diff --git a/webadmin/admin.html b/webadmin/admin.html
index 771cf0e..8409e1d 100644
--- a/webadmin/admin.html
+++ b/webadmin/admin.html
@@ -1498,6 +1498,7 @@ const tlsrptResults = async () => {
dom.th('Recipient domain', attr({title: 'Domain of addressee. For delivery to a recipient, the recipient and policy domains will match for reporting on MTA-STS policies, but can also result in reports for hosts from the MX record of the recipient to report on DANE policies.'})),
dom.th('Policy domain', attr({title: 'Domain for TLSRPT policy, specifying URIs to which reports should be sent.'})),
dom.th('Host', attr({title: 'Whether policy domain is an (MX) host (for DANE), or a recipient domain (for MTA-STS).'})),
+ dom.th('Policies', attr({title: 'Policies found.'})),
dom.th('Success', attr({title: 'Total number of successful connections.'})),
dom.th('Failure', attr({title: 'Total number of failed connection attempts.'})),
dom.th('Failure details', attr({title: 'Total number of details about failures.'})),
@@ -1522,18 +1523,26 @@ const tlsrptResults = async () => {
failed += result.summary['total-failure-session-count']
failureDetails += (result['failure-details'] || []).length
+ const policyTypes = []
+ for (const result of r.Results) {
+ const pt = result.policy['policy-type']
+ if (!policyTypes.includes(pt)) {
+ policyTypes.push(pt)
+ }
+ }
return dom.tr(
dom.td(dom.a(attr({href: '#tlsrpt/results/'+r.PolicyDomain}), r.PolicyDomain)),
dom.td(r.IsHost ? '✓' : ''),
+ dom.td(policyTypes.join(', ')),
dom.td(style({textAlign: 'right'}), ''+success),
dom.td(style({textAlign: 'right'}), ''+failed),
dom.td(style({textAlign: 'right'}), ''+failureDetails),
dom.td(style({textAlign: 'right'}), r.SendReport ? '✓' : ''),
- results.length === 0 ? dom.tr(dom.td(attr({colspan: '8'}), 'No results.')) : [],
+ results.length === 0 ? dom.tr(dom.td(attr({colspan: '9'}), 'No results.')) : [],