diff --git a/webmail/webmail.html b/webmail/webmail.html
index 8af5d3f..c5e151c 100644
--- a/webmail/webmail.html
+++ b/webmail/webmail.html
@@ -68,6 +68,9 @@ table.search td { padding: .25em; }
.quoted1 { color: #03828f; }
.quoted2 { color: #c7445c; }
.quoted3 { color: #417c10; }
+.autosize { display: inline-grid; max-width: 90vw; }
+.autosize.input { grid-area: 1 / 2; }
+.autosize::after { content: attr(data-value); margin-right: 1em; line-height: 0; visibility: hidden; white-space: pre-wrap; overflow-x: hidden; }
.scrollparent { position: relative; }
.yscroll { overflow-y: scroll; position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; }
diff --git a/webmail/webmail.js b/webmail/webmail.js
index 2b6d6e3..a2d4d65 100644
--- a/webmail/webmail.js
+++ b/webmail/webmail.js
@@ -1959,6 +1959,7 @@ const compose = (opts) => {
let fieldset;
let from;
let customFrom = null;
+ let subjectAutosize;
let subject;
let body;
let attachments;
@@ -2042,8 +2043,8 @@ const compose = (opts) => {
if (single && views.length !== 0) {
- let input;
- const root = dom.span(input = dom.input(focusPlaceholder('Jane '), style({ width: 'auto' }), attr.value(addr), newAddressComplete(), function keydown(e) {
+ let autosizeElem, inputElem;
+ const root = dom.span(autosizeElem = dom.span(dom._class('autosize'), inputElem = dom.input(focusPlaceholder('Jane '), style({ width: 'auto' }), attr.value(addr), newAddressComplete(), function keydown(e) {
if (e.key === '-' && e.ctrlKey) {
@@ -2055,12 +2056,16 @@ const compose = (opts) => {
- }), ' ', dom.clickbutton('-', style({ padding: '0 .25em' }), attr.arialabel('Remove address.'), attr.title('Remove address.'), function click() {
+ }, function input() {
+ // data-value is used for size of ::after css pseudo-element to stretch input field.
+ autosizeElem.dataset.value = inputElem.value;
+ })), ' ', dom.clickbutton('-', style({ padding: '0 .25em' }), attr.arialabel('Remove address.'), attr.title('Remove address.'), function click() {
if (single && views.length === 0) {
btn.style.display = '';
}), ' ');
+ autosizeElem.dataset.value = inputElem.value;
const remove = () => {
const i = views.indexOf(v);
views.splice(i, 1);
@@ -2087,14 +2092,14 @@ const compose = (opts) => {
- const v = { root: root, input: input };
+ const v = { root: root, input: inputElem };
row.style.display = '';
if (single) {
btn.style.display = 'none';
- input.focus();
+ inputElem.focus();
return v;
let noAttachmentsWarning;
@@ -2147,8 +2152,12 @@ const compose = (opts) => {
border: '1px solid #ccc',
padding: '1em',
minWidth: '40em',
+ maxWidth: '95vw',
borderRadius: '.25em',
- }), dom.form(fieldset = dom.fieldset(dom.table(style({ width: '100%' }), dom.tr(dom.td(style({ textAlign: 'right', color: '#555' }), dom.span('From:')), dom.td(dom.clickbutton('Cancel', style({ float: 'right' }), attr.title('Close window, discarding message.'), clickCmd(cmdCancel, shortcuts)), from = dom.select(attr.required(''), style({ width: 'auto' }), fromOptions), ' ', toBtn = dom.clickbutton('To', clickCmd(cmdAddTo, shortcuts)), ' ', ccBtn = dom.clickbutton('Cc', clickCmd(cmdAddCc, shortcuts)), ' ', bccBtn = dom.clickbutton('Bcc', clickCmd(cmdAddBcc, shortcuts)), ' ', replyToBtn = dom.clickbutton('ReplyTo', clickCmd(cmdReplyTo, shortcuts)), ' ', customFromBtn = dom.clickbutton('From', attr.title('Set custom From address/name.'), clickCmd(cmdCustomFrom, shortcuts)))), toRow = dom.tr(dom.td('To:', style({ textAlign: 'right', color: '#555' })), toCell = dom.td(style({ width: '100%' }))), replyToRow = dom.tr(dom.td('Reply-To:', style({ textAlign: 'right', color: '#555' })), replyToCell = dom.td(style({ width: '100%' }))), ccRow = dom.tr(dom.td('Cc:', style({ textAlign: 'right', color: '#555' })), ccCell = dom.td(style({ width: '100%' }))), bccRow = dom.tr(dom.td('Bcc:', style({ textAlign: 'right', color: '#555' })), bccCell = dom.td(style({ width: '100%' }))), dom.tr(dom.td('Subject:', style({ textAlign: 'right', color: '#555' })), dom.td(style({ width: '100%' }), subject = dom.input(focusPlaceholder('subject...'), attr.value(opts.subject || ''), attr.required(''), style({ width: '100%' }))))), body = dom.textarea(dom._class('mono'), attr.rows('15'), style({ width: '100%' }),
