<!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>Mox Account</title> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" /> <link rel="icon" href="noNeedlessFaviconRequestsPlease:" /> <style> body, html { padding: 1em; font-size: 16px; } * { font-size: inherit; font-family: ubuntu, lato, sans-serif; margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } h1, h2, h3, h4 { margin-bottom: 1ex; } h1 { font-size: 1.2rem; } h2 { font-size: 1.1rem; } h3, h4 { font-size: 1rem; } ul { padding-left: 1rem; } .literal { background-color: #fdfdfd; padding: .5em 1em; border: 1px solid #eee; border-radius: 4px; white-space: pre-wrap; font-family: monospace; font-size: 15px; tab-size: 4; } table td, table th { padding: .2em .5em; } table > tbody > tr:nth-child(odd) { background-color: #f8f8f8; } .text { max-width: 50em; } p { margin-bottom: 1em; max-width: 50em; } [title] { text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-style: dotted; } fieldset { border: 0; } #page { opacity: 1; animation: fadein 0.15s ease-in; } #page.loading { opacity: 0.1; animation: fadeout 1s ease-out; } @keyframes fadein { 0% { opacity: 0 } 100% { opacity: 1 } } @keyframes fadeout { 0% { opacity: 1 } 100% { opacity: 0.1 } } </style> <script src="api/sherpa.js"></script> <script>api._sherpa.baseurl = 'api/'</script> </head> <body> <div id="page">Loading...</div> <script> const [dom, style, attr, prop] = (function() { function _domKids(e, ...kl) { kl.forEach(k => { if (typeof k === 'string' || k instanceof String) { e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(k)) } else if (k instanceof Node) { e.appendChild(k) } else if (Array.isArray(k)) { _domKids(e, ...k) } else if (typeof k === 'function') { if (!k.name) { throw new Error('function without name', k) } e.addEventListener(k.name, k) } else if (typeof k === 'object' && k !== null) { if (k.root) { e.appendChild(k.root) return } for (const key in k) { const value = k[key] if (key === '_prop') { for (const prop in value) { e[prop] = value[prop] } } else if (key === '_attr') { for (const prop in value) { e.setAttribute(prop, value[prop]) } } else if (key === '_listen') { e.addEventListener(...value) } else { e.style[key] = value } } } else { console.log('bad kid', k) throw new Error('bad kid') } }) } const _dom = (kind, ...kl) => { const t = kind.split('.') const e = document.createElement(t[0]) for (let i = 1; i < t.length; i++) { e.classList.add(t[i]) } _domKids(e, kl) return e } _dom._kids = function(e, ...kl) { while(e.firstChild) { e.removeChild(e.firstChild) } _domKids(e, kl) } const dom = new Proxy(_dom, { get: function(dom, prop) { if (prop in dom) { return dom[prop] } const fn = (...kl) => _dom(prop, kl) dom[prop] = fn return fn }, apply: function(target, that, args) { if (args.length === 1 && typeof args[0] === 'object' && !Array.isArray(args[0])) { return {_attr: args[0]} } return _dom(...args) }, }) const style = x => x const attr = x => { return {_attr: x} } const prop = x => { return {_prop: x} } return [dom, style, attr, prop] })() const link = (href, anchorOpt) => dom.a(attr({href: href, rel: 'noopener noreferrer'}), anchorOpt || href) const crumblink = (text, link) => dom.a(text, attr({href: link})) const crumbs = (...l) => [dom.h1(l.map((e, index) => index === 0 ? e : [' / ', e])), dom.br()] const footer = dom.div( style({marginTop: '6ex', opacity: 0.75}), link('https://github.com/mjl-/mox', 'mox'), ' ', api._sherpa.version, ) const domainName = d => { return d.Unicode || d.ASCII } const domainString = d => { if (d.Unicode) { return d.Unicode+" ("+d.ASCII+")" } return d.ASCII } const box = (color, ...l) => [ dom.div( style({ display: 'inline-block', padding: '.25em .5em', backgroundColor: color, borderRadius: '3px', margin: '.5ex 0', }), l, ), dom.br(), ] const green = '#1dea20' const yellow = '#ffe400' const red = '#ff7443' const blue = '#8bc8ff' const index = async () => { const [accountFullName, domain, destinations] = await api.Account() let fullNameForm, fullNameFieldset, fullName let passwordForm, passwordFieldset, password1, password2, passwordHint let importForm, importFieldset, mailboxFile, mailboxFileHint, mailboxPrefix, mailboxPrefixHint, importProgress, importAbortBox, importAbort const importTrack = async (token) => { const importConnection = dom.div('Waiting for updates...') importProgress.appendChild(importConnection) let countsTbody let counts = {} // mailbox -> elem let problems // element await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const eventSource = new window.EventSource('importprogress?token=' + encodeURIComponent(token)) eventSource.addEventListener('open', function(e) { console.log('eventsource open', {e}) dom._kids(importConnection, dom.div('Waiting for updates, connected...')) dom._kids(importAbortBox, importAbort=dom.button('Abort import', attr({title: 'If the import is not yet finished, it can be aborted and no messages will have been imported.'}), async function click(e) { try { await api.ImportAbort(token) } catch (err) { console.log({err}) window.alert('Error: ' + err.message) } // On success, the event source will get an aborted notification and shutdown the connection. }) ) }) eventSource.addEventListener('error', function(e) { console.log('eventsource error', {e}) dom._kids(importConnection, box(red, 'Connection error')) reject({message: 'Connection error'}) }) eventSource.addEventListener('count', (e) => { const data = JSON.parse(e.data) // {Mailbox: ..., Count: ...} console.log('import count event', {e, data}) if (!countsTbody) { importProgress.appendChild( dom.div( dom.br(), dom.h3('Importing mailboxes and messages...'), dom.table( dom.thead( dom.tr(dom.th('Mailbox'), dom.th('Messages')), ), countsTbody=dom.tbody(), ), ) ) } let elem = counts[data.Mailbox] if (!elem) { countsTbody.appendChild( dom.tr( dom.td(data.Mailbox), elem=dom.td(style({textAlign: 'right'}), ''+data.Count), ), ) counts[data.Mailbox] = elem } dom._kids(elem, ''+data.Count) }) eventSource.addEventListener('problem', (e) => { const data = JSON.parse(e.data) // {Message: ...} console.log('import problem event', {e, data}) if (!problems) { importProgress.appendChild( dom.div( dom.br(), dom.h3('Problems during import'), problems=dom.div(), ), ) } problems.appendChild(dom.div(box(yellow, data.Message))) }) eventSource.addEventListener('done', (e) => { console.log('import done event', {e}) importProgress.appendChild(dom.div(dom.br(), box(blue, 'Import finished'))) eventSource.close() dom._kids(importConnection) dom._kids(importAbortBox) window.sessionStorage.removeItem('ImportToken') resolve() }) eventSource.addEventListener('aborted', function(e) { console.log('import aborted event', {e}) importProgress.appendChild(dom.div(dom.br(), box(red, 'Import aborted, no message imported'))) eventSource.close() dom._kids(importConnection) dom._kids(importAbortBox) window.sessionStorage.removeItem('ImportToken') reject({message: 'Import aborted'}) }) }) } const page = document.getElementById('page') dom._kids(page, crumbs('Mox Account'), dom.p('NOTE: Not all account settings can be configured through these pages yet. See the configuration file for more options.'), dom.div( 'Default domain: ', domain.ASCII ? domainString(domain) : '(none)', ), dom.br(), fullNameForm=dom.form( fullNameFieldset=dom.fieldset( dom.label( style({display: 'inline-block'}), 'Full name', dom.br(), fullName=dom.input(attr({value: accountFullName, title: 'Name to use in From header when composing messages. Can be overridden per configured address.'