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package main
import (
func backupctl(ctx context.Context, ctl *ctl) {
/* protocol:
> "backup"
> destdir
> "verbose" or ""
< stream
< "ok" or error
// Convention in this function: variables containing "src" or "dst" are file system
// paths that can be passed to os.Open and such. Variables with dirs/paths without
// "src" or "dst" are incomplete paths relative to the source or destination data
// directories.
dstDataDir := ctl.xread()
verbose := ctl.xread() == "verbose"
// Set when an error is encountered. At the end, we warn if set.
var incomplete bool
// We'll be writing output, and logging both to mox and the ctl stream.
writer := ctl.writer()
// Format easily readable output for the user.
formatLog := func(prefix, text string, err error, fields ...mlog.Pair) []byte {
var b bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprint(&b, prefix)
fmt.Fprint(&b, text)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprint(&b, ": "+err.Error())
for _, f := range fields {
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "; %s=%v", f.Key, f.Value)
fmt.Fprint(&b, "\n")
return b.Bytes()
// Log an error to both the mox service as the user running "mox backup".
xlogx := func(prefix, text string, err error, fields ...mlog.Pair) {
ctl.log.Errorx(text, err, fields...)
_, werr := writer.Write(formatLog(prefix, text, err, fields...))
ctl.xcheck(werr, "write to ctl")
// Log an error but don't mark backup as failed.
xwarnx := func(text string, err error, fields ...mlog.Pair) {
xlogx("warning: ", text, err, fields...)
// Log an error that causes the backup to be marked as failed. We typically
// continue processing though.
xerrx := func(text string, err error, fields ...mlog.Pair) {
incomplete = true
xlogx("error: ", text, err, fields...)
// If verbose is enabled, log to the cli command. Always log as info level.
xvlog := func(text string, fields ...mlog.Pair) {
ctl.log.Info(text, fields...)
if verbose {
_, werr := writer.Write(formatLog("", text, nil, fields...))
ctl.xcheck(werr, "write to ctl")
if _, err := os.Stat(dstDataDir); err == nil {
xwarnx("destination data directory already exists", nil, mlog.Field("dir", dstDataDir))
srcDataDir := filepath.Clean(mox.DataDirPath("."))
// When creating a file in the destination, we first ensure its directory exists.
// We track which directories we created, to prevent needless syscalls.
createdDirs := map[string]struct{}{}
ensureDestDir := func(dstpath string) {
dstdir := filepath.Dir(dstpath)
if _, ok := createdDirs[dstdir]; !ok {
err := os.MkdirAll(dstdir, 0770)
if err != nil {
xerrx("creating directory", err)
createdDirs[dstdir] = struct{}{}
// Backup a single file by copying (never hardlinking, the file may change).
backupFile := func(path string) {
tmFile := time.Now()
srcpath := filepath.Join(srcDataDir, path)
dstpath := filepath.Join(dstDataDir, path)
sf, err := os.Open(srcpath)
if err != nil {
xerrx("open source file (not backed up)", err, mlog.Field("srcpath", srcpath), mlog.Field("dstpath", dstpath))
defer sf.Close()
df, err := os.OpenFile(dstpath, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL, 0660)
if err != nil {
xerrx("creating destination file (not backed up)", err, mlog.Field("srcpath", srcpath), mlog.Field("dstpath", dstpath))
defer func() {
if df != nil {
if _, err := io.Copy(df, sf); err != nil {
xerrx("copying file (not backed up properly)", err, mlog.Field("srcpath", srcpath), mlog.Field("dstpath", dstpath))
err = df.Close()
df = nil
if err != nil {
xerrx("closing destination file (not backed up properly)", err, mlog.Field("srcpath", srcpath), mlog.Field("dstpath", dstpath))
xvlog("backed up file", mlog.Field("path", path), mlog.Field("duration", time.Since(tmFile)))
// Back up the files in a directory (by copying).
backupDir := func(dir string) {
tmDir := time.Now()
srcdir := filepath.Join(srcDataDir, dir)
dstdir := filepath.Join(dstDataDir, dir)
err := filepath.WalkDir(srcdir, func(srcpath string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
if err != nil {
xerrx("walking file (not backed up)", err, mlog.Field("srcpath", srcpath))
return nil
if d.IsDir() {
return nil
return nil
if err != nil {
xerrx("copying directory (not backed up properly)", err, mlog.Field("srcdir", srcdir), mlog.Field("dstdir", dstdir), mlog.Field("duration", time.Since(tmDir)))
xvlog("backed up directory", mlog.Field("dir", dir), mlog.Field("duration", time.Since(tmDir)))
// Backup a database by copying it in a readonly transaction.
