imaptemp.NewImapTemp runs temporary-storage mox imap-server listening on returned bidirectional stream for integration testing

This commit is contained in:
Harald Rudell 2024-01-27 08:18:57 -08:00
parent 1d9e80fd70
commit 36470f9d95
8 changed files with 581 additions and 0 deletions

imapserver/internals.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
package imapserver
import (
// internalsStruct exports some private top-level identifiers
type internalsStruct struct {
// LimitersInit configures mox connection rate limiting and max connections
LimitersInit func()
// Serve launches the mox imap server with storage using provided connection
Serve func(listenerName string, cid int64, tlsConfig *tls.Config, nc net.Conn, xtls bool, noRequireSTARTTLS bool)
// internalsValue exports some private top-level identifiers
var internalsValue = internalsStruct{
LimitersInit: limitersInit,
Serve: serve,
// Internals exports some private top-level identifiers
func Internals() (internals internalsStruct) { return internalsValue }

imaptemp/close-oncer.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
Written 2024 by Harald Rudell <> (
package imaptemp
import (
// closeOncer ensures a net.Conn to have thread-safe idempotent observable Close
type closeOncer struct {
CloseWait chan struct{}
IsClosed atomic.Bool
// newCloseOncer returns a wrapper making the net.Conn to have thread-safe idempotent observable Close
func newCloseOncer(conn net.Conn) (c net.Conn) {
return &closeOncer{
Conn: conn,
CloseWait: make(chan struct{}),
// Close is thread-safe idempotent observable
// - only the winner thread actually closing receives a possible error
// - no thread returns prior to the connection being closed
// - Close can be awaited by <-c.CloseWait
// - Close is observable by c.IsClosed.Load()
func (c *closeOncer) Close() (err error) {
if !c.IsClosed.CompareAndSwap(false, true) {
// loser thread gets to wait
defer close(c.CloseWait)
// winner thread does close
err = c.Conn.Close()

imaptemp/domains.conf Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
LocalpartCaseSensitive: false
Domain: mox.example
mjl@mox.example: nil
""@mox.example: nil
Threshold: 0.95
Twograms: true
MaxPower: 0.1
TopWords: 10
IgnoreWords: 0.1
Domain: mox.example
limit@mox.example: nil
QuotaMessageSize: 1

