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// Package scram implements the SCRAM-SHA256 SASL authentication mechanism, RFC 7677.
// SCRAM-SHA256 allows a client to authenticate to a server using a password
// without handing plaintext password over to the server. The client also
// verifies the server knows (a derivative of) the password.
package scram
// todo: test with messages that contains extensions
// todo: some tests for the parser
// todo: figure out how invalid parameters etc should be handled. just abort? perhaps mostly a problem for imap.
import (
cryptorand "crypto/rand"
// Errors at scram protocol level. Can be exchanged between client and server.
var (
ErrInvalidEncoding Error = "invalid-encoding"
ErrExtensionsNotSupported Error = "extensions-not-supported"
ErrInvalidProof Error = "invalid-proof"
ErrChannelBindingsDontMatch Error = "channel-bindings-dont-match"
ErrServerDoesSupportChannelBinding Error = "server-does-support-channel-binding"
ErrChannelBindingNotSupported Error = "channel-binding-not-supported"
ErrUnsupportedChannelBindingType Error = "unsupported-channel-binding-type"
ErrUnknownUser Error = "unknown-user"
ErrNoResources Error = "no-resources"
ErrOtherError Error = "other-error"
var scramErrors = makeErrors()
func makeErrors() map[string]Error {
l := []Error{
m := map[string]Error{}
for _, e := range l {
m[string(e)] = e
return m
var (
ErrNorm = errors.New("parameter not unicode normalized") // E.g. if client sends non-normalized username or authzid.
ErrUnsafe = errors.New("unsafe parameter") // E.g. salt, nonce too short, or too few iterations.
ErrProtocol = errors.New("protocol error") // E.g. server responded with a nonce not prefixed by the client nonce.
type Error string
func (e Error) Error() string {
return string(e)
// MakeRandom returns a cryptographically random buffer for use as salt or as
// nonce.
func MakeRandom() []byte {
buf := make([]byte, 12)
_, err := cryptorand.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
panic("generate random")
return buf
// SaltPassword returns a salted password.
func SaltPassword(password string, salt []byte, iterations int) []byte {
password = norm.NFC.String(password)
return pbkdf2.Key([]byte(password), salt, iterations, sha256.Size, sha256.New)
// HMAC returns the hmac with key over msg.
func HMAC(key []byte, msg string) []byte {
mac := hmac.New(sha256.New, key)
return mac.Sum(nil)
func xor(a, b []byte) {
for i := range a {
a[i] ^= b[i]
// Server represents the server-side of a SCRAM-SHA-256 authentication.
type Server struct {
Authentication string // Username for authentication, "authc". Always set and non-empty.
Authorization string // If set, role of user to assume after authentication, "authz".
// Messages used in hash calculations.
clientFirstBare string
serverFirst string
clientFinalWithoutProof string
gs2header string
clientNonce string // Client-part of the nonce.
serverNonceOverride string // If set, server does not generate random nonce, but uses this. For tests with the test vector.
nonce string // Full client + server nonce.
// NewServer returns a server given the first SCRAM message from a client.
// The sequence for data and calls on a server:
// - Read initial data from client, call NewServer (this call), then ServerFirst and write to the client.
// - Read response from client, call Finish or FinishFinal and write the resulting string.
func NewServer(clientFirst []byte) (server *Server, rerr error) {
p := newParser(clientFirst)
defer p.recover(&rerr)
server = &Server{}
// ../rfc/5802:949 ../rfc/5802:910
gs2cbindFlag := p.xbyte()
switch gs2cbindFlag {
case 'n', 'y':
case 'p':
p.xerrorf("gs2 header with p: %w", ErrChannelBindingNotSupported)
if !p.take(",") {
server.Authorization = p.xauthzid()
if norm.NFC.String(server.Authorization) != server.Authorization {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: authzid", ErrNorm)
server.gs2header = p.s[:p.o]
server.clientFirstBare = p.s[p.o:]
// ../rfc/5802:945
if p.take("m=") {
p.xerrorf("unexpected mandatory extension: %w", ErrExtensionsNotSupported)
server.Authentication = p.xusername()
if norm.NFC.String(server.Authentication) != server.Authentication {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: username", ErrNorm)
server.clientNonce = p.xnonce()
if len(server.clientNonce) < 8 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: client nonce too short", ErrUnsafe)
// Extensions, we don't recognize them.
for p.take(",") {
return server, nil
// ServerFirst returns the string to send back to the client. To be called after NewServer.
func (s *Server) ServerFirst(iterations int, salt []byte) (string, error) {
// ../rfc/5802:959
serverNonce := s.serverNonceOverride
if serverNonce == "" {
serverNonce = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(MakeRandom())
s.nonce = s.clientNonce + serverNonce
s.serverFirst = fmt.Sprintf("r=%s,s=%s,i=%d", s.nonce, base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(salt), iterations)
return s.serverFirst, nil
// Finish takes the final client message, and the salted password (probably
// from server storage), verifies the client, and returns a message to return
// to the client. If err is nil, authentication was successful. If the
// authorization requested is not acceptable, the server should call
// FinishError instead.