// Always logs on error, so caller doesn't have to, but also returns the error so
// callers can see result.
backupDB := func(db *bstore.DB, path string) (rerr error) {
defer func() {
if rerr != nil {
xerrx("backing up database", rerr, mlog.Field("path", path))
tmDB := time.Now()
dstpath := filepath.Join(dstDataDir, path)
df, err := os.OpenFile(dstpath, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL, 0660)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("creating destination file: %v", err)
defer func() {
if df != nil {
err = db.Read(ctx, func(tx *bstore.Tx) error {
// Using regular WriteTo seems fine, and fast. It just copies pages.
// bolt.Compact is slower, it writes all key/value pairs, building up new data
// structures. My compacted test database was ~60% of original size. Lz4 on the
// uncompacted database got it to 14%. Lz4 on the compacted database got it to 13%.
// Backups are likely archived somewhere with compression, so we don't compact.
// Tests with WriteTo and os.O_DIRECT were slower than without O_DIRECT, but
// probably because everything fit in the page cache. It may be better to use
// O_DIRECT when copying many large or inactive databases.
_, err := tx.WriteTo(df)
return err
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("copying database: %v", err)
err = df.Close()
df = nil
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("closing destination database after copy: %v", err)
xvlog("backed up database file", mlog.Field("path", path), mlog.Field("duration", time.Since(tmDB)))
return nil
// Try to create a hardlink. Fall back to copying the file (e.g. when on different file system).
warnedHardlink := false // We warn once about failing to hardlink.
linkOrCopy := func(srcpath, dstpath string) (bool, error) {
if err := os.Link(srcpath, dstpath); err == nil {
return true, nil
} else if os.IsNotExist(err) {
// No point in trying with regular copy, we would warn twice.
return false, err
} else if !warnedHardlink {
xwarnx("creating hardlink to message", err, mlog.Field("srcpath", srcpath), mlog.Field("dstpath", dstpath))
warnedHardlink = true
// Fall back to copying.
sf, err := os.Open(srcpath)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("open source path %s: %v", srcpath, err)
defer sf.Close()
df, err := os.OpenFile(dstpath, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL, 0660)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("open destination path %s: %v", dstpath, err)
defer func() {
if df != nil {
if _, err := io.Copy(df, sf); err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("coping: %v", err)
err = df.Close()
df = nil
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("close: %v", err)
return false, nil
// Start making the backup.
tmStart := time.Now()
ctl.log.Print("making backup", mlog.Field("destdir", dstDataDir))
err := os.MkdirAll(dstDataDir, 0770)
if err != nil {
xerrx("creating destination data directory", err)
if err := os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dstDataDir, "moxversion"), []byte(moxvar.Version), 0660); err != nil {
xerrx("writing moxversion", err)
backupDB(dmarcdb.DB, "dmarcrpt.db")
backupDB(mtastsdb.DB, "mtasts.db")
backupDB(tlsrptdb.DB, "tlsrpt.db")
// Acme directory is optional.
srcAcmeDir := filepath.Join(srcDataDir, "acme")
if _, err := os.Stat(srcAcmeDir); err == nil {
} else if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
xerrx("copying acme/", err)
// Copy the queue database and all message files.
backupQueue := func(path string) {
tmQueue := time.Now()
if err := backupDB(queue.DB, path); err != nil {
xerrx("queue not backed up", err, mlog.Field("path", path), mlog.Field("duration", time.Since(tmQueue)))
dstdbpath := filepath.Join(dstDataDir, path)
db, err := bstore.Open(ctx, dstdbpath, &bstore.Options{MustExist: true}, queue.DBTypes...)
