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synced 2025-01-15 01:46:26 +03:00
776 lines
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776 lines
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package store
import (
// Assign a new/incoming message to a thread. Message does not yet have an ID. If
// this isn't a response, ThreadID should remain 0 (unless this is a message with
// existing message-id) and the caller must set ThreadID to ID.
// If the account is still busy upgrading messages with threadids in the background, parents
// may have a threadid 0. That results in this message getting threadid 0, which
// will handled by the background upgrade process assigning a threadid when it gets
// to this message.
func assignThread(log *mlog.Log, tx *bstore.Tx, m *Message, part *message.Part) error {
if m.MessageID != "" {
// Match against existing different message with same Message-ID.
q := bstore.QueryTx[Message](tx)
q.FilterNonzero(Message{MessageID: m.MessageID})
q.FilterEqual("Expunged", false)
q.FilterNotEqual("ID", m.ID)
q.FilterNotEqual("ThreadID", int64(0))
em, err := q.Get()
if err != nil && err != bstore.ErrAbsent {
return fmt.Errorf("looking up existing message with message-id: %v", err)
} else if err == nil {
assignParent(m, em, true)
return nil
h, err := part.Header()
if err != nil {
log.Errorx("assigning threads: parsing references/in-reply-to headers, not matching by message-id", err, mlog.Field("msgid", m.ID))
messageIDs, err := message.ReferencedIDs(h.Values("References"), h.Values("In-Reply-To"))
if err != nil {
log.Errorx("assigning threads: parsing references/in-reply-to headers, not matching by message-id", err, mlog.Field("msgid", m.ID))
for i := len(messageIDs) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
messageID := messageIDs[i]
if messageID == m.MessageID {
tm, _, err := lookupThreadMessage(tx, m.ID, messageID, m.SubjectBase)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("looking up thread message for new message: %v", err)
} else if tm != nil {
assignParent(m, *tm, true)
return nil
m.ThreadMissingLink = true
if len(messageIDs) > 0 {
return nil
var isResp bool
if part != nil && part.Envelope != nil {
m.SubjectBase, isResp = message.ThreadSubject(part.Envelope.Subject, false)
if !isResp || m.SubjectBase == "" {
return nil
m.ThreadMissingLink = true
tm, err := lookupThreadMessageSubject(tx, *m, m.SubjectBase)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("looking up thread message by subject: %v", err)
} else if tm != nil {
assignParent(m, *tm, true)
return nil
// assignParent assigns threading fields to m that make it a child of parent message pm.
// updateSeen indicates if m.Seen should be cleared if pm is thread-muted.
func assignParent(m *Message, pm Message, updateSeen bool) {
if pm.ThreadID == 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("assigning message id %d/d%q to parent message id %d/%q which has threadid 0", m.ID, m.MessageID, pm.ID, pm.MessageID))
if m.ID == pm.ID {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("trying to make message id %d/%q its own parent", m.ID, m.MessageID))
m.ThreadID = pm.ThreadID
// Make sure we don't add cycles.
if !slices.Contains(pm.ThreadParentIDs, m.ID) {
m.ThreadParentIDs = append([]int64{pm.ID}, pm.ThreadParentIDs...)
} else if pm.ID != m.ID {
m.ThreadParentIDs = []int64{pm.ID}
} else {
m.ThreadParentIDs = nil
if m.MessageID != "" && m.MessageID == pm.MessageID {
m.ThreadMissingLink = true
m.ThreadMuted = pm.ThreadMuted
m.ThreadCollapsed = pm.ThreadCollapsed
if updateSeen && m.ThreadMuted {
m.Seen = true
// ResetThreading resets the MessageID and SubjectBase fields for all messages in
// the account. If clearIDs is true, all Thread* fields are also cleared. Changes
// are made in transactions of batchSize changes. The total number of updated
// messages is returned.
