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synced 2025-02-04 18:28:32 +03:00
in webadmin when managing aliases, mention an alias member won't receive a message if the member address is in the message From header
this is a typical case if you made an alias to test how it works, with your account. we may have to make this behaviour optional in the future. for issue #220 by wneessen, thanks for reporting!
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 6 additions and 5 deletions
@ -1401,7 +1401,7 @@ const index = async () => {
await check(fullNameFieldset, client.AccountSaveFullName(fullName.value));
fullName.setAttribute('value', fullName.value);
}), dom.br(), dom.h2('Addresses'), dom.ul(Object.entries(acc.Destinations || {}).length === 0 ? dom.li('(None, login disabled)') : [], Object.entries(acc.Destinations || {}).sort().map(t => dom.li(dom.a(prewrap(t[0]), attr.href('#destinations/' + encodeURIComponent(t[0]))), t[0].startsWith('@') ? ' (catchall)' : []))), dom.br(), dom.h2('Aliases/lists'), dom.table(dom.thead(dom.tr(dom.th('Alias address', attr.title('Messages sent to this address will be delivered to all members of the alias/list.')), dom.th('Subscription address', attr.title('Address subscribed to the alias/list.')), dom.th('Allowed senders', attr.title('Whether only members can send through the alias/list, or anyone.')), dom.th('Send as alias address', attr.title('If enabled, messages can be sent with the alias address in the message "From" header.')), dom.th())), (acc.Aliases || []).length === 0 ? dom.tr(dom.td(attr.colspan('5'), 'None')) : [], (acc.Aliases || []).sort((a, b) => a.Alias.LocalpartStr < b.Alias.LocalpartStr ? -1 : (domainName(a.Alias.Domain) < domainName(b.Alias.Domain) ? -1 : 1)).map(a => dom.tr(dom.td(prewrap(a.Alias.LocalpartStr, '@', domainName(a.Alias.Domain))), dom.td(prewrap(a.SubscriptionAddress)), dom.td(a.Alias.PostPublic ? 'Anyone' : 'Members only'), dom.td(a.Alias.AllowMsgFrom ? 'Yes' : 'No'), dom.td((a.MemberAddresses || []).length === 0 ? [] :
}), dom.br(), dom.h2('Addresses'), dom.ul(Object.entries(acc.Destinations || {}).length === 0 ? dom.li('(None, login disabled)') : [], Object.entries(acc.Destinations || {}).sort().map(t => dom.li(dom.a(prewrap(t[0]), attr.href('#destinations/' + encodeURIComponent(t[0]))), t[0].startsWith('@') ? ' (catchall)' : []))), dom.br(), dom.h2('Aliases/lists'), dom.table(dom.thead(dom.tr(dom.th('Alias address', attr.title('Messages sent to this address will be delivered to all members of the alias/list. A member does not receive a message if their address is in the message From header.')), dom.th('Subscription address', attr.title('Address subscribed to the alias/list.')), dom.th('Allowed senders', attr.title('Whether only members can send through the alias/list, or anyone.')), dom.th('Send as alias address', attr.title('If enabled, messages can be sent with the alias address in the message "From" header.')), dom.th())), (acc.Aliases || []).length === 0 ? dom.tr(dom.td(attr.colspan('5'), 'None')) : [], (acc.Aliases || []).sort((a, b) => a.Alias.LocalpartStr < b.Alias.LocalpartStr ? -1 : (domainName(a.Alias.Domain) < domainName(b.Alias.Domain) ? -1 : 1)).map(a => dom.tr(dom.td(prewrap(a.Alias.LocalpartStr, '@', domainName(a.Alias.Domain))), dom.td(prewrap(a.SubscriptionAddress)), dom.td(a.Alias.PostPublic ? 'Anyone' : 'Members only'), dom.td(a.Alias.AllowMsgFrom ? 'Yes' : 'No'), dom.td((a.MemberAddresses || []).length === 0 ? [] :
dom.clickbutton('Show members', function click() {
popup(dom.h1('Members of alias ', prewrap(a.Alias.LocalpartStr, '@', domainName(a.Alias.Domain))), dom.ul((a.MemberAddresses || []).map(addr => dom.li(prewrap(addr)))));
}))))), dom.br(), dom.h2('Change password'), passwordForm = dom.form(passwordFieldset = dom.fieldset(dom.label(style({ display: 'inline-block' }), 'New password', dom.br(), password1 = dom.input(attr.type('password'), attr.autocomplete('new-password'), attr.required(''), function focus() {
@ -782,7 +782,7 @@ const index = async () => {
dom.th('Alias address', attr.title('Messages sent to this address will be delivered to all members of the alias/list.')),
dom.th('Alias address', attr.title('Messages sent to this address will be delivered to all members of the alias/list. A member does not receive a message if their address is in the message From header.')),
dom.th('Subscription address', attr.title('Address subscribed to the alias/list.')),
dom.th('Allowed senders', attr.title('Whether only members can send through the alias/list, or anyone.')),
dom.th('Send as alias address', attr.title('If enabled, messages can be sent with the alias address in the message "From" header.')),