imaptemp/imap-temp.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
Written 2024 by Harald Rudell <> (
package imaptemp
import (
_ "embed"
// NewImapMem returns an object that runs an temporary-storage imap server
// - configurable: logging, timeouts, file-system location
// - logger is optional logger. If missing or nil, logging is to standard error, text with all log-levels
// - — [] creates a logger that may control:
// - — what [io.Writer] to send logging to, eg. standard output or file
// - — log format, eg. text or json
// - — log level eg. []
// - because package [] is not thread-safe:
// - — only one instance at any one time per process
// - — If regular mox code is used, that and CreateSocket can only be invoked by a single thread due to lack of thread-safety
// - file-system storage depends on process working directory
// - — multiple processes must be in different working directories
// Example:
// var options = slog.HandlerOptions{
// Level: minLevel,
// }
// levelFilteredLogger = slog.New(slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stdout, &options))
func NewImapTemp(logger ...*slog.Logger) (imapTemp *ImapTemp) {
var _ slog.TextHandler
var createNewStructuredLogger *slog.Logger
if len(logger) > 0 {
createNewStructuredLogger = logger[0]
if createNewStructuredLogger != nil {
return &ImapTemp{
pkglog: mlog.New(logPackageLabel, createNewStructuredLogger),
// UseTimeouts ensures that mox socket timeouts are active and cause disconnections
// - as default, mox timeouts aree disabled allowing to debug and single step for
// extended periods of time
func (i *ImapTemp) UseTimeouts() { i.useTimeouts.Store(true) }
// CreateSocket returns a socket where an IMAP4Rev2 server is listening
// - imapConn.Close is thread-safe idempotent
// - if CreateSocket returns successfully, Close must be invoked to release resources
// - if dir is provided, it is a file-system directory where mox wil keep its data
// - CreateSocket can only be invoked once per ImapTemp instance
// - only one ImapTemp can be active at a time per process
// - for thread-safety, regular mox code should not be used in a process where CreateSocket is used
// - thread-safe
// - mox start/stop takes around 500 ms
// - —
// - the returned socket imapConn is an emulated network socket bypassing networking instead connecting
// directly to the server via an unbuffered Go channel:
// - — no TLS
// - — no TCP port
// - — [io.ReadWriteCloser] over unbuffered channels
// - a server thread is launched
func (i *ImapTemp) CreateSocket(dir ...string) (imapConn net.Conn, err error) {
if len(dir) > 0 {
if i.dir, err = filepath.Abs(dir[0]); err != nil {
// ensure that CreateSocket is only invoked once for this ImapTemp instance
if !i.isCreateServer.CompareAndSwap(false, true) {
err = errors.New("CreateSocket invoked more than once")
// to enforce one mox at a time per process,
// the gating value is a private top-level variable
// - the consumer must assure that:
// - — regular mox is not used in a non-thread-safe way at any time in a process using ImapTemp
if !isRunning.CompareAndSwap(nil, i) {
err = errors.New("ImapTemp is already running")
defer i.createEnd(&err)
// this ImapTemp now owns mox until isRunning is set to nil
// create a unique file-system directory for storage
if i.dir == "" {
const useDefaultTempDir = ""
if i.dir, err = os.MkdirTemp(useDefaultTempDir, dirTemplate); err != nil {
// make mox able to run
// store.InitialUIDValidity is not thread-safe
// - reading and writing isRunning makes access thread-safe for ImapTemp instances
i.initialUIDValidity = store.InitialUIDValidity
store.InitialUIDValidity = validityOne
// here we must copy mox test code into the real world
// - server_test.go:337 startArgs
// server new connection rate-limits
// mox handles cancel of this context
mox.Context = context.Background()
// write “mox.conf”
mox.ConfigStaticPath = filepath.Join(i.dir, moxConf)
if err = os.WriteFile(mox.ConfigStaticPath, moxConfData, urwx); err != nil {
// write “domains.conf”
mox.ConfigDynamicPath = filepath.Join(i.dir, domainsConf)
if err = os.WriteFile(mox.ConfigDynamicPath, domainsConfData, urwx); err != nil {
// do not load certificates from configuration
const doNotLoadTLSKeyCerts = false
// do not load certificate renewal data from configuration
const doNotCheckACMEHosts = false
// errs is a list of non-nil errors
if errs := mox.LoadConfig(context.Background(), i.pkglog, doNotLoadTLSKeyCerts, doNotCheckACMEHosts); len(errs) > 0 {
err = errs[0]
// create account: opening it will create
var acc *store.Account
if acc, err = store.OpenAccount(i.pkglog, accountName); err != nil {
// the account will have a password
} else if err = acc.SetPassword(i.pkglog, passwd); err != nil {
// launch server thread
// some notification bus
var switchStopFunc = store.Switchboard()
// the socket used by the server
// - imapConn is the connection where IMAP4rev2 protocol is available
var connUsedByServer net.Conn
connUsedByServer, imapConn = net.Pipe()
// disable all deadlines on connUsedByServer
if !i.useTimeouts.Load() {
connUsedByServer = NewNoDeadline(connUsedByServer)
// make imapConn.Close idempotent
// - an imap client may close on:
// - — server closing or
// - — protocol error or
// - — after sending imap LOGOUT
// - making Close idempotent allows for the connection to with certainty be closed exactly once
imapConn = newCloseOncer(imapConn)
i.imapConn = imapConn
// make server-thread awaitable
