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package bstore
import (
bolt "go.etcd.io/bbolt"
var (
ErrAbsent = errors.New("absent") // If a function can return an ErrAbsent, it can be compared directly, without errors.Is.
ErrZero = errors.New("must be nonzero")
ErrUnique = errors.New("not unique")
ErrReference = errors.New("referential inconsistency")
ErrMultiple = errors.New("multiple results")
ErrSeq = errors.New("highest autoincrement sequence value reached")
ErrType = errors.New("unknown/bad type")
ErrIncompatible = errors.New("incompatible types")
ErrFinished = errors.New("query finished")
ErrStore = errors.New("internal/storage error") // E.g. when buckets disappear, possibly by external users of the underlying BoltDB database.
ErrParam = errors.New("bad parameters")
errTxClosed = errors.New("transaction is closed")
errNestedIndex = errors.New("struct tags index/unique only allowed at top-level structs")
var sanityChecks bool // Only enabled during tests.
// DB is a database storing Go struct values in an underlying bolt database.
// DB is safe for concurrent use, unlike a Tx or a Query.
type DB struct {
bdb *bolt.DB
// Read transaction take an rlock on types. Register can make changes and
// needs a wlock.
typesMutex sync.RWMutex
types map[reflect.Type]storeType
typeNames map[string]storeType // Go type name to store type, for checking duplicates.
statsMutex sync.Mutex
stats Stats
// Tx is a transaction on DB.
// A Tx is not safe for concurrent use.
type Tx struct {
db *DB // If nil, this transaction is closed.
btx *bolt.Tx
bucketCache map[bucketKey]*bolt.Bucket
stats Stats
// bucketKey represents a subbucket for a type.
type bucketKey struct {
typeName string
sub string // Empty for top-level type bucket, otherwise "records", "types" or starting with "index.".
type index struct {
Unique bool
Name string // Normally named after the field. But user can specify alternative name with "index" or "unique" struct tag with parameter.
Fields []field
tv *typeVersion
type storeType struct {
Name string // Name of type as stored in database. Different from the current Go type name if the uses the "typename" struct tag.
Type reflect.Type // Type we parse into for new values.
Current *typeVersion
// Earlier schema versions. Older type versions can still be stored. We
// prepare them for parsing into the reflect.Type. Some stored fields in
// old versions may be ignored: when a later schema has removed the field,
// that old stored field is considered deleted and will be ignored when
// parsing.
Versions map[uint32]*typeVersion
// note: when changing, possibly update func equal as well.
type typeVersion struct {
Version uint32 // First uvarint of a stored record references this version.
OndiskVersion uint32 // Version of on-disk format. Currently always 1.
Noauto bool // If true, the primary key is an int but opted out of autoincrement.
Fields []field // Fields that we store. Embed/anonymous fields are kept separately in embedFields, and are not stored.
Indices map[string]*index // By name of index.
ReferencedBy map[string]struct{} // Type names that reference this type. We require they are registered at the same time to maintain referential integrity.
name string
referencedBy []*index // Indexes (from other types) that reference this type.
references map[string]struct{} // Keys are the type names referenced. This is a summary for the references from Fields.
embedFields []embed // Embed/anonymous fields, their values are stored through Fields, we keep them for setting values.
fillPercent float64 // For "records" bucket. Set to 1 for append-only/mostly use as set with HintAppend, 0.5 otherwise.
// note: when changing, possibly update func equal as well.
// embed/anonymous fields are represented as type embed. The fields inside the embed type are of this type field.
type field struct {
Name string
Type fieldType
Nonzero bool
References []string // Referenced fields. Only for the top-level struct fields, not for nested structs.
Default string // As specified in struct tag. Processed version is defaultValue.
// If not the zero reflect.Value, set this value instead of a zero value on insert.