})), ), ' ', dom.button('Save'), ), async function submit(e) { e.preventDefault() fullNameFieldset.disabled = true try { await api.AccountSaveFullName(fullName.value) fullName.setAttribute('value', fullName.value) fullNameForm.reset() window.alert('Full name has been changed.') } catch (err) { console.log({err}) window.alert('Error: ' + err.message) } finally { fullNameFieldset.disabled = false } }, ), dom.br(), dom.h2('Addresses'), dom.ul( Object.entries(destinations).sort().map(t => dom.li( dom.a(t[0], attr({href: '#destinations/'+t[0]})), t[0].startsWith('@') ? ' (catchall)' : [], ), ), ), dom.br(), dom.h2('Change password'), passwordForm=dom.form( passwordFieldset=dom.fieldset( dom.label( style({display: 'inline-block'}), 'New password', dom.br(), password1=dom.input(attr({type: 'password', required: ''}), function focus() { passwordHint.style.display = '' }), ), ' ', dom.label( style({display: 'inline-block'}), 'New password repeat', dom.br(), password2=dom.input(attr({type: 'password', required: ''})), ), ' ', dom.button('Change password'), ), passwordHint=dom.div( style({display: 'none', marginTop: '.5ex'}), dom.button('Generate random password', attr({type: 'button'}), function click(e) { e.preventDefault() let b = new Uint8Array(1) let s = '' const chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!@#$%^&*-_;:,<.>/' while (s.length < 12) { self.crypto.getRandomValues(b) if (Math.ceil(b[0]/chars.length)*chars.length > 255) { continue // Prevent bias. } s += chars[b[0]%chars.length] } password1.type = 'text' password2.type = 'text' password1.value = s password2.value = s }), dom('div.text', box(yellow, 'Important: Bots will try to bruteforce your password. Connections with failed authentication attempts will be rate limited but attackers WILL find weak passwords. If your account is compromised, spammers are likely to abuse your system, spamming your address and the wider internet in your name. So please pick a random, unguessable password, preferrably at least 12 characters.'), ), ), async function submit(e) { e.stopPropagation() e.preventDefault() if (!password1.value || password1.value !== password2.value) { window.alert('Passwords do not match.') return } passwordFieldset.disabled = true try { await api.SetPassword(password1.value) window.alert('Password has been changed.') passwordForm.reset() } catch (err) { console.log({err}) window.alert('Error: ' + err.message) } finally { passwordFieldset.disabled = false } }, ), dom.br(), dom.h2('Export'), dom.p('Export all messages in all mailboxes. In maildir or mbox format, as .zip or .tgz file.'), dom.ul( dom.li(dom.a('mail-export-maildir.tgz', attr({href: 'mail-export-maildir.tgz'}))), dom.li(dom.a('mail-export-maildir.zip', attr({href: 'mail-export-maildir.zip'}))), dom.li(dom.a('mail-export-mbox.tgz', attr({href: 'mail-export-mbox.tgz'}))), dom.li(dom.a('mail-export-mbox.zip', attr({href: 'mail-export-mbox.zip'}))), ), dom.br(), dom.h2('Import'), dom.p('Import messages from a .zip or .tgz file with maildirs and/or mbox files.'), importForm=dom.form( async function submit(e) { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() const request = () => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Browsers can do everything. Except show a progress bar while uploading... let progressBox, progressPercentage, progressBar dom._kids(importProgress, progressBox=dom.div( dom.div('Uploading... ', progressPercentage=dom.span()), ), ) importProgress.style.display = '' const xhr = new window.XMLHttpRequest() xhr.open('POST', 'import', true) xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', (e) => { if (!e.lengthComputable) { return } const pct = Math.floor(100*e.loaded/e.total) dom._kids(progressPercentage, pct+'%') }) xhr.addEventListener('load', () => { console.log('upload done', {xhr: xhr, status: xhr.status}) if (xhr.status !