the imap & smtp servers now allow logging in with tls client authentication and
the "external" sasl authentication mechanism. email clients like thunderbird,
fairemail, k9, macos mail implement it. this seems to be the most secure among
the authentication mechanism commonly implemented by clients. a useful property
is that an account can have a separate tls public key for each device/email
client. with tls client cert auth, authentication is also bound to the tls
connection. a mitm cannot pass the credentials on to another tls connection,
similar to scram-*-plus. though part of scram-*-plus is that clients verify
that the server knows the client credentials.
for tls client auth with imap, we send a "preauth" untagged message by default.
that puts the connection in authenticated state. given the imap connection
state machine, further authentication commands are not allowed. some clients
don't recognize the preauth message, and try to authenticate anyway, which
fails. a tls public key has a config option to disable preauth, keeping new
connections in unauthenticated state, to work with such email clients.
for smtp (submission), we don't require an explicit auth command.
both for imap and smtp, we allow a client to authenticate with another
mechanism than "external". in that case, credentials are verified, and have to
be for the same account as the tls client auth, but the adress can be another
one than the login address configured with the tls public key.
only the public key is used to identify the account that is authenticating. we
ignore the rest of the certificate. expiration dates, names, constraints, etc
are not verified. no certificate authorities are involved.
users can upload their own (minimal) certificate. the account web interface
shows openssl commands you can run to generate a private key, minimal cert, and
a p12 file (the format that email clients seem to like...) containing both
private key and certificate.
the imapclient & smtpclient packages can now also use tls client auth. and so
does "mox sendmail", either with a pem file with private key and certificate,
or with just an ed25519 private key.
there are new subcommands "mox config tlspubkey ..." for
adding/removing/listing tls public keys from the cli, by the admin.
needed for upcoming changes, where (now) package admin needs to import package
store. before, because package store imports mox- (for accessing the active
config), that would lead to a cyclic import. package mox- keeps its active
config, package admin has the higher-level config-changing functions.
This PR adds support for negotiating IMAP, SMTP & HTTP on the configured HTTPS port using TLS ALPN. This is intended to be useful for deploying Mox as a chatmail server. The upstream implementation of chatmail servers uses `imap` and `smtp` as the “next protocol” values for IMAP and SMTP, respectively:
To test, configure Mox as is standard for the `mox localserve` mode, but add this block under `Listeners.local`:
Enabled: true
Port: 1443
Then run Mox and use OpenSSL’s s_client mode to connect to the local instance:
> openssl s_client -quiet -connect localhost:1443 -alpn smtp
depth=0 O = mox localserve, CN = localhost
verify error:num=18:self signed certificate
verify return:1
depth=0 O = mox localserve, CN = localhost
verify return:1
220 localhost ESMTP mox 7f5e1087d42d5d7bf57649c5c6a2155c3706ce39+modifications
HELO test
550 5.5.0 your ehlo domain does not resolve to an IP address (htqp11_GJOmHEhSs_Y03eg)
221 2.0.0 okay thanks bye
> openssl s_client -quiet -crlf -connect localhost:1443 -alpn imap
depth=0 O = mox localserve, CN = localhost
verify error:num=18:self signed certificate
verify return:1
depth=0 O = mox localserve, CN = localhost
verify return:1
c1 BAD STARTTLS unrecognized syntax/command: tls already active
> openssl s_client -quiet -crlf -connect localhost:1443
depth=0 O = mox localserve, CN = localhost
verify error:num=18:self signed certificate
verify return:1
depth=0 O = mox localserve, CN = localhost
verify return:1
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2024 07:28:00 GMT
Content-Length: 19
404 page not found
As part of this change, I had to `go get`. (The default `http.Server` supports HTTP2 if you leave it alone, but that built-in support is deactivated if I set `TLSNextProto` to a non-nil value. To ensure that Mox continues to support HTTP2, [the Go documentation]( directs folks with "…more complex configurations…" to import x/net/http2.) Go decided that it also wanted to update a bunch of other dependencies while it was at it. This has caused the large number of dependency updates. I can revert these and attempt a more surgical addition of the http2 library, if you’d like.