func (s *Server) Finish(clientFinal []byte, saltedPassword []byte) (serverFinal string, rerr error) {
p := newParser(clientFinal)
defer p.recover(&rerr)
cbind := p.xchannelBinding()
if cbind != s.gs2header {
return "e=" + string(ErrChannelBindingsDontMatch), ErrChannelBindingsDontMatch
nonce := p.xnonce()
if nonce != s.nonce {
return "e=" + string(ErrInvalidProof), ErrInvalidProof
for !p.peek(",p=") {
p.xattrval() // Ignored.
s.clientFinalWithoutProof = p.s[:p.o]
proof := p.xproof()
msg := s.clientFirstBare + "," + s.serverFirst + "," + s.clientFinalWithoutProof
clientKey := HMAC(saltedPassword, "Client Key")
storedKey0 := sha256.Sum256(clientKey)
storedKey := storedKey0[:]
clientSig := HMAC(storedKey, msg)
xor(clientSig, clientKey) // Now clientProof.
if !bytes.Equal(clientSig, proof) {
return "e=" + string(ErrInvalidProof), ErrInvalidProof
serverKey := HMAC(saltedPassword, "Server Key")
serverSig := HMAC(serverKey, msg)
return fmt.Sprintf("v=%s", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(serverSig)), nil
// FinishError returns an error message to write to the client for the final
// server message.
func (s *Server) FinishError(err Error) string {
return "e=" + string(err)
// Client represents the client-side of a SCRAM-SHA-256 authentication.
type Client struct {
authc string
authz string
// Messages used in hash calculations.
clientFirstBare string
serverFirst string
clientFinalWithoutProof string
authMessage string
gs2header string
clientNonce string
nonce string // Full client + server nonce.
saltedPassword []byte
// NewClient returns a client for authentication authc, optionally for
// authorization with role authz.
// The sequence for data and calls on a client:
// - ClientFirst, write result to server.
// - Read response from server, feed to ServerFirst, write response to server.
// - Read response from server, feed to ServerFinal.
func NewClient(authc, authz string) *Client {
authc = norm.NFC.String(authc)
authz = norm.NFC.String(authz)
return &Client{authc: authc, authz: authz}
// ClientFirst returns the first client message to write to the server.
// No channel binding is done/supported.
// A random nonce is generated.
func (c *Client) ClientFirst() (clientFirst string, rerr error) {
c.gs2header = fmt.Sprintf("n,%s,", saslname(c.authz))
if c.clientNonce == "" {
c.clientNonce = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(MakeRandom())
c.clientFirstBare = fmt.Sprintf("n=%s,r=%s", saslname(c.authc), c.clientNonce)
return c.gs2header + c.clientFirstBare, nil
// ServerFirst processes the first response message from the server. The
// provided nonce, salt and iterations are checked. If valid, a final client
// message is calculated and returned. This message must be written to the
// server. It includes proof that the client knows the password.
func (c *Client) ServerFirst(serverFirst []byte, password string) (clientFinal string, rerr error) {
c.serverFirst = string(serverFirst)
p := newParser(serverFirst)
defer p.recover(&rerr)
// ../rfc/5802:959
if p.take("m=") {
p.xerrorf("unsupported mandatory extension: %w", ErrExtensionsNotSupported)
c.nonce = p.xnonce()
salt := p.xsalt()
iterations := p.xiterations()
// We ignore extensions that we don't know about.
for p.take(",") {
if !strings.HasPrefix(c.nonce, c.clientNonce) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%w: server dropped our nonce", ErrProtocol)
if len(c.nonce)-len(c.clientNonce) < 8 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%w: server nonce too short", ErrUnsafe)
if len(salt) < 8 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%w: salt too short", ErrUnsafe)
if iterations < 2048 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%w: too few iterations", ErrUnsafe)
c.clientFinalWithoutProof = fmt.Sprintf("c=%s,r=%s", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(c.gs2header)), c.nonce)
c.authMessage = c.clientFirstBare + "," + c.serverFirst + "," + c.clientFinalWithoutProof
c.saltedPassword = SaltPassword(password, salt, iterations)
clientKey := HMAC(c.saltedPassword, "Client Key")
storedKey0 := sha256.Sum256(clientKey)
storedKey := storedKey0[:]
clientSig := HMAC(storedKey, c.authMessage)
xor(clientSig, clientKey) // Now clientProof.
clientProof := clientSig
r := c.clientFinalWithoutProof + ",p=" + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(clientProof)
return r, nil
// ServerFinal processes the final message from the server, verifying that the
// server knows the password.
func (c *Client) ServerFinal(serverFinal []byte) (rerr error) {
p := newParser(serverFinal)
defer p.recover(&rerr)
if p.take("e=") {
errstr := p.xvalue()
var err error = scramErrors[errstr]
if err == Error("") {
err = errors.New(errstr)
return fmt.Errorf("error from server: %w", err)
verifier := p.xbase64()
serverKey := HMAC(c.saltedPassword, "Server Key")
serverSig := HMAC(serverKey, c.authMessage)
if !bytes.Equal(verifier, serverSig) {
return fmt.Errorf("incorrect server signature")
return nil
// Convert "," to =2C and "=" to =3D.
func saslname(s string) string {
var r string
for _, c := range s {
if c == ',' {
r += "=2C"
} else if c == '=' {
r += "=3D"
} else {
r += string(c)
return r