if err != nil {
xerrx("open copied queue database", err, mlog.Field("dstpath", dstdbpath), mlog.Field("duration", time.Since(tmQueue)))
defer func() {
if db != nil {
err := db.Close()
ctl.log.Check(err, "closing new queue db")
// Link/copy known message files. Warn if files are missing or unexpected
// (though a message file could have been removed just now due to delivery, or a
// new message may have been queued).
tmMsgs := time.Now()
seen := map[string]struct{}{}
var nlinked, ncopied int
err = bstore.QueryDB[queue.Msg](ctx, db).ForEach(func(m queue.Msg) error {
mp := store.MessagePath(m.ID)
seen[mp] = struct{}{}
srcpath := filepath.Join(srcDataDir, "queue", mp)
dstpath := filepath.Join(dstDataDir, "queue", mp)
if linked, err := linkOrCopy(srcpath, dstpath); err != nil {
xerrx("linking/copying queue message", err, mlog.Field("srcpath", srcpath), mlog.Field("dstpath", dstpath))
} else if linked {
} else {
return nil
if err != nil {
xerrx("processing queue messages (not backed up properly)", err, mlog.Field("duration", time.Since(tmMsgs)))
} else {
xvlog("queue message files linked/copied", mlog.Field("linked", nlinked), mlog.Field("copied", ncopied), mlog.Field("duration", time.Since(tmMsgs)))
// Read through all files in queue directory and warn about anything we haven't handled yet.
tmWalk := time.Now()
srcqdir := filepath.Join(srcDataDir, "queue")
err = filepath.WalkDir(srcqdir, func(srcqpath string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
if err != nil {
xerrx("walking files in queue", err, mlog.Field("srcpath", srcqpath))
return nil
if d.IsDir() {
return nil
p := srcqpath[len(srcqdir)+1:]
if _, ok := seen[p]; ok {
return nil
if p == "index.db" {
return nil
qp := filepath.Join("queue", p)
xwarnx("backing up unrecognized file in queue directory", nil, mlog.Field("path", qp))
return nil
if err != nil {
xerrx("walking queue directory (not backed up properly)", err, mlog.Field("dir", "queue"), mlog.Field("duration", time.Since(tmWalk)))
} else {
xvlog("walked queue directory", mlog.Field("duration", time.Since(tmWalk)))
xvlog("queue backed finished", mlog.Field("duration", time.Since(tmQueue)))
backupAccount := func(acc *store.Account) {
defer acc.Close()
tmAccount := time.Now()
// Copy database file.
dbpath := filepath.Join("accounts", acc.Name, "index.db")
err := backupDB(acc.DB, dbpath)
if err != nil {
xerrx("copying account database", err, mlog.Field("path", dbpath), mlog.Field("duration", time.Since(tmAccount)))
// todo: should document/check not taking a rlock on account.
// Copy junkfilter files, if configured.
if jf, _, err := acc.OpenJunkFilter(ctx, ctl.log); err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, store.ErrNoJunkFilter) {
xerrx("opening junk filter for account (not backed up)", err)
} else {
db := jf.DB()
jfpath := filepath.Join("accounts", acc.Name, "junkfilter.db")
backupDB(db, jfpath)
bloompath := filepath.Join("accounts", acc.Name, "junkfilter.bloom")
db = nil
err := jf.Close()
ctl.log.Check(err, "closing junkfilter")
dstdbpath := filepath.Join(dstDataDir, dbpath)
db, err := bstore.Open(ctx, dstdbpath, &bstore.Options{MustExist: true}, store.DBTypes...)
if err != nil {
xerrx("open copied account database", err, mlog.Field("dstpath", dstdbpath), mlog.Field("duration", time.Since(tmAccount)))
defer func() {
if db != nil {
err := db.Close()
ctl.log.Check(err, "close account database")
// Link/copy known message files. Warn if files are missing or unexpected (though a
// message file could have been added just now due to delivery, or a message have
// been removed).