var serverExit = make(chan struct{})
i.serverExit = serverExit
go i.imapServerThread(connUsedByServer, switchStopFunc, serverExit)
// After successful CreateSocket, EndCh is available
// - EndCh returns a channel that closes once resources are released
// - thread-safe
func (i *ImapTemp) EndCh() (endCh <-chan struct{}) {
endCh = i.serverExit
// Creds returns login credentials for the imap servers only account
// - thread-safe
func (i *ImapTemp) Creds() (emailAcccountName, password string) { return accountEmail, passwd }
// Dir returns absolute path to temporary file-system storage
// - no consumer should need this
// - thread-safe
func (i *ImapTemp) Dir() (dir string) {
dir = i.dir
// Close releases resources from a successful CreateSocket invocation
// - thread-safe
func (i *ImapTemp) Close() (err error) {
if isRunning.Load() != i {
return // this is not an active imapTemp
err = i.unCreate()
// imapServerThread runs a server until ?
func (i *ImapTemp) imapServerThread(connUsedByServer net.Conn, switchStopFunc func(), serverExit chan<- struct{}) {
defer close(serverExit)
defer i.recoverPanic(recover())
defer switchStopFunc()
// do not use TLS requiring certificates and such
const isTLS = false
// do not use TLS requiring certificates and such
const allowLoginWithoutTLS = true
var noTLSConfig *tls.Config
// cid is numbering of connection used for logging
var cid = connectionNumberer.Add(1)
internals.Serve(listenerName, cid, noTLSConfig, connUsedByServer, isTLS, allowLoginWithoutTLS)
// recoverPanic stores any server-thread runtime error at ImapTemp.serverPanic
func (i *ImapTemp) recoverPanic(panicValue any) {
var err error
var ok bool
if panicValue == nil {
} else if err, ok = panicValue.(error); !ok {
err = fmt.Errorf("server-thread PANIC: non-error value: %T %+[1]v", panicValue)
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("server-thread PANIC: %w", err)
i.serverPanic = err
// createEnd invokes unCreate if CreateSocket failed
func (i *ImapTemp) createEnd(errp *error) {
if *errp == nil {
i.isCreateServer.Store(true) // make any writes thread-safe
return // CreateSocket success return
// an error is already present, so ignore error here
_ = i.unCreate()
// unCreate undos any actions by CreateSocket
// - only inoked on:
// - — CreateSocket failing
// - — Close after CreateSocket success
func (i *ImapTemp) unCreate() (err error) {
i.isCreateServer.Load() // make any previous writes thread-safe
defer isRunning.Store(nil) // release mox for other instances
store.InitialUIDValidity = i.initialUIDValidity
if closer := i.imapConn; closer != nil {
err = closer.Close()
if serverExit := i.serverExit; serverExit != nil {
if e := i.serverPanic; e != nil {
if err == nil {
err = e
} else {
// remove temporary files, ignore error if an error is already present
if !i.noRemove.Load() {
if e := os.RemoveAll(i.dir); e != nil && err == nil {
err = e
//go:embed mox.conf
var moxConfData []byte
//go:embed domains.conf
var domainsConfData []byte
// validityOne returns UIDValidity 1 during ImapTemp being active
func validityOne() (UIDValidity uint32) { return 1 }
const (
// naming template for temporary file-system directory
dirTemplate = "mox"
// configuration file is hard-coded in the test code
moxConf = "mox.conf"
// some filename mox needs
domainsConf = "domains.conf"
// log label is hard-coded in test code
logPackageLabel = "imapserver"
// accountName is imap server account login name
// - returned by Creds method
accountName = "mjl"
// impa LOGIN must be by email
accountEmail = accountName + "@mox.example"
// imap server account password
// - returned by Creds method
passwd = "testtest"
// listenerName is a label the server outputs when the connection is ready
listenerName = "test"
// filemode for created files
urwx os.FileMode = 0700
// retrieve private identifiers from imapserver package
var internals = imapserver.Internals()
// connectionNumberer number connections 1… for logging
var connectionNumberer atomic.Int64
// isRunning ensures that only one ImapMem runs at any one time per process
// - because mox uses non-thread-safe top-level variables, it is a process-scope top-level variable
// - provides thread-safety for [store.InitialUIDValidity] and possibly the rest of mox
var isRunning atomic.Pointer[ImapTemp]
// ImapTemp runs an IMAP4Rev2 server with temporary storage for testing purposes
type ImapTemp struct {
// pkglog is a standard error logger labeled “imapserver”
pkglog mlog.Log
// gates CreateSocket invocations
// - provides field thread-safety
isCreateServer atomic.Bool
// true if timeouts should not be disabled
useTimeouts atomic.Bool
// true if file system is not temporary and should not be removed
noRemove atomic.Bool
// absolute path to temporary file-system storage
// - thread-safe through isCreateServer read and write
dir string
// held temporary value
// - thread-safe through isCreateServer read and write
initialUIDValidity func() uint32
// imap connection to close on unCreate
// - may be nil
// - thread-safe through isCreateServer read and write
imapConn io.Closer
// serverExit closes on server thread exit
// - after successful Create value is available.
// - this channel will close on imap server thread-exit
// - may be nil
// - thread-safe through isCreateServer read and write
serverExit <-chan struct{}
// possible server panic
// - available after non-nil serverExit closes
// - thread-safe through isCreateServer read and write
serverPanic error

