// Javascript is generated from typescript, do not modify generated javascript because changes will be overwritten. // From HTML. declare let page: HTMLElement declare let moxversion: string declare let moxgoversion: string declare let moxgoos: string declare let moxgoarch: string const login = async (reason: string) => { return new Promise<string>((resolve: (v: string) => void, _) => { const origFocus = document.activeElement let reasonElem: HTMLElement let fieldset: HTMLFieldSetElement let autosize: HTMLElement let username: HTMLInputElement let password: HTMLInputElement const root = dom.div( style({position: 'absolute', top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, backgroundColor: '#eee', display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', zIndex: '1', animation: 'fadein .15s ease-in'}), dom.div( reasonElem=reason ? dom.div(style({marginBottom: '2ex', textAlign: 'center'}), reason) : dom.div(), dom.div( style({backgroundColor: 'white', borderRadius: '.25em', padding: '1em', boxShadow: '0 0 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)', border: '1px solid #ddd', maxWidth: '95vw', overflowX: 'auto', maxHeight: '95vh', overflowY: 'auto', marginBottom: '20vh'}), dom.form( async function submit(e: SubmitEvent) { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() reasonElem.remove() try { fieldset.disabled = true const loginToken = await client.LoginPrep() const token = await client.Login(loginToken, username.value, password.value) try { window.localStorage.setItem('webaccountaddress', username.value) window.localStorage.setItem('webaccountcsrftoken', token) } catch (err) { console.log('saving csrf token in localStorage', err) } root.remove() if (origFocus && origFocus instanceof HTMLElement && origFocus.parentNode) { origFocus.focus() } resolve(token) } catch (err) { console.log('login error', err) window.alert('Error: ' + errmsg(err)) } finally { fieldset.disabled = false } }, fieldset=dom.fieldset( dom.h1('Account'), dom.label( style({display: 'block', marginBottom: '2ex'}), dom.div('Email address', style({marginBottom: '.5ex'})), autosize=dom.span(dom._class('autosize'), username=dom.input( attr.required(''), attr.placeholder('jane@example.org'), function change() { autosize.dataset.value = username.value }, function input() { autosize.dataset.value = username.value }, ), ), ), dom.label( style({display: 'block', marginBottom: '2ex'}), dom.div('Password', style({marginBottom: '.5ex'})), password=dom.input(attr.type('password'), attr.required('')), ), dom.div( style({textAlign: 'center'}), dom.submitbutton('Login'), ), ), ) ) ) ) document.body.appendChild(root) username.focus() }) } // Popup shows kids in a centered div with white background on top of a // transparent overlay on top of the window. Clicking the overlay or hitting // Escape closes the popup. Scrollbars are automatically added to the div with // kids. Returns a function that removes the popup. const popup = (...kids: ElemArg[]) => { const origFocus = document.activeElement const close = () => { if (!root.parentNode) { return } root.remove() if (origFocus && origFocus instanceof HTMLElement && origFocus.parentNode) { origFocus.focus() } } let content: HTMLElement const root = dom.div( style({position: 'fixed', top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)', display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', zIndex: '1'}), function keydown(e: KeyboardEvent) { if (e.key === 'Escape') { e.stopPropagation() close() } }, function click(e: MouseEvent) { e.stopPropagation() close() }, content=dom.div( attr.tabindex('0'), style({backgroundColor: 'white', borderRadius: '.25em', padding: '1em', boxShadow: '0 0 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)', border: '1px solid #ddd', maxWidth: '95vw', overflowX: 'auto', maxHeight: '95vh', overflowY: 'auto'}), function click(e: MouseEvent) { e.stopPropagation() }, kids, ) ) document.body.appendChild(root) content.focus() return close } const localStorageGet = (k: string): string | null => { try { return window.localStorage.getItem(k) } catch (err) { return null } } const localStorageRemove = (k: string) => { try { return window.localStorage.removeItem(k) } catch (err) { } } const check = async <T>(elem: {disabled: boolean}, p: Promise<T>): Promise<T> => { try { elem.disabled = true return await p } catch (err) { console.log({err}) window.alert('Error: ' + errmsg(err)) throw err } finally { elem.disabled = false } } const client = new api.Client().withOptions({csrfHeader: 'x-mox-csrf', login: login}).withAuthToken(localStorageGet('webaccountcsrftoken') || '') const link = (href: string, anchorOpt: string) => dom.a(attr.href(href), attr.rel('noopener noreferrer'), anchorOpt || href) const crumblink = (text: string, path: string) => { return { text: text, path: path } } const crumbs = (...l: ({text: string, path: string} | string)[]) => { const crumbtext = (e: {text: string, path: string} | string) => typeof e === 'string' ? e : e.text document.title = l.map(e => crumbtext(e)).join(' - ') const crumblink = (e: {text: string, path: string} | string) => typeof e === 'string' ? e : dom.a(e.text, attr.href(e.path)) return [ dom.div( style({float: 'right'}), localStorageGet('webaccountaddress') || '(unknown)', ' ', dom.clickbutton('Logout', attr.title('Logout, invalidating this session.'), async function click(e: MouseEvent) { const b = e.target! as HTMLButtonElement try { b.disabled = true await client.Logout() } catch (err) { console.log('logout', err) window.alert('Error: ' + errmsg(err)) } finally { b.disabled = false } localStorageRemove('webaccountaddress') localStorageRemove('webaccountcsrftoken') // Reload so all state is cleared from memory. window.location.reload() }), ), dom.h1(l.map((e, index) => index === 0 ? crumblink(e) : [' / ', crumblink(e)])), dom.br() ] } const errmsg = (err: unknown) => ''+((err as any).message || '(no error message)') const footer = dom.div( style({marginTop: '6ex', opacity: 0.75}), link('https://www.xmox.nl', 'mox'), ' ', moxversion, ) const domainName = (d: api.Domain) => { return d.Unicode || d.ASCII } const domainString = (d: api.Domain) => { if (d.Unicode) { return d.Unicode+" ("+d.ASCII+")" } return d.ASCII } const box = (color: string, ...l: ElemArg[]) => [ dom.div( style({ display: 'inline-block', padding: '.25em .5em', backgroundColor: color, borderRadius: '3px', margin: '.5ex 0', }), l, ), dom.br(), ] const green = '#1dea20' const yellow = '#ffe400' const