// ModSeq is not changed. Calles should bump the uid validity of the mailboxes
// to propagate the changes to IMAP clients.
func (a *Account) ResetThreading(ctx context.Context, log *mlog.Log, batchSize int, clearIDs bool) (int, error) {
// todo: should this send Change events for ThreadMuted and ThreadCollapsed? worth it?
var lastID int64
total := 0
for {
n := 0
prepareMessages := func(in, out chan moxio.Work[Message, Message]) {
for {
w, ok := <-in
if !ok {
m := w.In
// We have the Message-ID and Subject headers in ParsedBuf. We use a partial part
// struct so we don't generate so much garbage for the garbage collector to sift
// through.
var part struct {
Envelope *message.Envelope
if err := json.Unmarshal(m.ParsedBuf, &part); err != nil {
log.Errorx("unmarshal json parsedbuf for setting message-id, skipping", err, mlog.Field("msgid", m.ID))
} else {
m.MessageID = ""
if part.Envelope != nil && part.Envelope.MessageID != "" {
s, _, err := message.MessageIDCanonical(part.Envelope.MessageID)
if err != nil {
log.Debugx("parsing message-id, skipping", err, mlog.Field("msgid", m.ID), mlog.Field("messageid", part.Envelope.MessageID))
m.MessageID = s
if part.Envelope != nil {
m.SubjectBase, _ = message.ThreadSubject(part.Envelope.Subject, false)
w.Out = m
out <- w
err := a.DB.Write(ctx, func(tx *bstore.Tx) error {
processMessage := func(in, m Message) error {
if clearIDs {
m.ThreadID = 0
m.ThreadParentIDs = nil
m.ThreadMissingLink = false
return tx.Update(&m)
// JSON parsing is relatively heavy, we benefit from multiple goroutines.
procs := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)
wq := moxio.NewWorkQueue[Message, Message](procs, 2*procs, prepareMessages, processMessage)
q := bstore.QueryTx[Message](tx)
q.FilterEqual("Expunged", false)
q.FilterGreater("ID", lastID)
err := q.ForEach(func(m Message) error {
// We process in batches so we don't block other operations for a long time.
if n >= batchSize {
return bstore.StopForEach
// Update starting point for next batch.
lastID = m.ID
return wq.Add(m)
if err == nil {
err = wq.Finish()
return err
if err != nil {
return total, fmt.Errorf("upgrading account to threads storage, step 1/2: %w", err)
total += n
if n == 0 {
return total, nil
// AssignThreads assigns thread-related fields to messages with ID >=
// startMessageID. Changes are committed each batchSize changes if txOpt is nil
// (i.e. during automatic account upgrade, we don't want to block database access
// for a long time). If txOpt is not nil, all changes are made in that
// transaction.
// When resetting thread assignments, the caller must first clear the existing
// thread fields.
// Messages are processed in order of ID, so when added to the account, not
// necessarily by received/date. Most threaded messages can immediately be matched
// to their parent message. If not, we keep track of the missing message-id and
// resolve as soon as we encounter it. At the end, we resolve all remaining
// messages, they start with a cycle.
// Does not set Seen flag for muted threads.
// Progress is written to progressWriter, every 100k messages.
func (a *Account) AssignThreads(ctx context.Context, log *mlog.Log, txOpt *bstore.Tx, startMessageID int64, batchSize int, progressWriter io.Writer) error {
// We use a more basic version of the thread-matching algorithm describe in:
// ../rfc/5256:443
// The algorithm assumes you'll select messages, then group into threads. We normally do
// thread-calculation when messages are delivered. Here, we assign threads as soon
// as we can, but will queue messages that reference known ancestors and resolve as
// soon as we process them. We can handle large number of messages, but not very
// quickly because we make lots of database queries.
type childMsg struct {
ID int64 // This message will be fetched and updated with the threading fields once the parent is resolved.
MessageID string // Of child message. Once child is resolved, its own children can be resolved too.
