package bstore import ( "bytes" "encoding" "encoding/binary" "fmt" "math" "reflect" "time" ) // fieldmap represents a bitmap indicating which fields are actually stored and // can be parsed. zero values for fields are not otherwise stored. type fieldmap struct { max int // Required number of fields. buf []byte // Bitmap, we write the next 0/1 at bit n. n int // Fields seen so far. offset int // In final output, we write buf back after finish. Only relevant for packing. Errorf func(format string, args ...any) } // add bit to fieldmap indicating if the field is nonzero. func (f *fieldmap) Field(nonzero bool) { o := f.n / 8 if f.n >= f.max { f.Errorf("internal error: too many fields, max %d", f.max) } if nonzero { f.buf[o] |= 1 << (7 - f.n%8) } f.n++ } // check if field i is nonzero. func (f *fieldmap) Nonzero(i int) bool { v := f.buf[i/8]&(1<<(7-i%8)) != 0 return v } type packer struct { b *bytes.Buffer offset int fieldmaps []*fieldmap // Pending fieldmaps, not excluding fieldmap below. fieldmap *fieldmap // Currently active. popped []*fieldmap // Completed fieldmaps, to be written back during finish. } func (p *packer) Errorf(format string, args ...any) { panic(packErr{fmt.Errorf(format, args...)}) } // Push a new fieldmap on the stack for n fields. func (p *packer) PushFieldmap(n int) { p.fieldmaps = append(p.fieldmaps, p.fieldmap) buf := make([]byte, (n+7)/8) p.fieldmap = &fieldmap{max: n, buf: buf, offset: p.offset, Errorf: p.Errorf} p.Write(buf) // Updates offset. Write errors cause panic. } // Pop a fieldmap from the stack. It is remembered in popped for writing the // bytes during finish. func (p *packer) PopFieldmap() { if p.fieldmap.n != p.fieldmap.max { p.Errorf("internal error: fieldmap n %d != max %d", p.fieldmap.n, p.fieldmap.max) } p.popped = append(p.popped, p.fieldmap) p.fieldmap = p.fieldmaps[len(p.fieldmaps)-1] p.fieldmaps = p.fieldmaps[:len(p.fieldmaps)-1] } // Finish writes back finished (popped) fieldmaps to the correct offset, // returning the final bytes representation of this record. func (p *packer) Finish() []byte { if p.fieldmap != nil { p.Errorf("internal error: leftover fieldmap during finish") } buf := p.b.Bytes() for _, f := range p.popped { copy(buf[f.offset:], f.buf) } return buf } // Field adds field with nonzeroness to the current fieldmap. func (p *packer) Field(nonzero bool) { p.fieldmap.Field(nonzero) } func (p *packer) Write(buf []byte) (int, error) { n, err := p.b.Write(buf) if err != nil { p.Errorf("write: %w", err) } if n > 0 { p.offset += n } return n, err } func (p *packer) AddBytes(buf []byte) { p.Uvarint(uint64(len(buf))) p.Write(buf) // Write errors cause panic. } func (p *packer) Uvarint(v uint64) { buf := make([]byte, binary.MaxVarintLen64) o := binary.PutUvarint(buf, v) p.Write(buf[:o]) // Write errors cause panic. } func (p *packer) Varint(v int64) { buf := make([]byte, binary.MaxVarintLen64) o := binary.PutVarint(buf, v) p.Write(buf[:o]) // Write errors cause panic. } type packErr struct { err error } // pack rv (reflect.Struct), excluding the primary key field. func (st storeType) pack(rv reflect.Value) (rbuf []byte, rerr error) { p := &packer{b: &bytes.Buffer{}} defer func() { x := recover() if x == nil { return } perr, ok := x.