+ }), dom.form(fieldset = dom.fieldset(dom.table(style({ width: '100%' }), dom.tr(dom.td(style({ textAlign: 'right', color: '#555' }), dom.span('From:')), dom.td(dom.clickbutton('Cancel', style({ float: 'right' }), attr.title('Close window, discarding message.'), clickCmd(cmdCancel, shortcuts)), from = dom.select(attr.required(''), style({ width: 'auto' }), fromOptions), ' ', toBtn = dom.clickbutton('To', clickCmd(cmdAddTo, shortcuts)), ' ', ccBtn = dom.clickbutton('Cc', clickCmd(cmdAddCc, shortcuts)), ' ', bccBtn = dom.clickbutton('Bcc', clickCmd(cmdAddBcc, shortcuts)), ' ', replyToBtn = dom.clickbutton('ReplyTo', clickCmd(cmdReplyTo, shortcuts)), ' ', customFromBtn = dom.clickbutton('From', attr.title('Set custom From address/name.'), clickCmd(cmdCustomFrom, shortcuts)))), toRow = dom.tr(dom.td('To:', style({ textAlign: 'right', color: '#555' })), toCell = dom.td(style({ lineHeight: '1.5' }))), replyToRow = dom.tr(dom.td('Reply-To:', style({ textAlign: 'right', color: '#555' })), replyToCell = dom.td(style({ lineHeight: '1.5' }))), ccRow = dom.tr(dom.td('Cc:', style({ textAlign: 'right', color: '#555' })), ccCell = dom.td(style({ lineHeight: '1.5' }))), bccRow = dom.tr(dom.td('Bcc:', style({ textAlign: 'right', color: '#555' })), bccCell = dom.td(style({ lineHeight: '1.5' }))), dom.tr(dom.td('Subject:', style({ textAlign: 'right', color: '#555' })), dom.td(subjectAutosize = dom.span(dom._class('autosize'), style({ width: '100%' }), // Without 100% width, the span takes minimal width for input, we want the full table cell.
+ subject = dom.input(style({ width: '100%' }), attr.value(opts.subject || ''), attr.required(''), focusPlaceholder('subject...'), function input() {
+ subjectAutosize.dataset.value = subject.value;
+ }))))), body = dom.textarea(dom._class('mono'), attr.rows('15'), style({ width: '100%' }),
// Explicit string object so it doesn't get the highlight-unicode-block-changes
// treatment, which would cause characters to disappear.
new String(opts.body || ''), opts.body && !opts.isForward && !opts.body.startsWith('\n\n') ? prop({ selectionStart: opts.body.length, selectionEnd: opts.body.length }) : [], function keyup(e) {
@@ -2172,6 +2181,7 @@ const compose = (opts) => {
shortcutCmd(cmdSend, shortcuts);
+ subjectAutosize.dataset.value = subject.value;
(opts.to && opts.to.length > 0 ? opts.to : ['']).forEach(s => newAddrView(s, toViews, toBtn, toCell, toRow));
(opts.cc || []).forEach(s => newAddrView(s, ccViews, ccBtn, ccCell, ccRow));
(opts.bcc || []).forEach(s => newAddrView(s, bccViews, bccBtn, bccCell, bccRow));
diff --git a/webmail/webmail.ts b/webmail/webmail.ts
index e0871dc..65ac444 100644
--- a/webmail/webmail.ts
+++ b/webmail/webmail.ts
@@ -1159,6 +1159,7 @@ const compose = (opts: ComposeOptions) => {
let fieldset: HTMLFieldSetElement
let from: HTMLSelectElement
let customFrom: HTMLInputElement | null = null
+ let subjectAutosize: HTMLElement
let subject: HTMLInputElement
let body: HTMLTextAreaElement
let attachments: HTMLInputElement
@@ -1253,24 +1254,31 @@ const compose = (opts: ComposeOptions) => {
- let input: HTMLInputElement
+ let autosizeElem: HTMLElement, inputElem: HTMLInputElement
const root = dom.span(
- input=dom.input(
- focusPlaceholder('Jane '),
- style({width: 'auto'}),
- attr.value(addr),
- newAddressComplete(),
- function keydown(e: KeyboardEvent) {
- if (e.key === '-' && e.ctrlKey) {
- remove()
- } else if (e.key === '=' && e.ctrlKey) {
- newAddrView('', views, btn, cell, row, single)
- } else {
- return
- }
- e.preventDefault()
- e.stopPropagation()
- },
+ autosizeElem=dom.span(
+ dom._class('autosize'),
+ inputElem=dom.input(
+ focusPlaceholder('Jane '),
+ style({width: 'auto'}),
+ attr.value(addr),
+ newAddressComplete(),
+ function keydown(e: KeyboardEvent) {
+ if (e.key === '-' && e.ctrlKey) {
+ remove()
+ } else if (e.key === '=' && e.ctrlKey) {
+ newAddrView('', views, btn, cell, row, single)
+ } else {
+ return
+ }
+ e.preventDefault()
+ e.stopPropagation()
+ },
+ function input() {
+ // data-value is used for size of ::after css pseudo-element to stretch input field.