ThreadMissingLink bool
// Messages that have a References/In-Reply-To that we want to set as parent, but
// where the parent doesn't have a ThreadID yet are added to pending. The key is
// the normalized MessageID of the parent, and the value is a list of messages that
// can get resolved once the parent gets its ThreadID. The kids will get the same
// ThreadIDs, and they themselves may be parents to kids, and so on.
// For duplicate messages (messages with identical Message-ID), the second
// Message-ID to be added to pending is added under its own message-id, so it gets
// its original as parent.
pending := map[string][]childMsg{}
// Current tx. If not equal to txOpt, we clean it up before we leave.
var tx *bstore.Tx
defer func() {
if tx != nil && tx != txOpt {
err := tx.Rollback()
log.Check(err, "rolling back transaction")
// Set thread-related fields for a single message. Caller must save the message,
// only if not an error and not added to the pending list.
assign := func(m *Message, references, inReplyTo []string, subject string) (pend bool, rerr error) {
if m.MessageID != "" {
// Attempt to match against existing different message with same Message-ID that
// already has a threadid.
// If there are multiple messages for a message-id a future call to assign may use
// its threadid, or it may end up in pending and we resolve it when we need to.
q := bstore.QueryTx[Message](tx)
q.FilterNonzero(Message{MessageID: m.MessageID})
q.FilterEqual("Expunged", false)
q.FilterLess("ID", m.ID)
em, err := q.Get()
if err != nil && err != bstore.ErrAbsent {
return false, fmt.Errorf("looking up existing message with message-id: %v", err)
} else if err == nil {
if em.ThreadID == 0 {
pending[em.MessageID] = append(pending[em.MessageID], childMsg{m.ID, m.MessageID, true})
return true, nil
} else {
assignParent(m, em, false)
return false, nil
refids, err := message.ReferencedIDs(references, inReplyTo)
if err != nil {
log.Errorx("assigning threads: parsing references/in-reply-to headers, not matching by message-id", err, mlog.Field("msgid", m.ID))
for i := len(refids) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
messageID := refids[i]
if messageID == m.MessageID {
tm, exists, err := lookupThreadMessage(tx, m.ID, messageID, m.SubjectBase)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("lookup up thread by message-id %s for message id %d: %w", messageID, m.ID, err)
} else if tm != nil {
assignParent(m, *tm, false)
return false, nil
} else if exists {
pending[messageID] = append(pending[messageID], childMsg{m.ID, m.MessageID, i < len(refids)-1})
return true, nil
var subjectBase string
var isResp bool
if subject != "" {
subjectBase, isResp = message.ThreadSubject(subject, false)
if len(refids) > 0 || !isResp || subjectBase == "" {
m.ThreadID = m.ID
m.ThreadMissingLink = len(refids) > 0
return false, nil
// No references to use. If this is a reply/forward (based on subject), we'll match
// against base subject, at most 4 weeks back so we don't match against ancient
// messages and 1 day ahead so we can match against delayed deliveries.
tm, err := lookupThreadMessageSubject(tx, *m, subjectBase)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("looking up recent messages by base subject %q: %w", subjectBase, err)
} else if tm != nil {
m.ThreadID = tm.ThreadID
m.ThreadParentIDs = []int64{tm.ThreadID} // Always under root message with subject-match.
m.ThreadMissingLink = true
m.ThreadMuted = tm.ThreadMuted
m.ThreadCollapsed = tm.ThreadCollapsed
} else {
m.ThreadID = m.ID
return false, nil
npendingResolved := 0
// Resolve pending messages that wait on m.MessageID to be resolved, recursively.
var resolvePending func(tm Message, cyclic bool) error
resolvePending = func(tm Message, cyclic bool) error {
if tm.MessageID == "" {
return nil
l := pending[tm.MessageID]
delete(pending, tm.MessageID)
for _, mi := range l {
m := Message{ID: mi.ID}
if err := tx.Get(&m); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("get message %d for resolving pending thread for message-id %s, %d: %w", mi.ID, tm.MessageID, tm.ID, err)
if m.ThreadID != 0 {
// ThreadID already set because this is a cyclic message. If we would assign a
// parent again, we would create a cycle.