// This is always a non-pointer value. Only set for the current typeVersion
// linked to a Go type.
defaultValue reflect.Value
// Only set if this typeVersion will parse this field. We check
// structField.Type for non-nil before parsing this field. We don't parse it
// if this field is no longer in the type, or if it has been removed and
// added again in later schema versions.
structField reflect.StructField
indices map[string]*index
// embed is for embed/anonymous fields. the fields inside are represented as a type field.
type embed struct {
Name string
Type fieldType
structField reflect.StructField
type kind int
const (
kindInvalid kind = iota
var kindStrings = []string{
func (k kind) String() string {
return kindStrings[k]
type fieldType struct {
Ptr bool // If type is a pointer.
Kind kind // Type with possible Ptr deferenced.
Fields []field // For kindStruct.
MapKey, MapValue *fieldType // For kindMap.
List *fieldType // For kindSlice.
func (ft fieldType) String() string {
s := ft.Kind.String()
if ft.Ptr {
return s + "ptr"
return s
// Options configure how a database should be opened or initialized.
type Options struct {
Timeout time.Duration // Abort if opening DB takes longer than Timeout.
Perm fs.FileMode // Permissions for new file if created. If zero, 0600 is used.
MustExist bool // Before opening, check that file exists. If not, io/fs.ErrNotExist is returned.
// Open opens a bstore database and registers types by calling Register.
// If the file does not exist, a new database file is created, unless opts has
// MustExist set. Files are created with permission 0600, or with Perm from
// Options if nonzero.
// Only one DB instance can be open for a file at a time. Use opts.Timeout to
// specify a timeout during open to prevent indefinite blocking.
func Open(path string, opts *Options, typeValues ...any) (*DB, error) {
var bopts *bolt.Options
if opts != nil && opts.Timeout > 0 {
bopts = &bolt.Options{Timeout: opts.Timeout}
var mode fs.FileMode = 0600
if opts != nil && opts.Perm != 0 {
mode = opts.Perm
if opts != nil && opts.MustExist {
if _, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil {
return nil, err
bdb, err := bolt.Open(path, mode, bopts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
typeNames := map[string]storeType{}
types := map[reflect.Type]storeType{}
db := &DB{bdb: bdb, typeNames: typeNames, types: types}
if err := db.Register(typeValues...); err != nil {
return nil, err
return db, nil
// Close closes the underlying database.
func (db *DB) Close() error {
return db.bdb.Close()
// Stats returns usage statistics for the lifetime of DB. Stats are tracked
// first in a Query or a Tx. Stats from a Query are propagated to its Tx when
// the Query finishes. Stats from a Tx are propagated to its DB when the
// transaction ends.
func (db *DB) Stats() Stats {
defer db.statsMutex.Unlock()
return db.stats
// Stats returns usage statistics for this transaction.
// When a transaction is rolled back or committed, its statistics are copied
// into its DB.
func (tx *Tx) Stats() Stats {
return tx.stats
// WriteTo writes the entire database to w, not including changes made during this transaction.
func (tx *Tx) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err error) {
return tx.btx.WriteTo(w)
// return a bucket through cache.
func (tx *Tx) bucket(bk bucketKey) (*bolt.Bucket, error) {
if tx.bucketCache == nil {
tx.bucketCache = map[bucketKey]*bolt.Bucket{}
b := tx.bucketCache[bk]
if b != nil {
return b, nil
top := tx.bucketCache[bucketKey{bk.typeName, ""}]
if top == nil {
top = tx.btx.Bucket([]byte(bk.typeName))
if top == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: missing bucket for type %q", ErrStore, bk.typeName)
tx.bucketCache[bucketKey{bk.typeName, ""}] = top
if bk.sub == "" {
return top, nil
b = top.Bucket([]byte(bk.sub))
if b == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: missing bucket %q for type %q", ErrStore, bk.sub, bk.typeName)
tx.bucketCache[bk] = b
return b, nil
func (tx *Tx) typeBucket(typeName string) (*bolt.Bucket, error) {
return tx.bucket(bucketKey{typeName, ""})
func (tx *Tx) recordsBucket(typeName string, fillPercent float64) (*bolt.Bucket, error) {
b, err := tx.bucket(bucketKey{typeName, "records"})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b.FillPercent = fillPercent
return b, nil
func (tx *Tx) indexBucket(idx *index) (*bolt.Bucket, error) {
return tx.bucket(bucketKey{idx.tv.name, "index." + idx.Name})
// Drop removes a type and its data from the database.