tmMsgs := time.Now()
seen := map[string]struct{}{}
var nlinked, ncopied int
err = bstore.QueryDB[store.Message](ctx, db).ForEach(func(m store.Message) error {
mp := store.MessagePath(m.ID)
seen[mp] = struct{}{}
amp := filepath.Join("accounts", acc.Name, "msg", mp)
srcpath := filepath.Join(srcDataDir, amp)
dstpath := filepath.Join(dstDataDir, amp)
if linked, err := linkOrCopy(srcpath, dstpath); err != nil {
xerrx("linking/copying account message", err, mlog.Field("srcpath", srcpath), mlog.Field("dstpath", dstpath))
} else if linked {
} else {
return nil
if err != nil {
xerrx("processing account messages (not backed up properly)", err, mlog.Field("duration", time.Since(tmMsgs)))
} else {
xvlog("account message files linked/copied", mlog.Field("linked", nlinked), mlog.Field("copied", ncopied), mlog.Field("duration", time.Since(tmMsgs)))
// Read through all files in account directory and warn about anything we haven't handled yet.
tmWalk := time.Now()
srcadir := filepath.Join(srcDataDir, "accounts", acc.Name)
err = filepath.WalkDir(srcadir, func(srcapath string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
if err != nil {
xerrx("walking files in account", err, mlog.Field("srcpath", srcapath))
return nil
if d.IsDir() {
return nil
p := srcapath[len(srcadir)+1:]
l := strings.Split(p, string(filepath.Separator))
if l[0] == "msg" {
mp := filepath.Join(l[1:]...)
if _, ok := seen[mp]; ok {
return nil
switch p {
case "index.db", "junkfilter.db", "junkfilter.bloom":
return nil
ap := filepath.Join("accounts", acc.Name, p)
if strings.HasPrefix(p, "msg/") {
xwarnx("backing up unrecognized file in account message directory (should be moved away)", nil, mlog.Field("path", ap))
} else {
xwarnx("backing up unrecognized file in account directory", nil, mlog.Field("path", ap))
return nil
if err != nil {
xerrx("walking account directory (not backed up properly)", err, mlog.Field("srcdir", srcadir), mlog.Field("duration", time.Since(tmWalk)))
} else {
xvlog("walked account directory", mlog.Field("duration", time.Since(tmWalk)))
xvlog("account backup finished", mlog.Field("dir", filepath.Join("accounts", acc.Name)), mlog.Field("duration", time.Since(tmAccount)))
// For each configured account, open it, make a copy of the database and
// hardlink/copy the messages. We track the accounts we handled, and skip the
// account directories when handling "all other files" below.
accounts := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, accName := range mox.Conf.Accounts() {
acc, err := store.OpenAccount(accName)
if err != nil {
xerrx("opening account for copying (will try to copy as regular files later)", err, mlog.Field("account", accName))
accounts[accName] = struct{}{}
// Copy all other files, that aren't part of the known files, databases, queue or accounts.
tmWalk := time.Now()
err = filepath.WalkDir(srcDataDir, func(srcpath string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
if err != nil {
xerrx("walking path", err, mlog.Field("path", srcpath))
return nil
if srcpath == srcDataDir {
return nil
p := srcpath[len(srcDataDir)+1:]
if p == "queue" || p == "acme" || p == "tmp" {
return fs.SkipDir
l := strings.Split(p, string(filepath.Separator))
if len(l) >= 2 && l[0] == "accounts" {
name := l[1]
if _, ok := accounts[name]; ok {
return fs.SkipDir
// Only files are explicitly backed up.
if d.IsDir() {
return nil
switch p {
case "dmarcrpt.db", "mtasts.db", "tlsrpt.db", "receivedid.key", "ctl":
// Already handled.
return nil
case "lastknownversion": // Optional file, not yet handled.
xwarnx("backing up unrecognized file", nil, mlog.Field("path", p))
return nil
if err != nil {
xerrx("walking other files (not backed up properly)", err, mlog.Field("duration", time.Since(tmWalk)))
} else {
xvlog("walking other files finished", mlog.Field("duration", time.Since(tmWalk)))
xvlog("backup finished", mlog.Field("duration", time.Since(tmStart)))
if incomplete {
ctl.xwrite("errors were encountered during backup")
} else {