mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 10:23:43 +03:00
1652 lines
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1652 lines
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package mox
import (
cryptorand "crypto/rand"
var ErrRequest = errors.New("bad request")
// TXTStrings returns a TXT record value as one or more quoted strings, each max
// 100 characters. In case of multiple strings, a multi-line record is returned.
func TXTStrings(s string) string {
if len(s) <= 100 {
return `"` + s + `"`
r := "(\n"
for len(s) > 0 {
n := len(s)
if n > 100 {
n = 100
if r != "" {
r += " "
r += "\t\t\"" + s[:n] + "\"\n"
s = s[n:]
r += "\t)"
return r
// MakeDKIMEd25519Key returns a PEM buffer containing an ed25519 key for use
// with DKIM.
// selector and domain can be empty. If not, they are used in the note.
func MakeDKIMEd25519Key(selector, domain dns.Domain) ([]byte, error) {
_, privKey, err := ed25519.GenerateKey(cryptorand.Reader)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("generating key: %w", err)
pkcs8, err := x509.MarshalPKCS8PrivateKey(privKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("marshal key: %w", err)
block := &pem.Block{
Headers: map[string]string{
"Note": dkimKeyNote("ed25519", selector, domain),
Bytes: pkcs8,
b := &bytes.Buffer{}
if err := pem.Encode(b, block); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("encoding pem: %w", err)
return b.Bytes(), nil
func dkimKeyNote(kind string, selector, domain dns.Domain) string {
s := kind + " dkim private key"
var zero dns.Domain
if selector != zero && domain != zero {
s += fmt.Sprintf(" for %s._domainkey.%s", selector.ASCII, domain.ASCII)
s += fmt.Sprintf(", generated by mox on %s", time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339))
return s
// MakeDKIMRSAKey returns a PEM buffer containing an rsa key for use with
// DKIM.
// selector and domain can be empty. If not, they are used in the note.
func MakeDKIMRSAKey(selector, domain dns.Domain) ([]byte, error) {
// 2048 bits seems reasonable in 2022, 1024 is on the low side, larger
// keys may not fit in UDP DNS response.
privKey, err := rsa.GenerateKey(cryptorand.Reader, 2048)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("generating key: %w", err)
pkcs8, err := x509.MarshalPKCS8PrivateKey(privKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("marshal key: %w", err)
block := &pem.Block{
Headers: map[string]string{
"Note": dkimKeyNote("rsa-2048", selector, domain),
Bytes: pkcs8,
b := &bytes.Buffer{}
if err := pem.Encode(b, block); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("encoding pem: %w", err)
return b.Bytes(), nil
// MakeAccountConfig returns a new account configuration for an email address.
func MakeAccountConfig(addr smtp.Address) config.Account {
account := config.Account{
Domain: addr.Domain.Name(),
Destinations: map[string]config.Destination{
addr.String(): {},
RejectsMailbox: "Rejects",
JunkFilter: &config.JunkFilter{
Threshold: 0.95,
Params: junk.Params{
Onegrams: true,
MaxPower: .01,
TopWords: 10,
IgnoreWords: .1,
RareWords: 2,
account.AutomaticJunkFlags.Enabled = true
account.AutomaticJunkFlags.JunkMailboxRegexp = "^(junk|spam)"
account.AutomaticJunkFlags.NeutralMailboxRegexp = "^(inbox|neutral|postmaster|dmarc|tlsrpt|rejects)"
account.SubjectPass.Period = 12 * time.Hour
return account
func writeFile(log mlog.Log, path string, data []byte) error {
os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(path), 0770)
f, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL, 0660)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("creating file %s: %s", path, err)
defer func() {
if f != nil {
err := f.Close()
log.Check(err, "closing file after error")
err = os.Remove(path)
log.Check(err, "removing file after error", slog.String("path", path))
if _, err := f.Write(data); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing file %s: %s", path, err)
if err := f.Close(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("close file: %v", err)
f = nil
return nil
// MakeDomainConfig makes a new config for a domain, creating DKIM keys, using
// accountName for DMARC and TLS reports.
func MakeDomainConfig(ctx context.Context, domain, hostname dns.Domain, accountName string, withMTASTS bool) (config.Domain, []string, error) {
log := pkglog.WithContext(ctx)
now := time.Now()
year := now.Format("2006")
timestamp := now.Format("20060102T150405")
var paths []string
defer func() {
for _, p := range paths {
err := os.Remove(p)
log.Check(err, "removing path for domain config", slog.String("path", p))
confDKIM := config.DKIM{
Selectors: map[string]config.Selector{},
addSelector := func(kind, name string, privKey []byte) error {
record := fmt.Sprintf("%s._domainkey.%s", name, domain.ASCII)
keyPath := filepath.Join("dkim", fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s.privatekey.pkcs8.pem", record, timestamp, kind))
p := configDirPath(ConfigDynamicPath, keyPath)
if err := writeFile(log, p, privKey); err != nil {
return err
paths = append(paths, p)
confDKIM.Selectors[name] = config.Selector{
// Example from RFC has 5 day between signing and expiration. ../rfc/6376:1393
// Expiration is not intended as antireplay defense, but it may help. ../rfc/6376:1340
// Messages in the wild have been observed with 2 hours and 1 year expiration.
Expiration: "72h",
PrivateKeyFile: keyPath,
return nil
addEd25519 := func(name string) error {
key, err := MakeDKIMEd25519Key(dns.Domain{ASCII: name}, domain)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("making dkim ed25519 private key: %s", err)
return addSelector("ed25519", name, key)
addRSA := func(name string) error {
key, err := MakeDKIMRSAKey(dns.Domain{ASCII: name}, domain)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("making dkim rsa private key: %s", err)
return addSelector("rsa2048", name, key)
if err := addEd25519(year + "a"); err != nil {
return config.Domain{}, nil, err
if err := addRSA(year + "b"); err != nil {
return config.Domain{}, nil, err
if err := addEd25519(year + "c"); err != nil {
return config.Domain{}, nil, err
if err := addRSA(year + "d"); err != nil {
return config.Domain{}, nil, err
// We sign with the first two. In case they are misused, the switch to the other
// keys is easy, just change the config. Operators should make the public key field
// of the misused keys empty in the DNS records to disable the misused keys.
confDKIM.Sign = []string{year + "a", year + "b"}
confDomain := config.Domain{
ClientSettingsDomain: "mail." + domain.Name(),
LocalpartCatchallSeparator: "+",
DMARC: &config.DMARC{
Account: accountName,
Localpart: "dmarc-reports",
Mailbox: "DMARC",
Account: accountName,
Localpart: "tls-reports",
Mailbox: "TLSRPT",
if withMTASTS {
confDomain.MTASTS = &config.MTASTS{
PolicyID: time.Now().UTC().Format("20060102T150405"),
Mode: mtasts.ModeEnforce,
// We start out with 24 hour, and warn in the admin interface that users should
// increase it to weeks once the setup works.