@ -2165,7 +2165,7 @@ const account = async (name) => {
await check(fieldset, client.AddressAdd(address, name));
window.location.reload(); // todo: only reload the destinations
}, fieldset = dom.fieldset(dom.label(style({ display: 'inline-block' }), dom.span('Localpart', attr.title('The localpart is the part before the "@"-sign of an email address. If empty, a catchall address is configured for the domain.')), dom.br(), localpart = dom.input()), '@', dom.label(style({ display: 'inline-block' }), dom.span('Domain'), dom.br(), domain = dom.select((domains || []).map(d => dom.option(domainName(d), domainName(d) === config.Domain ? attr.selected('') : [])))), ' ', dom.submitbutton('Add address'))), dom.br(), dom.h2('Aliases/lists'), dom.table(dom.thead(dom.tr(dom.th('Alias address'), dom.th('Subscription address'), dom.th('Allowed senders', attr.title('Whether only members can send through the alias/list, or anyone.')), dom.th('Send as alias address', attr.title('If enabled, messages can be sent with the alias address in the message "From" header.')), dom.th('Members visible', attr.title('If enabled, members can see the addresses of other members.')))), (config.Aliases || []).length === 0 ? dom.tr(dom.td(attr.colspan('6'), 'None')) : [], (config.Aliases || []).sort((a, b) => a.Alias.LocalpartStr < b.Alias.LocalpartStr ? -1 : (domainName(a.Alias.Domain) < domainName(b.Alias.Domain) ? -1 : 1)).map(a => dom.tr(dom.td(dom.a(prewrap(a.Alias.LocalpartStr, '@', domainName(a.Alias.Domain)), attr.href('#domains/' + domainName(a.Alias.Domain) + '/alias/' + encodeURIComponent(a.Alias.LocalpartStr)))), dom.td(prewrap(a.SubscriptionAddress)), dom.td(a.Alias.PostPublic ? 'Anyone' : 'Members only'), dom.td(a.Alias.AllowMsgFrom ? 'Yes' : 'No'), dom.td(a.Alias.ListMembers ? 'Yes' : 'No'), dom.td(dom.clickbutton('Remove', async function click(e) {
}, fieldset = dom.fieldset(dom.label(style({ display: 'inline-block' }), dom.span('Localpart', attr.title('The localpart is the part before the "@"-sign of an email address. If empty, a catchall address is configured for the domain.')), dom.br(), localpart = dom.input()), '@', dom.label(style({ display: 'inline-block' }), dom.span('Domain'), dom.br(), domain = dom.select((domains || []).map(d => dom.option(domainName(d), domainName(d) === config.Domain ? attr.selected('') : [])))), ' ', dom.submitbutton('Add address'))), dom.br(), dom.h2('Aliases/lists'), dom.table(dom.thead(dom.tr(dom.th('Alias address', attr.title('Messages sent to this address will be delivered to all members of the alias/list. A member does not receive a message if their address is in the message From header.')), dom.th('Subscription address'), dom.th('Allowed senders', attr.title('Whether only members can send through the alias/list, or anyone.')), dom.th('Send as alias address', attr.title('If enabled, messages can be sent with the alias address in the message "From" header.')), dom.th('Members visible', attr.title('If enabled, members can see the addresses of other members.')))), (config.Aliases || []).length === 0 ? dom.tr(dom.td(attr.colspan('6'), 'None')) : [], (config.Aliases || []).sort((a, b) => a.Alias.LocalpartStr < b.Alias.LocalpartStr ? -1 : (domainName(a.Alias.Domain) < domainName(b.Alias.Domain) ? -1 : 1)).map(a => dom.tr(dom.td(dom.a(prewrap(a.Alias.LocalpartStr, '@', domainName(a.Alias.Domain)), attr.href('#domains/' + domainName(a.Alias.Domain) + '/alias/' + encodeURIComponent(a.Alias.LocalpartStr)))), dom.td(prewrap(a.SubscriptionAddress)), dom.td(a.Alias.PostPublic ? 'Anyone' : 'Members only'), dom.td(a.Alias.AllowMsgFrom ? 'Yes' : 'No'), dom.td(a.Alias.ListMembers ? 'Yes' : 'No'), dom.td(dom.clickbutton('Remove', async function click(e) {
await check(e.target, client.AliasAddressesRemove(a.Alias.LocalpartStr, domainName(a.Alias.Domain), [a.SubscriptionAddress]));
window.location.reload(); // todo: reload less
}))))), dom.br(), dom.h2('Settings'), dom.form(fieldsetSettings = dom.fieldset(dom.label(style({ display: 'block', marginBottom: '.5ex' }), dom.span('Maximum outgoing messages per day', attr.title('Maximum number of outgoing messages for this account in a 24 hour window. This limits the damage to recipients and the reputation of this mail server in case of account compromise. Default 1000. MaxOutgoingMessagesPerDay in configuration file.')), dom.br(), maxOutgoingMessagesPerDay = dom.input(attr.type('number'), attr.required(''), attr.value('' + (config.MaxOutgoingMessagesPerDay || 1000)))), dom.label(style({ display: 'block', marginBottom: '.5ex' }), dom.span('Maximum first-time recipients per day', attr.title('Maximum number of first-time recipients in outgoing messages for this account in a 24 hour window. This limits the