red = '#ff7443' const blue = '#8bc8ff' const age = (date: Date) => { const r = dom.span(dom._class('notooltip'), attr.title(date.toString())) const nowSecs = new Date().getTime()/1000 let t = nowSecs - date.getTime()/1000 let negative = '' if (t < 0) { negative = '-' t = -t } const minute = 60 const hour = 60*minute const day = 24*hour const month = 30*day const year = 365*day const periods = [year, month, day, hour, minute] const suffix = ['y', 'mo', 'd', 'h', 'min'] let s for (let i = 0; i < periods.length; i++) { const p = periods[i] if (t >= 2*p || i === periods.length-1) { const n = Math.round(t/p) s = '' + n + suffix[i] break } } if (t < 60) { s = '<1min' // Prevent showing '-<1min' when browser and server have relatively small time drift of max 1 minute. negative = '' } dom._kids(r, negative+s) return r } const formatQuotaSize = (v: number) => { if (v === 0) { return '0' } const m = 1024*1024 const g = m*1024 const t = g*1024 if (Math.floor(v/t)*t === v) { return ''+(v/t)+'t' } else if (Math.floor(v/g)*g === v) { return ''+(v/g)+'g' } else if (Math.floor(v/m)*m === v) { return ''+(v/m)+'m' } return ''+v } const index = async () => { const [acc, storageUsed, storageLimit, suppressions] = await client.Account() let fullNameForm: HTMLFormElement let fullNameFieldset: HTMLFieldSetElement let fullName: HTMLInputElement let passwordForm: HTMLFormElement let passwordFieldset: HTMLFieldSetElement let password1: HTMLInputElement let password2: HTMLInputElement let passwordHint: HTMLElement let autoJunkFlagsFieldset: HTMLFieldSetElement let autoJunkFlagsEnabled: HTMLInputElement let junkMailboxRegexp: HTMLInputElement let neutralMailboxRegexp: HTMLInputElement let notJunkMailboxRegexp: HTMLInputElement let rejectsFieldset: HTMLFieldSetElement let rejectsMailbox: HTMLInputElement let keepRejects: HTMLInputElement let outgoingWebhookFieldset: HTMLFieldSetElement let outgoingWebhookURL: HTMLInputElement let outgoingWebhookAuthorization: HTMLInputElement let outgoingWebhookEvents: HTMLSelectElement let incomingWebhookFieldset: HTMLFieldSetElement let incomingWebhookURL: HTMLInputElement let incomingWebhookAuthorization: HTMLInputElement let keepRetiredPeriodsFieldset: HTMLFieldSetElement let keepRetiredMessagePeriod: HTMLInputElement let keepRetiredWebhookPeriod: HTMLInputElement let fromIDLoginAddressesFieldset: HTMLFieldSetElement const second = 1000*1000*1000 const minute = 60*second const hour = 60*minute const day = 24*hour const week = 7*day const parseDuration = (s: string) => { if (!s) { return 0 } const xparseint = () => { const v = parseInt(s.substring(0, s.length-1)) if (isNaN(v) || Math.round(v) !== v) { throw new Error('bad number in duration') } return v } if (s.endsWith('w')) { return xparseint()*week } if (s.endsWith('d')) { return xparseint()*day } if (s.endsWith('h')) { return xparseint()*hour } if (s.endsWith('m')) { return xparseint()*minute } if (s.endsWith('s')) { return xparseint()*second } throw new Error('bad duration '+s) } const formatDuration = (v: number) => { if (v === 0) { return '' } const is = (period: number) => v > 0 && Math.round(v/period) === v/period const format = (period: number, s: string) => ''+(v/period)+s if (is(week)) { return format(week, 'w') } if (is(day)) { return format(day, 'd') } if (is(hour)) { return format(hour, 'h') } if (is(minute)) { return format(minute, 'm') } return format(second, 's') } let importForm: HTMLFormElement let importFieldset: HTMLFieldSetElement let mailboxFileHint: HTMLElement let mailboxPrefixHint: HTMLElement let importProgress: HTMLElement let importAbortBox: HTMLElement let suppressionAddress: HTMLInputElement let suppressionReason: HTMLInputElement const importTrack = async (token: string) => { const importConnection = dom.div('Waiting for updates...') importProgress.appendChild(importConnection) let countsTbody: HTMLElement let counts = new Map<string, HTMLElement>() // mailbox -> elem let problems: HTMLElement // element await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const eventSource = new window.EventSource('importprogress?token=' + encodeURIComponent(token)) eventSource.addEventListener('open', function(e) { console.log('eventsource open', {e}) dom._kids(importConnection, dom.div('Waiting for updates, connected...')) dom._kids(importAbortBox, dom.clickbutton('Abort import', attr.title('If the import is not yet finished, it can be aborted and no messages will have been imported.'), async function click() { try { await client.ImportAbort(token) } catch (err) { console.log({err}) window.alert('Error: ' + errmsg(err)) } // On success, the event source will get an aborted notification and shutdown the connection. }) ) }) eventSource.addEventListener('error', function(e) { console.log('eventsource error', {e}) dom._kids(importConnection, box(red, 'Connection error')) reject({message: 'Connection error'}) }) eventSource.addEventListener('count', (e) => { const data = JSON.parse(e.data) // {Mailbox: ..., Count: ...} console.log('import count event', {e, data}) if (!countsTbody) { importProgress.appendChild( dom.div( dom.br(), dom.h3('Importing mailboxes and messages...'), dom.table( dom.thead( dom.tr(dom.th('Mailbox'), dom.th('Messages')), ), countsTbody=dom.tbody(), ), ) ) } let elem = counts.get(data.Mailbox) if (!elem) { countsTbody.appendChild( dom.tr( dom.td(data.Mailbox), elem=dom.td(style({textAlign: 'right'}), ''+data.Count), ), ) counts.set(data.Mailbox, elem) } dom._kids(elem, ''+data.Count) }) eventSource.addEventListener('problem', (e) => { const data = JSON.parse(e.data) // {Message: ...} console.log('import problem event', {e, data}) if (!problems) { importProgress.appendChild( dom.div( dom.br(), dom.h3('Problems during import'), problems=dom.div(), ), ) } problems.appendChild(dom.div(box(yellow, data.Message))) }) eventSource.addEventListener('step', (e) => { const data = JSON.parse(e.data) // {Title: ...