# Sherpats Sherpats reads the (machine-readable) documentation for a [sherpa API](https://www.ueber.net/who/mjl/sherpa/) as generated by sherpadoc, and outputs a documented typescript module with all functions and types from the sherpa documentation. Example: sherpadoc MyAPI >myapi.json sherpats < myapi.json >myapi.ts Read the [sherpats documentation](https://godoc.org/github.com/mjl-/sherpats). # Tips At the beginning of each call of an API function, the generated typescript code reads a localStorage variable "sherpats-debug". You can use this to simulate network delay and inject failures into your calls. Example: localStorage.setItem('sherpats-debug', JSON.stringify({waitMinMsec: 0, waitMaxMsec: 1000, failRate: 0.1})) # Info Written by Mechiel Lukkien, mechiel@ueber.net, MIT-licensed, feedback welcome. # Todo - linewrap long comments for fields in generated types. - check if identifiers (type names, function names) are keywords in typescript. if so, rename them so they are not, and don't clash with existing names. - better error types? how is this normally done in typescript? error classes? - add an example of a generated api - write tests, both for go and for the generated typescript