MaxAge: 24 * time.Hour,
MX: []string{hostname.ASCII},
rpaths := paths
paths = nil
return confDomain, rpaths, nil
// DKIMAdd adds a DKIM selector for a domain, generating a key and writing it to disk.
func DKIMAdd(ctx context.Context, domain, selector dns.Domain, algorithm, hash string, headerRelaxed, bodyRelaxed, seal bool, headers []string, lifetime time.Duration) (rerr error) {
log := pkglog.WithContext(ctx)
defer func() {
if rerr != nil {
log.Errorx("adding dkim key", rerr,
slog.Any("domain", domain),
slog.Any("selector", selector))
switch hash {
case "sha256", "sha1":
return fmt.Errorf("%w: unknown hash algorithm %q", ErrRequest, hash)
var privKey []byte
var err error
var kind string
switch algorithm {
case "rsa":
privKey, err = MakeDKIMRSAKey(selector, domain)
kind = "rsa2048"
case "ed25519":
privKey, err = MakeDKIMEd25519Key(selector, domain)
kind = "ed25519"
err = fmt.Errorf("unknown algorithm")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: making dkim key: %v", ErrRequest, err)
// Only take lock now, we don't want to hold it while generating a key.
defer Conf.dynamicMutex.Unlock()
c := Conf.Dynamic
d, ok := c.Domains[domain.Name()]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: domain does not exist", ErrRequest)
if _, ok := d.DKIM.Selectors[selector.Name()]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: selector already exists for domain", ErrRequest)
record := fmt.Sprintf("%s._domainkey.%s", selector.ASCII, domain.ASCII)
timestamp := time.Now().Format("20060102T150405")
keyPath := filepath.Join("dkim", fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s.privatekey.pkcs8.pem", record, timestamp, kind))
p := configDirPath(ConfigDynamicPath, keyPath)
if err := writeFile(log, p, privKey); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing key file: %v", err)
removePath := p
defer func() {
if removePath != "" {
err := os.Remove(removePath)
log.Check(err, "removing path for dkim key", slog.String("path", removePath))
nsel := config.Selector{
Hash: hash,
Canonicalization: config.Canonicalization{
HeaderRelaxed: headerRelaxed,
BodyRelaxed: bodyRelaxed,
Headers: headers,
DontSealHeaders: !seal,
Expiration: lifetime.String(),
PrivateKeyFile: keyPath,
// All good, time to update the config.
nd := d
nd.DKIM.Selectors = map[string]config.Selector{}
for name, osel := range d.DKIM.Selectors {
nd.DKIM.Selectors[name] = osel
nd.DKIM.Selectors[selector.Name()] = nsel
nc := c
nc.Domains = map[string]config.Domain{}
for name, dom := range c.Domains {
nc.Domains[name] = dom
nc.Domains[domain.Name()] = nd
if err := writeDynamic(ctx, log, nc); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing domains.conf: %w", err)
log.Info("dkim key added", slog.Any("domain", domain), slog.Any("selector", selector))
removePath = "" // Prevent cleanup of key file.
return nil
// DKIMRemove removes the selector from the domain, moving the key file out of the way.
func DKIMRemove(ctx context.Context, domain, selector dns.Domain) (rerr error) {
log := pkglog.WithContext(ctx)
defer func() {
if rerr != nil {
log.Errorx("removing dkim key", rerr,
slog.Any("domain", domain),
slog.Any("selector", selector))
defer Conf.dynamicMutex.Unlock()
c := Conf.Dynamic
d, ok := c.Domains[domain.Name()]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: domain does not exist", ErrRequest)
sel, ok := d.DKIM.Selectors[selector.Name()]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: selector does not exist for domain", ErrRequest)
nsels := map[string]config.Selector{}
for name, sel := range d.DKIM.Selectors {
if name != selector.Name() {
nsels[name] = sel
nsign := make([]string, 0, len(d.DKIM.Sign))
for _, name := range d.DKIM.Sign {
if name != selector.Name() {
nsign = append(nsign, name)
nd := d
nd.DKIM = config.DKIM{Selectors: nsels, Sign: nsign}
nc := c
nc.Domains = map[string]config.Domain{}
for name, dom := range c.Domains {
nc.Domains[name] = dom
nc.Domains[domain.Name()] = nd
if err := writeDynamic(ctx, log, nc); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing domains.conf: %w", err)
// Move away a DKIM private key to a subdirectory "old". But only if
// not in use by other domains.
usedKeyPaths := gatherUsedKeysPaths(nc)
moveAwayKeys(log, map[string]config.Selector{selector.Name(): sel}, usedKeyPaths)
log.Info("dkim key removed", slog.Any("domain", domain), slog.Any("selector", selector))
return nil
// DomainAdd adds the domain to the domains config, rewriting domains.conf and
// marking it loaded.
// accountName is used for DMARC/TLS report and potentially for the postmaster address.
// If the account does not exist, it is created with localpart. Localpart must be
// set only if the account does not yet exist.
func DomainAdd(ctx context.Context, domain dns.Domain, accountName string, localpart smtp.Localpart) (rerr error) {
log := pkglog.WithContext(ctx)
defer func() {
if rerr != nil {
log.Errorx("adding domain", rerr,
slog.Any("domain", domain),
slog.String("account", accountName),
slog.Any("localpart", localpart))
defer Conf.dynamicMutex.Unlock()
c := Conf.Dynamic
if _, ok := c.Domains[domain.Name()]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: domain already present", ErrRequest)
// Compose new config without modifying existing data structures. If we fail, we
// leave no trace.
nc := c
nc.Domains = map[string]config.Domain{}
for name, d := range c.Domains {
nc.Domains[name] = d
// Only enable mta-sts for domain if there is a listener with mta-sts.