} console.log('import step event', {e, data}) importProgress.appendChild(dom.div(dom.br(), box(blue, 'Step: '+data.Title))) }) eventSource.addEventListener('done', (e) => { console.log('import done event', {e}) importProgress.appendChild(dom.div(dom.br(), box(blue, 'Import finished'))) eventSource.close() dom._kids(importConnection) dom._kids(importAbortBox) window.sessionStorage.removeItem('ImportToken') resolve(null) }) eventSource.addEventListener('aborted', function(e) { console.log('import aborted event', {e}) importProgress.appendChild(dom.div(dom.br(), box(red, 'Import aborted, no message imported'))) eventSource.close() dom._kids(importConnection) dom._kids(importAbortBox) window.sessionStorage.removeItem('ImportToken') reject({message: 'Import aborted'}) }) }) } const exportForm = (filename: string) => { return dom.form( attr.target('_blank'), attr.method('POST'), attr.action('export/'+filename), dom.input(attr.type('hidden'), attr.name('csrf'), attr.value(localStorageGet('webaccountcsrftoken') || '')), dom.submitbutton('Export'), ) } const authorizationPopup = (dest: HTMLInputElement) => { let username: HTMLInputElement let password: HTMLInputElement const close = popup( dom.form( function submit(e: SubmitEvent) { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() dest.value = 'Basic '+window.btoa(username.value+':'+password.value) close() }, dom.p('Compose HTTP Basic authentication header'), dom.div( style({marginBottom: '1ex'}), dom.div(dom.label('Username')), username=dom.input(attr.required('')), ), dom.div( style({marginBottom: '1ex'}), dom.div(dom.label('Password (shown in clear)')), password=dom.input(attr.required('')), ), dom.div( style({marginBottom: '1ex'}), dom.submitbutton('Set'), ), dom.div('A HTTP Basic authorization header contains the password in plain text, as base64.'), ), ) username.focus() } const popupTestOutgoing = () => { let fieldset: HTMLFieldSetElement let event: HTMLSelectElement let dsn: HTMLInputElement let suppressing: HTMLInputElement let queueMsgID: HTMLInputElement let fromID: HTMLInputElement let messageID: HTMLInputElement let error: HTMLInputElement let extra: HTMLInputElement let body: HTMLTextAreaElement let curl: HTMLElement let result: HTMLElement let data: api.Outgoing = { Version: 0, Event: api.OutgoingEvent.EventDelivered, DSN: false, Suppressing: false, QueueMsgID: 123, FromID: 'MDEyMzQ1Njc4OWFiY2RlZg', MessageID: '<QnxzgulZK51utga6agH_rg@mox.example>', Subject: 'test from mox web pages', WebhookQueued: new Date(), SMTPCode: 0, SMTPEnhancedCode: '', Error: '', Extra: {}, } const onchange = function change() { data = { Version: 0, Event: event.value as api.OutgoingEvent, DSN: dsn.checked, Suppressing: suppressing.checked, QueueMsgID: parseInt(queueMsgID.value), FromID: fromID.value, MessageID: messageID.value, Subject: 'test from mox web pages', WebhookQueued: new Date(), SMTPCode: 0, SMTPEnhancedCode: '', Error: error.value, Extra: JSON.parse(extra.value), } const curlStr = "curl " + (outgoingWebhookAuthorization.value ? "-H 'Authorization: "+outgoingWebhookAuthorization.value+"' " : "") + "-H 'X-Mox-Webhook-ID: 1' -H 'X-Mox-Webhook-Attempt: 1' --json '"+JSON.stringify(data)+"' '"+outgoingWebhookURL.value+"'" dom._kids(curl, style({maxWidth: '45em', wordBreak: 'break-all'}), curlStr) body.value = JSON.stringify(data, undefined, "\t") } popup( dom.h1('Test webhook for outgoing delivery'), dom.form( async function submit(e: SubmitEvent) { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() result.classList.add('loadstart') const [code, response, errmsg] = await check(fieldset, client.OutgoingWebhookTest(outgoingWebhookURL.value, outgoingWebhookAuthorization.value, data)) const nresult = dom.div( dom._class('loadend'), dom.table( dom.tr(dom.td('HTTP status code'), dom.td(''+code)), dom.tr(dom.td('Error message'), dom.td(errmsg)), dom.tr(dom.td('Response'), dom.td(response)), ), ) result.replaceWith(nresult) result = nresult }, fieldset=dom.fieldset( dom.p('Make a test call to ', dom.b(outgoingWebhookURL.value), '.'), dom.div(style({display: 'flex', gap: '1em'}), dom.div( dom.h2('Parameters'), dom.div( style({marginBottom: '.5ex'}), dom.label( 'Event', dom.div( event=dom.select(onchange, ["delivered", "suppressed", "delayed", "failed", "relayed", "expanded", "canceled", "unrecognized"].map(s => dom.option(s.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()+s.substring(1), attr.value(s))), ), ), ), ), dom.div(style({marginBottom: '.5ex'}), dom.label(dsn=dom.input(attr.type('checkbox')), ' DSN', onchange)), dom.div(style({marginBottom: '.5ex'}), dom.label(suppressing=dom.input(attr.type('checkbox')), ' Suppressing', onchange)), dom.div(style({marginBottom: '.5ex'}), dom.label('Queue message ID ', dom.div(queueMsgID=dom.input(attr.required(''), attr.type('number'), attr.value('123'), onchange)))), dom.div(style({marginBottom: '.5ex'}), dom.label('From ID ', dom.div(fromID=dom.input(attr.required(''), attr.value(data.FromID), onchange)))), dom.div(style({marginBottom: '.5ex'}), dom.label('MessageID', dom.div(messageID=dom.input(attr.required(''), attr.value(data.MessageID), onchange)))), dom.div(style({marginBottom: '.5ex'}), dom.label('Error', dom.div(error=dom.input(onchange)))), dom.div(style({marginBottom: '.5ex'}), dom.label('Extra', dom.div(extra=dom.input(attr.required(''), attr.value('{}'), onchange)))), ), dom.div( dom.h2('Headers'), dom.pre('X-Mox-Webhook-ID: 1\nX-Mox-Webhook-Attempt: 1'), dom.br(), dom.h2('JSON'), body=dom.textarea(attr.disabled(''), attr.rows('15'), style({width: '30em'})), dom.br(), dom.h2('curl'), curl=dom.div(dom._class('literal')), ), ), dom.br(), dom.div(style({textAlign: 'right'}), dom.submitbutton('Post')), dom.br(), result=dom.div(), ), ), ) onchange() } const popupTestIncoming = () => { let fieldset: HTMLFieldSetElement let body: HTMLTextAreaElement let curl: HTMLElement let result: HTMLElement let data: api.Incoming = { Version: 0, From: [{Name: 'remote', Address: 'remote@remote.example'}], To: [{Name: 'mox', Address: 'mox@mox.example'}], CC: [], BCC: [], ReplyTo: [], Subject: 'test webhook for incoming message', MessageID: '<QnxzgulZK51utga6agH_rg@mox.example>', InReplyTo: '', References: [], Date: new Date(), Text: 'hi ☺\n', HTML: '', Structure: { ContentType: 'text/plain', ContentTypeParams: {charset: 'utf-8'}, ContentID: '', DecodedSize: 8, Parts: [], }, Meta: { MsgID: 1, MailFrom: 'remote@remote.example', MailFromValidated: true, MsgFromValidated: true, RcptTo: 'mox@localhost', DKIMVerifiedDomains: ['remote.example'], RemoteIP: '', Received: new Date(), MailboxName: 'Inbox', Automated: false, }, } const onchange = function change() { try { api.parser.Incoming(JSON.parse(body.value)) } catch (err) { console.log({err}) window.alert('Error parsing data: '+errmsg(err)) } const curlStr = "curl " + (incomingWebhookAuthorization.value ? "-H 'Authorization: "+incomingWebhookAuthorization.value+"' " : "") + "-H 'X-Mox-Webhook-ID: 1' -H 'X-Mox-Webhook-Attempt: 1' --json '"+JSON.stringify(data)+"' '"+incomingWebhookURL.value+"'" dom._kids(curl, style({maxWidth: '45em', wordBreak: 'break-all'}), curlStr) } popup( dom.h1('Test webhook for incoming delivery'), dom.form( async function submit(e: SubmitEvent) { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() result.classList.add('loadstart') const [code, response, errmsg] = await check(fieldset, (async () => await client.IncomingWebhookTest(incomingWebhookURL.value, incomingWebhookAuthorization.value, api.parser.Incoming(JSON.parse(body.value))))()) const nresult = dom.div( dom._class('loadend'), dom.table( dom.tr(dom.td('HTTP status code'), dom.td(''+code)), dom.tr(dom.td('Error message'), dom.td(errmsg)), dom.tr(dom.td('Response'), dom.td(response)), ), ) result.replaceWith(nresult) result = nresult }, fieldset=dom.fieldset( dom.p('Make a test call to ', dom.b(incomingWebhookURL.value), '.'), dom.div(style({display: 'flex', gap: '1em'}), dom.div( dom.h2('JSON'), body=dom.textarea(style({maxHeight: '90vh'}), style({width: '30em'}), onchange), ), dom.div( dom.h2('Headers'), dom.pre('X-Mox-Webhook-ID: 1\nX-Mox-Webhook-Attempt: 1'), dom.br(), dom.h2('curl'), curl=dom.div(dom._class('literal')), ), ), dom.br(), dom.div(style({textAlign: 'right'}), dom.submitbutton('Post')), dom.br(), result=dom.div(), ), ), ) body.value = JSON.stringify(data, undefined, '\t') body.setAttribute('rows', ''+Math.min(40, (body.value.split('\n').length+1))) onchange() } dom._kids(page, crumbs('Mox Account'), dom.p('NOTE: Not all account settings can be configured through these pages yet. See the configuration file for more options.'), dom.div( 'Default domain: ', acc.DNSDomain.ASCII ? domainString(acc.DNSDomain) : '(none)', ), dom.br(), fullNameForm=dom.form( fullNameFieldset=dom.fieldset( dom.label( style({display: 'inline-block'}), 'Full name', dom.br(), fullName=dom.input(attr.value(acc.FullName), attr.title('Name to use in From header when composing messages. Can be overridden per configured address.')), ), ' ', dom.submitbutton('Save'), ), async function submit(e: SubmitEvent) { e.preventDefault() await check(fullNameFieldset, client.AccountSaveFullName(fullName.value)) fullName.setAttribute('value', fullName.value) fullNameForm.reset() }, ), dom.br(), dom.h2('Addresses'), dom.ul( Object.entries(acc.Destinations || {}).length === 0 ? dom.li('(None, login disabled)') : [], Object.entries(acc.Destinations || {}).sort().map(t => dom.li( dom.a(t[0], attr.href('#destinations/'+t[0])), t[0].startsWith('@') ? ' (catchall)' : [], ), ), ), dom.br(), dom.h2('Change password'), passwordForm=dom.form( passwordFieldset=dom.fieldset( dom.label( style({display: 'inline-block'}), 'New password', dom.br(), password1=dom.input(attr.type('password'), attr.autocomplete('new-password'), attr.required(''), function focus() { passwordHint.style.display = '' }), ), ' ', dom.label( style({display: 'inline-block'}), 'New password repeat', dom.br(), password2=dom.input(attr.type('password'), attr.autocomplete('new-password'), attr.required('')), ), ' ', dom.submitbutton('Change password'), ), passwordHint=dom.div( style({display: 'none', marginTop: '.5ex'}), dom.clickbutton('Generate random password', function click(e: MouseEvent) { e.preventDefault() let b = new Uint8Array(1) let s = '' const chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!@#$%^&*-_;:,<.>/' while (s.length < 12) { self.crypto.getRandomValues(b) if (Math.ceil(b[0]/chars.length)*chars.length > 255) { continue // Prevent bias. } s += chars[b[0]%chars.length] } password1.type = 'text' password2.type = 'text' password1.value = s password2.value = s }), dom.div(dom._class('text'), box(yellow, 'Important: Bots will try to bruteforce your password. Connections with failed authentication attempts will be rate limited but attackers WILL find weak passwords. If your account is compromised, spammers are likely to abuse your system, spamming your address and the wider internet in your name. So please pick a random, unguessable password, preferrably at least 12 characters.'), ), ), async function submit(e: SubmitEvent) { e.stopPropagation() e.preventDefault() if (!password1.value || password1.value !== password2.value) { window.alert('Passwords do not match.') return } await check(passwordFieldset, client.SetPassword(password1.value)) passwordForm.reset() }, ), dom.br(), dom.h2('Disk usage'), dom.p('Storage used is ', dom.b(formatQuotaSize(Math.floor(storageUsed/(1024*1024))*1024*1024)), storageLimit > 0 ? [ dom.b('/', formatQuotaSize(storageLimit)), ' (', ''+Math.floor(100*storageUsed/storageLimit), '%).', ] : [', no explicit limit is configured.']), dom.h2('Automatic junk flags', attr.title('For the junk filter to work properly, it needs to be trained: Messages need to be marked as junk or nonjunk. Not all email clients help you set those flags. Automatic junk flags set the junk or nonjunk flags when messages are moved/copied to mailboxes matching configured regular expressions.')), dom.form( async function submit(e: SubmitEvent) { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() await check(autoJunkFlagsFieldset, client.AutomaticJunkFlagsSave(autoJunkFlagsEnabled.checked, junkMailboxRegexp.value, neutralMailboxRegexp.value, notJunkMailboxRegexp.value)) }, autoJunkFlagsFieldset=dom.fieldset( dom.div(style({display: 'flex', gap: '1em'}), dom.label( 'Enabled', attr.title("If enabled, junk/nonjunk flags will be set automatically if they match a regular expression below. When two of the three mailbox regular expressions are set, the remaining one will match all unmatched messages. Messages are matched in order 'junk', 'neutral', 'not junk', and the search stops on the first match. Mailboxes are lowercased before matching."), dom.div(autoJunkFlagsEnabled=dom.input(attr.type('checkbox'), acc.AutomaticJunkFlags.Enabled ? attr.checked('') : [])), ), dom.label( 'Junk mailbox regexp', dom.div(junkMailboxRegexp=dom.input(attr.value(acc.AutomaticJunkFlags.JunkMailboxRegexp))), ), dom.label( 'Neutral mailbox regexp', dom.div(neutralMailboxRegexp=dom.input(attr.value(acc.AutomaticJunkFlags.NeutralMailboxRegexp))), ), dom.label( 'Not Junk mailbox regexp', dom.div(notJunkMailboxRegexp=dom.input(attr.value(acc.AutomaticJunkFlags.NotJunkMailboxRegexp))), ), dom.div(dom.span('\u00a0'), dom.div(dom.submitbutton('Save'))), ), ), ), dom.br(), dom.h2('Rejects'), dom.form( async function submit(e: SubmitEvent) { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() await check(rejectsFieldset, client.RejectsSave(rejectsMailbox.value, keepRejects.checked)) }, rejectsFieldset=dom.fieldset( dom.div(style({display: 