// If the type is currently registered, it is unregistered and no longer available.
// If a type is still referenced by another type, eg through a "ref" struct tag,
// ErrReference is returned.
// If the type does not exist, ErrAbsent is returned.
func (db *DB) Drop(name string) error {
return db.Write(func(tx *Tx) error {
if tx.btx.Bucket([]byte(name)) == nil {
return ErrAbsent
if st, ok := db.typeNames[name]; ok && len(st.Current.referencedBy) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: type is still referenced", ErrReference)
} else if ok {
for ref := range st.Current.references {
var n []*index
for _, idx := range db.typeNames[ref].Current.referencedBy {
if idx.tv != st.Current {
n = append(n, idx)
db.typeNames[ref].Current.referencedBy = n
delete(db.typeNames, name)
delete(db.types, st.Type)
return tx.btx.DeleteBucket([]byte(name))
// Delete calls Delete on a new writable Tx.
func (db *DB) Delete(values ...any) error {
return db.Write(func(tx *Tx) error {
return tx.Delete(values...)
// Get calls Get on a new read-only Tx.
func (db *DB) Get(values ...any) error {
return db.Read(func(tx *Tx) error {
return tx.Get(values...)
// Insert calls Insert on a new writable Tx.
func (db *DB) Insert(values ...any) error {
return db.Write(func(tx *Tx) error {
return tx.Insert(values...)
// Update calls Update on a new writable Tx.
func (db *DB) Update(values ...any) error {
return db.Write(func(tx *Tx) error {
return tx.Update(values...)
var typeKinds = map[reflect.Kind]kind{
reflect.Bool: kindBool,
reflect.Int: kindInt,
reflect.Int8: kindInt8,
reflect.Int16: kindInt16,
reflect.Int32: kindInt32,
reflect.Int64: kindInt64,
reflect.Uint: kindUint,
reflect.Uint8: kindUint8,
reflect.Uint16: kindUint16,
reflect.Uint32: kindUint32,
reflect.Uint64: kindUint64,
reflect.Float32: kindFloat32,
reflect.Float64: kindFloat64,
reflect.Map: kindMap,
reflect.Slice: kindSlice,
reflect.String: kindString,
func typeKind(t reflect.Type) (kind, error) {
if t.Kind() == reflect.Slice && t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
return kindBytes, nil
k, ok := typeKinds[t.Kind()]
if ok {
return k, nil
if t == reflect.TypeOf(zerotime) {
return kindTime, nil
if reflect.PointerTo(t).AssignableTo(reflect.TypeOf((*encoding.BinaryMarshaler)(nil)).Elem()) {
return kindBinaryMarshal, nil
if t.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
return kindStruct, nil
return kind(0), fmt.Errorf("%w: unsupported type %v", ErrType, t)
func typeName(t reflect.Type) (string, error) {
tags, err := newStoreTags(t.Field(0).Tag.Get("bstore"), true)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if name, err := tags.Get("typename"); err != nil {
return "", err
} else if name != "" {
return name, nil
return t.Name(), nil
// Get value for a key. For insert a next sequence may be generated for the
// primary key.