There are also two major deficiencies in this code that I’d like advice on correcting:
1. Right now, this ALPN feature is enabled when Mox is configured to provide Autoconfigure services to mail clients. I chose to do this because it was relatively straightforward to implement. However, the resulting behavior is extremely non-obvious. **How would you recommend exposing the ALPN feature in the configuration?**
2. I’m not sure what the best way to expose the private `serve()` functions in `imapserver` and `smtpserver` are. The current implementation creates a public function called `ServeConn()` in each module that just calls the private `serve()` function with all the same arguments, but this feels redundant. **Would you recommend making the `serve()` functions public, using public wrappers but with a more limited set of parameters, or something else entirely?**
because this mechanism is most needed behind a reverse proxy, where acme
tls-alpn-01 won't work (because the reverse proxy won't pass on the alpn
extensions). if that's the case, there is obviously a webserver on port 443.
and it likely also running on port 80. so before this change, if tls-alpn-01
isn't available, http-01 also wasn't available, leaving no validation
for issue #218 by mgkirs, thanks for reporting and details. hope this helps.
for issue #186 by morki, thanks for reporting and providing sample favicons.
generated by the mentioned generator at, with the ubuntu font and a
fuchsia-like color.
the favicon is served for listeners/domains that have the
admin/account/webmail/webapi endpoints enabled, i.e. user-facing. the mta-sts,
autoconfig, etc urls don't serve the favicon.
admins can create webhandler routes to serve another favicon. these webhandler
routes are evaluted before the favicon route (a "service handler").
per listener, you could enable the admin/account/webmail/webapi handlers. but
that would serve those services on their configured paths (/admin/, /,
/webmail/, /webapi/) on all domains mox would be webserving, including any
non-mail domains. so your www.example/admin/ would be serving the admin web
interface, with no way to disabled that.
with this change, the admin interface is only served on requests to (based on
Host header):
- ip addresses
- the listener host name (explicitly configured in the listener, with fallback
to global hostname)
- "localhost" (for ssh tunnel/forwarding scenario's)
the account/webmail/webapi interfaces are served on the same domains as the
admin interface, and additionally:
- the client settings domains, as optionally configured in each Domain in
domains.conf. typically "mail.<yourdomain>".
this means the internal services are no longer served on other domains
configured in the webserver, e.g. will not be handled
the order of evaluation of routes/services is also changed:
before this change, the internal handlers would always be evaluated first.
with this change, only the system handlers for
MTA-STS/autoconfig/ACME-validation will be evaluated first. then the webserver
handlers. and finally the internal services (admin/account/webmail/webapi).
this allows an admin to configure overrides for some of the domains (per
hostname-matching rules explained above) that would normally serve these
webserver handlers can now be configured that pass the request to an internal
service: in addition to the existing static/redirect/forward config options,
there is now an "internal" config option, naming the service
(admin/account/webmail/webapi) for handling the request. this allows enabling
the internal services on custom domains.
for issue #160 by TragicLifeHu, thanks for reporting!
the stuttering was introduced to make the same type name declared in multiple
packages, and used in the admin sherpa api, unique. with sherpadoc's new
rename, we can make them unique when generating the api definition/docs, and
the Go code can use nicer names.
this simplifies some of the code that makes modifications to the config file. a
few protected functions can make changes to the dynamic config, which webadmin
can use. instead of having separate functions in mox-/admin.go for each type of
this also exports the parsed full dynamic config to webadmin, so we need fewer
functions for specific config fields too.
for applications to compose/send messages, receive delivery feedback, and
maintain suppression lists.
this is an alternative to applications using a library to compose messages,
submitting those messages using smtp, and monitoring a mailbox with imap for
DSNs, which can be processed into the equivalent of suppression lists. but you
need to know about all these standards/protocols and find libraries. by using
the webapi & webhooks, you just need a http & json library.
