package smtpclient import ( "bufio" "context" "crypto/ed25519" cryptorand "crypto/rand" "crypto/sha1" "crypto/sha256" "crypto/tls" "crypto/x509" "encoding/base64" "errors" "fmt" "hash" "io" "math/big" "net" "reflect" "strings" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var zerohost dns.Domain var localhost = dns.Domain{ASCII: "localhost"} func TestClient(t *testing.T) { ctx := context.Background() log := mlog.New("smtpclient") mlog.SetConfig(map[string]mlog.Level{"": mlog.LevelTrace}) type options struct { pipelining bool ecodes bool maxSize int starttls bool eightbitmime bool smtputf8 bool requiretls bool ehlo bool tlsMode TLSMode tlsHostname dns.Domain need8bitmime bool needsmtputf8 bool needsrequiretls bool auths []string // Allowed mechanisms. nodeliver bool // For server, whether client will attempt a delivery. } // Make fake cert, and make it trusted. cert := fakeCert(t, false) mox.Conf.Static.TLS.CertPool = x509.NewCertPool() mox.Conf.Static.TLS.CertPool.AddCert(cert.Leaf) tlsConfig := tls.Config{ Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert}, } test := func(msg string, opts options, auths []sasl.Client, expClientErr, expDeliverErr, expServerErr error) { t.Helper() if opts.tlsMode == "" { opts.tlsMode = TLSOpportunistic } clientConn, serverConn := net.Pipe() defer serverConn.Close() result := make(chan error, 2) go func() { defer func() { x := recover() if x != nil && x != "stop" { panic(x) } }() fail := func(format string, args ...any) { err := fmt.Errorf("server: %w", fmt.Errorf(format, args...)) if err != nil && expServerErr != nil && (errors.Is(err, expServerErr) || errors.As(err, reflect.New(reflect.ValueOf(expServerErr).Type()).Interface())) { err = nil } result <- err panic("stop") } br := bufio.NewReader(serverConn) readline := func(prefix string) string { s, err := br.ReadString('\n') if err != nil { fail("expected command: %v", err) } if !strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(s), strings.ToLower(prefix)) { fail("expected command %q, got: %s", prefix, s) } s = s[len(prefix):] return strings.TrimSuffix(s, "\r\n") } writeline := func(s string) { fmt.Fprintf(serverConn, "%s\r\n", s) } haveTLS := false ehlo := true // Initially we expect EHLO. var hello func() hello = func() { if !ehlo { readline("HELO") writeline("250 mox.example") return } readline("EHLO") if !opts.ehlo { // Client will try again with HELO. writeline("500 bad syntax") ehlo = false hello() return } writeline("250-mox.example") if opts.pipelining { writeline("250-PIPELINING") } if opts.maxSize > 0 { writeline(fmt.Sprintf("250-SIZE %d", opts.maxSize)) } if opts.ecodes { writeline("250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES") } if opts.starttls && !haveTLS { writeline("250-STARTTLS") } if opts.eightbitmime { writeline("250-8BITMIME") } if opts.smtputf8 { writeline("250-SMTPUTF8") } if opts.requiretls && haveTLS { writeline("250-REQUIRETLS") } if opts.auths != nil { writeline("250-AUTH " + strings.Join(opts.auths, " ")) } writeline("250 UNKNOWN") // To be ignored. } writeline("220 mox.example ESMTP test") hello() if opts.starttls { readline("STARTTLS") writeline("220 go") tlsConn := tls.Server(serverConn, &tlsConfig) nctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 3*time.Second) defer cancel() err := tlsConn.HandshakeContext(nctx) if err != nil { fail("tls handshake: %w", err) } serverConn = tlsConn br = bufio.NewReader(serverConn) haveTLS = true hello() } if opts.auths != nil { more := readline("AUTH ") t := strings.SplitN(more, " ", 2) switch t[0] { case "PLAIN": writeline("235 2.7.0 auth ok") case "CRAM-MD5": writeline("334 " + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte("<123.1234@host>"))) readline("") // Proof writeline("235 2.7.0 auth ok") case "SCRAM-SHA-1", "SCRAM-SHA-256": // Cannot fake/hardcode scram interactions. var h func() hash.Hash salt := scram.MakeRandom() var iterations int if t[0] == "SCRAM-SHA-1" { h = sha1.New iterations = 2 * 4096 } else { h = sha256.New iterations = 4096 } saltedPassword := scram.SaltPassword(h, "test", salt, iterations) clientFirst, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(t[1]) if