== 200) { reject({message: 'status '+xhr.status}) return } let resp try { resp = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText) } catch (err) { reject({message: 'parsing resonse json: '+err.message}) return } resolve(resp) }) xhr.addEventListener('error', (e) => reject({message: 'upload error', event: e})) xhr.addEventListener('abort', (e) => reject({message: 'upload aborted', event: e})) xhr.send(new window.FormData(importForm)) }) } try { const p = request() importFieldset.disabled = true const result = await p try { window.sessionStorage.setItem('ImportToken', result.ImportToken) } catch (err) { console.log('storing import token in session storage', {err}) // Ignore error, could be some browser security thing like private browsing. } await importTrack(result.ImportToken) } catch (err) { console.log({err}) window.alert('Error: '+err.message) } finally { importFieldset.disabled = false } }, importFieldset=dom.fieldset( dom.div( style({marginBottom: '1ex'}), dom.label( dom.div(style({marginBottom: '.5ex'}), 'File'), mailboxFile=dom.input(attr({type: 'file', required: '', name: 'file'}), function focus() { mailboxFileHint.style.display = '' }), ), mailboxFileHint=dom.p(style({display: 'none', fontStyle: 'italic', marginTop: '.5ex'}), 'This file must either be a zip file or a gzipped tar file with mbox and/or maildir mailboxes. For maildirs, an optional file "dovecot-keywords" is read additional keywords, like Forwarded/Junk/NotJunk. If an imported mailbox already exists by name, messages are added to the existing mailbox. If a mailbox does not yet exist it will be created.'), ), dom.div( style({marginBottom: '1ex'}), dom.label( dom.div(style({marginBottom: '.5ex'}), 'Skip mailbox prefix (optional)'), mailboxPrefix=dom.input(attr({name: 'skipMailboxPrefix'}), function focus() { mailboxPrefixHint.style.display = '' }), ), mailboxPrefixHint=dom.p(style({display: 'none', fontStyle: 'italic', marginTop: '.5ex'}), 'If set, any mbox/maildir path with this prefix will have it stripped before importing. For example, if all mailboxes are in a directory "Takeout", specify that path in the field above so mailboxes like "Takeout/Inbox.mbox" are imported into a mailbox called "Inbox" instead of "Takeout/Inbox".'), ), dom.div( dom.button('Upload and import'), dom.p(style({fontStyle: 'italic', marginTop: '.5ex'}), 'The file is uploaded first, then its messages are imported. Importing is done in a transaction, you can abort the entire import before it is finished.'), ), ), ), importAbortBox=dom.div(), // Outside fieldset because it gets disabled, above progress because may be scrolling it down quickly with problems. importProgress=dom.div( style({display: 'none'}), ), footer, ) // Try to show the progress of an earlier import session. The user may have just // refreshed the browser. let importToken try { importToken = window.sessionStorage.getItem('ImportToken') } catch (err) { console.log('looking up ImportToken in session storage', {err}) return } if (!importToken) { return } importFieldset.disabled = true dom._kids(importProgress, dom.div( dom.div('Reconnecting to import...'), ), ) importProgress.style.display = '' importTrack(importToken) .catch((err) => { if (window.confirm('Error reconnecting to import. Remove this import session?')) { window.sessionStorage.removeItem('ImportToken') dom._kids(importProgress) importProgress.style.display = 'none' } }) .finally(() => { importFieldset.disabled = false }) } const destination = async (name) => { const [_, domain, destinations] = await api.Account() let dest = destinations[name] if (!dest) { throw new Error('destination not found') } let rulesetsTbody = dom.tbody() let rulesetsRows = [] const addRulesetsRow = (rs) => { let headersCell = dom.td() let headers = [] // Holds objects: {key, value, root} const addHeader = (k, v) => { let h = {} h.root = dom.div( h.key=dom.input(attr({value: k})), ' ', h.value=dom.input(attr({value: v})), ' ', dom.button('-', style({width: '1.5em'}), function click(e) { h.root.remove() headers = headers.filter(x => x !