View file

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
Written 2024 by Harald Rudell <> (
package imaptemp
import (
func TestImapTemp(t *testing.T) {
//t.Errorf("logging on")
// expected prefix of the greeting “* OK”
var prefixExp = "* OK "
// expected suffix of the greeting “mox imap\r\n”
var suffixExp = "mox imap\r\n"
// the greeting ends with the newline byte
const newLine = '\n'
var imapTemp *ImapTemp
var err error
var imapConn net.Conn
var lineReader *bufio.Reader
var line []byte
imapTemp = NewImapTemp()
imapConn, err = imapTemp.CreateSocket()
defer closeImapTemp(imapTemp, t)
// CreateSocket should succeed
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("CreateSocket err: %q", err)
// IMAP4rev2 server should output a greeting
// - read until first newline, unlimited length, no timeout
lineReader = bufio.NewReader(imapConn)
if line, err = lineReader.ReadBytes(newLine); err != nil {
t.Errorf("ReadBytes err: %q", err)
// line: "* OK [CAPABILITY
// ] mox imap\r\n"
t.Logf("line: %q", line)
// greeting should contain OK and mox
if !bytes.HasPrefix(line, []byte(prefixExp)) || !bytes.HasSuffix(line, []byte(suffixExp)) {
t.Errorf("FAIL bad greeting from mox: prefixExp: %q suffixExp %q greeting:\n%s",
prefixExp, suffixExp, line,
// closeImapTemp is a deferrable function closing imapTemp
func closeImapTemp(imapTemp *ImapTemp, t *testing.T) {
var err = imapTemp.Close()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("FAIL imapTemp.Close err: %q", err)

imaptemp/mox.conf Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
DataDir: data
User: 1000
LogLevel: trace
Hostname: mox.example
Enabled: true
Port: 1143
NoRequireSTARTTLS: true
Account: mjl
Mailbox: postmaster

imaptemp/no-deadline.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
Written 2024 by Harald Rudell <> (
package imaptemp
import (
// NoDeadline is a wrapper for a net.Conn socket that disables attempts to set a timeout on the socket
type NoDeadline struct{ net.Conn }
// NewNoDeadline wraps conn disabling any attempt to set a timeout on the socket
func NewNoDeadline(conn net.Conn) (noDeadline *NoDeadline) { return &NoDeadline{Conn: conn} }
// SetDeadline sets the read and write deadlines associated
// with the connection.
func (n *NoDeadline) SetDeadline(t time.Time) (err error) { return }
// SetReadDeadline sets the deadline for future Read calls
// and any currently-blocked Read call.
func (n *NoDeadline) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) (err error) { return }
// SetWriteDeadline sets the deadline for future Write calls
// and any currently-blocked Write call.
func (n *NoDeadline) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) (err error) { return }

View file

@ -28,6 +28,16 @@ import (
// LogModel allows to control new loggers created by mox packages
// - must be set prior to instantiating mox objects
// - default is text logging to standard output of all levels
// - mox has custom log levels like [LevelInfo]
// - value: [] creates a logger that may control:
// - — what [io.Writer] to send logging to, eg. standard output [os.Stdout] or file
// - — log format, eg. text or json
// - — log level eg. []
var LogModel atomic.Pointer[slog.Logger]
var noctx = context.Background()
// Logfmt enabled output in logfmt, instead of output more suitable for
@ -111,6 +121,9 @@ type Log struct {
// New returns a Log that adds a "pkg" attribute. If logger is nil, a new
// Logger is created with a custom handler.
func New(pkg string, logger *slog.Logger) Log {
if logger == nil {
logger = LogModel.Load()
if logger == nil {
logger = slog.New(&handler{})