mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 01:22:31 +03:00
631 lines
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631 lines
19 KiB
package main
import (
cryptorand "crypto/rand"
func monitorDNSBL(log *mlog.Log) {
defer func() {
// On error, don't bring down the entire server.
x := recover()
if x != nil {
log.Error("monitordnsbl panic", mlog.Field("panic", x))
l, ok := mox.Conf.Static.Listeners["public"]
if !ok {
log.Info("no listener named public, not monitoring our ips at dnsbls")
var zones []dns.Domain
for _, zone := range l.SMTP.DNSBLs {
d, err := dns.ParseDomain(zone)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalx("parsing dnsbls zone", err, mlog.Field("zone", zone))
zones = append(zones, d)
if len(zones) == 0 {
type key struct {
zone dns.Domain
ip string
metrics := map[key]prometheus.GaugeFunc{}
var statusMutex sync.Mutex
statuses := map[key]bool{}
resolver := dns.StrictResolver{Pkg: "dnsblmonitor"}
var sleep time.Duration // No sleep on first iteration.
for {
sleep = 3 * time.Hour
ips, err := mox.IPs(mox.Context, false)
if err != nil {
log.Errorx("listing ips for dnsbl monitor", err)
for _, ip := range ips {
if ip.IsLoopback() || ip.IsPrivate() {
for _, zone := range zones {
status, expl, err := dnsbl.Lookup(mox.Context, resolver, zone, ip)
if err != nil {
log.Errorx("dnsbl monitor lookup", err, mlog.Field("ip", ip), mlog.Field("zone", zone), mlog.Field("expl", expl), mlog.Field("status", status))
k := key{zone, ip.String()}
statuses[k] = status == dnsbl.StatusPass
if _, ok := metrics[k]; !ok {
metrics[k] = promauto.NewGaugeFunc(
Name: "mox_dnsbl_ips_success",
Help: "DNSBL lookups to configured DNSBLs of our IPs.",
ConstLabels: prometheus.Labels{
"zone": zone.LogString(),
"ip": k.ip,
func() float64 {
defer statusMutex.Unlock()
if statuses[k] {
return 1
return 0
// also see localserve.go, code is similar or even shared.
func cmdServe(c *cmd) {
c.help = `Start mox, serving SMTP/IMAP/HTTPS.
Incoming email is accepted over SMTP. Email can be retrieved by users using
IMAP. HTTP listeners are started for the admin/account web interfaces, and for
automated TLS configuration. Missing essential TLS certificates are immediately
requested, other TLS certificates are requested on demand.
args := c.Parse()
if len(args) != 0 {
// Set debug logging until config is fully loaded.
mlog.Logfmt = true
mox.Conf.Log[""] = mlog.LevelDebug
checkACMEHosts := os.Getuid() != 0
log := mlog.New("serve")
if os.Getuid() == 0 {
mox.MustLoadConfig(true, checkACMEHosts)
// No need to potentially start and keep multiple processes. As root, we just need
// to start the child process.
moxconf, err := filepath.Abs(mox.ConfigStaticPath)
log.Check(err, "finding absolute mox.conf path")
domainsconf, err := filepath.Abs(mox.ConfigDynamicPath)
log.Check(err, "finding absolute domains.conf path")
log.Print("starting as root, initializing network listeners", mlog.Field("version", moxvar.Version), mlog.Field("pid", os.Getpid()), mlog.Field("moxconf", moxconf), mlog.Field("domainsconf", domainsconf))
if os.Getenv("MOX_SOCKETS") != "" {
log.Fatal("refusing to start as root with $MOX_SOCKETS set")
if os.Getenv("MOX_FILES") != "" {
log.Fatal("refusing to start as root with $MOX_FILES set")
if !mox.Conf.Static.NoFixPermissions {
// Fix permissions now that we have privilege to do so. Useful for update of v0.0.1
// that was running directly as mox-user.
workdir, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
log.Printx("get working dir, continuing without potentially fixing up permissions", err)
} else {
configdir := filepath.Dir(mox.ConfigStaticPath)
datadir := mox.DataDirPath(".")
err := fixperms(log, workdir, configdir, datadir, mox.Conf.Static.UID, mox.Conf.Static.GID)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalx("fixing permissions", err)
} else {
mox.MustLoadConfig(true, checkACMEHosts)
log.Print("starting as unprivileged user", mlog.Field("user", mox.Conf.Static.User), mlog.Field("uid", mox.Conf.Static.UID), mlog.Field("gid", mox.Conf.Static.GID), mlog.Field("pid", os.Getpid()))
syscall.Umask(syscall.Umask(007) | 007)
// Initialize key and random buffer for creating opaque SMTP
// transaction IDs based on "cid"s.
