColor': ['#ccc', '#555'],
'--highlightBackground': ['gold', '#a70167'],
'--highlightBorderColor': ['#8c7600', '#fd1fa7'],
'--highlightBackgroundHover': ['#ffbd21', '#710447'],
'--mailboxActiveBackground': ['linear-gradient(135deg, #ffc7ab 0%, #ffdeab 100%)', 'linear-gradient(135deg, #b63d00 0%, #8c5a0d 100%)'],
'--mailboxHoverBackgroundColor': ['#eee', '#421f15'],
'--msgItemActiveBackground': ['linear-gradient(135deg, #8bc8ff 0%, #8ee5ff 100%)', 'linear-gradient(135deg, #045cac 0%, #027ba0 100%)'],
'--msgItemHoverBackgroundColor': ['#eee', '#073348'],
'--msgItemFocusBorderColor': ['#2685ff', '#2685ff'],
'--buttonTristateOnBackground': ['#c4ffa9', '#277e00'],
'--buttonTristateOffBackground': ['#ffb192', '#bf410f'],
'--warningBackgroundColor': ['#ffca91', '#a85700'],
'--successBackground': ['#d2f791', '#1fa204'],
'--emphasisBackground': ['#666', '#aaa'],
// For authentication/security results.
'--underlineGreen': '#50c40f',
'--underlineRed': '#e15d1c',
'--underlineBlue': '#09f',
'--underlineGrey': '#888',
'--quoted1Color': ['#03828f', '#71f2ff'], // red
'--quoted2Color': ['#c7445c', '#ec4c4c'], // green
'--quoted3Color': ['#417c10', '#73e614'], // blue
'--scriptSwitchUnderlineColor': ['#dca053', '#e88f1e'],
'--linkColor': ['#096bc2', '#63b6ff'],
'--linkVisitedColor': ['#0704c1', '#c763ff'],
// Typed way to reference a css variables. Kept from before used variables.
const styles = {
color: 'var(--color)',
colorMild: 'var(--colorMild)',
colorMilder: 'var(--colorMilder)',
backgroundColor: 'var(--backgroundColor)',
backgroundColorMild: 'var(--backgroundColorMild)',
backgroundColorMilder: 'var(--backgroundColorMilder)',
borderColor: 'var(--borderColor)',
mailboxesTopBackgroundColor: 'var(--mailboxesTopBackgroundColor)',
msglistBackgroundColor: 'var(--msglistBackgroundColor)',
boxShadow: 'var(--boxShadow)',
buttonBackground: 'var(--buttonBackground)',
buttonBorderColor: 'var(--buttonBorderColor)',
buttonHoverBackground: 'var(--buttonHoverBackground)',
overlayOpaqueBackgroundColor: 'var(--overlayOpaqueBackgroundColor)',
overlayBackgroundColor: 'var(--overlayBackgroundColor)',
popupColor: 'var(--popupColor)',
popupBackgroundColor: 'var(--popupBackgroundColor)',
popupBorderColor: 'var(--popupBorderColor)',
highlightBackground: 'var(--highlightBackground)',
highlightBorderColor: 'var(--highlightBorderColor)',
highlightBackgroundHover: 'var(--highlightBackgroundHover)',
mailboxActiveBackground: 'var(--mailboxActiveBackground)',
mailboxHoverBackgroundColor: 'var(--mailboxHoverBackgroundColor)',
msgItemActiveBackground: 'var(--msgItemActiveBackground)',
msgItemHoverBackgroundColor: 'var(--msgItemHoverBackgroundColor)',
msgItemFocusBorderColor: 'var(--msgItemFocusBorderColor)',
buttonTristateOnBackground: 'var(--buttonTristateOnBackground)',
buttonTristateOffBackground: 'var(--buttonTristateOffBackground)',
warningBackgroundColor: 'var(--warningBackgroundColor)',
successBackground: 'var(--successBackground)',
emphasisBackground: 'var(--emphasisBackground)',
// For authentication/security results.
underlineGreen: 'var(--underlineGreen)',
underlineRed: 'var(--underlineRed)',
underlineBlue: 'var(--underlineBlue)',
underlineGrey: 'var(--underlineGrey)',
quoted1Color: 'var(--quoted1Color)',
quoted2Color: 'var(--quoted2Color)',
quoted3Color: 'var(--quoted3Color)',
scriptSwitchUnderlineColor: 'var(--scriptSwitchUnderlineColor)',
linkColor: 'var(--linkColor)',
linkVisitedColor: 'var(--linkVisitedColor)',
const styleClasses = {
// For quoted text, with multiple levels of indentations.
quoted: [
css('quoted1', {color: styles.quoted1Color}),
css('quoted2', {color: styles.quoted2Color}),
css('quoted3', {color: styles.quoted3Color}),
// When text switches between unicode scripts.