err != nil { fail("bad base64: %w", err) } s, err := scram.NewServer(h, clientFirst) if err != nil { fail("scram new server: %w", err) } serverFirst, err := s.ServerFirst(iterations, salt) if err != nil { fail("scram server first: %w", err) } writeline("334 " + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(serverFirst))) xclientFinal := readline("") clientFinal, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(xclientFinal) if err != nil { fail("bad base64: %w", err) } serverFinal, err := s.Finish([]byte(clientFinal), saltedPassword) if err != nil { fail("scram finish: %w", err) } writeline("334 " + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(serverFinal))) readline("") writeline("235 2.7.0 auth ok") default: writeline("501 unknown mechanism") } } if expClientErr == nil && !opts.nodeliver { readline("MAIL FROM:") writeline("250 ok") readline("RCPT TO:") writeline("250 ok") readline("DATA") writeline("354 continue") reader := smtp.NewDataReader(br) io.Copy(io.Discard, reader) writeline("250 ok") if expDeliverErr == nil { readline("RSET") writeline("250 ok") readline("MAIL FROM:") writeline("250 ok") readline("RCPT TO:") writeline("250 ok") readline("DATA") writeline("354 continue") reader = smtp.NewDataReader(br) io.Copy(io.Discard, reader) writeline("250 ok") } } readline("QUIT") writeline("221 ok") result <- nil }() // todo: should abort tests more properly. on client failures, we may be left with hanging test. go func() { defer func() { x := recover() if x != nil && x != "stop" { panic(x) } }() fail := func(format string, args ...any) { err := fmt.Errorf("client: %w", fmt.Errorf(format, args...)) result <- err panic("stop") } c, err := New(ctx, log, clientConn, opts.tlsMode, localhost, opts.tlsHostname, auths, nil, nil, nil) if (err == nil) != (expClientErr == nil) || err != nil && !errors.As(err, reflect.New(reflect.ValueOf(expClientErr).Type()).Interface()) && !errors.Is(err, expClientErr) { fail("new client: got err %v, expected %#v", err, expClientErr) } if err != nil { result <- nil return } err = c.Deliver(ctx, "postmaster@mox.example", "mjl@mox.example", int64(len(msg)), strings.NewReader(msg), opts.need8bitmime, opts.needsmtputf8, opts.needsrequiretls) if (err == nil) != (expDeliverErr == nil) || err != nil && !errors.Is(err, expDeliverErr) { fail("first deliver: got err %v, expected %v", err, expDeliverErr) } if err == nil { err = c.Reset() if err != nil { fail("reset: %v", err) } err = c.Deliver(ctx, "postmaster@mox.example", "mjl@mox.example", int64(len(msg)), strings.NewReader(msg), opts.need8bitmime, opts.needsmtputf8, opts.needsrequiretls) if (err == nil) != (expDeliverErr == nil) || err != nil && !errors.Is(err, expDeliverErr) { fail("second deliver: got err %v, expected %v", err, expDeliverErr) } } err = c.Close() if err != nil { fail("close client: %v", err) } result <- nil }() var errs []error for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { err := <-result if err != nil { errs = append(errs, err) } } if errs != nil { t.Fatalf("%v", errs) } } msg := strings.ReplaceAll(`From: To: Subject: test test `, "\n", "\r\n") allopts := options{ pipelining: true, ecodes: true, maxSize: 512, eightbitmime: true, smtputf8: true, starttls: true, ehlo: true, requiretls: true, tlsMode: TLSStrictStartTLS, tlsHostname: dns.Domain{ASCII: "mox.example"}, need8bitmime: true, needsmtputf8: true, needsrequiretls: true, } test(msg, options{}, nil, nil, nil, nil) test(msg, allopts, nil, nil, nil, nil) test(msg, options{ehlo: true, eightbitmime: true}, nil, nil, nil, nil) test(msg, options{ehlo: true, eightbitmime: false, need8bitmime: true, nodeliver: true}, nil, nil, Err8bitmimeUnsupported, nil) test(msg, options{ehlo: true, smtputf8: false, needsmtputf8: true, nodeliver: true}, nil, nil, ErrSMTPUTF8Unsupported, nil) test(msg, options{ehlo: true, starttls: true, tlsMode: TLSStrictStartTLS, tlsHostname: dns.Domain{ASCII: "mismatch.example"}, nodeliver: true}, nil, ErrTLS, nil, &net.OpError{}) // Server TLS handshake is a net.OpError with "remote error" as text. test(msg, options{ehlo: true, maxSize: len(msg) - 1, nodeliver: true}, nil, nil, ErrSize, nil) test(msg, options{ehlo: true, auths: []string{"PLAIN"}}, []sasl.Client{sasl.NewClientPlain("test", "test")}, nil, nil, nil) test(msg, options{ehlo: true, auths: []string{"CRAM-MD5"}}, []sasl.Client{sasl.NewClientCRAMMD5("test", "test")}, nil, nil, nil) test(msg, options{ehlo: true, auths: []string{"SCRAM-SHA-1"}}, []sasl.Client{sasl.NewClientSCRAMSHA1("test", "test")}, nil, nil, nil) test(msg, options{ehlo: true, auths: []string{"SCRAM-SHA-256"}}, []sasl.Client{sasl.NewClientSCRAMSHA256("test", "test")}, nil, nil, nil) // todo: add tests for failing authentication, also at various stages in SCRAM test(msg, options{ehlo: true, requiretls: false, needsrequiretls: true, nodeliver: true}, nil, nil, ErrRequireTLSUnsupported, nil) // Set an expired certificate. For non-strict TLS, we should still accept it. // ../rfc/7435:424 cert = fakeCert(t, true) mox.Conf.Static.TLS.CertPool = x509.NewCertPool() mox.Conf.Static.TLS.CertPool.AddCert(cert.Leaf) tlsConfig = tls.Config{ Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert}, } test(msg, options{ehlo: true, starttls: true}, nil, nil, nil, nil) // Again with empty cert pool so it isn't trusted in any way. mox.Conf.Static.TLS.CertPool = x509.NewCertPool() tlsConfig = tls.Config{ Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert}, } test(msg, options{ehlo: true, starttls: true}, nil, nil, nil, nil) } func TestErrors(t *testing.T) { ctx := context.Background() log := mlog.New("") // Invalid greeting. run(t, func(s xserver) { s.writeline("bogus") // Invalid, should be "220 ". }, func(conn net.Conn) { _, err := New(ctx, log, conn, TLSOpportunistic, localhost, zerohost, nil, nil, nil, nil) var xerr Error if err == nil || !errors.Is(err, ErrProtocol) || !errors.As(err, &xerr) || xerr.Permanent { panic(fmt.Errorf("got %#v, expected ErrProtocol without Permanent", err)) } }) // Server just closes connection. run(t, func(s xserver) { s.conn.Close() }, func(conn net.Conn) { _, err := New(ctx, log, conn, TLSOpportunistic, localhost, zerohost, nil, nil, nil, nil) var xerr Error if err == nil || !errors.Is(err, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF) || !errors.As(err, &xerr) || xerr.Permanent { panic(fmt.Errorf("got %#v (%v), expected ErrUnexpectedEOF without Permanent", err, err)) } }) // Server does not want to speak SMTP. run(t, func(s xserver) { s.writeline("521 not accepting connections") }, func(conn net.Conn) { _, err := New(ctx, log, conn, TLSOpportunistic, localhost, zerohost, nil, nil, nil, nil) var xerr Error if err == nil || !errors.Is(err, ErrStatus) || !errors.As(err, &xerr) || !xerr.Permanent { panic(fmt.Errorf("got %#v, expected ErrStatus with Permanent", err)) } }) // Server has invalid code in greeting. run(t, func(s xserver) { s.writeline("2200 mox.example") // Invalid, too many digits. }, func(conn net.Conn) { _, err := New(ctx, log, conn, TLSOpportunistic, localhost, zerohost, nil, nil, nil, nil) var xerr Error if err == nil || !errors.Is(err, ErrProtocol) || !errors.As(err, &xerr) || xerr.Permanent { panic(fmt.Errorf("got %#v, expected ErrProtocol without Permanent", err)) } }) // Server sends multiline response, but with different codes. run(t, func(s xserver) { s.writeline("220 mox.example") s.readline("EHLO") s.writeline("250-mox.example") s.writeline("500 different code") // Invalid. }, func(conn net.Conn) { _, err := New(ctx, log, conn, TLSOpportunistic, localhost, zerohost, nil, nil, nil, nil) var xerr Error if err == nil || !errors.Is(err, ErrProtocol) || !errors.As(err, &xerr) || xerr.Permanent { panic(fmt.Errorf("got %#v, expected ErrProtocol without Permanent", err)) } }) // Server permanently refuses MAIL FROM. run(t, func(s xserver) { s.writeline("220 mox.example") s.readline("EHLO") s.writeline("250-mox.example") s.writeline("250 ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES") s.readline("MAIL FROM:") s.writeline("550 5.7.0 not allowed") }, func(conn net.Conn) { c, err := New(ctx, log, conn, TLSOpportunistic, localhost, zerohost, nil, nil, nil, nil) if err != nil { panic(err) } msg := "" err = c.Deliver(ctx, "postmaster@other.example", "mjl@mox.example", int64(len(msg)), strings.NewReader(msg), false, false, false) var xerr Error if err == nil || !errors.Is(err, ErrStatus) || !errors.As(err, &xerr) || !xerr.Permanent { panic(fmt.Errorf("got %#v, expected ErrStatus with Permanent", err)) } }) // Server temporarily refuses MAIL FROM. run(t, func(s xserver) { s.writeline("220 mox.example") s.readline("EHLO") s.writeline("250 mox.example") s.readline("MAIL FROM:") s.writeline("451 bad sender") }, func(conn net.Conn) { c, err := New(ctx, log, conn, TLSOpportunistic, localhost, zerohost, nil, nil, nil, nil) if err != nil { panic(err) } msg := "" err = c.Deliver(ctx, "postmaster@other.example", "mjl@mox.example", int64(len(msg)), strings.NewReader(msg), false, false, false) var xerr Error if err == nil || !errors.Is(err, ErrStatus) || !errors.As(err, &xerr) || xerr.Permanent { panic(fmt.Errorf("got %#v, expected ErrStatus with not-Permanent", err)) } }) // Server temporarily refuses RCPT TO. run(t, func(s xserver) { s.writeline("220 mox.example") s.readline("EHLO") s.writeline("250 mox.example") s.readline("MAIL FROM:") s.writeline("250 ok") s.readline("RCPT TO:") s.writeline("451") }, func(conn net.Conn) { c, err := New(ctx, log, conn, TLSOpportunistic, localhost, zerohost, nil, nil, nil, nil) if err != nil { panic(err) } msg := "" err = c.Deliver(ctx, "postmaster@other.example", "mjl@mox.example", int64(len(msg)), strings.NewReader(msg), false, false, false) var xerr Error if err == nil || !errors.Is(err, ErrStatus) || !errors.As(err, &xerr) || xerr.Permanent { panic(fmt.Errorf("got %#v, expected ErrStatus with not-Permanent", err)) } }) // Server permanently refuses DATA. run(t, func(s xserver) { s.writeline("220 mox.example") s.readline("EHLO") s.writeline("250 mox.example") s.readline("MAIL FROM:") s.writeline("250 ok") s.readline("RCPT TO:") s.writeline("250 ok") s.readline("DATA") s.writeline("550 no!") }, func(conn net.Conn) { c, err := New(ctx, log, conn, TLSOpportunistic, localhost, zerohost, nil, nil, nil, nil) if err != nil { panic(err) } msg := "" err = c.Deliver(ctx, "postmaster@other.example", "mjl@mox.example", int64(len(msg)), strings.NewReader(msg), false, false, false) var xerr Error if err == nil || !errors.Is(err, ErrStatus) || !errors.As(err, &xerr) || !xerr.Permanent { panic(fmt.Errorf("got %#v, expected ErrStatus with Permanent", err)) } }) // TLS is required, so we attempt it regardless of whether it is advertised. run(t, func(s xserver) { s.writeline("220 mox.example") s.readline("EHLO") s.writeline("250 mox.example") s.readline("STARTTLS") s.writeline("502 command not implemented") }, func(conn net.Conn) { _, err := New(ctx, log, conn, TLSStrictStartTLS, localhost, dns.Domain{ASCII: "mox.example"}, nil, nil, nil, nil) var xerr Error if err == nil || !errors.Is(err, ErrTLS) || !errors.As(err, &xerr) || !xerr.Permanent { panic(fmt.Errorf("got %#v, expected ErrTLS with Permanent", err)) } }) // If TLS is available, but we don't want to use it, client should skip it. run(t, func(s xserver) { s.writeline("220 mox.example") s.readline("EHLO") s.writeline("250-mox.example") s.writeline("250 STARTTLS") s.readline("MAIL FROM:") s.writeline("451 enough") }, func(conn net.Conn) { c, err := New(ctx, log, conn, TLSSkip, localhost, dns.Domain{ASCII: "mox.example"}, nil, nil, nil, nil) if err != nil { panic(err) } msg := "" err = c.Deliver(ctx, "postmaster@other.example", "mjl@mox.example", int64(len(msg)), strings.NewReader(msg), false, false, false) var xerr Error if err == nil || !errors.Is(err, ErrStatus) || !errors.As(err, &xerr) || xerr.Permanent { panic(fmt.Errorf("got %#v, expected ErrStatus with non-Permanent", err)) } }) // A transaction is aborted. If we try another one, we should send a RSET. run(t, func(s xserver) { s.writeline("220 mox.example") s.readline("EHLO") s.writeline("250 mox.example") s.readline("MAIL FROM:") s.writeline("250 ok") s.readline("RCPT TO:") s.writeline("451 not now") s.readline("RSET") s.writeline("250 ok") s.readline("MAIL FROM:") s.writeline("250 ok") s.readline("RCPT TO:") s.writeline("250 