'flex', gap: '1em'}), dom.label( 'Mailbox', attr.title("Mail that looks like spam will be rejected, but a copy can be stored temporarily in a mailbox, e.g. Rejects. If mail isn't coming in when you expect, you can look there. The mail still isn't accepted, so the remote mail server may retry (hopefully, if legitimate), or give up (hopefully, if indeed a spammer). Messages are automatically removed from this mailbox, so do not set it to a mailbox that has messages you want to keep."), dom.div(rejectsMailbox=dom.input(attr.value(acc.RejectsMailbox))), ), dom.label( "No cleanup", attr.title("Don't automatically delete mail in the RejectsMailbox listed above. This can be useful, e.g. for future spam training. It can also cause storage to fill up."), dom.div(keepRejects=dom.input(attr.type('checkbox'), acc.KeepRejects ? attr.checked('') : [])), ), dom.div(dom.span('\u00a0'), dom.div(dom.submitbutton('Save'))), ), ), ), dom.br(), dom.h2('Webhooks'), dom.h3('Outgoing', attr.title('Webhooks for outgoing messages are called for each attempt to deliver a message in the outgoing queue, e.g. when the queue has delivered a message to the next hop, when a single attempt failed with a temporary error, when delivery permanently failed, or when DSN (delivery status notification) messages were received about a previously sent message.')), dom.form( async function submit(e: SubmitEvent) { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() await check(outgoingWebhookFieldset, client.OutgoingWebhookSave(outgoingWebhookURL.value, outgoingWebhookAuthorization.value, [...outgoingWebhookEvents.selectedOptions].map(o => o.value))) }, outgoingWebhookFieldset=dom.fieldset( dom.div(style({display: 'flex', gap: '1em'}), dom.div( dom.label( dom.div('URL', attr.title('URL to do an HTTP POST to for each event. Webhooks are disabled if empty.')), outgoingWebhookURL=dom.input(attr.value(acc.OutgoingWebhook?.URL || ''), style({width: '30em'})), ), ), dom.div( dom.label( dom.div( 'Authorization header ', dom.a( 'Basic', attr.href(''), function click(e: MouseEvent) { e.preventDefault() authorizationPopup(outgoingWebhookAuthorization) }, ), attr.title('If non-empty, HTTP requests have this value as Authorization header, e.g. Basic <base64-encoded-username-password>.'), ), outgoingWebhookAuthorization=dom.input(attr.value(acc.OutgoingWebhook?.Authorization || '')), ), ), dom.div( dom.label( style({verticalAlign: 'top'}), dom.div('Events', attr.title('Either limit to specific events, or receive all events (default).')), outgoingWebhookEvents=dom.select( style({verticalAlign: 'bottom'}), attr.multiple(''), attr.size('8'), // Number of options. ["delivered", "suppressed", "delayed", "failed", "relayed", "expanded", "canceled", "unrecognized"].map(s => dom.option(s.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()+s.substring(1), attr.value(s), acc.OutgoingWebhook?.Events?.includes(s) ? attr.selected('') : [])), ), ), ), dom.div( dom.div(dom.label('\u00a0')), dom.submitbutton('Save'), ' ', dom.clickbutton('Test', function click() { popupTestOutgoing() }), ), ), ), ), dom.br(), dom.h3('Incoming', attr.title('Webhooks for incoming messages are called for each message received over SMTP, excluding DSN messages about previous deliveries.')), dom.form( async function submit(e: SubmitEvent) { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() await check(incomingWebhookFieldset, client.IncomingWebhookSave(incomingWebhookURL.value, incomingWebhookAuthorization.value)) }, incomingWebhookFieldset=dom.fieldset( dom.div( style({display: 'flex', gap: '1em'}), dom.div( dom.label( dom.div('URL'), incomingWebhookURL=dom.input(attr.value(acc.IncomingWebhook?.URL || ''), style({width: '30em'})), ), ), dom.div( dom.label( dom.div( 'Authorization header ', dom.a( 'Basic', attr.href(''), function click(e: MouseEvent) { e.preventDefault() authorizationPopup(incomingWebhookAuthorization) }, ), attr.title('If non-empty, HTTP requests have this value as Authorization header, e.g. Basic <base64-encoded-username-password>.'), ), incomingWebhookAuthorization=dom.input(attr.value(acc.IncomingWebhook?.Authorization || '')), ), ), dom.div( dom.div(dom.label('\u00a0')), dom.submitbutton('Save'), ' ', dom.clickbutton('Test', function click() { popupTestIncoming() }), ), ), ), ), dom.br(), dom.h2('Keep messages/webhooks retired from queue', attr.title('After delivering a message or webhook from the queue it is removed by default. But you can also keep these "retired" messages/webhooks around for a while. With unique SMTP MAIL FROM addresses configured below, this allows relating incoming delivery status notification messages (DSNs) to previously sent messages and their original recipients, which is needed for automatic management of recipient suppression lists, which is important for managing the reputation of your mail server. For both messages and webhooks, this can be useful for debugging. Use values like "3d" for 3 days, or units "s" for second, "m" for minute, "h" for hour, "w" for week.')), dom.form( async function submit(e: SubmitEvent) { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() await check(keepRetiredPeriodsFieldset, (async () => await client.KeepRetiredPeriodsSave(parseDuration(keepRetiredMessagePeriod.value), parseDuration(keepRetiredWebhookPeriod.value)))()) }, keepRetiredPeriodsFieldset=dom.fieldset( dom.div( style({display: 'flex', gap: '1em', alignItems: 'flex-end'}), dom.div( dom.label( 'Messages deliveries', dom.br(), keepRetiredMessagePeriod=dom.input(attr.value(formatDuration(acc.KeepRetiredMessagePeriod))), ), ), dom.div( dom.label( 'Webhook deliveries', dom.br(), keepRetiredWebhookPeriod=dom.input(attr.value(formatDuration(acc.KeepRetiredWebhookPeriod))), ), ), dom.div( dom.submitbutton('Save'), ), ), ), ), dom.br(), dom.h2('Unique SMTP MAIL FROM login addresses', attr.title('Outgoing messages are normally sent using your email address in the SMTP MAIL FROM command. By using unique addresses (by using the localpart catchall separator, e.g. addresses of the form "localpart+<uniquefromid>@domain"), future incoming DSNs can be related to the original outgoing messages and recipients, which allows for automatic management of recipient suppression lists when keeping retired messages for as long as you expect DSNs to come in as configured above. Configure the addresses used for logging in with SMTP submission, the webapi or webmail for which