scriptswitch: css('scriptswitch', {textDecoration: 'underline 2px', textDecorationColor: styles.scriptSwitchUnderlineColor}),
textMild: css('textMild', {color: styles.colorMild}),
// For keywords (also known as flags/labels/tags) on messages.
keyword: css('keyword', {padding: '0 .15em', borderRadius: '.15em', fontWeight: 'normal', fontSize: '.9em', margin: '0 .15em', whiteSpace: 'nowrap', background: styles.highlightBackground, color: styles.color, border: '1px solid', borderColor: styles.highlightBorderColor}),
msgHeaders: css('msgHeaders', {marginBottom: '1ex', width: '100%'}),
ensureCSS('.msgHeaders td', {wordBreak: 'break-word'}) // Prevent horizontal scroll bar for long header values.
ensureCSS('.keyword.keywordCollapsed', {opacity: .75}),
// Generic styling.
ensureCSS('html', {backgroundColor: 'var(--backgroundColor)', color: 'var(--color)'})
ensureCSS('*', {fontSize: 'inherit', fontFamily: "'ubuntu', 'lato', sans-serif", margin: 0, padding: 0, boxSizing: 'border-box'})
ensureCSS('.mono, .mono *', {fontFamily: "'ubuntu mono', monospace"})
ensureCSS('table td, table th', {padding: '.15em .25em'})
ensureCSS('.pad', {padding: '.5em'})
ensureCSS('iframe', {border: 0})
ensureCSS('img, embed, video, iframe', {backgroundColor: 'white', color: 'black'})
ensureCSS('a', {color: styles.linkColor})
ensureCSS('a:visited', {color: styles.linkVisitedColor})
// For message view with multiple inline elements (often a single text and multiple messages).
ensureCSS('.textmulti > *:nth-child(even)', {backgroundColor: ['#f4f4f4', '#141414']})
ensureCSS('.textmulti > *', {padding: '2ex .5em', margin: '-.5em' /* compensate pad */ })
ensureCSS('.textmulti > *:first-child', {padding: '.5em'})
// join elements in l with the results of calls to efn. efn can return
// HTMLElements, which cannot be inserted into the dom multiple times, hence the
// function.
const join = (l: any, efn: () => any): any[] => {
const r: any[] = []
const n = l.length
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (i < n-1) {
return r
// From https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Media/Formats/Image_types
const imageTypes = [
const isImage = (a: api.Attachment) => imageTypes.includes((a.Part.MediaType + '/' + a.Part.MediaSubType).toLowerCase())
// addLinks turns a line of text into alternating strings and links. Links that
// would end with interpunction followed by whitespace are returned with that
// interpunction moved to the next string instead.
const addLinks = (text: string): (HTMLAnchorElement | string)[] => {
// todo: look at ../rfc/3986 and fix up regexp. we should probably accept utf-8.
const re = RegExp('(?:(http|https):\/\/|mailto:)([:%0-9a-zA-Z._~!$&\'/()*+,;=-]+@)?([\\[\\]0-9a-zA-Z.-]+)(:[0-9]+)?([:@%0-9a-zA-Z._~!$&\'/()*+,;=-]*)(\\?[:@%0-9a-zA-Z._~!$&\'/()*+,;=?-]*)?(#[:@%0-9a-zA-Z._~!$&\'/()*+,;=?-]*)?')
const r = []
while (text.length > 0) {
const l = re.exec(text)
if (!l) {
let s = text.substring(0, l.index)
let url = l[0]
text = text.substring(l.index+url.length)
// If URL ends with interpunction, and next character is whitespace or end, don't
// include the interpunction in the URL.
if (!text || /^[ \t\r\n]/.test(text)) {
if (/[)>][!,.:;?]$/.test(url)) {
text = url.substring(url.length-2)+text
url = url.substring(0, url.length-2)
} else if (/[)>!,.:;?]$/.test(url)) {
text = url.substring(url.length-1)+text
url = url.substring(0, url.length-1)
r.push(dom.a(url, attr.href(url), url.startsWith('mailto:') ? [] : [attr.target('_blank'), attr.rel('noopener noreferrer')]))
return r
// renderText turns text into a renderable element with ">" interpreted as quoted
// text (with different levels), and URLs replaced by links.
const renderText = (text: string): HTMLElement => {
return dom.div(text.split('\n').map(line => {
let q = 0
for (const c of line) {
if (c == '>') {
} else if (c !== ' ') {
if (q == 0) {
return [addLinks(line), '\n']
return dom.div(styleClasses.quoted[q%styleClasses.quoted.length], addLinks(line))
const displayName = (s: string) => {
// ../rfc/5322:1216
// ../rfc/5322:1270
// todo: need support for group addresses (eg "undisclosed recipients").