func (tv typeVersion) keyValue(tx *Tx, rv reflect.Value, insert bool, rb *bolt.Bucket) ([]byte, reflect.Value, bool, error) {
f := tv.Fields[0]
krv := rv.FieldByIndex(f.structField.Index)
var seq bool
if krv.IsZero() {
if !insert {
return nil, reflect.Value{}, seq, fmt.Errorf("%w: primary key can not be zero value", ErrParam)
if tv.Noauto {
return nil, reflect.Value{}, seq, fmt.Errorf("%w: primary key cannot be zero value without autoincrement", ErrParam)
id, err := rb.NextSequence()
if err != nil {
return nil, reflect.Value{}, seq, fmt.Errorf("next primary key: %w", err)
switch f.Type.Kind {
case kindInt, kindInt8, kindInt16, kindInt32, kindInt64:
if krv.OverflowInt(int64(id)) {
return nil, reflect.Value{}, seq, fmt.Errorf("%w: next primary key sequence does not fit in type", ErrSeq)
case kindUint, kindUint8, kindUint16, kindUint32, kindUint64:
if krv.OverflowUint(id) {
return nil, reflect.Value{}, seq, fmt.Errorf("%w: next primary key sequence does not fit in type", ErrSeq)
// todo: should check this during register.
return nil, reflect.Value{}, seq, fmt.Errorf("%w: unsupported autoincrement primary key type %v", ErrZero, f.Type.Kind)
seq = true
} else if !tv.Noauto && insert {
// We let user insert their own ID for our own autoincrement
// PK. But we update the internal next sequence if the users's
// PK is highest yet, so a future autoincrement insert will succeed.
switch f.Type.Kind {
case kindInt, kindInt8, kindInt16, kindInt32, kindInt64:
v := krv.Int()
if v > 0 && uint64(v) > rb.Sequence() {
if err := rb.SetSequence(uint64(v)); err != nil {
return nil, reflect.Value{}, seq, fmt.Errorf("%w: updating sequence: %s", ErrStore, err)
case kindUint, kindUint8, kindUint16, kindUint32, kindUint64:
v := krv.Uint()
if v > rb.Sequence() {
if err := rb.SetSequence(v); err != nil {
return nil, reflect.Value{}, seq, fmt.Errorf("%w: updating sequence: %s", ErrStore, err)
k, err := packPK(krv)
if err != nil {
return nil, reflect.Value{}, seq, err
if seq {
if rb.Get(k) != nil {
return nil, reflect.Value{}, seq, fmt.Errorf("%w: internal error: next sequence value is already present", ErrUnique)
return k, krv, seq, err
// Read calls function fn with a new read-only transaction, ensuring transaction rollback.
func (db *DB) Read(fn func(*Tx) error) error {
defer db.typesMutex.RUnlock()
return db.bdb.View(func(btx *bolt.Tx) error {
tx := &Tx{db: db, btx: btx}
defer tx.addStats()
return fn(tx)
// Write calls function fn with a new read-write transaction. If fn returns
// nil, the transaction is committed. Otherwise the transaction is rolled back.
func (db *DB) Write(fn func(*Tx) error) error {
defer db.typesMutex.RUnlock()
return db.bdb.Update(func(btx *bolt.Tx) error {
tx := &Tx{db: db, btx: btx}
defer tx.addStats()
return fn(tx)
// lookup storeType based on name of rt.
func (db *DB) storeType(rt reflect.Type) (storeType, error) {
st, ok := db.types[rt]
if !ok {
return storeType{}, fmt.Errorf("%w: %v", ErrType, rt)
return st, nil
// HintAppend sets a hint whether changes to the types indicated by each struct
// from values is (mostly) append-only.
// This currently sets the BoltDB bucket FillPercentage to 1 for efficient use
// of storage space.
func (db *DB) HintAppend(append bool, values ...any) error {
defer db.typesMutex.Unlock()
for _, v := range values {
t := reflect.TypeOf(v)
st, err := db.storeType(t)
if err != nil {
return err
if append {
st.Current.fillPercent = 1.0
} else {
st.Current.fillPercent = 0.5
return nil