unique SMTP MAIL FROM addesses should be enabled. Note: These are addresses used for authenticating, not the address in the message "From" header.')), (() => { let inputs: HTMLInputElement[] = [] let elem: HTMLElement const render = () => { inputs = [] const e = dom.form( async function submit(e: SubmitEvent) { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() await check(fromIDLoginAddressesFieldset, client.FromIDLoginAddressesSave(inputs.map(e => e.value))) }, fromIDLoginAddressesFieldset=dom.fieldset( dom.table( dom.tbody( (acc.FromIDLoginAddresses || []).length === 0 ? dom.tr(dom.td('(None)'), dom.td()) : [], (acc.FromIDLoginAddresses || []).map((s, index) => { const input = dom.input(attr.required(''), attr.value(s)) inputs.push(input) const x = dom.tr( dom.td(input), dom.td( dom.clickbutton('Remove', function click() { acc.FromIDLoginAddresses!.splice(index, 1) render() }), ), ) return x }), ), dom.tfoot( dom.tr( dom.td(), dom.td( dom.clickbutton('Add', function click() { acc.FromIDLoginAddresses = (acc.FromIDLoginAddresses || []).concat(['']) render() }), ), ), dom.tr( dom.td(attr.colspan('2'), dom.submitbutton('Save')), ), ), ), ), ) if (elem) { elem.replaceWith(e) elem = e } return e } elem = render() return elem })(), dom.br(), dom.h2('Suppression list'), dom.p('Messages queued for delivery to recipients on the suppression list will immediately fail. If delivery to a recipient fails repeatedly, it can be added to the suppression list automatically. Repeated rejected delivery attempts can have a negative influence of mail server reputation. Applications sending email can implement their own handling of delivery failure notifications, but not all do.'), dom.form( attr.id('suppressionAdd'), async function submit(e: SubmitEvent) { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() await check(e.target! as HTMLButtonElement, client.SuppressionAdd(suppressionAddress.value, true, suppressionReason.value)) window.location.reload() // todo: reload less }, ), dom.table( dom.thead( dom.tr( dom.th('Address', attr.title('Address that caused this entry to be added to the list. The title (shown on hover) displays an address with a fictional simplified localpart, with lower-cased, dots removed, only first part before "+" or "-" (typicaly catchall separators). When checking if an address is on the suppression list, it is checked against this address.')), dom.th('Manual', attr.title('Whether suppression was added manually, instead of automatically based on bounces.')), dom.th('Reason'), dom.th('Since'), dom.th('Action'), ), ), dom.tbody( (suppressions || []).length === 0 ? dom.tr(dom.td(attr.colspan('5'), '(None)')) : [], (suppressions || []).map(s => dom.tr( dom.td(s.OriginalAddress, attr.title(s.BaseAddress)), dom.td(s.Manual ? '✓' : ''), dom.td(s.Reason), dom.td(age(s.Created)), dom.td( dom.clickbutton('Remove', async function click(e: MouseEvent) { await check(e.target! as HTMLButtonElement, client.SuppressionRemove(s.OriginalAddress)) window.location.reload() // todo: reload less }) ), ), ), ), dom.tfoot( dom.tr( dom.td(suppressionAddress=dom.input(attr.type('required'), attr.form('suppressionAdd'))), dom.td(), dom.td(suppressionReason=dom.input(style({width: '100%'}), attr.form('suppressionAdd'))), dom.td(), dom.td(dom.submitbutton('Add suppression', attr.form('suppressionAdd'))), ), ), ), dom.br(), dom.h2('Export'), dom.p('Export all messages in all mailboxes. In maildir or mbox format, as .zip or .tgz file.'), dom.table(dom._class('slim'), dom.tr( dom.td('Maildirs in .tgz'), dom.td(exportForm('mail-export-maildir.tgz')), ), dom.tr( dom.td('Maildirs in .zip'), dom.td(exportForm('mail-export-maildir.zip')), ), dom.tr( dom.td('Mbox files in .tgz'), dom.td(exportForm('mail-export-mbox.tgz')), ), dom.tr( dom.td('Mbox files in .zip'), dom.td(exportForm('mail-export-mbox.zip')), ), ), dom.br(), dom.h2('Import'), dom.p('Import messages from a .zip or .tgz file with maildirs and/or mbox files.'), importForm=dom.form( async function submit(e: SubmitEvent) { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() const request = async (): Promise<api.ImportProgress> => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Browsers can do everything. Except show a progress bar while uploading... let progressPercentage: HTMLElement dom._kids(importProgress, dom.div( dom.div('Uploading... ', progressPercentage=dom.span()), ), ) importProgress.style.display = '' const xhr = new window.XMLHttpRequest() xhr.open('POST', 'import', true) xhr.setRequestHeader('x-mox-csrf', localStorageGet('webaccountcsrftoken') || '') xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', (e) => { if (!e.lengthComputable) { return } const pct = Math.floor(100*e.loaded/e.total) dom._kids(progressPercentage, pct+'%') }) xhr.addEventListener('load', () => { console.log('upload done', {xhr: xhr, status: xhr.status}) if (xhr.status !== 200) { reject({message: xhr.status === 400 || xhr.status === 500 ? xhr.responseText : 'status '+xhr.status}) return } let resp: api.ImportProgress try { resp = api.parser.ImportProgress(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText)) } catch (err) { reject({message: 'parsing response json: '+errmsg(err)}) return } resolve(resp) }) xhr.addEventListener('error', (e) => reject({message: 'upload error', event: e})) xhr.addEventListener('abort', (e) => reject({message: 'upload aborted', event: e})) xhr.send(new window.FormData(importForm)) }) } try { const p = request() importFieldset.disabled = true const result = await p try { window.sessionStorage.setItem('ImportToken', result.Token) } catch (err) { console.log('storing import token in session storage', {err}) // Ignore error, could be some browser security thing like private browsing. } await importTrack(result.Token) } catch (err) { console.log({err}) window.alert('Error: ' + errmsg(err)) } finally { importFieldset.disabled = false } }, importFieldset=dom.fieldset( dom.div( style({marginBottom: '1ex'}), dom.label( dom.div(style({marginBottom: '.5ex'}), 'File'), dom.input(attr.type('file'), attr.required(''), attr.name('file'), function focus() { mailboxFileHint.style.display = '' }), ), mailboxFileHint=dom.p(style({display: 'none', fontStyle: 'italic', marginTop: '.5ex'}), 'This file must either be a zip file or a gzipped tar file with mbox and/or maildir mailboxes. For maildirs, an optional file "dovecot-keywords" is read additional keywords, like Forwarded/Junk/NotJunk. If an imported mailbox already exists