== h) if (headers.length === 0) { const b = dom.button('+', style({width: '1.5em'}), function click(e) { e.target.remove() addHeader('', '') }) headersCell.appendChild(dom.div(style({textAlign: 'right'}), b)) } }), ' ', dom.button('+', style({width: '1.5em'}), function click(e) { addHeader('', '') }), ) headers.push(h) headersCell.appendChild(h.root) } Object.entries(rs.HeadersRegexp || {}).sort().forEach(t => addHeader(t[0], t[1]) ) if (Object.entries(rs.HeadersRegexp || {}).length === 0) { const b = dom.button('+', style({width: '1.5em'}), function click(e) { e.target.remove() addHeader('', '') }) headersCell.appendChild(dom.div(style({textAlign: 'right'}), b)) } let row = {headers} row.root=dom.tr( dom.td(row.SMTPMailFromRegexp=dom.input(attr({value: rs.SMTPMailFromRegexp || ''}))), dom.td(row.VerifiedDomain=dom.input(attr({value: rs.VerifiedDomain || ''}))), headersCell, dom.td(dom.label(row.IsForward=dom.input(attr({type: 'checkbox'}), rs.IsForward ? attr({checked: ''}) : [] ))), dom.td(row.ListAllowDomain=dom.input(attr({value: rs.ListAllowDomain || ''}))), dom.td(row.AcceptRejectsToMailbox=dom.input(attr({value: rs.AcceptRejectsToMailbox || ''}))), dom.td(row.Mailbox=dom.input(attr({value: rs.Mailbox || ''}))), dom.td( dom.button('Remove ruleset', function click(e) { row.root.remove() rulesetsRows = rulesetsRows.filter(e => e !== row) }), ), ) rulesetsRows.push(row) rulesetsTbody.appendChild(row.root) } (dest.Rulesets || []).forEach(rs => { addRulesetsRow(rs) }) let defaultMailbox let fullName let saveButton const page = document.getElementById('page') dom._kids(page, crumbs( crumblink('Mox Account', '#'), 'Destination ' + name, ), dom.div( dom.span('Default mailbox', attr({title: 'Default mailbox where email for this recipient is delivered to if it does not match any ruleset. Default is Inbox.'})), dom.br(), defaultMailbox=dom.input(attr({value: dest.Mailbox, placeholder: 'Inbox'})), ), dom.br(), dom.div( dom.span('Full name', attr({title: 'Name to use in From header when composing messages. If not set, the account default full name is used.'})), dom.br(), fullName=dom.input(attr({value: dest.FullName})), ), dom.br(), dom.h2('Rulesets'), dom.p('Incoming messages are checked against the rulesets. If a ruleset matches, the message is delivered to the mailbox configured for the ruleset instead of to the default mailbox.'), dom.p('"Is Forward" does not affect matching, but changes prevents the sending mail server from being included in future junk classifications by clearing fields related to the forwarding email server (IP address, EHLO domain, MAIL FROM domain and a matching DKIM domain), and prevents DMARC rejects for forwarded messages.'), dom.p('"List allow domain" does not affect matching, but skips the regular spam checks if one of the verified domains is a (sub)domain of the domain mentioned here.'), dom.p('"Accept rejects to mailbox" does not affect matching, but causes messages classified as junk to be accepted and delivered to this mailbox, instead of being rejected during the SMTP transaction. Useful for incoming forwarded messages where rejecting incoming messages may cause the forwarding server to stop forwarding.'), dom.table( dom.thead( dom.tr( dom.th('SMTP "MAIL FROM" regexp', attr({title: 'Matches if this regular expression matches (a substring of) the SMTP MAIL FROM address (not the message From-header). E.g. user@example.org.'})), dom.th('Verified domain', attr({title: 'Matches if this domain matches an SPF- and/or DKIM-verified (sub)domain.'})), dom.th('Headers regexp', attr({title: 'Matches if these header field/value regular expressions all match (substrings of) the message headers. Header fields and valuees are converted to lower case before matching. Whitespace is trimmed from the value before matching. A header field can occur multiple times in a message, only one instance has to match. For mailing lists, you could match on ^list-id$ with the value typically the mailing list address in angled brackets with @ replaced with a dot, e.g. <name\\.lists\\.example\\.org>.'