ok") s.readline("DATA") s.writeline("550 not now") }, func(conn net.Conn) { c, err := New(ctx, log, conn, TLSOpportunistic, localhost, zerohost, nil, nil, nil, nil) if err != nil { panic(err) } msg := "" err = c.Deliver(ctx, "postmaster@other.example", "mjl@mox.example", int64(len(msg)), strings.NewReader(msg), false, false, false) var xerr Error if err == nil || !errors.Is(err, ErrStatus) || !errors.As(err, &xerr) || xerr.Permanent { panic(fmt.Errorf("got %#v, expected ErrStatus with non-Permanent", err)) } // Another delivery. err = c.Deliver(ctx, "postmaster@other.example", "mjl@mox.example", int64(len(msg)), strings.NewReader(msg), false, false, false) if err == nil || !errors.Is(err, ErrStatus) || !errors.As(err, &xerr) || !xerr.Permanent { panic(fmt.Errorf("got %#v, expected ErrStatus with Permanent", err)) } }) // Remote closes connection after 550 response to MAIL FROM in pipelined // connection. Should result in permanent error, not temporary read error. // E.g. that has your IP blocklisted. run(t, func(s xserver) { s.writeline("220 mox.example") s.readline("EHLO") s.writeline("250-mox.example") s.writeline("250 PIPELINING") s.readline("MAIL FROM:") s.writeline("550 ok") }, func(conn net.Conn) { c, err := New(ctx, log, conn, TLSOpportunistic, localhost, zerohost, nil, nil, nil, nil) if err != nil { panic(err) } msg := "" err = c.Deliver(ctx, "postmaster@other.example", "mjl@mox.example", int64(len(msg)), strings.NewReader(msg), false, false, false) var xerr Error if err == nil || !errors.Is(err, ErrStatus) || !errors.As(err, &xerr) || !xerr.Permanent { panic(fmt.Errorf("got %#v, expected ErrStatus with Permanent", err)) } }) } type xserver struct { conn net.Conn br *bufio.Reader } func (s xserver) check(err error, msg string) { if err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", msg, err)) } } func (s xserver) errorf(format string, args ...any) { panic(fmt.Errorf(format, args...)) } func (s xserver) writeline(line string) { _, err := fmt.Fprintf(s.conn, "%s\r\n", line) s.check(err, "write") } func (s xserver) readline(prefix string) { line, err :='\n') s.check(err, "reading command") if !strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(line), strings.ToLower(prefix)) { s.errorf("expected command %q, got: %s", prefix, line) } } func run(t *testing.T, server func(s xserver), client func(conn net.Conn)) { t.Helper() result := make(chan error, 2) clientConn, serverConn := net.Pipe() go func() { defer func() { serverConn.Close() x := recover() if x != nil { result <- fmt.Errorf("server: %v", x) } else { result <- nil } }() server(xserver{serverConn, bufio.NewReader(serverConn)}) }() go func() { defer func() { clientConn.Close() x := recover() if x != nil { result <- fmt.Errorf("client: %v", x) } else { result <- nil } }() client(clientConn) }() var errs []error for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { err := <-result if err != nil { errs = append(errs, err) } } if errs != nil { t.Fatalf("errors: %v", errs) } } // Just a cert that appears valid. SMTP client will not verify anything about it // (that is opportunistic TLS for you, "better some than none"). Let's enjoy this // one moment where it makes life easier. func fakeCert(t *testing.T, expired bool) tls.Certificate { notAfter := time.Now() if expired { notAfter = notAfter.Add(-time.Hour) } else { notAfter = notAfter.Add(time.Hour) } privKey := ed25519.NewKeyFromSeed(make([]byte, ed25519.SeedSize)) // Fake key, don't use this for real! template := &x509.Certificate{ SerialNumber: big.NewInt(1), // Required field... DNSNames: []string{"mox.example"}, NotBefore: time.Now().Add(-time.Hour), NotAfter: notAfter, } localCertBuf, err := x509.CreateCertificate(cryptorand.Reader, template, template, privKey.Public(), privKey) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("making certificate: %s", err) } cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(localCertBuf) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("parsing generated certificate: %s", err) } c := tls.Certificate{ Certificate: [][]byte{localCertBuf}, PrivateKey: privKey, Leaf: cert, } return c }