by name, messages are added to the existing mailbox. If a mailbox does not yet exist it will be created.'), ), dom.div( style({marginBottom: '1ex'}), dom.label( dom.div(style({marginBottom: '.5ex'}), 'Skip mailbox prefix (optional)'), dom.input(attr.name('skipMailboxPrefix'), function focus() { mailboxPrefixHint.style.display = '' }), ), mailboxPrefixHint=dom.p(style({display: 'none', fontStyle: 'italic', marginTop: '.5ex'}), 'If set, any mbox/maildir path with this prefix will have it stripped before importing. For example, if all mailboxes are in a directory "Takeout", specify that path in the field above so mailboxes like "Takeout/Inbox.mbox" are imported into a mailbox called "Inbox" instead of "Takeout/Inbox".'), ), dom.div( dom.submitbutton('Upload and import'), dom.p(style({fontStyle: 'italic', marginTop: '.5ex'}), 'The file is uploaded first, then its messages are imported, finally messages are matched for threading. Importing is done in a transaction, you can abort the entire import before it is finished.'), ), ), ), importAbortBox=dom.div(), // Outside fieldset because it gets disabled, above progress because may be scrolling it down quickly with problems. importProgress=dom.div( style({display: 'none'}), ), dom.br(), footer, ) // Try to show the progress of an earlier import session. The user may have just // refreshed the browser. let importToken: string try { importToken = window.sessionStorage.getItem('ImportToken') || '' } catch (err) { console.log('looking up ImportToken in session storage', {err}) return } if (!importToken) { return } importFieldset.disabled = true dom._kids(importProgress, dom.div( dom.div('Reconnecting to import...'), ), ) importProgress.style.display = '' importTrack(importToken) .catch(() => { if (window.confirm('Error reconnecting to import. Remove this import session?')) { window.sessionStorage.removeItem('ImportToken') dom._kids(importProgress) importProgress.style.display = 'none' } }) .finally(() => { importFieldset.disabled = false }) } const destination = async (name: string) => { const [acc] = await client.Account() let dest = (acc.Destinations || {})[name] if (!dest) { throw new Error('destination not found') } type Header = { root: HTMLElement key: HTMLInputElement value: HTMLInputElement } type Row = { root: HTMLElement smtpMailFromRegexp: HTMLInputElement verifiedDomain: HTMLInputElement headers: Header[] isForward: HTMLInputElement // Checkbox listAllowDomain: HTMLInputElement acceptRejectsToMailbox: HTMLInputElement mailbox: HTMLInputElement } let rulesetsTbody = dom.tbody() let rulesetsRows: Row[] = [] const addRulesetsRow = (rs: api.Ruleset) => { let row: Row let headersCell = dom.td() const addHeader = (k: string, v: string) => { let h: Header let key: HTMLInputElement let value: HTMLInputElement const root = dom.div( key=dom.input(attr.value(k)), ' ', value=dom.input(attr.value(v)), ' ', dom.clickbutton('-', style({width: '1.5em'}), function click() { h.root.remove() row.headers = row.headers.filter(x => x !== h) if (row.headers.length === 0) { const b = dom.clickbutton('+', style({width: '1.5em'}), function click() { b.remove() addHeader('', '') }) headersCell.appendChild(dom.div(style({textAlign: 'right'}), b)) } }), ' ', dom.clickbutton('+', style({width: '1.5em'}), function click() { addHeader('', '') }), ) h = {root: root, key: key, value: value} row.headers.push(h) headersCell.appendChild(root) } let smtpMailFromRegexp: HTMLInputElement let verifiedDomain: HTMLInputElement let isForward: HTMLInputElement // Checkbox let listAllowDomain: HTMLInputElement let acceptRejectsToMailbox: HTMLInputElement let mailbox: HTMLInputElement const root = dom.tr( dom.td(smtpMailFromRegexp=dom.input(attr.value(rs.SMTPMailFromRegexp || ''))), dom.td(verifiedDomain=dom.input(attr.value(rs.VerifiedDomain || ''))), headersCell, dom.td(dom.label(isForward=dom.input(attr.type('checkbox'), rs.IsForward ? attr.checked('') : [] ))), dom.td(listAllowDomain=dom.input(attr.value(rs.ListAllowDomain || ''))), dom.td(acceptRejectsToMailbox=dom.input(attr.value(rs.AcceptRejectsToMailbox || ''))), dom.td(mailbox=dom.input(attr.value(rs.Mailbox || ''))), dom.td( dom.clickbutton('Remove ruleset', function click() { row.root.remove() rulesetsRows = rulesetsRows.filter(e => e !== row) }), ), ) row = { root: root, smtpMailFromRegexp: smtpMailFromRegexp, verifiedDomain: verifiedDomain, headers: [], isForward: isForward, listAllowDomain: listAllowDomain, acceptRejectsToMailbox: acceptRejectsToMailbox, mailbox: mailbox, } rulesetsRows.push(row) Object.entries(rs.HeadersRegexp || {}).sort().forEach(t => addHeader(t[0], t[1]) ) if (Object.entries(rs.HeadersRegexp || {}).length === 0) { const b = dom.clickbutton('+', style({width: '1.5em'}), function click() { b.remove() addHeader('', '') }) headersCell.appendChild(dom.div(style({textAlign: 'right'}), b)) } rulesetsTbody.appendChild(row.root) } (dest.Rulesets || []).forEach(rs => { addRulesetsRow(rs) }) let defaultMailbox: HTMLInputElement let fullName: HTMLInputElement let saveButton: HTMLButtonElement const addresses = [name, ...Object.keys(acc.Destinations || {}).filter(a => !a.startsWith('@') && a !== name)] dom._kids(page, crumbs( crumblink('Mox Account', '#'), 'Destination ' + name, ), dom.div( dom.span('Default mailbox', attr.title('Default mailbox where email for this recipient is delivered to if it does not match any ruleset. Default is Inbox.')), dom.br(), defaultMailbox=dom.input(attr.value(dest.Mailbox), attr.placeholder('Inbox')), ), dom.br(), dom.div( dom.span('Full name', attr.title('Name to use in From header when composing messages. If not set, the account default full name is used.')), dom.br(), fullName=dom.input(attr.value(dest.FullName)), ), dom.br(), dom.h2('Rulesets'), dom.p('Incoming messages are checked against the rulesets. If a ruleset matches, the message is delivered to the mailbox configured for the ruleset instead of to the default mailbox.'), dom.p('"Is Forward" does not affect matching, but changes prevents the sending mail server from being included in future junk classifications by clearing fields related to the forwarding email server (IP address, EHLO domain, MAIL FROM domain and a matching DKIM domain), and prevents DMARC rejects for forwarded messages.'), dom.p('"List allow domain" does not affect matching, but skips the regular spam checks if one of the verified domains is a (sub)domain of the domain mentioned here.'), dom.p('"Accept rejects to mailbox" does