damage to recipients and the reputation of this mail server in case of account compromise. Default 200. MaxFirstTimeRecipientsPerDay in configuration file.')), dom.br(), maxFirstTimeRecipientsPerDay = dom.input(attr.type('number'), attr.required(''), attr.value('' + (config.MaxFirstTimeRecipientsPerDay || 200)))), dom.label(style({ display: 'block', marginBottom: '.5ex' }), dom.span('Disk usage quota: Maximum total message size ', attr.title('Default maximum total message size in bytes for the account, overriding any globally configured default maximum size if non-zero. A negative value can be used to have no limit in case there is a limit by default. Attempting to add new messages to an account beyond its maximum total size will result in an error. Useful to prevent a single account from filling storage. Use units "k" for kilobytes, or "m", "g", "t".')), dom.br(), quotaMessageSize = dom.input(attr.value(formatQuotaSize(config.QuotaMessageSize))), ' Current usage is ', formatQuotaSize(Math.floor(diskUsage / (1024 * 1024)) * 1024 * 1024), '.'), dom.div(style({ display: 'block', marginBottom: '.5ex' }), dom.label(firstTimeSenderDelay = dom.input(attr.type('checkbox'), config.NoFirstTimeSenderDelay ? [] : attr.checked('')), ' ', dom.span('Delay deliveries from first-time senders.', attr.title('To slow down potential spammers, when the message is misclassified as non-junk. Turning off the delay can be useful when the account processes messages automatically and needs fast responses.')))), dom.submitbutton('Save')), async function submit(e) {
@ -2554,7 +2554,7 @@ const domainAlias = async (d, aliasLocalpart) => {
check(aliasFieldset, client.AliasUpdate(aliasLocalpart, d, postPublic.checked, listMembers.checked, allowMsgFrom.checked));
}, aliasFieldset = dom.fieldset(style({ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', gap: '.5ex' }), dom.label(postPublic = dom.input(attr.type('checkbox'), alias.PostPublic ? attr.checked('') : []), ' Public, anyone can post instead of only members'), dom.label(listMembers = dom.input(attr.type('checkbox'), alias.ListMembers ? attr.checked('') : []), ' Members can list other members'), dom.label(allowMsgFrom = dom.input(attr.type('checkbox'), alias.AllowMsgFrom ? attr.checked('') : []), ' Allow messages to use the alias address in the message From header'), dom.div(style({ marginTop: '1ex' }), dom.submitbutton('Save')))), dom.br(), dom.h2('Members'), dom.table(dom.thead(dom.tr(dom.th('Address'), dom.th('Account'), dom.th())), dom.tbody((alias.Addresses || []).map((address, index) => {
}, aliasFieldset = dom.fieldset(style({ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', gap: '.5ex' }), dom.label(postPublic = dom.input(attr.type('checkbox'), alias.PostPublic ? attr.checked('') : []), ' Public, anyone can post instead of only members'), dom.label(listMembers = dom.input(attr.type('checkbox'), alias.ListMembers ? attr.checked('') : []), ' Members can list other members'), dom.label(allowMsgFrom = dom.input(attr.type('checkbox'), alias.AllowMsgFrom ? attr.checked('') : []), ' Allow messages to use the alias address in the message From header'), dom.div(style({ marginTop: '1ex' }), dom.submitbutton('Save')))), dom.br(), dom.h2('Members'), dom.p('Members receive messages sent to the alias. If a member address is in the message From header, the member will not receive the message.'), dom.table(dom.thead(dom.tr(dom.th('Address'), dom.th('Account'), dom.th())), dom.tbody((alias.Addresses || []).map((address, index) => {
const pa = (alias.ParsedAddresses || [])[index];
return dom.tr(dom.td(prewrap(address)), dom.td(dom.a(pa.AccountName, attr.href('#accounts/' + pa.AccountName))), dom.td(dom.clickbutton('Remove', async function click(e) {
await check(e.target, client.AliasAddressesRemove(aliasLocalpart, d, [address]));
@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ const account = async (name: string) => {
dom.th('Alias address'),
dom.th('Alias address', attr.title('Messages sent to this address will be delivered to all members of the alias/list. A member does not receive a message if their address is in the message From header.')),
dom.th('Subscription address'),
dom.th('Allowed senders', attr.title('Whether only members can send through the alias/list, or anyone.')),
dom.th('Send as alias address', attr.title('If enabled, messages can be sent with the alias address in the message "From" header.')),
@ -1829,6 +1829,7 @@ const domainAlias = async (d: string, aliasLocalpart: string) => {
dom.p('Members receive messages sent to the alias. If a member address is in the message From header, the member will not receive the message.'),
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