})), dom.th('Is Forward', attr({title: "Influences spam filtering only, this option does not change whether a message matches this ruleset. Can only be used together with SMTPMailFromRegexp and VerifiedDomain. SMTPMailFromRegexp must be set to the address used to deliver the forwarded message, e.g. '^user(|\\+.*)@forward\\.example$'. Changes to junk analysis: 1. Messages are not rejects for failing a DMARC policy, because a legitimate forwarded message without valid/intact/aligned DKIM signature would be rejected because any verified SPF domain will be 'unaligned', of the forwarding mail server. 2. The sending mail server IP address, and sending EHLO and MAIL FROM domains and matching DKIM domain aren't used in future reputation-based spam classifications (but other verified DKIM domains are) because the forwarding server is not a useful spam signal for future messages."})), dom.th('List allow domain', attr({title: "Influences spam filtering only, this option does not change whether a message matches this ruleset. If this domain matches an SPF- and/or DKIM-verified (sub)domain, the message is accepted without further spam checks, such as a junk filter or DMARC reject evaluation. DMARC rejects should not apply for mailing lists that are not configured to rewrite the From-header of messages that don't have a passing DKIM signature of the From-domain. Otherwise, by rejecting messages, you may be automatically unsubscribed from the mailing list. The assumption is that mailing lists do their own spam filtering/moderation."})), dom.th('Allow rejects to mailbox', attr({title: "Influences spam filtering only, this option does not change whether a message matches this ruleset. If a message is classified as spam, it isn't rejected during the SMTP transaction (the normal behaviour), but accepted during the SMTP transaction and delivered to the specified mailbox. The specified mailbox is not automatically cleaned up like the account global Rejects mailbox, unless set to that Rejects mailbox."})), dom.th('Mailbox', attr({title: 'Mailbox to deliver to if this ruleset matches.'})), dom.th('Action'), ) ), rulesetsTbody, dom.tfoot( dom.tr( dom.td(attr({colspan: '5'})), dom.td( dom.button('Add ruleset', function click(e) { addRulesetsRow({}) }), ), ), ), ), dom.br(), saveButton=dom.button('Save', async function click(e) { saveButton.disabled = true try { const newDest = { Mailbox: defaultMailbox.value, FullName: fullName.value, Rulesets: rulesetsRows.map(row => { return { SMTPMailFromRegexp: row.SMTPMailFromRegexp.value, VerifiedDomain: row.VerifiedDomain.value, HeadersRegexp: Object.fromEntries(row.headers.map(h => [h.key.value, h.value.value])), IsForward: row.IsForward.checked, ListAllowDomain: row.ListAllowDomain.value, AcceptRejectsToMailbox: row.AcceptRejectsToMailbox.value, Mailbox: row.Mailbox.value, } }), } page.classList.add('loading') await api.DestinationSave(name, dest, newDest) dest = newDest // Set new dest, for if user edits again. Without this, they would get an error that the config has been modified. } catch (err) { console.log({err}) window.alert('Error: '+err.message) return } finally { saveButton.disabled = false page.classList.remove('loading') } }), ) } const init = async () => { let curhash const page = document.getElementById('page') const hashChange = async () => { if (curhash === window.location.hash) { return } let h = decodeURIComponent(window.location.hash) if (h !== '' && h.substring(0, 1) == '#') { h = h.substring(1) } const t = h.split('/') page.classList.add('loading') try { if (h === '') { await index() } else if (t[0] === 'destinations' && t.length === 2) { await destination(t[1]) } else { dom._kids(page, 'page not found') } } catch (err) { console.log({err}) window.alert('Error: ' + err.message) window.location.hash = curhash curhash = window.location.hash return } curhash = window.location.hash page.classList.remove('loading') } window.addEventListener('hashchange', hashChange) hashChange() } window.addEventListener('load', init) </script> </body> </html>