// ../rfc/5322:697
const specials = /[()<>\[\]:;@\\,."]/
if (specials.test(s)) {
return '"' + s.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"') + '"'
return s
const formatDomain = (dom: api.Domain) => dom.Unicode || dom.ASCII
// format an address with both name and email address.
const formatAddress = (a: api.MessageAddress): string => {
let s = '<' + a.User + '@' + formatDomain(a.Domain) + '>'
if (a.Name) {
s = displayName(a.Name) + ' ' + s
return s
// Like formatAddress, but returns an element with a title (for hover) with the ASCII domain, in case of IDN.
const formatAddressElem = (a: api.MessageAddress): string | HTMLElement => {
if (!a.Domain.Unicode) {
return formatAddress(a)
return dom.span(a.Name ? [displayName(a.Name), ' '] : '', '<', a.User, '@', dom.span(attr.title(a.Domain.ASCII), formatDomain(a.Domain)), '>')
// like formatAddress, but underline domain with dmarc-like validation if appropriate.
const formatAddressValidated = (a: api.MessageAddress, m: api.Message, use: boolean): (string | HTMLElement)[] => {
const domainText = (domstr: string, ascii: string): HTMLElement | string => {
if (!use) {
return domstr
const extra = domstr === ascii ? '' : '; domain '+ascii
// We want to show how "approved" this message is given the message From's domain.
// We have MsgFromValidation available. It's not the greatest, being a mix of
// potential strict validations, actual DMARC policy validation, potential relaxed
// validation, but no explicit fail or (temporary) errors. We also don't know if
// historic messages were from a mailing list. We could add a heuristic based on
// List-Id headers, but it would be unreliable...
// todo: add field to Message with the exact results.
let name = ''
let color = ''
let title = ''
switch (m.MsgFromValidation) {
case api.Validation.ValidationStrict:
name = 'Strict'
color = styles.underlineGreen
title = 'Message would have matched a strict DMARC policy.'
case api.Validation.ValidationDMARC:
name = 'DMARC'
color = styles.underlineGreen
title = 'Message matched DMARC policy of domain.'
case api.Validation.ValidationRelaxed:
name = 'Relaxed'
color = styles.underlineGreen
title = 'Domain did not have a DMARC policy, but message would match a relaxed policy if it had existed.'
case api.Validation.ValidationNone:
if (m.IsForward || m.IsMailingList) {
name = 'Forwardlist'
color = styles.underlineBlue
title = 'Message would not pass DMARC policy, but came in through a configured mailing list or forwarding address.'
} else {
name = 'Bad'
color = styles.underlineRed
title = 'Either domain did not have a DMARC policy, or message did not adhere to it.'
// Also for zero value, when unknown. E.g. for sent messages added with IMAP.
name = 'Unknown'
title = 'Unknown DMARC verification result.'
return dom.span(attr.title(title+extra), domstr)
return dom.span(attr.title(title+extra), css('addressValidation'+name, {borderBottom: '1.5px solid', borderBottomColor: color, textDecoration: 'none'}), domstr)
let l: (string | HTMLElement)[] = []
if (a.Name) {
l.push(a.Name + ' ')
l.push('<' + a.User + '@')
l.push(domainText(formatDomain(a.Domain), a.Domain.ASCII))
return l
// format just the name if present and it doesn't look like an address, or otherwise just the email address.
const formatAddressShort = (a: api.MessageAddress, junk: boolean): string => {
const n = a.Name
if (!junk && n && !n.includes('<') && !n.includes('@') && !n.includes('>')) {
return n
return '<' + a.User + '@' + formatDomain(a.Domain) + '>'
// return just the email address.
const formatEmail = (a: api.MessageAddress) => a.User + '@' + formatDomain(a.Domain)
const equalAddress = (a: api.MessageAddress, b: api.MessageAddress) => {
return (!a.User || !b.User || a.User === b.User) && a.Domain.ASCII === b.Domain.ASCII
const addressList = (allAddrs: boolean, l: api.MessageAddress[]) => {
if (l.length <= 5 || allAddrs) {
return dom.span(join(l.map(a => formatAddressElem(a)), () => ', '))
let elem = dom.span(
l.slice(0, 4).map(a => formatAddressElem(a)),
() => ', '
' ',
dom.clickbutton('More...', attr.title('More addresses:\n'+l.slice(4).map(a => formatAddress(a)).join(',\n')), function click() {
const nelem = dom.span(
join(l.map(a => formatAddressElem(a)), () => ', '),
' ',
dom.clickbutton('Less...', function click() {
elem.replaceWith(addressList(allAddrs, l))
elem = nelem
return elem
// loadMsgheaderView loads the common message headers into msgheaderelem.