var withMTASTS bool
for _, l := range Conf.Static.Listeners {
if l.MTASTSHTTPS.Enabled {
withMTASTS = true
confDomain, cleanupFiles, err := MakeDomainConfig(ctx, domain, Conf.Static.HostnameDomain, accountName, withMTASTS)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("preparing domain config: %v", err)
defer func() {
for _, f := range cleanupFiles {
err := os.Remove(f)
log.Check(err, "cleaning up file after error", slog.String("path", f))
if _, ok := c.Accounts[accountName]; ok && localpart != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: account already exists (leave localpart empty when using an existing account)", ErrRequest)
} else if !ok && localpart == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: account does not yet exist (specify a localpart)", ErrRequest)
} else if accountName == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: account name is empty", ErrRequest)
} else if !ok {
nc.Accounts[accountName] = MakeAccountConfig(smtp.NewAddress(localpart, domain))
} else if accountName != Conf.Static.Postmaster.Account {
nacc := nc.Accounts[accountName]
nd := map[string]config.Destination{}
for k, v := range nacc.Destinations {
nd[k] = v
pmaddr := smtp.NewAddress("postmaster", domain)
nd[pmaddr.String()] = config.Destination{}
nacc.Destinations = nd
nc.Accounts[accountName] = nacc
nc.Domains[domain.Name()] = confDomain
if err := writeDynamic(ctx, log, nc); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing domains.conf: %w", err)
log.Info("domain added", slog.Any("domain", domain))
cleanupFiles = nil // All good, don't cleanup.
return nil
// DomainRemove removes domain from the config, rewriting domains.conf.
// No accounts are removed, also not when they still reference this domain.
func DomainRemove(ctx context.Context, domain dns.Domain) (rerr error) {
log := pkglog.WithContext(ctx)
defer func() {
if rerr != nil {
log.Errorx("removing domain", rerr, slog.Any("domain", domain))
defer Conf.dynamicMutex.Unlock()
c := Conf.Dynamic
domConf, ok := c.Domains[domain.Name()]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: domain does not exist", ErrRequest)
// Compose new config without modifying existing data structures. If we fail, we
// leave no trace.
nc := c
nc.Domains = map[string]config.Domain{}
s := domain.Name()
for name, d := range c.Domains {
if name != s {
nc.Domains[name] = d
if err := writeDynamic(ctx, log, nc); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing domains.conf: %w", err)
// Move away any DKIM private keys to a subdirectory "old". But only if
// they are not in use by other domains.
usedKeyPaths := gatherUsedKeysPaths(nc)
moveAwayKeys(log, domConf.DKIM.Selectors, usedKeyPaths)
log.Info("domain removed", slog.Any("domain", domain))
return nil
func gatherUsedKeysPaths(nc config.Dynamic) map[string]bool {
usedKeyPaths := map[string]bool{}
for _, dc := range nc.Domains {
for _, sel := range dc.DKIM.Selectors {
usedKeyPaths[filepath.Clean(sel.PrivateKeyFile)] = true
return usedKeyPaths
func moveAwayKeys(log mlog.Log, sels map[string]config.Selector, usedKeyPaths map[string]bool) {
for _, sel := range sels {
if sel.PrivateKeyFile == "" || usedKeyPaths[filepath.Clean(sel.PrivateKeyFile)] {
src := ConfigDirPath(sel.PrivateKeyFile)
dst := ConfigDirPath(filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(sel.PrivateKeyFile), "old", filepath.Base(sel.PrivateKeyFile)))
_, err := os.Stat(dst)
if err == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("destination already exists")
} else if os.IsNotExist(err) {
os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(dst), 0770)
err = os.Rename(src, dst)
if err != nil {
log.Errorx("renaming dkim private key file for removed domain", err, slog.String("src", src), slog.String("dst", dst))
// DomainSave calls xmodify with a shallow copy of the domain config. xmodify
// can modify the config, but must clone all referencing data it changes.
// xmodify may employ panic-based error handling. After xmodify returns, the
// modified config is verified, saved and takes effect.
func DomainSave(ctx context.Context, domainName string, xmodify func(config *config.Domain) error) (rerr error) {
log := pkglog.WithContext(ctx)
defer func() {
if rerr != nil {
log.Errorx("saving domain config", rerr)
defer Conf.dynamicMutex.Unlock()
nc := Conf.Dynamic // Shallow copy.
dom, ok := nc.Domains[domainName] // dom is a shallow copy.
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: domain not present", ErrRequest)
if err := xmodify(&dom); err != nil {
return err
// Compose new config without modifying existing data structures. If we fail, we
// leave no trace.
nc.Domains = map[string]config.Domain{}
for name, d := range Conf.Dynamic.Domains {
nc.Domains[name] = d
nc.Domains[domainName] = dom
if err := writeDynamic(ctx, log, nc); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing domains.conf: %w", err)
log.Info("domain saved")
return nil
// ConfigSave calls xmodify with a shallow copy of the dynamic config. xmodify
// can modify the config, but must clone all referencing data it changes.
// xmodify may employ panic-based error handling. After xmodify returns, the
// modified config is verified, saved and takes effect.
func ConfigSave(ctx context.Context, xmodify func(config *config.Dynamic)) (rerr error) {
log := pkglog.WithContext(ctx)
defer func() {
if rerr != nil {
log.Errorx("saving config", rerr)
defer Conf.dynamicMutex.Unlock()
nc := Conf.Dynamic // Shallow copy.
if err := writeDynamic(ctx, log, nc); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing domains.conf: %w", err)
log.Info("config saved")
return nil
// DomainSPFIPs returns IPs to include in SPF records for domains. It includes the
// IPs on listeners that have SMTP enabled, and includes IPs configured for SOCKS
// transports.
func DomainSPFIPs() (ips []net.IP) {
for _, l := range Conf.Static.Listeners {
if !l.SMTP.Enabled || l.IPsNATed {
ipstrs := l.IPs
if len(l.NATIPs) > 0 {
ipstrs = l.NATIPs
for _, ipstr := range ipstrs {
ip := net.ParseIP(ipstr)
ips = append(ips, ip)
for _, t := range Conf.Static.Transports {
if t.Socks != nil {
ips = append(ips, t.Socks.IPs...)
return ips
// todo: find a way to automatically create the dns records as it would greatly simplify setting up email for a domain. we could also dynamically make changes, e.g. providing grace periods after disabling a dkim key, only automatically removing the dkim dns key after a few days. but this requires some kind of api and authentication to the dns server. there doesn't appear to be a single commonly used api for dns management. each of the numerous cloud providers have their own APIs and rather large SKDs to use them. we don't want to link all of them in.