unfortunately, there is no standard for these kinds of api, so mox has made up
yet another one...
matching incoming DSNs about deliveries to original outgoing messages requires
keeping history of "retired" messages (delivered from the queue, either
successfully or failed). this can be enabled per account. history is also
useful for debugging deliveries. we now also keep history of each delivery
attempt, accessible while still in the queue, and kept when a message is
retired. the queue webadmin pages now also have pagination, to show potentially
large history.
a queue of webhook calls is now managed too. failures are retried similar to
message deliveries. webhooks can also be saved to the retired list after
completing. also configurable per account.
messages can be sent with a "unique smtp mail from" address. this can only be
used if the domain is configured with a localpart catchall separator such as
"+". when enabled, a queued message gets assigned a random "fromid", which is
added after the separator when sending. when DSNs are returned, they can be
related to previously sent messages based on this fromid. in the future, we can
implement matching on the "envid" used in the smtp dsn extension, or on the
"message-id" of the message. using a fromid can be triggered by authenticating
with a login email address that is configured as enabling fromid.
suppression lists are automatically managed per account. if a delivery attempt
results in certain smtp errors, the destination address is added to the
suppression list. future messages queued for that recipient will immediately
fail without a delivery attempt. suppression lists protect your mail server
submitted messages can carry "extra" data through the queue and webhooks for
outgoing deliveries. through webapi as a json object, through smtp submission
as message headers of the form "x-mox-extra-<key>: value".
to make it easy to test webapi/webhooks locally, the "localserve" mode actually
puts messages in the queue. when it's time to deliver, it still won't do a full
delivery attempt, but just delivers to the sender account. unless the recipient
address has a special form, simulating a failure to deliver.
admins now have more control over the queue. "hold rules" can be added to mark
newly queued messages as "on hold", pausing delivery. rules can be about
certain sender or recipient domains/addresses, or apply to all messages pausing
the entire queue. also useful for (local) testing.
new config options have been introduced. they are editable through the admin
and/or account web interfaces.
the webapi http endpoints are enabled for newly generated configs with the
quickstart, and in localserve. existing configurations must explicitly enable
the webapi in mox.conf. was created to dogfood this code. it initially used just the
compose/smtpclient/imapclient mox packages to send messages and process
delivery feedback. it will get a config option to use the mox webapi/webhooks
instead. the gopherwatch code to use webapi/webhook is smaller and simpler, and
developing that shaped development of the mox webapi/webhooks.
for issue #31 by cuu508
you can configure a domain only to accept dmarc/tls reports. those domains
won't have addresses for that domain configured (the reporting destination
address is for another domain). we already handled such domains specially in a
few places. but we were considering ourselves authoritative for such domains if
an smtp client would send a message to the domain during submit. and we would
reject all recipient addresses. but we should be trying to deliver those
messages to the actual mx hosts for the domain, which we will now do.
the http basic auth we had was very simple to reason about, and to implement.
but it has a major downside:
there is no way to logout, browsers keep sending credentials. ideally, browsers
themselves would show a button to stop sending credentials.
a related downside: the http auth mechanism doesn't indicate for which server
paths the credentials are.
another downside: the original password is sent to the server with each
request. though sending original passwords to web servers seems to be
considered normal.
our new approach uses session cookies, along with csrf values when we can. the
sessions are server-side managed, automatically extended on each use. this
makes it easy to invalidate sessions and keeps the frontend simpler (than with
long- vs short-term sessions and refreshing). the cookies are httponly,
samesite=strict, scoped to the path of the web interface. cookies are set
"secure" when set over https. the cookie is set by a successful call to Login.
a call to Logout invalidates a session. changing a password invalidates all
sessions for a user, but keeps the session with which the password was changed
alive. the csrf value is also random, and associated with the session cookie.
