// Javascript is generated from typescript, do not modify generated javascript because changes will be overwritten. // Loaded from synchronous javascript. declare let messageItem: api.MessageItem const init = () => { const mi = api.parser.MessageItem(messageItem) let msgattachmentview = dom.div() if (mi.Attachments && mi.Attachments.length > 0) { dom._kids(msgattachmentview, dom.div( css('msgAttachments', {borderTop: '1px solid', borderTopColor: styles.borderColor}), dom.div(dom._class('pad'), 'Attachments: ', join(mi.Attachments.map(a => a.Filename || '(unnamed)'), () => ', '), ), ) ) } const msgheaderview = dom.table(styleClasses.msgHeaders) loadMsgheaderView(msgheaderview, mi, [], null, true) const l = window.location.pathname.split('/') const w = l[l.length-1] let iframepath: string if (w === 'msgtext') { iframepath = 'text' } else if (w === 'msghtml') { iframepath = 'html' } else if (w === 'msghtmlexternal') { iframepath = 'htmlexternal' } else { window.alert('Unknown message type '+w) return } iframepath += '?sameorigin=true' let iframe: HTMLIFrameElement const page = document.getElementById('page')! dom._kids(page, dom.div( css('msgMeta', {backgroundColor: styles.backgroundColorMild, borderBottom: '1px solid', borderBottomColor: styles.borderColor}), msgheaderview, msgattachmentview, ), iframe=dom.iframe( attr.title('Message body.'), attr.src(iframepath), css('msgIframe', {width: '100%', height: '100%'}), function load() { // Note: we load the iframe content specifically in a way that fires the load event only when the content is fully rendered. iframe.style.height = iframe.contentDocument!.documentElement.scrollHeight+'px' if (window.location.hash === '#print') { window.print() } }, ) ) } try { init() } catch (err) { window.alert('Error: ' + ((err as any).message || '(no message)')) }