// DomainRecords returns text lines describing DNS records required for configuring
// a domain.
// If certIssuerDomainName is set, CAA records to limit TLS certificate issuance to
// that caID will be suggested. If acmeAccountURI is also set, CAA records also
// restricting issuance to that account ID will be suggested.
func DomainRecords(domConf config.Domain, domain dns.Domain, hasDNSSEC bool, certIssuerDomainName, acmeAccountURI string) ([]string, error) {
d := domain.ASCII
h := Conf.Static.HostnameDomain.ASCII
// The first line with ";" is used by ../testdata/integration/moxacmepebble.sh and
// ../testdata/integration/moxmail2.sh for selecting DNS records
records := []string{
"; Time To Live of 5 minutes, may be recognized if importing as a zone file.",
"; Once your setup is working, you may want to increase the TTL.",
"$TTL 300",
if public, ok := Conf.Static.Listeners["public"]; ok && public.TLS != nil && (len(public.TLS.HostPrivateRSA2048Keys) > 0 || len(public.TLS.HostPrivateECDSAP256Keys) > 0) {
records = append(records,
`; DANE: These records indicate that a remote mail server trying to deliver email`,
`; with SMTP (TCP port 25) must verify the TLS certificate with DANE-EE (3), based`,
`; on the certificate public key ("SPKI", 1) that is SHA2-256-hashed (1) to the`,
`; hexadecimal hash. DANE-EE verification means only the certificate or public`,
`; key is verified, not whether the certificate is signed by a (centralized)`,
`; certificate authority (CA), is expired, or matches the host name.`,
`; NOTE: Create the records below only once: They are for the machine, and apply`,
`; to all hosted domains.`,
if !hasDNSSEC {
records = append(records,
"; WARNING: Domain does not appear to be DNSSEC-signed. To enable DANE, first",
"; enable DNSSEC on your domain, then add the TLSA records. Records below have been",
"; commented out.",
addTLSA := func(privKey crypto.Signer) error {
spkiBuf, err := x509.MarshalPKIXPublicKey(privKey.Public())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("marshal SubjectPublicKeyInfo for DANE record: %v", err)
sum := sha256.Sum256(spkiBuf)
tlsaRecord := adns.TLSA{
Usage: adns.TLSAUsageDANEEE,
Selector: adns.TLSASelectorSPKI,
MatchType: adns.TLSAMatchTypeSHA256,
CertAssoc: sum[:],
var s string
if hasDNSSEC {
s = fmt.Sprintf("_25._tcp.%-*s TLSA %s", 20+len(d)-len("_25._tcp."), h+".", tlsaRecord.Record())
} else {
s = fmt.Sprintf(";; _25._tcp.%-*s TLSA %s", 20+len(d)-len(";; _25._tcp."), h+".", tlsaRecord.Record())
records = append(records, s)
return nil
for _, privKey := range public.TLS.HostPrivateECDSAP256Keys {
if err := addTLSA(privKey); err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, privKey := range public.TLS.HostPrivateRSA2048Keys {
if err := addTLSA(privKey); err != nil {
return nil, err
records = append(records, "")
if d != h {
records = append(records,
"; For the machine, only needs to be created once, for the first domain added:",
"; ",
"; SPF-allow host for itself, resulting in relaxed DMARC pass for (postmaster)",
"; messages (DSNs) sent from host:",
fmt.Sprintf(`%-*s TXT "v=spf1 a -all"`, 20+len(d), h+"."), // ../rfc/7208:2263 ../rfc/7208:2287
if d != h && Conf.Static.HostTLSRPT.ParsedLocalpart != "" {
uri := url.URL{
Scheme: "mailto",
Opaque: smtp.NewAddress(Conf.Static.HostTLSRPT.ParsedLocalpart, Conf.Static.HostnameDomain).Pack(false),
tlsrptr := tlsrpt.Record{Version: "TLSRPTv1", RUAs: [][]tlsrpt.RUA{{tlsrpt.RUA(uri.String())}}}
records = append(records,
"; For the machine, only needs to be created once, for the first domain added:",
"; ",
"; Request reporting about success/failures of TLS connections to (MX) host, for DANE.",
fmt.Sprintf(`_smtp._tls.%-*s TXT "%s"`, 20+len(d)-len("_smtp._tls."), h+".", tlsrptr.String()),
records = append(records,
"; Deliver email for the domain to this host.",
fmt.Sprintf("%s. MX 10 %s.", d, h),
"; Outgoing messages will be signed with the first two DKIM keys. The other two",
"; configured for backup, switching to them is just a config change.",
var selectors []string
for name := range domConf.DKIM.Selectors {
selectors = append(selectors, name)
sort.Slice(selectors, func(i, j int) bool {
return selectors[i] < selectors[j]
for _, name := range selectors {
sel := domConf.DKIM.Selectors[name]
dkimr := dkim.Record{
Version: "DKIM1",
Hashes: []string{"sha256"},
PublicKey: sel.Key.Public(),
if _, ok := sel.Key.(ed25519.PrivateKey); ok {
dkimr.Key = "ed25519"
} else if _, ok := sel.Key.(*rsa.PrivateKey); !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized private key for DKIM selector %q: %T", name, sel.Key)
txt, err := dkimr.Record()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("making DKIM DNS TXT record: %v", err)
if len(txt) > 100 {
records = append(records,
"; NOTE: The following is a single long record split over several lines for use",
"; in zone files. When adding through a DNS operator web interface, combine the",
"; strings into a single string, without ().",
s := fmt.Sprintf("%s._domainkey.%s. TXT %s", name, d, TXTStrings(txt))
records = append(records, s)
dmarcr := dmarc.DefaultRecord
dmarcr.Policy = "reject"
if domConf.DMARC != nil {
uri := url.URL{
Scheme: "mailto",
Opaque: smtp.NewAddress(domConf.DMARC.ParsedLocalpart, domConf.DMARC.DNSDomain).Pack(false),
dmarcr.AggregateReportAddresses = []dmarc.URI{
{Address: uri.String(), MaxSize: 10, Unit: "m"},
dspfr := spf.Record{Version: "spf1"}