if m.MessageID != tm.MessageID && !cyclic {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("threadid already set (%d) while handling non-cyclic message id %d/%q and with different message-id %q as parent message id %d", m.ThreadID, m.ID, m.MessageID, tm.MessageID, tm.ID))
assignParent(&m, tm, false)
m.ThreadMissingLink = mi.ThreadMissingLink
if err := tx.Update(&m); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("update message %d for resolving pending thread for message-id %s, %d: %w", mi.ID, tm.MessageID, tm.ID, err)
if err := resolvePending(m, cyclic); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Output of the worker goroutines.
type threadPrep struct {
references []string
inReplyTo []string
subject string
// Single allocation.
threadingFields := [][]byte{
// Worker goroutine function. We start with a reasonably large buffer for reading
// the header into. And we have scratch space to copy the needed headers into. That
// means we normally won't allocate any more buffers.
prepareMessages := func(in, out chan moxio.Work[Message, threadPrep]) {
headerbuf := make([]byte, 8*1024)
scratch := make([]byte, 4*1024)
for {
w, ok := <-in
if !ok {
m := w.In
var partialPart struct {
HeaderOffset int64
BodyOffset int64
if err := json.Unmarshal(m.ParsedBuf, &partialPart); err != nil {
w.Err = fmt.Errorf("unmarshal part: %v", err)
} else {
size := partialPart.BodyOffset - partialPart.HeaderOffset
if int(size) > len(headerbuf) {
headerbuf = make([]byte, size)
if size > 0 {
buf := headerbuf[:int(size)]
err := func() error {
mr := a.MessageReader(m)
defer mr.Close()
// ReadAt returns whole buffer or error. Single read should be fast.
n, err := mr.ReadAt(buf, partialPart.HeaderOffset)
if err != nil || n != len(buf) {
return fmt.Errorf("read header: %v", err)
return nil
if err != nil {
w.Err = err
} else if h, err := message.ParseHeaderFields(buf, scratch, threadingFields); err != nil {
w.Err = err
} else {
w.Out.references = h["References"]
w.Out.inReplyTo = h["In-Reply-To"]
l := h["Subject"]
if len(l) > 0 {
w.Out.subject = l[0]
out <- w
// Assign threads to messages, possibly in batches.
nassigned := 0
for {
n := 0
tx = txOpt
if tx == nil {
var err error
tx, err = a.DB.Begin(ctx, true)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("begin transaction: %w", err)
processMessage := func(m Message, prep threadPrep) error {
pend, err := assign(&m, prep.references, prep.inReplyTo, prep.subject)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("for msgid %d: %w", m.ID, err)
} else if pend {
return nil
if m.ThreadID == 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("no threadid after assign of message id %d/%q", m.ID, m.MessageID))
// Fields have been set, store in database and resolve messages waiting for this MessageID.
if slices.Contains(m.ThreadParentIDs, m.ID) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("message id %d/%q contains itself in parent ids %v", m.ID, m.MessageID, m.ThreadParentIDs))
if err := tx.Update(&m); err != nil {
return err
if err := resolvePending(m, false); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("resolving pending message-id: %v", err)
return nil
// Use multiple worker goroutines to read parse headers from on-disk messages.
procs := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)
wq := moxio.NewWorkQueue[Message, threadPrep](2*procs, 4*procs, prepareMessages, processMessage)
// We assign threads in order by ID, so messages delivered in between our
// transaction will get assigned threads too: they'll have the highest id's.
q := bstore.QueryTx[Message](tx)
q.FilterGreaterEqual("ID", startMessageID)
q.FilterEqual("Expunged", false)
err := q.ForEach(func(m Message) error {
// Batch number of changes, so we give other users of account a change to run.
if txOpt == nil && n >= batchSize {
return bstore.StopForEach
// Starting point for next batch.