+ autosizeElem.dataset.value = inputElem.value
+ },
+ ),
' ',
dom.clickbutton('-', style({padding: '0 .25em'}), attr.arialabel('Remove address.'), attr.title('Remove address.'), function click() {
@@ -1281,6 +1289,7 @@ const compose = (opts: ComposeOptions) => {
' ',
+ autosizeElem.dataset.value = inputElem.value
const remove = () => {
const i = views.indexOf(v)
@@ -1310,14 +1319,14 @@ const compose = (opts: ComposeOptions) => {
- const v: AddrView = {root: root, input: input}
+ const v: AddrView = {root: root, input: inputElem}
row.style.display = ''
if (single) {
btn.style.display = 'none'
- input.focus()
+ inputElem.focus()
return v
@@ -1375,6 +1384,7 @@ const compose = (opts: ComposeOptions) => {
border: '1px solid #ccc',
padding: '1em',
minWidth: '40em',
+ maxWidth: '95vw',
borderRadius: '.25em',
@@ -1403,24 +1413,36 @@ const compose = (opts: ComposeOptions) => {
dom.td('To:', style({textAlign: 'right', color: '#555'})),
- toCell=dom.td(style({width: '100%'})),
+ toCell=dom.td(style({lineHeight: '1.5'})),
dom.td('Reply-To:', style({textAlign: 'right', color: '#555'})),
- replyToCell=dom.td(style({width: '100%'})),
+ replyToCell=dom.td(style({lineHeight: '1.5'})),
dom.td('Cc:', style({textAlign: 'right', color: '#555'})),
- ccCell=dom.td(style({width: '100%'})),
+ ccCell=dom.td(style({lineHeight: '1.5'})),
dom.td('Bcc:', style({textAlign: 'right', color: '#555'})),
- bccCell=dom.td(style({width: '100%'})),
+ bccCell=dom.td(style({lineHeight: '1.5'})),
dom.td('Subject:', style({textAlign: 'right', color: '#555'})),
- dom.td(style({width: '100%'}),
- subject=dom.input(focusPlaceholder('subject...'), attr.value(opts.subject || ''), attr.required(''), style({width: '100%'})),
+ dom.td(
+ subjectAutosize=dom.span(
+ dom._class('autosize'),
+ style({width: '100%'}), // Without 100% width, the span takes minimal width for input, we want the full table cell.
+ subject=dom.input(
+ style({width: '100%'}),
+ attr.value(opts.subject || ''),
+ attr.required(''),
+ focusPlaceholder('subject...'),
+ function input() {
+ subjectAutosize.dataset.value = subject.value
+ },
+ ),
+ ),
@@ -1465,6 +1487,8 @@ const compose = (opts: ComposeOptions) => {
+ subjectAutosize.dataset.value = subject.value
;(opts.to && opts.to.length > 0 ? opts.to : ['']).forEach(s => newAddrView(s, toViews, toBtn, toCell, toRow))
;(opts.cc || []).forEach(s => newAddrView(s, ccViews, ccBtn, ccCell, ccRow))
;(opts.bcc || []).forEach(s => newAddrView(s, bccViews, bccBtn, bccCell, bccRow))