for _, ip := range DomainSPFIPs() {
mech := "ip4"
if ip.To4() == nil {
mech = "ip6"
dspfr.Directives = append(dspfr.Directives, spf.Directive{Mechanism: mech, IP: ip})
dspfr.Directives = append(dspfr.Directives,
spf.Directive{Mechanism: "mx"},
spf.Directive{Qualifier: "~", Mechanism: "all"},
dspftxt, err := dspfr.Record()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("making domain spf record: %v", err)
records = append(records,
"; Specify the MX host is allowed to send for our domain and for itself (for DSNs).",
"; ~all means softfail for anything else, which is done instead of -all to prevent older",
"; mail servers from rejecting the message because they never get to looking for a dkim/dmarc pass.",
fmt.Sprintf(`%s. TXT "%s"`, d, dspftxt),
"; Emails that fail the DMARC check (without aligned DKIM and without aligned SPF)",
"; should be rejected, and request reports. If you email through mailing lists that",
"; strip DKIM-Signature headers and don't rewrite the From header, you may want to",
"; set the policy to p=none.",
fmt.Sprintf(`_dmarc.%s. TXT "%s"`, d, dmarcr.String()),
if sts := domConf.MTASTS; sts != nil {
records = append(records,
"; Remote servers can use MTA-STS to verify our TLS certificate with the",
"; WebPKI pool of CA's (certificate authorities) when delivering over SMTP with",
fmt.Sprintf(`mta-sts.%s. CNAME %s.`, d, h),
fmt.Sprintf(`_mta-sts.%s. TXT "v=STSv1; id=%s"`, d, sts.PolicyID),
} else {
records = append(records,
"; Note: No MTA-STS to indicate TLS should be used. Either because disabled for the",
"; domain or because mox.conf does not have a listener with MTA-STS configured.",
if domConf.TLSRPT != nil {
uri := url.URL{
Scheme: "mailto",
Opaque: smtp.NewAddress(domConf.TLSRPT.ParsedLocalpart, domConf.TLSRPT.DNSDomain).Pack(false),
tlsrptr := tlsrpt.Record{Version: "TLSRPTv1", RUAs: [][]tlsrpt.RUA{{tlsrpt.RUA(uri.String())}}}
records = append(records,
"; Request reporting about TLS failures.",
fmt.Sprintf(`_smtp._tls.%s. TXT "%s"`, d, tlsrptr.String()),
if domConf.ClientSettingsDomain != "" && domConf.ClientSettingsDNSDomain != Conf.Static.HostnameDomain {
records = append(records,
"; Client settings will reference a subdomain of the hosted domain, making it",
"; easier to migrate to a different server in the future by not requiring settings",
"; in all clients to be updated.",
fmt.Sprintf(`%-*s CNAME %s.`, 20+len(d), domConf.ClientSettingsDNSDomain.ASCII+".", h),
records = append(records,
"; Autoconfig is used by Thunderbird. Autodiscover is (in theory) used by Microsoft.",
fmt.Sprintf(`autoconfig.%s. CNAME %s.`, d, h),
fmt.Sprintf(`_autodiscover._tcp.%s. SRV 0 1 443 %s.`, d, h),
// ../rfc/6186:133 ../rfc/8314:692
"; For secure IMAP and submission autoconfig, point to mail host.",
fmt.Sprintf(`_imaps._tcp.%s. SRV 0 1 993 %s.`, d, h),
fmt.Sprintf(`_submissions._tcp.%s. SRV 0 1 465 %s.`, d, h),
// ../rfc/6186:242
"; Next records specify POP3 and non-TLS ports are not to be used.",
"; These are optional and safe to leave out (e.g. if you have to click a lot in a",
"; DNS admin web interface).",
fmt.Sprintf(`_imap._tcp.%s. SRV 0 0 0 .`, d),
fmt.Sprintf(`_submission._tcp.%s. SRV 0 0 0 .`, d),
fmt.Sprintf(`_pop3._tcp.%s. SRV 0 0 0 .`, d),
fmt.Sprintf(`_pop3s._tcp.%s. SRV 0 0 0 .`, d),
if certIssuerDomainName != "" {
// ../rfc/8659:18 for CAA records.
records = append(records,
"; Optional:",
"; You could mark Let's Encrypt as the only Certificate Authority allowed to",
"; sign TLS certificates for your domain.",
fmt.Sprintf(`%s. CAA 0 issue "%s"`, d, certIssuerDomainName),
if acmeAccountURI != "" {
// ../rfc/8657:99 for accounturi.
// ../rfc/8657:147 for validationmethods.
records = append(records,
"; Optionally limit certificates for this domain to the account ID and methods used by mox.",
fmt.Sprintf(`;; %s. CAA 0 issue "%s; accounturi=%s; validationmethods=tls-alpn-01,http-01"`, d, certIssuerDomainName, acmeAccountURI),
"; Or alternatively only limit for email-specific subdomains, so you can use",
"; other accounts/methods for other subdomains.",
fmt.Sprintf(`;; autoconfig.%s. CAA 0 issue "%s; accounturi=%s; validationmethods=tls-alpn-01,http-01"`, d, certIssuerDomainName, acmeAccountURI),
fmt.Sprintf(`;; mta-sts.%s. CAA 0 issue "%s; accounturi=%s; validationmethods=tls-alpn-01,http-01"`, d, certIssuerDomainName, acmeAccountURI),
if domConf.ClientSettingsDomain != "" && domConf.ClientSettingsDNSDomain != Conf.Static.HostnameDomain {
records = append(records,
fmt.Sprintf(`;; %-*s CAA 0 issue "%s; accounturi=%s; validationmethods=tls-alpn-01,http-01"`, 20-3+len(d), domConf.ClientSettingsDNSDomain.ASCII, certIssuerDomainName, acmeAccountURI),
if strings.HasSuffix(h, "."+d) {
records = append(records,
"; And the mail hostname.",
fmt.Sprintf(`;; %-*s CAA 0 issue "%s; accounturi=%s; validationmethods=tls-alpn-01,http-01"`, 20-3+len(d), h+".", certIssuerDomainName, acmeAccountURI),
} else {
// The string "will be suggested" is used by
// ../testdata/integration/moxacmepebble.sh and ../testdata/integration/moxmail2.sh
// as end of DNS records.
records = append(records,
"; Note: After starting up, once an ACME account has been created, CAA records",
"; that restrict issuance to the account will be suggested.",
return records, nil
// AccountAdd adds an account and an initial address and reloads the configuration.
// The new account does not have a password, so cannot yet log in. Email can be
// delivered.