the csrf must be sent as header for api calls, or as parameter for direct form
posts (where we cannot set a custom header). rest-like calls made directly by
the browser, e.g. for images, don't have a csrf protection. the csrf value is
returned by the Login api call and stored in localstorage.
api calls without credentials return code "user:noAuth", and with bad
credentials return "user:badAuth". the api client recognizes this and triggers
a login. after a login, all auth-failed api calls are automatically retried.
only for "user:badAuth" is an error message displayed in the login form (e.g.
session expired).
in an ideal world, browsers would take care of most session management. a
server would indicate authentication is needed (like http basic auth), and the
browsers uses trusted ui to request credentials for the server & path. the
browser could use safer mechanism than sending original passwords to the
server, such as scram, along with a standard way to create sessions. for now,
web developers have to do authentication themselves: from showing the login
prompt, ensuring the right session/csrf cookies/localstorage/headers/etc are
sent with each request.
webauthn is a newer way to do authentication, perhaps we'll implement it in the
future. though hardware tokens aren't an attractive option for many users, and
it may be overkill as long as we still do old-fashioned authentication in smtp
& imap where passwords can be sent to the server.
for issue #58
we don't want external software to include internal details like mlog.
slog.Logger is/will be the standard.
we still have mlog for its helper functions, and its handler that logs in
concise logfmt used by mox.
packages that are not meant for reuse still pass around mlog.Log for
we use because we also support the previous Go toolchain
version. with the next Go release, we'll switch to the builtin slog.
getting mox to compile required changing code in only a few places where
package "syscall" was used: for accessing file access times and for umask
handling. an open problem is how to start a process as an unprivileged user on
windows. that's why "mox serve" isn't implemented yet. and just finding a way
to implement it now may not be good enough in the near future: we may want to
starting using a more complete privilege separation approach, with a process
handling sensitive tasks (handling private keys, authentication), where we may
want to pass file descriptors between processes. how would that work on
anyway, getting mox to compile for windows doesn't mean it works properly on
windows. the largest issue: mox would normally open a file, rename or remove
it, and finally close it. this happens during message delivery. that doesn't
work on windows, the rename/remove would fail because the file is still open.
so this commit swaps many "remove" and "close" calls. renames are a longer
story: message delivery had two ways to deliver: with "consuming" the
(temporary) message file (which would rename it to its final destination), and
without consuming (by hardlinking the file, falling back to copying). the last
delivery to a recipient of a message (and the only one in the common case of a
single recipient) would consume the message, and the earlier recipients would
not. during delivery, the already open message file was used, to parse the
message. we still want to use that open message file, and the caller now stays
responsible for closing it, but we no longer try to rename (consume) the file.
we always hardlink (or copy) during delivery (this works on windows), and the
caller is responsible for closing and removing (in that order) the original
temporary file. this does cost one syscall more. but it makes the delivery code
(responsibilities) a bit simpler.
there is one more obvious issue: the file system path separator. mox already
used the "filepath" package to join paths in many places, but not everywhere.
and it still used strings with slashes for local file access. with this commit,
the code now uses filepath.FromSlash for path strings with slashes, uses
"filepath" in a few more places where it previously didn't. also switches from
"filepath" to regular "path" package when handling mailbox names in a few
places, because those always use forward slashes, regardless of local file
system conventions. windows can handle forward slashes when opening files, so
test code that passes path strings with forward slashes straight to go stdlib
file i/o functions are left unchanged to reduce code churn. the regular
non-test code, or test code that uses path strings in places other than
standard i/o functions, does have the paths converted for consistent paths
(otherwise we would end up with paths with mixed forward/backward slashes in
log messages).
windows cannot dup a listening socket. for "mox localserve", it isn't
important, and we can work around the issue. the current approach for "mox
serve" (forking a process and passing file descriptors of listening sockets on
"privileged" ports) won't work on windows. perhaps it isn't needed on windows,
and any user can listen on "privileged" ports? that would be welcome.
