// Package mtastsdb stores MTA-STS policies for later use. // // An MTA-STS policy can specify how long it may be cached. By storing a // policy, it does not have to be fetched again during email delivery, which // makes it harder for attackers to intervene. package mtastsdb import ( "context" "crypto/tls" "errors" "fmt" "log/slog" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "time" "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus" "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promauto" "github.com/mjl-/bstore" "github.com/mjl-/mox/dns" "github.com/mjl-/mox/mlog" "github.com/mjl-/mox/mox-" "github.com/mjl-/mox/mtasts" "github.com/mjl-/mox/tlsrpt" ) var ( metricGet = promauto.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Name: "mox_mtastsdb_get_total", Help: "Number of Get by result.", }, []string{"result"}, ) ) var timeNow = time.Now // Tests override this. // PolicyRecord is a cached policy or absence of a policy. type PolicyRecord struct { Domain string // Domain name, with unicode characters. Inserted time.Time `bstore:"default now"` ValidEnd time.Time LastUpdate time.Time // Policies are refreshed on use and periodically. LastUse time.Time `bstore:"index"` Backoff bool RecordID string // As retrieved from DNS. mtasts.Policy // As retrieved from the well-known HTTPS url. // Text that make up the policy, as retrieved. We didn't store this in the past. If // empty, policy can be reconstructed from Policy field. Needed by TLSRPT. PolicyText string } var ( // No valid non-expired policy in database. ErrNotFound = errors.New("mtastsdb: policy not found") // Indicates an MTA-STS TXT record was fetched recently, but fetching the policy // failed and should not yet be retried. ErrBackoff = errors.New("mtastsdb: policy fetch failed recently") ) var DBTypes = []any{PolicyRecord{}} // Types stored in DB. var DB *bstore.DB // Exported for backups. // Init opens the database and starts a goroutine that refreshes policies in // the database, and keeps doing so periodically. func Init(refresher bool) error { log := mlog.New("mtastsdb", nil) p := mox.DataDirPath("mtasts.db") os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p), 0770) opts := bstore.Options{Timeout: 5 * time.Second, Perm: 0660, RegisterLogger: log.Logger} var err error DB, err = bstore.Open(mox.Shutdown, p, &opts, DBTypes...) if err != nil { return err } if refresher { // todo: allow us to shut down cleanly? go refresh() } return nil } // Close closes the database. func Close() error { if err := DB.Close(); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("close db: %w", err) } DB = nil return nil } // lookup looks up a policy for the domain in the database. // // Only non-expired records are returned. // // Returns ErrNotFound if record is not present. // Returns ErrBackoff if a recent attempt to fetch a record failed. func lookup(ctx context.Context, log mlog.Log, domain dns.Domain) (*PolicyRecord, error) { if domain.IsZero() { return nil, fmt.Errorf("empty domain") } now := timeNow() q := bstore.QueryDB[PolicyRecord](ctx, DB) q.FilterNonzero(PolicyRecord{Domain: domain.Name()}) q.FilterGreater("ValidEnd", now) pr, err := q.Get() if err == bstore.ErrAbsent { return nil, ErrNotFound } else if err != nil { return nil, err } pr.LastUse = now if err := DB.Update(ctx, &pr); err != nil { log.Errorx("marking cached mta-sts policy as used in database", err) } if pr.Backoff { return nil, ErrBackoff } return &pr, nil } // Upsert adds the policy to the database, overwriting an existing policy for the domain. // Policy can be nil, indicating a failure to fetch the policy. func Upsert(ctx context.Context, domain dns.Domain, recordID string, policy *mtasts.Policy, policyText string) error { return DB.Write(ctx, func(tx *bstore.Tx) error { pr := PolicyRecord{Domain: domain.Name()} err := tx.Get(&pr) if err != nil && err != bstore.ErrAbsent { return err } now := timeNow() var p mtasts.Policy if policy != nil { p = *policy } else { // ../rfc/8461:552 p.Mode = mtasts.ModeNone p.MaxAgeSeconds = 5 * 60 } backoff := policy == nil validEnd := now.Add(time.Duration(p.MaxAgeSeconds) * time.Second) if err == bstore.ErrAbsent { pr = PolicyRecord{domain.Name(), now, validEnd, now, now, backoff, recordID, p, policyText} return tx.Insert(&pr) } pr.ValidEnd = validEnd pr.LastUpdate = now pr.LastUse = now pr.Backoff = backoff pr.RecordID = recordID pr.Policy = p pr.PolicyText = policyText return tx.Update(&pr) }) } // PolicyRecords returns all policies in the database, sorted descending by last // use, domain. func PolicyRecords(ctx context.Context) ([]PolicyRecord, error) { return bstore.QueryDB[PolicyRecord](ctx, DB).SortDesc("LastUse", "Domain").List() } // Get retrieves an MTA-STS policy for domain and whether it is fresh. // // If an error is returned, it should be considered a transient error, e.g. a // temporary DNS lookup failure. // // The returned policy can be nil also when there is no error. In this case, the // domain does not implement MTA-STS. // // If a policy is present in the local database, it is refreshed if needed. If no // policy is present for the domain, an attempt is made to fetch the policy and // store it in the local database. // // Some errors are logged but not otherwise returned, e.g. if a new policy is // supposedly published but could not be retrieved. // // Get returns an "sts" or "no-policy-found" in reportResult in most cases (when // not a local/internal error). It may add an "sts" result without policy contents // ("policy-string") in case of errors while fetching the policy. func Get(ctx context.Context, elog *slog.Logger, resolver dns.Resolver, domain dns.Domain) (policy *mtasts.Policy, reportResult tlsrpt.Result, fresh bool, err error) { log := mlog.New("mtastsdb", elog) defer func() { result := "ok" if err != nil && errors.Is(err, ErrBackoff) { result = "backoff" } else if err != nil && errors.Is(err, ErrNotFound) { result = "notfound" } else if err != nil { result = "error" } metricGet.WithLabelValues(result).Inc() log.Debugx("mtastsdb get result", err, slog.Any("domain", domain), slog.Bool("fresh", fresh)) }() cachedPolicy, err := lookup(ctx, log, domain) if err != nil && errors.Is(err, ErrNotFound) { // We don't have a policy for this domain, not even a record that we tried recently // and should backoff. So attempt to fetch policy. nctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Minute) defer cancel() record, p, ptext, err := mtasts.Get(nctx, log.Logger, resolver, domain) if err != nil { switch { case errors.Is(err, mtasts.ErrNoRecord) || errors.Is(err, mtasts.ErrMultipleRecords) || errors.Is(err, mtasts.ErrRecordSyntax) || errors.Is(err, mtasts.ErrNoPolicy) || errors.Is(err, mtasts.ErrPolicyFetch) || errors.Is(err, mtasts.ErrPolicySyntax): // Remote is not doing MTA-STS, continue below. ../rfc/8461:333 ../rfc/8461:574 log.Debugx("interpreting mtasts error to mean remote is not doing mta-sts", err) if errors.Is(err, mtasts.ErrNoRecord) { reportResult = tlsrpt.MakeResult(tlsrpt.NoPolicyFound, domain) } else { fd := policyFetchFailureDetails(err) reportResult = tlsrpt.MakeResult(tlsrpt.STS, domain, fd) } default: // Interpret as temporary error, e.g. mtasts.ErrDNS, try again later. // Temporary DNS error could be an operational issue on our side, but we can still // report it. // Result: ../rfc/8460:594 fd := tlsrpt.Details(tlsrpt.ResultSTSPolicyFetch, mtasts.TLSReportFailureReason(err)) reportResult = tlsrpt.MakeResult(tlsrpt.STS, domain, fd) return nil, reportResult, false, fmt.Errorf("lookup up mta-sts policy: %w", err) } } else if p.Mode == mtasts.ModeNone { reportResult = tlsrpt.MakeResult(tlsrpt.NoPolicyFound, domain) } else { reportResult = tlsrpt.Result{Policy: tlsrptPolicy(p, ptext, domain)} } // Insert policy into database. If we could not fetch the policy itself, we back // off for 5 minutes. ../rfc/8461:555 if err == nil || errors.Is(err, mtasts.ErrNoPolicy) || errors.Is(err, mtasts.ErrPolicyFetch) || errors.Is(err, mtasts.ErrPolicySyntax) { var recordID string if record != nil { recordID = record.ID } if err := Upsert(ctx, domain, recordID, p, ptext); err != nil { log.Errorx("inserting policy into cache, continuing", err) } } return p, reportResult, true, nil } else if err != nil && errors.Is(err, ErrBackoff) { // ../rfc/8461:552 // We recently failed to fetch a policy, act as if MTA-STS is not implemented. // Result: ../rfc/8460:594 fd := tlsrpt.Details(tlsrpt.ResultSTSPolicyFetch, "back-off-after-recent-fetch-error") reportResult = tlsrpt.MakeResult(tlsrpt.STS, domain, fd) return nil, reportResult, false, nil } else if err != nil { // We don't add the result to the report, this is an internal error. return nil, reportResult, false, fmt.Errorf("looking up mta-sts policy in cache: %w", err) } // Policy was found in database. Check in DNS it is still fresh. policy = &cachedPolicy.Policy nctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 30*time.Second) defer cancel() record, _, err := mtasts.LookupRecord(nctx, log.Logger, resolver, domain) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, mtasts.ErrNoRecord) { if policy.Mode != mtasts.ModeNone { log.Errorx("no mtasts dns record while checking non-none policy for freshness, either domain owner removed mta-sts without phasing out policy with a none-policy for period of previous max-age, or this could be an attempt to downgrade to connection without mtasts, continuing with previous policy", err) } // else, policy will be removed by periodic refresher in the near future. } else { // Could be a temporary DNS or configuration error. log.Errorx("checking for freshness of cached mta-sts dns txt record for domain, continuing with previously cached policy", err) } // Result: ../rfc/8460:594 fd := tlsrpt.Details(tlsrpt.ResultSTSPolicyFetch, mtasts.TLSReportFailureReason(err)) if policy.Mode != mtasts.ModeNone { fd.FailureReasonCode += "+fallback-to-cached-policy" } reportResult = tlsrpt.Result{ Policy: tlsrptPolicy(policy, cachedPolicy.PolicyText, domain), FailureDetails: []tlsrpt.FailureDetails{fd}, } return policy, reportResult, false, nil } else if record.ID == cachedPolicy.RecordID && cachedPolicy.PolicyText != "" { // In the past, we didn't store the raw policy lines in cachedPolicy.Lines. We only // stop now if we do have policy lines in the cache. reportResult = tlsrpt.Result{Policy: tlsrptPolicy(policy, cachedPolicy.PolicyText, domain)} return policy, reportResult, true, nil } // New policy should be available, or we are fetching the policy again because we // didn't store the raw policy lines in the past. nctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, 30*time.Second) defer cancel() p, ptext, err := mtasts.FetchPolicy(nctx, log.Logger, domain) if err != nil { log.Errorx("fetching updated policy for domain, continuing with previously cached policy", err) fd := policyFetchFailureDetails(err) fd.FailureReasonCode += "+fallback-to-cached-policy" reportResult = tlsrpt.Result{ Policy: tlsrptPolicy(policy, cachedPolicy.PolicyText, domain), FailureDetails: []tlsrpt.FailureDetails{fd}, } return policy, reportResult, false, nil } if err := Upsert(ctx, domain, record.ID, p, ptext); err != nil { log.Errorx("inserting refreshed policy into cache, continuing with fresh policy", err) } reportResult = tlsrpt.Result{Policy: tlsrptPolicy(p, ptext, domain)} return p, reportResult, true, nil } func policyFetchFailureDetails(err error) tlsrpt.FailureDetails { var verificationErr *tls.CertificateVerificationError if errors.As(err, &verificationErr) { resultType, reasonCode := tlsrpt.TLSFailureDetails(verificationErr) // Result: ../rfc/8460:601 reason := string(resultType) if reasonCode != "" { reason += "+" + reasonCode } return tlsrpt.Details(tlsrpt.ResultSTSWebPKIInvalid, reason) } else if errors.Is(err, mtasts.ErrPolicySyntax) { // Result: ../rfc/8460:598 return tlsrpt.Details(tlsrpt.ResultSTSPolicyInvalid, mtasts.TLSReportFailureReason(err)) } // Result: ../rfc/8460:594 return tlsrpt.Details(tlsrpt.ResultSTSPolicyFetch, mtasts.TLSReportFailureReason(err)) } func tlsrptPolicy(p *mtasts.Policy, policyText string, domain dns.Domain) tlsrpt.ResultPolicy { if policyText == "" { // We didn't always store original policy lines. Reconstruct. policyText = p.String() } lines := strings.Split(strings.TrimSuffix(policyText, "\n"), "\n") for i, line := range lines { lines[i] = strings.TrimSuffix(line, "\r") } rp := tlsrpt.ResultPolicy{ Type: tlsrpt.STS, Domain: domain.ASCII, String: lines, } rp.MXHost = make([]string, len(p.MX)) for i, mx := range p.MX { s := mx.Domain.ASCII if mx.Wildcard { s = "*." + s } rp.MXHost[i] = s } return rp }