// Catchall addresses are not supported for AccountAdd. Add separately with AddressAdd.
func AccountAdd(ctx context.Context, account, address string) (rerr error) {
log := pkglog.WithContext(ctx)
defer func() {
if rerr != nil {
log.Errorx("adding account", rerr, slog.String("account", account), slog.String("address", address))
addr, err := smtp.ParseAddress(address)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: parsing email address: %v", ErrRequest, err)
defer Conf.dynamicMutex.Unlock()
c := Conf.Dynamic
if _, ok := c.Accounts[account]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: account already present", ErrRequest)
if err := checkAddressAvailable(addr); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: address not available: %v", ErrRequest, err)
// Compose new config without modifying existing data structures. If we fail, we
// leave no trace.
nc := c
nc.Accounts = map[string]config.Account{}
for name, a := range c.Accounts {
nc.Accounts[name] = a
nc.Accounts[account] = MakeAccountConfig(addr)
if err := writeDynamic(ctx, log, nc); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing domains.conf: %w", err)
log.Info("account added", slog.String("account", account), slog.Any("address", addr))
return nil
// AccountRemove removes an account and reloads the configuration.
func AccountRemove(ctx context.Context, account string) (rerr error) {
log := pkglog.WithContext(ctx)
defer func() {
if rerr != nil {
log.Errorx("adding account", rerr, slog.String("account", account))
defer Conf.dynamicMutex.Unlock()
c := Conf.Dynamic
if _, ok := c.Accounts[account]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: account does not exist", ErrRequest)
// Compose new config without modifying existing data structures. If we fail, we
// leave no trace.
nc := c
nc.Accounts = map[string]config.Account{}
for name, a := range c.Accounts {
if name != account {
nc.Accounts[name] = a
if err := writeDynamic(ctx, log, nc); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing domains.conf: %w", err)
odir := filepath.Join(DataDirPath("accounts"), account)
tmpdir := filepath.Join(DataDirPath("tmp"), "oldaccount-"+account)
if err := os.Rename(odir, tmpdir); err != nil {
log.Errorx("moving old account data directory out of the way", err, slog.String("account", account))
return fmt.Errorf("account removed, but account data directory %q could not be moved out of the way: %v", odir, err)
if err := os.RemoveAll(tmpdir); err != nil {
log.Errorx("removing old account data directory", err, slog.String("account", account))
return fmt.Errorf("account removed, its data directory moved to %q, but removing failed: %v", odir, err)
log.Info("account removed", slog.String("account", account))
return nil
// checkAddressAvailable checks that the address after canonicalization is not
// already configured, and that its localpart does not contain the catchall
// localpart separator.
// Must be called with config lock held.
func checkAddressAvailable(addr smtp.Address) error {
dc, ok := Conf.Dynamic.Domains[addr.Domain.Name()]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("domain does not exist")
lp := CanonicalLocalpart(addr.Localpart, dc)
if _, ok := Conf.accountDestinations[smtp.NewAddress(lp, addr.Domain).String()]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("canonicalized address %s already configured", smtp.NewAddress(lp, addr.Domain))
} else if dc.LocalpartCatchallSeparator != "" && strings.Contains(string(addr.Localpart), dc.LocalpartCatchallSeparator) {
return fmt.Errorf("localpart cannot include domain catchall separator %s", dc.LocalpartCatchallSeparator)
} else if _, ok := dc.Aliases[lp.String()]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("address in use as alias")
return nil
// AddressAdd adds an email address to an account and reloads the configuration. If
// address starts with an @ it is treated as a catchall address for the domain.
func AddressAdd(ctx context.Context, address, account string) (rerr error) {
log := pkglog.WithContext(ctx)
defer func() {
if rerr != nil {
log.Errorx("adding address", rerr, slog.String("address", address), slog.String("account", account))
defer Conf.dynamicMutex.Unlock()
c := Conf.Dynamic
a, ok := c.Accounts[account]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: account does not exist", ErrRequest)
var destAddr string
if strings.HasPrefix(address, "@") {
d, err := dns.ParseDomain(address[1:])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: parsing domain: %v", ErrRequest, err)
dname := d.Name()
destAddr = "@" + dname
if _, ok := Conf.Dynamic.Domains[dname]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: domain does not exist", ErrRequest)
} else if _, ok := Conf.accountDestinations[destAddr]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: catchall address already configured for domain", ErrRequest)
} else {
addr, err := smtp.ParseAddress(address)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: parsing email address: %v", ErrRequest, err)
if err := checkAddressAvailable(addr); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: address not available: %v", ErrRequest, err)
destAddr = addr.String()
// Compose new config without modifying existing data structures. If we fail, we
// leave no trace.
nc := c
nc.Accounts = map[string]config.Account{}
for name, a := range c.Accounts {
nc.Accounts[name] = a
nd := map[string]config.Destination{}
for name, d := range a.Destinations {
nd[name] = d
nd[destAddr] = config.Destination{}
a.Destinations = nd
nc.Accounts[account] = a
if err := writeDynamic(ctx, log, nc); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing domains.conf: %w", err)
log.Info("address added", slog.String("address", address), slog.String("account", account))
return nil
// AddressRemove removes an email address and reloads the configuration.
// Address can be a catchall address for the domain of the form "@<domain>".
// If the address is member of an alias, remove it from from the alias, unless it
// is the last member.
func AddressRemove(ctx context.Context, address string) (rerr error) {
log := pkglog.WithContext(ctx)
defer func() {
if rerr != nil {
log.Errorx("removing address", rerr, slog.String("address", address))
defer Conf.dynamicMutex.Unlock()
ad, ok := Conf.accountDestinations[address]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: address does not exists", ErrRequest)
// Compose new config without modifying existing data structures. If we fail, we
// leave no trace.
a, ok := Conf.Dynamic.Accounts[ad.Account]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("internal error: cannot find account")
na := a
na.Destinations = map[string]config.Destination{}
var dropped bool
for destAddr, d := range a.Destinations {
if destAddr != address {
na.Destinations[destAddr] = d
} else {
dropped = true
if !dropped {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: address not removed, likely a postmaster/reporting address", ErrRequest)
// Also remove matching address from FromIDLoginAddresses, composing a new slice.
var fromIDLoginAddresses []string
var dom dns.Domain
var pa smtp.Address // For non-catchall addresses (most).