startMessageID = m.ID + 1
// Don't process again. Can happen when earlier upgrade was aborted.
if m.ThreadID != 0 {
return nil
return wq.Add(m)
if err == nil {
err = wq.Finish()
if err == nil && txOpt == nil {
err = tx.Commit()
tx = nil
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("assigning threads: %w", err)
if n == 0 {
nassigned += n
if nassigned%100000 == 0 {
log.Debug("assigning threads, progress", mlog.Field("count", nassigned), mlog.Field("unresolved", len(pending)))
if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(progressWriter, "assigning threads, progress: %d messages\n", nassigned); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing progress: %v", err)
if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(progressWriter, "assigning threads, done: %d messages\n", nassigned); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing progress: %v", err)
log.Debug("assigning threads, mostly done, finishing with resolving of cyclic messages", mlog.Field("count", nassigned), mlog.Field("unresolved", len(pending)))
if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(progressWriter, "assigning threads, resolving %d cyclic pending message-ids\n", len(pending)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing progress: %v", err)
// Remaining messages in pending have cycles and possibly tails. The cycle is at
// the head of the thread. Once we resolve that, the rest of the thread can be
// resolved too. Ignoring self-references (duplicate messages), there can only be
// one cycle, and it is at the head. So we look for cycles, ignoring
// self-references, and resolve a message as soon as we see the cycle.
parent := map[string]string{} // Child Message-ID pointing to the parent Message-ID, excluding self-references.
pendlist := []string{}
for pmsgid, l := range pending {
pendlist = append(pendlist, pmsgid)
for _, k := range l {
if k.MessageID == pmsgid {
// No self-references for duplicate messages.
if _, ok := parent[k.MessageID]; !ok {
parent[k.MessageID] = pmsgid
// else, this message should be resolved by following pending.
tx = txOpt
if tx == nil {
var err error
tx, err = a.DB.Begin(ctx, true)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("begin transaction: %w", err)
// We walk through all messages of pendlist, but some will already have been
// resolved by the time we get to them.
done := map[string]bool{}
for _, msgid := range pendlist {
if done[msgid] {
// We walk up to parent, until we see a message-id we've already seen, a cycle.
seen := map[string]bool{}
for {
pmsgid, ok := parent[msgid]
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("missing parent message-id %q, not a cycle?", msgid))
if !seen[pmsgid] {
seen[pmsgid] = true
msgid = pmsgid
// Cycle detected. Make this message-id the thread root.
q := bstore.QueryTx[Message](tx)
q.FilterNonzero(Message{MessageID: msgid})
q.FilterEqual("ThreadID", int64(0))
q.FilterEqual("Expunged", false)
l, err := q.List()
if err == nil && len(l) == 0 {
err = errors.New("no messages")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("list message by message-id for cyclic thread root: %v", err)
for i, m := range l {
m.ThreadID = l[0].ID
m.ThreadMissingLink = true
if i == 0 {
m.ThreadParentIDs = nil
l[0] = m // For resolvePending below.
} else {
assignParent(&m, l[0], false)
if slices.Contains(m.ThreadParentIDs, m.ID) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("message id %d/%q contains itself in parents %v", m.ID, m.MessageID, m.ThreadParentIDs))
if err := tx.Update(&m); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("assigning threadid to cyclic thread root: %v", err)
// Mark all children as done so we don't process these messages again.
walk := map[string]struct{}{msgid: {}}
for len(walk) > 0 {
for msgid := range walk {
delete(walk, msgid)
if done[msgid] {
done[msgid] = true
for _, mi := range pending[msgid] {
if !done[mi.MessageID] {
walk[mi.MessageID] = struct{}{}
// Resolve all messages in this thread.
if err := resolvePending(l[0], true); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("resolving cyclic children of cyclic thread root: %v", err)
// Check that there are no more messages without threadid.
q := bstore.QueryTx[Message](tx)
q.FilterEqual("ThreadID", int64(0))
q.FilterEqual("Expunged", false)
l, err := q.List()
if err == nil && len(l) > 0 {
err = errors.New("found messages without threadid")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("listing messages without threadid: %v", err)
if txOpt == nil {
err := tx.Commit()
tx = nil
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("commit resolving cyclic thread roots: %v", err)
return nil
// lookupThreadMessage tries to find the parent message with messageID that must
// have a matching subjectBase.