recvidpath := mox.DataDirPath("receivedid.key")
recvidbuf, err := os.ReadFile(recvidpath)
if err != nil || len(recvidbuf) != 16+8 {
recvidbuf = make([]byte, 16+8)
if _, err := cryptorand.Read(recvidbuf); err != nil {
log.Fatalx("reading random recvid data", err)
if err := os.WriteFile(recvidpath, recvidbuf, 0660); err != nil {
log.Fatalx("writing recvidpath", err, mlog.Field("path", recvidpath))
err := os.Chown(recvidpath, int(mox.Conf.Static.UID), 0)
log.Check(err, "chown receveidid.key", mlog.Field("path", recvidpath), mlog.Field("uid", mox.Conf.Static.UID), mlog.Field("gid", 0))
err = os.Chmod(recvidpath, 0640)
log.Check(err, "chmod receveidid.key to 0640", mlog.Field("path", recvidpath))
if err := mox.ReceivedIDInit(recvidbuf[:16], recvidbuf[16:]); err != nil {
log.Fatalx("init receivedid", err)
// Start mox. If running as root, this will bind/listen on network sockets, and
// fork and exec itself as unprivileged user, then waits for the child to stop and
// exit. When running as root, this function never returns. But the new
// unprivileged user will get here again, with network sockets prepared.
// We listen to the unix domain ctl socket afterwards, which we always remove
// before listening. We need to do that because we may not have cleaned up our
// control socket during unexpected shutdown. We don't want to remove and listen on
// the unix domain socket first. If we would, we would make the existing instance
// unreachable over its ctl socket, and then fail because the network addresses are
// taken.
const mtastsdbRefresher = true
const skipForkExec = false
if err := start(mtastsdbRefresher, skipForkExec); err != nil {
log.Fatalx("start", err)
log.Print("ready to serve")
if mox.Conf.Static.CheckUpdates {
checkUpdates := func() time.Duration {
next := 24 * time.Hour
current, lastknown, mtime, err := mox.LastKnown()
if err != nil {
log.Infox("determining own version before checking for updates, trying again in 24h", err)
return next
// We don't want to check for updates at every startup. So we sleep based on file
// mtime. But file won't exist initially.
if !mtime.IsZero() && time.Since(mtime) < 24*time.Hour {
d := 24*time.Hour - time.Since(mtime)
log.Debug("sleeping for next check for updates", mlog.Field("sleep", d))
next = 0
now := time.Now()
if err := os.Chtimes(mox.DataDirPath("lastknownversion"), now, now); err != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
log.Infox("setting mtime on lastknownversion file, continuing", err)
log.Debug("checking for updates", mlog.Field("lastknown", lastknown))
updatesctx, updatescancel := context.WithTimeout(mox.Context, time.Minute)
latest, _, changelog, err := updates.Check(updatesctx, dns.StrictResolver{}, dns.Domain{ASCII: changelogDomain}, lastknown, changelogURL, changelogPubKey)
if err != nil {
log.Infox("checking for updates", err, mlog.Field("latest", latest))
return next
if !latest.After(lastknown) {
log.Debug("no new version available")
return next
if len(changelog.Changes) == 0 {
log.Info("new version available, but changelog is empty, ignoring", mlog.Field("latest", latest))
return next
var cl string
for _, c := range changelog.Changes {
cl += "----\n\n" + strings.TrimSpace(c.Text) + "\n\n"
cl += "----"
a, err := store.OpenAccount(mox.Conf.Static.Postmaster.Account)
if err != nil {
log.Infox("open account for postmaster changelog delivery", err)
return next
defer func() {
err := a.Close()
log.Check(err, "closing account")
f, err := store.CreateMessageTemp("changelog")
if err != nil {
log.Infox("making temporary message file for changelog delivery", err)
return next
defer func() {
if f != nil {
err := os.Remove(f.Name())
log.Check(err, "removing temp changelog file")
err = f.Close()
log.Check(err, "closing temp changelog file")
m := &store.Message{
Received: time.Now(),
Flags: store.Flags{Flagged: true},
n, err := fmt.Fprintf(f, "Date: %s\r\nSubject: mox %s available\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\r\n\r\nHi!\r\n\r\nVersion %s of mox is available, this install is at %s.\r\n\r\nChanges:\r\n\r\n%s\r\n\r\nRemember to make a backup with \"mox backup\" before upgrading.\r\nPlease report any issues at https://github.com/mjl-/mox, thanks!\r\n\r\nCheers,\r\nmox\r\n", time.Now().Format(message.RFC5322Z), latest, latest, current, strings.ReplaceAll(cl, "\n", "\r\n"))
if err != nil {
log.Infox("writing temporary message file for changelog delivery", err)
return next
m.Size = int64(n)
if err := a.DeliverMailbox(log, mox.Conf.Static.Postmaster.Mailbox, m, f, true); err != nil {
log.Errorx("changelog delivery", err)
return next
f = nil
log.Info("delivered changelog", mlog.Field("current", current), mlog.Field("lastknown", lastknown), mlog.Field("latest", latest))
if err := mox.StoreLastKnown(latest); err != nil {
// This will be awkward, we'll keep notifying the postmaster once every 24h...