not affect matching, but causes messages classified as junk to be accepted and delivered to this mailbox, instead of being rejected during the SMTP transaction. Useful for incoming forwarded messages where rejecting incoming messages may cause the forwarding server to stop forwarding.'), dom.table( dom.thead( dom.tr( dom.th('SMTP "MAIL FROM" regexp', attr.title('Matches if this regular expression matches (a substring of) the SMTP MAIL FROM address (not the message From-header). E.g. user@example.org.')), dom.th('Verified domain', attr.title('Matches if this domain matches an SPF- and/or DKIM-verified (sub)domain.')), dom.th('Headers regexp', attr.title('Matches if these header field/value regular expressions all match (substrings of) the message headers. Header fields and valuees are converted to lower case before matching. Whitespace is trimmed from the value before matching. A header field can occur multiple times in a message, only one instance has to match. For mailing lists, you could match on ^list-id$ with the value typically the mailing list address in angled brackets with @ replaced with a dot, e.g. <name\\.lists\\.example\\.org>.')), dom.th('Is Forward', attr.title("Influences spam filtering only, this option does not change whether a message matches this ruleset. Can only be used together with SMTPMailFromRegexp and VerifiedDomain. SMTPMailFromRegexp must be set to the address used to deliver the forwarded message, e.g. '^user(|\\+.*)@forward\\.example$'. Changes to junk analysis: 1. Messages are not rejected for failing a DMARC policy, because a legitimate forwarded message without valid/intact/aligned DKIM signature would be rejected because any verified SPF domain will be 'unaligned', of the forwarding mail server. 2. The sending mail server IP address, and sending EHLO and MAIL FROM domains and matching DKIM domain aren't used in future reputation-based spam classifications (but other verified DKIM domains are) because the forwarding server is not a useful spam signal for future messages.")), dom.th('List allow domain', attr.title("Influences spam filtering only, this option does not change whether a message matches this ruleset. If this domain matches an SPF- and/or DKIM-verified (sub)domain, the message is accepted without further spam checks, such as a junk filter or DMARC reject evaluation. DMARC rejects should not apply for mailing lists that are not configured to rewrite the From-header of messages that don't have a passing DKIM signature of the From-domain. Otherwise, by rejecting messages, you may be automatically unsubscribed from the mailing list. The assumption is that mailing lists do their own spam filtering/moderation.")), dom.th('Allow rejects to mailbox', attr.title("Influences spam filtering only, this option does not change whether a message matches this ruleset. If a message is classified as spam, it isn't rejected during the SMTP transaction (the normal behaviour), but accepted during the SMTP transaction and delivered to the specified mailbox. The specified mailbox is not automatically cleaned up like the account global Rejects mailbox, unless set to that Rejects mailbox.")), dom.th('Mailbox', attr.title('Mailbox to deliver to if this ruleset matches.')), dom.th('Action'), ) ), rulesetsTbody, dom.tfoot( dom.tr( dom.td(attr.colspan('7')), dom.td( dom.clickbutton('Add ruleset', function click() { addRulesetsRow({ SMTPMailFromRegexp: '', VerifiedDomain: '', HeadersRegexp: {}, IsForward: false, ListAllowDomain: '', AcceptRejectsToMailbox: '', Mailbox: '', VerifiedDNSDomain: {ASCII: '', Unicode: ''}, ListAllowDNSDomain: {ASCII: '', Unicode: ''}, }) }), ), ), ), ), dom.br(), saveButton=dom.clickbutton('Save', async function click() { const newDest = { Mailbox: defaultMailbox.value, FullName: fullName.value, Rulesets: rulesetsRows.map(row => { return { SMTPMailFromRegexp: row.smtpMailFromRegexp.value, VerifiedDomain: row.verifiedDomain.value, HeadersRegexp: Object.fromEntries(row.headers.map(h => [h.key.value, h.value.value])), IsForward: row.isForward.checked, ListAllowDomain: row.listAllowDomain.value, AcceptRejectsToMailbox: row.acceptRejectsToMailbox.value, Mailbox: row.mailbox.value, VerifiedDNSDomain: {ASCII: '', Unicode: ''}, ListAllowDNSDomain: {ASCII: '', Unicode: ''}, } }), } await check(saveButton, client.DestinationSave(name, dest, newDest)) window.location.reload() // todo: only refresh part of ui }), dom.br(), dom.br(), dom.br(), dom.p("Apple's mail applications don't do account autoconfiguration, and when adding an account it can choose defaults that don't work with modern email servers. Adding an account through a \"mobileconfig\" profile file can be more convenient: It contains the IMAP/SMTP settings such as host name, port, TLS, authentication mechanism and user name. This profile does not contain a login password. Opening the profile adds it under Profiles in System Preferences (macOS) or Settings (iOS), where you can install it. These profiles are not signed, so users will have to ignore the warnings about them being unsigned. ", dom.br(), dom.a(attr.href('https://autoconfig.'+domainName(acc.DNSDomain)+'/profile.mobileconfig?addresses='+encodeURIComponent(addresses.join(','))+'&name='+encodeURIComponent(dest.FullName)), attr.download(''), 'Download .mobileconfig email account profile'), dom.br(), dom.a(attr.href('https://autoconfig.'+domainName(acc.DNSDomain)+'/profile.mobileconfig.qrcode.png?addresses='+encodeURIComponent(addresses.join(','))+'&name='+encodeURIComponent(dest.FullName)), attr.download(''), 'Open QR-code with link to .mobileconfig profile'), ), ) } const init = async () => { let curhash: string | undefined const hashChange = async () => { if (curhash === window.location.hash) { return } let h = decodeURIComponent(window.location.hash) if (h !== '' && h.substring(0, 1) == '#') { h = h.substring(1) } const t = h.split('/') page.classList.add('loading') try { if (h === '') { await index() } else if (t[0] === 'destinations' && t.length === 2) { await destination(t[1]) } else { dom._kids(page, 'page not found') } } catch (err) { console.log({err}) window.alert('Error: ' + errmsg(err)) window.location.hash = curhash || '' curhash = window.location.hash return } curhash = window.location.hash page.classList.remove('loading') } window.addEventListener('hashchange', hashChange) hashChange() } window.addEventListener('load', async () => { try { await init() } catch (err) { window.alert('Error: ' + errmsg(err)) } })