var err error
if strings.HasPrefix(address, "@") {
dom, err = dns.ParseDomain(address[1:])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: parsing domain for catchall address: %v", ErrRequest, err)
} else {
pa, err = smtp.ParseAddress(address)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: parsing address: %v", ErrRequest, err)
dom = pa.Domain
for i, fa := range a.ParsedFromIDLoginAddresses {
if fa.Domain != dom {
// Keep for different domain.
fromIDLoginAddresses = append(fromIDLoginAddresses, a.FromIDLoginAddresses[i])
if strings.HasPrefix(address, "@") {
dc, ok := Conf.Dynamic.Domains[dom.Name()]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: unknown domain in fromid login address %q", ErrRequest, fa.Pack(true))
flp := CanonicalLocalpart(fa.Localpart, dc)
alp := CanonicalLocalpart(pa.Localpart, dc)
if alp != flp {
// Keep for different localpart.
fromIDLoginAddresses = append(fromIDLoginAddresses, a.FromIDLoginAddresses[i])
na.FromIDLoginAddresses = fromIDLoginAddresses
// And remove as member from aliases configured in domains.
domains := maps.Clone(Conf.Dynamic.Domains)
for _, aa := range na.Aliases {
if aa.SubscriptionAddress != address {
aliasAddr := fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", aa.Alias.LocalpartStr, aa.Alias.Domain.Name())
dom, ok := Conf.Dynamic.Domains[aa.Alias.Domain.Name()]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot find domain for alias %s", aliasAddr)
a, ok := dom.Aliases[aa.Alias.LocalpartStr]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot find alias %s", aliasAddr)
a.Addresses = slices.Clone(a.Addresses)
a.Addresses = slices.DeleteFunc(a.Addresses, func(v string) bool { return v == address })
if len(a.Addresses) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("address is last member of alias %s, add new members or remove alias first", aliasAddr)
a.ParsedAddresses = nil // Filled when parsing config.
dom.Aliases = maps.Clone(dom.Aliases)
dom.Aliases[aa.Alias.LocalpartStr] = a
domains[aa.Alias.Domain.Name()] = dom
na.Aliases = nil // Filled when parsing config.
nc := Conf.Dynamic
nc.Accounts = map[string]config.Account{}
for name, a := range Conf.Dynamic.Accounts {
nc.Accounts[name] = a
nc.Accounts[ad.Account] = na
nc.Domains = domains
if err := writeDynamic(ctx, log, nc); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing domains.conf: %w", err)
log.Info("address removed", slog.String("address", address), slog.String("account", ad.Account))
return nil
func AliasAdd(ctx context.Context, addr smtp.Address, alias config.Alias) error {
return DomainSave(ctx, addr.Domain.Name(), func(d *config.Domain) error {
if _, ok := d.Aliases[addr.Localpart.String()]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: alias already present", ErrRequest)
if d.Aliases == nil {
d.Aliases = map[string]config.Alias{}
d.Aliases = maps.Clone(d.Aliases)
d.Aliases[addr.Localpart.String()] = alias
return nil
func AliasUpdate(ctx context.Context, addr smtp.Address, alias config.Alias) error {
return DomainSave(ctx, addr.Domain.Name(), func(d *config.Domain) error {
a, ok := d.Aliases[addr.Localpart.String()]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: alias does not exist", ErrRequest)
a.PostPublic = alias.PostPublic
a.ListMembers = alias.ListMembers
a.AllowMsgFrom = alias.AllowMsgFrom
d.Aliases = maps.Clone(d.Aliases)
d.Aliases[addr.Localpart.String()] = a
return nil
func AliasRemove(ctx context.Context, addr smtp.Address) error {
return DomainSave(ctx, addr.Domain.Name(), func(d *config.Domain) error {
_, ok := d.Aliases[addr.Localpart.String()]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: alias does not exist", ErrRequest)
d.Aliases = maps.Clone(d.Aliases)
delete(d.Aliases, addr.Localpart.String())
return nil
func AliasAddressesAdd(ctx context.Context, addr smtp.Address, addresses []string) error {
if len(addresses) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: at least one address required", ErrRequest)
return DomainSave(ctx, addr.Domain.Name(), func(d *config.Domain) error {
alias, ok := d.Aliases[addr.Localpart.String()]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: no such alias", ErrRequest)
alias.Addresses = append(slices.Clone(alias.Addresses), addresses...)
alias.ParsedAddresses = nil
d.Aliases = maps.Clone(d.Aliases)
d.Aliases[addr.Localpart.String()] = alias
return nil
func AliasAddressesRemove(ctx context.Context, addr smtp.Address, addresses []string) error {
if len(addresses) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: need at least one address", ErrRequest)
return DomainSave(ctx, addr.Domain.Name(), func(d *config.Domain) error {
alias, ok := d.Aliases[addr.Localpart.String()]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: no such alias", ErrRequest)
alias.Addresses = slices.DeleteFunc(slices.Clone(alias.Addresses), func(addr string) bool {
n := len(addresses)
addresses = slices.DeleteFunc(addresses, func(a string) bool { return a == addr })
return n > len(addresses)
if len(addresses) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: address not found: %s", ErrRequest, strings.Join(addresses, ", "))
alias.ParsedAddresses = nil
d.Aliases = maps.Clone(d.Aliases)
d.Aliases[addr.Localpart.String()] = alias
return nil
// AccountSave updates the configuration of an account. Function xmodify is called
// with a shallow copy of the current configuration of the account. It must not
// change referencing fields (e.g. existing slice/map/pointer), they may still be
// in use, and the change may be rolled back. Referencing values must be copied and
// replaced by the modify. The function may raise a panic for error handling.
func AccountSave(ctx context.Context, account string, xmodify func(acc *config.Account)) (rerr error) {
log := pkglog.WithContext(ctx)
defer func() {
if rerr != nil {
log.Errorx("saving account fields", rerr, slog.String("account", account))
defer Conf.dynamicMutex.Unlock()
c := Conf.Dynamic
acc, ok := c.Accounts[account]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: account not present", ErrRequest)
// Compose new config without modifying existing data structures. If we fail, we
// leave no trace.