log.Infox("updating last known version", err)
return next
go func() {
for {
next := checkUpdates()
go monitorDNSBL(log)
ctlpath := mox.DataDirPath("ctl")
_ = os.Remove(ctlpath)
ctl, err := net.Listen("unix", ctlpath)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalx("listen on ctl unix domain socket", err)
go func() {
for {
conn, err := ctl.Accept()
if err != nil {
log.Printx("accept for ctl", err)
cid := mox.Cid()
ctx := context.WithValue(mox.Context, mlog.CidKey, cid)
go servectl(ctx, log.WithCid(cid), conn, func() { shutdown(log) })
// Remove old temporary files that somehow haven't been cleaned up.
tmpdir := mox.DataDirPath("tmp")
os.MkdirAll(tmpdir, 0770)
tmps, err := os.ReadDir(tmpdir)
if err != nil {
log.Errorx("listing files in tmpdir", err)
} else {
now := time.Now()
for _, e := range tmps {
if fi, err := e.Info(); err != nil {
log.Errorx("stat tmp file", err, mlog.Field("filename", e.Name()))
} else if now.Sub(fi.ModTime()) > 7*24*time.Hour {
p := filepath.Join(tmpdir, e.Name())
if err := os.Remove(p); err != nil {
log.Errorx("removing stale temporary file", err, mlog.Field("path", p))
} else {
log.Info("removed stale temporary file", mlog.Field("path", p))
// Graceful shutdown.
sigc := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(sigc, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
sig := <-sigc
log.Print("shutting down, waiting max 3s for existing connections", mlog.Field("signal", sig))
if num, ok := sig.(syscall.Signal); ok {
} else {
func shutdown(log *mlog.Log) {
// We indicate we are shutting down. Causes new connections and new SMTP commands
// to be rejected. Should stop active connections pretty quickly.
// Now we are going to wait for all connections to be gone, up to a timeout.
done := mox.Connections.Done()
second := time.Tick(time.Second)
select {
case <-done:
log.Print("connections shutdown, waiting until 1 second passed")
case <-time.Tick(3 * time.Second):
// We now cancel all pending operations, and set an immediate deadline on sockets.
// Should get us a clean shutdown relatively quickly.
second := time.Tick(time.Second)
select {
case <-done:
log.Print("no more connections, shutdown is clean, waiting until 1 second passed")
<-second // Still wait for second, giving processes like imports a chance to clean up.
case <-second:
log.Print("shutting down with pending sockets")
err := os.Remove(mox.DataDirPath("ctl"))
log.Check(err, "removing ctl unix domain socket during shutdown")
// Set correct permissions for mox working directory, binary, config and data and service file.
// We require being able to stat the basic non-optional paths. Then we'll try to
// fix up permissions. If an error occurs when fixing permissions, we log and
// continue (could not be an actual problem).
func fixperms(log *mlog.Log, workdir, configdir, datadir string, moxuid, moxgid uint32) (rerr error) {
type fserr struct{ Err error }
defer func() {
x := recover()
if x == nil {
e, ok := x.(fserr)
if ok {
rerr = e.Err
} else {
checkf := func(err error, format string, args ...any) {
if err != nil {
panic(fserr{fmt.Errorf(format, args...)})
// Changes we have to make. We collect them first, then apply.