on windows, os.Open cannot open a directory, so we cannot call Sync on it after
message delivery. a cursory internet search indicates that directories cannot
be synced on windows. the story is probably much more nuanced than that, with
long deep technical details/discussions/disagreement/confusion, like on unix.
for "mox localserve" we can get away with making syncdir a no-op.
people will either paste the records in their zone file. in that case, the
records will inherit "IN" from earlier records, and there will always be one
record. if anyone uses a different class, their smart enough to know they need
to add IN manually.
plenty of people will add their records through some clunky web interface of
their dns operator. they probably won't even have the choice to set the class,
it'll always be IN.
this is a problem for connections like SSE, that only send data on events.
those events would stay in the gzip buffer until lots more data was written.
bug because of automatically typing "if err != nil"...
found while testing the maildir/mbox web-based import while working on message
threading support. the import gets progress SSE events that were now hanging.
we only compress if applicable (content-type indicates likely compressible),
client supports it, response doesn't already have a content-encoding).
for internal handlers, we always enable compression. for reverse proxied and
static files, compression must be enabled per handler.
for internal & reverse proxy handlers, we do streaming compression at
"bestspeed" quality (probably level 1).
for static files, we have a cache based on mtime with fixed max size, where we
evict based on least recently used. we compress with the default level (more
cpu, better ratio).
without public ip's, the generated mox config will try to listen on and
::, but because there is already a listener for (and possibly
others), a bind for will fail. explicit public ip's are needed.
the public http listener is useful for ACME validation over http.
for issue #52
it was far down on the roadmap, but implemented earlier, because it's
interesting, and to help prepare for a jmap implementation. for jmap we need to
implement more client-like functionality than with just imap. internal data
structures need to change. jmap has lots of other requirements, so it's already
a big project. by implementing a webmail now, some of the required data
structure changes become clear and can be made now, so the later jmap
implementation can do things similarly to the webmail code. the webmail
frontend and webmail are written together, making their interface/api much
smaller and simpler than jmap.
one of the internal changes is that we now keep track of per-mailbox
total/unread/unseen/deleted message counts and mailbox sizes. keeping this
data consistent after any change to the stored messages (through the code base)
is tricky, so mox now has a consistency check that verifies the counts are
correct, which runs only during tests, each time an internal account reference
is closed. we have a few more internal "changes" that are propagated for the
webmail frontend (that imap doesn't have a way to propagate on a connection),
like changes to the special-use flags on mailboxes, and used keywords in a
mailbox. more changes that will be required have revealed themselves while
implementing the webmail, and will be implemented next.
the webmail user interface is modeled after the mail clients i use or have
used: thunderbird, macos mail, mutt; and webmails i normally only use for
testing: gmail, proton, yahoo, outlook. a somewhat technical user is assumed,
but still the goal is to make this webmail client easy to use for everyone. the
user interface looks like most other mail clients: a list of mailboxes, a
search bar, a message list view, and message details. there is a top/bottom and
a left/right layout for the list/message view, default is automatic based on
screen size. the panes can be resized by the user. buttons for actions are just
text, not icons. clicking a button briefly shows the shortcut for the action in
the bottom right, helping with learning to operate quickly. any text that is
underdotted has a title attribute that causes more information to be displayed,
e.g. what a button does or a field is about. to highlight potential phishing
attempts, any text (anywhere in the webclient) that switches unicode "blocks"
(a rough approximation to (language) scripts) within a word is underlined
orange. multiple messages can be selected with familiar ui interaction:
clicking while holding control and/or shift keys. keyboard navigation works
with arrows/page up/down and home/end keys, and also with a few basic vi-like
keys for list/message navigation. we prefer showing the text instead of
html (with inlined images only) version of a message. html messages are shown
in an iframe served from an endpoint with CSP headers to prevent dangerous
resources (scripts, external images) from being loaded. the html is also
sanitized, with javascript removed. a user can choose to load external
resources (e.g. images for tracking purposes).