nc := c
nc.Accounts = map[string]config.Account{}
for name, a := range c.Accounts {
nc.Accounts[name] = a
nc.Accounts[account] = acc
if err := writeDynamic(ctx, log, nc); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing domains.conf: %w", err)
log.Info("account fields saved", slog.String("account", account))
return nil
type TLSMode uint8
const (
TLSModeImmediate TLSMode = 0
TLSModeNone TLSMode = 2
type ProtocolConfig struct {
Host dns.Domain
Port int
type ClientConfig struct {
IMAP ProtocolConfig
Submission ProtocolConfig
// ClientConfigDomain returns a single IMAP and Submission client configuration for
// a domain.
func ClientConfigDomain(d dns.Domain) (rconfig ClientConfig, rerr error) {
var haveIMAP, haveSubmission bool
domConf, ok := Conf.Domain(d)
if !ok {
return ClientConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("%w: unknown domain", ErrRequest)
gather := func(l config.Listener) (done bool) {
host := Conf.Static.HostnameDomain
if l.Hostname != "" {
host = l.HostnameDomain
if domConf.ClientSettingsDomain != "" {
host = domConf.ClientSettingsDNSDomain
if !haveIMAP && l.IMAPS.Enabled {
rconfig.IMAP.Host = host
rconfig.IMAP.Port = config.Port(l.IMAPS.Port, 993)
rconfig.IMAP.TLSMode = TLSModeImmediate
haveIMAP = true
if !haveIMAP && l.IMAP.Enabled {
rconfig.IMAP.Host = host
rconfig.IMAP.Port = config.Port(l.IMAP.Port, 143)
if l.TLS == nil {
rconfig.IMAP.TLSMode = TLSModeNone
haveIMAP = true
if !haveSubmission && l.Submissions.Enabled {
rconfig.Submission.Host = host
rconfig.Submission.Port = config.Port(l.Submissions.Port, 465)
rconfig.Submission.TLSMode = TLSModeImmediate
haveSubmission = true
if !haveSubmission && l.Submission.Enabled {
rconfig.Submission.Host = host
rconfig.Submission.Port = config.Port(l.Submission.Port, 587)
rconfig.Submission.TLSMode = TLSModeSTARTTLS
if l.TLS == nil {
rconfig.Submission.TLSMode = TLSModeNone
haveSubmission = true
return haveIMAP && haveSubmission
// Look at the public listener first. Most likely the intended configuration.
if public, ok := Conf.Static.Listeners["public"]; ok {
if gather(public) {
// Go through the other listeners in consistent order.
names := maps.Keys(Conf.Static.Listeners)
for _, name := range names {
if gather(Conf.Static.Listeners[name]) {
return ClientConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("%w: no listeners found for imap and/or submission", ErrRequest)
// ClientConfigs holds the client configuration for IMAP/Submission for a
// domain.
type ClientConfigs struct {
Entries []ClientConfigsEntry
type ClientConfigsEntry struct {
Protocol string
Host dns.Domain
Port int
Listener string
Note string
// ClientConfigsDomain returns the client configs for IMAP/Submission for a
// domain.
func ClientConfigsDomain(d dns.Domain) (ClientConfigs, error) {
domConf, ok := Conf.Domain(d)
if !ok {
return ClientConfigs{}, fmt.Errorf("%w: unknown domain", ErrRequest)
c := ClientConfigs{}
c.Entries = []ClientConfigsEntry{}
var listeners []string
for name := range Conf.Static.Listeners {
listeners = append(listeners, name)
sort.Slice(listeners, func(i, j int) bool {
return listeners[i] < listeners[j]
note := func(tls bool, requiretls bool) string {
if !tls {
return "plain text, no STARTTLS configured"
if requiretls {
return "STARTTLS required"
return "STARTTLS optional"
for _, name := range listeners {
l := Conf.Static.Listeners[name]
host := Conf.Static.HostnameDomain
if l.Hostname != "" {
host = l.HostnameDomain
if domConf.ClientSettingsDomain != "" {
host = domConf.ClientSettingsDNSDomain
if l.Submissions.Enabled {
c.Entries = append(c.Entries, ClientConfigsEntry{"Submission (SMTP)", host, config.Port(l.Submissions.Port, 465), name, "with TLS"})
if l.IMAPS.Enabled {
c.Entries = append(c.Entries, ClientConfigsEntry{"IMAP", host, config.Port(l.IMAPS.Port, 993), name, "with TLS"})
if l.Submission.Enabled {
c.Entries = append(c.Entries, ClientConfigsEntry{"Submission (SMTP)", host, config.Port(l.Submission.Port, 587), name, note(l.TLS != nil, !l.Submission.NoRequireSTARTTLS)})
if l.IMAP.Enabled {
c.Entries = append(c.Entries, ClientConfigsEntry{"IMAP", host, config.Port(l.IMAPS.Port, 143), name, note(l.TLS != nil, !l.IMAP.NoRequireSTARTTLS)})
return c, nil
// IPs returns ip addresses we may be listening/receiving mail on or
// connecting/sending from to the outside.
func IPs(ctx context.Context, receiveOnly bool) ([]net.IP, error) {
log := pkglog.WithContext(ctx)
// Try to gather all IPs we are listening on by going through the config.
// If we encounter or ::, we'll gather all local IPs afterwards.
var ips []net.IP
var ipv4all, ipv6all bool
for _, l := range Conf.Static.Listeners {
// If NATed, we don't know our external IPs.
if l.IPsNATed {
return nil, nil
check := l.IPs
if len(l.NATIPs) > 0 {
check = l.NATIPs
for _, s := range check {
ip := net.ParseIP(s)
if ip.IsUnspecified() {
if ip.To4() != nil {
ipv4all = true
} else {
ipv6all = true
ips = append(ips, ip)
// We'll list the IPs on the interfaces. How useful is this? There is a good chance
// we're listening on all addresses because of a load balancer/firewall.
if ipv4all || ipv6all {
ifaces, err := net.Interfaces()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("listing network interfaces: %v", err)
for _, iface := range ifaces {
if iface.Flags&net.FlagUp == 0 {
addrs, err := iface.Addrs()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("listing addresses for network interface: %v", err)
if len(addrs) == 0 {
for _, addr := range addrs {
ip, _, err := net.ParseCIDR(addr.String())
if err != nil {
log.Errorx("bad interface addr", err, slog.Any("address", addr))
v4 := ip.To4() != nil
if ipv4all && v4 || ipv6all && !v4 {
ips = append(ips, ip)
if receiveOnly {
return ips, nil
for _, t := range Conf.Static.Transports {
if t.Socks != nil {
ips = append(ips, t.Socks.IPs...)
return ips, nil