type change struct {
path string
uid, gid *uint32
olduid, oldgid uint32
mode *fs.FileMode
oldmode fs.FileMode
var changes []change
ensure := func(p string, uid, gid uint32, perm fs.FileMode) bool {
fi, err := os.Stat(p)
checkf(err, "stat %s", p)
st, ok := fi.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t)
if !ok {
checkf(fmt.Errorf("got %T", st), "stat sys, expected syscall.Stat_t")
var ch change
if st.Uid != uid || st.Gid != gid {
ch.uid = &uid
ch.gid = &gid
ch.olduid = st.Uid
ch.oldgid = st.Gid
if perm != fi.Mode()&(fs.ModeSetgid|0777) {
ch.mode = &perm
ch.oldmode = fi.Mode() & (fs.ModeSetgid | 0777)
var zerochange change
if ch == zerochange {
return false
ch.path = p
changes = append(changes, ch)
return true
xexists := func(p string) bool {
_, err := os.Stat(p)
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
checkf(err, "stat %s", p)
return err == nil
// We ensure these permissions:
// $workdir root:mox 0751
// $configdir mox:root 0750 + setgid, and recursively (but files 0640)
// $datadir mox:root 0750 + setgid, and recursively (but files 0640)
// $workdir/mox (binary, optional) root:mox 0750
// $workdir/mox.service (systemd service file, optional) root:root 0644
const root = 0
ensure(workdir, root, moxgid, 0751)
fixconfig := ensure(configdir, moxuid, 0, fs.ModeSetgid|0750)
fixdata := ensure(datadir, moxuid, 0, fs.ModeSetgid|0750)
// Binary and systemd service file do not exist (there) when running under docker.
binary := filepath.Join(workdir, "mox")
if xexists(binary) {
ensure(binary, root, moxgid, 0750)
svc := filepath.Join(workdir, "mox.service")
if xexists(svc) {
ensure(svc, root, root, 0644)
if len(changes) == 0 {
// Apply changes.
log.Print("fixing up permissions, will continue on errors")
for _, ch := range changes {
if ch.uid != nil {
err := os.Chown(ch.path, int(*ch.uid), int(*ch.gid))
log.Printx("chown, fixing uid/gid", err, mlog.Field("path", ch.path), mlog.Field("olduid", ch.olduid), mlog.Field("oldgid", ch.oldgid), mlog.Field("newuid", *ch.uid), mlog.Field("newgid", *ch.gid))
if ch.mode != nil {
err := os.Chmod(ch.path, *ch.mode)
log.Printx("chmod, fixing permissions", err, mlog.Field("path", ch.path), mlog.Field("oldmode", fmt.Sprintf("%03o", ch.oldmode)), mlog.Field("newmode", fmt.Sprintf("%03o", *ch.mode)))
walkchange := func(dir string) {
err := filepath.WalkDir(dir, func(path string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
if err != nil {
log.Printx("walk error, continuing", err, mlog.Field("path", path))
return nil
fi, err := d.Info()
if err != nil {
log.Printx("stat during walk, continuing", err, mlog.Field("path", path))
return nil
st, ok := fi.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t)
if !ok {
log.Printx("syscall stat during walk, continuing", err, mlog.Field("path", path))
return nil
if st.Uid != moxuid || st.Gid != root {
err := os.Chown(path, int(moxuid), root)
log.Printx("walk chown, fixing uid/gid", err, mlog.Field("path", path), mlog.Field("olduid", st.Uid), mlog.Field("oldgid", st.Gid), mlog.Field("newuid", moxuid), mlog.Field("newgid", root))
omode := fi.Mode() & (fs.ModeSetgid | 0777)
var nmode fs.FileMode
if fi.IsDir() {
nmode = fs.ModeSetgid | 0750
} else {
nmode = 0640
if omode != nmode {
err := os.Chmod(path, nmode)
log.Printx("walk chmod, fixing permissions", err, mlog.Field("path", path), mlog.Field("oldmode", fmt.Sprintf("%03o", omode)), mlog.Field("newmode", fmt.Sprintf("%03o", nmode)))
return nil
log.Check(err, "walking dir to fix permissions", mlog.Field("dir", dir))
// If config or data dir needed fixing, also set uid/gid and mode and files/dirs
// inside, recursively. We don't always recurse, data probably contains many files.
if fixconfig {
log.Print("fixing permissions in config dir", mlog.Field("configdir", configdir))
if fixdata {
log.Print("fixing permissions in data dir", mlog.Field("configdir", configdir))
return nil
// start initializes all packages, starts all listeners and the switchboard
// goroutine, then returns.
func start(mtastsdbRefresher, skipForkExec bool) error {
if !skipForkExec {
// If we were just launched as root, fork and exec as unprivileged user, handing
// over the bound sockets to the new process. We'll get to this same code path
// again, skipping this if block, continuing below with the actual serving.
if os.Getuid() == 0 {
panic("cannot happen")
} else {
if err := dmarcdb.Init(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("dmarc init: %s", err)
if err := mtastsdb.Init(mtastsdbRefresher); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("mtasts init: %s", err)
if err := tlsrptdb.Init(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("tlsrpt init: %s", err)
done := make(chan struct{}, 1)
if err := queue.Start(dns.StrictResolver{Pkg: "queue"}, done); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("queue start: %s", err)
go func() {
<-make(chan struct{})
return nil