// if refineKeyword is set, labels are shown and a click causes a call to
// refineKeyword.
const loadMsgheaderView = (msgheaderelem: HTMLTableSectionElement, mi: api.MessageItem, moreHeaders: string[], refineKeyword: null | ((kw: string) => Promise<void>), allAddrs: boolean) => {
const msgenv = mi.Envelope
const received = mi.Message.Received
const receivedlocal = new Date(received.getTime())
// Similar to webmail.ts:/headerTextMildStyle
const msgHeaderFieldStyle = css('msgHeaderField', {textAlign: 'right', color: styles.colorMild, whiteSpace: 'nowrap'})
const msgAttrStyle = css('msgAttr', {padding: '0px 0.15em', fontSize: '.9em'})
// todo: make addresses clickable, start search (keep current mailbox if any)
dom.td('From:', msgHeaderFieldStyle),
style({width: '100%'}),
dom.div(css('msgFromReceivedSpread', {display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between'}),
dom.div(join((msgenv.From || []).map(a => formatAddressValidated(a, mi.Message, !!msgenv.From && msgenv.From.length === 1)), () => ', ')),
attr.title('Received: ' + received.toString() + ';\nDate header in message: ' + (msgenv.Date ? msgenv.Date.toString() : '(missing/invalid)')),
receivedlocal.toDateString() + ' ' + receivedlocal.toTimeString().split(' ')[0],
(msgenv.ReplyTo || []).length === 0 ? [] : dom.tr(
dom.td('Reply-To:', msgHeaderFieldStyle),
dom.td(join((msgenv.ReplyTo || []).map(a => formatAddressElem(a)), () => ', ')),
dom.td('To:', msgHeaderFieldStyle),
dom.td(addressList(allAddrs, msgenv.To || [])),
(msgenv.CC || []).length === 0 ? [] : dom.tr(
dom.td('Cc:', msgHeaderFieldStyle),
dom.td(addressList(allAddrs, msgenv.CC || [])),
(msgenv.BCC || []).length === 0 ? [] : dom.tr(
dom.td('Bcc:', msgHeaderFieldStyle),
dom.td(addressList(allAddrs, msgenv.BCC || [])),
dom.td('Subject:', msgHeaderFieldStyle),
dom.div(css('msgSubjectAttrsSpread', {display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between'}),
dom.div(msgenv.Subject || ''),
mi.Message.IsForward ? dom.span(msgAttrStyle, 'Forwarded', attr.title('Message came in from a forwarded address. Some message authentication policies, like DMARC, were not evaluated.')) : [],
mi.Message.IsMailingList ? dom.span(msgAttrStyle, 'Mailing list', attr.title('Message was received from a mailing list. Some message authentication policies, like DMARC, were not evaluated.')) : [],
mi.Message.ReceivedTLSVersion === 1 ? dom.span(msgAttrStyle, css('msgAttrNoTLS', {borderBottom: '1.5px solid', borderBottomColor: styles.underlineRed}), 'Without TLS', attr.title('Message received (last hop) without TLS.')) : [],
mi.Message.ReceivedTLSVersion > 1 && !mi.Message.ReceivedRequireTLS ? dom.span(msgAttrStyle, css('msgAttrTLS', {borderBottom: '1.5px solid', borderBottomColor: styles.underlineGreen}), 'With TLS', attr.title('Message received (last hop) with TLS.')) : [],
mi.Message.ReceivedRequireTLS ? dom.span(css('msgAttrRequireTLS', {padding: '.1em .3em', fontSize: '.9em', backgroundColor: styles.successBackground, border: '1px solid', borderColor: styles.borderColor, borderRadius: '3px'}), 'With RequireTLS', attr.title('Transported with RequireTLS, ensuring TLS along the entire delivery path from sender to recipient, with TLS certificate verification through MTA-STS and/or DANE.')) : [],
mi.IsSigned ? dom.span(msgAttrStyle, css('msgAttrSigned', {backgroundColor: styles.colorMild, color: styles.backgroundColorMild, borderRadius: '.15em'}), 'Message has a signature') : [],
mi.IsEncrypted ? dom.span(msgAttrStyle, css('msgAttrEncrypted', {backgroundColor: styles.colorMild, color: styles.backgroundColorMild, borderRadius: '.15em'}), 'Message is encrypted') : [],
refineKeyword ? (mi.Message.Keywords || []).map(kw =>
dom.clickbutton(styleClasses.keyword, dom._class('keywordButton'), kw, async function click() {
await refineKeyword(kw)
) : [],
(mi.MoreHeaders || []).map(t =>
dom.td(t![0]+':', msgHeaderFieldStyle),
// Ensure width of all possible additional headers is taken into account, to
// prevent different layout between messages when not all headers are present.
dom.td(moreHeaders.map(s => dom.div(s+':', msgHeaderFieldStyle, style({visibility: 'hidden', height: 0})))),