(packErr) if ok { rerr = perr.err return } panic(x) }() st.Current.pack(p, rv) return p.Finish(), nil } func (tv typeVersion) pack(p *packer, rv reflect.Value) { // When parsing, the same typeVersion (type schema) is used to // interpret the bytes correctly. p.Uvarint(uint64(tv.Version)) p.PushFieldmap(len(tv.Fields) - 1) for _, f := range tv.Fields[1:] { nrv := rv.FieldByIndex(f.structField.Index) if f.Type.isZero(nrv) { if f.Nonzero { p.Errorf("%w: %q", ErrZero, f.Name) } p.Field(false) // Pretend to pack to get the nonzero checks. if nrv.IsValid() && (nrv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || !nrv.IsNil()) { f.Type.pack(&packer{b: &bytes.Buffer{}}, nrv) } } else { p.Field(true) f.Type.pack(p, nrv) } } p.PopFieldmap() } // pack the nonzero value rv. func (ft fieldType) pack(p *packer, rv reflect.Value) { if ft.Ptr { rv = rv.Elem() } switch ft.Kind { case kindBytes: p.AddBytes(rv.Bytes()) case kindBinaryMarshal: v := rv buf, err := v.Interface().(encoding.BinaryMarshaler).MarshalBinary() if err != nil { p.Errorf("marshalbinary: %w", err) } p.AddBytes(buf) case kindBool: if ft.Ptr { var b byte = 0 if rv.Bool() { b = 1 } p.Write([]byte{b}) } // If not pointer, no value is needed. If false, we would not get here, there would // be a 0 in the fieldmap. case kindInt: v := rv.Int() if v < math.MinInt32 || v > math.MaxInt32 { p.Errorf("%w: int %d does not fit in int32", ErrParam, v) } p.Varint(v) case kindInt8, kindInt16, kindInt32, kindInt64: p.Varint(rv.Int()) case kindUint8, kindUint16, kindUint32, kindUint64: p.Uvarint(rv.Uint()) case kindUint: v := rv.Uint() if v > math.MaxUint32 { p.Errorf("%w: uint %d does not fit in uint32", ErrParam, v) } p.Uvarint(v) case kindFloat32: p.Uvarint(uint64(math.Float32bits(rv.Interface().(float32)))) case kindFloat64: p.Uvarint(uint64(math.Float64bits(rv.Interface().(float64)))) case kindString: p.AddBytes([]byte(rv.String())) case kindTime: buf, err := rv.Interface().(time.Time).MarshalBinary() if err != nil { p.Errorf("%w: pack time: %s", ErrParam, err) } p.AddBytes(buf) case kindSlice: n := rv.Len() p.Uvarint(uint64(n)) p.PushFieldmap(n) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { nrv := rv.Index(i) if ft.List.isZero(nrv) { p.Field(false) // Pretend to pack to get the nonzero checks of the element. if nrv.IsValid() && (nrv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || !nrv.IsNil()) { ft.List.pack(&packer{b: &bytes.Buffer{}}, nrv) } } else { p.Field(true) ft.List.pack(p, nrv) } } p.PopFieldmap() case kindMap: // We write a fieldmap for zeroness of the values. The keys are unique, so there // can only be max 1 zero key. But there can be many zero values. struct{} is // common in Go, good to support that efficiently. n := rv.Len() p.Uvarint(uint64(n)) p.PushFieldmap(n) iter := rv.MapRange() for iter.Next() { ft.MapKey.pack(p, iter.Key()) v := iter.Value() if ft.MapValue.isZero(v) { p.Field(false) // Pretend to pack to get the nonzero checks of the key type. if v.IsValid() && (v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || !v.IsNil()) { ft.MapValue.pack(&packer{b: &bytes.Buffer{}}, v) } } else { p.Field(true) ft.MapValue.pack(p, v) } } p.PopFieldmap() case kindStruct: p.PushFieldmap(len(ft.Fields)) for _, f := range ft.Fields { nrv := rv.FieldByIndex(f.structField.Index) if f.Type.isZero(nrv) { if f.Nonzero { p.Errorf("%w: %q", ErrZero, f.Name) } p.Field(false) // Pretend to pack to get the nonzero checks. if nrv.IsValid() && (nrv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || !nrv.IsNil()) { f.Type.pack(&packer{b: &bytes.Buffer{}}, nrv) } } else { p.Field(true) f.Type.pack(p, nrv) } } p.PopFieldmap() default: p.Errorf("internal error: unhandled field type") // should be prevented when registering type } }