the frontend is just (strict) typescript, no external frameworks. all
incoming/outgoing data is typechecked, both the api request parameters and
response types, and the data coming in over SSE. the types and checking code
are generated with sherpats, which uses the api definitions generated by
sherpadoc based on the Go code. so types from the backend are automatically
propagated to the frontend. since there is no framework to automatically
propagate properties and rerender components, changes coming in over the SSE
connection are propagated explicitly with regular function calls. the ui is
separated into "views", each with a "root" dom element that is added to the
visible document. these views have additional functions for getting changes
propagated, often resulting in the view updating its (internal) ui state (dom).
we keep the frontend compilation simple, it's just a few typescript files that
get compiled (combined and types stripped) into a single js file, no additional
runtime code needed or complicated build processes used. the webmail is served
is served from a compressed, cachable html file that includes style and the
javascript, currently just over 225kb uncompressed, under 60kb compressed (not
minified, including comments). we include the generated js files in the
repository, to keep Go's easily buildable self-contained binaries.
authentication is basic http, as with the account and admin pages. most data
comes in over one long-term SSE connection to the backend. api requests signal
which mailbox/search/messages are requested over the SSE connection. fetching
individual messages, and making changes, are done through api calls. the
operations are similar to imap, so some code has been moved from package
imapserver to package store. the future jmap implementation will benefit from
these changes too. more functionality will probably be moved to the store
package in the future.
the quickstart enables webmail on the internal listener by default (for new
installs). users can enable it on the public listener if they want to. mox
localserve enables it too. to enable webmail on existing installs, add settings
like the following to the listeners in mox.conf, similar to AccountHTTP(S):
Enabled: true
Enabled: true
special thanks to liesbeth, gerben, andrii for early user feedback.
there is plenty still to do, see the list at the top of webmail/webmail.ts.
feedback welcome as always.
behaviour around failing DB calls that change data (insert/update) was changed
in bstore quite some time ago. the tx state in bstore would become inconsistent
when one or more (possibly unique) indexes had been modified, but then an
ErrUnique would occur for the next index. bstore doesn't know how to roll back
the partial changes during a transaction, so it marks the tx as botched and
refuses further operations. so, we cannot just try to insert, wait for a
possible ErrUnique, but then still try to continue with the transaction.
instead, we check if the record exists and only insert it if we couldn't find
found while working on webmail.
for conditional storing and quick resynchronisation (not sure if mail clients are actually using it that).
each message now has a "modseq". it is increased for each change. with
condstore, imap clients can request changes since a certain modseq. that
already allows quickly finding changes since a previous connection. condstore
also allows storing (e.g. setting new message flags) only when the modseq of a
message hasn't changed.
qresync should make it fast for clients to get a full list of changed messages
for a mailbox, including removals.
we now also keep basic metadata of messages that have been removed (expunged).
just enough (uid, modseq) to tell client that the messages have been removed.
this does mean we have to be careful when querying messages from the database.
we must now often filter the expunged messages out.
we also keep "createseq", the modseq when a message was created. this will be
useful for the jmap implementation.
nowadays the quickstart will warn about this, but it may be missed/ignored. and
users that installed mox a few versions ago never got the warning. so now we
keep warning about it in the dns check.
based on feedback from Mendel on slack, thanks!
so mail user agents will show DSNs threaded/grouped with the original message.
we store the MessageID in the message queue, so we have the value within reach
when we need it.
i saw a references header in a DSN from gmail on a test account. makes sense to me.
when broadcasting a change, we would try to send the changes on a channel,
non-blocking. if we couldn't send (because there was no pending blocked
receive), we would wait until the potential receiver would explicitly request
the changes. however, the imap idle handler would not explicitly request the
changes, but do a receive on the changes channel. since there was no pending
blocked send on the channel, that receive would block. only when another event
would come in, would both the pending and the new changes be sent.