// If the message isn't present (with a valid thread id), a nil message and nil
// error is returned. The bool return value indicates if a message with the
// message-id exists at all.
func lookupThreadMessage(tx *bstore.Tx, mID int64, messageID, subjectBase string) (*Message, bool, error) {
q := bstore.QueryTx[Message](tx)
q.FilterNonzero(Message{MessageID: messageID})
q.FilterEqual("SubjectBase", subjectBase)
q.FilterEqual("Expunged", false)
q.FilterNotEqual("ID", mID)
l, err := q.List()
if err != nil {
return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("message-id %s: %w", messageID, err)
exists := len(l) > 0
for _, tm := range l {
if tm.ThreadID != 0 {
return &tm, true, nil
return nil, exists, nil
// lookupThreadMessageSubject looks up a parent/ancestor message for the message
// thread based on a matching subject. The message must have been delivered to the same mailbox originally.
// If no message (with a threadid) is found a nil message and nil error is returned.
func lookupThreadMessageSubject(tx *bstore.Tx, m Message, subjectBase string) (*Message, error) {
q := bstore.QueryTx[Message](tx)
q.FilterGreater("Received", m.Received.Add(-4*7*24*time.Hour))
q.FilterLess("Received", m.Received.Add(1*24*time.Hour))
q.FilterNonzero(Message{SubjectBase: subjectBase, MailboxOrigID: m.MailboxOrigID})
q.FilterEqual("Expunged", false)
q.FilterNotEqual("ID", m.ID)
q.FilterNotEqual("ThreadID", int64(0))
tm, err := q.Get()
if err == bstore.ErrAbsent {
return nil, nil
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &tm, nil
func upgradeThreads(ctx context.Context, acc *Account, up *Upgrade) error {
log := xlog.Fields(mlog.Field("account", acc.Name))
if up.Threads == 0 {
// Step 1 in the threads upgrade is storing the canonicalized Message-ID for each
// message and the base subject for thread matching. This allows efficient thread
// lookup in the second step.
log.Info("upgrading account for threading, step 1/2: updating all messages with message-id and base subject")
t0 := time.Now()
const batchSize = 10000
total, err := acc.ResetThreading(ctx, xlog, batchSize, true)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("resetting message threading fields: %v", err)
up.Threads = 1
if err := acc.DB.Update(ctx, up); err != nil {
up.Threads = 0
return fmt.Errorf("saving upgrade process while upgrading account to threads storage, step 1/2: %w", err)
log.Info("upgrading account for threading, step 1/2: completed", mlog.Field("duration", time.Since(t0)), mlog.Field("messages", total))
if up.Threads == 1 {
// Step 2 of the upgrade is going through all messages and assigning threadid's.
// Lookup of messageid and base subject is now fast through indexed database
// access.
log.Info("upgrading account for threading, step 2/2: matching messages to threads")
t0 := time.Now()
const batchSize = 10000
if err := acc.AssignThreads(ctx, xlog, nil, 1, batchSize, io.Discard); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("upgrading to threads storage, step 2/2: %w", err)
up.Threads = 2
if err := acc.DB.Update(ctx, up); err != nil {
up.Threads = 1
return fmt.Errorf("saving upgrade process for thread storage, step 2/2: %w", err)
log.Info("upgrading account for threading, step 2/2: completed", mlog.Field("duration", time.Since(t0)))
// Note: Not bumping uidvalidity or setting modseq. Clients haven't been able to
// use threadid's before, so there is nothing to be out of date.
return nil