#!/bin/sh # Abort on error. set -e # We are using podman because docker generates errors when it's in the second # stage and copies a non-linux/amd64 binary from the first stage that is # linux/amd64. # The platforms we build for (what alpine supports). platforms=linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm,linux/386,linux/ppc64le,linux/s390x # todo: linux/riscv64 currently absent for alpine:latest, only at alpine:edge # We are building by "go install github.com/mjl-/mox@$moxversion", to ensure the # binary gets a proper version stamped into its buildinfo. It also helps to ensure # there is no accidental local change in the image. moxversion=$(go list -mod mod -m github.com/mjl-/mox@$(git rev-parse HEAD) | cut -f2 -d' ') echo Building mox $moxversion for $platforms, without local/uncommitted changes # Ensure latest golang and alpine docker images. podman image pull --quiet docker.io/golang:1-alpine for i in $(echo $platforms | sed 's/,/ /g'); do podman image pull --quiet --platform $i docker.io/alpine:latest done # "Last pulled" apparently is the one used for "podman run" below, not the one # that matches the platform. So pull for current platform again. podman image pull --quiet docker.io/alpine:latest # Get the goland and alpine versions from the docker images. goversion=$(podman run golang:1-alpine go version | cut -f3 -d' ') alpineversion=alpine$(podman run alpine:latest cat /etc/alpine-release) # We assume the alpines for all platforms have the same version... echo Building with $goversion and $alpineversion test -d empty || mkdir empty podman build --platform $platforms -f Dockerfile.release -v $HOME/go/pkg/sumdb:/go/pkg/sumbd:ro --build-arg moxversion=$moxversion --manifest docker.io/moxmail/mox:$moxversion-$goversion-$alpineversion empty cat <