we now use a channel only for signaling there are pending changes. the channel
is buffered, so when broadcasting we can just set the signal by a non-blocking
send and continue with the next listener. the receiver will get the buffered
signal. it can then get the changes directly, but lock-protected.
found when looking at a missing/delayed new message notification in thunderbird
when two messages arrive immediately after each other. this doesn't fix that
problem though: it seems thunderbird just ignores imap untagged "exists"
messages (indicating a new message arrived) during the "uid fetch" command that
it issued after notifications from an "idle" command.
and add a bit more logging for unexpected failures when closing files.
and make tests pass with a TMPDIR on a different filesystem than the testdata directory.
the import was still processed, but the SSE connection to fetch progress did
not work since adding the loggingWriter.
found while working on other functionality that uses SSE.
the trailing slash is commonly forgotten. in the default setup, for the admin
endpoint, this makes you end up at the account endpoint, which won't accept
your admin credentials. with this change, users won't get confused by that
for issue #43
the mailbox select/examine responses now return all flags used in a mailbox in
the FLAGS response. and indicate in the PERMANENTFLAGS response that clients
can set new keywords. we store these values on the new Message.Keywords field.
system/well-known flags are still in Message.Flags, so we're recognizing those
and handling them separately.
the imap store command handles the new flags. as does the append command, and
the search command.
we store keywords in a mailbox when a message in that mailbox gets the keyword.
we don't automatically remove the keywords from a mailbox. there is currently
no way at all to remove a keyword from a mailbox.
the import commands now handle non-system/well-known keywords too, when
importing from mbox/maildir.
jmap requires keyword support, so best to get it out of the way now.
the default transport is still just "direct delivery", where we connect to the
destination domain's MX servers.
other transports are:
- regular smtp without authentication, this is relaying to a smarthost.
- submission with authentication, e.g. to a third party email sending service.
- direct delivery, but with with connections going through a socks proxy. this
can be helpful if your ip is blocked, you need to get email out, and you have
another IP that isn't blocked.
keep in mind that for all of the above, appropriate SPF/DKIM settings have to
be configured. the "dnscheck" for a domain does a check for any SOCKS IP in the
SPF record. SPF for smtp/submission (ranges? includes?) and any DKIM
requirements cannot really be checked.
which transport is used can be configured through routes. routes can be set on
an account, a domain, or globally. the routes are evaluated in that order, with
the first match selecting the transport. these routes are evaluated for each
delivery attempt. common selection criteria are recipient domain and sender
domain, but also which delivery attempt this is. you could configured mox to
attempt sending through a 3rd party from the 4th attempt onwards.
routes and transports are optional. if no route matches, or an empty/zero
transport is selected, normal direct delivery is done.
we could already "submit" emails with 3rd party accounts with "sendmail". but
we now support more SASL authentication mechanisms with SMTP (not only PLAIN,
but also SCRAM-SHA-256, SCRAM-SHA-1 and CRAM-MD5), which sendmail now also
supports. sendmail will use the most secure mechanism supported by the server,
or the explicitly configured mechanism.
for issue #36 by dmikushin. also based on earlier discussion on hackernews.
so external tools (like fail2ban) can monitor the logs and block ip's of bots.
for issue #30 by inigoserna, though i'm not sure i interpreted the suggestion correctly.
if we recognize that a request for a WebForward is trying to turn the
connection into a websocket, we forward it to the backend and check if the
backend understands the websocket request. if so, we pass back the upgrade
response and get out of the way, copying bytes between the two. we do log the
total amount of bytes read from the client and written to the client. if the
backend doesn't respond with a websocke response, or an invalid one, we respond
with a regular non-websocket response. and we log details about the failed
connection, should help with debugging and any bug reports.
we don't try to parse the websocket framing, that's between the client and the
backend. we could try to parse it, in part to protect the backend from bad
frames, but it would be a lot of work and could be brittle in the face of
this doesn't yet handle websocket connections when a http proxy is configured.
we'll implement it when someone needs it. we do recognize it and fail the
for issue #25